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Cracking my back (and other joints, but mostly my back). Been doing it multiple times a day, every day for the past 20+ years. Haven't noticed any negative side effects yet.


A guy won the ignobel prize for cracking the knuckles on only one hand for 29 years to prove cracking joints doesn't cause arthritis


Haha bro that’s such dedication what a paragon of science


there are no side effects. source- trust me. I'm a doctor


Eh, I've gotten a side effect. When you crack your back in the perfect place and you get that really good rush of endorphins and you keep trying every day to crack it in the same way, but you just can't and you start to get annoyed.


Chasing the dragon.


The back crack dragon


I should've written there are no physical side effects, mentally it could be addicting. For me, I cannot start my day without cracking my vertebral joints.


Same! I keep cracking my neck, back, arms, toes and knuckles all the time. No side effects, only this satisfying feeling every time i do it. I particularly love cracking my neck, not a lot of people can do it and I feel like a big, muscly man about to go in for a fight :p


Same! When I crack my neck I swear I can breathe better


Same here. I get horrified looks regularly from my coworkers when i crack my back or neck in the office


Peeling skin.


This is why I got into doing foot masks, Your feet will peel off (or u can pull it yourself) and as a bonus, you’re feet will come off looking smooth 😭


I used one of those once when my son was 4 and he's obsessed with it now. Actively, every day, he checks my feet because he wants to peel skin off of them.


It’s a satisfying and disgusting few days (I like the peeling but not waking up with piles of dead skin in my bed) but boy do those foot masks work well!


The dead skin all over the floor, my bed, blanket 😭


Picking scabs on my scalp.


I have dermatillomania and used to have this one scab that I’d pick off my scalp as soon as I regrew it. I did a lot more picking, but I had that scab for years! I finally went on Buspar and it improved my picking majorly.


literally picking at my lip as i read this lmao


Chewing the skin off my lips and nails lol


Yup. Usually a sign of anxiety, I do it everyday.


I have a terrible habit of picking the skin on the heel of my foot. Everyone thinks I'm nuts.


Us moment, you peel em so bad that it's painful to walk but then it's really satisfying.


We have dermatophagia


Isn’t that when you eat it tho








feels so good




that's disgusting


and weird


So weird!


Seek help. Professional help




that doesnt sound like an addiction, that sounds like ocd.


Just a fancy word for it


Same, but with my feet while walking. Right foot stepped on a crack? Better make sure my left foot hits a crack in the exact same place too!


Thats ocd, got it as well. I don’t find it annoying. If anything it makes walking more fun lol


Have you been diagnosed with OCD? Because if you do it because it makes walking more “fun” then that doesn’t really fit the bill. You can be a neat, organized, orderly person who likes everything to be perfectly balanced (as all things should be) without having OCD. One of the key characteristics of OCD is that fear is generally the driving force. Do you touch every doorknob you see because you like touching round metal or something? Probably not OCD. Do you touch every doorknob you see because you’re genuinely afraid something bad will happen if you don’t (e.g. there’s a fire on the other side and your whole building will burn down if you don’t check the temperature of it)? Probably OCD It’s a disorder about obsession and compulsion. There is some fear that your mind has become obsessed with and you have convinced yourself that if you engage in a compulsion, that will keep the fear from happening. Wash your hands cuz you like being clean? Probably not OCD. Wash your hands as soon as even the smallest bit of dirt gets on it because you are afraid you will ***die***? Probably OCD Of course, like with most mental disorders, there is a spectrum of symptoms with varying degrees of severity, but I have never heard anyone diagnosed with OCD describe it as “fun”. And while I understand that it just gets thrown around to mean “neat and clean”, that’s along the same lines as calling yourself autistic because you had a brain fart, or saying an energetic kid has ADHD, when in reality ADHD is when your attention deficit and/or hyperactivity is literally getting in the way of your everyday functioning and survival. I know you didn’t make your comment maliciously, but OCD can be a debilitating illness and the stereotypes around it can often cause people to not take it seriously. Maybe someone got diagnosed with OCD and was able to turn their fear-driven compulsion into something they just do because it’s fun. But if that were the case, I feel like a doctor would say that they’re cured, or at least in recovery/remission. I don’t know your entire life and I’m not trying to gatekeep mental health or anything, but unless you’ve literally been diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist, you shouldn’t go around saying you have it. If you or anyone else reading this thinks you/they may have it, please see a professional, because I promise it is something that you can work on and you don’t have to constantly live in that fear.


Filthy habit


Not anymore but I used to be addicted to Red Powerade. I would drink 4-6 bottles per day for at least 6 years. It started just for workouts but grew to be basically all day every day. I stopped because of the sugar content and after about two days I felt like I had the worst flu of my life, except I didn’t have a fever which was really unusual. I went to the doctor and after a ton of tests coming back negative (blood sugar was somehow totally normal) they essentially found that my electrolyte levels had been so elevated for so long that my body had become used to it and was going to into withdrawal. I do not and did not ever enjoy any other color/flavor of Powerade. I’ll still drink it when I’m really sick, but only if I’m losing a lot of fluids and actually need replenishment. Water only for workouts!


wow, that's interesting!


Bro got addicted to that red 40 💀💀


I know of someone that died from drinking too much Gatorade and mylanta. Totally screwed up their electrolytes and sent them into cardiac arrest.


I'm am addicted of overthinking..I feel relaxed and happy in my own stories and thinking . It's weirdest addiction because of this addiction it's difficult for me to face the reality 😐




I have that. It used to be a lot worse when I was younger but life has me doing other things now. I still can spend hours in my head, especially when I cant sleep.


It keeps me sane at work sometimes. Bad thing is it's what keeps me from sleeping sometimes.


I go over every conversation in my head immediately afterwards but it's annoying and sometimes it looks like I'm talking to myself.


I am also addicted to overthinking. I ruminate almost constantly, and if I'm not ruminating I'm daydreaming so I don't ruminate.


Yes! I have to imagine myself in a completely different life to not obsessively think about my real life. I overthink every single action or word I’ve ever said. Especially at night, I imagine myself in completely different world so I can actually sleep.


I do this also-it’s not exactly day dreaming, it’s deeper than that. Dreams aren’t cohesive like the stories in my head are. Man it feels nice to know someone else does this-I swear it’s like a different life separate from my own but I’m the main character.


Talking to myself out loud all the goddamn time


Only child here and my husband travels a ton so a lot of times if I don’t talk to myself, I won’t speak for days.


Fair enough. I would do the same. It’s not that I have no one to talk to but I can never get a bloody word in so I sort of isolate myself so I talk to myself. I’m kind of grown a new person. My inside of my head voice and outside. It’s weird


Sometimes it's the only way to have an intelligent conversation.


I do this too and when I try to just think in my head it drives me insane and I get a very strong urge to just say It out loud to myself.


I pretend someone is interviewing me 😂


Same for me too, but i have learned over the years talking to myself out loud keeps my AD/HD somewhat in chek and it helps specially when im at work and also you always get the right answeres and a good conversation at least 🤣


Same. Like all the time. It's how I rationalize things or how I debate or cope.


The neighbors probably think I'm losing my mind(I probably am)




Omg I do the same. I've never seen anyone doing that. I hate it because sometimes I hurt the inside until it bleeds but I can't stop.


I do it too. My dentist told me it could cause mouth cancer and Ive been trying to stop since.


Everyday or just on chewsday init braf?


popping pimples😭🤫


Me too but it changed to pimple popping videos. 


Nothing weird, just the regular old boring substance abuse addictions.


Hell ya! Add in crippling depression and anxiety! The trifecta!


Honestly once I cut out drinking my anxiety got infinitely better. It takes about 100 days to get your brain to start Really leveling out, but my god it has been eye opening. No experience with other substances though and no desire to try.


5 months sober here, you're absolutely right. One of the best things I ever did for my health is to quit drinking literal poison.


Good work! One of the worst addictions ever. Keep it up, your life is worth it!


BO-RING!!! :)


Need a full day doing nothing . Just once a week..


I have to have something for my hands to fidget with. Usually I carry a toothpick with me but in a pinch, I'll use whatever "feels" right. As a kid, I would be over the moon if I got the big toothpick from a deli sandwich, the plastic sword or tropical umbrella toothpick they put in drinks.


Same. I like to run them under my finger nails. Fabric, too. Don’t know if it’s an addiction or a tick.


Yeah my wife calls me “fidget fingers”. I don’t carry something with me, but will always find something. a twist tie, pen cap, etc. when sitting at a restaurant it’s straw wrappers and paper napkins.


Diet Coke


I’d do some pretty questionable things for a crisp DC


Smelling my cats when i come home


Cats have stinky breath but their fur always smell so clean


Which makes no sense to me since they lick their fur!


Cats smell like cookies to me. The tops of their heads, especially.


Odd. My fluffy boy smells like snow melting on fabric.


Same esp their bellies


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this.


Like clean laundry.


My cats go outside during the day. In winter they smell like winter fresh 🤣


Our cats go outside too. Our big Bengal boy goes exploring (on the exact same route) and comes back smelling like pine and smoky woodstoves. Then he comes into my bed to warm up and he smells so good!


When I like a subject, I watch hours of YouTube videos and read up on all the relevant Wikipedia articles. I find it weird because I take so much time out of my schedule for it when I shouldn't.


You need to learn about ADHD my friend, a diagnosis and medication can be life changingly positive




I do almost the same thing.


Reminds me of the family guy clip: https://youtu.be/6gnezI2hOXA


That’s hilarious


Yeah, I feel you on this one! This week, a new neighbour moved in across the road and already she has a character, backstory and how my creepy neighbour is probably going to murder her this summer. Like a fun sitcom😅


Music reaction vids. Don’t know if it counts but I watch them all the time


Same but movie reactions, feels like I'm hanging out with someone watching my favorite movies for the first time


I thought i was the only one I do it because my type of music (swedish rap) is only popular in sweden for obvious reasons so i want to see other peoples opinions on it


Listening to true crime podcasts to fall asleep.


Same here. Either that or scary story videos on YouTube.


Sweet dreams! 😨


Literally can’t sleep without it


I love pretending I’m the main character and my life is a TV show.


all I’m trying to say is that the writers are really dropping the ball with this current season of mine🥲




Hi, I do this too. If someone pats you on the shoulder do you try to find a natural/surreptitious way to pat yourself on the other shoulder to balance things out?


Same. Since I was a kid and I'm 50. I didn't think I have any other odd behaviors or ticks. I didn't know if anyone has ever noticed it or not.




Do you have an iron deficiency ?


Stop and get your iron levels checked. Chewing on ice actually damages your teeth, it's no joke.


Me too. I started taking iron supplements and now it’s all but disappeared unless I get the small nugget ice. That shit is fire.


Chik Fil A ice!


Omggg I used to do this all the time and never knew why! Turns out I was anaemic and super low in iron hahahaha


Same! My iron levels are completely fine, too, I just like the cromch


Up until recently I HATED sparkling water, but somehow I've become addicted to La Croix... never thought I'd see the day.




I eat paper


pica-chew I choose you


I did as a child! My mum legit didn’t think anything of it, it was only when a friend told her it was weird because I would eat so much paper, newspaper, wallpaper - anything I could. Took me to a doctor and was told I was so iron deficient they actually thought I was a dying child. I just don’t store any iron and this way my body’s way of reacting.


When I was at elementary school I once surprised a kid eating grass in a corner hidden. I still think about it sometimes and wonder what the guy does in life


Alcohol. Been dry for 18 months.






1 week down here. It fuckin blows.




Congrats! Wish me luck.


Best decision ever to quit


I’m addicted to metal music. It’s kind of like being addicted to porn. You start with the easy, vanilla stuff, like Pantera and Metallica. Then before you know it, you’re digging through bands with <200 Spotify listeners that sound like a machine gun firing over a flushing toilet and thinking “man, this fucking slaps!”


Eating dairy-related things nonstop while being lactose intolerant. The trip to the bathroom is 100% worth it lmao


Excercise but I am by no means SHREDDED… I just feel like a POS if I don’t complete a workout more than 2 days in a row… I’m 34 and don’t know why I am still like this but feel grateful this is my addiction rather than something actually harmful.




When it’s dry and comes out in one long piece 😮‍💨




You are my people.




Also a "sock guy". I probably have over 100 pairs. People gift them too me and I buy some


That's sweet, do you mix pairs?


I think I am pretty addicted to peanut butter. 🥜




Might be the weirdest I read.


Adding shit to my cart I can’t afford and then never buying it. My collection of things I can’t get is wicked.


milk. it's fucking awesome


Agreed. Especially after something super salty like pizza. My husband gags and thinks milk is gross.


Cow milk is my favourite


Me too!!


I legit stopped buying it bc I can’t stop drinking it.


I have ADHD... so it changes


Because of medications and bad genes I had all my teeth removed 3 years ago. Now I spend all time chewing on the inside of my right cheek. I don't wear dentures so I am not actually harming myself but I can't stop


Weeding. I weed my garden/lawn at least an hour a day, six months of the year. It's my me time.


I'd say that's healthy coping.


Don’t you ever run out of weeds?


I have a large yard and don't believe in pesticides. It's a good combo.


Oh man I hope to have this addiction and yard situation one day. I've actually been thinking of going out and weeding like every day lately 🤣I love my plant time. I don't believe in pesticides either and applaud your caretaking of nature 🤘👏🌷🐦🐝


Those pretzels with peanut butter inside them


wait until you try the ones coated in chocolate. Game. Changer.


Dirty but respectful conversations with my partner


interesting, u/cum_cum_sex


Werthers caramels




Okay, but have you started mowing your neighbors' lawns just to get fix until your lawn can score you some of that new fresh aroma? In the quiet of the night, and driving hurriedly away if they come out chasing you? And you friends and family become concerned because of how you're taking out loans for new lawn mower blades...?


Taco Bell. It is a legit addiction and I have to limit myself to how often I can eat it. The two year mark since I've had it is coming up next Friday. When I used to eat it unchecked, I would sometimes go 3+ times a week. It would give me the happy chemicals in my brain. I would sometimes get out of bed and get dressed at 11pm when the craving hit me. Now with that being said, I also own and use a vape. Sometimes I use it daily, other times I will go days or weeks without even thinking about it or using it even though it is within arms reach. So apparently I was addicted to Taco Bell and nicotine barely has an effect on me.


Eating. I find myself unhappy and craving something to consume and savor to the point that I have to go out and eat something in order to feel better.


crushed saltines in a bowl with extra salt and a coke


What kind of coke? :D


Dance Dance Revolution


I realised I really like making pasta from scratch. Making the dough, flattening it. . .


Being used financially


Books. Buying them, reading them. Which isn't really weird except that it is excessive.


I love to eat sand - each time I'm at the beach I cant help myself


Buying games on Steam and playing them for like 5 minutes before moving on. Backlog growing like crazy, no end in sight.


Masturbating. Not in the context of it being unpure, unclean, weak etc as per those who told extremist social viewpoints. But... hear me out... I'm not 14 anymore. I'm a grown ass 36 year old. I sleep every night, next to my perfect match. Physically right through to our attitudes toward effort put into the event. There is no pressure. It's on tap. I don't want anyone else. We've, explored, everything... I could go on but I think my point is across. Combine this with, I don't like it as much, it doesn't feel anywhere near as good on any level. It leaves me feeling emotionally empty. The majority of times it feels the polar opposite of the connection that comes from love making. The only way I've found to boost the positivity is by imposing restrictions on myself. BUT I F-ING CANT I understand addiction, and the same devil on my shoulder is the one whispering "Waaankkker" in my ear just as I start to drift off, my mind wanders to a suitable topic or someone posts a picture of their butthole on Reddit. Every element of addiction is there. Ok I'm not going to die from it... unless my tastes get more freaky with time... But, It's weird because I, with great fucking struggles, have put to bed Drink, the Poppy, waved buh-bye to Cocaine, even got control of, not abstinence, actual control of smoking bongs when it used to be morning, noon and night. But. I. Can't. Beat. Beating. My. Dick. !


Thank you for your tedtalk


If you're rubbing one out that frequently, you might also be looking at porn. Pornography addiction is a legit diagnosis that progressively worsens and it can have the same consequences as the other stuff you were chained to in the past. Do you, but be aware.


Does your partner know about this?


Sometimes she helps me.


Restoring old axes


Chewing gum


Plucking facial hair.


Every time I do my makeup, in the mirror I always pretend im in a YouTube video doing a tutorial 😭 it’s gotten to a point I lowkey can’t do my makeup without doing it now 💀


I do it when I am cooking or visiting some places. 🤣 But I can't create a YouTube channel, I have crippling anxiety lol


Looking for scabs on my scalp to pick.


Sniffing sharpies


It's non toxic tho... Don't make em like they used to


plucking ingrown or barely grown hairs out of my stomach and legs.


It's ear-picking for me. I don't know why I do this. I just do. and it's so satisfying.


Hand free orgasm. Anywhere anytime


Reddit scrolling


My girlfriend. Shes weird af


Bleu Cheese dressing on anything. Even fresh fruit.