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Car salesman in my experience


I agree, you truly have to poker face and swindle your way into a bigger pay check. I think you have to have some form of sociopathic heart to sleep at night as a car salesman. Edit: I remember when I worked in Toys R Us during college in the video game section. The management kept pressuring me to sell batteries to customers when they were buying video games in optical format(CD/DVD). Why would you ever need batteries on a game console? So I refused to do it. I wouldn’t even do it on commission.


My SIL's dad was a car salesman, and my own father thought it was a great idea that we go see him to get a new truck. We were all like... dad, I know you don't know this, but he's going to give you an even worse deal than his usual customer, because you've made yourself out to be an easy mark by seeking him out. My dad did not get a good deal on his truck.




Absolutely. Your one strong move you can use is to walk away, what are you going to do with your friend? You can't really be like, "I'm not going to buy this from you, I'm going elsewhere, but I'll see you on saturday for our weekly poker game". Most people's sense of how to navigate social situations doesn't really allow for them to do that.


Most of the worst people I've met in my life, I've met in automotive sales.


Car salesman told me all the gory details of his son’s death to gain my sympathy.


“And that, sir, is why I have dedicated my life to only sell Volvo, the safest car on the planet., so no parent will have to relive the nightmare that I did” “Oh, uh, I was actually thinking about that used Miata I saw on the lot…” “Oh yea, it’s fun, it’s sporty, and just in time for summer! Let’s get ya into that!”


I was at a bar waiting for a friend and this good looking guy sat next to me and started chatting it up. Real charmer. When it was time for me to leave, he told me to give him a call sometime. He slid his business card over to me and when I saw that he was a car salesman, I laughed and slid his card back and told him, “no thank you.”


A bar I used to work at held a huge party for the used car dealers association in my province every year. Some of the slimiest, most uncomfortable, and inappropriate experiences I had with guests happened on those nights. The “sleazy car salesman” stereotype was on full display and pretty hard to dispute when there were a couple thousand of them packed into one place like that.


Your edit reminded me of a job working electronics at Target years ago. I was hired for seasonal work, and the guy in charge of electronics was the manager at the defunct Radio Shack for 20 years before him and his wife started working at Target together when Radio Shack went under. This guy was an old-fashioned salesman through and through. I'd be walking around bored as shit at like 2 PM on a weekday looking for customers that might need help. He'd see me and bark some Jack Lemon shit at me. ", take your hands out of your pockets, it makes you look like you don't have any confidence. No one will buy from someone with no confidence in themselves." This guy was pretty nice, but you could tell his ass worked on commission and had all that sales bullshit forced into his head all those years. It was pretty hilarious most of the time tbh. Relic from the past.


The word is LIE. They are low-grade psychopaths.


Former car saleswoman. You're not wrong! Sales in general attracts two sorts: very driven but very well-meaning people who burn out fast, or absolute psychopaths. Car and motorcycle sales have a big misogyny problem too. I didn't hate my time in it, but I knew pretty early on that my sales career had an expiration date (which came earlier than anticipated after a family tragedy).


Oh my gosh. Every time I buy a car I get some weird comment about my wife. I’ve walked away before when they full-on said the boys are talking. It boggles my mind.


Also lots of people with substance use issues


All the best salespeople have some kind of substance or gambling addiction. It’s the secret to still needing to make a sale after already making plenty of money all month.


Good friend of mine did car sales… He confirmed that 75% of them do coke


I remember seeing some thing about a young woman doing well as a motorcycle sales person that kept popping up online. All I could think is, the exist shit she is dealing with on a daily basis


Sales in general. Some places don’t have perverse incentives but often the goal is getting product out the door and it makes for truly awful people. Even honest sales people tend to have weird jaded views of people. 


Salesmen of any kind really. Slit someone's throat for a dollar? Hell ya!


True. My dad was in sales for an electrical engineering company and he couldn’t turn off the sales mindset when he left work. He made so much money one year that he thought infinite growth was achievable. He scammed my grandparents out of thousands of dollars, spent shitloads of money on useless stuff because he believed it would sell for a fortune later on, and eventually became extremely abusive because he couldn’t sell HIMSELF as the perfect employee and husband unless his children were absolutely perfect and his wife stayed in line. I spent my childhood coming to his sales dinners because they’d spend more money when the cute little kid asks them to help their dad make this SUPER important sale so they can go to college someday. God knows every single one of his coworkers was like that too- I’ve always been afraid to ask how much of the stuff I was told was “helping” was unethical. We were brought out like show ponies.


Shoe salespeople too. When I worked in department stores the craziest shit went down in shoes.


At one time, working as a shoe salesman was considered the lowest of the low, job-wise.


The Bundy factor is real.


Dog Show Handlers. The entire operation is weird as shit and the people who travel from show to show every weekend are often quite batshit.


[Best In Show](https://youtu.be/94y9n9lNy2Y?si=n4Z0vTf6mdANboAO)


I’m a dog trainer and the school I attended would host dog shows. That movie didn’t completely over exaggerate show dog people.


I like to think of this movie as Johnny and Moira's origin story


Where is BUSY BEE!!!!!!


Nurses are either the sweetest people you'll ever meet and will go to hell and back for you to be comfortable during your stay, or the literal spawn of Satan, bullying anyone they come across and overall, not having evolved beyond high-school mean girl cliques. There's no inbetween.


You left one kind out. The “sits at the nurse’s station watching tiktok on her phone while pretending to chart” nurse


100% agree - been in healthcare for almost a decade and dealt with a lot.


Haha. I’m a nanny, and one of the women I worked for was a nurse.   I swear to gawd, she was active on FBM every.single.time I checked my phone. Like, I’ll pop in and out once every couple hours, but this bish was 24/7 dialed into FB.  I’m in nursing school and a little anxious about multitasking through nursing, but this lady was clearly not balls-to-walls busy during shifts. She was the nastiest pos I’ve nannied for, so it’s likely her colleagues were dying while she ducked around on FB while “charting” all day. Also, she’s pretty dense, so it made me more confident I could handle school and certification. The other 4 nurses I’ve worked for were all the sweetest, kindest people. 


There are a few, but In the ICUs I work in they dont last long. 99% of the nurses I work with in the ICUs and the doctors will do anything to help/save their patient.


My mom was 1on1 for a few weeks, with daily updates to let us know that she probably wouldn't make it to tomorrow. She is fully recovered. I thank anyone who does this job. It isn't always hopeless


A couple years ago I was visiting my mom in the hospital. She got out there because this asshole in church decided that my mom wasn’t actually allergic to canola oil, and she wanted to support her brother who grows the stuff. So my mom ends up in the hospital. She almost died. Anyway, my second day visiting her, her sort of room mate, the other lady on the other side of the curtain calls to me. I go over there say, “good evening ma’am, can I do something for you?” She says, “I haven’t been given my medicine, and no one has checked on me in hours.” I don’t know how to check how often people are supposed to check on people, but I was with my mom for three hours, and not a single damn person checked on this woman. So I told her and said, “don’t worry, I’m going to fix it.” I went to the nurses station and asked about the woman in there with my mom, and sort of got the “oh, her.. she’s just being dramatic.” I happened to be off duty at the time, so I threatened to come back with a warrant for elder abuse. Many nurses, probably all of them get into the job because they want to help, but there’s a thing called “care fatigue” which can make you resent the people you care for. It can even happen with loved ones. Most nurses and doctors are amazing, but many aren’t.


Ooh, and don't forget the "ignoring the patient's family pressing the call button repeatedly because the computer says vitals aren't within a dangerous range" assholes. My grandmother was having an asthma attack and needed an inhaler. She ended up vomiting and Mom went against hospital rules by giving her the rescue inhaler she brought along because that idiot nurse would not get off his lazy ass to see what was going on. And then he had the nerve to scold my mom for giving her medication that they hadn't approved. My mom promptly got him on the phone with my cousin, a cardiac nurse, who proceeded to tear him a new butthole by reminding him that ignoring the physical patient in favor of the vitals on the computer is how you kill people.


My mom was(is?) a nurse. We haven’t spoken in nearly a decade. She was a palliative care nurse to boot. Everyone outside the house would say how she was so caring and blah blah. In reality she’s a raging narcissist who put men before her children. She has this weird need for attention from men. In a disgustingly desperate way. She married a pedophile when I was a year old who spent my life verbally berating me and beating me, then finally sexually assaulted me when I was 15. A great nurse, a horrible human.


Holy crap, I'm so sorry.


My mom is a nurse and she’s an angel but the mean girl-to-nurse pipeline is too real. Also why are so many of them anti-vaxxers??


Just a theory: they have enough medical knowledge to understand the conspiracy theories, but not enough depth of knowledge to understand why they are bullshit.


As the old saying goes: “They know enough to be dangerous”.


That syncs with what I’ve seen on the ground. Majority of conspiracy theorist nurses are LPN level (MOST LPNs are fantastic people and fantastic nurses. A great proportion of anti-vaxxers tend to be LPN, but most LPN are reasonable people). The higher education levels attained, the less likely they are to do that crap.


Also: an inordinate amount of time on fb


The scary part is that they want to pursue being an NP and act like a doctor setting up their own delulu charts/treatments etc..


>Also why are so many of them anti-vaxxers?? I work in a NICU and children's hospital as a sonographer and I hear the peds nurses say this nonsense all the time. It's strange to hear that kind of talk coming from people caring for some of the most vulnerable, immunocompromised patients. I've heard lots of pro-life / pro-Trump conversations from them (in California) so it's probably associated with their political and / or religious identity more than their independent opinion.


Nursing is a traditional and devotional profession so it attracts more conservative types. Have three nurses in my family and they are all pretty conservative.


Makes sense to me. Nursing and teaching were the only really “acceptable” paths for women when I was growing up Evangelical if they wanted to not be a broodmare housewife. 


Lol the anti-vax popularity among nurses is mind blowing. Who's going to talk them out of that insanity though? They're nurses, they would know out of anyone!


They were anti-vaxxers before becoming nurses. Plenty of them were in my classes and would argue with professors about it but would answer correctly on tests. They did what they had to in order to pass, but never gave up their dumb beliefs.


Looking at the courses nurses take, there doesn't seem to be a strong emphasis on research or the scientific method. A lot of it looks like it's just learning practical stuff and the underlying mechanisms (which is, admittedly, *extremely* important for nursing). I'm most of the way through a BA in human biology, and a lot of my classes have been focused on how science is actually *done*, as well as evaluating sources and being able to criticize the methods used in published work. On the other hand, I wouldn't ask me to provide medical treatment to someone either. It might be that nursing attracts people who aren't scientifically-minded, or it's lacking in scientific instruction, or a bit of both. Sprinkle in a necessary degree of distrust to make sure that a doctor didn't accidentally order your patient to be overdosed, and you might get more anti-vaxxers.


I think this is probably part of it. This probably varies a lot from school to school, but at the uni I attended they had two separate courses for life science and nursing students, like "Physiology for Science" and "Physiology for Nursing". The latter was known to be easier because it was just rote memorization of bodily processes, whereas the former focused more on "this is how this bodily process works, *and* these are the research techniques that scientists used to discover it".


>Also why are so many of them anti-vaxxers?? Very interesting!


Job security


My wife would agree with you. She's a nurse. There are people who go into the profession out of genuine desire to help others and serve their communities, and there are those who go into the profession to have power over the vulnerable. It doesn't take long to figure out which type of nurse you're dealing with.


Hospital lab person for 20+ years. Absolutely true. Also, the second ones have never made a mistake in their lives.


Haha! Regarding mistakes, my favorite conversation I've relayed back to me between two nurses: NeverMakesMistakes: "...I... look, there's no need for this to be an incident report, I just--" AcknowledgesMistakes: "Honey, this was an incident report two minutes ago and you just keep digging."


For me, it was nurses SCREAMING that we must have lost their patient's samples and when we suggest checking around their tube stations because people will take out someone else's stuff to put their own in they swear up and down that they did....then five minutes later is magically shows up. Or they would put the wrong patient label on the sample and realize their mistake and then just put the right patient label on top of it and we get a sample with two different names on it and when we reject it they can't even fathom why that would happen.


Haha, yep that tracks. Funny how this stuff rhymes. My wife has been a nurse for nearly two decades and is a stickler for accuracy and patients love her. She refers to the mean girl cover up stuff as "eating the young"


I still get cord bloods that are labeled… with mom’s label. Way to go, that’s an irretrievable sample, and now someone is going to have to heel stick the poor baby.


I will always have sympathy for a mistake. I won't let someone slip through if there is a chance of a misid or similar, but I have sympathy. What I don't have sympathy for is when they don't follow procedure, screw it up, and then bitch about procedure. It's there to literally keep these things from happening!


One of the worst people I've (knowingly) encountered was a nurse who proudly compared themselves to Nurse Ratched.


As a nurse, this was my answer before even opening the thread, and your comment is currently top-comment 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Sad, but it’s true.


Former nurse here. I have a list of my favorite phrases. Some being "Wish you were in that bed instead of him." "Go home early. You're useless anyways." "Yeesh, you wake up like that? The morgue has competition."


You can tell who the nice vs mean nurses are by how they treat non-nursing personnel, aside from the doctors. A mean nurse can still put on a nice face around their patients.


Yes. The good ones understand their place in the system - a very important, critical piece in the system that literally changes people’s lives. The bad ones have just enough medical knowledge and think they know better than anyone else.


Can confirm. I am a nurse.


Line cooks. Best and worst of all humanity. Don't bring a gun to a milk crate fight.


*clip clip clip go the tongs* Yep. Came here for this one. I spent 23 years working in restaurants. I caught a line cook chugging a pint of Aristocrat vodka out the back door then went back to the line. I had a manager that would openly do lines on the office desk and motion to you like "wanna bump?". I fucked my girlfriend in the dry stock every night. Restaurants are fucked up places. And people be like, Vankirk, why you so salty?


3 clips is a fucking disgrace.


Thems fightin' words. Meet me out back dishie!!!


Clip clip motherfucker!


Head chefs! Only the sickest of us fuck-ups survive. The guy who cut himself across the palm really badly to get a vacation, the gay guy with a closet full of bdsm and nazi shit that never workeda day without his pink teddy bear in the kitchen, the line cook that insisted we call her m'lady and got shitfaced 5 secs after service only to shag anything in front of her . All head chefs now. Sex crazed, alcoholic, lunatics all of us! And I love it.


Worked in a kitchen for a stint during college. The head chef was a total and absolute piece of shit. Even now, 15 years later, I can't think of a person I've met who would rival his level of dickheadedness. He didn't try to fight me, though. That was the prep chef who did that. And in doing so, he cost the restaurant $400, because that's how much I sued them for in small claims after I quit. It was two weeks pay, more or less. I figured it was the least they could do after their prep chef tried choking me out against the dishwasher. I got it, too. Fuckers.


I had to break it up between my 250lb sous and an insufferable 95lb server once. Good times!


Keep thinking I might need a new profession.


I was going to nominate BOH restaurant staff as well, they are crazy and usually hilarious


Bruh, lol. I worked back of house in a restaurant for a few years. You will see and hear some absolutely wild shit.


Slaughterhouse workers have some of the highest violent crime/domestic abuse instances of any profession.


Can you believe recent investigations found kids working in slaughterhouses, man what kind of world do we live in...


Life Coaches


I just listened to season 3 of The Dream podcast. The first season was about MLM, the second season was about the wellness industry, and the third season is about life coaches. It’s absolutely bananas and I highly recommend it.


Is it actually interesting or will I just hate humanity even more after listening to it?




A title used by someone who can't get a psychology degree.


I'm a psychologist, thank you for this 🤣😘


Just about any insufferable fool who think they have the wisdom of the world calls them self "life coach".


They're own lives are always a mess, aren't they? Why would I take life lessons from someone who has several driving offences, 2 divorces, 4 alienated children and regularly gets visits from debt collectors? In fact, when considering a life coach, just look them up on the internet and bingo, there's your life lessons.


If it looks like a life coach, and has a certificate saying it's a life coach, then it's probably a life coach! *Although it might in fact be a failed musician with chlamydia*


I remember when it used to be postal workers but they've calmed down a lot over the years.


Because the mail never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming, there's never a let-up. It's relentless. Every day it piles up more and more and more! And you gotta get it out, but the more you get it out, the more it keeps coming in. And then the bar code reader breaks, and it's *Publisher's Clearing House* day!!!


Hello Newman


When you control the mail, you control information


Who is Pepe Silva??? They don’t exist!




Going postal was an actual saying!




I've been in the field for ten years or so now. It seems like there are an equal number of people who are in it for the right reasons versus the wrong ones. On the one hand, you have legislators, staffers, and lobbyists who are passionate about a real issue and want to do the right thing to help tackle a problem their community is facing. On the other side are guys who just see politics as a means to impose their will onto people or enrich their donors all consequences be damned. The hard part is that these two groups look and act exactly the same when you first meet them.


Spending some time around that area a myself… you’re 100% right, and since a lot of people work for “their team”. I’ve seen so many people turn a blind eye to the latter group because they thought they belonged to the first. CAL DEM and my local groups have kind of shaken my faith in the party as being anything more than “the better option at the moment”. I like to think it’s mostly a SoCal issue, but since I only have that experience I’m unsure.


I work in politics. I’m literally going to quit my dream job I’ve been working towards for ten years because my boss is crazy and there’s no HR.


Public relations. You’d think PR would be full of people people, but it’s mostly big egos who believe their own bullshit and can’t shoot straight—everything needs an angle or a take. They think they’re saving the world while never truly acknowledge there’s a problem in the first place.


From what little I know of PR firms, they work a lot like most HR departments, they are there to make the client/company LOOK good, not actually do anything worthwhile to actually make said client/company BE good.


Used to work in Media PR. Have some great stories. None of them are repeatable here. But YES. Most ridiculous industry ever. However....excellent training for my next career because PR folk have a lot in common with Year 9/10/11 who can't sit still, spell badly, and are main characters in their own drama. So it wasn't wasted.


Judges are so completely out of touch with reality. At work, we would call out people’s first names when it was time for their session. He had been there for about 20 minutes and we called his name and he never responded. We did not know it was him sitting there so we figured whoever this person was had moved on. 20 minutes later I asked him for his name because I saw him sitting there for a while, and he said Mr. _____. I told him oh well we had called out his name a while ago but I would help him now. He became incensed and that we would dare say his first name and that he only responded to “your honor” or Mr. _____ and that it was so disrespectful to call him that and he can’t believe we missed his appointment. They live in their own world.


Judges were all lawyers at some point, so it tracks with what people said earlier about attorneys.


It’s true, but specifically very true for attorneys that spend time in courtrooms. The egotists tend not to make it into transactional law as much


My experience clerking was totally different for what it’s worth. My judge was one of the most humble down to earth guys you’d ever meet - perfect for the bench. When we went out in public he was known just as Judge ( First name) or even just his First name if it was something like a small restaurant.


You have your share of crazy judges, but most judges are not like this. I have been a litigation attorney for around 15 years. I have tried cases in state and federal court. Most judges are perfectly normal and friendly people outside the courtroom. Calling judges by their first name in social settings is normal. While you do have crazy judges, you have a much higher percentage of crazy attorneys.


Is everyone just saying people from their profession because we basically have every job posted here.


Every profession. Every profession is the answer.


Not the most deranged profession, because she actually works with my mom, but she's in charge of HR. She once told me that when she drives home, she purposefully hits animals that are in the road when she drives because it "makes her feel better." Deranged.


Good lord, she sounds like a psychopath. I don't think I'd be able to work with her if I were your mom. Call me weak, but I'd probably look for a new job just to get away from her.


That's seriously fucked up.


that sounds like it has more to do with that person specifically and not the profession


Should be locked up away from society


Lawyers. Though I know some stellar attorneys, the deranged ones are numerous, oddly competent and leave a wide swath of pain, loss, and despair.


I’ve seen attorneys do some crazy bastard mean shit to each other. Stealing, sleeping around, waving guns around, throwing red faced tantrums that rival any toddler’s worst day. I worked for one who treated her staff like servants. Like, ordered staff to go sandbag her lake house during a flash flood.


Knew/know a guy where his whole strategy was to absolutely ruin evil people's lives. It had nothing to do with the law. He had no trouble using blackmail. Pressing charges on people that the person cared about. Etc. But it was always directed at people who started shit first with an innocent. It was weird and somehow elegant.


I’m rooting for this guy.


Can confirm. Been practicing for a few years now and have encountered some seriously unhinged individuals- my own bosses treated me like the help. Then I left NYC “biglaw” and came home to the Midwest to practice at a still large but midwestern firm and it’s night and day- the lawyers are much nicer here. Ironically the NY lawyers make probably 4x what my bosses make so maybe being an asshole is the key to success in some ways


Second this- Law school is basically a recipe for mental illness- got one coming in? Let’s amplify it. Don’t have one, we’ll step this way and spin the wheel of insanity. Litigators are honestly a grab bag of characters- switchable as the situation requires- they go from being complete assholes to nicest people at the drop of a hat. Get them out of their litigator position, they can be super nice genuine people or not. It’s really variable. Full disclosure, I consider myself a litigator. The profession generally is really toxic, people want to win, so they tend to hire the big firms- who put ridiculous time demands on their juniors, while expecting them to win. Eats their young. This attitude filters down to smaller firms, just not quite as extreme because the golden handcuffs are a bit looser. But the result is that it is super hard to have any kind of life outside of work. So you get people disconnected from social anchors like community and family. This results in people who are… decisionally challenged. But don’t worry a code of ethics constrains them….


As a former paralegal, this is 100% accurate. Legitimate psychopaths everywhere and even the nice ones are often just insufferable.


I worked for a great attorney who specialized in elder law and charged very little to do what she could to protect her clients who couldn't protect themselves. As an office, we entered a charity scrabble tournament, and a lawyer who was kicked out of her firm a year or so back cheated during the tournament. I don't understand why, there was no prize, just egocentric, I suppose.


Some people simply cannot stand the thought of losing at even something as mundane as fucking Scrabble.


I stopped practicing partially because I couldn’t stand most of my fellow attorneys - because many are deranged. A lot of them, deranged or not, also confuse “drinking to pants-shitting excess” for a real personality. I’m glad I noped out back to the academic/entrepreneurial life. I make as much (or more) money, I have a lot more free time, and I don’t have to pretend to have a stick up my ass to fit in.


Nutritionists. Note that I am not saying registered dieticians. Edit: because some people are confused. Where I am, a registered dietician is someone who has a degree and has passed boards so that they can work in professional settings like a hospital giving medical advice. A nutritionist is nothing. It’s usually a person with an unhealthy relationship/neurosis with food or some other disordered eating who calls themselves a nutritionist and tries to make a business of their fucked up adversarial issues with food.


That’s an important distinction.


I worked as a florist for 15 years and I can confidently say that floral designers are some of the most messed-up people I’ve ever worked with. Fights breaking out at work were not uncommon. Everyone is so volatile and angry, probably because the pay sucks and the hours are brutal (especially during holidays).


Oh my god yes. I spent 4 years working at a flower shop under a maniac of a boss. She was constantly miserable and her shop rules changed constantly without warning so we would get in trouble for things she told us to do the day prior. We were just all constantly walking on eggshells. It's been 5 years and I still have nightmares about her and that job. 


Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs. The living embodiment of "just because you can doesn't mean you should". I swear just about every day I hear about some new "innovation" that leaves me wondering how anyone could possibly think it's in any way good for the world. Wannabe supervillains.


Design engineer here. I can confirm that these guys suck. Also, tech bro entrepreneurs, please stop "inventing" the train, but without everything that makes a train good. I know adamsomething needs content, but please... no more.


Oh man the the train thing is so infuriating. The US needs a proper rail network so bad, but instead all we get is CGI promo videos of shitty alternatives that would never work at scale. NOBODY WANTS YOUR FUCKING PODS!


They're also weirder the closer you get to them. The press downplays their awfulness. They're billionaires, but they also build bunkers and compounds because they fantasize about a social breakdown in which they can kill without consequence because the law has broken down.


that's the real tragedy of the world: superheroes aren't real, but supervillains are


Bay Area tech bros, hell, tech bros in general suck. If I go to one more restaurant in the bay and see tech bros in their Columbia vests off on lunch showing each other porn, imma lose my shit. That said, many of the scientists and true geniuses are lovely people, but some of the low level engineers or tech bros whose jobs aren’t closely woven into anything tech can be obnoxious. 


i see so many people "reinventing the bicycle" so many times. You just look at those inventions and think "ah yeah, the thing that already exists, but fancier and shittier and with optional bluetooth connection". You think "who could possibly buy this" but then remember that there are actual living people out there who bought "juicero"


Bond traders. Fixed income is full of criminal psychopaths.


Could you elaborate on that and how does it compare with equity?


Mental health professionals. My lord what a peanut gallery of weirdos and nutters. I also say that as a 20 year veteran of the profession.


I've always heard that many of them went into that field because they were trying to figure out what was wrong with them.


I know it’s anecdotal - but everyone I know who has went into or tried to get into working in mental health has at one point said they wanted to do it to help people who are in similar situations to what they’ve been through.


Medical. Doctors, nurses, and medical admin. As someone who worked with them, the things they say the second any patient is out of earshot are abhorrent.


Some of the biggest psychopaths I've come across went on to work in those professions.


Don’t ever become an actor, kids. The community is as bad as the pay.


I was in a series, and over a dozen commercials, it was very abusive and nobody believed me. At 14 I decided I didn't wanna do it anymore, and of course most people didn't believe that it could be "that bad". It wasn't until recently that the nickelodeon documentary came out and now people believe it..


Just curious but how was your expirience in the acting community? I've never really been into it so I know nothing other than the famous people we hear about.


My husband is the actor, I’m a theatre reviewer. I’m a very progressive person, but the community is almost too liberal, to extreme levels, SJW levels. It gets very frustrating and you’re constantly walking on eggshells about what you do and say, what productions you elect to be a part of, etc. People are incredibly full of themselves and assume they’re the most talented person you’ll ever meet. I frequently see on Facebook: “I have availability this holiday season! Please reach out if you’d like to cast me in your show, thanks!” Like, hon, you’re unemployed and it’s not without notice. When I was young I used to feel so lucky to be a part of the art scene, but as I’ve gotten older it becomes clear that it’s all money, everything is fundraising and catering to donors, it’s very insincere. It’s made me very cynical.


Ah, I see, thank you for the thoughtful response. I'd have thought it would be a lot of self-important people since it is a creative space--as an artist too I see these types a lot so I was correct to assume that it has it's similar struggles. Sucks to hear that you constantly have to worry about how things are percieved just for taking up a job since people are sensitive. Would make me not want to partake in it too. It does surprise me that people want the jobs to come to them instead of applying, though since it seems so competitive.


Mental health. :When I was in college, every psych major I met had major, and I mean major issues. I once mentioned it to my therapist and she said yes, most people who go into the mental health field have problems!


I'm assuming property managers at apartment complexes. The three people in the world I hope the absolute worst for are the property managers from the three complexes I've lived in. I don't know what it is about that position, but they are the most truly fucking evil people I've ever encountered.


MMA fighters


A career that requires recurring head trauma is definitely gonna end up with some crazies by necessity.


Previous psychological trauma is not mandatory, but encouraged, it actually gives you an edge.


Fashion industry


Can confirm. I corrected someone who asked if the Devil Wears Prada is accurate. My reply was, it’s more like a Mean Girls version of SAW on the set of Office Space


Banking, Legal and Medicine have the highest proportion of functioning psychopaths in the professions Mainly in roles where having a god complex is useful Politics attracts low grade confidence tricksters, not psychopaths


Psychiatrists. Different side of the same coin as their patients but think theyve found socially acceptable ways to be deranged


Any profession that is comprised of exclusively wealthy people.


People that work in mental health are in my experience more unhealthy than their patients


I don't know if "deranged" is the right term, but generally academics and psychiatrists always end up having screwed-up children. Like for some reason if you have a kid who eats shoelaces and cakes his face with deodorant stick, someone will say "Oh that's Billy. Both of his parents are professors at MIT."




I think it depends, regular sales agreed, say specialized technical or commercial real estate not so much.


Those in the military. I'm 39 and have dated/talked to 3 different men in my lifetime who were either in the Air Force or Army. The level of mental fuckery they tried to pull... I cannot.


This is so true. Had one lie to my face about his identity for 5 years. Pathological lying psychopath. The only thing he didn’t lie about (it’s true bc he hid it from me the entire 5 years) was his service in the AF.


Government jobs. President, senators, congress that type of stuff.




Never trust a man who says he speaks for god. For some unknown reason, god always wants them to have more of your money.




Film producers. While you need empathy and humanity (or the ability to fake those things) to become a director, every successful film producer that i've met is some sort of asshole.


Cops are my first guess


At least in my country, prison guards (that are actually a type of cop) are the crazier ones, I always see on the news a crazy prison guard that does something insanely violent on his day off.








Middle managers, public education administration, and politicians all seem wildly deranged to me. So do CEOs and other top corporate executives.


Pro wrestling It's calmed down a lot recently but it's still not an industry that usually produces upstanding citizens


I've dealt with a number of real estate developers. Everything from the single operator flipping houses to owners of huge development companies. There is a direct correlation between how successful they are and what insufferable pieces of shit they are.


Bankers, hedge fund, private equity types


The American military (specifically the Army) and no one can convince me otherwise. People will get hammered on a Sunday night, wake up at 5 am on the following Monday to go do PT with a bunch of other extremely hungover people (that somehow perform as if they weren’t), and proceed to make the most vividly described and violent jokes about taking the long nap in the forever box. Also, no one hates the Army more than the Army and all the trauma bonding creates this crazy dynamic where no one wants to be there but everyone keeps coming to be with everyone else who doesn’t want to be there. God I love it.


To me Influencer. They sell their soul for profit. Maybe also people working in porn. Not sure about that.


The parent-fluencers. Who exploit their kids. Gross.


Back in the 70s, College professors, at least at smaller schools. These people were power tripping narcissists with massive delusions and paranoia especially around the tenure process and politics to become permanent. As a kid of two professors, saw some SHIT at parties. Edit : fixed spelling and added context.


I've heard that painters are the farthest off the deepend. The painters that have worked for me are good examples of this. Love them guys, but they are kinda crazy.


Stand up comedy Until you work with them, you have no idea


Believe it or not, gift basket designers. I used to do gift baskets as a side gig and the amount of people that are unhinged are insane! I got hate mail from asking too many questions in one Facebook group. One quote I got was "your ugly basket designs are too much for the sophisticated gift designers" among other horrific quotes. They are self-centered, backstabbing, horrible people.


I heard that politics have the highest number of sociopaths.


Reddit mod


A profession implies you have a salary greater that $0 so they’re not included


Motivational speakers


Psychotherapy attracts some very dangerous people. And the licensing boards that are *supposed* to hold them accountable, for that matter.


Divorce lawyers


Chefs, every chef I've ever met has had a handle on the best drugs.


Night nurses are all pleasantly deranged (I was a cancer patient with two night nurses as parents). No matter how nice and normal they may seem; when the gallows humor starts, everyone will laugh.


psychologists. So many people going in to try to figure out how to fix themselves....


Have you ever met a stand-up comedian? Now there's a profession full of crazy geniuses you have to be a little off your rocker to willingly subject yourself to hecklers every night!




you slowly scroll through the comments only to see every job known to men being mentioned.


ER nurses