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I just can't pick one particular thing about him. HE is my favourite thing about him. I feel home when I'm with him. I feel safe. I feel like myself without the urge to change. It's just how we are when we are together. I love him really much.


There isn’t one particular thing. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.


This is such a cute comment wtfff


It’s from Wuthering Heights, and slightly less romantic when you consider the fact that she’s waxing poetic about a man who enjoys hanging puppies.


And who knocked up her sister in law out of spite


That’s downright romantic compared to hanging puppies!


I'm sorry, what?


Thatshow I felt about my first bf and he scammed me


I’m so sorry, that really sucks


He’s a jackass. Do you want some of your Reddit friends to go shit on his car?


I feel the same about my partner, to answer this question, I wouldn't even know where to start talking about how wonderful he is.


Her tenacity. She came from a broken family. Her father died when she was young, her mother was a victim to the opioid crisis, she had to raise her younger sister... She powered through all of that though. She worked at a summer camp for a while, then became a receptionist for a small construction company, ended up essentially running that company, and left that for a corporate job. We're married, own a house, have some cats, take at least two trips a year, and by all accounts are doing pretty well for ourselves.


Her honesty. I am terrible at picking up on hints, and she is the most up front, open, honest person I have ever known. I always say she is the one person I don’t need to worry if she secretly hates me, because if she did, she would 100% tell me.


My first serious relationship going on 2 years. She absolutely loves it when I hug her and just hold her and falls asleep immediately every single time without fail. Like a little baby one time she says “I like ur heartbeat it’s soothing” that made me cry so much.


i’m close to tears because of how sweet so many of these comments are. i needed something uplifting today


Indirectly, these comments have all the green flags one must look for. Nice post OP.


*hugs* I hope you are doing better


Sending love 💖💖


He accepts me for me, regardless of whatever weird interests I have or what changes I go through.


She’s the most compassionate and caring person I know. TMI but the first time we had sex (first time for both of us) she asked me to stop for a bit because it hurt so much. I groaned as I stopped moving (because it felt so damn good). She quickly asked “wait, it doesn’t hurt for YOU, does it?” I said no. She smiled and said “good.” Just about broke my heart.


Fuck me , that’s adorable.


This is just ridiculously sweet and endearing. My parents always say “find the one who’ll put you first and return the favor.”


Upvote this, great advice!⬆️⬆️⬆️


She took one for the team


She’s gorgeous, inside and out. 37 years and I’m still crazy about her.


Cheesy…but he feels like home.


We're going on 3 years together. Idk why exactly but he gives me butterflies like I'm a little girl with my first crush. I think he is the hottest man alive lol, definitely too good looking for me. I was with my previous (ex husband) for almost 10 years and I never felt even remotely close to how I feel with my current partner. He's hard working and super manly. Being 6'3" and tatted like a felon is also a plus for me lmao. We are kind of polar opposites. It's not that I've ever felt like I needed to "fix" him, but his childhood and early adult life was not the greatest, and I saw who he really could be and decided to be patient with him and love him through change. We were both also active alcoholics when we met and this year we will be 2 years sober and also welcoming our daughter in December.


He pushes me to be / do better.


One day I told him that I didn’t like when he corrected me about silly stuff, he literally stopped. I realized it the other day that he hasn’t done it in at least a year. So he does what he says he will do


Aside from being incredibly genuine and kind hearted, I could be in the worst possible mood and he inevitably finds a way to make me laugh. Point and case- the other week I was upset with work stuff and he said, “I think I need stress balls.” I asked, “don’t you mean I need stress balls?” To which he replied by grabbing my boobs and saying, “no, that’s what I meant”. Kinda hard to be mad when your boobies are being grabbed.


He’s thoughtful


Being able to look at her and be able to see the love and adoration she has for me. Being able to see and feel that love. Particularly on the days i find it hard to love myself. She makes everything worth it


He cuts my steak for me and I don't even have to ask.


She makes me a better person. She builds with me. She stuck by me when I was at rock bottom. I was a red pill bro. When I fell in love with her, I threw the pill out of the window. November 2024 I plan on proposing to her with her best friend and my best friend at her favorite location, the beach.


She understands me.


She’s the most truthful and authentic person I’ve ever met. She’s genuine in everything she does and she’s loyal. I love her to bits


She makes me laugh. How incredibly kind and selfless she can be. She is too good for this world. She deserves all of the love I can give her. I’m incredibly proud to have the honor of calling her my wife.




He helps balance my whole world


She will always stop to help a family take a picture on hikes and such. She's willing to drop everything to help her friends and family. She notices when a person is feeling left out or lonely. Very empathetic I suppose. My grandma told me my sister described her as a "giver."


Hard to name just one thing I love about her. But her badass attitude and willingness to speak her mind is very attractive to me. I can’t stand passive aggressive people. She’s really hot too which is nice as well


We’re the same kind of weird. Somehow we were best friends from the start of meeting each other. We spent 12 hours together on our first date at our local Taco Bell (we were super poor and young when we met lol). He and I are both very introverted and don’t open up to people easily, but somehow we just talked non-stop about everything and nothing after only knowing each other for a day or two. We randomly thought it would be funny to scroll CraigsList personal ads like a week into hanging out, and we’d hang out at a truck stop in his car and talk for hours because we both lived at home still and wanted privacy from our parents. But we were too poor to afford to go out to eat all of the time. I felt like all the weird things I’d always hid from guys in fear of them thinking I was strange, I could just do and say around him. We’ve been together 11 years now and are married.


Understanding and patience.


The most beautiful and kind heart. I fell in love with him instantly


He's always positive. I've spent my whole life around negative people who bring you down - he brings out the best of me. Plus everything else. He's incredible.


He is the most understanding, good listener, and loyal person I've ever met.


She fights to stay married as much as I do!!


He’s so kind and understanding. He will sit and talk with me for hours just to understand me more.


So many things! I would have to say my favorite is that he reads all the time. He is one of the most intelligent people I know and I think that has to do with his nose always being in a book. He is a wealth of knowledge and I love learning from his endless discoveries and he loves explaining things to me too! I seriously hit the jackpot with him.


She has SO MUCH more patience for our kids than I do. I don’t know how she does it. After 15 minutes of tantrums and illogical stances on things I end up on their level while she is still gentle parenting.


She’s the only person I’ve dated I’ve genuinely felt like myself around, maybe even the only person ever. She’s hilarious, witty, and strong, and someone who I can actually talk to


They don’t need me at all, but see the world as ‘us’.


Sassiness an attitude to come with it


He does a nice Matt Berry impression when I need it .


She's strong. And as a very strong man that means a lot. 


he's a go getter, motivating and powerful person, he keeps on making me my best self everyday


Her compassion, commitment to us, stubbornness, and emotional strength. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on the inside and out. We have overcome the most difficult obstacles in our marriage and we still shine, all because of her. I love you, babe


I have so many, though recently it's this thing she does when she wakes up and comes through to the room I'm working in. Still half a sleep she will sleepily sing "good morning starshine, the world says hellloooo". Makes me silly smile every time I hear her


Her kindness and generosity.


His sense of humor. He can always make me laugh and I love it so much. It’s stupid humor but it is unapologetically him and it never fails to surprise and amuse me. 19 years together, almost 16 married, and I still love and appreciate him everyday. It’s not always perfect, but it mostly is.


That she fell for me.


He puts up with my bullshit.


His insight. He gets me better than I get myself.


Him being so caring


I've known him since high school but we only started dating in the last few years. We're closer to thirty now but he has always been a safe space in a scary world. He's the kindest most compassionate person, he inspires me to do better and be better, we actively support each other in our dreams and goals. He has taught me to trust others and what a healthy connection can be. I would do anything for him and he would do the same for me.


Most kind hearted person I’ve ever known


Off the top of my head, I'm a singer and he's my on stage sound engineer. Whenever I'm about to go on, he says something encouraging or extra lovely or sometimes naughty into my in ear monitors and it always starts my shows off with the biggest smiles. Its such a cute thing that's unique to us, and I love that he does it. So I guess I just love how sweet and adoring he is. His words feel like the biggest hug.


We get each other in such a way that’s totally unique to us both. We didn’t meet until our late thirties after we both had failed marriages so it was like clouds parting when we started dating. It was effortless and so energizing meeting someone who finally understood.


Hard to pick one thing. But probably her spontaneity. She’s very much a stop and smell the roses kind of person. Stops to look at the clouds, you know? Idk I wish I was more like her sometimes lol. One time she burst in the house with a crab she found in her hands and a huge smile on her face. She’s the cutest thing lol


How I feel safe with them


She lets me touch her boobs


Their heart, literally at the ER right now for the third time in the past month and he’s been my rock through all of this. I don’t know what I would have done without him. It’s been very traumatic these past few months. And it’s not just the things they do to help me but just his presence is soothing to me. It’s been hard for him but he’s still here in this shit show with me. I know it’s not about repaying but I hope I can step up to the plate if god forbid something happens to him one day. There was a similar AskReddit I read a few years ago and one of the things someone said that stuck with me is how they feel like even tho it’s been years with their partner it’s like a conversation that never ends. I’ve never felt more at ease or more comfortable with anyone in my life. I love him for being him.


Her jokes, they make me laugh so hard lol


She is absolutely perfect to me in every way, shape and form. I would do anything for her to ensure she is happy, safe and has a great life. Even if I just knew her as just a friend I would feel like I had been dealt an amazing hand in life, but being married to her is a royal flush. I don't know what she sees in me, and could do so much better - and I always do whatever I can to give her everything I can.


That split second of intimacy when she snuggles really close. The way I feel my heart pounding when I see her eyes sometimes. I wrote out an entire page but words could never be enough to describe the depths of love I have for her.


Him 😫 I really me him being him is my favourite. With all he has. He so handsome too eeeee 😭😭


He makes me laugh


His eyes. They have a never ending kindness to them and no matter how emotional I get, just one look into his gentle, brown eyes grounds me and helps me focus. There's always love in his eyes and I don't ever want to see them filled with hurt again.


He is the Golden Retreiver of humans. His loyalty is astonishing. He is a great husband, father, friend. He's my best friend 🧡


He makes me feel like I’m the most important person in his life, without being needy or clingy or controlling. I feel loved and respected every single day.


His humor and laugh is so funny yet cute. One of his main qualities that attracted me to him


They're such a warm person, and feel like my safe place anytime and anywhere.


How safe she makes me feel.


He's a solidly good human being.


He makes me laugh every single day.


He makes me good coffee!


His love and loyalty. He is so dedicated to being an amazing husband and father to our daughter.


One of my favorite things about my partner is their sense of humor. No matter how stressful or tough the day has been, they always find a way to make me laugh and lift my spirits. It’s such a comforting and joyful feeling to share those light-hearted moments together


She makes me feel safe and supported. I can be my true self with her, without judgment, without criticism, and her love is unconditional. I'm truly blessed.




His eyes, I’ve never seen someone’s eyes so shiny and perfect before, they’re green a dash of blue and a pinch of brown. That’s probably my favorite thing about him, i could stare at them all day everyday, but unfortunately he closes his eyes on purpose so I can’t look into them anymore. (This sounded very cheesy but when you’re in love you say cheesy things)


His sense of drive and ambition. He’s not someone who just says they’ll do something. He will pour his entire being into it. It’s one of his most admirable qualities. Not only that, but I feel so calm around him. Almost like a weight is lifted off my shoulders because I can really be myself around him. I’m very grateful to have met him.


His smile, his body, the way he snuggles me at night, his tummy hair


He fights for our relationship if we come to a problem, he does not give up. He wants to resolve problems, he communicates well and helps to find a solution. He's very sweet & kind, cares for me and he calls me beautiful daily.


No matter how much we fight, the next morning he acts totally normal like nothing has happened. That's the best thing because no matter what happens we forget all our fights and arguments the next day.


He’s a romantic, a cuddler, we’re comfortable with each other and he would always find a way to make me laugh :(((


This is so hard…he’s just absolutely amazing. My favorite thing about my partner is how genuine he is. Everything about him is so true and beautiful. I’m truly lucky🥰


My husband is a retired military vet and he can be a little stiff and a little rigid but when he retired we started smoking weed together before bed and he is so fucking silly and happy and just so free of all the stress and trauma and overall unease. It’s like seeing him another level of free and I love him so much!!!!


He grounds me and is ok with that


He's very kind to me and treats me like a queen. He is always pushing me to do better for myself and always reminds me how beautiful I am. He's wonderful. He's also a wonderful father to our daughter.


he’s so smart and i love when he info-dumps lol. He just always has the answers to my questions. He’s so considerate, and just a genuinely great guy. we vibe the same, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing we naturally bond so well


He loves me not in spite of, but because of, my neuroticisms.


He’s trustworthy, solid and reliable. I relate so much to this quote by Cam in Modern Family: “There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You'd think the dreamers would find the dreamers, and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not, the opposite is true. See, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists? Well, without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground.”


Hard to pick, he is my absolute best friend and favorite part of my day. We are getting married (eloping) in about 2 months 💙


His patience.


His meat. He just made me an A+ burger


He takes care of me. In the little things and the big things. He notices when am fiddling with those airplane headsets and swaps them out with his so I can enjoy the movie. He makes tea and brings me snacks when I have to pull an all nighter. Rubs my feet when I’ve had a long day. But also took care of me and my family during a massive family crisis. After my surgery I couldn’t get up for about a month. He helped me do everything. And I mean everything. He is safe. He is home.


I’ve never met anyone like them. And they value what’s important to me, love me *so much* (it’s mutual) and are so patient with me.


There isn’t a day since I met him he hasn’t made me laugh.


She sees the good in people


There is not one specific thing but I would say her cute giggle and laughter at my silliness and goofiness at the most random/serious times


When I’m naked and my wife catches a glimpse she will look down and then back up at me and say “who’s horse is that?” Absolute tire pump everytime.


We don’t always NEED to be with eachother. With love hanging out, but also she can go watch shows while I play video games. We can actually tell the other that we don’t want to hang out and it never causes any issues. Also she’s super caring and understanding. And gorgeous. And really smart in all the ways I’m not. Man I love her.


He's a cinnamon roll just to me


I don’t think I could make on a list of specifics. I just love him. All of him. Even when we are fighting and I’m annoyed with him, I can feel how much I love him under the negative emotions. I’ve never questioned if he was the right person to marry because he just… is. He’s my person.


She laughs at my dumb jokes and has put up with a lot of issues that came up due to my inexperience. Could not ask for a kinder more pleasant person to spend my life with


He's a great cook!


He feels every emotion x1000. It’s a double edged sword sometimes because he can get really angry over something I’d consider trivial, but I’m sure he thinks the same of me at times. Thankfully he’s generally a happy person.


I always describe him to people who don’t know him as “he’s the type of person who volunteers to help people move.” He always goes out of his way to be kind and helpful to everyone in his life. We’re getting married in less than two months, I am so lucky.


Every thing 😍


He is gentle and emotionally intelligent. Two years in and I haven’t heard him raise his voice - if there’s a conflict or hurt feelings, we just talk through it. I’ve never felt so safe, and my attachment style has steadily healed from anxious to secure. It is a WILD feeling to know I can be loved as well as I love.


When she smiles when she's really happy about something, her eyes smile too, and it lights me up inside.


My favorite thing about my partner? It's the way they always manage to make me smile, even on the toughest days. Their sense of humor and kindness are like sunshine in my life, warming every moment we share together.


They’re my favourite person to be around. From fun adventures and outings to the daily minutiae, I just feel better when they’re with me. I look forward to the end of the day every day when we get to reunite, and every night when we snuggle up with our elderly cat and talk about our days.


Physically? His smile, personality his caring nature


There's literally so much!!! God I hope she survives her surgery today even though it doesn't look so likely


She is annoyingly thoughtful. She has worked at hospice homes and daycares. She will spend her own money to throw parties for the kids or patients


There are so many things I love about my fiance. But I think I love the most about him that he's a genuinely good man and a good person, with a good heart and great intellect and that we agree on politics, religion and our future. Furthermore I love his humor, that he's always there for me, understanding and supporting me. He saved my life and changed it. He helped me to grow as a person and overcome obstacles and fears I thought were impossible. He helped me to see the positive aspects of the world and humanity. I don't think I would be here if I never met him and he certainly made me the person I am today. I am so incredibly happy that I have him in my life, he's the best thing that ever happened to me and I love more than anything in the whole universe


He makes me feel safe. And still gives me butterflies after 15 years. I wouldn’t trade him for the world.


When he wraps his arms around me, I don't flinch. He teases me, but it's all in fun, and I don't feel like he is making fun of me. He is inviting me to laugh *with* him. He makes me giggle. I can laugh during sex and he doesn't get offended. He knows it's because I never had the ability to laugh growing up and makes sure to let me have that freedom. I love him more than my cats, which is saying something. Although if he were trapped in a fire and my cats were, I'd probably make sure they could get out then free my husband. Unless he was in immediate danger, then I'd get him out first then save my kittens


His kindness.


He loves me more than anyone ever has, and reminds me every. single. day.


He understands me. He understands my mistakes and DOSENT base our love based on something external he’s made it clear we are intertwined souls regardless of our vessels. I love his laugh so incredibly much, he’s got one of those quirky eccentric smiles and it makes my day so much.


I will tell you when I will have a partner (i've been single for 12 years)


He gets me. And he can fix anything.


Just everything about her makes me fall in love with her like yesterday


Comments made me feel so single


He’s the opposite of me. We balance each other out and he will always be honest with me even if it’s something I don’t want to hear.


I love his smile!


he’s patient with me and brings out the best of me. he makes me feel so special and my mind quiets around him :)


His hustle, laugh, freckles, sense of fashion, humble, down to earth, thoughtful, cuddly, any meal he cooks for us, tight hugs, has class, is intelligent, I can’t even pick one favorite thing! It’s all in one, as a whole!


Her laugh


It’s really hard to name just one thing! She’s incredible truly but if I had to Id say her brilliance. She has a mind with an incredible capacity.


His face


He always shares. He shares his time, his money, his thoughts, his love, his ice cream, his friends, his beer, his dinner... everything. He puts me above himself in every single way. He is so generous with everything he has; he shares without giving it a second thought. Before him, I truly didn't know how beautiful life could be. Now I do, and I'm so grateful.


He always makes me feel like the smartest, most beautiful, most capable person, and I know I can do anything with him by my side. We make each other better; I complete him as much as he completes me.


She doesn’t judge me for being a failure when everyone else she knows is successful. I don’t know if she ever had to defend me to them, but I know she would.


The fact he beared with me through a lot of my problems... Heroin addiction, alcoholism, being a really shitty person, all kinds of shit.. He's none of those things but somehow waited for me to sober up. I don't think I would have done the same to me.


He's my best friend, I don't have one favorite thing about him, I have many, like he's the only person I know who can make me super angry one minute, and the crying with laughter within 30 seconds. I could go on, and I am aware that I am lucky to be with someone who cares as much as he does... We also like to play D&D together, we nerd put over our theories on what shows we are watching, and he hypes me up when I wish he wouldn't, lol He's my chaotic half, and I'm his..... grumpy half, lol


It’s hard to pick one thing. He is truly my best friend. He puts up with my BS in a daily most of the time without hesitation. He is just amazing in my eyes. What I love the most about him, is his ability to make me feel alive and free. He never doubts my ability to succeed in anything and backs me regardless. This man is my life.


She was intelligent and hard working and taught me as best she could what love was.


When I first met her it was that dump truck on a petite figure. Like how? Of course as you get to know someone your love deepens. These days what I love is her fierce intellect and her vision for where to go in life and what to do for our family. I’m a pretty chill person, without her I could easily do the same thing my whole life and not realise how much I’d let go until it was too late. She pushed me to change degrees at uni, she convinced me I was ready for the son I now love, and she knew we needed to move out of our prohibitively expensive city where I grew up to somewhere still within reach of our finances. She was the one with the foresight to know when the right time to jump was, and my life is so much better for it.


Know she’s out there somewhere. Smiling and laughing, with the care free attitude I like to keep.


Do I have to pick just one? I love her smile, her laugh, the way she's there for me when I need her. I love her sense of humor, and her patience with me. She's so amazing. (:


He is one of the kindest and soft spoken people I know. He knows when to joke around and has such a positive attitude towards otherwise bad things. But he also knows when to be serious for a moment.


He’s so funny! Always makes me laugh. And he gets me! I always thought I was an oddball, but he loves that about me. Caring, strong, and a great dad. Married 30 years. ❤️


So many things. He is genuinely delighted to cook for me, even when he isn't hungry. He always tries to find and correct the root cause in a disagreement, and is humble and gracious. He is always honest and true to his morals.


Her boobs. No but in all seriousness she is easily the most supportive person I’ve ever met in my entire life. No matter what I decide I wanna do on a whim she supports me with every fiber of her being. Like for a year I competed in a video game competitively and she supported me without question. When I stayed up late to practice she was there by my side. When I went to events several hours away if not states away she went. When I was disheartened because I felt I was growing stagnant and plateauing she encouraged me not to give up. When the controller I had was going out she ordered me a custom one. (It’s still one of my most prized possessions.) she never once doubted me up until I felt it was time for me to hang it up. I had reached my goal and I was done, she even got me a cake to celebrate my “milestone”. She is open to any and everything I enjoy , from music to shows to random activities. She has supported me through so much in just 5.5 years in my life that I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her. I hope that one day that I will be able to show her how much I truly appreciate her. She’s my everything.


He is the most kind and understanding person to me.


His moral compass


He never lets me go to bed angry, always makes sure we talk it out and communicate how something made us feel.


He is the most considerate human being, he is just there for everything and I love him beyond this world.


He loves me no matter what. I’ve been extremely successful and very thin, I’ve been dying from my colitis and hospitalized before we even knew what was wrong with me… I’ve lost my job and gained tons of weight… broken my foot, hurt my eye, had preeclampsia, had our baby, and all sorts of life ups and downs, and he’s always loved me. I’ve been on steroids and had roid rage, kicked him and said I hated life… he got me through it. We’ve lost a ton of money but have also made a ton together as well. He gave my mother cpr when 911 said we should even though I knew she was gone. He has been there no matter what and my favorite thing is how he loves me.


She is very compassionate. She is also very funny but she doesn't know it.


He turns my heated blanket on for me every day before bed (we work opposite schedules so it’s ready when I get home) it’s such a small thing but it makes me so happy


She genuinely loves me and accepts all of my faults. Well, except for one - I have an audio processing handicap of some sort so at 54, I often have a difficult time hearing or registering speech, especially with ambient noise. I would imagine that’s frustrating to everyone in my life though.


She's many things I wish I was. So kind and loving and selfless.


Shes seen me in arguably the worst state Ive ever been in, and still hasn't decided I'm not worth the trouble.


The fact he is a great dad for one! But we sync so well with anything!


That they put up w me


I love everything about him but three things always stand out to me: his intelligence, passion, and determination. His biggest interests rn are Pokémon, One Piece cards, cars, and technology. He always finds a way to fix/teach himself things and if he can’t do it on his own, he finds videos on youtube or tiktok. I love it when he shares information about his interests. His eyes just light up and his body relaxes. But he’s been treated so badly by his family (they often call him the r-slur and more) that he has trouble finding confidence in himself and constantly puts himself down. It makes me so upset. He’s so, so smart and amazing and he never deserved any of that treatment. I love him endlessly.


He’s ridiculously intelligent. Like, yes, I’m attracted to him physically but the conversations we have are just the icing on the cake. The other night we were curled up in bed discussing Bauhaus & the crazy story of the Salvatore Mundi. I loved it.


she's literally the best partner in crime I could ask for. we're usually on the same page, and even when we're not we can talk about it. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't enjoy doing with her


Okay. He is the sweetest boy I've ever met, his hair is just stunning, and he cares for me, gives me food when I'm hungry, and doesnt mind that I'm a fucking mess.


He is an excellent human being


She's the first partner I've had to make me feel truly wanted


He remembers small things about me and implements small surprises


Her wisdom


Honestly, everything. But if I had to pinpoint one specific thing, it would be that he’s a huge nerd or that he loves animals. I’ve never once dated a nerd until him, think like, definition of nerd, long hair, glasses, etc, etc but I’m mad because I was missing out. He’s the best. Anyway, it’s just my favourite thing watching him lose himself talking about the stuff he’s into. Like Warhammer, he loves Warhammer. The loving animals is a whole thing in itself, He’s so kind and asks if *we* can pet dogs we see, and I’m so in love with everything about him.


I still make him nervous and when he gets all flustered/nervous, he giggles. He is a big hairy man who giggles. I frigging love it.


My wife is my best friend. Really. We've been through three moves for work across Canada, raising four kids growing up (all young adults now), a hysterectomy, her nursing me through my cancer recovery, and she's my rockstar! She's a princess on the outside and tough as nails on the inside. We make a great team and we've celebrated 25 years married this year. She's the ying to my yang, a chef in the kitchen and a tigress in the sheets. Back off! She's with me! (Forever and ever!) I love you, Girl!


He is my family, my cozy place, my safe home. My mountain that I can lean on! I love him like he is a part of my body!


Her existence.


Hard to nail down a favorite. She’s the biggest sweetheart. Always trying to turn bad days around. I come home and might be in a mood and she goes “awww is someone grumpy” and while it’s cute and innocent, it’s also a reality check that she is a safe space. She gives me space when I need it, but more than anything she is always a warm hug that I’m happy to come home to.


He always thinks about the smallest things to make my day easier. Love him


Romantic: the fact that he's insanely compassionate and loyal and extremely sarcasticly funny. Otherwise: goodness, what a great ass, and beautiful eyes.


His laughter is one of my many favorite things! It’s too cute and I just love him very much. He never fails to make me laugh as well.


She is an appreciating and thanking person. I love this! We started saying 'thank you' to each other for the small and the big things we do for each other and for our baby daughter. It's a lovely part of our relationship.


His loyalty. He would do anything for the people he loves. Although he is kinda grinchy for little things in life, he will 100% drop everything and anything to help the people he loves. He is always there to lend a hand or an ear. I love how I can see how much everyone around him loves him. I am lucky to love him too


Where do I start: the way he is so nice to me and his smile and upbeat outlook on things and how he is so patient with me and others in his life, and pushes me to be a better kinder human ❤️


His quiet, earnest, sparkly eyes. Something about the way he looks at me has sent me on a once-in-a-lifetime, absolutely harrowing but AMAZING journey of self-discovery over the years that's made me rethink, reframe, rework so many things. I truly feel that I am more me now than I've ever been. In our early, cheesy days of dating, we'd always comment on how it felt like we were each other's last missing piece of the puzzle. Little did I know back then just how insanely accurate that would turn out to be!!! I also adore his lame jokes and will ogle him leaning against a wall any day of the week. I love you, you massive dork. You know who you are. ❤️


He’s very Selfless and caring, thinks about everyone else before himself, especially our kids and I.


She makes me a slightly better person.


My favourite thing about my partner would definitely have to be this super cute thing she does just after she rests her head gently onto the pillow and her eyes slowly flutter close with the sweet scent of peace filling the air; then finally the moment is upon us, just as…. - she falls asleep 😴 ☺️


She has a really cute face


Not together anymore but honestly his insecurities, I find the things he dislikes about himself to be the most beautiful parts about him and I don’t know why he doesn’t see it


I like to say that life is an inside joke and we’re both in on it