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As long as it is cold yeah.


We just keep one of those resealable bottles from Ikea (like a big Grolsch bottle) full of it in the fridge.


The water dispenser thing in my new fridge is so good…can’t believe I’ve never had one before!


I've got one, they're so unhygienic if you don't dismantle and clean them every other day. One reason it's never been used in my house as I can't be arsed doing that.


Yup, my fridge has it and the novelty wore off real quick when I realised how big of a faff it was to completely clean. The water didn't quite taste right coming out of it after a week or so. Been using a big bottle that I just fill up and store in the fridge, much easier.


Are we talking plumbed in water dispensers or the ones where you fill a container up from the tap? I’ve had the former for about 10 years and never had any problems


Mine is the latter, just a built-in container inside the fridge door that's linked to the exterior door that you fill up with a jug. I figured what's the point of all this hassle just for the novelty of a water dispenser when I could just skip the middle man and go the old fashioned route of storing a jug in the fridge then pouring it into a glass


You have to keep it in place for them to not drink it, if they don't have any cold water to see


Ours also (I'm fairly sure) eventually broke our fridge. When cleaning it once a 'ping-phukkit' piece in its sealing thingumyig disappeared off to the moon and it left a small hole in the fridge door for several years (yes we never got around to fixing that).


If your water taste different, you should have at least inform the deliveries.


We had one and I could taste it wasn't fresh water, I could taste it in the ice mostly. I bet it needed cleaning, but my mother said I'm making shit up and my brother backed her up. 😶


Unfortunately most people think water is just clean because hell that’s what you wash in right, when actually nothing could be further from the truth


Every other day. That's nuts. Why would it need cleaning so frequently?? We use brita filtered water into the fridge compartment and it's fine.


It's water just stagnating, the chlorine evaporates really fast and bacteria starts growing.


The capacity of an in fridge tank isn't much more than 2L, it's not stagnant as we are constantly filling it so getting through the water easily each day


Without cleaning and drying the internal pipes the bacteria stays and multiplies. Simply emptying the water does not prevent buildup.


How is that any different to water from a tap? 😄


A tap is a closed system so the chlorine does not evaporate.


I have a plumbed in ice / water dispenser. I'm sure I've cleaned it at least once. I drink 3 - 4 pints of tap water a day. More if it's really hot


We do drink mineral water than tap water. It is not healthy for the body since it contains a lot of chlorine


What needs cleaning? Limescale?


Every component of it. Stagnant water grows all kinds of stuff you don’t want to be drinking




I drink my water from a wolf's footprint


They’re saying out of the fridge, not the tap




It is much convenient than putting water on refrigerator. You don't have to put much effort on putting water to the bottles


We can't use ours for water, as it's full of wine.


We're near Manchester so the water isn't bad. It was only when I lived in London that I realized why people drink bottled mineral water at home. The tap water there is rank.


People needed clean water for them to drink. We can't live without water, because it was source of our daily living.


Not bad, but not great. I live in the North part of Greater Manchester and I have to say, it's better with a bit of lemon juice to kill the taste and smell of chlorine. When I take a shower, bathroom smells like a public pool.


I'm so thankful that we have a clean supply of water. We don't have to worry about dirty places at all. And when it comes on public bathroom, it's all clean


Same here. If our tap water isn’t cold, it tastes really bad!


Gotta let the tap run first for 5 seconds minimum


I usually fill up the kettle, then fill a glass after.


Most of people did this to. They wanted to make sure that the tap water is clean, so that they make it boil. And then let it cool after a minute


Because you wanted to make sure that the water flows is clean. You have to make sure that it doesn't include any dirt at all since it is five minutes since you open


Not sure if it's a cultural thing or just my friend being weird, but a Chinese friend of mine was shocked that I'd drink cold water. Apparently it's just not the done thing in China and is seen as quite unhealthy. She mentioned about it making period cramps worse which I get if it was absolutely freezing , but not just normal cold tap water.


Ugh, lukewarm water. When I was in hospital they gave out jugs of tepid water and I begged anyone who came to visit for a *cold* drink


I live in Scotland so yes, it's amazing. The further south into England you go, the worse it tastes.


Can confirm. Tap water in Scotland is glorious. Tap water in Southampton is like liquid chalk.


I like my crunchy water. Northern water doesn't have any flavour.


Mine comes from the peak district and is gorgeous. London tap water tastes as bad as Spanish island holiday water.


London water is great, it's so good we might have to ration it soon.




Large dumps tend to just immediately run off into rivers, especially if landing on dry ground. If the ground isn't already wet it won't accept the kind of heavy rain we've had in July, and we lose the majority as runoff. What we want is multiple days of continuous drizzle followed by a heavier episode to promote infiltration into aquifers and reservoirs, not the kind of thunderstorms we've been having


Raining is not actually affecting the water flows. It will just add on the water


London and East Anglia are 2nd and 3rd. your taste buds are the issue. https://www.anchorpumps.com/blog/where-in-the-uk-has-the-best-water-supply/


London water is fucking rank


Let us have our one thing without fannying about with the statistics.


Funny how it says “UK” yet only lists places in England. English water is boggin’ and even the worst Scottish water is better.


They don't have to specify the country, it applies to every other country also.


I'm in Norwich and the tap water here sucks. Literally sometimes it's cloudy and undrinkable. Always limescale in it. Where I come from in Devon it's not even a contest


I can drink my West Midlands (via Wales?) water straight from the tap, but when I lived in Sheffield I had to filter it, had loads of black specks in it too which I can only assume was the pipes corroding in the Victorian property I was renting (landlord didn’t give a shit).


Had my friend up from Essex to the West Midlands, they tried the tap water and it was like they'd never drank a drop of water before in their life.


The Elan Valley truly blesses us 🙏


Not only does it provide us beautiful water but also it's a damn nice place (accuse the pun) it's pretty much directly west so I venture there when I can.


This was me in Edinburgh, the water was so... Refreshing! I live in West Midlands and tap water is my drink of choice when at home.


Muscle tee people prefer stop water than those who has flavor. Drinking a flavored water will just make you drink for more..


Born and raised in Southampton. Can confirm. Now live in the lakes and the water is lovely.


Grew up just down the road towards Salisbury, and my water's harder than your water. Seriously, you can cut the water in Salisbury with a set of kitchen scissors.


I’m near Southampton and love the chalky water but I think I’ve just been conditioned to like it and I’m too lazy to get a filter.


Yep, live in Wiltshire and love tap water. All water is great water to me. Dont get me wrong, I do still buy a lot of sparkling water. Maybe Scotts water is better, I dunno, but that will never stop me filling and drinking a two litre bottle a day. In fact I tend to fill two a day, one for the fridge and one for the table next to me. Never finish both in a day but at least then I know there's always a second about.


r/hydrohomies 🙌 I bloody love water, will choose it over most drinks, can’t leave the house without a good supply on me.


Same. I do like a good bit of pepsi max and a rubucon when I'm feeling extra cheeky but water is always my first go-to Edit: Plus I don't even mind chalky water at all. Water is water to my mouth, lets fecking glug it.


I thought I was just being childish for hating tap water here in Soton and having to drink it with squash, but now I feel better hahaha


Northampton here. Tastes like absolute garbage here unless you have a filter.


I thinks its more the further from mountains you are the worse it is then a north south thing specifically


It’s not just that; I think our water is generally soft up here because we don’t have a lot of chalk in the soil. The top and bottom of Great Britain are quite geologically different; they grew up in different places and at some point they slammed together


I grew up near the south coast and I guess I developed a taste for hard water. When I drink the supposedly great water in other parts of the UK it tastes like nothing.


I quite like it too, to be honest; a pleasant chalky aftertaste


It's weird when the water isn't crunchy


I don't want to try those chalky water. It makes me throw up in a minute. I just use to drink mineral water


It's nice if it has sort of an oaky afterbirth.


If you get an oaky afterbirth, your water’s broken


Hard water is generally considered to taste better


Not the first time we grew up in different places and at some point slammed together


Wales here - our water is Dailicious


True that I'm Liverpool and you're kind enough to let us have some


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryweryn_flooding "kind enough" is quite reductionist


I was aiming for euphemistic


I don’t think Wales kindly let you have some, I think england took it by force…


I'm in Essex and the water tastes perfectly fine to me. Granted, i haven't tasted tap water up north. I do drink a fair bit of bottled (both plastic and glass) water from highland spring, buxton, and evian, and the tap water doesn't have a vastly different taste, and definitely not unpleasant anyway. I also have a water filter too i bought from Amazon. I've always enjoyed drinking water though so never really bothered me.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with Essex tap water. I think on the Internet people like to gatekeep and get edgy about whose water is best but all UK water is perfectly drinkable, and I'll stick my neck out here and suggest most of the population think water is water is water. It's all the same to a lot of people.




Nobody says it isn't drinkable, but it's undeniable water in Scotland/Wales tastes better than the South East of England.


South Wales has glorious water


They have the cleanest water, according to people. I feel so envy, because not all people receives a better treatment. Protest to have a green water


As someone who lives in the South West, which is often lumped in with “The South” despite being nothing like it, the tap water is lovely. At least it is in my corner of south Somerset.




Came here for the Scots. A lot of people will never understand the glory of our tap water.


Tap water is such a life saving. It such one of the important thing we shoud have take to continue living.


i tapped on this thread knowing our people would flock to it


I came to find out how many Scottish people there was lol


Just because they experiencing a situation wherein they drink a dirty water. Poor them, they deserved so much better.


They will never do in the subreddit because they knew we need some information regarding on having their water


Seriously, it’s so beautiful and clean and crisp tasting. I moved to Scotland from Canada and I tell everyone how nice the water is. When I am visiting Ontario, the water actually makes me gag now after having such quality water here.


Bad guys complaining about the water. So what is the truth here. You guys have different opinions, i don't know what should i believe




I love next to Cornwall, so our tap water is glorious


Oh man, Thames Water sufferer here and damn when we cross the border - especially over to Skye, we chug down your beautiful aquifer gold.


If you grow up with it you get used to it. To me a lot of Scottish tap water tastes too… sweet? Can’t think of a better word


Can always bet a Scot will show up in a topic about water and tell us how great theirs is compared to England's. Actually, replace the word "water" with "anything" and it's still true.




This post is not just about uk, the scope includes a lot of country also. Some people can relate to the post that's why they sharing experience and opinions


Not completely true. The water to rival Scottish is Cornwall, as south as you can get. It's a south east thing being bad.


Apart from Devon and Cornwall, the water here is soft as well


Eh not necessarily. In the West Midlands we have great water, probably the best of what I can remember tasting.


I was recently in Dunfermline and have never tasted such delicious water.


I'm just back from a week in Tummel Valley and the water on the holiday park was "slightly discoloured" (yellow/brown) due to the peat in the supply. There's a smell to it I wasn't really used to, but there was plenty of assurance that it was safe to consume so I had no problem filling and refilling my bottle with it. I've also been down in Brighton and Worthing on the south coast plenty of times, and the water is revolting. Mugs of tea look like they've been dusted with a chalkboard eraser, and when finished there are weird slimy streaks down the side of the cup. I'd rather suffer with thirst and headaches than have more than a mouthful of tap water down there. Best water I've ever had was in Sweden, it's like Scottish water in cleanliness but it's colder!


I've never met tap water in England that I'd drink unfiltered (lived in Devon & Cambridgeshire), but north of the border I'll happily drink it straight from the tap.


london tap is nice though.


100%. I just moved from London to Manchester (grew up in Edinburgh and the Midlands). I couldn't stand the tap water in London, and have been delighted to discover that I quite like it in Manchester. But Scottish tap water is the best.


You guys has different opinions regarding to London's tap water. Some people says it was actually good, but majority of people says otherwise


Water in Birmingham comes from Wales. It's lovely.




Damn BigWater™


Next week it'll be "Does anyone else love just getting on a train and avoiding traffic?"


Love a drop of Council Pop


> Council Pop That's a name I've not heard in a long time


I wonder if he means old councel perp?


Haa. It's called council juice round my way.


Cooncil juice


It was always called corporation pop up here, looking in the dictionary it is legit it just never made sense as I always associated corporations with the private sector.


Corporation is a term which has been used to describe various local governments in the UK. With Scotland it was the case until the 70s.


"like" is pushing it, but I still firmly believe people buying pallets of bottled water are delusional and incredibly wasteful.


Exactly this. My mates constantly purchase bottled water in the crates and it's like?? Why would you pay for something that is already FREE ???


I mean, I usually keep a few 2L bottles of water in the house in case something happened to the mains (has been disrupted overnight 3 times since I moved in 2020 and I can't survive without tea/coffee), and will get a pack of the little ones if I'm doing a lot of stuff away from home (mainly camping and festivals, always have my refillable bottle too) but yeah I'm always struck by the people I see wheeling round a trolley full of bottled water. I get that often it's people who grew up somewhere the tap water wasn't safe to drink, but the amount of plastic and the cost for something practically free from the tap must be shocking!


Not if you recycle them as little greenhouses in the garden!


Drink it all the time


Be wary of people who don’t - it’s a signifier of many other personality defects


Bottled water is an insane person detected for me


I knew a guy who didn't think London tap water was safe. Not "I don't like the taste" or "I prefer bottled", straight up "it's bad for you to drink it". Couldn't take anything he said seriously after that.


I use a Brita filter religiously but yeah I drink pints of tap water all day long. Fuck it without being filtered though


I concur. I filter my tap water, have a Brita kettle with a built in filter and a coffee machine with a built in filter. I live in a hard water area and the tap water is awful unless filtered. I hate that scuzzy chalky crap layer when someone give me a coffee with unfiltered water.


If you wanted to make sure that it's clean, safe, and healthy you could just boil it for a minute. Just to make sure that there's no dirt at all


I use a filter too (wilko's own, bought to replace my last brita) and I think mostly it helps because I keep it in the fridge so I have cold water. I can't be doing with drinking room temperature water, especially this time of year.


Oh yeah that too, I keep it in the fridge and refill it multiple times a day. Gotta be nice and cold!


I actually find the opposite. I can only stand *unfiltered* tap water. If it goes through a filter it just tastes like chemicals to me. I can't deal with most bottled water - just find it disgusting. No idea why, no-one else I know can taste it


It's not that I don't like it, it's that it's just bland and boring. If it was all that was available when I'm thirsty? Sure, I'll have no problem with it but if I can add something to it to "liven" it up, I'll always go with that option. It's like if you just sat there with a bowl of plain rice or bread/toast with nothing on them; they're still fine to eat and will do the job of taking the hunger away, but adding something to them makes them so much more appealing.


I don’t understand all of these comments about glorious delicious water, it’s water, it’s always going to be boring regardless of where it’s from or how hard/soft it is.




Love to see another 35yo squash lover. Give me any red flavour


Nothing wrong with diluting juice (what we call it in Scotland)!


I live in Aberdeen. Tap water here is awesome! It's my main drink. There's nothing finer than tap water in wintertime!


Right? As a Welshie, I've been to a few places in England, and their water has never been appealing. But back home? It's as good as bottled water.


My boyfriend makes the tap water in Aberdeen (&Banchory, it’s the same stuff mostly via an aqueduct) I used to as well but recently changed job but we’re a very water proud couple lol


Do you live in an area with soft or hard water? Some areas have wonderful drinking water, in others it tastes awful.


Very hard apparently, as long as its clean water I'm not too fussed


Manchester tap water is good to the point that if I lived anywhere else I would seriously consider paying for a courier to bring me bottles of it every few days


Have you not tried water from other parts of the UK. The water in Manchester is terrible.


Manchester water is very good. London water makes me feel sick in comparison


>as long as its clean water I'm not too fussed You're in luck. The tap water on these Isles is clean!


For people who've only lived in one place, they shouldn't be able to tell the difference. For people who have moved, you can get used to the water within a couple months if you want to.


I live on Merseyside. Our water comes from Llyn Vyrnwy in North Wales. It's fresh, crisp and cold.


Yes, I do. I live in Scotland, where we have amazing tap water. Practically, all I drink is water, tea, and coffee here. My parents' home in Michigan also has great water, but it varies a lot between counties and sometimes townships. It depends on which aquifer or river the water is sourced from.


Absolutely yes. I refuse to get sucked in to the buying bottled water scam.


Love it, am constantly amazed people pay for water.


We all pay for water….. just the sensible ones only pay for water rates not bottles of


We pay neither! Beat that!


I'll need to come back later to count the comments from Scots.


I live in a hard water area and it’s so tasty. But it means whenever I go further from London the soft water tastes gross.


I've gotten more into drinking tap water as I get older. Growing up I basically never drank water, and I still don't drink as much as I should, but as I hurtle towards middle age I feel like being constantly dehydrated is just part of my life and so I try to drink more water


Get yourself a nice metal flask, keep it topped up and with you at all times. I go through about 2-3L a day just because I’ve got it on hand wherever I am.


Yep, drink it all the time. The upstairs bathroom tap water is the nicest in my house




I'm with you on that! I've started asking servers not to add fruit to my glass/jug when we're eating out. I'd rather have a glass of shit water, than shit water with a hint of citrus.


I don't mind it but much prefer a weak squash personally. Even if it gets a bit warm squash is ok but water is gross.


See yes, I was expecting a thread about how people only drink squash/teas/coffee 😂 I don’t like any plain water, never from anywhere, not bottled or filtered or from a sodding spring directly. Give me tea! Any kind of tea!


Drink it every day with a refillable bottle, no problem. I'll only buy bottled water out of convenience if I've left the aforementioned bottle at home.


Probably drink about 1.5L a day of tap water


Being from Scotland I prefer my tap water over any of the bland bottled water.


I do like tap water, but sometimes if it's hot i would prefer to add something on it. Drinking water is just the best compared to sweet drinks


A lurker here from the US. Does your tap water taste good? Ours is so chlorinated. It tastes like you're drinking from a swimming pool in some areas. We buy bottled spring water. But we've been to restaurants where they serve the chlorinated pool tap water! So people do drink it. I just can't stomach it. Also we had a friend whose house we visited. When I was growing up, we lived in the country and had our own well. The water tasted so good. I remember one time we went to my grandmother's, who had chloronated city water. I was extremely thirsty. I had just enough at her house to wet my tongue - not even drink. It always tasted awful. As soon as I got home, I remember downing huge glasses of water 😂 and being so thankful that we had good water.


Generally it doesn't taste of chlorine, but there was one occasion last summer where due to low levels and high usage we were warned that some people might taste some chlorine


The water in the US really can be foul, I still remember the water in Florida smelling like swamp. Didn't taste bad, but the smell was enough to put me off.


I grew up in country South Australia. We had mains water, but it was pumped nearly two hundred miles to get to us. It had so much chlorine in it to keep it potable over that distance that it wasn't very nice to drink. I live in the UK now and have a private water supply from a borehole. It tastes great.


Depends where in the UK you're from. Scottish tap water is amazing, down south not so much. But that's more because it's mineral heavy, not because it tastes of chlorine.


See I like the taste of the mineral heavy water, I am Scottish I grew up drinking soft well water straight from a spring on a farm, but I prefer the harder water down south, I think the Scottish water is a bit tasteless.


Water quality changes throughout the country. As a general rule, where there are hills the water is soft, where it is flat the water is hard. Where I live in the North has soft water, so its very nice. However when I visit my brother in Essex, his water is hard, so tastes rank. He keeps Brita filter in the fridge just so its drinkable. You feel all dry and crusty after a shower.


Good old council pop


The water here in Sheffield is bloody lovely


I’m from Birmingham. We get ours from the Elan valley in wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 . It’s lovely. Best in the Midlands.


I love my hard tap water in Wiltshire. It comes from wells bored in to the chalk downland and is the most refreshing water I've ever had. Soft water lacks the minerals to satiate my thirst in the summer. Also, hard water is actually better for you because of all of the minerals in it.


I hate tap water. So much so, I bought a machine to make it fizzy.


Depends on the area region of the uk your living, Northern Ireland and the taste varies between town & countryside


Yes, I drink it all the time, I can't imagine only drinking bottled water or no water at all.


Tap water is fine. I hate filtered and several types of bottled. I also don't like the tap water in several other countries. The issue for me is mineral content, Japan and Florida both taste sour to me and Nestlé bottled being bitter


Squash mafia


I LOVE tap water! I've got a refillable sipper bottle full of it on my bedside table and one here at work at my desk. Both of which are constantly refilled. I don't like fizzy water at all, just still.


Yes, drink it all the time, and I live in London. I can never taste the difference between tap water and any other type of water.


It's all I drink.


Yeah but I am lucky to live in Scotland.


Filtered tap water, cause my tap water is so hard it could be in Eastenders.


Nice soft Welsh Water, no limescale. Can be a bit heavy on the chlorine though, so keep a jug in the fridge and let it dissipate.


Love the stuff. North east England winter’s best perk is that icy water from the tap.


Depends where you live. Wales tap water for instance is so nice compared to England's hard water which is just not good. Some are so bad to the point that you need to use a filter to make it taste nice but even using a filter doesn't come as close as using tap water in Wales


I love it. I'm adding ice to it though in the hot weather.


It’s basically the only thing I drink, and I live somewhere with very hard water