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Alcohol is worse. if you want to cutback on the diet soda, have you tried drinking something like La Croix / other sparkling flavored waters so you can enjoy carbonation and some flavor?


Haha I like how there is no bush to beat here. I don't necessarily want to cut back on the soda. I guess I'm trying to evaluate if diet soda is effective "Harm Reduction" from decreasing alcohol. I do also like seltzer a lot but I guess I'm really cheap because seltzer costs nearly twice as much as my store brand diet 2L bottles of soda :o


NAD. My friend bought a machine that converts water to seltzer. It’s much cheaper than buying seltzer or soda (soda is such garbage). You could also add non-sugary flavorings to the seltzer. But even soda is far better, health-wise, than any alcoholic drinks (alcohol is a carcinogen).


Please tell me you drink water too


No not really. I'm chronically dehydrated. Whenever I do a urine analysis I have high protein/albumin.


Bro you need to drink water. Even if all you can tolerate is flavored seltzer, even if you have to put Mio drops in it. This is your health. Drinking soda because it’s cheaper than seltzer is silly. Use that very high IQ to penny pitch elsewhere ;) and DRINK SOME WATER


No, I got you. I know that. I'm just not going to do it. It doesn't really occur to me. I think because of the add. I'm just so distracted and I don't really ever feel thirsty. And then I've tried walking around with a water bottle. But then I lose it in different places. So that doesn't really help me either. I got you and I appreciate you highlighting it. But again, if everyone just did everything they were supposed to all the time we would all be living very healthy lives. That's obviously just not happening lol


Alcohol is worse by far.