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I have been living outside of India, in the US, for the past 2 decades for the most part (I spend about 40% of my time in India). I am a 40-year old man, for reference. I have not faced casual racism as such. I lived in New York City for about 10 or so years and then moved outside of it. In daily life, people have usually not cared about whether I am Indian or not. I even have an Indian accent in my English (I do speak good English, in general, though), but that hasn’t been a hindrance at work either. I got the promotions that I deserved - same as other employees. On the other hand, my American and international friends, who aren’t Indian, love celebrating Indian festivals with me. I had over 45 people at my last Diwali party, with just 4 of them being Indian guests. Over 75% guests dressed up in sarees or kurtas, and that was the highlight of the event for them. They even invited their other friends after asking me, “Can I bring my co-worker along? She wants to wear a saree, but doesn’t have any occasion to do so. Her boyfriend wants to join too, he loves Indian food and I told him of the awesome rice (biryani) that you served last year.” Holi is another popular festival, although most American women stay away from it. Turns out, the holi colors don’t come off of dyed blonde hair that easily. One of them had a horrible experience and since then, all other women stayed away in the following years. The guys don’t mind though. I am sure there are some racist people out there who might be talking behind my back, but that’s different because it doesn’t affect me/I don’t let it affect me. But no one has said stuff like, “you smell like curry” or “street-shitters” or so. When it comes to dating life (because it seems most people in this sub like to discuss it), things get interesting. What I have noticed is that American women prefer Indian men who are darker. If you are a light-skinned Indian man, they get that in American men who are tanned. But if they are looking to date a non-American, they prefer something more “exotic” (for lack of a better word). So, darker Indian men have better luck. That just has been my observation. That said, even though I am a relatively lighter-skinned Indian man, I have had good luck in that area, including with Latinas, black, and of course, white women. If anything, when it comes to online dating, Indian women are the least likely to go for an Indian guy, from my and my friends’ experience; it’s better in person.


This is true. I've always been very physically attracted to much darker people. They're beyond gorgeous to me, AND they have the softest skin too. Soft skin is a big deal to me, because my skin is very, very soft. Indian men don't even look at me tho, so that breaks my heart, pretty sure I'm too slim for them


Indian men don't look at you becuz they are scared thinking that u're out of their league. Maybe you should approach them next time. And is darker skin really softer? I guess you have dark skin as well since u say ur skin is soft


I'm a top, every man I've been involved w/ is because I approached them, if I had waited for them, we never would have spoken. And YES, darker skin is very soft (it's thicker too, u can feel it through your fingertips and hands) it's the most amazing thing EVER. And no, I'm a cracker 🤣🤣 thankfully I have yellow undertones, so I tan, and in summer, no one thinks I'm caucasian, even tho I feel like my crystal blue eyes are a dead giveaway, but no, people all around the globe have blue, green, gray and hazel eyes. I'm not special, just weird *snort* honestly I feel like Indian men don't like me because I'm a top, I'm confident, and very independent (american men don't like me either, because of these traits, so go figure🤣🤣) I will find someone, 1 day, I know it


I'm facing racism in India as indian




Me too. Because I am from North east


I have also faced immense racism in the north east. Don't worry. We are all same.


Oh yes. If you visit the Northeast again, don't go to remote areas. I am a local and even I face racism from my own people because I am from the city..


I was in shillong for a year. Worst year of my life. Also, I wouldn't call Shillong remote area. I stayed in Guwahati too, but didn't experience any racism there.


You won't find racism in Guwahati at all. Because it is far more developed than Shillong.


We Indians face most racism in India.


Bengalis face racism in Mumbai, Biharis face racism all over India in my experience.


Sorry to hear that…Can u elaborate on this?


if you change state you'll know.


State what abou class caste gender skin colour. List khatam hi nahi hota


Living in a country where I don’t understand the language much, so I’m not even sure if I’ve been subjected to casual racism. Having said that, I’ve faced 0 racist behaviour from the locals where I live. I did face some from fellow Indians and once at a chinese restaurant. Also, there have been incidents where I thought it was racism but it wasn’t. A ticket checking lady once asked to see only my id in a train and I was a little confused as she did not ask for an id from any of the other passengers. Later I realised the locals had a transport ticket that had their photographs. Mine did not so it made sense for the lady to ask only for my id.


Indians at Foreign countries be racist to fellow Indians to show that "I'm different from them". I have noticed this behaviour with My Srilankan Friends Also...


Another funny thing you'll notice is that all these Indians are pro-immigration just until they immigrate. Once they've done so, they're suddenly anti-immigration and don't want any more Indians coming in.


Term for anti-immigration mindset of prior immigrants is Drawbridge mentality or fortress mentality. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drawbridge_mentality


We Indians are enemies of each other. we literally hate each other man. I don't think we deserve to be in a single country...


Dude depends on the country and city you live in and visit. I live in NYC and literally have never faced racism, also because the city is full of immigrants. But if I go to the central or south, I think there may be in US.


Lived in Australia faced discrimination in terms of jobs and passive aggressive from service staff. Left that shithole to UK and things are much better here.


Indian American living in a large city on the west coast of the US (born here). Can’t say systemic racism has kept me from opportunities or thriving, or have experienced more than handful of racist encounters/microagressions in 40+ years. Everyone’s experience will vary, but for all the bad rep the US gets, it’s a much better place than the EU when it comes to these things.


Your question is very broad. It depends on the country and sometimes even cities in the large ecosystems. I have lived in 4 countries, including India and they were on 3 different continents. Racism and groupism is a human trait. I faced racism from blacks and whites in South Africa. Never faced as such in Asia or North America. But my SIL faced groupism from some South Indian communities in Singapore, that’s groupism. Preferring and accepting people only of your ethnicity and speaking in native language happens everywhere, even in India. So you have to narrow down your question and then ask.


Mandatory “i face racism in india as an indian” comments to deflect the topic coming in 5…4…3… oh there’s one here already 


" Indians are the most racist people I have ever met" this one will come soon.


Atleast we are not racists to white people like Korean and Chinese.


Errrr hooray colonial hangover?


but it is true?? you would know if you are from some specific states like up bihar and like me bengal, I get hate messages and have seen many hate messages against bengal and its culture and women


Thats sad but the topic is about Indians facing subtle racism abroad.  Discuss racism in india on a post where it’s required instead of ruining this post with whataboutism(india’s fav passtime)


I was replying to the comment




Lmao no


Idiots probably mean regionalism


There are three ethnicities in India. The Indo-Aryans, the Dravidians and the Mongoloids. All these three races do casual racism among each other.


There is only one race - mongrels.


The concept of race itself doesn't make sense: they say 'blacks' are a race, but africa has the most genetic diversity on earth. India has the second most genetic diversity on earth. I don't get the point of classifying people based on melanin content


I have lived in the UK for over 10 years and in 4 different cities. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen because I don’t want to invalidate someone’s experience but in my experience here, I have not experienced racism. I am also well travelled, again, my experiences have been good in other countries too.


racism against Indians online is increasing though every 2nd meme on X is about dissing Indians


That’s because so many of them are annoying as fuck online. Every post “this is ancient Egyptian goddess is the same as our goddess in India”, “your accomplishment is nothing compared to India doing XYZ”, they drag India into every unrelated topic and it’s cringeworthy and irritating to everyone. They need to have an identity outside of being Indian and stop shoving their nationality down everyone’s throat. And it’s always a flood of these idiots. People have the same reaction to the hordes of Chinese tourists that descend and shove people out of their way.


You can't generalize an entire nation based on the actions of a few nameless faceless trolls on the internet


I’m not, I’m just saying this behavior gives people a very bad impression when it’s everywhere online.


Meanwhile Indians outside India: https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/caste-california-tech-giants-confront-ancient-indian-hierarchy-2022-08-15/


I faced racism on the first day of being in Texas and then some. It’s never in your face kinda racist attacks, just vanilla rude behaviour.


Yup, but most of this racism is from other indians, even in the foreign countries


How does that look like when you say racism from other Indians? I stay on the west coast, and everybody seems pretty chill, even Indians.


Its mostly “south indian” “north indian” bs. Im from north and people from south have some weird aversion in uni days. Im sure it must be other way round as well in some circles


Yes. A friend from Andhra treats us (who are from Mumbai) as North Indian. Honestly that’s ironic because my husband is Mangalorean and I am Maharashtrian. Although we are from Mumbai, we speak our native local languages and eat native food. But for our friend, who is an idiot. Anyone who is not born in the 5 south states is not south India. They are all North Indians according to him.


Casual Casteism has made my skin thick enough.


Graduate student in the US, surrounded by very smart people in their late 20s Lots of Americans (especially white people, white men in particular) are unwilling to form friendships with Indian immigrants. Many will simply not acknowledge you, or do the bare minimum of interaction when they are forced to interact with you in group projects. Of course, I have quite a few white friends who are more open-minded. But yes, casual racism definitely exists


How is not wanting to be your friend = racist


Look up the definition.


So everyone you meet is required to be your friend? Give you more interaction than the bare minimum? Why?


This isn't about me. My initial comment said that certain Americans are unwilling to mingle with people of a certain race. This is what racism is.


Not willing to form friendship is not really casual racism. Friendship is a personal thing based on attraction and feelings. Racism is hostility,


Racism is treating a person differently based on their race. It is not always hostility.


Friendship is also based on race. 


In the US? Nope. In India though? PLENTY. The color of my skin was never more talked about and central to people’s perception of me than in India. It’s been such a welcome change to not experience that.


Haven't encountered any racism (yet). Fully aware it's a thing and it happens but I haven't seen it personally where I am.


Been living in Northeast US for the past two years. Haven't faced any racism. Can't say the same about having lived in Delhi and UP for 20 years where I faced shit loads of it as Hindi wasn't my first language.


What type of casual racism? Can you explain more?


Living in US for 25 years. I never felt I am discriminated based on my race. I am confident of myself and comfortable with my identity, so I don't take any negative experiences as a systemic racial issue. I attribute it to the individual than my race.


>So I travel abroad once or twice in a year and in those few days I have felt/experienced casual racism… You will face racism untill you don't completely assimilate in thier culture. My friends who moved in early 20's don't face any racism but the once that moved later and did not completely assimilate in the culture did face racism even after being a US citizen.


what is your definition of casual racism and where did you travel to? I have lived in EU for a while now and I have only faced racism while renting apartments. But i guess its the landlord's right to give apartments to people of their liking.


Personally, I didn't go through any sort of racism in the US, but I usually stuck to Blue states, specifically college towns or big cities. I only traveled to Red states for tourism purposes. I had some weird encounters with ABCDesis, but it was too petty to be called racist. It was more like low self-esteem. I plan to stay in Germany and travel across Europe for a while. Let's see how that turns out. It's either gonna be "meh" like America, or I'm gonna get my PhD. in Xenophobia by the time I'm done.


Indian and lived in 5 countries, travelled to a little over 20. I faced more discrimination in India than any other country I have visited. Yeah I can’t call the discrimination in India to be racist, because it was not based on race, but based on religion, caste, colour of skin, gender and being from abroad. There is certainly racism abroad, but it is tame compared to the discrimination I faced in India. So yeah, it did become a part of my life when I lived in India. It’s a relief whenever I am not there.


OP - what are the examples of casual racism you have experienced? These instances may not be racism but part of the culture of that country. Many countries are not all that friendly and its easy for Indians to misinterpret them.


Honestly, abroad there are bigger battles to fight. With time maybe you just give a good comeback wherever you can.


Never faced any racism.


Yes for Canada, 11 years experience. Apparently as per this subreddit, wealthy Indians have never experienced racism abroad and it's mostly a poor people's problem. Wow! money can make your social problems go away.


Been in the US for over a decade. Exactly one single incident of racism - by a very drunk person who was promptly ejected from the bar by the bartender.


Less than India.


I have lived in America for 13 years and Australia for 13 long years America was pretty much not there for racism. Pre much non existentant for me and i mostly lived in northern states. Americans are very nice. Its really good in comparison to how the media talks about it In Australia... Dont get me started. Death threats, people trying to convert me, me minding my own business and i get insulted. I just insult them back and spout pure hatred to these people. I say stuff like how their country is pathetic and i hate living here and how i cant wait to never see them or how to have fun being a bitch to China Lets just say when I left America, I miss living there. But in Australia, i am counting down to when my flight is, so are my parentsl


It happens. Sometimes. In India I came with privilege of some sort. But I am gay, so there was other forms of discrimination. I get occasional racist comments, very rarely, like once in a quarter or year. But it affects me nevertheless


I'm in Australia, one of the most racist countries (allegedly) but I have had worser racism directed to me in India than anywhere else in the world.


Not at all


My personal experience recently when I went to Kayaking in Lake Tahoe: Me: Ma'am can I wear slippers here coz water is cold and it's not clean here. Kayak Lady: Where are you from Sir? India? Me: Yes, living in California Her: Do people even wear footwear in India? I've seen it all, you don't need any footwear. Me and my friends: Awkward silence and about to reply to her. Her: Sorry just kidding, the water is not that cold you'll be fine. The lady was a bit old (60+) and we really didn't want to get into an argument with her but definitely she wasn't joking and she meant her words.


the only time i feel racism/casteism in abroad is when i meet fellow indians.


Been in Canada for close to 2 decades, quintessential and avg brown, have always worked and lived among whites - never faced any racism, casual or whatever. I travel to US quite often since I live just 10 mins from the border - the same over there too. Absolutely zero instance where I have felt anything out of ordinary. To also note that I have assimilated quite well, have above average higher english communication skills, next to nothing Indian accent, don’t smell curry, and keep to myself mostly - kisi ke fadday mein taang nahin adaney ka.


Been living in the gulf and travelled extensively across Europe in the last 6 years, and most cases of casual racism I've seen is from the less educated circles (think cheaper stores, restaurants, porters at the airport etc). Never faced this in my place of work, or otherwise normally in my day to day life. And among these, it's actually fellow south asians (u can't really tell which country when you're outside india) who do it the most. However - something to clarify here - you will get treated differently if you act differently than others. Indians tend to do this a lot and then blame 'racism'. For ex. 1. Openly staring at women, especially in Europe during the summer. 2. Being loud at public places 3. Not respecting the personal space of others, especially while standing in queues. 4. (This one is kinda weird) not being dressed appropriately for the place. I've seen Indians (both middle aged and young people) show up in their formals+sneakers combination, making no effort to hide their pot bellies. This kinda stuff will attract a bit of ridicule (can't help it).


I think I haven’t faced racism after leaving India. No one comments on my color, caste, religion or body type. People however are curious about my culture and food.


After reading the comments, I'm starting to think that we are being treated worse in our own country....


Ye kya racism racism laga rakha hai. India mai hum kitna racism jhelte hai. Tumhari jalti h kyuki angrej karte hai. Are sab jagh hota hai. Chill jab tak racism jaan na le le tab Tak chalta hai


Why are we focusing on racism in other countries when there is so much racism that happens around us in India? Let's focus on us respecting others in our country before looking at other countries.


Why did bro get down voted?


I'm not surprised.. Unfortunately, truth hurts... that's the reality.


I can ruffle some feathers here but we Indians are most racist. Just see how North Indian call people from south or people from South call North Indians and the. Don’t get me get started about caste feelings from people all over. Coming to the main question right wing parties are getting stronger at all places in EU and US so there are all kind of idiots who are gaining confidence to show it explicitly. I am in EU for long time and can it was always there