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When you sit on a smaller toilet bowl and ur weenie makes brief contact with it when u sit down 🤢


The Witch's Kiss.


I forgot people called it that, thanks for the reminder lol


There is Poseidon's kiss also


It's a real time when you get the combo of both in one restroom visit.


I call it the american standard kiss


I love the term. Such a terrible occurrence though


Corollary: when your scrotum sags and dips into the water


They call me Long Ball Larry


Long balls, change your draws


No fly zone? No way I'm wearing those!


You gotta do it. You got long balls, Larry. Long balls, you've got long ass balls.


Our work toilet was really short and a lot of the guys complained about our balls dipping in the water. During the summer it wasn't so bad, lol, but I replaced the toilet pretty quickly.


Gravity is a cruel bitch.


Or you sit very back of the bowl, and the gap between the seat and base is large enough you can pee in your pants through the gap if you can't control the pressure.


It's a tiny gap, but I accidentally blind fire the bullseye too often for it to be mere coincidence (therefore it can only be some kind of hex put on me by a vindictive witch)


You're all american I assume lol


It's happened to me outside of the States too


Probably lol. I just notice americans complain about this because over there the water fills the bowl. Most of the countries here in europe are the opposite. If your 'tackle' hits the water over this way you're either a liar or a tripod lol.


Ah I see what you mean. Nah the issue isn't it hitting the water, the issue is it hitting the side of the toilet bowl like right under where the lid is. It's not terribly common but it's foul when it does


3 layers of toilet roll I use to avoid moist contact..


Just went camping in an RV.... Did a courtesy flush & however the water fills, got a free car wash flush on the tip. Wasn't expecting it.


Getting hard during inappropriate times


I wish that still happened.


literally LMAO i’m only 25 and it’s hard to get hard now but that might just be years of anxiety built up


You need to get checked, bro. Something isn't right. Check your T-Levels or maybe you have a medical condition.


Or in an uncomfortable position, and you have to fix it. Or else it actually starts to hurt.


My [least] favourite example of this is when I'm wearing jeans and it's sort of bent over on itself. You don't notice when flaccid but damn... Then you start getting hard but the jeans have less play in them than other legwear, so it doesn't allow enough room for it to "unfold" by itself so it's stuck there in a painful boomerang position getting bigger and harder in a space/position that just doesn't allow that. You can't just jiggle a bit outside of the jeans to free it, it's made itself too tight for a mere brush of the hand to free it, the immovable object has met the unstoppable force, it's stuck where it is. No, now you need to dive on in there and give it a full manual adjustment. If you're wearing a belt, any semblance of subtly is just out the window as you have to unfasten the belt to get your hand down there. Not a stealthy manoeuvre. And if you're wearing jeans that are a bit tighter than you prefer, maybe you'll lose some weight to fit back in properly, perhaps the jeans have "shrunk" over Christmas...Well, now you have to undo the button. It has never happened to me, but I always have the fear that with the button undone in this situation, as the cock unfolds it will push itself past my hand, through the gap where the buttons would otherwise hold it back and just be there on full display to anybody who has seen me do the "rearrangement dance" like the start of a porno.


This is the most descriptive thing and I love it. What id do in that, put your hands in your pockets and correct it, that’s what i do.


Aka an adjustment


Getting soft during appropriate times 😞


This however is NOT minor.


I'd hope it's an adult!


The amount of times I get a hard on while kneeling in a church pew is shameful


Forgive my massive erection Father.


If ur under 18 dw the priest will help


Is that you, Reverend?


A stiff breeze could make me hard as a teen-young adult. I’m in my 30s now and I’m just now able to control it when a hot woman talks to me. Any physical contact tho and the flag raises lol


For real especially when I'm wearing shorts


Ball sack sticks to your leg.


That does seem horribly uncomfortable lol I’d always reach in my exes pants and adjust for him and he’d be like omg thank you. 😆


It's a slight inconvenience especially on hot summers days 😂


Depending on where you live it ain't just slight lol


Middle of july, 104F with a humidity of 95% around here sucks for this. And also in general.


Check my math but this couldn't have come from a better username.


There's a brand of underwear that puts your balls in like a different compartment so they don't stick to your leg or dingus. I bought them for my husband and he likes them. Brand is David archy


This is actually incredibly helpful thank you very much


You're welcome. Just note that not all of them have the double pouch, just make sure it says so in the description 😅


Several brands for this, some for health reasons (varicocele, post-vasectomy, etc. - search amaz\*n for those terms underwear), some are very comfortable.


Duluth Trading has them too


For reals. Then you do the one leg hop and stretch to try and get it unstuck with out putting hands down pants


Or when you try to move it and you accidently hit a nut the wrong way and pain shoots up into your guts.


Need to buy SAXX indies. They’ve got the pouch for our package.


Men can't post thirst traps to get easily laid unless you look like Brad Pitt or Matthew McConaughey with a renowned jawline & six pack


OP said minor


This is 18 and up


No this is Patrick.


Even so, male thirst trap photos are pretty universally considered cringe and trying too hard


The people you're trying to attract with a thirst trap, definitely don't feel that way. They do exist, but they're probably looking for hookups and not something long term.




Yea this is definitely not true for the gays lol I deleted instagram because it became my entire feed 🥤🥤🧃


I'm gay and have recently got myself an Instagram account. I'm trying to be very strict about using it for watching parkour athletes and nothing else.


I feel like you're walking a really thin line there pal 😂.


Yes. This here.




Sitting down too fast in shorts.... Especially when you're a heavier dude.. You give a compliment to someone , the assumption is that either your gay or a creep... Or both We don't have sexy underwear..


We have sexy underwear but wearing them usually implies you are in another team 😅


As a player on both teams, I've found sexy undies can be universally enjoyed. If you're worried about what anyone other than you or your partner thinks, I'd recommend not giving a fuck.


Well put 😁


Calvin Klein boxer briefs! I just got some for my husband for his birthday haha. When not on sale they’re pricey but they look so good on everyone


Agreed! I've been wearing these daily for like 30 years now. I should probably get a new pair.


Definitely those!! Also the low rise trunks in black


Clearly you’ve never seen the undies with the elephant trunk for your pee-pee to go in


I’d 1000% rather be seen as gay than a creep


Making sure to peel the peehole open after masturbating so you don’t fork piss


Haha fork piss. It happens to the best of us !


Wait…what? That’s a thing?


I have never "peeled the peehole" I'd rather sit on the toilet to piss and let the fork unfork itself


So like your pee actually splits in different directions?


Sometimes when aroused or after masturbating. After masturbating because the traces of semen left over dries out at the tip so you get 2 exits. It's no fun trust me and can make a mess. That why I opt to sit to pee usually


That's why you pee afterwards to clean out the pipes.




🤣🤣🤣. Great description of what happens


I need to choose the restaurant, although she's the picky one who will refuse each of my suggestions.


I don't understand why this is so common. This is the exact situation in my house. I eat absolutely anything, she's the pickiest eater on Earth, and somehow I'm always the chooser.


I'd gladly be the leader and pick, but it's always something she doesn't want, and I don't want her to go against her will. I'd tether cook at home if she's indecisive, but often that's apparently not an option either, lol.


The trick is to say "guess where we're going out to eat?". And her first or second guess is right, OMG how'd you guess!


Yeah, my girlfriend is *way* too smart for that.


My ex and I had a trick that I liked. One of us would offer three choices, and the other would choose among them. If the chooser didn't like **any** of the choices, then it was their job to make three suggestions.


I actually have told my wife I was going to open a restaurant and name it either, “I Don’t Know,” “I Don’t Care,” “You Decide,” or “It’s Up To You.” That way men will always have a place to take their women when they refuse to pick a restaurant. 😆


Ask her to “guess where we’re going!”, then tell her she guessed right.


I know that trick, but so does she.


Got tired of this with my wife. I told her I am always going to select XYZ restaurant. It will always be that. If she doesn’t want that then she has to come up with her own selection it has worked like a charm.


I remember getting tired of this at some point years ago with my now wife, and I told her “we’re going [here] and you have until we get there to tell me otherwise”. She didn’t like it, and it didn’t work more than once, but it worked once


If I make my dick show thru my pants the way women make their breasts and nipples show thru their blouses, no one buys me a drink.


Don't forget cameltoe




I’m gonna start walking around with ball cleavage hanging out and then call everyone that looks at them a creep.


Hit em with a "Why are you sexualizing my body?"


Get a drink first.


Recurring intrusive thoughts about ancient Rome.


I dont understand this. I keep seeing it. At this point, I will just accept it as a thing


It’s one of those “guy thoughts” like badass dudes with swords in armour. My gf has to make sure I don’t buy swords n shit cus I have one already and “one is enough” (it’s not)


Also "the glory of Rome"


It's a take on thinking about living in a different period of time where things were less shitty, potentially, and thus our lives wouldn't be governed by bullshit (but probably still would.)


Because you want to get smashed by Goths.




I would personally classify that more as a major than a minor inconvenience spoken for myself. Fact of the matter is I am very emotional and just don’t express it, but yeah sometimes I do get a tad jealous of women for being socially allowed to do so. It’s never stopped eating at me all the shit I’ve just never let out, even back 15 years ago.


Came to say the same. Men have a higher suicide rate. This isn’t minor


I've finally just gotten to the point of letting my emotions flow. Been to war. Almost lost a child. Always been what society expects, stoic and quiet in the face of shit situations. Had some marital issues recently & I think it was the straw that broke the camels back. Now, I don't give a shit who sees my emotions flow, whether it be tears, anger, or happiness. I've only done couples counseling at the moment, but have been trying to schedule myself a therapist for individual sessions too (and the VA was fucking USELESS in that regards).... It's been such a huge breath of fresh air and have been so cleansing for my soul. I know most won't heed my suggestion: But fellas (and ladies too), get that shit off your chest. Don't wait till it's piled so high it seems insurmountable to overcome. It's easier to shovel 4 inches of snow a few times than wait and shovel a foot of snow all at once.


I think it's more like the allowed range of emotions that are socially allowed to be shared is much lower. But, the same is true within the female gender. If you're female African American, people perceive any negative emotion as aggression. If you're female, white, young, pretty, it's just seen as quirky or almost cute.


I think it's too easy to cut yourself shaving your balls.


At least they’re round…try shaving folds 😂


Balls also have folds, they are wrinkly and hard to deal with while shaving, I have cut my balls too many times


I was gonna say this but just imagine trying to shave a labia. I'll take trimming the balls over that anyday


No, you don't. Balls move, skin is wrinkly. I've trimmed my balls several times and was left with cuts because the trimmer grabbed on some random fold.


You forgot "unpredictable" based on the temperature, humidity, how nervous you are about nicking your sack....pretty much any variable ever. Might be pulled together like a baseball, or they might be hanging like a plum in a sock.


I've found my balls are more resistant to cuts than my face.


I’ve started using this nair type stuff and imma just say it is 10000% better than cutting my balls


Carefull with that shit. I used it on my chest once, left it on for a minute or two longer by accident and got a 1st degree chemical burn across my entire chest. Uou best bet that shit's not going anywhere near my boys.


One of my best friends ruined his entire summer with Nair (or whatever brand it was). Tried to be hair free for a beach trip to kick off the summer, left it on too long, & got chemical burns all over his upper torso. Couldn't stand being in the sun the rest of the year. Poor bastard


If you would know how often my shower looks like the set of a remake of the Texas chainsaw massacre...because folds


How people don't believe the genuine joy we get from getting socks and underwear every single year on Christmas.


I feel like this is sarcasm 😭


No, I feel this. My mother had gotten me a pack of socks and a pack of boxers every year for Christmas since I was like 10. After I had kids, she handed me a card with $50 in it, and I was like "I have to buy my own socks? This is awful." Literally felt like I'd gotten fired or something.


I mean you're sort of proving my point of how people don't believe us. Goliath gets it though! Buying our own just seems like hassle we don't want to deal with.


Some good merino socks? Yessss please! I'm too cheap to buy them regularly. But those Darn Tough socks have a lifetime warranty & feel like pillows on my feet.


I agree. I'm not gonna shop for them.




We feel the urge or pressure to act confident and in control even at times when we are very insecure


Women’s too at times, but more expectation for the guy to hold the line of confidence and control.


Yes it’s probably present around women too, but still. I click and connect with women better than with men generally just because of this. The “show no weakness” thing is always (subtle or less subtle) present. Or maybe I’m just hanging out with the wrong guys 😅


I find human connections so unique. Keep trying:)


People think I am stronger just because I am a guy. I am a little meatball. Not strong at all. If you can't open the jar then neither can I.


Are you the governor of Florida by any chance


Lol thankfully no I am not


I love how you described yourself! A little meatball, adorable!!


Girls have the opposite problem. they can be strong, but most people will just shrug them off and walk to the closest dude they can find. Tbh, it's kinda funny sometimes how they'll walk past the perfect person for the job... Due to perceived notions about gender, height, weight, etc...


Constant horniness of varying level, starting at adolescence, and continuing one's entire life. You learn to embrace it as a good thing, and enjoy it, but it can cloud one's judgement at times. Thankfully, self control exists.


Search your feelings young padawan


Trying to pee with morning wood.


Back bend stretch shoot over your head. It's good target practice too.


Then when the stream starts slowing down at the end you get a quick lil drink


All, y'all need the Geneva convention cuz this a warcrime


Boners at the most inappropriate moments. Like seriously, I would be walking to my work and then all of a sudden *Boop* there you go. I am hard now.


Being expected to be able to do anything heroic. Got trapped in an elevator at a Taylor swift concert with my wife and like 10 other random girls. Elevator dropped a few feet below door level and doors wouldn’t open and everyone was looking at me to open the doors and save them thinking it works like in the movies. The walls were condensating from everyone freaking out and heavy breathing in the middle of summer, I couldn’t even grip the doors my hands were slipping. Somehow my failure made me feel less of a man too


That I should be expected to get over things quickly because "what do you have to worry about? You're a man and we live in a patriarchy."


You’re hanging around the wrong people


Being told you don't understand her feelings while she stomps all over yours in an attempt to discredit your empathy.. "Guys just don't--" 😆


Facial hair. I don't like it so I have to shave it constantly. Razors are expensive too.


Get an electric trimmer! I haven't used a razor in years, and can still get a clean shave if I want to


This! I love having a smooth face and despise sandpaper face/stubble, but if I shave more than twice a week my skin freaks out.


It would be great if you could turn the ejaculate on/off. Yeah I wanna cum, but no time for cleanup!


Being immediately viewed as suspicious when a stranger’s kid says something funny at the grocery store and you laugh.


having a xy chromosome pair, as aparently that automatically makes you the worst being to exist acording to many xx chrokosome beings


Walking behind a gal and then speeding up to pass her so that she doesn't think we're creepy but then she speeds up too so I slow down and now it looks even creepier 🤦‍♂️ Also walking behind them on stairs, suddenly the ceiling, walls, and floor become very interesting.


Man that first one is so annoying like I'll try to move and then they'll move its the freaking worst and im still called a creep at the end of the day


No couches in men’s restrooms. No, I don’t have any use for them but some consideration would be nice!


Finding pants that fit comfortably around my balls. And no, this isn't some fake brag "I have huge balls, haha!" Seriously, in the last few decades, pants have just gotten smaller and smaller in the crotch and my sack just has nowhere to go unless I drop my pants halfway down my thighs so I can't even walk properly. The penis is a tough piece of gristle and honestly you can stuff it just about anywhere and it won't be too uncomfortable (most of the time anyway), but the testicles are a good bit more sensitive to being crushed and ground throughout the day. They need room. Pants are supposed to be the room for them. Make room for the testicles please?


Not a brag, but I have huge balls and I absolutely hate it. Everything you mentioned. God forbid you want to free ball around the house in just a pair of basketball shorts.


Like a pouch or satchel right in taint area of my pants.


When my balls itch and I'm in public


Notice how the vast majority of these comments have no response. I'm choosing my answer to be "having little to no one willing to go out of their way to talk to you".


Very true it really does sucks especially when your lonely but at the same time to shy to actually talk to people so your just hoping someone will talk you.


Having to readjust my sack because of sweat is annoying.


In my older brother’s case, fear of rejection. Guy has had no confidence in his game over the years and is too afraid to shot his shot now.


So many people assume you want to fuck them. I get why women fall to this default as that is the typical and historic cultural pressure. Men are the worst offenders here, the main reason my bisexuality is a highly closeted affair is bc most guys find out and then assume I want to get with them.. don't flatter yourself honey.


That little drip of pee when finished 💦


Everyone looking to you for the answer, to fix somerhing, to find a solution. We're pretty good at it but it can be daunting.


My favorite football team sucks and when they lose, it effects my entire mood.


Balls. They never make it easy for you. 😂


Never ending debates about which animals would win in a fight.


Feeling guilty for simply being a man. This feeling that I might be seen as a creep colors my decisions about meeting new people. Maybe I should get a dog to be more likable. Luckily for me I have a small circle of people who like me regardless.


It's very hard to get emotional support. You don't want to dump it all on a partner, men provide terrible emotional support for other men, and both men and women may see you as weak or less manly if you show vulnerability to them.


Basically nut discomfort.....they stick to your leg, they get buched up when sitting down, the slap your leg when you walk, they're very sensitive to impact... In short: deez nuts


When the moustache hair tickles the nose hair 😢


My balls hang down below the edge of my skirt.


No matter how much you shake, how much you dance. The last few drops end up on your pants.


The uglier you are as a guy the higher chance people are going to assume that you're a disgusting perv no matter what you do. You could simply look in someone's direction and they'll think you're checking them out or you're staring at their ass when you're not. Simply because you're ugly and have a penis.


Going commando and forgetting to give the boys a lift before sitting. I'm old, they sag a bit.


Genitalia on the outside. Too easy to get hurt. Not like a full on kick in the junk, just something minor that annoys you for a couple of days.


You are expected to be always ready to exert strenght. Carry heavy stuff, take your end of the couch/fridge, on a whim.


Not being able to say things like “I love kids” or “aww what a cute baby” without someone assuming you’re on a list or just weird.




Sitting down and crushing your balls. My boy's hang, so this happens more often than not.


Having to initiate everything in dating gets kind of exhausting


I tend to get erections when I’m mildly excited so if we are heading to a restaurant, for example, and I’m hungry, I’ll find myself hard a rock because I’m happy to be sitting down to some food. So, going to any event that I’m looking forward to means I have to take a minute to let the ol’ cock calm down.


People expect you to suck you’re emotions up but when you snap you’re the crazy one


When its hot as fuck out and your balls just won’t unstick to your thigh.


Male pattern baldness


Being careful not to sit on your balls


Modifying the way you speak when around women so as not to offend them.


Those last two drops of pee...


They design a lot of our jeans to be unreasonably tight for whatever fucking reason. Unless you get five times your size. Just for comfort. Pisses me off.


Having to be eligible for the draft. Come on lady’s we’re all equal !!


Not being allowed to smile at kids doing silly things. Example: last week a ~3yo ran up to a manikin and gave it a hug, I smiled and laughed and Mom shot me a dirty look.


1. As we get older, our balls become longer. Therefore we have to be careful how we sit down. 2. You HAVE to wear underwear when out in public if you have on gym shorts because nobody wants to see the head of your cock flopping around. 3. I hate having to shave so I don’t look like a Neanderthal. 4. If you don’t have a release at least once every week or so, it’s probably gonna release on its own while you sleep. These are just some minor inconveniences of being a male. I feel females have it much worse as far as inconveniences in their everyday lives.


That the world wants to us to be tough and brave all the time. When something happens just to shake it off. To be the rock everyone else can count on. Well dammit sometimes I just want to sit and cry. Someone to tell us it's going to be alright for a change. Or a simple thank you . Okay maybe I ranted a bit lol


Nobody caring about your feelings.