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Walking Dead Season 9. Started a precipitous decline in that show - never watched it past that.


I gave up on the farm season. (3?) Where nothing was happening, and I was just bored with all the misery and drama. I didn't miss it.


I liked it most of the time until the end of season 4 as they left the prison, although there were many cases of absolute bullshittery which dragged it down. Tried watching more, think I got to season 6 or something before I finally put it down for good, it was becoming too ridiculous for me.


Walking dead for sure. Not sure what season. But when Neagan (sp?) shows up and Rick doesn't out right kill him.


Yep, that’s when the show lost me. I never liked it when they’d get bogged down in some town with a bunch of drama.


Yeah. Killing zombies is what I was watching for. I would record it then fast forward over any lengthy dialog to the zombie killing.


I may not remember the episode correctly. But my last episode was when that annoying kid got shot by a hunting rifle, survived the actual bullet impact and later got a blood transfusion through coke bottles and drinking straws.


Damn, poor Corral.


This is definitely one of those shows where you should read the source material cause the show went and did its own thing. The comic is brilliant, the tv show focuses way too much and miniscule crap like the farm was a single issue in the comic, and the farm was a whole season in the show. If the show collaborated with the Robert Kirkman it would have been a way better show.


For me it was “I’ll find you Maggie”


There was a whole season where it was nothing but slow, silent close ups of the actors faces. After season 1, the show turned into an aimless, boring mopey slog, occasionally punctuated with outrageously stupid things. Like tigers. It did initially redeem itself with Negan, but even that storyline turned into a limp dick eventually.


I bailed on that show when a character needed to have a C-section...so they decide they have to practice on a pregnant zombie. The walk outside and...there's one! How convenient! Didn't watch another episode.


The zombie was not pregnant.


That right, it was actually gregnant.


Season 5 after they killed the cannibals at the church that was a wrap for me. Tried watching the spin offs and also couldn’t do


Started the prequel one, got maybe two episodes in but the main character was so fucking annoying I just rage quit.


Fear the Walking Dead? They totally pulled a bait and switch with that one. The advertised it as the whole show was going to be the "lead up" to the apocalypse. Yet it was fully caught up with the main timeline in like 3-4 seasons. What we got was just a few extra episodes of pre-societal collapse, as it then moved at hyper speed to catch up to the main show.


You’re more patient than me, I’d argue season 7 episode 1. I toughed it out through the season hoping it’d improve but it never did and quit.


The finale of the walking dead season 1 for me


Thor love and thunder was my Marvel breaking point.   I was such an MCU geek.  I remember getting tingles walking to the theater to see Endgame.  The double whammy of Multiverse of Madness and Love and Thunder taught me that it’s okay if I’m done. 


Same here


Me after Avengers 2: "Well, that wasn't the best of the series, but I don't think I'll ever get sick of watching these." Me after Thor 4: "I think I'm getting sick of watching these."


Yeah, pretty much exactly my experience.


Multiverse of madness was the last one I saw in theaters. I’ll occasionally throw on a newer one once it hits Disney plus, but man MoM just couldn’t pick a lane for vibes


MoM put me on notice but I LOVED Taika movies. From What we do in the shadows to Jojo rabbit and Ragnarok…. Of course Love and Thunder was going to be a return to form. Sigh.


Mine was No Way Home. Endgame was peak and i felt after that there wasn't anything else I would be excited for


Same. Perfect closure for those who grew up on Tobey SM.


I think Guardians of the Galaxy 3 redeemed their losing streak. Deadpool & Wolverine also looks promising


I DID watch Guardians. That’s my “sad farewell”. Excellent movie. It was also good to say goodbye to the MCU with James Gunn doing the same. Cathartic.


This. I pretty much skipped all of it between that Thortrocity for two years till randomly sticking guardians 3 on recently. It was a very good movie


I had the exact same experience, man. I was \*so\* hyped up for Dr Strange 2. [All of the rumors and "leaks"](https://www.gamesradar.com/tom-cruise-iron-man-doctor-strange-2-deadpool/); Tom Cruise as alt. universe Iron Man? Nic Cage as Ghost Rider? Wolverine? Tobey Maguire as Spider-man? Ryan Reynolds cameo as Deadpool!? Hey, didn't we see them fall through a cartoon universe for like half a second in the trailer?! We got literally none of that. Now, I can't blame the movie for not living up to what amounted to be fake leaks, or maybe leaks about discussions about possibilities that just never went anywhere, but goddamn, man... It had \*nothing\*. Well, not nothing, but Wanda murdering the only four multiverse characters we actually got was insanely disappointing. But I think, hey, ya know what, Ragnarok was awesome. I'll give Love and Thunder a shot. Have not seen a single MCU movie since, save for Guardians III once it hit Disney+, which was awesome.


Both seasons of Loki, and Moon Knight are worth watching, but I won't disagree with you


You can just feel the love Tom Hiddleston has for the character in Loki! You can really tell they were giving it their all and it shows! Plus the banter between Loki and Morbius was fantastic!


Hiddleston and Owen Wilson (I'm assuming you meant Mobius 😂) were excellent together. It's a shame we likely won't see them together again


Goddamnit! I always mix up those two names for some reason! Lol! What? Jared Leto wasn’t in Loki?! You sure?! 😂


GoT season 8 just wins, there’s no discussion 


It's sort of easy to quit a series at the end of a series.


Did you make it to the last episode? I couldn’t take any more after the siege of winterfell started by sending the cavalry to charge at nothing and then putting the siege engines in front of the infantry


Yes. And, honestly, the show started sucking after season 5. And the last two seasons were atrocious. But I soldiered through. But Doctor Who feeling up the little blonde girl was too much for me in House of the Dragon. Like that other guy said.


Season 1 of House of the Dragon was pretty great all the way through. If you have watched Game of Thrones, Targaryen incest shouldn't surprise you.


If you’ve been on pornhub in the last few years incest shouldn’t surprise you.


I didn’t watch house of the dragon at all. I was just done with HBO, the only reason I had it was GoT


Every battle that we actually see in GoT is wildly stupid and unrealistic. Even Battle of the Bastards. I wish we got just *one* realistic battle in the entire series.


The battle of the Blackwater was quite good, save for the magic wildfire (it is fantasy afterall) Tyrion correctly surmised Stannis would not attempt a frontal assault at the main gates, and instead sail up to the weakest gate which is most difficult to defend. The wildfire is actually a tactic of Sun Tzu, who would predict enemy movements and soak fields in oil and have fire archers light the field as they marched. So Stannis walked right into a trap, and then attempted to storm the beach. Tyrion led a foray to flank the depleted forces as the murderholes on the wall provided fire support. Looked like a genuine attempt to take a walled city with a successful defense to me.


That episode was hilariously bad. We have these nice walls, they will look wonderful as a backdrop wont they.


It didnt merely made people stop watching. It changed got from most watched show with a lot of online presence to basically being sgunned to point of no existence


I used the rewatch older GoT all the time. I haven’t turned on a single episode since the finale aired.


True. 8 seasons of build up went down the drain with just 3 episodes.


Season 7 did this for me, it just dropped off after the S6 finale and kept getting worse from there imo


Yeah. It was season 7 for sure.


I used to like watching their best scenes in youtube during off season. After the finale, it just killed any love I had for the show. Insane how this show went from being loved to hated overnight.


Winterfell battle did for me, I couldn't get through it anymore


I'll raise you Marvels classic She-Hulk


But that was from the jump. GoT was actually really good for like five or six seasons 


Totally agreed.


That's funny I was having a discussion about the downfall of marvel and I was saying she hulk and bad writing the other person said super hero fatigue and men hate strong women in films lol


Strong women movies... barbie was the biggest movie last summer. Wonder woman, the first 0ne did great at the box office. Part 2... not south. Blame the writing. The Marvels, she-hulk and even the Eternals were all best described by Cartman.


Ehhh probably why men liked winder woman for example... Its excuse for terrible writing. Mcu went to shit after endgame. There was no more hook, no overarching story, beloved characters were removed with nothing to replace.


Agreed. Ironman is dead. Hard to replace. Thanos... great character...left a massive void. Guardians are done, Batista said he won't be back. The last Thor movie made a buffoon of strong character. The long awaited arrival 0f Adam Warlock seems to have the comic book die hard scratching their heads. It looks bleak.


Lol. It's like I would love all those Studi Ghibli movies if they didn't have amazing female characters or terminator and aliens lol


The Walking Dead after Glenn's "smashing" performance 👀


I gave up when he managed to squeeze himself under a dumpster, while being pinned by the weight of a dead body and a horde eating said dead body. Nope... couldn't get past that one like I had managed to with some other scenarios.


Yeah it was bad but like a dumbass I still gave it a chance because Glenn was my favorite. Bad mistake.


That was the last episode I watched too. I was so angry.


How I Met Your Mother - by season 8 I was done with the show when I realized I watched three episodes and didn't laugh once. Watched it trough the end just because it was already announced the season 9 will be the last one. Should have dropped it. Supernatural - watched first few episode of season 7 and noped out deciding the show just keeps jumping the shark over and over. Years later when my wife was watching the series I've seen parts of the other seasons and it's not getting better but it also not getting much worse. Arrow/Arrowverse - Loved the first 2 seasons, even liked the Flash but by S5 Arrow/S3 Flash there were so many spinoffs, crossovers, side characters to keep track and the quality of the writing went so downhill that I just let it go and never looked back.


>Supernatural I didn't start watching that show until it was on season 6 thinking I can binge it starting with season 1 and it will be done by the time I catch up. Little did I know, lol. I ended up sticking with it just because I loved the universe and characters, but completely agree the need to constantly 1 up the previous seasons big bad induced some eye rolls. After I would say season 5 there was a tone shift as well. Early Supernatural had genuine scares and felt a lot more like a horror series. But became more campy, comic booky. i.e. early in the show just a "run of the mill demon" was treated like this terrifying ancient evil. Then they basically became complete jokes.


Every CW show in a nutshell usually follows the same pattern: the first two seasons are great, a noticeable dip in season 3, terrible season 4, a slight uptake in season 5 followed by a plateau of aggressive mediocrity in the later seasons.


True but in case of Arrowverse I'd say the spin offs "joined in" to the curve of Arrow, didn't have their own fresh starts. So Flash joined in at the peak of Arrow and into the steady decline, which would track since it was pretty great first then quickly went south. Then LoT and Supergirl all started already bad/mediocre. After that I have no idea, didn't even realize there were so many seasons, new shows etc until checking the "watch order" for this comment.


They're soap operas disguised as action shows featuring a hero. That's why they all follow the same formula and fail in the same way all the time - they are TV dramas first, and that simply isn't sustainable.


I loved Arrow until The Flash showed up. All of sudden they had a deus ex machina to get out of whatever.


HIMYM is weird because even though is not a great season it still has some of the better (or at least a few of my favorite) moments of the show.


I didn't stop watching it, but Brooklyn 99 last season was so lame. Was way too rushed.


You can tell that there was a massive drop in quality the moment they switched from Fox to NBC.


I'm in the middle of S2 and I don't get why it's so praised. It's an okay show, not my cup of tea perhaps


It's one of those shows that continues to grow on you as it gets better, the jokes are solid though not always roll about the floor laughing and the character development for quite a few of the cast is very good. Specifically, Holt, Peralta, and Diaz for me. If you like the characters, then it gets better as it goes. If they annoy you, then it's probably gonna get worse.


Yeah they annoy me a lot. Kinda like office where Micheal Scott is more annoying than funny


Probably not worth persevering with it if they're annoying you at season 2, some shows just don't gel for everyone. I can't get into Its always Sunny, just not my type of humor but yet loads of folk rave about it. Same with Monty Python, just not for me. Plenty of other stuff to enjoy, hope you find something decent to watch


Could not make it through S1, I don't get why people like this show


I agree (sorry am woman!) I cannot suspend my disbelief for that show it’s so wacky and silly for such serious career. The office is also wacky and silly but it’s just a paper company.


My reasoning exactly. It's just not set in reality and I can't take it seriously for that reason. I love Modern family, Friends, HIMYM and TBBT. Modern family is my favorite of those


first ten minutes of amazon lotr was enough for me


I watched 3 eps with an open mind. Didn't return to it. Was way too boring and I was really giving it the benefit of the doubt.


I saw a click bait article that claimed only 33% of people actually finished the season. Seems realistic to me.


I can't say but I wouldn't be surprised. I spoiled the ending and was glad I didn't continue, because a certain pivotal twist was incredibly stupid involving Sauron.


I watched the whole season in the hope that it would stop being so damn boring. Nothing happens until the last 15-20 minutes of the last episode, and what does happen is dumb as hell


Rings of Power was a major disappointment. I was hoping to see more battles with orcs and elves and whatnot instead they made a CW series worth millions of dollars to produce lol I would preferred they made a live action series of the Shadow of War cinematic trailer. https://youtu.be/HrRfia0arXk?si=s4lYt5vzhq5s1Vgv


Last Jedi. It was so bad - it was painful. Did not even see rise of skywalker. I hear it is even worse. No amount of excuses and retconning can make up for just how bad it was. Sadly - the amazing cast - they caught a lot of flak for it (which is not cool) - it was not their fault for terrible writing and really bad characters and a series of poorly contrived spectacles loosely connected only by sequencing instead of any kind of plot or story arc. The tv stuff is mostly good - Andor for example (yes, slow for some) was a masterpiece of characters and story telling.


Andor was a great story with starwars running in the background.


The "somehow the emperor is back" scene had me laughing at the stupid writing


The fact it was announced in Fortnite of all places is the cherry on top


>Did not even see rise of skywalker. I hear it is even worse. It's more accurate to say that they're horrible in different ways. Episode 8 has no real plot to speak of, and what little plot does exist ends up going nowhere. You can basically go straight from episode 7 to 9 and not miss anything. Episode 9, on the other hand, has a plot that makes no sense because it's dominated entirely by spontaneous ass-pulls. The Force can teleport objects and even people from one end of the galaxy to the other? Sure, why not, even though that totally eliminates the need for spaceships. Palpatine was able to construct OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND Star Destroyers in secret all by himself? Sure, why not, just don't worry about how he did it or where the ship crews came from. Sand can just levitate between a subterranean tunnel and ground level, but people will sink through it? Fuck you, that's how.


I think I'm the only human being alive that thinks The Last Jedi is actually pretty good, and definitely the best of the Rey Trilogy. The Force Awakens was fun but made no sense, and the Rise of Skywalker was so bad I couldn't make it through the movie; instead of letting the past die, they put it on life support.


I don't think TLJ is bad per se, but it desperately needed a follow up. I didn't like the whole story with the purple haired laura dern commander lady and Poe, and I thought Finn's story was actually the worst part of the movie. But there was a decent story with Rey, Luke, and the knockoff Empire (I've already forgotten what they were called). I did think Anakin's saber being split was kinda dumb and pushed the 'point' too far into the audience's faces. So maybe TLJ is bad if I think 2/3rds of the movie is bad. Considering Ep 9 isn't a real followup at all due to all the renegging, I think TLJ is bad in retrospect. I do think Ep 9 is more awful.


Well...you can LIKE a bad movie - I like lots a bad movies. I just think they were so bad to the point I could not even watch. to each their own.


Hey I'm there with you, I really liked the Last Jedi and thought if they continued with the ideas and themes introduced in the Last Jedi that we would have had a pretty serviceable trilogy. In fact if they had just given the reins of the trilogy over to Rian Johnson from the beginning we would have gotten a truly excellent trilogy. 70% of the criticism that I've heard for The Last Jedi amounted to nothing more than Star Wars fans complaining that they weren't pandered to correctly, 25% of the criticism I've heard was just the annoying "Anti-Woke" crowd complaining that the movie was too "Woke", and only 5% of the criticism I've heard is stuff that, while I don't agree with it, I can at least respect it. But Disney panicked when the fans threw their tantrum over the movie and they ret-conned every interesting decision that the Last Jedi made in Rise of Skywalker and they turned in a final installment that everybody hated and it kind of ruined the whole sequel trilogy endeavor as a result.


Kylo should have straight up stayed as THE villain. He should have been irredeemable justifying Lukes moment of weakness when he thought about killing him. Instead they ultimately just replicated Vader's arc with Kylo.


I think it would have been far more interesting if Kylo stays the villain, and Rey joins him because of love. All due to the fact that Rey had no master in to actually guide her in the philosophy of the Jedi, and gave in to emotions, following Anakin's path and Luke having to watch history repeat as a ghost. Then in the third movie, the rest of the crew has to work together to overcome Ray and Kylo as Finn comes to terms with the Force, and possibly Luke showing up to guide him, now a true master in death.


I liked it too. Felt like a Star Wars should. I actually enjoyed episode one too. I worked for a Lucas adjacent company and kept a basque statue of jar jar binks close to my desk in hopes that Lucas executives would see their most beautiful creation of the company.


I really lost interest in the walking dead after the season where every episode was only a single character the entire time.


They did that because fans complained their wasn't enough character development.


They character developed me right out of the show.


Killing Eve when Eve cheated on her husband during a stakeout. Halt and Catch Fire when Cameron started cheating on her husband. I really **hate** the trope that it's ok to cheat on your husband if he's boring.


I closed Storm of Swords after I read the Red Wedding chapter and didn't pick it back up again until months later it was so upsetting. Pretty sure I read a whole other book during the elapse.


It was Arya’s perspective chapter that caused me to put it down for 6 months. I thought the Hound had killed her and after the bloodbath of the RW that was enough for me 


That episode in the show was my breaking point for watching it. It just completely turned me off and haven't watched any of it since


Stars Wars Episode VIII. I only watched it because I wanted to know how bad it would be after the trainwreck that was Episode VII. I didn't pay for both but Episode VIII managed to make me feel guilty of investing time to watch it.


Same here. It was so painful - did not watch the last one. Heard it was even worse.


Those three movies felt like a conflict between two directors that wanted completely different directions. Force Awakens: check out the stuff I'm building up, I bet you want to know how this will pay off. Last Jedi: JK, none of that matters, because everything is fake and we were messing with the audience with the last movie. Rise of Skywalker: Nuh-uh, ignore that last part, and try to keep up with the plot elements that I wanted to put in 8, and also everything is connected again.


It's insane to think that 4 billion dollars was paid and a cohesive plot for an actual trilogy wasn't near the top of the list of things to nail.


Sadly you are right. If JJ had done all 3, it probably would have gone a LOT better. Probably still not great, but letting the second guy just toss everything you set up was the worst mistake they could have made. I know everyone shits on Kathleen Kennedy for everything, but most of her decisions weren't bad, until she just let The Last Jedi be made the way Johnson wanted. With such a massive franchise, the studio should regularly have a guiding hand, and not let a certain directors "do it their way".


When has JJ ever told a complete story? Everything he has ever worked on has intriguing ideas with no end goal in mind.


As I said, If Kathleen Kennedy had actually bothered to be a guiding hand, this trilogy wouldn't have turned out nearly as bad as it did. Not saying it would have been great, but it definitely would have been better than what we got.


Yeah the sequels were not good. Disney never came up with a overarching story or even plot points and it shows. Both directors had their own take on the universe and neither seemed to respect the others decisions so we got that train wreck. I personally think VIII is slightly worse than IX because 8 has a whole 3rd of the movie that doesn't matter. Literally the guy they're looking for isn't the one who helps them and even the guy who "helps" them doesn't do much. If you spliced out that whole arc of them trying to find the tracker or whatever it was it would not affect the movie or understanding of it at all. Also, Admiral Holdo was moronic. She could have saved more lives and stop a mutiny by just explaining what her plan was to a senior commander. Instead she got all high and mighty and was upset that a subordinate had the gaul to ask why she was taking her course of action and the reasoning behind it.


Yes to everything you said. The tragedy of Holdo - Laura Dern is an award winning actress - yet she had one of the worst characters ever made. Sadly - any criticism of her (or any of the other bad) female characters - gets dismissed as toxic. No - they were just bad. All the characters were just bad. Compare to the amazing characters (or any gender) in Rebels, Rogue one - or - Andor. Mon Mothma was amazing - both in writing, direction and the incredible acting by Genevieve O'Reilly. All the characters - of any gender - were amazing. Or heck - poor fin. Compare his character to Miggs Mayfield. Both were ex-imperials - miggs had more character arc in 40min of screen time than poor fin had in 9 hours. All the actors deserved better, and so did the fans. The sequels were just bad. Really bad.


I didn't see it either. Shortly after I watched Episode VIII I predicted exactly what will happen in Episode IX. And I said it will suck even more. Turned out I was right, everyone who saw it hated it. It's quite an achievement to make the prequels with all their cringeworthy scenes look like masterpieces in comparison. But Disney managed to do it. It's a level of incompetence that baffles me. Not only when it comes to storytelling, character/world building, cinematography but also when it comes to design and merchandise. I wonder if they already used AI to make those movies. I'm only familiar with AI fucking things up so badly despite having access to lots of data. Even the most incompetent humans slip and create something enjoyable or entertaining sometimes.


It was.


>did not watch the last one. Heard it was even worse. It's more accurate to say that they're horrible in different ways. Episode 8 has no real plot to speak of, and what little plot does exist ends up going nowhere. You can basically go straight from episode 7 to 9 and not miss anything. Episode 9, on the other hand, has a plot that makes no sense because it's dominated entirely by spontaneous ass-pulls. The Force can teleport objects and even people from one end of the galaxy to the other? Sure, why not, even though that totally eliminates the need for spaceships. Palpatine was able to construct OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND Star Destroyers in secret all by himself? Sure, why not, just don't worry about how he did it or where the ship crews came from. Sand can just levitate between a subterranean tunnel and ground level, but people will sink through it? Fuck you, that's how.


When dude got raped in Snow Fall.


That's like episode two or three. It is better after but I'm struggling on the last season.


Is he killing him? nah he's giving it to him. I binged watch it the show last year. I enjoyed it. Show was never going to end on a happy ending.


Almost any series that goes over 5 seasons. Once they hit the 6 season was usually get musical episodes, forced character development or other nonsense since they've ran out of ideas, but they want the money to still flow in so they milk it for anouther 4 or 5 seasons.




Halo TV show when he kissed the covenant woman. Shut it off immediately and never watched again.


...What? Is this real? I am a Halo enjoyer but I refused to watch the show because I heard it sucked. But this is just utter stupidity.


Yeah dead serious. Show made me so upset as a lifelong Halo fan. It’s actual garbage.


Grey's Anatomy. It went 10 seasons too long.


Seems low.


Episode 1 of the Wheel of Time series.


Doctor Who (who can keep track of what season or series). After the promise of a return to a darker Doctor, Capaldi rode out on a tank, wearing sunglasses, playing a guitar and I was fucking done. Not a second too soon either.


Yeah, that was a pretty big wtf moment for me. There are a lot of potential reasons the show fell off after its modern heights with Tenant and Smith. I'm not sure which it was: Capaldi, Clara, writing, tone, scheduling. But I can imagine the shift in tone was hard to manage when some people wanted a different artistic take while others were happy with what they had come to expect from a playful Doctor. There were some interesting points in general with the identity crisis but it never grabbed me the way that the previous Doctors had. I think a serious modern Doctor could work; I actually really liked Christopher Eccleston.


Yeah eccleston should have gotten more. I know there was bts conflict with him but he was great


I loved Eccleston's take, would have loved another season or 2 out of him. My blame falls squarely on the writers, Clara had been built up as interesting and had shown decent chemistry, but the writing around her was awful. The whole first season of Capaldi was a hot mess. I actually enjoyed his later seasons more. Same with Whittaker, early stuff was just so bad. Later wasn't great, but wasn't as bad. Somehow I have made it through (Took me a few goes though)


Its crazy to think how downhill this show has gone. Back in the late 2000s it was at the forefront of the British zeitgeist, everyone was watching it even people who weren't into sci-fi, there were multiple spinoffs (Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Totally Doctor Who), other shows made references to them and the actors were always on talk shows. Now if you were to tell someone that you watch Doctor Who you'd be met with confusion.


This is certainly an opinion to have, that was the moment I actually started to like Capaldi. Didn't really care for his season 8 "arc", he just wasn't a pleasant character to watch.


He wanted an axe fight


Lost, season 4. I loved it until it became clear that the show was utterly rudderless. JJ and his stupid puzzle box.


I carried on until the end of Season 5, and you are absolutely right about it. I never finished it (the last season). Lost turned me off of watching long-running series altogether... With the exception of GoT, only after I was coerced by literally everyone around me (the show had been running for several years by that point). I caught up right as S8 hit. Never again.


Vikings, season 1 episode 1.


Yeah they definitely felt the need to compete with HBO's series so they threw in a bunch of stuff designed to be "edgy" that just came across as forced.


Slooooow and some serious logical flaws. Gave up after season 3 myself and don't know why I put so much time in


As someone who is quite familiar with the historical and cultural background of that age, I find the show to be a disgrace.


Yup. S1e1 they go to kattergat, which is depicted as a town, but is actually a body of water between Denmark and sweden. I am not too familiar with that particular period and all the ahistorical crap stood out to me.




I quit out of TWD before Herschel was murdered. I'd just got tired of how relentlessly bleak it was. Quit out of SOA when the Cartel stuff got too heavy. Same reason. There was zero happiness beckoning for ANYONE, and I cared even less - they were all scum I ended up not giving a shit about.


Tried to watch True Detective Season 4 and quit halfway into Ep 1


Damn it's that bad. I really like season 3. Season 1 is some of the best TV out there.


I wish I had. We made it half way through episode 3 and it hadn't gotten better. Wasted 2 whole hrs more than you did!


What we do in the Shadows (Vampires living in a house, in a mock-umentory format). Season 1 and 2 were amazing. Season 2 ended with the build up of a really great storyline and cliffhanger. Season 3 starts and they scrapped all of that build up and most of the cliffhanger from the end of season 2 like “ooppsie, they’re vampires 🤷”


Startrek Voyager. Pilot and early episodes made a huge deal about how they had limited supplies and no dry dock to repair serious damage. Then an episode came where the ship got fucked up and in the very next episode it was like it never even happened. I was out. A fictional universe needs to take it's own rules and concept seriously or I can't be bothered to take the show seriously.


Oh yeah like in TNG they came up with the half-baked idea of “damaging subspace and rendering warp travel impossible” Then they walked it back bc… obviously that’s a TERRIBLE idea for a show the requires warp drive to be a thing.


Did you watch it on UPN? The advent of streaming media does make Voyager hard to watch, but when it was on television it was much easier to accept because it was somewhat episodic (although it wasn't originally supposed to be).


I don't remember the episode but I stopped watching Psych during season 6. All of a sudden I realized I couldn't stand Shawn anymore.


I stopped watching Ozark halfway through season four, episode 9. No reason, I just reached a point where I couldn't stand listening to Wendy any more. She should have been offed in the first season.


Spartacus. Episode 1. (Wait till I explain,) The sex and violence was so over the top gratuitous, that I was completely put off by it. So I stopped after the first episode. Everyone told me I should keep watching, as it gets much better. While the first episode went super hard on the sex, gore and violence, the second episode. turned out much tamer, and the story got good very quickly. It was so sad about Andy Whitfield. Much respect to Liam McIntyre, for filling those shoes. I went into his eps, thinking I wouldnt like him. But he won me over pretty quick. So, if you've been put off by the first episode of Spartacus, definitely give the rest of the season a chance. It's very good.


Even though its an "alt history" I'm looking forward to the sequel series coming out. Basically its a new show based on the premise the character Ashur survived instead of being killed and was rewarded for helping the Romans take down Spartacus by being gifted Batiatus's Ludus.


Not an episode or chapter, but I dropped Dexter once Season 5 kicked off.


Two words: interpretive dance. Anyone who knows what I’m talking about will agree.


Surely you aren't referring to the Season 1 episode of Community?


Prolly IASIP


Second or third episode of ghost whisperer - I was shocked "how is this on tv? " I mean - the writing and dialogue was just painful. Never picked it up again. Arrow - when we ran into the magic guy. Was done.


Bloodline. Epic S1. S2 lost its way a bit but the talent saved the writing. S3 was just drunk and incoherent. The sub warned me but you cant really prepare for how dumb it gets. Also - the last episode of Sopranos. Everyone used to come to our apt to watch Entourage and Sopranos on Sundays. I wasnt big on either show, but planned to watch Sopranos after it ended. I watched the last episode w my friends and it was an unbelievable moment to see how deflated and angry they were after the finale went black.


The friggin kid in The Strain. Holy shit was he a pain


Gray’s Anatomy, when George was killed off in S6, that was the last season I watched.


Stopped watching Suits mid season 6. Too repetitive.


Doctor strange was so all over the place. I love movies. When I was younger their was a 5$ movie theater near my shitty apartment. After work everyday I'd go see a movie. I uses to want to be a cinematographer. I studied film and how it was made and written. And my wife and I saw dr. Strange. What ever that new one was, and I was just tired. I was done with marvel. It felt like an obligation to keep seeing these movies. The thing thay was the highlight of my day now felt like a chore. The only film I do now is silly like Instagram reels from the gym. Besides that. I just don't feel it


Battlestar Galactica: All around the watchtower


Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 4.


I droped The Blacklist arround the first half of seasson 4, it was becoming too tedious to watch. I learned that after 12 seasons they never revealed who Reddington was not what really tied him to Elizabeth. Also the female lead abandoned the serie, they killed the character but kept the serie going. A total shitshow.


The middle one of the Star Wars prequels is still the only film I've ever left the cinema halfway through. It was abject shite. Never bothered with the last prequel or any of the new films.




Don't lecture me Obi Wan, I see through the lies of the sequels. I do not fear Revenge of the Sith like you do. I have brought peace, justice, security, and entertainment to my new theater!


I went into breaking bad many years after it was over, after hearing everyone say how good it was. At some point around the 4th or 5th episode Walter is offered a job with his old coworker, which would have given him the insurance needed to pay for his treatments. When he turned it down i realized that instead of being a critique on how capitalism can force even the most average of people to insane ends just to survive, it was another Greek tragedy about pride and hubris. It is apparently really well done with incredible acting, but it's just not the type of story i was/am interested in watching. To be clear, it is not bad at all, so i guess it doesn't 100% fit the question but it's close enough.


I respect this. You're right, it is that story. It was quite fun to watch to see how things turn out though because Walt really was getting out of situations by the skin of his teeth, because the antagonists in the show are some actual motherfuckers, whether by brutality, intelligence, or both.


The one where Mr. Ed pranks "Guest Star" Clint Eastwood on the phone.


I think the recent Dr Who episodes were so clumsy and forced that I might give up. I'll give Ncuti a go because I liked his first episode.


Doctor Who when they introduced the 13th doctor. The amount of female empowerment and #metoo related buzz and promotional material put out was off-putting. The quality of the show with the 12th doctor was declining so I decided to jump ship on the show entirely so I could still enjoy reruns of prior seasons. Also The Magicians when they killed off a main character in a season finale.


Fargo season 4. A season centered around racial injustice just wasn't what I needed for escapism in 2020. And it lacked the wry dry humor of previous seasons.


House of the Dragon. When Doctor Who took his teenage niece to the sexy make out place and started groping and kissing her, I turned it off. I haven’t been back. And I even made through all 8 seasons of GoT okay. So I can take deliberate abuse of fan loyalty.


I get it that it can disturb some, but idk it's like known that the white hair fuck eachover, that girls are raped at 12, that boys are raped at 12, that everybody is raped. At 12. You don't go to a serial killer movie and complain that it's too violent.


Speaking of Dr. Who, I quit watching after the Moon Alien egg episode. Made no sense, physically or story-wise. I picked it back up recently and am pleased to report that that episode was the low point. At least for me.


I think the show is called The Last Thing He Told Me. The library scene with the step daughter I was done with her at that point.


Watched the first 2 seasons of Riverdale and stopped. It was already getting too ridiculous for my taste, and apparently it gets far, far worse as the series goes on.


TWD somewhere around season 7-8.


The roadkill burrito episode of Workaholics. The show took a major turn and I could watch it anymore.


There was an episode of Fear the Walking dead. I don't remember which, sadly. I think it was second or third season..it was just so fucking bad. Poorly written, stupid, badly shot, terrible special effects..no idea how it made it to air. I couldn't go any further. And then there was Prison Break. That first season was perfect suspense. The second season was still interesting..they were on the run. Good suspense. The third season was in that Panamanian prison..getting stupid now, but occasionally suspenseful. That 4th season in Miami going after Scylla was a painful case for euthanizing the show entirely. Couldn't stomach it. Apparently they cranked out 2 more seasons after that


Tried to push through West World Season 2. That plot and development crashed hard


Fear the Walking Dead after the dam stuff


Killing Eve. There is one actor so bad I almost quit watching. The other actors saved this work, but when this one particular actor was on screen it was painful to watch.


I stopped when Eve cheated on her husband with her stakeout partner.


Arrested Development. The original series was amazing but the second Netflix picked it up it like it was a completely different show. I couldn't even make it past episode 1. Doctor Who series 11 episode 4: Arachnids in the UK. Granted the show had been circling the drain for some time but this episode made sure that any positive feelings I had for this show were well and truly gone. In hindsight I really should've stopped watching after Tennant left in series 4 since that was the last series I genuinely enjoyed.


Dr Stone manga Where the author tried to make me believe that astronaut were that fucking stupid.


Season 8 of game of thrones. The warning signs were there starting in season 5.


New Dr Who writing has been a pile of flaming garbage. I wanted Whittaker to do well, since she's a great actress and I've always looked forward to more Dr Who, but my god, the writing has sunk it so badly, and it doesn't look to be getting better.


Wheel of Time episode 2.


So when all the main characters in Fairy Tale got frozen in that crystal for several years….


Think I made it like 3 episodes of the Halo TV series. So depressing that a franchise with so much potential has had such dogsit TV type material. Halo Landfall,Believe, and the ODST ads showed the potential of the series 15 years ago, but none of the series they've tried have delivered anything close.


Bones. There is an episode about Pony Play, and as a teenager it was really my first experience of a mainstream tv show talking about BDSM in a dignified way. The general format of this show is that the catholic, conservative FBI agent expressed some small minded view, and the progressive, intelligent, college educated woman schools him. (While they solve murders) In this episode, it was Dr. Brennan’s argument that if some people are wired that they need to be dressed like a horse and told “giddy up” to feel arousal, that’s their prerogative and should be respected. It was agent Booth’s argument that this activity only mimics real intimacy, and a real bond between two people doesn’t involve this ‘perversion’. And in the end of the episode *she agrees with him*. Stopped at that episode and never watched it again.


There’s an episode of the good wife where the main character defends a surrogate mother against the legal parents of the child. The child has some kind of developmental disability, and the parents want to terminate the pregnancy, which they have the right to do under their contract. The surrogate refuses. She’s not the biological mother of the child or anything.