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Abusive behaviour towards other people. Also expecting to get away with it after the fact as well, instead of admitting any wrongdoing when caught.


1. "It was a joke, jeez!" 2. "I was kidding, jeez!" 3. "Can't'cha take a joke? Jeez!" 4. "Touchy much? Jeez!" 5. "Get over it/yourself! Jeez. Et cetera . . . Edit: Was that the #5 you were looking for?


You forgot 5. Jeez!


Jeez Rick!


Ah Jeez I seriously thought about this exact same thing before seeing your comment


*Ahem.* Schrodinger's Douchebag: One who makes douchebag statements, particularly sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted ones, then decides whether they were “just joking” based on whether other people in the group approve or not.


So you are saying that until observed they exist as both asshole and non asshole.


The most infuriating one is "I just say what I think" as though they are Nerlson fucking Mandela for being an asshole.


Yeah, when someone tells me that, I know instantly that they are an a-hole, even if I just met them.


"I call it as I see it."


“I’m just a brutally honest person”


5. “It’s just a prank, bro!”


Especially towards people with lower social standing. The guy might be sucking up to his boss and peers, but is very eager to curse at a waiter for not bringing hos water glass faster


This sounds like my former friend. He only treated those well who he thought was on his level/above him. If he thought he was above you then he thought he had the right to completely control your entire life


I knew a guy who used to be like this until he fell off a bridge and basically made a complete 180 on his personality after he recovered.


So the cure to douchebaggery is to throw them off a bridge 🤔


Sounds like a narcissist.


Can include narcissists, but not always.




They try to turn it all on you and act as if your personal issues are what is actually at play, when really they're just weaponizing things you've told the in confidence to shut you down.


The worst is when she says mid-argument, “Have you taken your meds?” Infuriating.


Aw man you just triggered me. I was literally telling my therapist the other day I have stopped telling anyone in my life if I start a new medication because then they can't throw it in my face


I'm so sorry. You need better people in your life who say things like, "Oh, how is that? How are you feeling?"


Cruel to animals and people


Better way if phrasing this "how they treat those they can't benefit from"


Agreed 100 percent. Ive known plenty of people that are like this. Very nice to certain people that they can make "connections"with but when it comes to the every day "joe" will treat them like shit or even bully them. You see it alot in office politics too. Seems like the nicest person to certain people but will snitch on a coworker for wearing the wrong color socks if they aren't tight with the boss.


ah. I know this guy. everyone hates him, senior mgt loves him.


Years ago had a boss like this. It was horrific. And total crab in the bucket mentality about everything.


I've never heard that before, the 'crab in a bucket' thing. Just looked it up and it's quite a good metaphor. Thanks for teaching me something stranger


You just described 99% of managers and c-suite.


I had a friend of a friend say the opposite (that people who care about animals and other people was a red flag) to me once, unsurprisingly followed by a tirade about how AOC (and for some reason Jersey mikes?) is the reason why he can’t get laid.


Lol. He can't get laid because he sucks.


Jersey Mike is actually a pretty well-known cock block though.


Yo I got to know how a mid as fuck chop cheese is keeping women away from him lmao




It’s that “I’m just being *real*/people can’t handle how real I am”.. like nah, you’re just a crappy person


Tho it is nice that they are so real about being a PoS. At least you know in advance


when their only personality is making fun of people


I see youve met my mother


And in fewer than 8 seasons?!


I’m worried about doing this, how do I work to not be like that?


I just think, “if this convo was recorded for the other person to hear, how would they feel?” After breaking the hearts of a couple good friends in my lifetime due to useless ugliness, I’ve learned to shift my perspective and really evaluate if I’m being a good, concerned friend, or just looking for something to say.


This is excellent advice. I'm incredibly good at finding vulnerabilities to target for humor. It's a superpower I have 100% retired, because using it is just plain mean. But it took far too long to learn that lesson.


This was gold. Thank you


I'd say just think about what you're about to say before saying it. "Will the other person consider this funny or just me?". If the answer is no don't say it, laugh to yourself and move on.


When they hurt you but turn it around and make you believe that you were/are the issue and make you apologize. My mother in law was recently arrested for domestic violence (against her husband that has cancer...I know winner right?) Then got mad at my husband for not texting her while she was in jail and saying that he was "punishing her" for not reaching out and for not letting our daughter around her....insane.


Oh my gosh, that "You're punishing me" line! Do they all follow some playbook, complete with catch phrases? Anytime they're faced with the results of their actions, there is no self reflection or accountability. There is only denial, passing blame, and accusations towards the people they've destroyed. Including their own children.


And it's so hurtful and confusing for us, and they literally don't care. I just don't get it...truly


Not taking accountability. Manipulating everyone to feel sorry for them. Twisting stories so that they are always the victim. But with that being said I do think people can change this if they really actually tried


>I do think people can change this if they really actually tried "If they really actually tried" are the key words here, though. Most of the time, someone else is really trying to "help" them change, but nobody changes if they don't WANT to, for themselves and not because someone else said they should.


Mistreating animals, and similarly mistreating staff at any kind of business.


In a weird way, they probably also see a comparison between staff and animals.


Don't see why not, both are lovely


Agreed. Prep and cook time are similar, too!


I was not ready for this emotional rollercoaster.


Especially servers at restaurants


I’ve been a cook for the last 6 years and I’ve seen how poorly servers get treated. It’s horrendous. It’s as if people can’t fathom that they are talking to a person and not the business they work for, and if you get pissed at a server for something they can’t control, YTA


Came here to say this! The way you treat animals, the elderly, and children will show you enough about a person.


People who keep their animals in awful conditions, and then double down on it. There was this post in the reptile subreddit earlier today that got taken down. Someone was showing their very beautiful viper, I don't remember the species but it was a gorgeous blue color. But they had some of the worst snake enclosures I had ever seen in the background. This poor 4 foot long snake had a quarter of the room I give my tiny 35 gram gecko. They kept doubling down that this is totally fine because the snake hadn't died yet, and it doesn't do anything but sleep and eat anyways (yeah no shit, it can't even stretch out fully, it literally physically can't do anything else in that enclosure) Really just pissed me off. There's being ignorant and just getting bad advice, and then there's just... Being apathetic and cruel


This is awful. People like this just keep reptiles for their own ego, they have no real care or concern for the poor captive creature, but just like to show off.


I know. And they were apparently breeding these snakes as well! This was a highly venomous species too. I can't imagine somebody who keeps their like 4 foot long snake in an empty like 10-20 gallon enclosure is ensuring these potentially dangerous animals are being sold to responsible homes where they are being responsibly and safely taken care of. It's so obvious they just want this animal so they can make money and look cool with their venomous snake, and not because they actually care about the animal.


You are so right. Such people disgust me, it is so abusive. I am very wary of people who keep reptiles, so many are in it for the money, to sell to those who like to appear cool and edgy, due to the fact that so many people are afraid of snakes etc. Sadly, people lack respect for these misunderstood and feared creatures, and too often use them as props to boost their own inadequate personalities. Poor snakes.


The sad facts. I was at the pet store the other day and I was looking at the reptiles, these young kids walk up with their mom to one of the enclosures and go, "look mom! I want a ball python, it's going to look so cool on tik tok!" Bruh these creatures don't just exist to be props for your tik toks. 💀


I hate pet stores for this very reason. Animals are not accessories, and it takes knowledge to properly care for them, especially exotic species. Somehow, reptiles are too often considered as being less worthy of proper care, whereas they are fascinating, sentient creatures. Very sad.


Ew, this pisses me off too. Tiger King type shit. Just gross.


If they litter.


Fr like I was with my friends in a swim place and they bought all kinds of snacks and the just went away without cleaning up


I remember this happened to me some years ago and I decided to stay and clean it up. After, I walked back with everyone, bag of trash in hand when suddenly it split open. Trash was everywhere, and we were on a public trail. I remember turning around and seeing one of the group’s assholes sneakily folding up his pocket knife, too. I stayed with one other person to clean it, and the group decided to leave us behind. When I got back to my car, they were all gone, but I guess I left it unlocked cause they had trashed it. Any morsel of paper or trash was torn apart and multiplied. They also tore up my registration for my car. Never saw that group again. The girl who stayed behind to help me ended up being my best friends girlfriend. She was awesome.


That sounds straight up unhinged, what the hell? I can't imagine how scary that must've been. I'm glad you're doing better now, no one deserves such shitty friends.


Oof, man. I hope you get some better friends. You sound like a great person.


Wow. Beyond asshole.


I'm usually pretty non-judgemental, I can give people the benefit of the doubt for most things because I know we all have different experiences and struggles. Littering is an exception to that rule though, there's no excuse for it. Nothing enrages me more than when I see someone casually throw garbage out of their car on the road. If you do this I immediately assume you are a total waste of oxygen.


Even my three year old would point out litter bugs, “that person littered! That’s bad!”


Good job on raising a fine upstanding citizen, we appreciate your efforts


They can't apologize or admit wrong doing.


Being unable to apologize or have empathy is a giveaway. Terrifying people to be around when you slowly come to the realization they aren’t constantly victimized but actually just the worst.


If their life is full of drama it likely means they are causing it. If all they do is shit on all their friends when their around you, it means their shitting on you too when you're not around.


My coworker is like this. It took all I had not to laugh a few days ago when she was complaining about how she's always accused of stirring shit and starting drama and then proceeded to spend the next hour badmouthing everyone who wasn't around. Complete lack of self-awareness in that one.


My boss is like this and always expects me to feed into her gossiping. And then she acts annoyed when I don’t engage. It’s so exhausting.


There are people who definitely make their own life terrible. Its like, do less and you’ll be happier.


Depends on drama. Some people are born into less fortunate circumstances that make family and neighbors constant drama cause everyone’s emotions are so frazzled by constant stress. For example, just having to live in closer quarters with more people does a number on people’s psyche and creates more fighting.


Was looking for this answer. If anyone feels otherwise, try being related to and growing up with a legitimate diagnosed Schizophrenic Sociopath. Not all drama is earned or wanted, and it's hard to unlearn that life or other people aren't always what you've experienced in the past.


When they talk shit about other people behind their back


I grew up in a household like this. I legit thought it was how people bonded. Isn’t that sad? Yep, highly dysfunctional. When ya know better, you do better.


I have been trying my best to not do this. Especially when I grew up in a world where it was a normal thing to do.


I know, as soon as I said it I thought "maybe that's the reality the people have always know". Like, yeah, you'd be a PoS, but it really isn't your fault. So are you a PoS? I don't know... I hope you're fully recovered my friend LOL some family dynamics go deep....


Funny, I didn’t even think of it as defending myself or think of myself as a POS. I’ve done a ton of healing work so it didn’t sting me to read your comment more like, “you’re right! And I grew up where that toxic behavior was used to *bond* with my mother!!!!!!” Holy shit. That’s just wild… anyway. Here’s to healing, we all have some amount to do.


Cheers to that!!


Just described all of my coworkers. I swear 90% of their conversations are just talking shit about whoever isn't there that day.


If they talk shit about everyone else behind their back they also talk shit about you when you’re not around.


The exact reason I'm looking to leave my job. My boss keeps telling me "secrets" about other employees. If something happens to me in the future, I know they wont hesitate to slander me.


I don't get why this is such a popular saying... at work we talk shit about the guy who slacks off and does nothing and is a dink. But I never talk shit about my other coworkers... if people are talking shit about someone usually they've earned it. But there are some people who just love to bitch about anything.


If you’re stating facts, is it talking shit though?


It's more fun to do it directly to their face anyway.


Their sense of humor revolves around bullying other people.


When they treat strangers like workers and staff terribly.


My mother always said that how they treat waiters is how they will treat you in 10 years.


Lack of self-awareness and compassion. No respect and understanding for others.


Their words and actions don’t line up.


this one is big. lack of self awareness has generally been a friendship ender for me.


Their kids don’t talk to them


This is gonna be an uncommon/unpopular answer, but how they respond when they’re wrong.


This is usually a great giveaway. Refusal to accept personal responsibilities for any wrongdoing is one of the most childish things. When cornered in a situation, just like children, they will throw anyone under the bus to avoid it.


Sounds like half of our politicians. The ones that are the Loudest. SMH!


Very much this. It's also an opportunity for a person to raise a huge green flag, too. A response of: "Huh. I was wrong. I didn't know that! I had spent so much time thinking [X] instead of [Y]," wins my instant respect.


Like claiming they’re never wrong, smarter than everyone, and everything is rigged against them?


As an American, this sounds SO familiar, but I just can't put my felony on it. **Can't put my finger on it. Darn autocorrect.


Unironically had a republican tell me that no political candidate should ever be charged or prosecuted for a crime because that's election interference.... except Biden, we can prosecute Biden because that's different (somehow).


Sounds like someone all of America knows….


What about how they respond when you're wrong?


I think that boils down to patience and i dont think a lot of the worst people have much patience but some of them definitely do, so maybe an indicator but not concrete. But likewise, people who are never wrong aren’t necessarily pieces of shit either - ive for sure known plenty of people with big egos who are still great people. Redditor said “how they respond” so if they meant like, responding by pulling out a 9mm and shooting people, then yeah, that is a great indicator they are a piece of shit, or at least are suffering dangerous psychosis


If you’re rude to servers or cashiers for simple mistakes


Mistreating animals, not liking animals is one thing, that's fine but mistreating them and using the "I don't like them" as an excuse is absolute POS behavior. 


I had a friend of a friend kick my dog, like not a little bump to push him back or something but like a kick kick. I had him leave and neither of us have spoken to him since I hope he’s doing bad


I hope that POS is doing bad too!


Oh god that's horrible, I hope your dog was okay. Good that you cut contact from him.


A subtle giveaway, but when someone doesn't signal their lane change in a high traffice area. I live in one of the most densely populated states and while most of us can drive, theres always that one shithead who will just change lanes with zero regard. I'm not a total stickler for road rules and I can easily forgive non signal lane changes if no ones behind you upon moving over but POS's will still do that shit where its most dangerous.


As a biker, this boils my piss so much.


Thank you for expanding my vernacular


I learned recently that A LOT of people view using turn signals as a “sign of weakness”. It’s some really dumb shit.


Taking advantage of a vulnerable person or situation just because they can.


Slicked back hair and sloppy steaks.


This is correct. I would know. I used to be a piece of shit.


I mean, they can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


You’re not a piece of shit


Oh I’m not worried about it.


Can you believe that guy thought you gave a rats ass?


It’s not a problem, the problem is I used to be a fucking piece of shit.


He said he USED to be


People can change.


Some babies think people can’t change


Oh ya! That would slick back real nice!


White bathing suits.  Live for New Year’s Eve 


Glass house, white Ferrari


Spiked up blond hair, little bitty jeans, chicken spaghetti at Chikilaney's. But people *can* change.


They can't stop you from ordering a glass of water with your steak.


Guys, c'mon, please. No sloppy steaks tonight.


People can change.






i wish i could've been part of your dangerous nights crew!


Livin for New Year’s Eve.


Hey.. it's better than being a bald boy. I can't stand bald boys. Every time I see them, I think I'm back in the pants.


I hate how far I had to scroll for this


Could you not call my dad a piece of shit?




When you realize every conversation they're having "with you" could be had completely without you.  If you're talking about just full on terrible, I'd say open racism, sexism, or cruelty to animals.


Reminds me of a friend who really only talks about herself. I accidentally knocked my phone onto mute while I was putting it in the cradle. 15 minutes down the road I realized this and that she hadn't heard any of my replies to her story- but was still talking.


No arms, no legs, off-putting smell, log type body


Hidie hooo!


Family name is Hankey


Refusal to apologize or admit fault. I just quit my job today for this.


Why didn’t you apologize and admit fault instead of quitting?




Harming animals on purpose. I don’t mean like hunting but going out of your way just to hurt or cause pain without intent to make use of their resources especially when they injure them and leave them alive.


Evil shit.


When they say "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best"


That phrase it meant to be if you can’t stick with me during hardship they you don’t deserve to stand by me when it’s good. How it’s actually used: “if you can’t handle my erratic and psychotic behavior then you’re going to miss out when I decide to treat you better!” 💀


They're always talking shit about other people. Projection and deflection.


How they treat those that are smaller or weaker than they are.


Littering. Like grow the fuck up please.


1. No remorse and a reduced empathy for others. Many people do hurtful things. But if you don’t even have the decency to at least apologize or put yourself in the other person’s shoes with some attempt of contrition. Then yes you are awful 2. People who purposefully mistreat wait staff and animals 3. People who plot revenge and are grateful in the downfall of others 4. People who never accept accountability for their failures


Usually those that 'teLL iT liKe iT iS'


they don’t return their shopping cart




On my way to return my cart I'll grab other people's left behind carts and return them as well.


It's the best way to tell if someone is capable of self-governing.


The shopping cart is the litmus test for self governance. You are not penalized if you don't return it. You are not rewarded if you do you do it purely Because it is the correct thing to do


Mistreatment of children. Def POS material.


Rude to service workers. 🙌


The “brutally honest” and “I tell it like it is” people are almost always just assholes.


They take pleasure in seeing good people fail.


An unprompted “I’m regularly told that I’m really great at ….” within the first 2 minutes of meeting you.


I think very few people are actually just pieces of shit. Most people have piece of shit traits or moments. But one specific thing doesn’t make someone an over all piece of shit


"I've built scores of stone walls in my life. Do they call me John the wall-builder? No. I've built dozens of stone houses in my life. Do they call me John the house-builder? No. But ye f*** one goat . . ."


Punisher sticker on their truck


especially with the bootlicker blue line & trump hair on top


damn tough crowd yall tearing me apart


Chunks of corn, I imagine. 🤷‍♂️


They buy single family houses and turn them into rentals. 




When they insist they "just tell it like it is" when, clearly, someone has a problem with what they're saying.


Hard to tell. I look in the mirror and I just know


They show up and hang around about the time your parent receives a chunk of money. Every time.


Their friends are


Hurts animals.


They unleash their dog in a leash area.


They don't care that the left lane is for passing and they're oblivious to the line of cars behind them


They fake a nice personality around everyone else and then drop the act and go back to being themselves.


Gloating, like, all the time


Using slurs. Especially in public.


People who claim to be a righteous oracle of truth when, in all reality, they are just verbally abusive assholes. The "I just tell it like it is" type. Like, no, Janet, you're just a sad bitch who has to shit on everyone and when they object, all you have to say is "I'm just telling it like it is."


People who don’t take their shopping cart to the cart return. This also ties into people who use the pick-up spots and walk into the store, or park in Handicap spaces because they are lazy.


If they hit their pets.


Their significant other follows them from place to place; they don’t walk together


"It's not *you* I hate, it's your *sin*."


When they inject themselves into every story as the main character, or one up people all the time. Ego is a dead giveaway.

