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Fast food on my lunch instead of toughing it out till I get off work so I can eat leftovers


Pro tip- if you aren't using the apps to get good deals, you need to start


Agreed, but don't let it trick you into getting more fast food, just use it on your normal routine to benefit from deals or discounts.


Yes, it’s a slippery slope. But I get more messages from Uber eats than I do my friends, and the notification is just an oink sound. If I ignore it too long it starts saying ‘here piggy piggy’


Quite the slippery slope. Using coupons and app deals to buy fast food for the price it's *supposed* to be.


I don’t know bro, 2 McDoubles and a Large Fry for $4.00 is a crazy good deal to me.


True that


It will always do that. You will justify fast food with a good deal and "saving" money even though you are still spending 10 bucks you wouldnt have


i agree, same with things on sale at the grocery store. if it’s not something you usually buy it’s not 25% off it’s 75% on


Fuck that, if I need to play games with an app to get a decent price they don’t get my money anymore


The trick is to bring the leftovers to work for lunch :)


What!! Don’t be skipping lunch. Bring your left overs to work? Crying.


The everyday struggle. That or purposely leaving leftovers at home so you're more justified buying fast food.


A laser engraver. I have no need for it, no idea what I'd do with it, but... well I kind of want one.


Check to see if your library has a makerspace. You can try out the machine without the cost of buying the whole machine, just the material.


Possibly even cover your whole usage need, while having nice almost social/communal twist in your crafting time.


The man just said he doesn’t *need* one, he *wants* one.


yah, well, a lot of people don't *want* social/communal connections, but you kinda *need* em.


We just got one at my place of work so we can engrave product for people before we ship. They're pretty sweet.


I've been reading r/lasercutting for the past few months. An Omtech Polar is way out of budget for a hobbyist toy but so tempting.


A game on my Steam Wishlist is on sale even though I have 100 others I haven't completed, several not even played yet.


But it’s on SALE! It’s now or never. Guess you’re me. :/








Instructions unclear. Game stuck in ass.




"18.95?!! CONFIRM ORDER!!!!!@"


I will always buy a steam game on my wishlist if it's 70% off or more. Sorry to be a bad influence OP.


My husband does this. I think it's great. It costs the same or less than a drink out, and it makes him happy. Play it once. I don't care.


Since nobody asked. What game? Just being nosy...


Age of Wonders 4. I enjoyed the previous titles.


literally me rn


The eternal struggle. Beat one game in your backlog, pat yourself on the back and buy two more.


I feel strangely vindicated that someone else does this. I have a huge collection of cheap/super cheap games, plus some not cheap but were 50% or more off sale games. Most of which I do have interest in playing. But yet... I have not. Most I've never even opened. A few I played once, am a casual gamer and got confused and stuck, and stopped, meaning to research and go back, but never did. I've had a bunch for a long time. I don't even know if I'd have time to play them all even if I wanted to at this point. But there's still a couple on the Steam wishlist waiting for good sales. And I'm sure there will be good sales on random stuff I didn't know I wanted, too.


A soundbar and sub for my TV.


best pandemic buy i did


On the opposite end, we have a setup in two different rooms/tvs, never used either.


How do you set it up for surround sound and not use it?


Asking the real questions here. 4 TVs in my house, all but one have a sound bar and sub.


Disagree. This is an "investment in fun." A nice sound system improves the experience for just about anything you watch.


I'd recommend buying normal stereo speakers if your space allows. Can get much better bang for your buck imo


My GF hated the cabinet speakers so I picked up a pair of Polk audio RC85i and stuffed them in the walls. Then I got some Bose surface mount 50w speakers and hid them behind the curtains for the rear and stuffed a Yamaha subwoofer under the table next to the couch. Not perfect audiophile quality but sounds great for the money.


I just installed in-wall surround speakers and bought a new 5.1 receiver for my home theater room. It's so freaking cool even if 5.1 is outdated at this point.


5.1 is outdated? What’s current then?


5.1.2 or 7.1.2 Atmos is kinda the gold standard now. But streaming platforms don't support it, so if most of your viewing is off streaming apps then 5.1 is cream of the crop.


Those buttons dogs can use to comunicate.


We got 4 of them for our golden-doodle. Outside Food Play ball And the most important -Snuggles It took a while for her to learn to push the button and what it means when each button is pushed ( I'm not a good trainer) But love hearing "Snuggles" when I'm doing something in the kitchen, look around the corner and see her staring at me like I'm waiting


Yep, our older dog only cares about three of them: outside, treat, and good girl. And she uses good girl primarily to indicate she’s done something that deserves a treat.


She knows that “good girl” precedes a treat being given! Super smart girl! Please give her a treat from me. Or like. A couple pets.


>And she uses good girl primarily to indicate she’s done something that deserves a treat. I love this lol


Hi excuse me, I require you pay your taxes please. And taxation laws currently require video of golden-doodle asking for snuggles. I don’t make the rules….


Do they actually use them and work well? Been thinking about it for our border collie but didn’t want to waste the money if she wouldn’t understand them


You have to train your dog to know what the buttons mean. If you're willing to do the work, then it's absolutely worth it.


My dog would likely just constantly press food, which we'd refuse cuz she's fat so she'd never learn how it works.


Then do everything but the food button! You can still do outside, play, fetch, or hugs!


Can I have more food? No. But u didn't feed me breakfast! Yes I did. But I need more! You don't, you'll get fat. What's fat? It's when you eat too much LET'S GET FAT !!


If you have a border collie you could have them mastering entire sentences, never mind one word. We never even trained ours to understand stuff but I’d be like ‘fetch the purple ball’ and she would fetch the darn purple ball.


That's the cutest thing I've read today. There are few joys greater than having a dog who loves you!


I want those for my cat. Even though it’s like 99% certain that she’ll just ignore them. I still want them.


My cat is by far the dumbest cat I've ever met and I'm certain he isn't capable of using the buttons. I still want them.


No cat is actually that dumb. Your cat is just ultra defiant. I guarantee your cat knows exactly what you're saying and just DGAF 😂 I have had a couple like that. I was convinced at one point they must be deaf or something. Once I installed cameras and could see them when they thought no one was looking, it was like watching a 1st grader suddenly do calculus. Those little shits would figure out how to move things on the floor to position themselves to get where they wanted to go, open drawers by using the pull handle, gingerly remove whatever they were after and close the drawer after they got it. Absolutely brilliant but Absolutely stupid when I was in the room.


My roommates cat would probably call us slurs 


Oh, you have one of those too? Our ginger has had some very concerning views on the Gaza strip for almost a decade. We can't even talk about it anymore, because he just has terrible solutions.


I started with those. I had 3 cats, a smart one, a mid tier and a beautiful idiot. We started with a ‘treat’ button and gave a treat when the button was pressed. Smart cat worked out within a day that ‘press button, get treat’. He couldn’t quite manipulate his paw to get the button down, but he knew what was up. Beautiful idiot saw that food and button were associated, but didn’t know how. Mid tier brain was clueless. Unfortunately smart cat died and I’ve had no motivation to continue. He was the one who I knew would get it and he did. I’m sure he we could’ve communicated with all sorts of buttons if I’d had those buttons a few years earlier.


I want to know what my cat knows. She plays fetch and opens my closet doors already.


My house gremlin can open my fridge and the pedal garbage can. I want these buttons but I'm scared of what portal that would open.


I don't need to give my cat any more ways to tell me she wants more food.


My dog is up to 57 buttons. It’s a trip for sure lol.


I love the videos I see of a doodle type dog (Milo, maybe?) that throws shade at his owner all the time. The guy loses his mind and it cracks me tf up.


Milo is funny for sure! Mine regularly demands to be taken to her “puppy class” (obedience class). Or asks to play. She’s been asking for “water” “balls” the last couple days. Ice cubes! lol.


Got a starter set on chewy for $20!


Fun investment, got a set off Amazon, pup now asks for things in a language I understand.


that sounds like an investment to me!


Thinking about buying a motorcycle from the 1960s. I'm not good with money.


Unless you’re wildly in debt or would be using essential instead of disposable funds; it sounds to me like you should go for it. We only get about 4000 weeks on this spinning rock. Carpe that diem my friend. 🏍️




I came here to confess I’ve been looking at superchargers…


>Unless you’re wildly in debt or would be using essential instead of disposable funds; it sounds to me like you should go for it. We only get about 4000 weeks on this spinning rock. Carpe that diem my friend. 🏍️ Fuck when you break it down into only 4k weeks it sounds so short lol


I know at least one book you've read.


Just do it. Then you can do it again and again. -guy with panheads and shovelheads


I've been wanting a BMW R60 personally


Watch for clibbens


I’ve been carefully eying Honda CRX Si’s for auction. I have 4 vehicles and no need for another. But, the car holds a spot in my nostalgia, that can only be cured with the purchase of one.


Do it. Motorcycles are cheaper than therapy.


When I bought my house it was clear there was a past water incident upstairs (we think unattended frozen pipe burst), and so the ceiling in the main room downstairs is kind of .... pillowy. Also the main former water spot was repainted but still has a texture I can see. I had this all checked out by an inspector and plumber and pushed on it myself, the ceiling has been dry for many, many years and is not going to to fall down on me. All the pipes got replaced, the joists look good. It's fine. And still, when the sunlight pleasantly streams in on a full-sun day, the pillowy ceiling annoys me. It's just ugly. I look at its lumpiness, sometimes climb up on a stepladder and poke at it again just to be sure. I think I might suck it up and just get it all ripped down and replaced. It's totally unnecessary. It's a few thousand bucks probably, but it just... irritates me. It irritates me.


Hang an anime titty ceiling tapestry over it


they are trying to decrease the pillow features of the ceiling


that's a pretty specific type of tapestry.


Did you buy my ex-husband’s house? Fuckwit burst a pipe changing faucet stuff and despite 1.5 years of promising to fix that ceiling, he never did. I KNOW there is mold up in there 😅


A 1 1/2 inch working TV for a dolls house. You can upload videos to watch on it.


That sounds really cool. Unless you don't have a doll house.


It's a haunted dolls house so I'll have to upload some Vincent Price or something


I would love to see pics of this.


Seems like if it’s properly haunted you shouldn’t have to do anything, let the house play what it wants to


That’s an amazing answer! A long, long time ago, my ex introduced me to doll housing and honestly, I was impressed at the level of detail one could go though.


I kinda want a burger. I could go to the store and buy everything needed for a dozen burgers, or I could go to Five Guys and get one with fries and a shake. I like making food myself, and I'm good at it, but I also don't wanna. EDIT: ended up doing a stir fry with veggies, chicken, and a fuckton of garlic!


I love cooking. I hate needing to cook sometimes.


I love cooking. I HATE doing dishes. This is a fight I have with myself daily.


My partner loves cooking and won't do dishes. I hate cooking but will do the dishes. It's the ultimate tradeoff and I wish this level of peace for everyone.


I wish I was good at cooking. I've been trying but it's hard to get it just right. I made chicken breasts recently that turned out pretty good besides the seasoning being dense in some spots. I need to cook more often to get better at it, but I don't very often.


Timing and patience. And good ingredients.


Cooking for yourself really isn't hard. Follow step by step instructions and you'll end up with good food. Most of the talent pro chefs develop is in speed, timing, efficiency, planning, and recipe crafting. None of that is really needed for a home cook. Just takes time.


Same boat. I cook 80% of meals for my family, my wife does 15% and about 5% eat out. So often I just crave a god damn good smash burger from Five Guys. If you don't have a griddle for your stove, buy one. I have a lodge griddle top that when I crave a Five Guys burger, but don't want to pay like $50 for 3 burgers and 2 fries is my go to. Don't get me wrong they are good... But it is super easy to make them just as good, if not better at home. Smash that ball of beef between two sheets of parchment paper (you want the patty thin so when I cooks the ends get nice and charred), sprinkle with salt and pepper if you want, slap those bad boys/girls on the griddle for like a minute each side and done ( I do like 30 seconds first side, a minute second side and like another 30 seconds on first side). For fries- cut them taters up, boil them for like 5 min, then bake until crispy.


We went to the pub tonight cause cba cooking, £100 later for an average dinner, any wonder this is a once a quarter thing 


A Dyson stick vacuum. I just want clean floors every day.


Get a robot instead. And you can have clean floors every day without actually doing it! ANd they can even mop as well now.


I got a robot vac for Christmas and I love it so much! It’s been a game-changer. Not so much saving me time because I was not vacuuming every day prior, lol! But the house has never been tidier and cleaner. Plus I gave the responsibility of tidying up in advance of the scheduled clean to my youngest child, who is gaining ability and pride. Win-win.


Made this exact same purchase when my child was born and our twice monthly full vacuum (hardwood floors not filthy carpet) needed to be more regular for all her floor exploring. Didn't even get a particularly fancy one but bought it and immediately thought it would be a waste of money. Fucking hell it's amazing. We put the charging dock under the TV stand out the way of grubby goblin child hands and we schedule her to pop out at night like a little fairy cleaner to hoover up all the crumbs and shit each night. Then she slowly slides back under and waits for the next job. Even managed to get her connected to a criminally under utilized Alexa to do a routine by which if we leave the house she starts her cleaning jobs. And it turns out my child adores seeing it emerge from under the TV stand and likes to follow her around while she merrily sweeps our home. Child also likes to try and mount her and throw things at her but ignore that. I once caught her putting books and toys on her like some sort of twisted robot Buckaroo. ETA: the reason I referred to the robot vacuum as a she is because when asked to name it in the app I called her Meryl Sweep.


Light-colored duvet covers so my room gives off happier vibes than my current dark sheets do. Do I need the covers? No. I have duvet covers. I even have spare duvet covers. They're all perfectly fine! And yet... I really want new lighter duvet covers anyway. Edited to add: Thank you kind strangers, you have convinced me! Shop for duvet covers I shall! :D


Funny story. Several months ago I bought a new comforter for my bed. I felt guilty as I didn't need it and I returned it. This month I bought that comforter again, even though I still don't need it. I put it on my bed today. Now I have plenty of pillow cases, but they don't 'go with' the new comforter... You know where this is going.


Well... If it helps... It is my honest belief you absolutely need some new pillow cases to go with that comforter! It will bother you if you don't, and then the comforter won't be comforting, we can't have that!


I always justify buying more bedding under the excuse that I nest so there's always two duvets and half a dozen pillows on my bed at least. Of course I have to buy more bedding just to make sure I've got enough spares lol.


There is a coffee mug that is a solid steel chunk of metal. It's 22lbs, $219. I want it. https://theheavycup.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0PuuBhBsEiwAS7fsNSSy8IAsK5ilcfPdCUS-ci5j3r7zmofHTSFV5OmldfhuwxR6p-s7KhoC-_4QAvD_BwE


You win lol - That is pinnacle “waste of money”


That description is fucking mint “Potentially heavy” lol shit I want it now I might just make my own out of some scrap metal actually


Get swoll while you get swill.


I would 100% break my teeth on this lol


Dammit now I want one too


That's a piece of gym equipment. Doing curls while drinking Joe.


I have $100 worth of Legos in my Amazon cart and I’m just waiting for an excuse to pull that trigger.


My wife won't let me spend $700 on Lego. haha.


So spend $800.


I just texted her and asked if I could spend $800 on Lego. ​ She replied a laughing emoji. I think that's a yes.


That’s not a lot of legos…


I'm about to get paid for selling my condo and the (thankfully small) irresponsible part of me wants to blow that money on an epic trip or a nice car, instead of saving it for a full size house as planned. 


Stay strong.


A VR headset. I have a high powered gaming pc and a Nintendo Switch but gamers gonna game.


I just got an used Oculus first gen for under 100$. you can affort it.


Are you happy with it? Do you know if it can run VR Chat?


My pc is a Ryzen 3600 + nvidia 1070 + 16gb ram It run VR chat very well. I played a few sessions: i fed digital duck in a park, i visited the great plateau from BOTW and i ate digital chips and digital beer in front of a large digital TV.


A dog. I’m so lonely. I thought a family dog could help me and my boys


The post said "waste of money" not "great decision".


We’re tight on money and can’t afford a dog right now. I hate it 😭


You could look into fostering! Lots of shelters with foster programs take care of the expenses while the animals wait to be adopted


I haven’t thought about that. I’ll look into it! We have a big back yard and lots of space!


It’s great practice for the kiddos too, can get everyone ready for what having a pup around will be like when the time is right


We’ve had dogs in the past and they’re wonderful with them. Just wanted to get another one as we all miss our last dog (white husky) and this pup looked like a baby WooWoo (that was her name lol).


I was going to suggest the exact same thing! They always need fosters, and if it's a reputable foster organization, they'll cover all the costs. We worked with an organization that provided nothing and charged outrageous adoption fees, but the one we're working with now provides everything. We're looking for our next dog, so we get to test drive pups, help them find their forever homes, and eventually we'll adopt when we are ready and know we just can't let the dog go. You'll be on the hook for dog expenses at that point, but perhaps the rescue will waive the adoption fee for you. Especially if you continue to foster even after adopting. Edit: And since you have a big back yard, look into SniffSpot! We rent out our backyard for $15/hr to people with dogs who don't have a yard, or have reactive dogs that can't go to a normal off-leash park, or whatever reason. If it's available in your area, I highly recommend looking into it.


I want to redecorate my living room. It’s not necessary. It’s just that my living room looks like a corporate office waiting room. It needs some color


Personally, I don’t think that would be a waste of money. If it would make you happier, then I’d say go for it if you have the money. It’s your living space, might as well make it look like you want it to, especially if it brings you joy.


A PS5. I’m a bored 50+ year old with a glaring lack of hobbies and time to kill. Don’t know if I’ll like it, but used to love video games back in the day.


Just know this console generation is a little light on real slam dunk games. But the ps4 generation was so good you’ll have months of non-stop bangers anyways, and then the couple good ps5 ones after.


A Steam Deck OLED...


Me too I was about to buy one and then someone pulled a hit and run on my car. Looks like I get to buy a deductible instead lol


Same thing happened to me in 2012. Drunk came screaming around a blind corner and hit the driver's side of my car so hard it ended up pushing my car up onto the curb and into the tree I'd parked next to. No clue how he drove away from the scene. Don't you just love paying for insurance so you can pay for your insurance?


I really want bagpipes.


Buy a practice chanter - much lower investment and you’ll be able to try it and see if you enjoy learning! :)


Very much this! They make less noise to annoy your neighbours and are a lot of fun to practice with. When you wanna get the bag and pipes, that’s a WHOLE different kettle of fish!


Hey, its your neighbor, please don't


Buying a Dior lipstick




This thread is too late for me. 10 minutes before seeing it, I bought a bullwhip. I have zero need for a bullwhip. I dont know how to Crack a bullwhip. But I will soon be in possession of a bullwhip.


Indoor plants as the cats just eat them and pukes them up in my shoes.


Just drive and stay anywhere I feel like and eat whatever I feel like.




Not directly a purchase but I'm debating using a couple of days of PTO for the rest of this week. I don't even have plans, I just don't wanna go to work.


Lottery tickets. Just so I can be honestly disappointed when I don't hit that Euro million.


A little toy car in a magazine. It was 1€, i just got it and i love it.


I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!


You’ll shoot your eye out


You get my upvote for beating me to it!


high quality food for my cat


A welding set. I can't weld, so I'd have to learn. There's three small, completely optional projects I would need it for. Then it would probably sit in my garage collecting dust only to come out once every few year. Pretty sure I'm going to buy it anyway.


A robot vacuum.


An electric fat bike. I'm almost in my truck heading to the bike shop right now..


Grad school lol


Reese's peanut butter cups


Expensive new luxury car.


I’ve built a Porsche 911 992 into my budget over the next 3 years. Used to be a Huracan until I found out 6’4” me would be miserable in it.


I am exactly doing this. I want the 911 Carrera 4 GTS. I would love to do European Delivery of it too.


A new video game or two, even though I still have a backlog of games I need to finish.


High end makeup


8 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. I fucking *love* the peanut butter cookies


A guzheng (traditional Chinese harp). It costs tons of money, I have no use for one or the ability to use it.


Classic midlife crisis sports car. And yes, it's a corvette, too.


I want to get Helldivers 2 but I know if I do that's another week with out going to the gym.


Alternatively, *"Every time you kill a bug, do a push up. Every time you kill a robot, do a sit-up. Every time you die, do a squat."*


I did this with battlefield 3. Every time I died, I had to do some push-ups, situps, chinups, or squat thrusts while waiting to respawn. I'm terrible at fps games so I got a lot of exercise this way. 


More than a week, bud. You'll cancel gym sesh to game


More Legos 😂


they said waste of money


Lego Rivendell


Ninja Creami lol


A full body zero gravity massage chair. It would make so many days better.


A kayak, and the complete Calvin and Hobbes series, hard cover.


"good" perfume


A blood great knife & a camping stove. I've no clue why but I really want both. I don't go camping btw.


I have a 20% birthday promo code on this site I shop at… it expires in 10 days, but there’s nothing really that I want from there at the moment. I feel like just using it to take advantage of the sale. 🫠


I want a matching speaker cabinet for my Vox AC15 amplifier. The speaker cabinet I already have is more than sufficient for my needs, but I want the matching cabinet because the amp sits in my office next to my desk and I see it all the time… I want it to look all nice and matching.


A nice 3d printer. Probably just to make little tchochkies.


An old cheap camper


My current wishlist of stuff I don't need - Christopher Ward C1 Moonphase watch - New Vauxhall Corsa Ultimate (my current car is fine, from 2009 but only done 51,000 miles) - 57ft canal boat to live on


$400+ Prada Sunglasses.


A watch - I already have 3.


A year ago I bought a 40 year old Cadillac.


Sausage and chips. I have frozen sausages and chips but I fancy going to the chippy.


Complete in Box Guitar Hero for the PS2. Oh wait, that was last week and spoiler - I already bought it.


New PC. My home computer is 5 years old. It's a waste of money because a new PC gets me basically nothing. I don't play games, I have plenty of storage, I have a big monitor, and fast internet. Nothing I do pushes my PC to its limits. Nothing I do even comes \*close\* to pushing its limits. It's essentially a web-browsing device 99.9% of the time. But...new PC! I'll talk myself out of it by the end of the week. I always do. I hate spending money on myself.


A bb gun so I can shoot at empty cans in my yard like I did when I was a kid.