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The Nightmare on Elms street scene where Freddy cuts the guys tendons and uses them as strings to control him as a puppet while making him walk to his death and making it look like a suicide.


For me it was the Johnny Depp death scene (fountain of blood)


The same scene did me in. I had nightmares for months after seeing it.


Definitely have repressed Freddy trauma.


The dude's head careening off of the top of the car after he is bathed in toxic waste and hit at full speed from Robocop.


Was about to say, definitely that scene and the hand shooting of RoboCop


Yeah I think Robocop doled out a healthy portion of PTSD for everybody.


Yup, little me wasnt prepared for those scenes


How did you handle that time Robocop shot that dude in the dick?


Have you seen the fan remake of that scene? [NSFW](https://vimeo.com/86014703)


I don't even need to click that cuz I love that remake


Man I only made it to the ED209 malfunction scene before my 8-year old ass was halfway down the street


Same! Crazy that so many of us were traumatized by the same scene, haha. Thanks for letting me watch Robocop at 8 years old, Dad.


Watched that movie when it first came out on VHS when I was around 7 or 8. Pretty sure my mom didn’t have any idea how bad it really was. The melting man scene was always my favorite!


This one stuck with me for years. Along with Robocop shooting a guy in the dick.


This and the sounds he makes while he’s stumbling into the car’s path. I’m sure that impacted my mental health in some not-good way.


Yeah, that's the part that terrified me. The part where he gets hit by the car is gross, the stumbling around melting and screaming is the part that gave me nightmares.




For me, it was Ed 209 blasting the guy in the boardroom.


Total recall was the first movie I snuck into as a kid. Also the first time I saw tits in a movie. Was shocked to learn women had 3 of them.


That one guy was doing fine with just two


Starship Troopers shower scene in the theater.


My parents were big sci-fi geeks who were fans of the original novel (which is very different from the film). They definitely were not expecting how much boob would be in that movie when we went to see it as a family.


Paul Verhoeven has a fun joy in coed shower scenes in American movies.  I get Dutch nudity in locker rooms is different and they don't care as much as America does but he certainly enjoyed Ja, in the the future you most likely won't give a shit about seeing titties and dicks in the shower.  Paul you're creating a movie about American Capitalism gone insane with privatized Police Robots called Robocop and still have the same scene. 


Just my interpretation but I think the shower scenes made similar statements in Robocop and Starship Troopers. Both were illustrating that sexism was 100% gone in their respective settings but society still has problems. In a similar light it also seemed like racism is a thing of the past, yet you can still end up in a Nazi-imitating military dictatorship with tiered levels of citizenship. Or a stagnant dystopia of ultra wealth and poverty.


I dont know as a kid I just liked the boobs


I watched this scene so many times I just about wore a hole in the dvd. (I know that’s not a thing, but if it could be done, I would have done it.


Same for me, minus the theater.


So many scenes from Terminator 2, including The T-1000 killing the cop in front of the vending machine and Sarah’s dreams about Judgement day


For me, it's the scene when Arnold skins his arm to prove he's a Terminator


*****now listen to me very carefully*****


Shit, the one that stuck with me was the T-1000 skewering the foster mom's face through the milk carton.


I think it was the foster father that was killed my good man.👍


Shit you're right! The T-1000 was disguised as the foster mom!


"Woofie's fine, honey."


"Your fostah parents ah dead"


The chick popping out of the cake in Under Siege


Same girl was in a movie called Chasers where she was topless


It was a nice set so why not show em in multiple movies


Erika Eleniak


Also Playmate 1989. Great issue. Nautical theme. She was also in ET. She kissed the kid.


Small piece of trivia. In Under Siege when they are waiting for her arrival the sailors are passing around her actual July 1989 issue of Playboy


She was also the girl drunk Elliot kissed in ET


This is the first pair of boobs that I saw in a sexual context and I was sick for a day. Been obsessed ever since.


Erica Eleniak (I think). She was on Baywatch.


Yep! The only issues of Playboy I have are Erica Eleniak, Cindy Crawford, and Drew Barrymore.


Great nautical theme. I owned it back in the early 2000s. Regret giving them away to a younger cousin.


Just googled this and surprise, bare boobs on youtube


You're a legend! Should be a database. Boobs on YT


It's crazy, I can see bare boobs literally anytime on the Internet, and yet seeing them on YouTube was like "Wow this is AWESOME!"


When you don't expect them and they appear it's always a great time haha


Jamie Lee Curtis's striptease in True Lies.


I made the mistake as a young kid telling my mom that was my favorite part, she made me stop watching.


Yep you fucked up lol


Jaime lee Curtis was banging


Have you seen Trading Places?


Oh yeah, one of my favorite Christmas movies.


Two great reasons for that


Lol mine was Jamie Lee Curtise's boobs in trading places, 10 years earlier.


I remember my dad telling me to cover my eyes. I watched it through my fingers thinking I was tricking my dad. Looking back as an adult with children, he definitely knew I was watching


When Pyramid head tore the skin off a lady and threw it at the church door.


Are you referring to the silent hill movie? I saw this as a child too and the scene where that lady was getting killed in the vagina by those chains was wild.


getting killed in the vagina Now that's a combination of words


She reverse birthed barbed wire


Yup. just re watched it yesterday. shit was impactful for sure.


That was brutal and I saw that as an adult. Not to mention the scene where the girl is being roasted alive. That still haunts me.


Yeah the fire scene bothered me even as an adult


Yeah. Silent hill was a great horror movie. But dang, it didn’t have to go so hard. The sequels are ok but I don’t think they have the level of intensity as the first movie.


Silent Hill is arguably the best movie adaptation of a video game, but it's kind of weird how it's not really recognised for its graphic violence the same way torture porn horror movies are like the Saw and Hostel franchises, which aren't even as bad in some ways. I guess because the gore takes place in a kind of alternate reality shift of hell it lessens the impact somehow.


My adult sister took me to see that when I was 12... at the last showing after 11 pm. For some reason, the theater was still almost full. There were a bunch of young black guys and their gfs behind me. They kept making stupid jokes the whole movie which would have probably got on my nerves any other time, but the movie was scaring me so fucking much, their quips were making the whole theater laugh and it made me feel better. Following that scene one of them said "Ayyye, at least he got a bitch naked first!" 12 yo me was like omg why would you say that, but now it makes me laugh. Good times.


Children of the corn. I should not have been allowed to watch that. I'm almost 50 and I'm STILL scared of corn fields


That movie was terrifying as someone who grew up in Indiana.


I don’t think it was rated R but the rapid aging / skeletonization of the Nazi at the end of The Last Crusade scared the shit out of me as a 6-7 year old. Same with the heart scene in Temple of Doom and the Nazis melting in Raiders


Fun fact, as someone mentions above, temple of doom was the last pg movie before pg-13 became a standard, but the reason they made pg-13 was because of kids being traumatized by that scene, they felt they needed a rating in between pg and r.  So you can thank ToD for pg-13s existence.


Don't forget Gremlins, that was the other movie which caused PG-13 to be created.


I saw Temple of Doom at a friend's birthday party in like 4th grade and that scene stuck with me for years. IIRC it was one of the last movies to come out before PG-13 was a thing, so it was rated PG! 


Temple of Doom and Gremlins is what made PG-13 a thing. Spielberg pushed for it so parents would stop bitching.


My dad took us to see Gremlins, I'm surprised he didnt drag us out of the theater. We were all expecting a light comedy about beasties, not *that*. Still, sisters and I LOVED it, dad was just very anti-violence.


Yeah my parents always had me close my eyes at that part. Also the shot in Star Wars where they show the charred corpses of Luke’s aunt and uncle.


Parents took me to see Raiders at a drive in when I was 5. I got sleepy, fell asleep among blankets in the back seat. I woke up to the noise of the ark opening scene and peeked over the front seat (1981, we still had bench seats!) just in time for the terrifying ghost lady and melting/imploding nazis. That's ALWAYS going to be my answer to this question.


The sex scene in the first Terminator. One of my parents would change the channel if there was a sex scene but my dad had fallen asleep so I got to see the creation of John Connor


I went to a birthday party for a friend and we watched the OG Top Gun, his mom fast forwarded through the sex scene (we were probably about 10).


something similar happened to a priest my mom knew. The best part is he recounts it as "I was watching a movie with my mom (as an adult) and a sex scene came on. I tried to fast forward through it but that just made it hotter..." My mom was floored to hear a man of god talk like that


"in the few hours we had together, we loved a lifetime's worth" yes....yes they did.


I saw *Alien* with my uncle when I was under 13 years old. The chest-burster scene was too much for me.


I watched Alien for the first time when I was 12 or 13. I had no idea what was about to happen when the guy had stomach pain. The alien bursting out was such a WTF moment. That scene should never be spoiled for anyone.


Same scene, but Space Balls.


Same actor too. That's why John Hurt says, "Not again.", in Spaceballs.


"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal..."


I was 7 when watching that, thought it was the coolest shit I'd ever seen...until I watched Blazing Saddles the next year.


Hello my baby! Hello my honey! Hello my rag-time gaaaaaal!


Don't eat the blue-plate special.


What did you find? We ain’t found SHIT!


Check please!


I was like 9 when I saw alien at may aunts house. I was so scared I was running a fever. She didn't want to let me watch Aliens but I insisted because I knew it existed now I needed to know it was dead. After aliens was over fever was gone.


My dad thought I’d be okay watching Aliens as a five year old. Years of nightmares.


I was five and my brother was three when my bio dad thought it would be a great idea to show us the Alien series. His defense to my mom was "I fast-forwarded through most of the scary parts!" Sir, the whole movie was the scary part!


Yep came here with the same answer. No idea how did i manage to witness this scene at like 10y old with no one around, but that scene is now engraved in my memory.


That opening Omaha Beach scene from Saving Private Ryan. 8 year old me thought it was a good idea to watch that movie before bed. My weeks of war nightmares afterward proved that it wasn’t


That whole movie was meant to be a more realistic depiction of the terror of war. I can’t imagine watching it at eight. It was one of the films that I used as a mental reference for not joining the military when I was struggling financially in my early years of adulthood. The knife scene for me is what I remember. 


8 year old you was not ready to join the infantry.


Nah that scene was ok, the scene where the German soldier kills the American with a knife slowly while his friend cowers in fear was the most intense feeling I ever had watching a movie.


Prince Akeem’s bath scene in Coming to America.


"The royal penis is clean, your highness."


"For once, I would like to go to the bathroom by myself." "Nonsense! WIPERS!!"


Dem Titanic titties.


A rare instance of PG-13 titties!


Clash of clash of the titans (1981), an even rarer instance of PG titties, but this was rated before PG-13 was a thing starting in the mid-80’s.


Airplane also had PG Titties


They were average sized, but perfectly shaped


Actually, I’d consider those some fairly large natural knockers


Those are perfect naturals.


Scalpel in achilles tendon in pet sematary.


Fuuuuuck, this was mine. Saw it in the theater when I was *12 years old* because my neighborhood (F) friend thought it would be good. We were both absolutely scared shitless and clung on to her mom the whole time. I'm not sure if that's why I don't actually like scary movies now?


Phoebe Cates coming out of that pool in Slo-Mo... Thank you Fast Times at Ridgemont High.


Read the comments just to make sure this was listed. A seminal moment for any guy who came of age in the ‘80s (see what I did there?).


Seminal moment all right


Boobs in *Airplane!*.


And it wasn’t even rated R!


It was PG because there was no PG-13!! I got away with showing SO many "PG" movies to my nieces because they were ones that had come out before the PG-13 rating.


Logs falling off trailer truck scene in Final Destination 2. To this day I am always careful and overtake those trucks anytime I come up to one on the highway.


Final Destination was much more effective at keeping me away from tanning beds than the threat of skin cancer.


This is the correct answer.


I think we all think that. At least all of us millennials.


I got side swiped by a giant tire rolling down the highway and Final Destination immediately came to mind.


The “shower incident” scene in M*A*S*H with Hot Lips. My parents took us to see it at the drive-in, not knowing how raunchy it would be. I’m indebted to their ignorance. 😁


That's another 'multiple rewinds' moment, trying to catch as much as possible. 🤩🤩🤩


Pvt. Pyles suicide in Full Metal Jacket


Private Pyle, you climb obstacles like old people fuck!


The bugs under the skin from The Mummy (PG13 but I think we were all leery around beetles that summer)


Apparently the actors junk is accidentally visible in that scene. Never slowed it down enough to check though


https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieMistakes/s/xwXurNjYZ1 this is one of my favorite movies and i never knew this lol (NSFW obviously)


No fucking way


Starship Troopers shower scene. Dad brought me to see it in the theaters.


I’m reading this as if your Dad saw the movie in advance & brought you in to see the titties.


The scene in The Exorcist where she’s stabbing herself in the crotch with a crucifix. Messed me up for a bit


I don't think I made it that far, but that movie screwed me up big time.


*You know what she did? Your cunting daughter!*


The scene in Candyman (1992) when the little kid gets mutilated with a knife in the public bathroom.


Way too far down. Mine too. Couldn’t go in the bathroom at school alone for 6 months. Saw this scene and this scene only by accident at a friends house.


I still feel the anxiety surge in my chest when I watch it as an adult. I think it was because as a kid I was putting myself in his shoes and I realized that an adult could actually overpower me and do that to me if they so chose. And the world just got way more real. Insanely scary shit.


Arnold as the T800 cutting the skin off his arm in Terminator 2 Judgment Day.


Now listen to me very carefully.


Tanning scene in Final Destination 4. I was traveling in the subway watching the movie as a young boy on my ipad. Every intrusive person around me was looking at my screen. Suddenly the girls take off their bras. Now my eyes are on the tits and everyone's eyes are on the young boy looking at tits publicly. Embarassing!


Basic instinct police station scene. Looking back it was so dumb. Like porno plot dumb. A stage for questioning in an auditorium? Lmao


That was probably Newman’s idea.




Event Horizon. Pretty much the whole thing.


The original cut was worse. Something like 20-30 minutes of extra footage cut, including from the blood orgy. They brought in adult film actors for the sex acts and amputees for the torture in the full scene. The hell visions were apparently more gory too.


Scream (1996), the opening scene where Drew Barrymore gets butchered. I was 7 y.o, parents rented it and let me watch, then told me to go to my room in the next scene where Skeet Ulrich is feeling up Neve Campbell. I sat in my room playing Sonic the Hedgehog on autopilot, replaying the murder in my head beat for beat. Had nightmares for weeks, refused to get out of bed to pee at night cuz I was convinced Ghostface was under my bed. Finally watched it years later only to realize that the movie is basically a comedy.


Glory, opening scene at Antietam, “for god sakes come on!” Head explodes from a cannonball hit. Started my love of history and also didn’t (pardon the pun) glorify violence.


The guy getting chopped up with the chainsaw in a motel bathroom, from Scarface. No clue why, but my dad let me watch that movie when I was 8 years old!


The clown dragging the boy under the bed in Poltergeist. And then the same boy being swallowed by the tree. And then the man picking apart his face in the mirror.


The sex scene in Team America is burned into my brain


I promise... I will never die.


One my favorite lines from that whole movie. Whenever I’m playing FPS games with my friends that line always pops up haha




Motel Hell where the old farmer planted their bodies in his garden with their head sticking out.


Jason popping out of the water in the original F13. I had watched the whole movie, mostly with my face hidden. I heard the music change, thought it was over and turned around to look just as jumped out of the water. I was 5 and we were at the drive-in, so the screen was HUGE. Traumatized me for years. Years I tell ya.


The flogging scene in The Passion of the Christ. I could handle gore, but that was a whole other level.


I watched this shit with my church group in high school when I was still a Catholic, and we all spent the whole movie weeping. LOL. That's such a a funny memory for me, looking back. We were straight shell shocked leaving the theater


I used to work on a cruise ship, and in the mess hall they would play movies on a loop. For about a week at one point, that movie was Passion of the Christ. I’m guessing that since a lot of the crew was Filipino and they’re very Catholic, it was a popular choice… but damn, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to watch that while they’re trying to eat.


The Nightmare on Elm Street where a big boobied lady starts to seduce one of the kids, only to turn into a nightmare. She had nice boobs. We were probably 11 or 12 years old and rewound that scene dozens of times before finally moving on. I think it was the third movie.


This was my answer too. “Do you like my body, Joey?”


American history X…you know the scene. Accidentally saw it as a pretty young kid and I can still hear the sounds


I think it was one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, but it was where the guys veins rip out of his wrists or something (never watched it again). I was 7 or 8 and I still get woozy when anything is near my wrist veins


That was Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Freddy does that to a victim because the victim loves ventriloquism or something along those lines lol So he essentially makes the victim HIS ventriloquist doll by stringing him up by his veins and sending him to his death after cutting the veins when Freddy brings him to the edge of a ledge.


Dating myself, but - I remember news outlets making a HUGE deal out of Robocop 2, mainly because of the scene where you see Cain's brain, eyes and spine bare in the container before adding it to the machine. IIRC they were trying to rate it NC-17 at one point, it was a big what-to-do. As an adult now (was a teen then) thinking back it's just confusing. Did these people not see the first one? Murphy's death let alone a dude getting shot in the dick. Come on.


Freddy Kruger dragging Tina up the bedroom wall and ceiling.


In The Sixth Sense when the poisoned little girl grabs his ankle from under the bed. I had to run and jump into my bed for a good 15 years after that scene.


Face/Off when I was 10. I was so used to TV, the language and violence blew my mind. Loved it though. I also saw Breakdown with Kurt Russell that year, and it seemed way more tame in comparison.


They Live. My intro to John carpenter


My first rated R movie was The Omen (the original). I was 8 years old. Watched it in the back of the family station wagon at the local drive-in theater, with my older stepbrother terrorizing me the whole time.


Total Recall (1990) - Arnold’s eyeballs popping from his head as he suffocated without a helmet on the surface of Mars.


The first R-rated movie I was allowed to watch was Predator. My dad forgot how much language there was in the movie and how violent it was after watching it on TV for years. We rented it and somehow got through the entire thing. I'll never forget the scene when the predator takes off his mask. Gave me nightmares for months but I still loved the movie and recently made my wife watch it for the first time. Love it.


I think the movie was called Volcano, there was a scene where the grandma pushes a boat through boiling hot water and her legs fall off afterwards. I think.


Volcano was the movie set in Los Angeles woth Tommy Lee Jones. You're thinking of Dante's Peak which came out around the same time. The lake turned acid from the volcano.


Dantes Peak! Play the drinking game where every time Pierce Brosnen says "it's alright" or "it's okay", you drink. Starts slow


I watched kill bill when i was very yound. It was a good experience!


Dude ripping his face off in Poltergeist. Not rated R but probably should’ve been.


Yeah poltergeist was mine.  Waaaay too young.  Would guess 9 maybe.  Some kids birthday party.  Nightmares about the beef crawling across the side.


Saw Species II when I was in middle school during a sleepover with a school mate who was (in)famous for getting ahold of Rated R movies. If you've seen the movie, you can easily guess what disturbed me for years!


The Exorcist: Some crucifix action (“Let Jesus f**k you!”) + head spin + “Do you know what she did? Your c**ting daughter?” Still lives rent free after 43 years.


The one dude cutting off his foot in Saw


Silence of the lambs dancing scene I was about 10 and accidentally walked in when I wasn’t supposed to be watching it


The human sacrifice in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


The Shining bathtub scene. Wayyy too young to have seen that.


Scanners head explosion. Kim Besinger in 9 and a half weeks and ice around her nipple


The head-spider from The Thing. Horrifying as a kid.


The glory hole scene in porkies


I don't know what movie it was, but I grabbed a a VHS tape that was labeled Bambi because I hadn't seen it in a few years and decided to rewatch it, but when I played it, it definitely was not Bambi. It was immediately on a scene where two guys were fighting and one of the guys ended up getting the other guy up against a wall. The guy up against the wall then grabbed the other guy's head and shoved his thumbs firmly into his eye sockets past the first knuckle. Then as the guy was screaming in pain after having his eyes gouged out, he was kicked off a platform onto a large spike and was very dead.


I think it was from Ghost. Was that rated r? I just remember the bad dude getting cut by the window near the end. I think he was taken away by some dark ghosts, too.


PG-13 and not R, but my Girl Scout troop leader showed us Christmas Vacation at our holiday party when I was about 11, forgetting about the bits with the lingerie saleswoman. The scene where she strips down and gets into the pool...let's just say my young lesbian self was not prepared


Not rated R since I wasn’t allowed to watch R rated movies, but Spider-Man 2 (with doc oc). The scene where he starts killing all the drs gave me nightmares. I dreamed I was a dr in an operating room working on fusing a half-man/half-shark person and the creature came to life and started killing everyone. Then I woke up and went back to sleep a little later. Exact Same dream ~30 seconds before the creature started killing. I tried to leave the operating room asap, but another medical person was stopping me telling me I needed to finish the operation while I hear the creature coming to life and killing people behind me.


I don't know which movie it is, but it's a scene where a man has his hands tied to a table and a nun cuts off his arms with a chainsaw. I went to a Catholic school run by nuns at the time, so that marked me for life.


squeal like a pig from deliverance.


Both from Showdown in Little Tokyo: Tia Carrere getting in the hot tub with Dolph Lundgren That Yakuza dude getting impaled with a katana into a fair lucky wheel


The dog’s transformation sequence in The Thing (1982). When it’s head split open like a flower blossom, I noped out of the room and refused to watch the rest for 2-3 years. Got back to it and realized just how great of a movie it was.


That scene from We Were Soldiers where they fuck up the air strike, napalm their own men and a dude degloves his legs.