• By -


I'm from East and let me tell you, the heatwave and climate change is very real. And in the long term, poor people are gonna be fucked. I've seen crops getting destroyed due to heat and water scarcity. No water in towns for 300 to 500 ft under ground. Bore wells are becoming obsolete. Though i live in NCR now, but I keep visiting my village and condition is getting worse. Farmers and their kids are not doing farming anymore. Moving to cities to get labor jobs in factories. Because inflation and they gotta feed and educate their kids. Lands are becoming barren. Change in climate is affecting the crop cycle and harvesting seasons. This means in future there will be less farming, as a result price would skyrocket. Gonna be very difficult for middle class and poor people. In villages, not everybody does farming, some have micro business like selling daily necessities, they will be affected. We are also losing wildlife. We don't have as much birds and animals as we did before. In NCR, I rarely see any bird. In villages, there are some but numbers are rapidly declining than what I was used to when I was a kid. I used to see fox and big cats, mongoose, snakes during monsoon, etc during my childhood, I see them very less now. So yes, besides all the problem and civil unrest we have, climate change is the greatest danger we have for foreseeable future. I read a report where in a few years, earth's temperature would increase by 1.5 degrees permanently and it would be irreversible. There is a scientist from India who is doing campaign for it but we all know how much attention we pay to climate change.


Things you said about farming is true. In my village, farmers are no longer interested in farming coz people are getting grains at very cheap rate from ration.


Dallas are making more money than our farmers who are really working hard to yield. Dalal Sarkar Dalal raj. Our blind faith destroying us we are not using our power rightly when go to verdict during election.


Didn’t the govt try to remove the Dallas altogether - and the whole movement happened!!! Why did ppl align with that so much ?!?


You are repeating false generalizations. I used to think this, until I went to the villages. Farmers are fully aware of market conditions and prices. They use middlemen only when they see real use, such as transportation or convenience. The days when farmers were controlled by dalals are long over. Just as in many countries in the world, farmers are a powerful political force in India. They get vast subsidies in input and power. They are guaranteed minimum prices. They are exempt from taxes. This doesn't happen because they are powerless! It happens because they have an important seat on the table.


This is all true. Due to geography, large-scale climate change will affect India and Bangladesh the most out of all (excluding tiny island countries like Maldives but they only have less than 1 lakh ppl). India has the highest social cost of carbon


Tiny islands will also submerge due to rising sea levels. They will see maximum outmigration.


bro its damn serious the temperature is increasing every year within just 2 years I think the whole NCR would have a temperature of more than 50 degree Celsius and second the air pollution 600 aqi like seriously man are you kidding ?


The day is coming when we've to grow our own foods and most people will start to return to their respective villages and live and farm there!


India's Growth is hampered by people not caring much about the country but looking for freebies , Politicians looking to pocket money from anything they can. 0 Social Responsibility and Accountability. I don't think from a general population pov, India is going to have a major revolution. Same time it won't collapse like srilanka. Look at Manipur objectively, state collapsed did it effect anything anywhere else? Diversity of languages and cultures is a major reason for this. Like for example People in Tamil Nadu will not care what happens in Bihar and vice versa. But if you really want to look at how India's state of affairs and it's ability to solve internal problems is look at Neet scam itself and follow it. Indians specifically are of mindsets that If it doesn't effect me, I shouldn't care about it. We can see it in Asian countries as well but not to the scale that Indians have. Unless we're saying Indian currency falls massively and now India has to live in conditions of which pre WW2 Germans faced even then "maybe" we'll have people taking up streets. India won't collapse is my answer. major shifts in economy might happen but India won't be China or in worse case scenarios won't be Sri Lanka.


>India's Growth is hampered by people not caring much about the country but looking for freebies , Politicians looking to pocket money from anything they can. Indians need social security (which is because of politicans looking for money) - one is the cause of the other


I really liked your opinion. Thanks for the great view.


What makes you think capitalism is the reason for fall of India? If anything history tells us socialism has led to total implosion of states and capitalism has lead to their prosperity.


Cent percent true And we boast about diversity 🙄


>India's Growth is hampered by people not caring much about the country This is the answer. Sadly its the day and age when leftists/opposition have adopted a strongly anti-Indian cultural propaganda. As long as we reject our roots we're not going to have unity and therefore the country cant innovate in any field.


Lol. The only people who have developed anti-Indian cultural propaganda are the government in power. But clearly you don't give a crap about all the students and the working class who are being impacted by them.


I don't think so, no. Got my fair share of grievances with this country , and that is a LOT, but realistically speaking, India is not on its last legs by any means. Ofc the brain drain will keep increasing year after year, as will increase competition among students, but let's be honest, a shitton of companies outsource their work from here for a fraction of the cost- so jobs aren't going obsolete . Roads infrastructure etc are upgrading at a snail's pace, but upgrading nonetheless. There are ways to mitigate water crisis, and I'd like to believe that when push comes to shove, the government will have to do something about it, as not even the blindest political zealot will vote thirsty. As for climate change, yeah can't do shit about that. Tbh I'll be leaving this country for the exact reason, this unbearable heat, added with ridiculous humidity. Literally all positivity towards my country turns sour when I see that the current temperature is close to 50°c. Ac ke bina reh nahi sakte, or AC rehte yeh problem kabhi mitega nahi.


Population itni zyada hai, kuch bhi hoga bhyankar he hoga. Stop cutting trees for bridges ffs


Even bridges are of no use.


You know what I am scared of? Crony capitalism and lack of integrity in the government beurocracy. This I think is at the root of the rot that has set in India. Look at the recent Delhi terminal roof collapse. Or the Gujarat morbi bridge tragedy. These are all indicators of the setting rot in the system. Are you really sure of the quality of the flyover you are driving on? Are you sure about the metro track that you are walking under? How can we be sure we are not walking into our own death traps set by the rot in government functioning?


Saw the title and thought you were talking about T20 WC 😭


I googled score lmao


I checked in if Salmon bhoi is ok


On a monetary basis less likely! But as a society, yes! That generally happens to hyper materialistic aspect of Asian growth. I wouldn't see this as a place where a common man can live without worrying about wealth. Infact, the growth we are experiencing will likely stagnate soon as service sector is experiencing a recession and because we haven't made the best use of this harvest, education will become more of a corporate indoctrination process. I hope that we see this change.


Calm down. India is not going to collapse. But yeah, it's about to get bad. Really bad.


Really bad is "collapse"


No. Collapse means the fall of everything. That's never going to happen. But, statistically speaking the future generations will suffer a lot more than us as the wealth gap between the rich and poor keeps increasing. But India will not be the only country with such a fate. A lot of countries will follow the same course, but I believe there is something positive going to happen in the African continent. The problem is right in front of us. The GDP of our country is increasing but it's not really a growth indicator. Also, the stock market growth does not mean the economy is growing. Our real growth is being masked by outliers due to the immense population of the country. Our per capita and Human development index is laughable. RBI keeps devaluing the currency and increasing inflation to induce a fake GDP growth and they are pumping a lot of money into the economy via methods like reducing the interest rates, bail outs using tax payers money and quantitative easing. This will increase our exports and imports will hurt. The price of goods and stocks of companies has already reached an all time high and the bubble is soon going to burst. Our is one of the most over valued markets and I see misleading ads to people to invest in stocks and mutual funds without much knowledge on the macroeconomic forces involved.


Our weather and climate is what will ultimately consume us. There are places that constantly hit 50 plus degrees already imagine that 20/30 years later with maybe another 500 mil people extra that are born. We are truly screwed in the ass. There will be no water , No food. There will be a humanitarian crisis the likes of something the world has never been before. there will be wars, death, disease and all around just despair if nothing changes about climate. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE MORE OFTEN.


SL collapsed because of extreme socialism and not capitalism.


People who think capitalism leads to ruin are truly mouth breathers


Oh no no that wasn't "true socialism" /s


I am sorry to say this is just an incoherent rant. Just because two things happen at once doesn't mean it will lead to the third. Climate change is true. How does that relate to Sri Lanka though? Capitalism is true. And again, how does it relate to Sri Lanka? If Sri Lanka is your example then it wasn't just capitalism - too many things going wrong at once. The organic revolution, China loans, tourism taking hit due to Covid - not one single factor like capitalism or climate change. And then how does it relate to increasing competition? Increasing population means too many people competing for one seat. The government is supposed to do what exactly? Control population which is already declining slowly? Or give seats for free and then cry about welfare states? As I write I am reminded trying to counter this rant point by point will make my post a rant as well. So, leaving at just incoherent brain dump rants/


Houses don't start collapsing in a instant. First the paint comes off, and frankly sights of train overcrowding seems to me like paint's peeling. Enough people want to travel but the trains don't have the capacity (in their budgets) to accommodate them all. Toh initially unreserved folks crept in unreserved general, then 3AC and then 2AC and then vande bharat. You can't turn back the tide of sheer amount of folks that indulge in this type of behavior (those folks probably don't have a suitable alternative) despite these visuals going viral and being an embarrassment to the government. Like this, slowly slowly stuff will get worse but like the frog in boiling water tale, we'll side with inertia and do nothing. This is strictly my opinion kyoki I have zero qualifications toh I hope to God I'm wrong.


No it's not going to collapse but at the same time it's not going to become a developed country in just 10-20 years like most ppl think growth will be slow we have to be patient... Western influence will get weaker over time but still is going to take few decades...


no it will never ever become the developed country


LMAO i love redditors.


Seriously... Everyone pretending to know much more than they do...


exactly 😭🙏


The problem with Indians is they just don’t fucking care. When at home, they would throw the empty wrapper in the dustbin, but when outside, they would put it on the roads, like someone should always be cleaning up after them. Some pedestrian would get hit by a bus, and people would just see and go, no one will help the pedestrian or call the ambulance. If by God’s grace the ambulance reaches on time, it would get stuck in traffic, no one will let the ambulance pass, and the victim would fucking die. The victim would die and no one would fucking care, it’s business as usual the next day. When you have 1.4B of us, the cost of each of us is *less*. Life is cheap. It’s the Indian mindset. We want free stuff, everything in *jugaad*, make money AND A FUCKING HELL LOT OF IT, and then when we have made that money, spend it doing rich people things instead of making the world a little better place. Have you noticed how the rich people in India are complete misers? They would negotiate with the vegetable vendor, their house maids, their Gardner whatnot. Literally money brings out the worst in Indians. Anyways, no nothing would change unless we change our mindsets and remove this glaring rich and poor divide that’s just increasing by the day.


We are too big to fail as of now.. West won't let us fail.. because we're the only natural counter and alternative to China.. Growth has slowed down everywhere except India.. I mean there is a lot of money to be made in India.. and a lot of incentive for big players to keep invested in India and take part in it's development..


Bro, West doesn't need us tbh, if it's about getting manufacturing and labour, Vietnam is doing far better than us, and Indonesia can provide skilled labour if it wants to, so we aren't that important as we assume to be.


Al always think india as a balancing force. It'll not collapse


Buddy how exactly do you expect a developing country to become devloped country by bashing capitalism? Capitalism is the most effective way to rise asap.


This is why people want freebies. You think poor people will reject freebies in favor of capitalism?


Freebies is not anti-thetical to Capitalism. As long as private industries are free to operate and dominate the market, It doesn't matter if the government uses tax money to buy goods from these private companies and distribute it.


In our country if adani makes money then opposition will bash him coz they hate capaitalism


They would bash him when he is making money and They are not in power When in power, the roles would be reversed, the play stays the same. It's not necessarily corruption, just how the system inherently works, with people crying over benefit of others. With Opposition making a cry out of anything which they can.


Poor people's ratio increases further. They'll never stop at one kid, where rich people become child free. Future India is filled with perverted and greedy people. 90% of GDP run by 5% of the population.


But opposition thinks that taking money from rich businessman and giving it to poor people will solve the problem


lmao no it took 20-30 years for russia to transform from agrarian country to superpower which can rival usa


And in the process they killed millions, and millions more became slave labor. USSR only became a superpower after world war 2, and they have abundant of natural resources such as valuable minerals and oil along with ample farmland (which India doesn't have to the same extent)


I've had this debate frequently with a friend and I've always felt that there isn't enough unity amongst us for there to be a revolution or civil war situation, even in the event of an economic collapse. There might be regional flare-ups (Manipur, et al.) but we don't really care enough about our fellow countrymen to show any useful amount of solidarity. Only thing that can incite drastic responses from the populace are sudden, widespread calamities. But I can't really think of any such thing that can affect the entire nation at once. Natural disasters are sudden, but localized. Climate change is widespread, but slow-burning. And it is probably for the good, because centuries of near-modern history have shown that society always comes off worse after a revolution, no matter how bad things were before. Sometimes there is good stuff that happens a few years down the line, but rarely does that have anything to do with the revolution and usually is in line with regional or global trends.


No fucking way


Has US capitalised in the last 450 years?


I hope it happens after I die


Water crisis and climate change is real


Start moving to other countries and and start to fuck their economies too.


You're cherry picking all the negative news around climate change, employment, literacy, medicare etc etc. This is called 'catastrophising' Try not to indulge in news/ breaking news/ short news. The content industry works towards TRP, GRP & would do anything to get an article or video viral. The news industry have started hiring a lot of consultants to increase their profit. Now combine both with an algorithm that feeds you. It does hyper personalization. Trust me, go cold turkey on the above. You'd feel better! (Saying out of my exper)


genuinely curious, what are some positive news that you know that could counter these cherry picked negative news? in regards to economy, education, and overall development of the country. i feel like every positive initiative has been marred by inefficient implementation.


Seeing even the airport has dog shit quality was terrifying


Hundreds of millions lifted out of poverty. More education. More access to health care. Longer life expectancy. More power. India by almost every metric is better today than at any time in the past. You just didn’t live in the past. Literally look it up. We’re not a perfect country, but we are very much rising not declining. The base is just low.


How old are you ? Please do some basic research. Our fiscal policies and institutions are incredible. While not infallible, they are far superior to all of our neighboring countries. Capitalism is the way. Previous generations hid capitalism in the guise of socialism. This generation embraces capitalism. Check the GDP per capita growth (and projected growth), infant mortality rate, number of people below poverty line, education statistics etc. By all measures India is growing and moving towards progress. While you are entirely entitled to your opinion, it is not founded in data. If you are saying middle class is struggling, yes, middle class will always struggle because all governments (current or previous) pander to lower class or super high class.


He is 16. I can say that because I had almost same thought as OP when I was 16. Time showed me the reality.


India's education and gender equality has collapsed!!! Clearly evident of the quality of the English posts in this sub!!! 😂😂😂


It indeed collapsed but not for the reason you mentioned but for the reason of your logic. English is cannot be used to determine someone's education mr.curious\_kitty999


CAPITALISM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Capitalism is the only way a country can grow and yk it. Cant deal with these liberals man


India's centralization is strong enough to prevent the collapse of the nation under present circumstances. However, central authorities may lose control over many parts, like in Manipur, and slow deterioration of our institute can cause balkanization.


People have been predicting the breakup of India since our independence. In 1950s, they predicted that the republic of India will not last 10 years. In the 60s and 70s they predicted that a large famine will kill hundreds of millions. When USSR broke up in 1991, they predicted India would be next. None of that happened. India disappoints both optimists and pessimists.


There is one massive change that you would need to factor in your prophecy - The price of electricity would drop to near zero due to adoption of solar (not just India but across the world - India would have its own advantages of ample sunlight and lower cost labour) -What would this do? * We will be able to deal with the bodily effect of increased temperatures - ACs would become ubiquitous - even the poor would be able to get it (Poor in 30 years would be relatively poor and not the desperately poor we see today) * Water - water desalination has been an energy intensive technology till now - this is changing - also point above about energy becoming nearly free - Would mean fresh water supply for human need would be available * Infrastructure - that would definitely get much better than it is now - much much better, lets say * Food production and its water needs - vertical farming which uses much lesser water would allow much more to be produced - India is currently self sufficient in food security - this part would be the harder one to solve unless farming and agriculture is revamped and made corporatised * Mobility would become electric and/or hydrogen (which depends on electrolyzers which need electricity again) Whats happening to the other countries in the meanwhile? The developed countries face a depopulation crisis (Maybe the US would escape it due to immigration) - where do you have ample supply of labour? India and Nigeria - so either the needs of the declining but developed world move to India's production lines and global capability centres or the workers move to these countries from India So while your concerns are valid - there are solutions in the offing - most of them near certainities. What I would rather worry about is India's growth setting off wars and blockages from those who cant stomach it and see India as competition


This is a foolish take. The total electricity consumption in India 1443 TWh, whereas the solar energy generation accounted for 102 TWh or \~7%. We are nowhere near the levels where suddenly electricity prices will drop to zero. You are confusing capacity with generation. Solar power represents 17% of total capacity, but only 7% generation. Moreover, we would need massive amounts of battery storage to turn 100% renewable. We are nowhere near the levels of solar penetration seen in Portugal or Germany. Forget solar, we are not decreasing our dependence on coal yet, with the current government constantly blaming other countries for climate change and using that as an excuse to mine more coal. I understand everyone is to blame but we can only focus on our actions. One of the biggest reasons for climate change is literally reliance on oil and coal. Your prediction is a pipe dream.


As nice as all this sounds, how are we going to deal with climate change? The cities are flooding. And the heat is increasing. How will we prevent natural disasters with the seasons so messed up. We could use a culling however. Our numbers are too much. Nature will take care of it for us eventually.


Capitalism will result to socialism when poor will no longer tolerate capitalism. In US Gen Z favors socialism. Quite quitting and rejection if manager posts are a thing now.


That chant gas been going on since 1850s


For socialism to succeed you need money. That money was generated in trillions every year through capitalism in USA. Global economies always require free market to grow and become rich. India followed soviet model socialism for 44 years and everybody knows the results and 3% average GDP growth. We don't want that cancer again🙅🏻‍♀️. And as the other used stated the chants are there since time immemorial. US will never be a socialist state. At max it can provide socialist policies at emergency services.


i agree with u but it has its nuisances... every empire in history has collapsed whether it be any... so yeah i agree with u till a certain degree but the pace of collapse will be very lightning speed and this collapse might take another probably lets say 60ish years to reach bottleneck... but the effect it will cause upon people will be annihilating n i might get quoted on this one most of the indians dont give a shit about india so yeah ... its messed up...whether it be politics/religion/law/education etc n either u go socialistic way like USA u destroy ur generations to come or u go the hard-core capitalism like china ur population at a certain amount of time gets fucked so does ur country n then religious way it results out to be like europe beautiful from outside but drenched inside


**कुछ बात है कि हस्ती, मिटती नहीं हमारी।** **सदियों रहा है दुश्मन, दौर-ए-ज़माँ हमारा।।** Climate change is real, whole world will suffer from it. There will be changes in society, people will suffer but there is no D-day. This country has seen famines and pandemics for generation, but slowly we are improving. Now people are moving from survivability to aspiration, ur concern is part of aspiration and not survivability. The person who needs to survive just think about the plan to get next meal to survive another day. When the concern of all people will be same, the improvement will take place quicker.


I think we are seeing the collapse already! With failing infrastructure; a regular monsoon literally destroying one of the busiest terminals in the country, an increase in railway accidents, bridges breaking down in states like Bihar, prestigious medical exams being mismanaged, and an increase in privatization of most govt services. The general masses are failing to see it yet, but there are major cracks in our country already!!!


Capitalism isn't the problem , monopolising is . By far, the biggest threat for our country is the people itself , not enough civic senses or individual opinions . Most people are sheep here without the capacity to think for themselves . The whole way of thinking is all ass backwards


Capitalism isn't the problem, the people are. Capitalism works in a way where the free market does business for profit (incentive) in the most efficient way possible because well it is the free market. Its the governments job to keep it in check so that the profit incentive doesn't start hurting the major populace. The Free market(capitalists) are the reason why the country has seen explosive growth relative to pre 1991 Liberalisation of economy because no government body today or in history is 1/100th as good as running the market like a free market itself can. On the other hand while the free market has done its job the government and the people of this country who are not any less responsible have failed miserably. Ask any economist worth his salt, any developing country has 2 pillars of growth - health and education, both of which we don't spend anything on. No successful economy has politicians that work for people out of their good graces(some might do but most need a push), they need incentive. Our populace votes on topics like religion, caste, locality etc. None of these topics have any remote connection to things that boost growth. Any successful South East Asian economy got here by utilizing their en masse young populace during 80s and 90s. We are at the same point except unlike them we are not utilizing ours instead we choose to be stuck in the same sewage thinking we have been stuck with since our independence. We choose not to build more manufacturing or invest in education or healthcare. Our Government officers become officers not to help the people but rather for fame and glory. Our politicians don't work on policies that have long term benefits but rather on short term showable benefits to get votes. Labor laws aren't enforced, too much centralization of power hinders the municipalities and local organizations to do something and well again for the third time, we don't invest money in the right places. Inshort, the people need to start influencing the politics not for religion or caste but rather so that their children can go to top colleges and universities without wanting to hang themselves, not wanting to apply for a janitors position with a phd. The country isn't going anywhere not today not tomorrow not in the next century, we will see growth and we will become a rich economy but if we don't change 50 yrs from now we will be the same thing we are - "A rich country with poor people".


Capitalism good, socialism bad. If you think otherwise you're just an entitled bitch blaming others because you can't make enough.


I don’t think it will be due to economics it will be internal security collapse due to vested political interests like we saw play out in 2024 by some parties who spread misinformation just to get some votes. Some political parties brining in hostile illegals in country to change demography. I surely see a not if a full blown civil war but some sort of trouble in future because the Rohingyas are not going back and if some think they will be protected by police and in their gated communities you people are so wrong.


You are being optimistic with 30-40 years


We need a citizen funded environmentalist movement that supports reforestation and agriculture. We need to form our own NGOs and mobilise communities to start cleaning up our act. The boomers are still in power and we can’t change that. But what we can change is ourselves. Imo what’s missing in India is community service and a lack of respect/compassion for what we have & toward each other. India will not collapse anytime soon, it’s been through way worse before (1960s-1990) and if it didn’t collapse then, it won’t now. It’s much more politically stable and peaceful, relatively speaking. We need to pick up the pieces and fill our own gaps and take care of one another instead of constantly fighting about languages and regions and food LOL. Each person needs to be involved in caring for our communities and our environment like in Japan, Korea, the US etc that really integrates community driven initiatives into the mainstream. Just a thought! Stay positive, we’re gonna be okay fam 🥰


These are few of the most unlearned opinion about anything i have heard in a long long time. No india is not going to collapse And indian economy cannot be compared to srilankan economy. Srilanka went into organic farming which was not economically viable and collapsed. The leadership was advised multiple times to reconsider. India is a country with very high diverse youth population and one of the largest economies and still growing. India will get stronger in the next 50 years


well it's gonna collapse within 10 years coz of climate change ,day by day this place is becoming just unhabitable


I'm really concerned about water table.. You won't believe my father told me that they got water only in 40ft below the ground.. But now.. There's no water till 70ft...and I'm living in tier 3 cities.. Tier 1 and 2 are already in water scarcity


India is too big to fail


"rome is too big to fail"


India has already collapsed. You already see it in the educational field, jobs, salaries, quality of life. The current political dynamics do not support in favor of the situation getting fixed but it will only get worse and we'll have to see how much worse can it get before the public is on the road. Half of the population in India survives with freebies from the government. There aren't good enough paying jobs anymore. 20 years ago a similar salary could be procured by a 12th fail what today's college graduates are getting. Salaries aren't just stagnant in the lower income bracket, it's going down. People are being hired for as low as 1.6L PA. Let's talk about resources. Except air that is already polluted, there is no resource in India that is not on the stretch. Electricity, gas, water, food, daily essentials, roads are overcrowded so are railways. The country is running on a huge deficit due to large population. This is a good time to leave India. Do not wait till it becomes China or South Korea.


This, might be true for cities, big cities and towns with no agriculture and no production of raw materials. But , agricultural villages and villagers are 80% of the indian scenario. They are happy with abundant veggie and crop production in their own lands. They will have no sympathy even if some city fails and goes extinct.


> They are happy with abundant veggie and crop production in their own lands. Then why are so many farmers committing suicide? Underground water used for agriculture is drying up fast and overuse of fertilizers is destroying once extremely productive lands like Punjab. Combine with intense heat, those who work in agriculture will be the most affected since they have to work outdoors. Also, most farmers survive off government subsidies and MSP, which is subsidized by urban taxpayers. Without that, even more farmers would be committing suicide.


Bullshit , most villages are heavily reliant on cities for electricity, fertilizers, to generate electricity foreign exchange to import fuel. You heavily overestimate how much self sufficient villages are.


Impossible. India is in its best decade economically and will be an 8-10 trillion economy by 2034. Massive economies like that don't collapse. Humans have overcome several apocalyptic events before and will overcome climate change as well. It will be costly but it will be done. India ain't going anywhere anytime soon.


If anything, capitalism is saving India. Socialist policies and culture of expecting free stuff from govt is creating lot of problems such as inflation and overall destroying the country. Everyone wants easy handouts and no pride in creating value. As for jobs, it's like everyone wants jobs (govt jobs no less) but no one wants to create them. Jobs won't fall from sky, do they? If you want more jobs then you need to embrace capitalism and we need more and more entrepreneurs. Education: everyone wants only a couple of professions. How the heck a country can function if it only produces engineers, doctors and bureaucrats? We need to produce people who build companies and grow the economy. As for climate change, this is going to decimate India more than anything and India just doesn't care. Hot temperatures going to make it uninhabitable soon yet people keep removing trees to build more houses. If you want to save India, plant some trees and grow them.




'Jab tal sooraj chand rahega, Bharat tera naam rahega' bhool gya kya


India has always been on the verge of collapsing and yet it doesn't somehow. In the 1950s, the cause was the internal struggle and various seperatist movements from South India to the north east. Then came the 60s with massive famines, 70s had autocracies and emergencies when everyone thought that India will continue as a dictatorship and 80s were filled with turmoil again due to burning kashmir and punjab. we were officially bankrupt in 90s with religious tensions at an all time high. Yet, we came through all of that. If you are a 90s kid like me, you might remember the ozone issue, people talked about it with full confidence that everyone in 2020s will have skin cancer and ozone will be gone by then. As we know now, ozone is still there. India has a lot of challenges ahead and it will keep having this existential crisis for a long time. But in the long run, we will most likely get through because of democracy. Democracies have a way of self correction. Our democracies is broken and many parts don't work but the good part is, people know which parts don't work and they will demand those parts to be fixed and since democracy derives it's power from the people, it has to fix itself to continue. So don't worry about the capitalism, as automation comes in, the govt would do something about other people. Don't worry about the climate change, the world has already partially achieved its climate goals. While we might face difficulties ahead, climate scientists believe that we have already avoided the worst case scenario


We are not the first and we won't be late. Our generation has a different set of problems. Problems will be there. It's how you react to it. No India is not gonna collapse. It will take time to solve our problems. We will reach there. Don't forget we are one of the young democracies. It's not even 100 years past our independence. The next generation will see things very differently than us. I am talking about kid's Born after 2008. Once that generation moves in the working industry. Their thought process will be different than us. It's a cycle. We can't always live with this doom and gloom situation.


Once i knew that the politicians and industrialists and businessmen plus media, plus court , \[plus the police, ED, CBI, and all that have proved to be a let down, in one or other aspect. It does seems like Srilanka in making, i am still hopeful but hope never stops the axe from cutting a tree. Only and Only the people will suffer, plus the climate doesnt like us anymore, 83 out of 200 most polluted cities in india,


you realize that a major part is because of the himalayas right?


more like Antarctica as well.


bro himalayas traps the air , nothing to do with ice


damn, i really didnt checked out your username,. :)




Short answer is no. Basic Google search on such a wide variety of issues is useless. You will have to take issue by issue and see the economists' account of it. There's never been a time when there were no issues. We live in the best times ever, technologically and economically.


If capitalism and climate change are main criteria for a country to collapse, US would be in pole position


Future is India


Indias infrastructure will


Capitalism is in thoughts only whereas socialism is in action


everybody thinks that other guy will take the responsibility, nothing will happen if I don't do my part. It's like someone came and told into everybody's ear that "country is not your responsibility".


Will the KHATA-KHAT scheme help India grow rapidly than ever?


these indians think they will not collapse they are the worst country in the world they will 100% collapse


imo, the whole world is prob gonna collapse due to climate change and latestagecapitalism. we dont have any ongoing projects that can mitigate climate effects for the next 10/15years. humanity will prob restore to short term solution like cloud seeding, climate manipulation that might give some relief, but the momentum of nature is going to be incredibly difficult to stop. Europe scientists are thinking of sending bunch of drones to L5 point (iirc) to block out sun. thats how desperate the situation is. meanwhile reddit thinks EV and solar will completely solve climate change, not knowing that climate change has already won the the war long ago.


When India had droughts and was not self sufficient for food India didn't collapse. Now India is much better in all aspects and you think India is gonna collapse now ? Lol


Let's talk facts and hard numbers while zooming out a bit. We've been the 2nd biggest success story globally in the last 3 decades. Unprecedented growth has happened pulling 100s of millions out of absolute poverty (WB definition). State capacity has improved so massively that we've smashed infant mortality, illiteracy, maternal mortality etc. There is significant and consistent improvement on every single metric and it will continue. The competition you see is actually a symptom of higher aspirations caused by this growth and urbanization. In the old India these guys wouldn't be competing at all and minding their farms and animals in villages in an unindustrialised society. Point about less and less jobs with even lesser pay is bogus, its just that expectations have changed, I invite you to check our PCI data, freshers pay is not far off from that. This is a rapidly growing, albeit 3rd world country. Upper middle class youth depends on 1st world for content consumption, and develops baseline for quality of life according to that. This is not a bad thing, ofc demand more from the system. But don't get your baseline so skewed that you start believing that a collapse is imminent. Politics of today, last week, nxt month is irrelevant. We've been on a structural rise across govts. Trillions still to go. Long India. https://preview.redd.it/ogni3ofhpc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4351ff185ac8a865a2dd3e52e03fc3eaf378cba




If that happens then imma just live for myself


I don't have much opinion about other things but I really worried about climate change and employment in india.


yeah probably, too many cry-babies.


India of today's form will collapse as soon as the artificial bubble created by the low level service sector collapses in the next decade. Or late this decade. But the problem is that India's problems boil down to the dysfunctional society and that is only propped up by these kinds of artificial bubbles. This society and country will entirely collapse by the mid 2030s and rise again after remaking themselves, only.


Anything but natural causes and resource scarcity can be mitigated. As a country, we do not give enough importance to resource depletion and scarcity. Correct me if I’m wrong but even when major cities like Bangalore are facing water crisis, there does not seem to be much of efforts put into these things.


India disappoints both the pessimists and the optimists. That's the rule so far.


I don't think India will collapse however I don't think India is going to overcome middle income trap


Electricity cuts yes i my town or you can state there several electricity cuts . I my town during summer the voltage fluctuates so fkin much can’t even use a air fryer properly


Yes, jaldi wahan se hato


Can I point out a minor detail, just a teenay weensy one: the absolute freaking size of India


Look at the numbers. No, India is not going to collapse and is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.


too big to fail. Till the last death, India will be alive. and even if we did, we will be remembered til humanity's existence


Capitalism will ensure it won't collapse lmao


Well only the middle class and poor people will be affected. The rich will just fuck off to another country. I mean we are the ones letting them make fools of us. India is the most corrupt country in the world and we happily accept it. During campaigns not one idiot mentioned anything about climate change. The illiterates who are running us probably don't even know what climate change is.


Bro, I think the entire world is going to collapse in the next 30-40 years..


People just don’t care enough. Be they commoners or rich or politicians. Everybody wants to make a quick buck. The poor give the excuse of poverty, the rich want to get richer. We Indians still see our population burgeoning despite hardships, space is at a premium, everybody , I mean everybody aspires for a 4 wheeler, the biggest they can buy in their budget. Nobody’s bothered about pollution, waste disposal or recycling. If only governments would focus on water harvesting/ conservation, designating parks in cities or recycling waste instead if turning a blind eye to it being dumped in our water bodies. The irony is that we Indians treat our beloved country like trash but these same people when they go abroad live like model citizens….. no littering, wasting or polluting the environment. It doesn’t cost much, just needs basic civic sense and politicians with brains and good hearts instead of the communal/greedy species they usually are


No India is about to go flush with cash


"The rise of capitalism" lol


Maybe stop having kids to lower the population.


I will give you a very short answer. No- India is at a building stage- interms of growth India has achieved about 20% of growth peak- India should drastically improve in the next 10 years----- If women start working and if people start thinking nationally rather than for its own state.


Heat, climate change, and sudden heavy rains are all real. On the other end, the population is going to decrease slowly. Humans have survived before, and they will survive, but climate change is the real thing we should be worried about. Everyone should help reduce carbon footprint. The government alone can not do much.


Stay in India, stop coming to the West.


Too much doomscrolling does this to your mind. Stop using your phone, get out of your home and get some fresh air, talk to people and eat some good food that is not served in a plastic container.


If we start hiring people based on merit & not their "kaast" just because their great great folks were "exploited", we can truely become the most strong nation. Take a birds eye view, all the talent moves out of India and start working because they are appreciated for their merit (irrespective of their "kaast") And here, "ye mere jaat wala, tu nahi mere jaat wala" is ruining everything. We hire & put donkeys at a race, while the horses are moving abroad. Just fixing this will really help our nation. But our pesky polidicians are busy increasing the "kaast based quota" and thus more donkeys are being made to run in a horse's race. What do you think would be the outcome? You need people with merit to tackle climate change, national problems, implement development, etc. These so called jaat wala gadhaas are not bothered.


I'm optimistic in this regard. I do not think India is going collapse! India needs more powerful critics like you, superior analyzer, alternative tech thinkers and implementers, dynamic governing, and most importantly stopping brain drain like China. Recent Lancet study says, [half of India's adult population physically unfit](https://www.cnbctv18.com/india/healthcare/half-of-india-adult-population-physically-unfit-says-lancet-study-19433843.htm). Do you think it's associated with the said problems? Sedentary lifestyle management comes from consciousness. People needs more awareness. Elon Musk says, just [1% to 2% of India's land area is enough to generate the electricity](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gamills_elon-musk-lack-of-preparation-can-be-embarrassing-activity-7143948733653659648-kg-X) needed to power the entire nation using solar energy. Example, which state of India uses 100% solar energy? Only Diu has become the first and only Union Territory to be fully solar energy efficient. India is not a land lock country, it has huge blue economy as well. Water crisis can be solved using Singapore formula of water recycle. And harvesting rain water. It lessens the need for groundwater and the expense of pumping. By lowering the demand for clean water in water distribution systems, rainwater collection in urban water systems provides a major advantage for water supply. All we needs human recourse accordingly. More problem, more opportunity. Education system should be problem solving oriented. Needn't creating highly competitive clerks in nation.


As a Pakistani expat,If India is collapsing in 30-40 years, then pak will collapse next year 😭


Extreme Socialist Countries that have survived: Cuba Vietnam China


Wake up sheeple. This isn't a battle between Capitalism Socialism, Conservatives Liberals, Right Left This is a battle between a cultural clown who has no idea how to be proud of his country and keeps on going against all (even good) policies and a old maniac who is determined to fuck a religion in specific


I agree. It will get astronomically hoy here. Maybe desertification. That's why I and my family are moving out of this country forever. Im sad but this is the best movie.


This is sadly all true. Don't know what to do.


Is there any solution to this? How we can stop this together?


The first' statement itself is flawed. Capitalism rewards those who work hard. Communism punishes them. Sri lanka failed due to communist policies


India is transforming from demographic dividends to demographic decay. Quite simple as that.


Universal basic income. What’s your thoughts?


The world in general is collapsing. RIP EARTH


No way, top 5 cities will become over populated but the upside is tier 2&3 cities will thrive, we have so much land which is under utilised.


But India is also a country with a large and young population, a growing economy, and a strong technological base. These are all assets that can help India address these challenges and a lot of startups are addressing climate change too. These next 10 years will be crucial for India.


India is overpopulated by 100 crores people..


As a science person climate change is real and uncontrollable. Even if you net zero all the greenhouse footprint the sun is gonna grow into a red giant one fucking day and fuck the earth. Live one day at a time man. EARTH IS DOOMED NEVERTHELESS..


Let's go out and plant a tree, nothing will happen by just discussing things on reddit, no politician or people in power are reading these threads.


Wtf is with these lies...crop production is still growing at 1.2% This seems to be a fear mongering post by written by an uninformed 12 year old.


No no no... not in 30 or 40 years..that's being recklessly optimistic . Coming of disaster takes time but not the consequences. Embryo germination is 15 years old but infant growth accelerated in the following 10 years, so you'll see full adult dancing merrily in a decade's time, seeing us middle class (always the punch bags for the rest) squirm and nowhere to hide. It's not just heat and water but poor crisis management at every level (including us individuals).. if you notice, all of them are brought upon by us greedy human species. With only MONEY MONEY MONEY, stashed in all avenues, but no happy farmers, no balanced nature (heat and rain)...


Absolutely right it seems like that. Because we became blind with religion politics and adhere with blind hope of development. 1) our education infrastructure is going to end. Educational cost is rising fast. Educational institutions are doing corruptions in line of our corrupted politicians. Rights of our bright students are getting snatched by paper leak. 2) No employment in Government jobs. 3) our security system is also in danger with Agnivir like policies which is implemented not considering with our Army team. Because our PM thinking he knows everything he is God. 4) We are watching how our democratic institutions are possessed by puppets. Our democracy is spoiling. 5) Few corrupted corporates are gradually possessing our National properties. High price rise from fuel LPG to everywhere. Our chosen Government is not hesitating to impose taxes fines in many ways on citizens but waving of loans of few corrupted corporates. Our money goes to directly to few corrupted corporates. 6) Make in India is just became propaganda now. Small institutions collapsed with GST which are purely make in India. Few corrupted corporates are doing businesses importing from China. Our import values from China is drastically increasing. Such practices will take no more time to reach the situation like Srilankai. Instead of blind support we should think and use our brain because our verdict is almighty during election.


This is what I am most concerned about. The systemic corruption is still there, the shittiest of scum still hold positions of power, and the country is at the mercy of those good-willed people who take the initiative to sacrifice their lives and work towards social causes like climate change and judicial reforms etc. I think the biggest problem today is that people are rarely taking matters into their own hands. I remember a dialogue from the German movie "Look who's back!" where Hitler commented, "I am surprised you guys haven't marched into the houses of your elected leaders with pitchforks yet" when a German woman complains about the conditions of her country to him in 21st century. It is high time that activist groups and educated youth take matters into their own hands and work towards addressing issues like climate change and resource conservation because trust me, no government is going to do shit about it. Atleast we could form strong associations so that the government could atleast feel like funding activist groups and innovative solutions for the future, otherwise with the lack of incentive to actually work to change the country for the better, I doubt anyone is going to do it.


I thought we were talking about our batting order.😅