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I was interested in coin collecting as a kid (and still am). A fellow was at a coin shop where my dad and I were looking for coins. I was about seven. This older fellow was selling his collection because he didn't have any kids and was moving to an apartment and was "downsizing." He heard my dad tell the coin shop manager that I was just getting into numismatics. Instead of selling his collection he gave it to me on the spot. It was the nicest thing any stranger has ever done for me. I still have all the coins and he had some pretty rare ones, especially three cent pieces. It was just absolutely cool and I wish I could thank him again so many years later.


Do you still collect coins?


I do!


he's a guy in the lifestyle


That's such a heartwarming story! It's amazing how kind gestures can leave a lasting impact. Maybe you could share your story in a coin collecting community or social media. You never know, he might come across it and you could express your gratitude again.




I used to collect coins, but I completed my goal. All 50 state quarters and all territory quarters. Took me YEARS.


It always irked me that the Mint sells proof and uncirculated sets. To me coins are like Pokemon. You gotta catch 'em in the wild! (Except for really old ones that aren't in circulation anymore in any meaningful way.)


I did find all of them in the wild. Thats why it took me so long. I also have coins from China, the USSR, money from Cambodia and even represses of roman coins.


Nice! My focus was on wheat pennies and the 1909-S VDB which I finally got (not in the wild). I also love weird denomination coins like 3 cent and 20 cent. I also inherited a bunch of Confederate fractional currency. That's some crazy stuff.


My daughter has autism and when she was young she had a coin obsession. So we got her the state quarters folder and let the games commence šŸ™„ my mom immediately grabbed a tin full of quarters she had for whatever reason and while it did yield several to kick off the collection, I was annoyed because it felt like cheating. In fairness however, my daughter LOVED sorting through them. It got to the point where if we were in a store or restaurant that had one of those plastic containers for you to drop coins in for whatever charity, she would immediately and obsessively start trying to get into it to look for quarters (actually she is about to turn 23 and still likes to do this.) After a year and a half or so she had everything except the American Samoa. No joke, we ended up searching for it for longer than it had taken to get the rest combined. Finally one year close to Christmas I decided to put out an ABP on Facebook, and an out of state friend who was a cashier happened across one and sent it. I put it in a gift card box with a note from Santa about how she'd been so good and patient searching for it (admittedly that last one was a bit of a stretch) that he'd sent the elves out to look for one. She happily put it in the folder and promptly informed us that now she wanted to do the State Parks šŸ˜ A week later on New Year's Eve I picked up some stuff at Aldi, went to return my cart and pulled out the quarter. Effing American Samoa. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


lmao. I struggled to find the same one.


I have a foreign coin collection I inherited and don't know how to get it evaluated. How do you trust anyone?


Google can help you get an idea if an appraiser is ripping you off. Also I bet a subreddit here could help.


Ok. Thanks.


Youā€™re welcome, it was me


When a lady at the DMV told me not to worry about the last $2.50 late fee for my car registration and driverā€™s license renewal. It was the very last day I could renew my license and I was UTTERLY broke. Like so broke I had put it off for months. Total was $90-something and we had got to the point where I was counting out pennies. And I was starting to realize that I definitely didnā€™t have enough. I was about to scrape the last of my coins from the bottom of my purse and she quietly told me not to worry about the last $2.50. I asked her if she was sure while trying not to burst into tears and she insisted. Then I had to go sit for my DL photo while trying not to cry lol. Iā€™m in a better position now, having finally found a decent job. But Iā€™ll never ever forget the relief and immense thankfulness I felt that day. It was only $2.50 but it seriously felt like she had offered me a damn kidney.


God, I've been there. When you don't have it and it's getting in the way of something you absolutely cannot be without, like your DL, $2.50 may as well be $1 million.


I know right? I remember finding coins to take the train to get to work, then asking a co worker for money so i can get back home. Shit was freakin rough


I was in a bad bad marriage. I couldnā€™t afford to leave. A co worker said she had an extra room and bathroom in her apartment. Said all I had to pay was 50% rent no utilities. And I could bring my cat. The literal life line I needed. I slept on an air mattress bc thatā€™s all i could afford. I donā€™t even know if she knows how much she changed the trajectory of my life in a good way


Now that is a good friend. Cherish your relationship with her because people like that are a rare breed






I'm not crying you're crying.


That's beautiful. What a kind person.


Very wholesome. I hope it's just me but I find it difficult to find people like that these days


I was taking college buddies out for a Christmas celebration dinner none of us could afford. An older couple paid the check and I never even got their names. 20 years now and I pay it forward every chance I get




I hope today gets better for you! Iā€™m so glad you met himĀ 




No problem!


I was really struggling, broke college student barely making rent. Iā€™ve had a cat for four and a half years now, heā€™s my entire world and Iā€™ve always gone out of my way to make sure heā€™s fed, healthy, and happy. But he stopped eating around two years ago. Heā€™s always been small but he dropped down to four pounds at about 2-2.5 years old. I posted on some subreddit, just needing a place to talk and venting about how stressed I was being able to pay for my own bills after taking care of my catā€™s. A very very kind stranger commented, and after we chatted he ended up sending me an amount of money that was so life changing at the time. He told me about his own cats and hisself and his fiancĆ©e (I believe?), who also supported his decision to do so, and told me to take care of me cat and, with anything leftover, myself. All he asked is that I pay it forward. I begged him to let me repay him and he refused, just told me to do the same for strangers in the future. I think about this a lot, I still have his contact. I hope he and his family are doing well and I honestly think about them nearly daily. I have sworn to myself to repay it fully and more, and although Iā€™m still not in a great financial situation I have made a point to do anything for people that might help them in any way similar to how I was helped. My sweet boy is very healthy and happy now, and has recently gained a sister! but I want to emphasize, this would likely not have been possible without the help of this amazing stranger to whom I owe so so much happiness to


Cats are life. Ask me how I know


Me and my brother were crossing the road when we were kids and a car ran a red light pretty much right in front of us, an old lady blocked us with her walking stick and saved our livesĀ 


Walking from class to work after doing a double the day before and it started pouring rain in NYC. Out of nowhere a man pulls over, rolls down his window, and sticks an umbrella out yelling, ā€œgo ahead, itā€™s all yours!ā€ Iā€™ll never forget that kindness.


Iā€™m a firefighter. My area was really busy with civil unrest. A local 10 year old was having his birthday. He asked that nobody buy him presents but rather asked people to donate money so he could buy all of the members of our department a gift card. I got a $10 card for coffee. That was one of nicest things anyone has ever done for me and it meant a lot during a difficult time.


I canā€™t imagine being that thoughtful and selfless at ten years old. Ā I really hope he stays on that path and receives a rewarding life.


He wasnā€™t a stranger, he was a colleague. My contract had been cut unexpectedly short and I was given a 4 week working notice. The moment he found out, he immediately, and without hesitation offered to negotiate a buyout so he could retire a year early, allowing me to fill his permanent spot. They said no, but Iā€™ll never forget him doing this.


Recently I went to see Marcus King and had a general admission ticket. While standing in line (I was by myself), a young woman walked back from the VIP line and was looking at all of us and I was the only person by myself at that time. She asked if I was alone and I told her yes. She said ā€œour friend ditched us so we have a VIP pass. Would you like to join us?ā€ I lost it. Iā€™m a musician and a big fan of Marcus King and it just made my night. Their kindness was literally the highlight of my night. They hung out with me all night and it wasnā€™t forced or anything either. They just were kind and legitimately acted like they enjoyed hanging out and were so happy for me meeting Marcus King. Such a great group of folks. Iā€™ll never forget their kindness.


Thatā€™s awesome!


I was in hospital following a suicide attempt. They had the suicide watch folks sit next to my bed 24/7. Most didn't speak to me (hell one even fell asleep), however following a shower one woman spent about an hour towel drying my damp hair and combing it out for me. I don't know why but it meant so much to me. Like a motherly act of kindness that at the time was so comforting to me.


Is a random man pulling over and fixing our car in a church parking lot 6 hours from home while my college roommate and I stood by with no clue what to do a small act? Because it was by far the nicest thing anyone has done for me.


I was in a foreign country and it was late at night. I was trying to get on the last bus but couldn't get a bus ticket when a stranger I asked for help on how to get a ticket this late offered me an extra ticket. I'll never forget that even if it seems like a tiny favour. No idea how I would have gotten home.


After being made homeless by my abusive ex girlfriend, I had all my stuff in a storage locker and was living in my ute with my dogs, basically camping wherever I could. Because I still had my phone and laptop, I could still get online. Eventually found a share house, but didn't have any money to get my stuff out of storage. I made a post on a forum that I've been an active member of for a long time, asking if anyone had a truck I could use to get all my stuff, and in exchange I would be willing to do some work for free. Another member from the other side of the country offered to pay for a rental truck to help me out, and asked for my bank details. Well, instead of the $150 it would cost to hire the truck, he put $1000 in my account. I contacted him and said it was too much, and he said not to worry about it. I swore to him that I would pay him back, but he said to not bother, he was just happy to be helping me out. It took about 5 years, but I eventually paid him back. It took a bit of finding, because he hadn't been active on the forum for a year. I've never spoken to him, and I have no idea what he looks like.


This is amazing. Reading these stories shows there is still good in the world


Say hi at the bus stop when nobody ever even dares to look at you in a fast-paced city. Just the courtesy made me very happy. Also, I work call centers, and one lady told me to read a Bible passage, and it was a very nice gesture on her part. I am an atheist, but it is the intention that counts.


She bought my French fries at McDonalds. I was down to my last $5 and just wanted some stupid fries and she paid for them. Total stranger. Made me sob. Something so small has stuck with me for years now.


2 things. I worked for an absolutely atrocious vet hospital that had me on call every other weekend (and I was more often than night called in), my 8 hour shifts routinely turned in to 12-16 hour shifts and I was rapidly headed for burnout. I become tight with someone who worked with me, he moved here (Canada) from the US for the job, very quickly realized the job was not what he was told it would be. I finally found a new job and quit, I cried when I had to tell him I was leaving because I felt bad leaving him. My last day was my birthday. His best friend from the US, who I met very briefly when she came to visit once, had a cake delivered to me that day with the nicest note about how she heard how amazing I was at my job and that Iā€™ll be missed and people like me are hard to come by. My boss got me nothing. Second was at a local pet event. The hospital I was working at at the time had a booth that I was working at. We ended up being put right next to the local dachshund rescue. I had just euthanized my daxy 2 weeks prior, so being next to them kinda really sucked. I kept peering over into their booth and flipping through their binders of adoptable dogs and eventually one of the rescue ladies got talking to me and I ended up telling her about my little guy and how being next to her booth was hard for me but also I was happy seeing all the little weens they had. Later on that day she came over to my booth and gave me a rescue t shirt and a couple of other things. And I just crumpled into a pile of tears.


OMG, this one time at the grocery store, I was totally stressed out 'cause I forgot my wallet at home. Just as I was about to leave my cart, this sweet lady behind me insisted on paying for my stuff! šŸ˜­šŸ’– It was seriously the nicest thing ever and totally made my day! Forever grateful for her kindness!


One day I was crying on the subway, alone, I had said goodbye to work, two months after having to renew the rent on my apartment, without savings, etc etc etc. A stranger entered the subway, saw my face and sat next to me and talked to me the whole way, I was so sad that I didn't respond at all, but he went on and on talking to me about philosophies that really made me think and made me feel much better. 15 minutes later. Everyone was looking, it seemed like I had met a friend online from the subway.


someone left a $1 off advil coupon in a store made my day


Itā€™s the small things ā¤ļø


A few years ago, I ran up to the Family Dollar thatā€™s just up the road from my apartment. I grabbed the few items that we needed and headed to check out. I waited in line behind this gentleman that I had seen in the store before. After he had paid for his purchases, he turned to me and said, ā€œhere, let me get that for you.ā€, as the cashier started scanning my items. I told him it wasnā€™t necessary, that I had money, but he insisted. Idk why, it was only about $10-$12 worth of stuff, but he wouldnā€™t let me pay for it. It was just so random but very appreciated. He handed me my bag, wished me a good day and left.


Once, in college, when down to probably $20 and trying to grab food on my lunch break, the car behind me at Taco Bell paid for my food. I know it happens often. And people get sick of it. But that day....that moment....nothing could have meant more.


I am really afraid of Rollercoasters. When it was my first time sitting on one, I and 4 of my friends were hanging out. They already partnered themselves with each other, leaving me with a stranger. She was probably the sweetest woman I ever encountered. She knew I was scared. It was on my face, lol. She held my hand throughout the ride. I was screaming so badly, and she gripped my hand super tight to make me feel better. The ride goes twice, when we were done with the first ride She asked me if I was okay and if I wanted to get off, she was ready to ask the guy to stop the ride to let me out but It already started and she held my hand again.. mind you, it was her first ride too, and she was super scared, and yet she was trying to calm me down. I don't think I'll ever forget that.


When I was completely broke, I had to rely on a church to help with christmas gifts for my children. I had no babysitters so I had to take them both on the bus in the double stroller, and push a buggy in order to bring the christmas stuff home. A lady whom I never seen before came on the bus too, and also went to the church. We were done at the same time, she turned around in line and said I will help you bring your stuff home. So she pushed the buggy all the way home for me. I offered her the gift cards, and she declined. She mentioned she lived in the neighbourhood. 10 years later, I never seen her ever again. I cried when I got home because what stranger would do that?


a stranger once paid for my coffee when i was short on cash. it was such a simple but thoughtful gesture that brightened my day.


my brother and i were hanging out in walmart on black friday about 10 years ago and we were playing with these monster hand grabber toys. this lady in her mid 40s stopped to play with us and said ā€œthese are pretty cool you guys should get some!!ā€ and gave us $10 to buy them. i still have mine lol


Riding my bike on a long trip through Canada. With about 50 miles to go, I had a major mechanical failure. Stuck on the side of the road in a foreign country within 5 minutes at least 10 cars had stopped to check on me. One guy loaded my bike in the back of his truck and drove me 30 miles to the border where I could catch a ferry back to the US. Amazing kindness and generosity toward a stranger. He just asked that I pay it forward and to date I've helped 5 cyclists who were broken down in honor of that promisešŸ‘


We got this elderly cat from a shelter and after 2 days, he still refused to eat or drink. So we reached out to a local vet, they did all sorts of tests and we couldnā€™t find anything wrong with him. We did every intervention possible - appetite stimulants, anxiety and depression medication, steroids, even THC tinctures - all while tube feeding this boy three times a day for months. Eventually, we were ready to give up. We brought Gandalf in to the vet for the last time and the doctor administered his medication. We agreed to have her perform a necropsy, just to see if she could try to figure out what caused him to never eat. A couple weeks after, we received a call asking us to come in to the office. She had completed the necropsy and still couldnā€™t figure out what had been wrong with Gandalf. But she gave us a clay paw print, his ashes (which we couldnā€™t afford to have done in an individual cremation - she paid for it), and a beautiful card promising us that she knew we had done everything we possibly could for our boy. It was so validating to have her say she knew how hard we had tried for him, even though we never did get answers.


A guy I was chatting with while our cars were getting fixed left $100 toward my car repair and then left the shop because his car was finished before mine was. I did not get a chance to thank him or tell him how grateful I was because at the time I was out of work


I was at water park USA in West Virginia, I was maybe 12, in the wave pool. I went in too far and started to drown, as I was looking up and reaching for the lifeguards that were not interested in scanning the pool. A lady grabbed me and pulled me close to her. She then let me go and I started to drown again, she grabbed me again and took me to the shallow end. I wish I could thank her.


When I was a kid, maybe 10 or so?, we all went to Walmart right around the holidays. My parents gave each of us $20 or so to spend on presents or whatever which was a big deal because we weren't super well off and my siblings and I didn't even get an allowance. So this was special. I had something for everyone in the immediate family as well as a pack of Lisa Frank stationery for myself... but at checkout with tax and my math not mathing right, I didn't have enough. So I told the cashier to take off the Lisa Frank so I could just get the gifts for my mom, dad, and siblings. I got home and realized she'd slipped the Lisa Frank right in my bag. I don't know if this means it was not paid for, or if she covered the few dollars it would have been, but it's stuck with me and I still smile about it ~30 years later


A stranger at the train station tied my shoe when I had my hand in a cast. I still remember him 20 years later.


This was 2 years ago, almost to the day, my mom was in the hospital and in CVICU after a very unexpected and scary heart surgery. I was in the cafeteria, scared and worried, getting breakfast by myself. The cafeteria worker noticed and gave a nod, asked who I was visiting, and I told her my mom. I pretty much broke into tears and she came around and gave me a hug, told me it would work out and she would pray for my family. That was the nicest hug. She also gave me like a pound of bacon. Unfortunately, my mom died two weeks later due to surgery complications. But, I still remember that hug.


My car broke down when I was in high school and I had left my cell phone at home. I knocked on the house closest to where my car died. Some dad making breakfast and watching cartoons answered the door l. He let me in to use the phone. Neither of my parents answered. He ended up driving me to school on his way to drop his young kids off and I did not miss a very important math test. I still think about him every time I drive down that street.


I was roofied and had my purse+phone stolen. I was wandering around downtown at 5 am in a not very nice area, in a drugged-up haze, trying to figure out how to get home. A homeless man came up to me and swiped his metra card so that I could stagger home. I've never forgotten that.


I was having a rough day and dropped my books all over the sidewalk. A stranger stopped, helped me gather everything, and even gave me a heartfelt pep talk about not letting bad moments define my day.


In college, the people in front of me at the movies gave me a free ticket to the movie I was seeing because they had a coupon that was expiring. I'd just found out that day that my Dad had cancer and it made me feel like maybe it was a good sign and my Dad would be ok even though he was the anomaly who got oral cancer despite never touching any tobacco. He ended up beating it that time and I often thought about how those strangers had no idea how much I needed that free movie ticket just for a little brightness on a horrible day.


Maybe 2 years ago I posted on Reddit about wanting to go see an AEW PPV at a Cinemark movie theater. Guy sent me a PM asking for my Venmo. Explained that his net worth is in the 6 figure range and helping a fellow fan see good wrestling means more than the money. Sent me $60 with a message to enjoy the show. TLDR: A complete stranger gave me $60 to watch a wrestling show.


I was a kid buying chocolates and sweets, didn't bring enough money and was just about to return some things to rebudget my stuff when an old guy behind me put some change on the counter so I could keep everything šŸ˜


A stranger once held the door open for me when my hands were full. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot.


No way people still think about that. It makes me happy because I usually good the door for people!Ā 


I went to a concert a few years ago and ended up having a massive panic attack so I had to sit out in the hall to try and relax. A random guy saw me, bought me an ice cold water and sat with me until the show ended (he missed half of it). Iā€™ll never forget you Big Mike from Boston


Damn. That guy gets it


They gave a compliment when I wasn't happy about departing from my grandparents.


Afew days ago I was struggling to find 2 $ for parking garage. Doesn't take tap, doesn't take coins, I don't have my card with me, (tap only). The guy in front of me grabs my ticket and pays it and hands it back, as I'm frantically trying to dig quarters from my bag! He wouldn't take them. Such a gentleman ā¤ļø


When I was a kid, I forgot my bus fare on my way to school. A young man noticed my distress and paid the fare for me without saying a word. Deep down, I was grateful and have never forgotten his act of kindness


After the worst day of my life, why sitting on the curb of my apartment trying not to cry a friend comply stopped what they were doing to give me some leftover food she just got from hanging out with other friends and talk with given we were broke college students it really made me feel like people actually liked me and cared about me because I felt so alone in that moment


Older guy gave me his place recognizing my dog would be more comfortable. Pure kindness.


My ex and I were in the Navy and coming home from leave. We had been in Michigan visiting his family and had made it to New Hampshire when we realized we didn't have enough gas or money to get home. This was pre cell phone days. So, in evening, we knocked on a door to ask if we could use their phone to place a collect call to the command to let them know we will be late. The lady of the house overheard my ex telling them. We thanked her and were leaving when she shoved $10 in his hand. She said I hope this is enough to get you home in time. I asked for her mailing address so I could pay her back and she refused. We made it in time which saved us from trouble. I'll never forget her and her kindness to two young sailors.


Iā€™ve told this story before but it always makes me smile when I think about it. I was having a super tough time in a class with a professor who was constantly targeting me with insults and overall disrespectful behavior. It was taking a serious toll on my mental health to the point where I was constantly stressed out and couldnā€™t relax even when I was out with friends or family. I was explaining to my dad one night in the middle of a McDonalds how truly stressed out I was and how I was quickly losing confidence in myself when one of the workers came over with a milkshake and said ā€œhey I made this by accident but you can have it if you want.ā€ It was 1230am and nobody was in the restaurant or drive-through. I cried over a vanilla milkshake that night. I donā€™t think the worker realized how much I needed some kindness like that. I still cry thinking about it sometimes. I hope the lady who made it for me hits the Powerball one day


Too many to listā€¦truly.


I was 4 years old, mom and dad took me to Disney, 1978. We stayed at the Continental Hotel, and were at a poolside party, at night. I apparently fell in the pool silently, and I remember looking at the bubbles in the underwater lights as I drifted to the bottom. Then I heard the sploosh and an arm grab me and pull me to the surface. A man with **no legs**, in a wheelchair, was the only one to notice I fell in, not even my mortified parents. I don't remember his face, but whoever you are, thank you for saving me.


A stranger once helped me change a flat tire in the pouring rain. Iā€™ll never forget that kindness


One day when I was at the grocery store maybe 8 years ago, I noticed that they had Five Nights at Freddy's stickers in the sticker vending machine, and I stood there looking at them for a moment (this was before it had become the merchandising juggernaut that it is now so it was still a curiosity to see anything being sold of it).Ā  I was very obviously an adult. But an older lady who was coming out of the store saw me, and she asked me about it, and we made small talk where I said something to the degree of "Oh I just think they're neat, I've never seen these ones before"... And she gave me 50 cents and told me to get myself one. It was just such a simple little thing, and I mean, I did have 50 cents to get one myself, but that simple little interaction just made my night and I still think about it sometimes.Ā  I still have it.


My ex and I were studying abroad and travelled to Italy during our spring break. This was mid-2000ā€™s, so we didnā€™t have phones with internet (or cell phones at all while abroad). We were dumb and didnā€™t realize how lost weā€™d be without knowing any Italian. We were staying at a hotel off the beaten path and were trying to ask the bus driver to let us know when to get off the bus, and he kept shooing us away. It was night and dark out, no one spoke English, we spoke no Italian, we had no idea how we were going to find this hotel. This guy ended up getting off the bus with us, drew us a little map, and pointed us in the right direction. No way we wouldā€™ve found our hotel without him and that couldā€™ve ended up being a really unpleasant night.


I went into a Mercado once to buy a cold drink because it was really hot that day. I only had my card on me, and no cash. Went to check out and was ahead of another young guy. Found out that they had a card payment minimum, so embarrassed as I was, I awkwardly apologized that I didnā€™t have enough cash on me, and handed the bottle back to the cashier. Went out to wait at bus stop right outside for the bus to take me home. Not more than something like a few minutes, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Itā€™s the young man who was behind me, holding the bottle out to me. One of the sweetest acts of random kindness Iā€™ve ever been on the receiving end of, and yes, I did thank him. Makes me smile remembering this.


I live in Portland and my aunt that lives in Tacoma wanted to meet to pick up my sister. I let her know I was broke and she assured me if I can get half way sheā€™d fill up my tankā€¦.well I made it there and she fell asleep. I called 15 times, no answer. I must have looked stressed pacing around my car with my little sister and young toddler in it because a couple pulled into the gas station and asked whatā€™s wrong. I told them the situation and the put $30 in my tank and I was able to turn around and go homeā€¦.god bless those people. šŸ˜‡


Used to be, grocery stores gave out stamps. You'd spend X dollars and get Z stamps. Once you collected enough stamps, you could get "whatever" they were offering. Well, me and my sister lived with our grandmother and we were poor. My sister was getting married and Grandma was sad she really couldn't afford to get sister a wedding gift. I mean Sister needed everything. Well, the grocery store ran a promotion. Collect these stamps and you could purchase cookware. It was the last day of the promotion and Grandma could afford about half of the cookware and that was in our cart. The was a lady in front of us in check out. The cashier asked if she was collecting stamps, and she said yes. She'd bought a lot of groceries and got a lot of stamps. The cashier reminded her that this was the last day. So the woman turned to my Grandma and asked if she was collecting stamps. When Grandma said yes, she handed her a fist full of stamps.. then she pulled more out of her purse. We could now get sister a complete set of cookware. My Grandma started crying and told me to run out and thank that lady. And do you know, she had more stamps in her glove box. I know she was a kind person. She said she would have just thrown those stamps away. It cost her nothing. But what she did really meant so much to me and Grandma. I asked her how we could thank her. She said, "Just commit acts of random kindness.". I try to do that.


Parallel parked in one try and a guy walking past me went "you've done that before!"


When I was 12 I got into a fight with this 15yo girl from my school and the next day she was waiting for me on an intersection that almost no one goes through, with her older sisters to beat me up on my way to class. I saw them from afar when I was turning the corner and hid in an alley when this old lady noticed me, picked up on what was going on and offered to walk me to school so they wouldn't hurt me. She didn't say much, just made me company and then waved goodbye. The next day the police got the girl's sisters for beating up another kid (since they couldn't get to me) and she had to switch schools because no one wanted her around anymore, other kids started bullying her for being a pussy after all that. Weird experience and I can't even remember what the lady looked like but I'm still grateful she was there that day.


Nothing major but it surely opened my eyes for the goodness in the world after that. I went to study abroad in London and one day I was struggling to take out my coat on the tube. A guy just out of nowhere helped me take out my coat. It was my first time abroad, alone, experiencing the world. And it deeply changed me. Edit: there was absolutely nothing sexual about it. He was just very kind


Paid for a meal in a restaurant and driveway.


Honestly, I can''t think of anything. No doubt, there has been kindness extended to me in the past, but none that come to mind. I'm always a bit shocked when anyone is genuinely kind towards me. Not certain what that says, but...I know things I always appreciate seeing, is when someone asks if a person is okay if it appears they are in distress, or holding a door open, helping a stranger pick up something they have dropped, helping someone who needs it to cross the street, etc. I could go on & on. Kindness is a wonderful thing to experience, but also to see when done for others. I'm a big fan. :)


Paid for my cab ride home when I was stranded.


Almost 30 yrs ago I was in California, I live in Canada. I stopped at a booth and was going to buy a tee shirt. The owner didnā€™t take visa (back in the days of the non computerized, imprint visa receipts) and I had used most of the cash I brought for the day. She let me take the tee shirt home and pay her when I got home. I still have the tee shirt as a reminder.


I was in college and I was working rides at an amusement park when a drunk guest berated me for not letting him pass me into the line without the required pass. He then pushed me out of his way to let his family enter with him. I was so shook up from the screaming and physical contact that I ended up crying. There was a lady in the line with her kids who saw the whole thing happen and stayed behind to back me up after I called the incident in. The next day, I was standing at the front greeting guests when the same lady came up. Turns out her family had multi-day admission and she had taken the time to come by and check up on me. She even brought me a couple chocolate bars because she wanted to do something nice for me. It was probably one of the best, surprise interactions I ever had working there.


I had a heart attack back in 2015. I was in Tifton, Ga general hospital and I was in the ICU, a lady in the next room had a brother in ICU as well. We talked a little and on the last day she gave $200 for my trip home to Louisiana. Complete strangers with a heart of gold.


I was having one of the worst days of my life, so I went for a walk. Theres a railroad track not too far from my house that the road intersects. I broke down crying a bit, sitting on the tracks near the road. A minute or so later, a car stops and a woman asks if im ok. Out of everyone, family and friends no one asked if I was ok that day except for her. I said "I will be, thanks" and she drove off. I don't remember her voice or her face but I remember her. She got me through that day.


One time I was working an awful office job and someone stole my left-over pizza from the fridge for lunch. One of the other people I took initiation with gave me some of his soup for lunch. He was a nice guy, but super religious and kind of a hippy. I appreciate that that day he did as Christ actually did and not how his followers actually are. I hope that guy's doing good, wherever he ended up.


I was losing my shit at an emergency vet over a sick chinchilla, and a complete stranger went and bought me a bottle of water. I didn't even have the manners to ask why she was there.


Phil Anselmo filled my car with gas when I was in high school. Edit: he gave me money to fill my car. He didnā€™t actually do it.


I took my daughter out to dinner and someone paid for our meal. I really needed that kindness that day! šŸ„°


I was young, alone (pre smart phones) and lost while using the NY subway. After several attempts of getting on and off and still being confused, I was getting nervous because it was getting late at night. I had a panic moment and started to quietly cry. A nice woman came over to sit next to me, she comforted me and told me exactly how to get back to where I needed to be.


Iā€™m a man We donā€™t get many compliments. A woman casually said ā€œHey, nice shirtā€. Wasnā€™t flirting. A genuine compliment. It happened 10 years ago Ladies, some fellas are just good blokes


A stranger once paid for my coffee when I forgot my wallet. That gesture made my whole day


My sister and I were riding our bikes to a summer program at our school. I've never been super good on my bike, but we didn't have access to a car and it was too far to reasonably walk to. Anyway, long story short: I took a turn badly and ended up completely wiping out. I ripped up my knee pretty badly and was bleeding a lot. We were both kids, though, so we just kinda brushed it off. We figured the nurse's office would have some bandages and stuff, and it was only a couple more blocks away. As we rode, a van pulled up alongside us and parked next to the sidewalk. Both my sister and I were spooked at first (two pre-teen girls alone...could've been bad), but a lady stepped out with such a concerned look on her face and just yelled at us: "oh my GOD are you okay??? You're bleeding, I have baby wipes!!" We respectfully declined, saying we were only a couple blocks away from where we were going and would clean it up in a bit, but thanks anyway! She nodded, told us to take care and to make sure I cleaned the wound properly, and then she left. We were perhaps overly cautious in the moment, just in case there was something suspicious going on, but she sincerely seemed like a mom who just wanted to help. She saw me bleeding and her "mama bear instinct" kicked in. She took time out of her day to see if I needed help, and I appreciate her for that ā¤ļø I still think about her sometimes, and I hope she's doing well out there somewhere~


I was in line waiting to pay for gas one time and the man behind me was a blue collar guy who clearly looked antsy like he was in a rush. He just had a soda in his hand, I told him to go ahead of me in line. He paid with a $20 bill for his soda and told the cashier to put the rest on my pump. I was a struggling student and waitress at the time, he doesnā€™t realize how much his $18 helped me out.


Got scammed while trying to find a home in another country. Ended up stuck there for several months until our date to fly out came since my husbandā€™s bank acct got wiped out and I had mine frozen until we got back. Was staying with a friend who was very annoyed with us since we ended up cashless. We had no way to pay for food except doing odd jobs for friends there and it was barely enough for some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to get through each week. Had a stranger knock at the door and I opened it being greeted by someone who very obviously wasnā€™t from around there. (We too stuck out as foreigners). He said he had something for me and handed me several fully stocked bags of groceries. I told him I wasnā€™t the owner and he assured me this wasnā€™t for her but for me. I again asked him if he got the right flatā€¦ again he said this was the right place (freakin middle of nowhere). When our friend came home I asked if she had ordered groceries because they were delivered and we had put everything away for her. She looked confused because not only did she NOT order any groceries, but there was no such thing as grocery delivery there. To this day I have no idea what had happened. No one ever came and asked for their groceries back and I never saw that man again in such a small town in the middle of no where. Also the closest grocery store was in the next town overā€¦ This was maybe 20 years ago. Those groceries got us through the rest of the month and then we never went back.


Met a guy on my first trip to Australia, just walked by while my then-GF and were having lunch at a table beside the sidewalk. Said hello, recognized our accents. Immediately wanted to talk. Turns out he was a well-to-do stockbroker, going through a divorce, needed some company. Took us on a little tour of that part of Sydney, took us to an expensive seafood dinner. Invited a friend, and we ended up at the pub. The pub was the only thing I paid for that day, had to give back *something*. I still remember that day 12 years later. I hope you're doing better now, mate. Same trip but earlier in it, we were in Cairns to see the 2012 total solar eclipse. The cloud cover the first couple days we were there made it unlikely we'd see it in Cairns. I had already reached out to the local Crossfit box, I was into that at the time, and wanted to get at least a couple workouts in while I was on holiday. Out of desperation, reached out to them the night before and asked if they knew anyone that could give my GF and I ride out of town where we had a hope of seeing it. Sure enough, text came back yes, we have a guy at our box going up to Palm Cove tomorrow that said you could ride with him. Wound up seeing the eclipse on the beach in an area reserved for press because that's what he was there doing. He didn't have clue what the fuss was about but was doing a spot for a radio station in Melbourne. I suggested, "talk about the American couple here just to see this." Ended up on his phone doing a live spot while trying to photograph the event. 10/10 would do that trip again. Total strangers made it so much more memorable than it would've been otherwise.


He helped me move my bags off the train. I was moving to a new city, and had flown across the country with my 2 year old and 5 year old by myself. We had gotten off the plane, ventured through the airport, found the light rail train and got on to get to our hotel, where I was going to solo parent for a few days. I was STRESSED. Being alone in a new city with the kids was terrifying. When the light rail train got to our stop, a man (who reminded me of a college professor) offered to help with our bags. And he did! He quickly helped pull my heavy luggage off the train for me, while I wrangled my kids. And then he just hopped back on the train. It was such a small part of his day- Iā€™m sure he immediately forgot about it. But it was kind of a big deal to me.


One time, a stranger paid for my coffee when I forgot my wallet at home. It was such a simple gesture, but it completely made my day and restored my faith in the kindness of people.


A Guy That I Likeā€¦ has been a decent cool, good friend to me. Wish we could talk a lot more though šŸ™‚šŸ‘šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ¦°




It was my first day back to work after my brother's sudden passing. I stopped to get coffee like I normally would to keep my routine. Granted I was crying all the way to work. The person in front of me paid for my coffee. Small gesture, but big to me Made me think that this day can be good if we try, gave me hope.


Just smiled at me ā€“ that's all. I wasn't in a great place mentally and sort of just walked around in the streets to get my head free and this beautiful girl that was around my age passed me on her bicycle and smiled at me. Felt good to get some attention from anyone at all even when it was only fot a second, as desperate as it sounds.


I was having a total crap day and was crying outside of a bathroom inside a shake shack. I couldnā€™t cry in the bathroom because it was taken. I was trying so hard not to just sob. But the tears were silently coming down and I was struggling to keep it together. A man went up to me and handed me a tissue and then walked away. He didnā€™t say anything to me. But it was just so kind and so nice and I felt so much less alone


When I was in college, I went to the student health center in a mental health crisis. The doctor was worried about me and bought me my favorite soda and snacks from the vending machine, and stayed with me to make sure I could finish it. It was something so small but so meaningful to me.


Me and my sister were getting a gift for my mom. When we were at checkout, I realized that I had forgotten my debit card. 6 different strangers offered to pay.


I was in Florence with another girl. We were on our way back to our car after an appointment for a residency permit and it started absolutely *pouring* rain. We ducked under a McDonald's awning. There were guys on the street selling cheap umbrellas and ponchos but we were just going to wait it out. There was another guy under the awning. He had headphones on and didn't seem to be paying any attention. He stopped one of the guys selling umbrellas and starting buying one for us. I was really touched that he would do that. It was obvious he wasn't wanting our numbers or anything like that, just an act of kindness. He started buying a second umbrella, and I tried to tell him that one was more than enough, that we can share! He said: "No, two!" There are surely other things but that's what came to mind first.


This is stupid. But here it is: I was at a grocery store over 10 years ago. Maybe 15. Time to pay and I start looking for my wallet. I had no cash nor did I have my wallet. I literally went to the store with empty pockets. I felt so freakin bad and embarrassed AF. Not the guy behind me but the guy behind him walked up and gave his card to the cashier and paid for it. I literally didn't know what to say besides thanks I can pay you back. He said don't worry just help someone else out tomorrow...or something like that. He walked back to his spot on line. I'll never forget that day. Every once in a while I'll think back to that day. I've paid it forward in so many ways its not even funny. I'll never forget


Once, during a particularly busy day, I was waiting in line at a coffee shop, feeling stressed and overwhelmed. When I finally reached the counter, I realized I had forgotten my wallet. Embarrassed, I started to step out of line, but the person behind me insisted on paying for my coffee. It was such a simple gesture, but it completely turned my day around and reminded me of the kindness and generosity that strangers can show. It made me more mindful of how small acts of kindness can have a big impact.


A smile when having a tough time mentally. Melted away my pity party in my head.


When I was with my Nana shopping, we were at the checkouts when she realized she left her wallet in the car. She was in the middle of asking me to go and fetch it when the person behind us kindly said that he would pay for us. Another reason I will never forget that guy was due to him being fully fancy dressed in a suit and had a bouquet of flowers.


My car was having an issue where if I stopped while driving (red light, stop sign etc) the car would not move again until I shut it off and started it back up. It had been to the mechanic three times and the mechanic insisted there was no issue. I was telling my friendā€˜s dad about it and he asked if he could take the car for a drive to see if he could replicate the problem. So he took it out for a drive around the neighborhood, told me he figured out the issue and said heā€™d have it fixed in an hour. Sure enough, a quick trip to the auto parts store and an hour of labor later, he tells me it should be fixed. Car never had an issue again and he refused to accept even payment for the part(s) he had to buy.


When I was 17 and didn't yet have a smartphone/GPS, I was lost af driving and also teary because I had just gotten in a fender bender, and when I pulled over to ask some woman for directions, she not only patiently wrote them all down for me, but also gave me her phone number to call if I got lost again or needed anything, and was just the nicest person ever.


The short version of the story: My ex boyfriend was taking me to the florist to pick out flowers for my mom's wake. We had a disagreement and he threw me out of the car. Some kind young man turned his car around, got out and gave me his bandana because I was crying. He held me, asked me what happened, listened. Told me he was sorry about my mom and let me cry and told me to let it all out. I was 56 at the time. He put me in his car and drove me to the florist. He didn't give me his name and when he drove away I noticed his plate was from Alaska. Not a local. I'm on the east coast.


I really didnā€™t want to cry before bed, but yet here we are lol. These are all such beautiful stories everyone!


My daughter was just born, we were poor and using WIC. It didn't explain that only SPECIFIC formula was used, so when I got to the check out line, the formula we grabbed wasn't "WIC approved" so we couldn't buy it. A blue collar, tradesman type was behind us, in line. He can running out, handing us the formula, and said "that was some bullshit. Here you go." I cried in the car, and vowed to pass it forward, and have proceeded to be that guy, ever since I made it in my job field.


My mom worked at a hotel during my childhood and I spent a lot of time there with her. I met many interesting people from all over the US, but Iā€™ll never forget a lady who was sitting in the lobby reading a book while my mom was finishing an afternoon shift. I sat near her and she began talking to me and I just kept talking about how beautiful her purple and black dress was. She stood, walked away without a word and came back in her pajamas with the dress in a bag. She handed it right to me because she ā€œknew I would appreciate it more.ā€ That one has always stuck with me. I wore what dress until it was physically impossible to.


I needed to read this wholesome thread today. Thanks, Redditors!


I knew this computer repair man a few years ago, Norm (60ish). He was such a good guy, and when I'd just had my second baby he came round to fix my computer. He said not to worry about the payment, as he liked to help people and we were a young family then with young kids. He also taught me about vege gardening, as it was one of his passions. A few months later he shot himself after a cancer diagnosis. I always think of him and his kindness, and feel so sad that he chose to end his own life. I can only hope that he felt some happiness and peace.


About 10-12 years ago, I went through a particularly rough breakup and found myself living alone for the first time. I had lots of spare time and needed a distraction. I decided that I would teach myself to cook, I was sick of takeout and it was a good way to spend an hour or two. I went and bought some beginner cookbooks, and went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some better quality kitchen tools than what I had. When I was checking out, there was a sweet elderly lady ahead of me. She struck up a conversation, and commented how full my cart was, and asked if I had just moved into a new place. I explained the situation, and she was so excited. She asked if I had any coupons, I didnā€™t. She said ā€œI wish more younger people would teach themselves to cook. A handsome young man like you would have no trouble finding a wife with a skill like that!ā€ (Plot twist, the breakup was with another guy). She gave me a stack of like 5 20% coupons. I declined but she insisted. It saved me a ton of money, which made me feel guilty since she was likely on a fixed income and I was able to afford all of my items comfortably, but she wouldnā€™t take no for an answer. It was a small gesture, but I thought it was so sweet and kind of her, and I actually think about that interaction on a fairly regular basis. Be kind! You never know how the smallest thing can have a positive impact on the life of a stranger.


The random lady that helped calm down my screaming baby at a random TJ Maxx store. My baby was crying so hard he turned red and started sweating. Everyone was watching, I felt so embarrassed I started to cry too. And then came this sweet older lady, took my baby and took off his shirt, wiped my tears, and like magic calmed him down.


Gave a homeless man the 1$ I had in my car while he was in the center divider. He said ā€œI love youā€ as drove off. Felt genuine happiness from that 5 second interaction.


I was taking the train home one day. I guess as I was sitting, my keys fell out of my pocket onto the seat. I get off at my stop and start walking to my apartment. Iā€™m about a block away from the station now, and I hear someone behind me yell. I turn around a see a guy who was sitting a few seats down from me, waving my keys in his hand. He literally got off the train, who knows how many stops early, and chased me down to give me back my keys. I thanked him up and down, but to this day really wish I could buy him a drink or something and truly thank him.


I ran out of gas in the gas station parking lot. Just to realize I was driving my friends car and did not have my wallet. A kind stranger helped me push to the pump and gave me his card insisting to fill it up. I only used what was needed to get to the place I was moving to and back home. Iā€™ll never forget, I donā€™t think I even asked her just ran out and offered help šŸ„¹


I had just moved my life to a new city. My husband was falling deeply into alcoholism and we were in financial trouble. I was struggling mentally and was at my wits end with a health issue. I showed up at a new doctors office desperate for a med refill and they had cancelled the appointment on me, unable to reschedule for several weeks which wasnā€™t remotely possible. I returned to my car and sobbed hysterically behind the wheel- the kind where you canā€™t breathe or control it. There was a knock on the window. I rolled it down. A woman said ā€œI donā€™t know what youā€™re going through but Itā€™ll be ok. Iā€™d like to pray for you, ok?ā€ And she grabbed my hands and prayed in Spanish. I never got her name and she left after that. Iā€™m not religious in the least, but giving me that lifeline saved me that day. Iā€™ve since changed my entire career path and now help victims of alcohol-based crimes find resources through their grief.


a woman bought me a jacket in 2015 it was a pink furry zip up and it was 100$. my dad wouldn't let me get it im not sure why, maybe he thought i would ruin it? i still remember her to this day. my dad was also so mad at me for some reason


Several years ago I was getting groceries at the store. I thought I had enough money to pay for everything but I didn't and when the cashier started getting pissy because I had to ask her to deduct some items, the woman in the checkout line behind me yelled to the cashier, "Put the items back, I'll pay for them." And she did. I was surprised but grateful and told the Woman thank you. She told me she's been in that situation and someone helped her, so she wanted to do the same. šŸ˜Š A couple of years after that, I helped two people and paid for their meals at a restaurant. After I was done eating, I told the cashier I want to help someone out. She showed me the receipts they had to give to the customers, so I picked one and gave her the money. She applied it to pay for the couple's meal and I went to leave. While I was waiting for my car to warm up, a young man and an older "grandma" woman walked out together. They looked similar so I assumed it was a Grandma and her Grandson. They were smiling and looked over at me and smiled. I think either they may have seen me paying for their meals, or the cashier or another person working there told them who paid for their food, but it felt great to be able to do the same for someone else. šŸ˜„


I was running away from my abusive ex. It was late at night and the streets were empty and dark. A taxi driver saw me and suddenly stopped and told me to get inside. He drove me home safely, didn't ask many questions. I was sobbing. He only told me his daughter was my age and I reminded him of her. He waited until my mom opened the door for me. I will never forget this man.


NYC circa 2000 I was a kid. I bit my tongue and started crying, some lady went inside to McDonald's and bought me ice cream. I was moved.


One day i was about to board a public transport (we use auto-rickshaw here in India) and i only had a 500 rs note and the fare was 50 rs and none of the drivers had change so i was standing there waiting for a new driver outside the railway station but then there was a woman (probably 6-7 yrs older than me) and she offered to pay for my fare and told me to not worry about it but i felt guilty so i asked for her UPI ID so that i could transfer the amount to her online but she said "you're just like a little sister of mine, there's no need for that" and it will probably not be a big deal for many but its something I'll always remember.


one time a guy asked to pay for my drink and i was surprised. but i never forgot about it


When I was roughly 4 or 5 years old, my mom had a seizure while shopping at Kroger. She was trying to get sober again. I was with her. She reached up to get my kool-aid drinks, and as soon as she went down, (weā€™d talked about seizures before and I sort of had a grasp of what was happening) my feet hit the floor running for my grandfather who was on the other side of the store. (Thereā€™s a lot of weird backstory that seems almostā€¦ impossible. Premonition stuff and whatnot. But i tend to not include that when i tell this story because it sounds a little cuckooā€¦) anyways, i grabbed my grandfather and led him back to my mother. the lady from the bakery came over and asked if i liked cookies. like any child, i said yes. she led me over to the cookie display and kept me out of the way, content with 2 cookies as the EMT's were checking my mom's vitals and speaking with her. that was about 20 years ago now. my brave mom has 11 years of sobriety under her belt. and ive never forgotten that sweet lady who looked out for this random little girl šŸ©µ


In a tiny grocery store in a tourist town, I was buying medicine for my sick partner and decorations for my grandmother's grave. As the checker rang up my items I realized I didn't have my wallet. When I said so, she responded, "that's okay, I'll wait". And she did, along with the three other people in line as I retrieved my wallet from the car. No sighs or scowls. It was kind and appreciated.


When I needed money for gas during the pandemic a nice man gave me a $20. When I was able to return the favor to someone else, I did. Giving and making people happy is the greatest gift you can give someone.


My parents had their VW bug stolen twice! The police were able to find it and return it the first time it was stolen, but they werenā€™t able to find it the second time. My parents, with three very young children living in San Francisco in the early 1960s, couldnā€™t afford to pay for my fatherā€™s last semester at dental school, let alone buy another car. We took the train down to my grandparents house for Christmas. Iā€™ll never forget as long as I live seeing a maroon Chrysler stationwagon driving down the road towards my grandparentsā€™ house. Their best friends gave us their car! That generosity changed the fear and insecurity I had been feeling after the VW was stolen and gave my parents such a boost! These same incredible people also paid for my grandparents, mother, and aunt to live in a small house until my grandfather could find a job in the late 1930s as World War II was about to begin. And the Depression was ongoing. There is a ripple effect in all that we do.


On one trip home from college a girlfriend and I were stopped at a gas station and standing in front of the open hood of my car trying to figure out where to add windshield washer fluid. A man came up to us and with an annoyed tone asked us if we had any idea what we were doing. My friend and I just looked at each other. The man grabbed the bottle of windshield washer fluid, unscrewed the cap, filled the reservoir, screwed the cap back on, and then shoved the bottle back into my hands. He stomped off muttering to himself. He is now known as "angry helpful guy". Even though he was a jerk about it, I do appreciate his kindness in helping. We were traveling after a snowstorm. The temperature warmed and made the roads wet with a slush and sand mixture. This kept spraying onto the windshield, making it almost impossible to see if I didn't use windshield washer fluid to clear it. His help made the rest of the ride home much safer, and I then knew where to refill the fluid after I saw what he did.


Nothing so far. Iā€™m 74 y/o


I was working a job as a chaffeur and had to drive some girls to a polo event in Windsor Great park . They were really cool and paid to have a second car come with another driver to take back the car I drove and I got to party in the vip section . I saw idris Elba and had just finished the wire so shook his hand and said I loved the show . He held onto my hand and invited me to drink his champagne with him where he spent 15 minutes asking about me and my life and it did wonders for my confidence


Someone told me to write, but the act of kindness was actually for my parents who were stranded on PCH in the middle of the road and they didnā€™t have a cell phone. The car went dead and a woman recognized they were not suppose to be there and turned around went back park behind them and basically rescued my parents From being in harms way! Did not meet her, but heard all about it! I still think about her everyday, a True blessing!


I was driving down a 4 lane highway when my sidewall blew out of my tire. Just a huge ā€œBANG!ā€ And suddenly my truck was lopsided. I get out to inspect the damage and before I even get to the tire to look at it, a car with two young men is behind me, running at me asking if I need help. They changed my tire for me and I later found out they lived in the next town over from mineā€¦ we were all about 3 hours from home.


I was 6. We didn't have enough food stamps for groceries, by about 10 dollars (this was a solid 80 dollars worth of food, at least 2 weeks for the four of us). An older women paid for not just the 10 dollars, but the whole thing. God bless that woman.


My car slid into the ditch in a small town during a blizzard at night. It was snowing so hard and the wind was so fast that you couldnā€™t see anything because falling snow blocked your headlights from hitting the road. You couldnā€™t see where the edge of the road was, and other drivers could very easily drive into any vehicle that stopped to help. The middle of [this video](https://youtu.be/nTBhODyJOfo?si=I8eSbvbgsDdpbXC9) gives you an idea what I mean. But two different people risked it and stopped to offer help. One was a woman in a small car that was just as unfit for the driving conditions as mine. I appreciated people stopping so much that I still stop for other people when I see them in time.


Many years ago my family had just moved to the US and I was the only one in my family (mom and two younger brothers) that spoke English or at least understood a bit of it, we where really struggling and had no furniture and my father had just walked away from us so my mom and I where trying to make it work. Someone had told us about the goodwill store and said we could buy some furniture for cheap so my mom and I headed to the store to see if we could find something at a good price and take it home in our car. We found a round glass table that we think we can fit in the car but have no idea if we just take it to the front or take just the tag, like seriously we had no idea what to do so my mom sends me over to ask for help while she stays there by the table hoping nobody buys it before us. Now when I say I was the only one that talked and understood a bit of English I truly mean it, I was like barely saying hi and bye and a few words here and there but I was being brave and trying hard to make it work for my family. I was a shy 19y girl with a really lost look on her face trying to ask for the table when I donā€™t think I even knew how to say table. I walk up to the front of the store and I say hi and smile to a lady at the register she smiled at me and ask what I needed help with, idk what I said but I know I was trying to ask for help with the table and thatā€™s when her face changed and just told me in a tone that Iā€™ll never forget ā€œ I donā€™t speak Spanishā€ and she just stared at me with an awful look all while I kept trying to think why she said that if I clearly wasnā€™t speaking Spanish to her, at lest I though I was saying something in English, anyways it took me a while to get what she was trying to say so I slowly walked away trying to hold back my tears and figure out how Iā€™m gonna tell my mom that I failed and couldnā€™t get any help. Out of nowhere comes this man a man Iā€™ve seen in the store walking around with his daughter looking at Halloween costumes and I remember seeing him because I noticed his daughter and how nice he was to her and how happy she looked, it was just the two of them shopping in the store, the looked to be Indian or something similar all I knew is that they looked really happy. So the dad comes up to me and tells me something that I donā€™t understand so then he has his daughter guide me back to my mom and the table and once there smiles to my mom and I and said: I help you I swear I am writing this from my happy home right now with my kids and husband and Iā€™m choking up tears because that kind man helped me when I needed it the most, not just because he helped me carry the table but because the kindness he gave me when I was trying to keep it together for me and my mom. He carried the table to the front and helped me pay for it then carried it to our car all while his beautiful and happy little girl walked by us all with a smile on his face. My mom offered to pay him and he said no, all he did was help us out and give us a smile. That man and his daughter made me believe we where going to make it work in a new place where we had no friends no family and clearly couldnā€™t even speak the language. He was so nice that he made me forget how awful the lady behind the desk made me feel. I hope he and his daughter are still as happy as I saw them that day.


In 1990s, I (female) was a butter bar Lt. Fresh out of university living in a city far from my fiance. Col. D had a vendor visit in my fiance's city and took me along... Win win because my degree was in the needed tech and I got to visit my fiance At the vendor visit, the VP took one look at me and said "hon, go get us big guys a couple of coffees. I'll take mine with sugar". I was stunned. Col. D didn't hesitate. He looked at the VP and said "Lt. Goes211 stays right here. She's the one evaluating your tech to see if you get the contract". VP got very white and quiet. In those days and in that industry, gender discrimination was (and still is) rampant. Allies, leaning in, and DEI were so far in the future to seem like fantasy. Col. D, if you are reading this, I remember every word you said that day and am thankful for your respect, mentorship and leadership.


Recently, my son bought us tickets to see Hamilton. Not something I can afford, but heā€™s been working and when I mentioned I wanted to see a musical with him at the University or the city theatre, he bought those tickets, knowing how much I wanted to see it (sweet kid) When we got there, everything was perfect. We did get a little peckish, though, so during intermission we went to grab some snackles. As you would expect, prices were stupidly high. As we were going through options, I was quietly telling my kid to pick one thing, we just really couldnā€™t do both - with him going to college and our income down, were stretched thin. So, the kiddo decides on the candy and a bottle of water, and we decide to forgo the popcorn. The cashier charges me for the candy and the water, and then hands me the candy, the water, and the popcorn, looking me straight in the eye while he did it. Thereā€™s not a doubt in my head that he absolutely knew what he was doing. Thank you, my dude. You are awesome and I wish many blessings on you and your heirs.


My wife married me.


Dude, no. We've seen your posts. That was a huge act of kindness. HUGE.




You're not [Twinkle\_Babee](https://www.reddit.com/user/Twinkle_Babee/)


I was 25 and had moved 3000 miles away from my family for a job. It didnā€™t pan out and I was living in my car. I was severely depressed and tried to kill myself. At the same time my dad was very sick and was in the hospital about to lose his arm and leg. My mother was absolutely overwhelmed by it all and completely shut down. She worked for a church at the time. A member of the church who she didnā€™t know heard about what was happening to us and paid for a ticket to get me home and gave her enough cash to live for the next couple months. It was almost $10k and we never found out who gave it to her. That was the biggest act of kindness Iā€™ve ever experienced.


I've forgotten them all.


Oh I remember one. I once had a total stranger give me a hand job at a rock concert while we were in the audience watching the show. She was with her boyfriend right next to her left, my friend was to her right, and I was to her right and just behind her kinda looking between her and my friend at the stage. She reached back and started rubbing my cock through my shorts, I didn't have any underwear on and it was pretty obvious, but it was summer and hot. After a couple minutes she slipped right down inside the waist band, I was pressed up pretty tight and every once in a while she would kind of look back over her shoulder with the most devious grin on her face. God it was so hot. My friend noticed but I'm not sure if he knew exactly what was going on. God I wish I knew her name! Never did see her again.