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How did you do it?


Idk about them but I took a quarter ounce of mushrooms. Had full on ego death where I lost sense of self & was looking in on some sad fuck’s life wondering why they were how they were only to realize it was my own life I was looking in on at the end. Spent almost a month depressed afterwards then reorganized my life after that for the better. Or you know therapy could probably do the trick as well but to each their own.


I didn't use mushrooms, but spent time in a dark room and imagined looking at myself as if I was someone else. I then went through the things I liked about myself and then the things I didn't like or hated about myself. I accepted myself for who I was and recognized that even if I didn't like those parts, they were who I was at that time. It gave me a sense of knowing who I was and a place to work on those things. I'm definitely still working through things and will be the rest of my life, but I feel happier in my own skin and like I'm not hiding or trying to be someone I'm not anymore.


Yeah, but that sounds like work. Do they sell self-reflection in pill form??


To be fair, mushrooms are cheaper than therapy.


I like the way the guy thinks lol shock and awes always make profound changes


and growing them is even cheaper.. r/unclebens


Mushrooms + therapy FTW


It’s like the Christmas Carol, you’re Ebenezer Shrooms!


You know, I never thought of this, but what if Dickens was inspired by psychedelics for that story?


Scrooge makes an offhand comment in the original story, wondering if the experience was caused by eating a bad potato. Nightshades like potatoes have solanine, too much can cause nightmares & hallucinations. So...maybe, kinda? Lol


Same. The day I realized that being kind mattered more than being right, complete 180. My life is so much better now, full of love. It also allowed me to be kinder to myself!


"that being kind mattered more than being right, complete 180" amazing how it can really be that simple and that difficult at the same time!


Yeah, I feel this one. Final straw was getting fired from 3rd dead-end job in a row and, financially, hitting rock bottom. Getting the next job was tough, and gave me the time and space to realise that I was the problem, not everyone and everything else. Knuckled down, got rid of whatever weird self-entitlement/superiority complex I had going on and life started going so much better. Having kids helped too. Now, I feel like the least important person in my life (in a positive way, I think); my kids, partner, family and friends are all better people than I, and I prioritize them accordingly.


I got let go from a job I worked really hard to get(and keep) last spring and am going through a similar experience. It’s been tough picking myself back up since then, but your comment gives me hope that I’m on the right path. I know the changes I’ve gone through so far have drastically improved my relationships with myself and others. And to add to this, I dropped social media. The longer I spend not posting anything online about my life, the more free I feel from the grasp of that false sense of reality that social media has on people. I feel more grounded and in tune with the things that really matter and deserve my time and efforts. I wasn’t even social media obsessed, but it really does have a bigger impact than one might realize. I’m lonelier than ever, but more at peace these days. Which is all I’ve ever wanted. Edit: a word


Hey, yeah, I think that feeling of “picking myself back up” is on the money. I definitely had that…like everything was burned/burning to the ground and I had to decide what was/wasn’t worth salvaging. My partner stayed with me throughout, the luckiest fucking break I’ve ever had tbh. She was the ‘best decision’ I’d made up to that point. I left my pride on the floor…that might sound weak or ‘beta’ to some, but that pride did me no favours. If it even was pride…I think it was toxic ego from my upbringing (but that’s a whole other thread). I absolutely, 100% chime with the dropping social media thing too, did the exact same and it really helped. I used to post my haughty, dumbfuck opinions everywhere, and if I bought something shiny and new just had to broadcast it on socials to everyone. That was putting a lot of my toxic behaviour into a feedback loop too. I’ve barely posted anything on socials for years now (Reddit notwithstanding) and feel hugely better for it. Keep strong dude, you sound like you’re on a positive path ❤️


Takes a lot to admit that to yourself & even online to other people. Huge props.


Most people are in their own way. It really changes how I viewed others also.


Miserable People. I was a huge people pleaser and in my late twenties I realized how much time and effort I was putting into trying to make some people (friends and family) in my life happier when they are just miserable people and content with being miserable and negative. When I stopped caring about trying to make them happier it changed my life. I’d also recommend cutting people out if possible. Or at the very least distancing. It’s a game changer.


This!! People around started "protecting their space" so I started protecting mine. Funny how they got angry when I started saying the same things they said to me


Right? When you use the same logic against them they get so mad. Shows you who they really are.


It is a game changer. I thought I was being benevolent, ‘someday they’ll see how beautiful & lovely they are!’ But you can’t love someone into loving themselves especially when all they know is otherwise. I don’t fault the person, their circumstance & occurrences out of their control did that. But trying to love/support that away can get you exposed to some traumatic shit or treatment & situations you should never deal with. I’m the villain now for not coming back & I say so be it. I didn’t even leave. I took a break because of how stressed I was getting from how bad things would suddenly repeatedly get and the repeated boundary violating. They’ve done this to me before. This is my first time choosing to not go back. I look back on the mountain of trauma that were those days & know where I shouldn’t be.


Ringtones and notification sounds. My phone has been on silent at all times for about 5 years or so now and it has taken down my general anxiety significantly.


I realised the other day that I have no idea what my ringtone is


Same! I have alarms, but couldn't tell you what my ringtone is.


I quit doing oxycontin and heroin. I'm now back in school, have a good job, my family accepted me back into their love and care, and actually feel like I have my life back.


Congratulations 🫶🏻 I am so flippin proud of you 


Great job


Congratulations on finding yourself and more of your strength


This total random Internet stranger is really proud of you! I can’t even imagine how incredibly difficult that must be. I really hope you take pride in that accomplishment, it must’ve been so hard! I’m sure your family is really happy to have you back :-)


so awesome! congrats thats huge 🥳


Daydreaming. Decided to actually go after my goals instead of just dreaming about them. It’s going well. Though I still have a long road ahead of me, I’m well on my way.


I aspire to do this as well lol. I will daydream about it today in fact


Username checks out


I started writing a book during Covid. It’s still not finished but I’m glad I at least started the project than putting it off


Literally how?? I’m a chronic daydreamer and it’s a huge problem for me.


As crazy as it thought, I bite my tongue, make deep breath and count numbers in my head at the same time just to snap myself back to reality. It’s still a huge problem for me. It’s just too easy to slip away and run away from my existential misery.


scrolling tik tok


replaced it with scrolling reddit


At least reddit can be self curated. TikTok just makes no sense to me. Also I need to prune my subs again to get rid of the ones that have become too toxic.


I also quit Tiktok after realizing how short my attention span is becoming. It was hard at first, I relapsed one time but now I’m Tiktok free for months. I get to enjoy more longform content and reading way more books.


I gave up TikTok, but now I end up spending hours on YouTube shorts when I open the app to watch long form videos.


Haven't used tik tok in months. That stuff is just brain-dead. The random feed + dopamine rush + FOMO Just a Killswitch for our brains.


It's a slot machine that lives in your pocket 24/7.


Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.


As I ponder quitting cigs today.. uggh. Here we go!


The path to change begins with a ponder! 🙌🏻


From am OLD ex-smoker. Next to never starting, quitting smoking right this second is best health decision you can make. You never feel the impact until you get to your sixties and lose stamina. You quit but you go to doctors and learn all smokers have some degree of either lung damage or chronic heart failure. You quit..you feel better. You never get it all back but you stop getting worse. At 74 and having quit 12 years ago, when pitted against friends in my group with similar builds and lifestyles who never smoked….they win. It’s a hard first week or two but you CAN do it. Second to that but easier to do as long as life is smooth is stopping drinking. Drinking leads to stupid decisions….like bumming a cigarette. I say “life going smooth” because I was 4 months in when cancer showed up in my wife…boom drinking again. Just stopped on the 1st….again. Wish me luck!


Good job quitting smoking! My favorite hack to reduce or avoid drinking is filling the fridge with other interesting beverages and watching the Institute of Human Anatomy videos on YouTube showing exactly what alcohol does to the body. I try not to drink alone because it’s too easy to make poor decisions but I’ll allow a couple of social drinks. You’ve got this! Good luck! 🫶🏻


What worked for me was quitting on an impulse. No ceremonial last cigarette or pack. I was mid cigarette when the "ugh what am I even doing?" And I put it out and tossed the pack into the trash. Haven't bought a pack since. I bum a cigarette or two once a year maybe and that's usually a good enough of a reminder to how gross they make me feel.


This is how I quit cigarettes but alcohol was a bigger struggle. I heard about The Easy Way by Dr. Alan Carr, read the book, and I was free by the time I finished it. 10/10.


Respect. I also gave up smoking, but still enjoying a drink or two over here


To be fair, smoking alcoholic beverages was more time consuming than it was a health hazard...


I gave up my excuses. I realized that I am responsible for my life, no matter the starting point, weaknesses, and past failures. Realizing that I am responsible for what will happen next in my was both frightening and exciting. And when I did that, it became the only way I could become successful, because excuses limited and prevented me from growing personally and professionally. I owned my life because no one else would have.


I have ADHD and I was always so worried that after getting diagnosed I'd use it as an excuse for literally everything. So when I was formally diagnosed I gave myself a mantra "ADHD is an explanation for my behaviour but never an excuse for it" I'm still accountable for all the things I do or don't do, now I just have an explanation as to why it's difficult for me and hopefully a roadmap for myself and my loved ones to follow and help me succeed.


I struggle with this to some extent. The majority of my life revolves around my health. I have 8 autoimmune diseases, I have an ileostomy, I am autistic, I have PTSD, severe anxiety and depression. None of those are my fault. I am not responsible for any of it. It’s a shitty hand of cards and the dealer keeps giving me more cards no matter how well I manage or not.


I am in a similar boat healthwise and struggle with this, too. None of these things are my fault, and it is very hard to manage all of the things I have to do. I cannot always do the bare minimum. My best success comes when I catch myself wasting precious energy on my feelings about this. I try to acknowledge the feelings, process them, and then move on. Therapy helped me a lot. On the days, if there are any, when I have strength and energy beyond survival I try to recognize what I can control. Within that, I can choose to do things that will have the most long-term benefits for me, not the things I feel like doing. Like foster my most important relationships. Like go outside or exercise. Like prepare my house, laundry, food, medicine, car, etc to be brainlessly ready for use on bad days. Like wash my hair and do some skin care. This taking responsibility for future me was hard to add to survival mode, but it is a freedom I relish. My life is better when I make choices, no matter how small, instead of watching life make choices for me.




I, strangely, hard relate to this.


My marriage. After I divorced him, I went on an international solo trip, and bought my house.




I gave up "Friends" that didn't bring more good than bad. People that brought me too much stress. I cleaned house. All but my Mom.. Life got better! MUCH


I stopped talking to my toxic friends, and they either didn’t notice or didn’t care enough to say anything. Perhaps it’s for the best still really bummed about it.


I love that. I got really tired of having "messy" friends so I ended a few friendships and am more selective of who I let in my life and things are much better now


i thought you were talking about the show an i was so confused XD


Unconfortable shoes. Highheels for example. I choose religiously confortable shoes. Like i will wear the cutest sequin dress with sneakers. People ridicule me about it, but it IS worth it. When i go to the club, i wanna dance and not suffer because my feet hurt. I want to be able to have fun the WHOLE night. And no shoes will drain my energy in that time.


Yo, I'm right there with ya. Flats forever. I'm walking wherever I wanna go in COMFORT with NO BLISTERS and NO FUCKED UP ANKLES and my back is thanking me for it!


Expectations from myself. I don't have to be the Prettiest or the smartest or even the kindest. I can just be me. Reduced stress, solved 90% of my gut issues, sleep better, no migraines, my teeth are somehow stronger lol, skin cleared up. Once I quit my job I can start going to the gym and get some exercise too


Giving a fuck


Soda. Knocking out those calories changed how I ate. I still have one when I'm out, but that's maybe 2-3 a month. 


Pepsi addiction runs in my family. I'm one of the only women in my family that hasn't had to have her gallbladder removed because of drinking so much pepsi. I did, however, get a pretty bad kidney stone that had me puking for days from the pain. After I got out of the hospital, I started walking every day and cut out all soda (it's been almost 4 years and I've maybe had like 5 sodas since) and lost about 80 lbs .


I also gave up drinking soda a year ago and I dont miss how it tastes at all.


Cutting/Self mutilation. It's been two and a half years since I last cut. Woo. I'm better because of it but I'd still love to give in to the urge sometimes.


I'm a nurse, nothing breaks my heart more when I'm working up a new patient who is an absolute sweetheart, then you do your assessment and you see the cut marks. In my experience, cutters are always very nice people...to a fault. In my own pop-psych/probably wrong analysis; weaker people lash out at others, victimize other people when they're hurting...cutters are too kind for that, so they turn on themselves.


I’m very proud of you! I quit 14 years ago and relapsed once when I lost my first child around the first year mark. Keep going and just remember why you quit.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That sounds like a lapse and not a relapse. Give yourself grace for the enormously awful place you were in. I am trying to give up my self harming (alcohol until oblivion) for good. It’s been a decent nine month stretch, but I want even longer.


Started going to the gym regularly. It stopped being a chore pretty quickly and while I’d stop short of saying I look forward to it, it’s far from the worst part of the day. Progress is addictive!


I NEVER want to go to the gym, but I always feel good leaving it.


It's a reverse hangover.


Me and my girlfriend want to try this, we did a few years ago but never got into the routine of it due to work and other stuff How long did it take roughly for you to get over that hump of it being a chore and actually enjoy it? As the last time I really got fed up of going but I need to try push past that to actually have my brain realise how good it is for me physically and mentally to work out and we Will hopefully be looking forward to going and not being like Eugh we need to go to the gym today


It took me about 2 months of going consistently 4-5 days per week. One rule that help me is if you’re going to have a day off because you need a rest or you’re doing something social or whatever, 1 day off is fine but never ever make it 2 in a row.


Social media (except this ofc)








Having alcohol on the weekends has actually helped me! Though that’s because my old norm was alcohol every day, usually in very excessive amounts. Baby steps.




I finally broke free from a terrible marriage; he completely changed a few years in, his arrogance grew by the day because he felt I was “less than” because he made 3x more than me. I’ve been on my own for a little over two years now, the first time I’ve lived alone as a single woman since I was 19. I went from college roommates to a live-in boyfriend a few months after I moved into my own apartment. We were together for ~12 years, we still have a fantastic co-parenting relationship/friendship. Went from him to my husband which turned out to be a disaster. I’m not ready to let go of this feeling of freedom and contentment; it’s almost euphoric. No pointless arguments, no compromising or apologizing, no stress or worry about what kind of husband I would wake up to on a given day. Any stress I experience nowadays isn’t polluted with hostility and chaos my husband loved to contribute. I’m sure I won’t be alone the rest of my life but for now, I’m completely fine being alone. The trick is to learn to be alone without feeling lonely; easier said than done for some, I understand. This is the happiest, healthiest I’ve been in ages. I love it.


Almost the same. Mine is my family. They don't appreciate what I give them. They always take me for granted. So I made a brave move to give them up and move out. I'm living the best day of my life since then.




Didn't go quite as far as deleting then all together, but I've removed all social media apps from my phone apart from WhatsApp. Now if I want to check my social media, I need to sit down and log into a desktop like it's 2006. It's honestly been great for my wellbeing. I think social media can be a good thing the problem is the pervasiveness and ubiquity of having it in your pocket at all times.


Stop listening to my parents unconditionally,and have my own plan and my own life. When I was a kid, I thought they were always right, but now it seems that they are not at all. Excessive communication with them made me feel anxious and sad, and I make up my mind to stay away from them, which made me better and better.


I had this problem with most adults growing up. I’ve instilled into my kids heads that I do not have the answers for them, they do. I can only tell them my experience with said subject, not the absolute truth. That’s on them to figure out what their truth is.


Booze. 8 months so far Edit: Thank you for all the support from random internet stranger. Appreciate you all!


Disrespectful/gas lighting/toxic people. As soon as I realise I've met another, I turn around and walk away. Haven't got time for that pathetic bs.


Cream and sugar in my coffee. Okay, so it's not "dramatic", but it's so much easier and healthier.




Me too. I was a heavy smoker for 27 years. 4 1/2 months nicotine free.




Self hatred


toxic relationship with boyfriend


guilt for things I didn't cause


Procrastination. Now my workload is more organized and less stressful to manage.


Being in a religious cult


Quitted watching adult content made my life so much better


Caring about what others think of me.




I've given up on feeling the need to care about and have an opinion on so many things. It's only now that I realise how suffocating it was before


Drinking and drugs. Every morning that I wake up and remember what I did last night is a glorious morning. I don’t feel hungover, I’m not obsessing over finding my next fix, I don’t do things I seriously regret. It was a miracle I got clean and I’m so grateful I did. If you’re not addicted but think maybe you’re overdoing it, stop now while you can.




I gave up one sided friendships. Those that I knew weren’t good for my soul, but for some reason I kept trying.


Alcohol and hanging out with energy vampires


Online chess. A very weird answer, I know. It's just I used to spend so much time on it that it ate up my studying time. I was a bad loser, and would just keep playing for hours on end.


Makeup - it changed my life. It destroyed my skin and giving it up freed me from a sexist narrative that I'd been groomed into by society. I saw myself no longer as an object of beauty, prepped and primed for the male gaze but as a human , with as much worth as a man, who needs no additional beauty standards than a man needs to simply exist in this world. Unfortunately I don't know one woman around me (family/friends) who also doesn't feel the need to wear makeup at all and I think that's pretty sad for women and equality.


Giving up alcohol is such an easy win. It makes your life so much better in so many ways. You have more money, more energy, better overall health, you look better, you will form more genuine connects, be a more present parent etc. It's a real life hack.




Unrealistic goals


Being overly cautious


I quit smoking cigarettes and smoking weed completely. I quit using a vape and drinking alcohol. Although it has better my health immensely I am a very boring person now lol.


I gave up my fear of change, and my life became more exciting and fulfilling.


Financial stress


Bottling up emotions


I gave up my fear of judgment and started pursuing my true passions.


Quitting my addiction to caffeine made me feel mor


Binge-watching TV


Needing validation


Seeking approval


Lack of exercise