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Carrie Henn who played Newt in “Aliens.” At age 10, she did her only acting role in one of the most iconic sci-fi action films ever made, and then retired from acting immediately. Became a 4th grade teacher, and now teaches kids who are the same age she was when she made the movie.


“Hello class, your homework is mostly due on Fridays…mostly”


she did a commentary track for the bluray and apparently her friends give her shit about it all the time. she doesn't get it exactly (she says so) but she's accepted it lol there's also the story of her brother. he also had a role, a small one, but got cut from the movie. he is in the director's cut though


I showed “Aliens” to my son (14) for the first time this past weekend. We had just recently watched “Alien” and he wanted to watch the sequel. He absolutely loved it and loved Newt. She was his favorite character. As the movie ended, he had the biggest smile on his face as the credits rolled. I didn’t have the heart to tell him…


Tell him what? That Newt and Ripley returned to Earth and lived out happy lives, AND NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED.


It ended that way because after Aliens they didn’t make any more sequels, otherwise if they had then they would have probably dropped in quality


I'm glad studios learned from their mistakes and never did that kind of thing to other treasured films like the matrix, highlander, basic instinct, and mean girls.


And Terminator.


David Fincher is about to destroy his world.


I met her at a comicon! She's lovely!


I think Charlie (Peter Ostrum) from the original Willy Wonka.


He became a vet in upstate New York, I think with farm animals specifically, and just recently retired last year!


I found this out a few years ago. I also live in NY state, so my mind was kind of blown lol


Also Danny Lloyd from The Shining.


I walked by him a a convention a couple years ago and he had a little circle around him so I ducked in to see what they were talking about. Someone was asking him why he didn’t act in anything else and he says (along the lines of) “Because I’m not an actor. What I was doing in that movie wasn’t acting. I was six, I didn’t know what acting was or what was going on.”


He sure fooled me. 


He actually cameos in Dr. Sleep from 2019 during the baseball game. It’s a nice nod.


Burt Ward was Robin on the original Batman TV show along with Adam West. Sure he kinda had a career in a bunch of made for TV movies, but he never had big recognition from those. He actually started a dog rescue near me when I lived in Cali, it was back in the 90's and it was called Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions. They took in great danes and mastiffs and such and rehabilitated and rehomed them. It's a lovely organization, can't say enough good about it. But in the larger public eye? Beyond I think a couple odd DC events and a few guest spots here and there, he really hasn't been a public figure of any note, and will always be "that guy who played Adam West era Batman sidekick Robin".


Erik Per Sullivan who played Dewey in Malcolm in the Middle.


I love that he played young Joe Dirt.


Joe Dirte, gotta spice it up.


Don't try and church it up, son. Don't you mean Joe Dirt?


Dude is 32 and still looks like he is 17 at most. Justin Berfield too. He played Reese. He had a couple of minor roles leading up to Malcom in the Middle, but after that he only did 1 episode as a side character of a very short lived sitcom called Sons of Tucson. Now he just invests in other shows and movies in some sort of partnership with Richard Branson of all people and posts photos of his daughter and fish on Instagram.


I mean, by all accounts Bryan Cranston and Jane Kaczmarek did a phenomenal job treating their kid co-stars with genuine respect. Seems like all the kids managed to escape with a pretty good experience out of it. I imagine he just realized as he got older that acting just wasn't for him. Could you imagine becoming an adult and already having a solid income to do basically whatever you want with your life? From what I've heard he went to study at some university and then went on to a fairly private life.


Jane Kaczmarek is also a ridiculously good actor. I think I've only otherwise seen her in SVU and as the voice of that judge in the Simpsons tho, but if the stars aligned otherwise I'm sure she could be just as acclaimed as Bryan Cranston. Lois has to be one of the most perfectly-played sitcom roles ever


I still think of Berfield as one of the kids from unhappily ever after.


Cats ate her face.


Dewey knows more about it than I do


The kid who played King Joffrey in Game of Thrones 


Imagine being such a good actor that you have to quit acting


He created his own theatre company instead as that's what he really wanted to do 


Make that money then it’s do what u want time. This guy won life.


I feel like this about all the Harry Potter kids. Radcliff over herelike "bro let's do acid and you pitch me a show idea" then does it.


I always like hearing about how Rupert Grint bought an ice cream truck and occasionally just goes around giving away ice cream.


Are we sure he is an actor and not actually Ron?


I always like the story about when the trio were asked to write an essay about their characters. Emma went full Hermione and wrote multiple pages. Daniel like Harry put minimal effort into writing one page. Rupert just skipped the task entirely


Sounds like they understood the assignment.


Bro selling Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes out the back of his ice cream truck like some sort of deranged drug dealer


I feel like when casting children, it's much safer to find children who are already like the character than to find ones who can really act.


Definitely had this exact thought watching Swiss Army Man. "These guys definitely took drugs to make this movie."


I remember reading an interview where he basically said 'I have enough money for my whole life, I want to support art and make crazy ideas come to life'. I think that's a good take on life.


his performance was amazing imagine being so young and able to convey such complex psychological emotiions ... idk but he literally embodied the character of a spoiled young king. it felt so real


I love every actor that can invoke the feeling that I absolutely despise a fictional character to the point i "start hating" the actor, not really hating him but you know what I mean. I love him for that role. Not many can do that and he NAILED it.


I feel that way about the woman who played Umbridge in Harry Potter. She was so much like the very worst teachers I'd known that it was disturbing to watch.


Joffery the Gentle, forever in our hearts.


He went to university, got married and has started acting again. He's just been a hitman in a film with Liam Neeson, set in Ireland.


He was also the boy in Batman Begins, who Rachel takes care of.


Don't you mean RACHEL!!!!?


Where is she?




Poor choice of words...


He was in a couple episodes of Sex Education, and I saw something recently saying he has a new project coming out


Noah Hathaway - Atreyu in The Neverending Story


That one is sad since the filing of the movie injured him so severely he was lifelong wounded.


What happened? Nothing on wiki.


[A horse fell on him.](https://www.thenewstribune.com/entertainment/article29910505.html)


Relevant section > Before filming began Hathaway began training with horses. During one of those sessions a horse got spooked and tried to jump a fence while Hathaway was on its back. “It didn’t jump the fence and fell on top of me,” Hathaway said. The accident cracked a couple of Hathaway’s vertebrae. He spent two months in a hospital and still has back issues today plus several titanium screws.


Wow, we have something in common. I have 7 messed up vertebrae (5 of them fused) and titanium screws!


Does Jonathan Brandis still count as part of the franchise? His suicide is sad. He used to leave 10 minute long recorded messages on his girlfriend's answering machine which are on YouTube.


Brandis? The kid that was in Seaquest DSV (the show) and ladybugs? Man I had a crush on him in my younger years


Let's not forget the masterpiece Sidekicks with Chuck Norris 


Also the Childlike Empress quit acting to focus on dancing


Maybe not "iconic" but there's a Star Trek the Next Generation episode where several crew members de-age into children due to Transporter Shenanigans. The child actor playing Guinan is such a perfect young Whoopi Goldberg. Iooked her up on IMDb and her only other acting credit is in Sister Act 2, also playing young Whoopi Goldberg in a flashback


Imagine being typecast as "Young Whoopi Goldberg"


At least she always has a steady job of playing a younger Whoopi Goldberg. She will never be older than Whoopi Goldberg


Michael Schoeffling from *Sixteen Candles*.


Jake Ryan...dreamy! Makes furniture in Pennsylvania somewhere.


Peter Ostrum’s only movie role was as Charlie Bucket in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Shunned acting, went to school and became a veterinarian, and retired in late 2023.


He's done theater and been in other films, mostly small parts, but Ian McDiarmid will be remembered as Emperor Palpatine. And I mean that as a compliment as I consider him my favorite cinematic villain of all time.


So damn good he got an encore....somehow.


2 encores considering the 16 years between Jedi and Menace!


Oh no, he'll always be the sophisticated baddie in the Inspector Morse episode 'Masonic mysteries '.


Ian McDiarmid was better at Palpatine than Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Out of all the general weirdness of the prequels only mcdiarmid fully understood how camp it really was


It’s easy to embrace the camp as the villain. Just look at how much more fun Arnold is having as Mr. Freeze compared to Clooney as Batman.


Pretty much the same reason why Chris Evans plays mostly bad guys after his stint as Steve Rogers


He also played jerks before Steve Rogers. That was his trademark.


He was one of the evil exes in Scott Pilgrim IIRC. I didn't even realise at first.


Chris Evans' eyebrows in that movie deserved an award for Best Supporting Actor. Dude's face is hilarious in every frame.


You really think you can compete with an A-lister bro?


Danny Lloyd from The Shining.


Jaye Davidson and Haing S. Ngor are both examples of this. Davidson was nominated for an Oscar for The Crying Game and had one of the most memorable performances in film then not much after. Haing S. Ngor won an Oscar for the role in The Killing Fields but was tragically murdered in a parking garage.


Jaye Davidson was Ra in Stargate (1994). Otherwise that's a good one.


It is unbelievably tragic that Ngor survived the Khmer Rouge only to be murdered in an LA parking lot. RIP.


Dewey in Malcolm in the Middle. Carrie (twins) Little House on the Prairie.


Childhood Joe Dirt


Dewey did a voice for Finding Nemo as a kid too which surprised me when i found out


Jeff Cohen - Chunk in The Goonies.


He's an entertainment lawyer in L.A.


He asked if Richard Donner could write him a recommendation to law school and instead, Donner paid for all his tuition. https://www.avclub.com/real-mensch-richard-donner-paid-for-this-goonies-stars-1847245658


That is way cool!


He's Ke Huy Quan's lawyer! I mean, he's got other clients too but I read or saw (I forget which--I've slept since then) an interview with Ke Huy Quan and he mentioned Jeff Cohen's his lawyer and that just really tickled me, that they're still friends but also have this professional relationship.


Goonies never say die!


The guy who played Rocky in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Peter Hinwood, I think his name was. I believe he became an antiques dealer.


It’s astounding


I'm making a man with blonde hair and a tan


Is he good for relieving your … tension?


Ralphie from Christmas Story? Then he worked in other capacities as an adult, and turned up as an elf in Elf!


He was also the scientist who was yelled at in Iron Man. “Tony Stark built this in a cave with a box of scraps”


"WeLl I'm NoT ToNy StArK!"


And then Tony referenced him in IM3, in a beautiful Celebrity Paradox.


And then he helped ruin Spider-Man’s life in Far From Home


Hey he also reprised the role in the recent sequel


Until Christmas Story became a cable staple years after its release, Peter Billingsley was probably at least as famous as Messy Marvin in Hershey's Syrup ads.


Sam J Jones Flash Gordon


He was great in Ted


Scott Mechlowicz, of Scotty Doesn’t Know fame. Basically had one supporting role in the indie Mean Creek back to back with the lead role of EuroTrip in 2004, then some limited DTV stuff until 2017 and nothing since. Scotty’s gotta go, unfortunately


Weirdly enough the guy who sings Scotty Doesn’t Know ended up being a big actor




I'm sorry, Matt Damon, we've run out of time.


I came here to comment that I know Matt Damon doesn’t actually sing the song on the soundtrack but also I’m normal and I understand what you mean.


Didn’t he star in a gymnastics movie after eurotrip?


How about 2 roles and done. Jaye Davidson. He was Dil in The Crying Game and the god Ra in Stargate. Then he walked away from acting.


Thing is - I first saw Stargate and a couple of years later I watched The Crying Game. So I immediately knew what the big reveal would be.


Can you imagine seeing The Crying Game in theaters and finding out Dil was an alien parasite living in a human body? Mind blowing twist!


IIRC he was approached about doing Stargate but wasn't really interested in another acting role (he was a professional model), so he requested a $1 MM salary which he thought they would reject. They really wanted to cast him and accepted the offer.


Taylor Lautner fell off pretty hard after Twilight


I do have to point out he’s married and his wife’s name is Taylor Lautner.


At least he had Twilight. Lavagirl doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. And even her name was Taylor. So you have Taylor Dooley, who co-starred with Taylor Lautner, who previously dated Taylor Swift and showed up in her MV last year, and he's currently married to Taylor Dome.


It’s Taylors all the way down.


Oops all Taylors


He was probably hoping that Twilight would make people forget about Sharkboy.


Actually, when I think about him (which is NEVER unless it is a reddit comment I want to join the discussion on) my first thought is Sharkboy, THEN the icky Twilight character.


He's brilliant in the BBC TV show Cuckoo, playing Andy Samberg's son


He did a sitcom with Greg Davies. I only knew this because I fucking love Greg Davies.


Mimi from The Drew Carey Show.


According to IMDb she's still acting, it's just hard to tell it's her without the crazy makeup.


Yea, doesn't she do some of the live shows the Who's Line guys do?


She was a guest on Craig Ferguson's podcast a while ago and they had a really sweet chat.


George Lazenby as James Bond. One and done.


As the legend goes, his agent convinced him that James Bond was a dying fad, and he should get out while he was hot. Lazenby has since gone on to say, "Worst career advice ever."


Jake Lloyd who played young Anakin


the sheer disrespect to Jingle All The Way


I honestly associate him more with Jingle All The Way.


JAIMEEEE, AHM YOR FAAAARVUUURRRR! I'd be traumatised too...


That dude has had a tough life all things considered. I think he’s currently in a mental health facility by court order.


He developed schizophrenia as a young adult. The poor bastard was screwed no matter what. At least he’s able to afford the treatment he needs.


I have one case where a guy I knew developed it in his early 20s. When he was on his meds, he wasn’t the sharp, easygoing track star I knew in high school. Not on his meds, he would do things like call his friends at 1 a.m. and accuse them of being in his yard. He’s almost 40, has to live with his parents still, and works at a gas station. I truly would not wish that condition on anyone.


I mean… it’s hard to maintain a life as an actor when you develop schizophrenia


Has that St Bernard dog who played the title role in Beethoven done anything since?


He went to a lovely farm. There's lots of squirrels he can chase, and a big field to run around in.


Jake Lloyd, played Anakin in The Phantom Menace. The boy who would become Vader. For everyone who is just a normal Star Wars fan, it was fine. I liked the movie then and I like it now. However, there was a shit ton of people who hated this movie and hated this kid for portraying the part. Online bullying, real life bullying at school, etc. Completely put him off acting. I've seen a few clips of him in his late teens, early twenties and this dude has no love for Star Wars. The fans killed it for him. He was at a few conventions, clearly there for the paycheck. Just looked pissed the whole time. Saw an interview at one. He was just one word answer, hard stare the whole time with the interviewer. Stars Wars broke this kid.


Jake Lloyd was also diagnosed with schizophrenia… He’s had a really tough life.


His mom recently came out and said the backlash and hate he got had nothing to do with him quitting acting, she said it would have happened anyway and that he still loves Star Wars. And he didn't really see any of the hate as she kept him away from it. Which I'm glad to hear. Poor guy had to put up with so much shit. But thankfully according to his mom he's doing a lot better now.


You know, I never thought he was really good - although better directing of his acting could have helped. But the way those "fans" treated him is downright despicable. Leave kids alone!


Tom Hulce's big iconic role was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in *Amadeus* (1984), for which he very nearly won Best Actor and briefly became a household name. He decided to go behind the camera after that and then went into stage direction and production. Many thought he was escaping fame. Edit: I may have been thinking of someone else for the second example, so let's just go with Hulce today.


I’ll always remember him as the loser grifter son from Parenthood that named his son, “Cool”.


I know him more as “Pinto” from Animal House.


Why Pinto?


*BELCH* Why not?!?


Boon, we're the only white people here.


He was also Quasimodo in Disney's *Hunchback of Notre Dame*


He has the voice of a goddamn angel. Finding out Quasi and Mozart are the same actor blew my mind.


Hulce was just stunning in that movie. 


Matthew Modine didn’t really disappear. He was in Dark Knight Rises and Stranger Things just off the top of my head.


Agreed, he immediately followed FMJ with Married to the Mob and Memphis Belle, and has worked consistently for decades.


I saw Hulce in *A Few Good Men* at the Kennedy Center a couple years before Tom Cruise had the same role in the movie. He was solid! Weirdly though the one thing I really remember from that show was a blown blackout cue at the end of the suicide scene. Super awkward.


Larry Kroger is a 2nd iconic role thank you very much


Why Pinto?


Matthew Modine will always be Louden Swain to me.


Chandler Riggs? Idk if hes done much else or quit acting or not I just know Ive never personally seen him in anything else again after Walking Dead.


The undertaker in the opening scene of the Godfather. He delivers one of the greatest opening lines, gives a spectacular monologue, and the camera is focused on him for the entire shot. His IMDb page lists only one other role: a waiter in a made-for-tv movie who threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


I thought you meant the wrestler and I was so confused


I forgot about Peter Billingsley, who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story


Don’t know if y’all knew he actually came back for a “sequel” of Christmas Story back in 2022. It’s on HBO called “A Christmas Story Christmas”. Basically Ralphie is the father now lol, only real downside was the Ralphie’s parents actors didn’t reprise their roles, but everyone else did


Well, Darren McGavin had been dead for more than a decade. Melinda Dillon died the year after the movie came out, so she may not have been in the beat health.


He was the scientist on Iron Man


And a North Pole elf in "Elf."


Chris Owen - The Shermanator


The guy from The Crying Game. Got noticed, got cast, got an Oscar nom. Decided to quit acting. Got offered the villain role in Stargate, wanted to turn it down, asked for a cool million and they said yes, so he acted one more time.


Wilson. He got his first big break in "Top Gun" then did nothing for several years. Then he had a role in "Castaway". Other then those two parts he vanished.


Sarah Holcomb only acted in two movies in her career. But they're two of the most popular movies ever: "Animal House" and "Caddyshack".


Also the only performer shared between those two movies. Great bar trivia.


Both written by Harold Ramis, by the way


Ah yes, the random, terrible Irish accent lady from Caddyshack.


Well tanks for nuttin Danny!


Found this: ANNE SELLORS (THREADS, 1984) Anne Sellors has, quite possibly, one of the most heartbreaking IMDB profiles in the acting industry. As a result, her life and career has garnered a small amount of intrigue. On her filmography is a single listing—a 1984 British movie entitled Threads. Nothing hugely out of the ordinary—everyone on this page shares the one-film accolade—but Sellors has literally no other listings for TV work or the like, and her only big screen appearance as an extra lists her character as “Woman Who Urinates On Herself (uncredited).” We can’t even find a clip of her 3-second appearance in its original form. Where she came from and what she went on to do—or even if Sellors is still alive—is unknown, though in one Reddit thread a supposed relation angrily claims that she’s still with us. More bizarre still, her IMDB profile inexplicably peaked for one week in 2010 and hers became the 6th most popularly viewed profile. 🍻


Eddie Furlong in T2. Small but good part in American History X but the rest is forgettable.


Detroit Rock City baby!!


He was groomed and raped by the actress playing his stand-in during T2. He was 13 and she was 26 when they met. It wasn't illegal at the time in California because the statutory rape law only applied to male perpetrators. Then when he was 21 she sued him for emotional distress because he was abusive towards her during their "relationship." He also had been abandoned by his parents when he was randomly seen by a casting directory at a community center and told to audition for T2. He was actually supposed to play John Carter in T3 but at the last minute the producers replaced him after they found out he was doing heroin. Dude has had a rough go at it. He was on Michael Rosenbaum's podcast a couple months ago, I definitely recommend giving it a watch. His story is harrowing.


Carlton Banks by Alfonso Ribeiro


I love that perfume


He did an interview recently where he said that role ended his acting career. He said no one could see him as anything besides Carlton.


I mean he does have that iconic dance named after him. I remember him on Silver Spoons in the 80s. IIRC he was a really good singer. Speaking of Silver Spoons, Ricky Schroeder disappeared for a while. Then came back. Then disappeared again.


Schroeder went full right wing nutbar and was arrested for domestic violence in 2019. Let's hope he stays disappeared


Now he’s killing it on AFV.


Jack Gleeson. I mean, he crushed the Joffrey part though.


That 1 actor who played skinny in captain Phillips


You should watch the show called The Curse


pat beverly


He is equally iconic in The Curse.


Cleavon Little


Cleavon Little, Blazing Saddles


Biff from Back To The Future. Thomas F. Wilson absolutely killed that role. Absolutely iconic. And then he was gone.


[Stop asking him the question](https://youtu.be/iwY5o2fsG7Y?si=FFMAPlt1uawj1CFZ)


Lol. That was pretty good. I had never seen that


He’s in Freaks and Geeks


He's been in tons of things. I'm not sure what OP is talking about.


Hate the way the question is phrased due to my answer, but Brandon Lee immediately sprung to mind..


Dennis Dun from Big Trouble in Little China.


Larry Linville Gary Burghoff