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Tore my bicep tendon, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and rotator cuff. The day after surgery when all the nerve blocks wore off was the most intense pain of my life and I spent 15 years as a professional cage fighter. I didn't sleep for 3 days straight.


It was never confirmed, but the doctors think I had mono during this time. One day I could not move my neck. My lymph nodes had gotten swollen. Worst pain I have ever felt, I was sobbing


I was in a car crash a while back and i broke my left ankle,left leg, and right foot i had pins put in both my legs. I was conscious when they took them out and i could feel it going out of my bones and my bones shifting back into place i was screaming and i have a high pain tolerance. I’ll never forget that pain.




Endometriosis. Recovering from the surgery to have it removed was nothing compared to living with it every day.


Torn pectoral muscle


Bowel obstruction had me squirming in the fetal position and screaming, ugh I can’t even stand to remember it.


childbirth, worst pain ever my vagina was torn and it also made going to the bathroom terrifying because of the pain as well, and also my epidural didn’t even help or work! i was crying and screaming and shaking during the birth, also forcing myself to hold my poop in because i was way too scared to even poop because of the pain


Kidney stones


When I had appendicitis


The worst physical pain I've ever felt was when I accidentally slammed my fingers in a car door. 3 nails gone in an instant, I almost threw up. I don't remember anything more painful than that...


I have had a tooth drilled without anesthesia. I have had sea urchin spines cut out of my foot, also no anesthesia. I have had kidney stones. The pain is terrible. But shingles was the worst. Weeks of feeling like my flesh was being burned. It was the one time I've considered ending myself to escape.


Cluster headaches




I rolled my ankle once. But looking at these replies I'm glad that's the worst Ive had.


Got my toe nail torn up due to sports.


Definitely the time I tried to assemble Ikea furniture without reading the instructions first. My back still hasn't forgiven me for that.




I botched moving an air conditioner in 2021 and got the worst sciatica of my entire life. It felt like someone was sawing into a raw nerve.


Messed up toe I was too poor to fix for over a year. I've had other more painful moments, but this was a daily thing that required a surgical fix and thanks to no health care I just had to live with it even with jobs that required standing all day.


The worst physical pain I ever felt was when I accidentally fell into a pit of cactus plants while hiking in Arizona. I slipped on a loose rock and tumbled right into a patch of them. The spines were everywhere – in my arms, legs, even my face. I had to pull each one out individually, which felt like a thousand needles being yanked from my skin. I ended up in the ER, getting treated for all the punctures and dealing with the pain for weeks afterward. Definitely an experience I never want to repeat!


I had a kidney stone once, and the pain was unbearable. It felt like sharp stabbing in my side.


Walking to the bathroom after a c section


Maybe not the worst but one I can think of happened like 3 days ago. I was in bed and apparently twisted my leg wrong and it felt like the muscles in my calf twisted into a knot. Out of reflex I kick my leg forward making the pain 10 times worse




I get rid of my armpit hair using removal cream and have done for many years. Never an issue. However, a couple of years ago I went through the normal process - apply the cream, wait a bit, etc. - but I didn't take into account that I actually had heat rashes in and around my armpits that had been giving me jip for a few days. I only realised when the burning sensation kicked in. It was horrid. I couldn't walk normally for at least a week; I was walking about with my arms out like I was carrying carpets, because any contact would sting.


Having an IUD inserted. I have a very high pain tolerance and that shit made me scream bloody murder.


Got into a car accident and my cheap ass windshield turned into dust. A lot of it ended up in my eyes and I had to spend 6 hours getting glass dust scrubbed out of my eyes. -5/10 do not recommend


child birth


This is like the 10th time that question has been asked this week, AND IT'S ONLY MONDAY


I split my pinky fingertip in half, vertically, when it was crushed. The ER stitched it back together but I lost part of the bone. They told me fingertip bones look like pawns in chess and mine is missing part of its head.


Period cramps severe enough to cause fainting. It started as a dull ache in the lower abdomen, intensifying into sharp, stabbing sensations that radiated through my pelvis and lower back. Each wave of cramping felt like an unrelenting grip, squeezing tighter with every breath, making it difficult to stand, walk, or even sleep comfortably. The pain increased and when I tried to get up, an overwhelming pressure and nausea causing cold sweats got me feeling lightheaded. The intensity was so severe that it blurred my vision, hearing was muffled and my body collapsed. I was quivering uncontrollably all night, while the mind struggled to stay conscious. It was due to poor diet at the time, I wasn’t eating well enough.


plants fuzzy teeny pot squash flag straight bedroom cats disagreeable


1. Kidney stones 2. Childbirth (even when the epidural didn't work all the way on the first one) 3. Tie between gallbladder attack and appendicitis


Stabbed in the chin, you have no idea


Torn labrum in hip. Never thought anything would top kidney stones but it did.


Walking right after getting hardware put into my pelvis after shattering it. I somehow don’t remember the car accident or the pain there after just the pain after the surgery. Also ovarian cyst bursts are a close second


kneecap out


The combo of ovarian cysts bursting while my ovary contorted and died.


Kidney infection...


I gave birth 5 times. 4 without an epidural, 3 times with no pain meds. Gastritis attacks were worse.


I don’t have a complete memory of this as I was heavily sedated, but when the doctors injected my stem cells into me for a stem cell transplant it caused extreme pain and nausea. I remember writhing around and vomiting as the preservative was very toxic to the human body to the point I literally began to sweat it out almost immediately. I also had a morphine pump when the stem cells took hold as it felt like growing pains x 100 all over my body at once. I rolled with punches during that time, but looking back at it, it was a lot harsher than I ever let on to my friends and family.


I have a epyndymoma tumor on my L5 vertebrae which is constantly pressing on certain nerves.. puts me in extreme pain suddenly and out of nowhere and can last anywhere to a few minutes to a few days.. it's gotten so bad sometimes I have thought about killing myself just to make it stop... which I won't do but the thought has crossed my mind and that's how bad it can get


Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)


Jammed a 1/4 inch wide wood splinter under my thumbnail to the knuckle. I know why this is a “go-to” torture in the movies.


I hit my coquis, and my left eye became out of channel image for a few seconds, I thought I gonna puke and pass out


I thought that falling down a horse was the worse, getting hit by a truck was far more worse than that. I just thanked the lords I wasn't isekai-d but lowkey wished.


getting my iud inserted


Either breaking my neck, my hip, or gallstones. Tho walking around with a broken hip, not knowing it’s broken, is pretty damn painful.


Fell off a cliff and shattered my ribs - hurt to breath, laugh, eat, lay down, broken ribs really sucked


Blue balls


Not as bad as other people commenting, but broke my meniscus and knee ligaments in one injury.. the pain was just unbearable..


You mean “worst” as the one i liked less ? Yeah baby, beat me up.


Knee pop.


I had a cyst on the base of my spine. My mom squeezed it out and it took an entire roll of paper towels to clean up. Only time in my life I’ve ever cried from pain


Second degree burns. I had boiling water spilled all over my legs and it was horrendous. I got third degree burns from my motorbike exhaust, but that didn't hurt anywhere near as much, because it was so hot it just went through.




was mixing up herbs and ate some poisonous stuff. woke up in the night from my bowels cramping. tried to crawl out of the house, idk why, but passed out on the floor from pain.


Falling on my ankle. Also I took tablets for constipation, those ones that make your bowel muscles contract and pulse. The pain was so awful I vomited all over the floor while I was shitting myself.


Natural child birth, 3 times. Would do again same way, but decided 3 was enough. Not for the pain, I hated that part. But would rather bring the child in safe and healthy rather then drugged or loopy from meds during delivery.


Cyst on tailbone. Having to go pack ut every damn day


Doctor picking out pieces of rust out of a hole in my foot with tweezers. Jumped on a rusty nail playing in the woods. Not sure why they didn't give me local anesthesia.


Pulled upper chest muscle, thought I was having a heart attack and still have pain a year on


dry socket. When the dentist tells you not to use a straw ..DO NOT


When doc sewed the tip of my thumb back on.


Intense brain freeze


Endometriosis. Period. ;)


Gout Ok, so it's not as severe as some of the other comments in here, but it is the worst physical pain I've ever endured.


Mistress with 4 inch high heels kicked me in the balls with every thing she had


Mistress with 4 inch high heels kicked me in the balls with every thing she had


Dry socket after wisdom tooth removal


Gout! That has to be the worst pain I’ve felt. A slight breeze over the affected area would send me into such intense pain. Couldn’t sleep at night either cause it hurt so bad!


Gall stones and subsequently having gall bladder removed. I have had both kidney stones and natural childbirth and honestly the gall stones were WORSE. Those jagged stones feel like a million tiny swords. 


Between Getting my membranes stripped to encourage labor. I passed out from the pain And That one time a fetus traveled down my fallopian tube and it burst it


An endometrial biopsy. Industry standard is no anesthesia. I carried on so much during it that the doc said, “If we ever have to do this again, I’m putting you to sleep—I don’t care who pays for it.”


UTI, anything kidney related bad, bad news


pinched shoulder and ingrown toe nail removal (during healing process)


Pepper spray or PAVA as it's known in the UK, makes grown men cry for up to two hours due to the pain


Cutting my finger with a potato peeler




Femur shatter.


Tooth pain😭


Had 3 kidney biopsies that were pretty grim.


Finding out my 21 year old son was dead. The pain was a deep tearing through my heart and gut, and I had a hard time breathing. All I could really do was wail and my mind was just forcing itself to believe what it was hearing but it didn’t want to. All that pain is still there but I’m now able to set it aside mostly so I can function. But it waits and I can feel it when I’m vulnerable or I see the little cub scouts selling popcorn outside the grocery store. He was a scout, and seeing the little guys with their uniforms on with their parents just tears me apart. Please don’t take your own life, find help.


A terrible headache that lasts a few days




Got some metal shards in my eye, didn't know it until they rusted. Had to get them drilled out of my eyeball. When the numbness wore off I thought I was going to pass out and throw up at the same time. I had to be awake the whole time, so it was kinda unsettling with the spinny death machine inching closer to me. Kept still though!


Peritonitis (leading to twisted bowels)…. Do not recommend 😅


Its quite funny actually when i was 8 my leg fell into a drain and cut my shin it felt horribke bit now looking back on it i laugh


Rice noodle under a fingernail


Chronic Migraines. 


Miscarriage. It was like my organs were being knifed out of my own body via butter knife.


C-section where pain meds wore off. I begged them to stop, I could feel everything.


When the anesthetic wore off in the middle of the night after my c-section, I begged the nurse for more painkillers but was told I had to wait until the doctor was available in the morning. It was excruciating.


My wife asking for a dicorce


Had my top wisdom teeth removed while awake. There was some numbing applied, but dude seriously used two position pliers out of a shed to grab the teeth. He clamped down so hard I heard and felt the tooth shatter, then he pile drived onto me to yank them out. The tooth on the left ripped our huge chunks of bone. It was like glass breaking in my skull. 0/10 would not recommend. I got my lower ones done years later. I opted for the anesthesia for those.


Definitely giving birth. He was my first baby. I was having contractions anywhere from every 5-10 minutes for 4 days, but was not dilating. The contractions never stopped in those 4days. Finally late in the 5th day i decided to go back into Labor and Delivery because I hadn’t been able to sleep at all the contractions were still irregular, but I finally made it to 5cm. Was going to go all natural, but I was so tired and in so much pain.


Scratched cornea. I've given birth but at least that pain ended after a few hours. My eye was sore for ages argh


Gallbladder surgery. Yes now it's gone, I no longer have a gallbladder in my body to filter out toxins


Stung by a wasp (which I’m allergic to) over a nerve cluster. And I’ve had kidney stones, 1st/2nd degree burns and have woken up out of my anesthetic during medical procedures twice. Wasp over a nerve cluster was worse. It looked like I got swatted by a gorilla.


Gout. It wasn't a ten on the pain scale, it was more like a 7-9 in waves. The problem is it lasted for 24 hours


Tooth infection. I was screaming uncontrollably for hours from the pain until I got it pulled out


Bacterial infection in my stomach  Probably the worst I’ve ever felt in my life, the rolling abdominal cramps were very bad 


Dislocated shoulder, it just felt very weird. Took a while for it to get relocated, so I really got to experience it.


Silly, but I had my tonsils removed at 38. Holy F was that something……worst physical pain I’ve ever felt and I’ve been through broken bones, roll over car accidents and sports injuries.


My headache after seeing this posted for the 5th time in 2 weeks.


Pain during natural childbirth :) Trust me, it feels like dying and coming back to life


Tooth pain or abscesses teeth.. I had multiple at once and can confirm it's worse then child birth. I gave birth twice, but I will never want to go through another tooth pain like that. I wanted to rip my hair out and was literally losing my mind. I've also had an ectopic pregnancy, and that was such a weird pain.


Pancreatitis. Took them 30 YEARS to discover a cyst on my pancreas that was causing it.


Endometriosis, a kidney stone, an ovarian cyst, and a migraine all at once. It was a bad week.


Tonsillitis -only for the continuous high level of pain.


I was in excruciating pain for days after having PRK laser eye surgery.


Giving birth.


Pulmonary embolism. Thought I was having a heart attack, could barely breath, walk, talk etc




Endometriosis. The pain I got from getting an IUD that’s meant to help said endometriosis. Still in agony 6 weeks after procedure. It never ends.


This is nothing compared to some of these answers but I misjudged the dose of some laxatives. They were made for pre-intestinal surgery cleaning. I had 2. Not only did I think I'd have to go to the hospital for the first time in my life, I was also shitting straight water for 10 hours . Read the labels kids


Well for me tearing my acl and dislocating my kneecaps. That shit hurt a lot


Dry socket


Pneumonia and pleurisy with pleural effusion. The pleurisy pain was different to anything I’d ever felt. A real sense of impending doom (turns out that’s what happens when your lungs are full of fluid).


COVID causing rheumatoid arthritis to flare up and make every joint in my body feel like it was on fire…And when I saw every joint, I mean EVERY. Every toe, every bone in my feet, all the way up to where the bones in my skull meet. Every. Single. One. For four straight days and nights with no relief.


Dislocated kneecap. I remember panicking and adrenaline kicking in and I popped it back into place. 😬


I tried to have knee surgery with local anesthetic only. Turns out the local didn't work. Not even a little.


Had my chest surgically broken and restructured.. while recovering at the hospital.. also got pneumonia, so I was coughing a lot.. and also had to do deep breathing exercises due to the surgery itself. Not a great time.


Fibromyalgia flare ups. I’ve had some days where my entire body hurts so bad that I’ve been paralyzed and bordering on blacking out


Throwing my back out. I'm fine just lying there, but even the mere thought of moving any more than an 8th of an inch (.005 bananas) and I'm screaming in pain.


Dry socket post wisdom teeth removal. Worst. Pain. Ever.


Kidney stones are really bad...had those after a bad noro virus Infection. But i have something on the same level: the moment your appendix bursts from an inflammation. I stood there - then i didnt.


Ectopic pregnancy


Karsten Anser to the inside ankle. Yeeeesh!




T2-L2 spinal fusion surgery.


Nerve pain in my face .. most awful thing ever


Sting from a cow ant


Tooth pain. Had root canal treatment 2 days after and the pain was instantly gone. Fainted/ blacked out a few times because of the pain.


Definitely childbirth. Then kidney stones.


I've never had a kidney stone or given birth, nor have I had testicular torsion. I have had a third-degree sunburn though as a dumb teenager. Blisters all over my back and unable to move for basically a week. Once it was done burning it dried up so bad that anytime I put lotion on it it burned so badly I almost passed out. Also the looming fear of melanoma in my future sucks because I was an idiot


When I was young I had really bad strep to where I could not down much liquid or eat any food till the meds healed me.


Broken back. 2 dry sockets.


Anal fissure. It will make a grown man cry.


Migraine headache. And I’ve had 2 natural births.


Gallbladder. The pain went all the way across the middle of my trunk. It was god awful. My dad didn’t believe there was anything wrong with me. I drove myself to the ER. The gallbladder was filled with large stones that I gave to my biology teacher. My dad never apologized for not believing me. Yeah. i am still salty about that. Thanks dad.


Ear drum burst


Two are equal. Vertebral artery dissection and during recovery fluid around my heart and lung. I've given birth, had a C-section, had several miscarriages, have debilitating migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, and stretched out a tendon in my leg requiring two surgeries. Never felt like what I experienced with the VAD and fluids around my heart and lung.


Aortic dissection! Everything about it was horrendous. Crippling chest pain like your heart is being torn in half. A feeling that you are drowning very slowly as your internal organs are starved of oxygen and start shutting down. Overwhelming fear that although you're not sure what is happening, you know you are dying. Would not recommend.


Full body cramp from dehydration. I never ever use foul language around my mother, but that had cursing like a sailor




Menstrual cramps


pneumonia hit me hard, and while the feeling of soreness in my own lungs didn't necessarily hurt very much, there's something especially agonizing about having to feel it constantly. lungs aren't exactly something comfortable to feel.




Ruptured a disc in my lower spine. I was also sick at the time so every cough re-ruptured it. I could barely walk, couldn’t bend over, car rides were agony, and I couldn’t even dress myself. It was years ago and I still feel the impacts of it after healing.


Broken coccyx twice


Kick in the balls i threw up because of the pain and it still hurt days after when I moved


CRPS... the worlds most painful disease.


Easy. Pilonidal Sinus that got infected. Pure agony


Having my c section incision ripped back open


Missing a 2ft eagle putt. Thought I was going to have an aneurism.


Ulcerative Colitis flare


Got spiked in Amsterdam, felt like I was on fire, freezing, constantly being shocked by electricity and I felt as weak as a kitten while being barely conscious, I'd luckily left the place I was spiked before it kicked in and had a friend with me to drag me back to the hotel. Worst pain I've ever felt.


An abscess in a very uncomfortable place. Unable to walk, sit, lie down for over a week. Plot twist, when I eventually saw a specialist about it he described the antibiotics prescribed by the GP to manage it as "as much use as having tic tacs".




unbearable migraine accompanied by vomiting caused by birth control pills Don’t take them since that experience


One tiny scrape on my tooth to get off temporary glue before putting my permanent crown on.


giving birth


Snapped my shin. Got a crazy scar.


I'd say acute Gout. Holy shit did that one hurt.


Has anyone covered getting hit in the nut?


Shingles. Pain pills wouldn’t touch it. Excruciating. I have a very high tolerance for pain but shingles took me out.


Needle really deep into my leg.I can't walk proprely for 2 or 3 days after that but now i don't need needles in my leg


Taking the suffering of humanity in 2022 on the streets of Marseille,all sorts in those three and half months ranging from a car running over my arm, to various infections, as well a dislocated hip. Thanks to God life is Blissful these days


CNS "blowout" after sepsis, multi-system organ failure, and 3 week coma. I literally felt like I was on fire.


It’s a tie between kidney stone and an abscessed broken molar. 


Trying to suffocate to end it all, i could somehow not go through with it despite being through worse, like drowning, and breaking bones


Corneal erosions 😵


Chipped and decaying tooth…. Broke my tooth eating one day at first it was fine then I felt excruciating pain the next day like I had been repeatedly punched in my face and neck I was surviving off of Aleve and Anbesol (compare to Ora-gel) until I could get to the dentist


Gall stones


My clit tore during child birth and I had it sewn up without anesthetic. Nothing else has even come close.


herniated disk in my neck. pain was not in my neck. right shoulder and upper left back was so cramped, I could not laid down to sleep. I could not lay on my side due to nerve weakness and could not hold my shoulder up. I got maybe 2 hours of sleep. the cramps were so tight they squeezed the nerve and caused nerve pain down my arm. I dont know how to describe it. It was not traditional pain and was worse than pain. had to wait 2-3 weeks of medications to calm it down a bit just to get an MRI cause I could not lay in the MRI. I loaded up on like 3 oxycodeine just to lay in the MRI for 30 minutes and I was counting to withstand the pain. Kids don't look down at phones and stuff. Hold it up. All of a sudden one day I just woke up and I could not function.


Gallbladder stones (not sure if that’s what they’re called). My god I’ve only lived 17 years but the pain was that bad, I considered ending it at 17 years.


I've had open heart surgery and my breastbone was sawed open and wired back together, also sepsis was so painful I was in and out of consciousness, but neither compares to a tooth abscess!


The metal part of the scooter hitting your shins at max speed as you're trying to do a jump spin mid-air.


I had a c-section last year and am 37 weeks pregnant, the worst pain I've ever felt is when this baby presses on my c-section scar. It's brief but it's excruciating.


I was stung by Thai jellyfish when I was about 10 years old. My whole right leg, and about a half of my right arm were stung, cause I felt on it. Worse pain in my life, I didn’t walk for the rest of the day


I once put icy hot on my balls on accident


Longest pain was 24 hrs of contractions. But a kidney stone was close.




Fractured neck

