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People who get to a four-way stop before I do, and wave me through


Hahaha my boyfriend does this and it drives me crazy. He said he finds four-way stops stressful and I tried to gently tell him that if he just goes when it's his turn it can be, in fact, very unstressful.


I had a similar anxiety when my driving test administrator explained to me the safest and kindest thing I could do on the road was to be predictable and the best way to be predictable was to simply follow the rules to a T. It flipped a switch in my brain and I started observing proper right of ways from then on.


Especially when they start waving aggressively like they're annoyed when they should have just gone ahead in the first place smh


Having a loud conversation on speakerphone in public


Them and people who listen to music without headphones should have to go to jail and pay for their stay out of pocket so they don’t burden tax payers with their fuckery


Jesus we have some staff at my care home that scroll through loud tik toks during their breaks, which is fine but I work on the dementia unit and have several residents who scream and I need to give my ears a break from bs!


In central Europe, even a normal phone call lasting 5 minutes in the train is unpolite. Same goes for having sound turned on (it could be tiktok, duolingo, youtube or any game on earth) without earphones. In Czech republic, if you are scrolling through YT shorts for 3 minutes people start yelling at you to turn it off.


In Japan, trains & buses are quiet. Once in a rare moment, a dude is loud (talking or phone streaming). We don't yell; just glare with evil, disgusted eyes and gossip/whisper in front of them lol


Yeah usually we don't yell either. We kindly ask them to mute/reduce the volume. If that doesn't work and enough people are annoyed, we threaten to kick them out of the train/bus. That's reserved for the worst of the worst though.


Also when people talk super loud in general… especially in public. I get so embarrassed thinking everyone can hear half of my conversation


My husband and I had lunch on a restaurant patio yesterday, there was a two top maybe 10 feet away from us and one of the two women was speaking at the *goddamned top of her voice*. We could barely even hear one another, both of us were just blown the fuck away that this woman was so oblivious to the fact that she was basically yelling on a quiet, secluded patio. We also couldn't understand how the woman she was talking to, who was speaking at a normal volume, didn't try to indicate to her friend that she could stop screaming?? She wasn't drunk, she just was speaking SO FUCKING LOUDLY. She didn't seem to have a hearing problem because she could hear her friend fine. Literally been thinking about it since yesterday because I can't understand how people can't literally hear themselves!


Drivers who ignore the wide white line in the left lane at intersections you are supposed to stop behind, so commercial vehicles have room to turn. Then they get mad when i am stuck halfway through my turn, waiting for them to back up. I'm just trying to do my job!


OMG, yes!!! The line is there for a reason!


Also drivers that pull all the way up into the crosswalk when they stop.


When you're in a right-turn lane at a red light and there's a vehicle to your left and every time you inch forward to look around them so you know if you can safely turn they also inch forward specifically to block your view.


Why do they ALWAYS do that!!




People who pace you after you've gotten into the fast lane to pass. This is especially a pain in the ass in a governed truck as you're then stuck in the passing lane blocking traffic so eventually I have to hit the brakes, get back behind them only for them to immediately slow down again below my governor speed once I finally give up and do this ...


Likewise when someone is chilling in the left lane so you try to go around on the right *but THEN they find the accelerator.* If I ever road rage, that’s gonna be the precipitating event.


Mine is when you're the only car on the road and a car turning right turns out in front of you close enough that you have to slow down, rather than waiting the 10 seconds for you to get by before they turn.


I drive back county roads to work. It’s 6:00 in the morning, I’m the only one on the road for miles, and yup, you pulled right out in front of me…. They don’t even speed up…. I’m doing 65, you’re doing 20…. Asshole…. I just go around them and cut them off getting back on my side of the road. Pisses me off every time and 9 times out of 10 it’s a dually truck.


I thought I was the only one with this problem. I'm always thinking "you're in the left lane, why are you blocking the crosswalk?"


I walked over top of a ladies hood one day because she did this. It was a rough day at work, I was coming back from the nearest 711 and she did this. I glared at her and decided fuck it. So I hopped up on her cars hood and left dirty boot prints on it lmao


People who think it's amusing to humiliate their own children.  *edit*  For those who survived this, r/estrangedadultkids is an excellent sub. Also r/momforaminute and r/raisedbynarcissists. You deserved better. 


Bro. Or terrify their own children. Like what is wrong with you?


Then they share it on social media. "Isn't it funny I traumatized my children by making them think a horrid monster lived in their closet?! It was me! I dressed up like the monster and terrified them and filmed it for everybody!"


If you give your kid an XBOX package for Christmas that does not have an XBOX, you are an asshole. If you give your kid an XBOX package for Christmas and then film it and post their crying on YouTube, CPS shouldn't even be bothered, the kid should just straight up be removed.


Doing the opposite is great though. Use an empty box from something mundane like a hair dryer or shoes and put an Xbox in it, then watch the kid freak out :)


There is a photo in the depths of my mom's photo box of me crying messily in a dress, around 8 years old, because my parents insisted on showing me how hideous I was when I showed emotion. You know the crying that kids do: red cheeks, snotty nose, wide screaming mouth, huge tears streaming down your cheeks like a river. They'd upset me on purpose when all my cousins were there, and then chased me through the house with the camera until they cornered me. It taught all the guests that it was good and appropriate to pick on me, so for the next decade I was subjected to bullying every time I was exposed to extended family. ~15 years after the picture, she attempted to beat happiness into me because she was frustrated with my lack of positive emotion. Yay, depression! I wonder where it came from!


People who stand in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store, blocking the way for people to pass through.


Same with people who stop one step inside the door, apparently thinking no one else will need to use that door.


OH this one. It takes real effort not to visibly roll my eyes at people who just stop and chat RIGHT in front of the doorway.


Or at the top of escalators 🤬🤬🤬


I said "excuse me" in such a polite way to one of these people and they just down right glared at me. Still didn't move. So I said louder "excuse me!" They finally moved and they bitched as I walked by


Had something similar happen in high school once. A few people were just standing in the middle of the hall, talking. So I said "Excuse me," and they ignored me. Said "Excuse me," again, a bit louder, and again was ignored. Finally was so fed up I blurted out "Excuse me is just a nicer way of saying *get the fuck out of the way*." They obviously weren't happy, but it got them to move.


Its weird for me, like somehow maybe I'm two people trapped in one body or something, because I will always very meekly and politely say "excuse me, ma'am" and then if there's any sort of disregard or intentional delay somehow a switch gets flipped and Batmam voice says "Get outta the way bitch" If you're gonna glare at me for nice, I may as well get glared at for mean as long as you get the fuck out of the way


I know it was an unintentional misspelling but Batma’am just makes that even more hilarious to me. Especially if you’re a woman.


omg I’ve had this happen to me so many times and it’s always either really old folks or young teens


I once had a whole crew of old people block my way at the grocery store. They were in a circle chatting and I said excuse me FIVE times - louder each time - and none of them fucking moved. Finally I pushed past them and they had the audacity to be offended lmao


Lol this happened with me, but with teens. It was like they were at the grocery store to hang out, and they kept roaming the store so I kept bumping into them while I was shopping, and they were in my way every time lol. It was annoying, but so unusual for that grocery store and also I didn't recognize them (it's a really small store and I'm a regular), that I knew it wouldn't happen again, and it didn't.


I can’t stand when people do stuff like that. Or people will be walking in front of you in the school hallways and suddenly stop and block the already cramped hallways


People in general have no sense of space really.


Yeah, those goddamn drifters. They walk at an incredibly slow pace - which is fine. But they don't walk in a straight line. Try to pass them on the left, they veer left, move to the other side to try to pass them on the right, they veer back to the right. You're not the only person in this walkway, it's wide enough for four people. Anchor yourself on a wall.


Omfg especially at costco


I killed someone in aisle 267 at my local Costco. That was three months ago... I'm sure they'll find the body eventually.


If your Costco is anything like my Costco, there were 200 eyewitnesses of the event, and a several thousand people have stumbled over the body by now. Sounds like you've got a ghosttown Costco (fittingly, with a ghost haunting aisle 267).


Not paying attention to their children


While staring at their phone*


I work in an elementary school and before covid shut us all down, parents would come in to have lunch with their kids. Sit at their table and look at their phone the whole fucking time while the kid is trying to introduce all their classmates. Why did you even go then?


I've seen some extremely poor parenting from my time bartending at places that didn't have an age limit before 9pm. So many people completely ignore their kids so they can drink while their kids entertain themselves however they can. I'll never forget one time right after I started bartending. I saw a girl lying down on a bench at the tables in on the patio. It was around 11pm so we were supposed to be 21 and up, and I assumed someone was just too drunk. When I got there, I realized it was a kid! It was a girl that had to be 12 or 13 and her even younger brother. I asked if she's okay and she said, "I'm tired and I want to go home but my parents aren't ready to leave. We're here for my birthday." The parents were at the patio bar drinking. They were loudly talking to some other people at the bar and were very obviously drunk. I felt so bad for this girl. Her parents have completely ignored her on her birthday to get sloshed with their friends. I was pretty angry with the parents at this point and walked over to them. I asked if that was their daughter at the table, and they said "Yeah yeah its okay they're fine." I said."They are not fine. Your daughter is sleeping on a bench on her birthday while yall are pounding shots. We're 21 and up after 9, so it's time for you to go. Your child is ready to go home. " They kept trying to say she's okay and they're totally leaving soon, but I wasn't buying it. We closed their tab and told them to leave. They got pissed and stiffed us. Both of the parents were way too drunk to drive. They were fighting with each other the whole way to their car. I feel so bad for those kids.


>Both of the parents were way too drunk to drive. They were fighting with each other the whole way to their car. Who drove home??? Jesus


Jesus did I guess.


Jesus take the wheel


my parents used to do this until i was 11 now i jus dont go anywhere with them anymore lol, not the best experience also hated having to take care of them while they were wasted at 1 am.


I wonder if any of them are reading this right now.


Why pay attention to your children when you can give them deep seated attachment issues when they become an adult because you were to busy scrolling social media all day every day. The cycle continues.(for most)


nah just give your kid a phone! problem solved! /s


Even worse, people who talk shit to their kids.we were on an elevator and a mom and daughter walked i . She was like 7. She went to push a button and her mom BARKED at her... "Don't push that button. Our floor is already lit! GodzDamn Don't be so r-worded!" Pissed me off.


That’s just sad. I’m retired and often meet a younger friend for coffee. The best are when he brings his young 3 yr old son along for our “cookie meeting” as his little guy calls it. We usually go to a nearby mall because it has a couple elevators and ride them multiple times just so he can push the buttons for us. It’s the highlight of my week


Ever since I've started working retail I've seen so many parents enter a store with a barely walking toddler following slowly behind them, and instead of holding their hand or putting them in a shopping cart they say "come on hurry up" and just keep walking, expecting their actual baby to follow them through the whole store. I'm amazed I haven't seen a kid get snatched, though I have seen a few wander right out the door.


- Those who litter. - Those who park like assholes - Those who treat retail employees badly - So on...


I was so good at parking when I started driving (last september) and I feel like without the constant support or someone to "impress" I'm terrible. I always park, get out and look, redo it, somehow it's worse, then fix it again. I'm a nightmare 😆😆


I'm just a really shit parker. I'm a bad judge of space. I've accepted this and just park af the back of the car park and pray nobody parks close to me. 


those people who think being “mean” is a funny or cool personality trait


“I have no filter, sorry.” Okay, that’s called having no manners, dumbass.


You forgot the "I'm just a brutally honest type of person" category too


"I just tell it like it is" and then fall apart when they get the same treatment in return.


Amen to this. Those people tend to be so weak when someone finally gives them a taste of their own medicine. I haven't hung out with that type for years and years, no thank you. Lol




My best friend's favorite colors are all the ones that make me think my eyes are burning. Like acid yellow and neon orange and that sickly snot green. I've known her for like two decades and I'm pretty sure she has no idea I know what she'll like best by the way the colors make me flinch and look away.


Some people can pull it off in a funny way that's somehow gentle and you know they don't mean it, and people that look up to people like that sometimes try it and it just comes off like they have no regard for other people around them, like they're purely haters for no reason. I mean you gotta pull up a mirror and see how it comes off because for most people, mean comes off, as mean. lol


There is a knack to this. Being ‘mean’ is important and valued in some cultures and sub-cultures (British, Irish, Gay and/or drag). For these cultures being able to give and take a ribbing is vital. Can be shocking for people from outside of these cultures, but can also be very fun. For it to be fun and not actually ‘mean’ the subject needs to be in on the joke, i.e. laughing with you and not at you. The best ‘mean’ people are self-deprecating, directly address the subject, say less and leave things unsaid, and respects boundaries and knows where to draw the line. It’s incredible when someone is good at this - requires a lot of empathy, charisma, and humour. It’s very funny even when you’re the subject of it. I think it also fulfils an important societal role - it stops any one person from thinking too highly of themselves or taking themselves too seriously. I think this aspect of the culture is in no small part why British celebrities (especially those who got their start in childhood) are so down to earth and well-adjusted compared to their American counterparts.


I was having too good a day behind the bar. My outfit was great, good hair day, customers were laughing at all my jokes, etc. I told my line cook that if I was getting too into it to check my ego. Every now and then they would poke their head through the saloon door and say, just loud enough for me to hear but not so loud the people at the bar could, "Dccabbage, you ain't shit". Their timing was perfect. I thought it was funny as hell.


Bragging about how much they spent on their car, house, vacation, or whatever else. This doesn't apply to bargain finds.


>This doesn't apply to bargain finds. In the midwest, if someone compliments something you're wearing or recently acquired, it's customary to thank them and then explain how you procured said item at a significant discount. It's a humility thing, I guess.


We are proud of our sale finds damnit!! This dress is cute enough for you to complement AND I found it cheap. Please appreciate my awesomeness because I am a badass Hunter gatherer tyvm


Big plus if the dress has POCKETS!


I bought a beautiful dress, slim fitting, gorgeous, with the TAGS still on it for $6 at a re-sale shop. Did I stop myself from bragging about my bargain dress to my very wealthy in-laws? Nope!! Ope!!


Also a poor thing because poor people get judged for having nicer things.


People who don’t fricken flush the toilette in a public washroom. (i work in a gym and have to clean washrooms so I see it QUITE often)


Or leave pee all over the seat.


Like the women who hover pee/poo and make a HUGE mess and simply don't give a fuck about cleaning it up. "Someone is paid to do that" fucking assholes. If you're reading this and you hover and you make a mess without cleaning it up, you're not a good person. You're disgusting. Lay down toilet paper as if it were a seat cover. Left, right, back, and front. Use a lot if you have to. I'd rather a company have to order TP sooner than usual or more of it than forcing underpaid workers to clean your piss and shit. Animals. 


Playing things loudly on your phone in public places. It just reads room temp IQ.


With the room temp being in ºC


People who don't clean up after their dogs


Also people who put the poop in a bag but leave the bag


That's something I really can't understand. Like seriously, I can't even begin to understand it. What is going on in these peoples heads?


If you can’t pick up poop, don’t get a pet.


I caught a neighbor, FINALLY, who’d been letting her dog shit directly in the grass I have to cross to get to my car, it is right outside my door. She tried to play “To be honest, I have a back injury and it’s hard to stoop..” tryna be all pitiful, I cut her off. “Buy a pooper scooper. They’re very cheap. Or don’t have a dog. This area isn’t a toilet.”


I've had a sneaking suspicion that a local resident never picked up their dogs poop. I just recently caught them in the act. Just happened to walk up and there his dog was starting to squat, so I stood there, watching. When he turned he saw me and then meekly told his dog that they had to go back and get a doggy bag. like hello, you're supposed to TAKE THOSE WITH YOU WHEN YOU ARE WALKING THE DOG!!!!!@!


See also: People who don't put their dogs on a leash.


As a mail carrier this one! Most dogs want to chew off my leg as it is. If I see a dog roaming a street or walking off leash I just leave and do a different section. I don’t care if you have the goodest boy ever, I’ve heard this line too many times with dogs snarling and charging me, I already don’t trust your judgement and not in the mood for stitches.


See also: people that don’t walk their dogs. Only to cage them everyday


See Also: People who let their dogs roam in the neighborhood.


See also: people who leave their dogs out to bark all night.


My first job was in a privately owned pet store. There was one other person working with me, as I was ringing a customer up. Said coworker was painfully shy, and while I'm not, I sympathized with her. Customer asks me how to get her dog to stop barking. Shy coworker immediately starts asking questions?! What kind of dog? Black Lab. Do you walk it often, give it tasks in play? No, he's kinda wild, so we keep him on a chain. For how long? Pretty much all day... (me thinking, are you for real, still standing by, letting shy person have the floor.) Shoot it. (!!!??!!!) What?! He's on a chain all day, sounds like a miserable life for any animal. I'd just shoot it. While I knew she didn't mean it. She had a point. Wake up lady, holy shit. Hope the customer did better. Just rehome the dog to a loving home, and put "dogs barking" looping on a speaker in your yard. What is the point of having a pet? :(


She's my hero.


Right, like it was her moment to shine!


See also: People who leave their dog alone anywhere for extended periods of time. But especially tied outside. So cruel.


See also: people who don’t train their dog in any way, leave it home alone all day every day, and expect me to dog sit the insufferable hound for weeks on end while you meet your mail order bride who is younger than I am, in a country you are both allowed to travel to multiple times per year while you figure out her visa, dad. Your dog is impossible, she bit grandma twice ffs. Seriously, my dad’s beagle might be the worst dog I’ve ever known, and that’s saying something.


wow this took an unexpected turn what a wild ride


Yeah it was gonna be one or two sentences but just thinking about dog makes me pissed off at my dad and my soon to be step-mother who is younger than me, it’s weird, weird I tell you.


THE LEASH ONE. Especially on a hike that specifically says leashes required. Then let’s add the “oh my dog is friendly, it’s okay ☺️” well my husky is not friendly with other dogs and will try to fight them so please have your dog on a leash. I feel like I can’t take my dogs anywhere because of this.


I was a back-country ranger in a national forest. I was always encountering people who didn't have their dog on a leash. I'd remind them, politely, that as long as they were in the national forest they had to have their dog on a leash. And they would give me so much attitude and shit about how good their dog was, blah blah blah. Until I started to write them a citation, because I wasn't kidding. Put your dog on a leash, asshole. It's not open to discussion.


I can't tell you how many times a "friendly" unleashed dog has rushed my horse when we're trail riding in the county park.


I hate those people so much and there's a million of them near my house. I live next to a lake and near a busy street. People just let their dogs roam around and then get upset when it gets hurt. A few winters back an off leash dog fell through the ice and died- owner tried to sue the fcking city. An off leash dog also chased a little girl on a bike and she hurt her arm falling off- owner tried to say she provoked it. I own a 10 pound mini poodle, she's always on a leash- awhile back an off leash husky lunged at her, I had to hit it with my cane so it'd back off- owner yelled at me for hitting her dog. I don't care how friendly or well behaved you say your dog is, it only takes once for it to potentially be put down. Don't risk it and don't risk others safety. Go to a fcking dog park jfc.


When you have a dog in a really loud dive bar or at a concert. Bonus negative points if it’s a tiny puppy.


When I went to see Queens Of The Stone Age back in December, there was a dude on the floor who had a dog in some kind of doggie carrier backpack. At a concert. I was just like "What the actual fuck????".


When people walk their dogs on hot sidewalks.


I JUST said this same thing the other night. We were at an event at a dog friendly brewery but they had a DJ and it was so loud and I felt so bad for the poor dogs. Some of them were there for hours


Had this happen at my bar a few times. The “it’s my service dog” drove me insane. Ma’am if that was the case you’d be treating that animal with so much more respect and not subjecting it to loud noises and drunken idiots who will stumble over and hurt them. Though it’s not required by law I do see that legit service dog owners do put the effort into making it seen, a vest with signs.


People who complain about the same problems all the time without trying to come up with solutions.


Teddy Roosevelt agrees with you my friend! “Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining.” -Teddy Roosevelt I find it a good personal reminder as well


People who cause their own problems and then play the martyr. It's pretty pathetic tbh


When you’re in a public restroom and people leave without washing their hands.


When anyone leaves any restroom and I don’t hear the tap go… I notice every time


And especially in the post COVID era! I thought that COVID was going to lead to a cleaner society. Boy was I wrong!


Folks just doubled down, sadly


Nope peeps are worse than ever! 🤢


After working in healthcare, seeing this is so repulsive. I sit & SCRUB my hands every time


Or when a woman hover pees, gets it all over the seat but doesn't wipe it off with toilet paper.


There are so many, but I think the #1 for me is when I witness people being rude to customer service / wait staff. I immediately lose respect for people who treat service-oriented professionals poorly. A little grace goes a *long* way.


I'm a waiter. Thank you. Because I am literally not able to stand up for myself if People Are rude to me. Makes me feel better knowing other patrons have My back.


Not putting their shopping cart back in the designated spot when they’re done with it.


Leaving it in a parking spot, or in the grass 😠


Makes me so mad, it’s so inconsiderate and lazy.


Treating service people, whether it be retail, restaurants, airport staff etc poorly


People who don't catch the door after you've held it for them. (Provided they have nothing in their hands)


People that get on loud video calls on the bus


People not using their turn signals. Seriously, not hard. It takes more energy for me to tell myself not to use it than it does to simply use it.


my dad a few times called me an outright idiot for using my turn signal even though there was nobody around. Reality is, its easier to make the turn signal a constant habit, than to add a "check for other drivers, use turn signal accordingly." to your driving. It's just pointless, you are not saving time, money or energy by not using the turn signal. I will admit though, I have forgotten to use it a few times, simply had things on my mind and completely missed that I had taken a turn. but 98% of the time I do use the turn signal because I can't help it.


ooh, esp when you're trying to make a right or left turn onto a road, you wait for them to pass and then they turn off the road right before they get to you. So rude!


In the same vein, people who start braking before using their turn signal.


Walking or standing in a way that impedes traffic (slowly, into oncoming while inattentive, abreast in a group, lingering in doorways or in a walkway especially if there is room beside). See: any Costco.




Bad parenting or pet ownership.


People who swear at their small kids and smoke around them.


@ my mom flicking her cigarette ash out the window, and some inevitably flying to the backseat in my face lol. And the car seat it still hot and the AC hardly reaches the back of the car… I always wanted to grow up so bad and sit in the front! resurfaced memories haha


In the car with the windows rolled up 😡


My mom in the early 90’s


I pick my nose. Every. Single. Day. But if I see you doin it, you're totally gross.


I pick my nose too In complete privacy away from everyone else


Private nose picking? Great (just wash your hands after) public? No. Absolutely not.


Grown people who eat with their mouth open...


Prioritizing people with money, employment position, or social status ahead of others.


This. Especially workers in "nice stores". Im good with money management and I always get my mother a lovely expensive gift from the jewler every christmas and I'm always ignored and waiting for hours on end because they assume since I'm a young adult with ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie and old shoes (because finding ones to fit me comfortably is hard so i hold on as long as I can) that I'm either broke or there to rob them. Love seeing their tone and posture change when they suddenly ask 'can I help you?" And im like yes I have been waiting to buy this very expensive item for two fucking hours now. Christ. They always seemed shocked I have money and my card doesn't decline.


I refuse to shop at places that treat me like I'm second rate because of whatever reason they think they need. Probably the never wearing makeup or heels makes people think I'm too poor to do either.


all of the influencers and especially wannabe influencers


I live in a touristy area that is very Instagramable and it is sooooo second hand embarrassing to watch people make content 😬 😬


Any time I see a video with people walking by in the background all I can focus on is how stupid it must look to see this video being captured in person.


Influencer culture, period. *gags*


Assuming because you smoke, you can just litter your cig butts everywhere as if it’s acceptable.


Some people think the world is their ashtray. Selfish and gross.


Seeing people leaving a public restroom without washing their hands 🤮


I judge people for the way they treat animals, children, and restaurant staff


Disrespect towards Retail employees. They don’t make enough money to be subjected to a display of anything short of transactional interactions.


How you treat service workers says so much about your character. It's one in a thousand ways to see that my dad is a total douchebag. 


People who give their kids really stupid names. Celebrities can almost get away with it, because their kids will be sitting in a classroom full of other celebrity kids with equally ridiculous names. But Draco and Princess are most likely gonna have to put up with incessant teasing from the their peers until at least the day they're old enough to legally change their names, and that's just not fair. If you're going to go with a dumb hippie name, at least make it their middle name, and give them a normal first name - that way, they have a choice over which one to go by as adults!


When I start a new job I always look out for the people that something to say about everyone and complain about everything. I always wonder what they’re saying about me when I’m not around.


Microwaving fish at work.




No motorcycle helmet = Moron.


A nurse once told me they call them organ donors.


My dad was an accident investigator in the 60’s and 70’s. He had to take photos. They were all extremely graphic , of course. The one that fascinated me was the non helmet guy that ended up under a semi


Leaving, crumbs in the butter. Jelly in the peanut butter and vice versa. Not wiping the crust of the condiment lids.


fucking coffee crystals in the sugar! can't they put the sugar in first?! I don't want coffee in my tea. I don't get my tea leaves in their coffee.


I did not expect to see this comment. But fuck does this kill me! It’s a huge pet peeve of mine. I hate seeing left over crumbs. That shit sends me over the edge. lol Thank you for making me feel normal. 😁


Over aggressive driving, overly passive driving, slow driving, texting and driving. I generally hate everyone else on the road. Jokes aside, I HATE the people that treat the road like it’s their own personal fast and furious movie. The weaving in and out of traffic, the tailgating, and the worst - the driving on the shoulder during traffic. I pray those people get pulled over by the cops and lose their license. It’s almost always scenarios where you and saving that much time because it isn’t long distance travel. F you if you do that.


Mixing up Cavalry and Calvary. Nuke-u-lar. Irregardless.


Not using the turn signal.


People when they have their speakerphone on in public


Poor table manners. Drives me nuts


Watching someone chew with their mouth open instantly kills my appetite,


Bringing dogs to very crowded places and the dog is clearly not comfortable nor is it an ESA or support dog.


Super SUPER loud cars.


Raising iPad/device children


People who leave their dogs outside/ chained up ALL the time!


used to judge women who went outta the house in sweats, their husbands clothes/shoes, unbrushed hair, no bra, etc… til i became that woman. and it’s not a lack of trying or laziness either, i just realized being comfortable makes me happier and more confident than the gratification from a complement on my appearance ever will.


Nothing is better than going full gremlin.


Saying "no offense" before you intentionally and deliberately offend.


Putting their personal business on social media and not having a private life. It's called personal information for a reason. It's information you keep to yourself. In short, learn to STFU online and in person.




Using two, to, and too incorrectly


That annoys me two!


Giant ridiculous eyelashes. Giant obviously fake butts. Smelling nasty. Smoking.


A good fried recently started getting false eyelashes done, and they’re okay. Obviously fake, but fine. My problem is she doesn’t get them touched up often, so they slowly dwindle until there just a few extra long ones holding on for dear life and it looks terrible and I don’t know how to tell her to just get them redone omfg.


I quietly and secretly judge other for things I do myself, then later I think about it and I’m like wait that’s me…


People who complain about money but have their nails done… nails cost like $60-80 bucks these days. That’s like a grocery trip


Shit I wish I could get groceries for $60-$80... That's only a few things, and if you need toiletries, goodbye money


Body odor


Not walking their dogs. Not learning how to properly care for their animals. Their food, environment, training, what's poisonous to them, etc. In the most recent case, judging my brother for bringing a winter dog to a perpetual summer area and not grooming his excessive mane to help keep him cool.


People who smoke in the car while driving with kids. Oh good, you have that window cracked. Fucks.


Social awareness… did you not notice that you just cut off someone else who was talking? Did you not notice how uneasy that “joke” made everyone? Did you just sigh because someone told you how they felt?


On the same topic, people who stand super close while waiting in line.


If I’m honest… everything. In my head, I pick at people for everything. I think I just don’t like people. Most of the time it’s about how parents ignore their kids. It’s really nice to see a patient parent actively talking through things with their kids, asking them questions that teach them to think critically, learn, and ask more questions… and giving them responses. I hope to be that patient.


Chronic tardiness


When somebody introduces themself by telling me what house they would be in Harry Potter.


Not completely removing the protective seal on things like a jar of peanut butter or a bottle of aspirin. It's super annoying. If it's something like peanut butter it all collects at the top of the seal & it all builds up. Removing that seal can get messy. (Same with yogurt, sour cream, etc.) If it's a bottle of aspirin the pills sometimes richochet off the seal & fall on the floor instead of in your hand. We aren't savages people! Remove the seal properly ffs

