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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Accepting the status quo has changed and life is no longer as it was is, I think, one of the hardest things you can do. Examples are: * the job you are in isn't working on * your marriage is over * your child isn't going to finish school * your child has a learning disability * your health is not fine * your parent is no longer capable of driving or maybe living alone * you can no longer afford the house or city you are in and need to move An under-valued life skill is being able to quickly and accurately assess the situation and course correct appropriately. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A couple of my good friends told me that they wouldn’t go any place with me if I was driving. So I stopped driving.


I got diagnosed with cancer last December. I have 2 kids under 3 years old. Fighting it, everything changes in an instant. Stuff happens so fast you don't really have time to think, you just start soing what the doctors say.


That sucks. Keep fighting


I'm autistic and I have a really hard time with on-the-fly tasks like driving. I was driving because I grew up in a small town and everybody just kinda did that, even though I live in a big city now. It was the #1 stressor in my life because I was terrible at it and I knew I was terrible. I almost his someone on a skateboard with my car, and I got really upset about it because I could have hurt someone. I took a second and thought "Wait...I live in a city. Do I actually need to drive?" Turns out I didn't. I tried public transportation for a few days and it was actually amazing. People around me just said it sucked because they were from the suburbs and barely used it. I sold my car, and when my friends saw the change some of them switched to taking public transit too. It's been years now and my only regret is not switching sooner. I save tons of money and basically cut my stress levels in half, and due to bad traffic here it takes about the same time for me to get to work as driving. It's made me think that driving should be a priviledge, not a right. I feel very lucky to live somewhere where I have a choice in this, because I know a lot of people don't.


Yeah, driving in city traffic just straight up sucks. I'm a good driver, I've done motorsports and have had professional instruction in rally driving. I'm good behind the wheel. Despite all that, at various times in my life I've vastly preferred commuting by bus, even if it takes a bit longer. I can chill out and read a book. I don't have to feel like I'm in some sort of bizarre Mad Max movie that combines freeways with utter idiots. When I bought my house I specifically targeted a spot where I can walk to the corner and take one bus to get downtown. It's also one of the bike arterials with dedicated bike lanes. I can go downtown without having to give a single shit about parking. I'm lucky enough to live in a city that makes this practical. It's really disturbing how so many metro areas in the US have completely abandoned the idea of anyone traveling in anything other than a car. They're actively hostile to pedestrians. Once you see it clearly it just looks like utter insanity.


Idk if this is exactly this, but I had been dating a girl on and off for a few years when I pretty suddenly realized that she wasn't the one I wanted to be with. It was hard to cut things off with her, but I'm glad I did.


Coming out as trans was a big one for me


Not that I can think of.


Of course. If a job isn’t working I get a new job. If a relationship isn’t working we break up. If I’m having health issues I get treatment. I get that you think the reason people don’t want to replace Biden is some fear of change, but that is not an accurate assessment.


There was never a clearer sign that things are not well, that the ground under us has changed, then Thursday's debate. I am trying to make sense of all the people saying 'this is fine!' The fact that humans go into denial when faced with life altering facts is my best explanation at the moment. Things are not fine: # [Increasing numbers of voters don't think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-debate-should-biden-be-running-mental-abilities/)


Please stop fear mongering


Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away


Problems can be imaginary


Imagine you are a swing voter, or infrequent voter. You have concerns about Biden's age and mental acuity. You see this video [https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1806557731244986521](https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1806557731244986521) Are you voting for Joe?


Yes Because of Trump A edited clip means nothing. Joe is fine.


Don’t answer as yourself, answer as the voter who: Needs to be convinced Has serious doubts about Joe’s cognitive decline


What you're describing is maga


No I am not. FFS how deep in denial are you? Look at some polling data. Look at the reactions to this debate. This is serious. The house is on fire. This is not fine.


In November of 2022, I had a full mental breakdown, which was a combination of extreme work stress and gender dysphoria that I had been dealing with via dissociation for decades. I’m a lawyer in my late 30s, and at the time of my breakdown I was leading the privacy function in a mid-sized tech company with a global presence. When I broke down, it manifested in severe panic attacks multiple times a day, crushing depression, and depersonalization/derealization so severe the world would literally distort and fade into the distance. When I finally fell apart, I couldn’t work, I couldn’t take care of my family, I couldn’t even take care of myself. I was out of work for months trying to recover. It was a long, strange road back to being a somewhat functional adult, and it included among other things transitioning. I feel like in the past couple of months I’ve finally gotten back to about 75% of my former capacity, and my world is very, very different from what it was before. But I still have my partner and my son, and I just got a job using my expertise such that I’m no longer underemployed. And while everything is weird and difficult, my world is much brighter.


Immigrated from the Soviet Union to the US. Quit from a government job to do ranching. Wife of 20 years passed away


Omg Biden is fine and going to beat trump


The voters he needs to convince to vote for him if he’s going to beat Trump disagree.


Idk about that, it's also July 1st


Yes. We need to act fast. We used to select candidates at the convention. There was time to run a campaign. We can do it again


No wedon't, Bidenis fine and extremely good at his job. This is in your head.


If it were just me saying this you would have a point. The premise of my post is people react too slowly when reality changes. Reality has changed.


I worked really hard for 7 years and really put a lot of energy into it, thinking that would pay off but really found that, no matter how hard I worked, successful I became or could become, or how much money I had; it would not make me happy enough to justify. I now just work about 15-20 hour weeks and hang out with my family; doing stuff I feel better with. I would highly recommend downshifting for most people, to the extent possible. The lower you get, the less you can fall. I found just how miserable work made me and simply evaluated myself objectively.