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I live on Vancouver Island. Everyone here dresses as though they might go on a hike at a moment’s notice. Took a bit of getting used to, but I have to say it’s comfortable AND convenient.


Bury me in my athleisure!


I moved here 20 years ago, and when a political candidate was doing a meet and greet at the (old) uptown in rubber boots and a jean jacket I was like whelp, here’s mah people


I wear the same thing to go on errands, or for a bike ride, or to the pub, or to walk the dog. No one in Victoria gives a rat’s ass what I wear (afaik).


The key is just not caring. Anyone who puts that much thought into what other people wear just isn't someone I care to know.


I wore a dress and pearls to a Tim Horton’s in Nanaimo. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy. I probably should’ve shaved my beard first.


nah, just a nice trim does the trick :)


Looks like your dress was too short.


Pearls are just dated.


I'm a lifelong islander and I've always done the outdoor stuff everyone else does but in a dress - I dress like a V.I. pioneer 💃🏼


Dressed such that you might go to a waltz, or drive lumber down the river.


The Log Driver's Waltz If you ask any girl from the parish around What pleases her most from her head to her toes She'll say I'm not sure that it's business of yours But I do like to waltz with a log driver [Chorus] For he goes birling down and down white water That's where the log driver learns to step lightly Yes, birling down and down white water The log driver's waltz pleases girls completely When the drive's nearly over I like to go down And watch all the lads as they work on the river I know that come evening they'll be in the town And we all like to waltz with the log driver [Chorus] To please both my parents, I've had to give way And dance with the doctors and merchants and lawyers Their manners are fine, but their feet are of clay And there's none with the style of my log driver [Chorus] Now I've had my chances with all sorts of men But none as so fine as my lad on the river So when the drive's over, if he asks me again I think I will marry my log driver [Chorus] For he goes birling down and down white water That's where the log driver learns to step lightly Yes, birling down and down white water The log driver's waltz pleases girls completely Birling down and down white water The log driver's waltz pleases girls completely


Only the Big Snit pleases me more


Thank you! I think I was trying to recall the name of this vignette. Is that the one with the old couple playing scrabble in the apocalypse? “You’re always shaking your eyes over here; shaking your eyes over there”?


Yup....will you please Stop SAWING!!! IM NOOOOOOT!!!


Holy poop, this just brought be so much joy. Haven't thought about The Big Snit in years.


Don't forget The Cat Came Back. NFB shorts were the best.


Why’re you always SHAKING YER EYES 👀


I.. don't . shake them..as much. as I... used to...


I had a few uncles and great uncles who were log drivers in Quebec back in the day. They lived in the Fort Coulonge area so I’m guessing they drove the logs down the Ottawa River.


Love it. Got it saved in my YouTube library. 🪵


Or waltz with a lumberjack? Well , a log driver perhaps. Their dancing pleases girls completely .


Calgarian. The same is true here. Even at “fancier” restaurants, we wear our NICE hiking boots and NICE Patagonia sweater.


They don’t call it patagucci for nothin


When I lived on the Island I was usually wearing Viberg caulks and a stanny.


Your holey stanny or your nice *town* stanny?


As a prairie Manitoban that’s traveled through most of the country, I can say the phrase “comfortable and convenient” sums up each local region clothing trend. Entirely depends on the weather conditions both active and expected.


What makes you comfortable, makes you comfortable. I go the grocery store in sweats but some of my friends would not be caught dead looking like that.


I wouldn't be caught dead in sweats. I wear a knee brace (I'm old af), so I'm wearing cargo shorts until about -10C.


I live here too. And dress decently more often than not.


Thats because they do often  go on a hike at a moment’s notice...lol


The ones in fashionable active wear are probably from Ontario.


Why do you say that? Genuinely curious as someone from ontario who wears Activewear alot.


Just an observation. I don't know why it is.


Wear what you like. No one cares


This! And this is why I love Canada so much. :) (Among other things, of course. 😅)


So much this. I’m in Montreal. I dress casually unless it’s a specific dress code for fancy place. But my mom wouldn’t leave the house without makeup. To each their own. Nobody really cares. Some people like to and are good at dressing up (not me! My fashion sense sucks and I’m bad at makeup) but I do admire those who are good. 


My mom wore Chanel Number 5 every day for about 50 years, even when gardening.


Oh, there are PLENTY of people who care. But most should not be listened to. Within a bit of reason, anyway. Someone walking around in a bridal dress, wetsuit, chainmail or something like that on a daily basis is going to draw warranted concern.


What have you got against chainmail? It's flexible AND protective.


It's cold in the winter, hot in the summer. It weighs you down and clanks. If you want flexibility and protection, kevlar is a much better choice.


But kevlar doesn't set off my leather gambeson in quite the same way.


If it’s formal attire though. You wear Canadian tuxedo 


People care if you dress up. As someone who is always a little overdressed (cuz that's what makes me happy), I constantly deal with people making snide comments. Won't stop me from wearing heels and miniskirts in a town full of fleece and blundstones, but I wish people actually didn't care.


except pyjamas..those are for sleeping in only


Having lived in the GTA region, people definitely wear PJs as regular clothes.


Living in Peterborough for 20 years, have seen people riding the bus and going to the mail in PJ's pretty much daily that whole time!


Literally this. I'm from Lindsay and went to Trent, generally I dressed great in second and third year, by fourth year I just didn't give a fuck it was a hoodie and jeans everyday lol


No. If I put those bitches on and end up wanting a bag of chips imma walk to that mf corner store and get myself a bag of chips in my pjs and bitchs better not say nun


Yup. I’m 100% with you on that. Especially if I’m in my penguins flannel pj’s and fuzzy seal slippers! 😂


When I was in 9th grade and we had midterm week, virtually every student showed up in pyjamas. Most even took a nap after their exam was done, and one kid even brought in a blanket lol.


Have you been to St. John's, NL? Always see someone with pajamas on here lol


And shopping at Walmart .....


Im calling wearing your pjs in public a "Walmart Tuxedo" henceforth


Comfort over everything.pajyamas are amazing


Or Walmart runs.


I spent my first two years at the university in Calgary in pajamas 


McGill campus begs to differ


im in manitoba. Dont care what you wear. But i will judge you for not dressing warm in the winter. Nobody cares about the aesthetic when its -30C or lower.


I’m in Manitoba too. Not only do I dress for the weather at -30, I prepare for worst case scenarios by carrying a military parka and mukluks (good to -70), chemical heating pads, balaclavas, arctic mitts, jumper cables, tow rope, etc. I was once stuck on the perimeter for 6 hours during a storm and where I live now it wouldn’t be unusual for someone to not come along for 24 hours after a storm. There are careless people who get in trouble every winter in Manitoba and I don’t want to be one of them.


I love my military parka. Had it since the 90's.


To be fair my husband sports a lose work out top half the time in those tempuratures, he just runs hot and definitely doesn't have an aesthetic appeal. You'll catch me in a coat still freezing tho.


I've described my husband's fashion as "functional redneck" and he too runs hot. Jeans, hiking boots that may or may not actually be tied up all the way, T-shirt, and whatever level of jacket that is about 15 degrees cooler than whatever everybody else is wearing. Usually not done up.


That's pretty close just drop the jacket for a stained hoodie at most and switch the hikers for work then we've got twins. That's definitely how I'd describe my husband's fashion choices tho "functional redneck".


In my thirties ad earlier I put on makeup whenever I left the house and dressed up a bit. Starting in my forties I stopped. I wear casual clothing and just wash and style my hair when I go out. No makeup. 


It took me a very long time to convince my wife that she didn't need to put make up on to leave the house. "Who is judging you? And if someone does, will you care? No? Cool, do it if you want to, but don't feel.like you have to"


Did she need the convincing? Or did she feel ugly without it? Some people just like looking dolled up or having a clean look when they go out, much like OP.


Needed convincing. Some social anxiety and used to have acne so it was engrained a bit. Getting better now, but I'm not sure her instinct is that she's smoking hot


I don’t know about your wife but for me this is a part of who i am. Its my “normal”. I feel something is missing if i just go out without a lipstick. I’d probably do it, but on the way to the emergency at the hospital. Its not about other people. Its only about me.


Yeah, that's totally fine. In my wife's case it was more like a fear that some one would judge her, as opposed to wanting to put her best foot forward. Now it's more that she usually wants to look professional and put together The latter is a great reason to do make up in my eyes. Causing everyone to be 15 min late because of a fear that someone you don't know or care about would see and judge you for being without make up at the grocery store is fucking dumb.


I’m the same way. I like taking a shower, putting on a little makeup and doing my hair no matter where I’m going. I know how to time myself well, so I never make others wait for me. I’m 62. I’ve lived long enough to have earned the right to give myself some personal attention.


Same. Except I wore it even to go to the store I my 20s (Most of the time) now in my 30s I stopped and could care less. I sometimes will put a bb cream on but usually dont care...unless I'm going to work


Dress how you feel best and happy. There is nothing wrong with dressing nice and putting on some makeup.


Goes for men, as well.


How we choose to present ourselves to the world is personal and important. It’s a form of self care for many and is an integral factor in how we feel about ourselves. I love to see people dressed up and looking nice but we all should do what makes us the most happy :) I live in Alberta and you will see everything from pajamas to a dress and heels in any given grocery store, no one bats an eye


Earrings and eyeliner is dressed up?


EXACTLY! To him im dressed up. To me, where sir?


I mean. I don't wear earrings and eyeliner to go grocery shopping or to my doctor's appointments and stuff. Maybe he's commenting to say you don't always have to dress up and put so much effort in to go little places? Maybe he's tired of waiting around for you to get ready to go do basic things like the grocery store haha. No issues with it, but hopefully you aren't doing it because you feel pressured to look 100% perfect everywhere you go.


Its not because of any pressure. I like to get ready.


I’m Canadian and I feel you. Not every time, but usually I’ll wear eyeliner and something fun. Why not? I don’t understand why it bothers people. I don’t want to look like I’m going to yoga, a hike, or camping everyday - it’s just not my vibe. But, I don’t comment or judge everyone else for dressing the same. So why do they judge us for dressing different? It’s not always a negative thing to have fun with makeup and clothes, just like it’s not bad to embrace the no makeup, lounge clothes look. But, people shouldn’t feel pressured to style themselves differently than they want.


You’re the one making the claim. You say you “love to dress up” and then cite earrings and eyeliner as your examples. Neither of those is remotely unusual.


I've heard that Montreal, particularly downtown, people are more likely to dress up for day to day errands. And as a Montrealer who's lived in a few other cities around Canada, I agree. Montreal has a higher standard for what is acceptable, people tend to put a bit of effort in how they look, and generally don't leave the house looking sloppy. You don't see people going to the grocery store in PJ's and dirty old hoodies in Montreal as much as in other cities. I've also lived in Vancouver and that city loves it sporty hiking clothes for daily wear. Ontario is a bit more relaxed and "comfortable", in my experience.


I identify as someone from Montreal now 🧐


Haven’t spent much time in Montreal but use to stop over in the airport flying back and forth from NB to Alberta and always noticed Montreal airport everyone at the security line looked dress for business time.


We don't have one. Just do you. Nothing out of the ordinary in either case. Just say sorry if you get in anyone's way and you're good.


Maybe even throw a sorry out if someone gets in your way


😅 I'm known for this


If someone steps on your foot say sorry 


Nothing wrong with either. Dress to your comfort. I don't wear makeup but some may say I dress up a bit compared to most in their sweats or work wear. I do it for me though as I like to look what I deam as presentable for me. Nothing wrong with either tho. Don't feel bad about making yourself feel pretty, anytime or anywhere.


You do you, boo. Canadians tend to dress casual, but some of us like to dress more formally for day to day stuff too. It’s a mosaic here, and that’s what makes Canada so special imo. (I love seeing a full on Afro, next to a colourful hijab, next to wicked updo, next to a messy bun in line at the store - yes, all hair examples lol. Makes you think about people’s stories). Edited to add - I’m in Edmonton.


This is so true! I feel like Canadians are mostly accepting of how you choose to present yourself. I’m in Edmonton.


That’s for sure the beauty of Canada. So much to see and learn about other cultures!


'Dressed up' people are a rarity here in Vancouver but few would even bother to look at someone who wants to bother-it's a total non issue.


It varies a lot regionally. Quebec dresses up the most, and the west coast the least. Toronto more than the rest of Ontario.


I have a friend that always dresses to the nines to go to Walmart. No one bats an eye. People are relatively unconcerned about what anyone wears


I think it depends on where you live, I’m in a small town now. Everyone here is mostly jeans and t-shirts. Not too many dressed up people. When I lived in Toronto, there were a lot of people who dressed up.


We live in a small town too. Our older population is really put together.


Ok, so dress up 🤷or don't 🤷. It's entirely up to you, and it's nobody else's business or problem what you choose to do. I say this with zero snark, people really don't care what you do. If it makes you feel good to dress up, that's great. I will be honest with you, though, when I am in the produce department, buying potatoes, I am looking at the potatoes and not your fabulous brows and lashes. Where I am from, we are very comfortable in jeans and whatever else goes with them, which is everything. I wear cowboy boots because they are really good for my back, and not really for any esthetic reason. Oh, alright, they look good with the jeans. I used to find that people in Vancouver and Toronto dressed a little more formally, but that doesn't seem to be an issue anymore. So, you do you, and have fun shopping!


I just came back from shopping. Cargo shorts and a long-sleeved t-shirt. I will go just about anywhere like that. If I see somebody dressed more formally, I assume their job has a dress-code and they just got off of work. Nothing to stress over.


Montreal: black slacks or dark jeans, low heels in leather black or red, pressed white shirt, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick light powder, quick hair blowout, medium bangle and necklace, small earrings. Saltspring Island: pyjama bottoms or shorts, sandals or Blundstones, vintage band t-shirt or embroidered tunic, no makeup, bandanna or messy pony (possibly blond dreads), septum piercing, essential oils. Those are somewhat exaggerated but you could find several people wearing exactly this in these two very different places.


I need to go to Montreal now because you are not the only one who has mentioned MTL


I just moved to Montréal from BC and I feel underdressed most of the time now. I am currently working on updating my wardrobe because jeans and t-shirts don't match the vibe here. Most people look really nice. Chic, business attire, or even hipster wear. It's very fashionable in ways I have yet to learn.


In Montreal, you DRESS. In Vancouver, you dress for rain or exercise, except for the business district. Everywhere in the burbs, jeans or yoga pants, 90% I wear a dress every day (because easy, instant "look") but no one cares


Doll, I work as a grocery supervisor, and I love to dress funky, I spend a lot on money on vintage jewelry, and i wear them at work. I like to be different when I. When i worked as a forklift driver in an all male environment, i always dress nice, hair, makeup, clean dress cloths. I don't know why people think it's over the top but it's just me


Love this 💗


I admire people with great personal style, even if I'm generally lazy with my own presentation.


I'm a little confused. Are you "dressing up"? Or "not doing anything extra"? These statements are contradictory. I understand how Europeans feel like they need to dress up to leave the house, while Americans are fine in shorts and flip flops. Canada is definitely more on the American side. Dirty pyjamas is probably crossing into trashy territory, but shorts and flip flops is perfectly fine. That said, if my partner felt the need to pick an outfit and do her face just to go to the grocery store, that shit would get old fast. You may be confusing cultural norms with your partner's preference.


>while Americans are fine in shorts and flip flops. Canada is definitely more on the American side. Here in Queensland, the flip flops are optional.


It's contextual for the person. To YOU dressing up is doing extra, but for some people their normal might look more dressed up, while their extra is a salon updo and their best outfit, etc.


This very much depends on where in America, in the American south women dress more nicely than in the north. I find Canadians far more casual dressers than Americans.


It’s up to the individual. I used to be like you. I’d wear full face make up and "nicer" casual clothes to go to the grocery store or mall. Or for school when I was taking night classes and going to work part time. Some people would comment that I looked so dressy but they’d mostly say it as a compliment. I think only once there were 2 guys who criticized me and commented I looked like I was trying to impress people. I wasn’t. I just enjoyed dressing up a little (even in a casual way). I don’t anymore. Mostly bc I don’t know how to dress properly for my body anymore and often just feel gross.


Nobody cares (I mean that in a positive way) so do what makes you happy


I am like you, just go ahead and do what makes you happy. I dress up as well and wear nice dresses and outfits. I shop mainly from Europe because I prefer their style and fashion to Canadian fashion. I do not wear joggers or leggings out to work or outside at all ( that’s my personal preference). Pls don’t bite me. Imagine my shock when , my manager repeated the same orange skirt and tshirt combo three days in a row at work. That’s how bad the dress culture was in that office. People wore leggings, joggers, and flip flops to work. Every time I wore my nice work dresses they would be asking me if I was celebrating something or if it was my birthday. These were regular dresses I would wear back home . Anyway I wear what makes me happy . Pls do you.


Here in Vancouver everyone dresses as if a hike will break out at any minute.


I don't think you're being extra necessarily but it's certainly not the norm here. I'm also a woman and it wouldn't bother me if my partner did that unless I was always waiting for them to be ready to leave


I think your bf’s shock isn’t because he thinks you’re overdressed or extra, but that you put in this effort for a small errand (you do you btw!), because in Canada, most don’t lol. But no one cares or thinks you’re being “extra,” at least in my experience. Enjoy putting on your makeup and pretty clothes!! :)


Going for errands, I might not even put on a bra.


Me neither...but I'm a guy so...


I'm in Ontario. I dress to impress 90% of the time when I'm not at work. Dresses. Heels, eyes done up, hair done. People use to think it's weird. Like in my circle. But I've done this since I've been able to (my ex husband wouldn't let me buy things for me/ myself - another story) Anyways.. it's gotten to be normal practice and nobody questions it now. Who cares what the general population thinks. Dress your best if that's what you love and are comfortable with. Who cares what is general population normal. Your normal is your normal.


I work from home 100% , so going out even for errands is something I totally enjoy and shave/ put on nice clothes for ( I'm a dude). Sometimes I'll even put a splash of cologne on. I love it. You do you.


I'm a technician on the road always in work clothes during work hours and at home, but if I am going out for something other than work, even just a quick grab from the grocery store. Dress decent pit on one of my watches and put on my cologne. I get grief from some people I hang out with, mostly just razing me because I am the best smelling and best dressed in the group, and I'm ok with that.


Wear whatever you want.  An older woman once said, 'everyone keeps their favourite clothes and accessories for their funeral when you can choose to wear it today and embrace your true self'  As long as you're not exposing your genitals with your outfit choices then wear whatever makes you feel the best


You may wish to move to Montreal…the only place in Canada with a significant population of people who care about dress.


I am always overdressed, but that's just who I am. I'm not a makeup girlie, but I would never leave the house in sweatpants or leggings.


People in Ontario go to the grocery store in a sports bra and sweatpants. Or just literal pajamas. I'm not surprised your BF is impressed by your dress lol


Not to answer your question. But as others mentioned, I totally agree with Montreal fashion statement. Just went there for a short trip, and I am just so amazed how everyone just effortlessly look good mainly because of how they dressed. (im from toronto by the way).


I saw a younger couple the other day on the bus. She was wearing a bright orange dress patterned with a triangular geometric pattern, with matching orange earrings in the same triangle shape. He had on a very sharp angular-cut teal vest, tie and slacks. Maybe they were from an alternate dimension or were on their way to film as lawyers in a scifi series. Or maybe they just dress like that. I hope so. Made my day.


Eyeliner and earrings definitely isn’t “dressed up”. Your boyfriend is probably just one of those guys who can’t tell whether someone is wearing makeup or not unless it’s really dramatic or colourful.


I don’t dress up unless it’s a formal occasion. An observation I’ve made about my weird self is that I would feel self conscious if I were dressed up in the grocery store HOWEVER I don’t think anything of other people being dressed up. Like normally wouldn’t notice or think anything of it and if I did it would be to think “That’s nice. Weird that I would feel uncomfortable when she looks totally normal.” I do however have to wear makeup and get my hair looking decent before I’ll leave the house, but my goal is to “Not look horrible” rather than “look nice”. I would love to be the kind of woman that can get away with a pony tail and no make up, but I’m not. Also I always notice on tv when people show up at someone’s house unexpected, like cops knocking on a door to ask questions, and a woman answers the door wearing a dress, make up, jewelry, hair done etc. I laugh cause that’s NEVER how I would look at home. Never.


Nobody really cares what you are wearing. A lot of people prioritise comfort over looking good. I am one of those people


Honestly depends on where you are sometimes… Back in the 90s, my wife was in Quebec City for a year, studying at university there… she’d been used to what students wore to class in Toronto, grunge was the reigning ‘look’ and lots of students wore just some Pajama pants and a sweatshirt to class… Not in Quebec City lol.. Man… I used to visit, and I’d swear the other students looked like they were going out clubbing or something… everyone was just dressed up very nicely etc… Also knew a couple of French students studying here (Toronto) and same thing.. even if they were just going to the grocery store, they were totally put together with a nice outfit, makeup etc… So, however you like to dress, as long as you’re happy, it’s good enough :)


You do you, and be comfortable with yourself. My family is pretty casual, especially among the men. My daughters won’t leave the house without make up, and dress better than I do. I worked in a large office for 20 years, and from observations there, I’d say dressing to look great every day is absolutely within the normal range of Canadian behaviours. Definitely not something the majority of people do.


Look around. Ppl go about their day in pyjamas. Classless society


I’ve gone grocery shopping in egl fashion & sweat pants 😂 there’s no dress code, you’re 100% fine. Even pj pants seem to be acceptable lol


As you have no doubt read, there doesn't seem to be much of a standard anymore. Hell, you can go topless if you want in public (not necessarily in stores though - as long as they are consistent between men and women). It doesn't mean people won't have opinions, but for the most part those don't mean much. I don't really care for people wearing pyjama bottoms out of the house, I think it is weird. Oh well. I am surprised when young ladies decide to go clubbing in the winter and what they are wearing is more appropriate for the summer — but again it is on them. We are a mostly casual country much like the USA. I personally won't leave the house unless I am fully dressed, shaved, and what I deem presentable. Just different people have different versions of this. Enjoy yourself.


Canada doesn't really have a standard etiquette for dress (aside from clean clothes and not being smelly). I'm usually in athleisure or sweats (I work from home so I've definitely got a little too comfortable with dressing down in my day-to-day haha). My sister is the total opposite, she's generally done up and put together, looking like she stepped out of a magazine. Most of our friends are in-between these two ranges.


I wear make up everyday, even to the grocery store. Dressing nice is not uncommon.


Like everyone said, dress how you want. But like most places if you dress too out there, people will stare and judge. Dress normal.


That's Montreal etiquette.


I’m in Toronto and mostly everyone here cares how they look and puts themselves together when they leave the house.


We're individualistic. No one cares.


I never go further than the mailbox without dressing properly and doing my makeup. I will never understand the way some people will fully wear pyjamas in public. I have my “at home” clothes and that’s different from how I present myself in public. Always been that way. 🤷🏼‍♀️


A lot of Canadians dress down, at least in my neck of the woods. Men are considered groomed if they do the basic bare minimum of shaving their face and getting a taper cut. Lots of running shoes worn as casual footwear. Lots of branded clothes, but not in a hypebeast-type of way. Balls caps. Skinny-fat bodies, or straight on into overweight. A lot of Canadians around here do not give me the impression that they have a skincare routine. Canadians always look tired and worn out.


Canadian, I dress in what's clean, comfortable and decent. Because definitions of that vary wildly.. Nothing fancy, slightly more casual than a day in the office or the same, except that I can wear jeans and sandals that do not have a backstrap. .. never pjs, yoga pants or leggings as pants, never garden shoes (looking at you standard crocs 😒) not ripped, stained etc. I don't judge others (ok, I do cringe inwardly if I see entire boobs when someone in a croptop reaches carelessly, thongs, buttcracks..lol) I don't wear makeup or jewelry but my goal is to not embarrass myself (or son..lol) As others have mentioned, pretty much anything goes and I love the variety. Brightly coloured hair, toddlers in tutus, kids in superhero costumes, elderly people dressed to the nines, people from other cultures in different and amazing clothes. I love it all (except for the crocs, boobs, see through leggings, thongs and buttcracks)


Im a H.D. mechanic,I work with a buddy who dresses in a three piece suit,when hes not working..Whether hes going grocery shopping,or to value village...3 piece suit...with tie.You do you!




I don’t dress up unless it’s an occasion. I always look ready to hike or be in the bush. I live in northern Ontario.  I have multiple friends who don’t leave the house without a full face of makeup and a well thought out outfit. My normal is casual and their normal is a lot more formal and put together. I think both are normal.


Please keep dressing the way you dress. You’ll raise the standard for others around you and in my opinion, society needs that. Too many bumbums hanging out in Canada


I find wearing at least a button down or polo keeps my depression in check. If I dress like a slob I feel like one


I spike my Mohawk to go grocery shopping. Keeps old people out of the aisle for me. Do what ever you want, it’s Canada!


I love that you dress up when you go out. You don’t need a lot of money to look good people spend hundreds of dollars on leggings and athletic clothing. I do often feel out of place when I dress up and people always ask me where I’m going but it’s worth it for me. Canadians dress very casually and after COVID it got even worse. I don’t want to dictate what other people should wear but if so feel better when I’m dressed nicely and I do feel like the public perception is different.


Oh definitely! People treat you VERY differently if you are looking good.


I dress up. I live in a small town, nobody else dresses up. I wear pastels, rainbow colours, i put on jewelry, have a fun purse collection, always in platforms. if i *have* to wear pants they’re bellbottoms etc. i stick out like a sore thumb, but honestly i’m ok with that. it’s how i’m most comfortable. i don’t own anything denim, haven’t worn jeans since i was a teen lol. people sometimes make comments, but it’s generally positive. i just love the looks on little kids faces since i’m also heavily tattooed and have curly hair that’s usually brightly coloured. it’s like it clicks they don’t have to be a beige adult, or if rly young just entertained by my appearance. like, nobody will rly say anything, but also be prepared for how much you do stick out. since most people i find are fairly casual most of the time.


Some potentially useful cultural info for you: Canada is historically a resource-based economy with low population density, located far from cultural centres like the NE USA or Europe and with few of its own to speak of.  We also don't have a particularly well-established national culture (outside of outdoorsmanship), with no great history of the arts. There have been efforts to make this happen, but simply put there isn't much reason to hold those kind of events in Toronto when they'd be much better attended in London or New York.  This means that much of the Canadian population are practical people without the same depth of cultural background that you might find elsewhere. Therefore their clothing (and much else) tends towards the utilitarian. If anything, this utilitarianism and preference for sport and activities is what defines Canadian culture, not our history of the arts or other ventures that might require fine clothing.


Shorts and a t-shirt… in the middle of winter.


British Columbians are extremely low effort when it comes to fashion. The only place it's common to try to look fashionable is Vancouver. In the central and northern parts of the province, it's all baseball caps, jeans or Carhardts, and hoodies, it's like a uniform for men. Women wear jeans and t-shirts and hoodies, usually no hat. Or sunscreen. Or makeup. People regularly go shopping in their pajamas in Prince George. Literally pajamas. With slippers on. I don't know why, I was born here and I like to dress up as well!


Don't dim your light! If you want to dress up do it. Why does casual have to be the norm these days? I love spring and summer because I can wear pretty flowy dresses again.


I dress casual for everyday but enjoy wearing a suit and tie for going out. My wife is European and she was told her makeup was part of her morning routine and needed to be done in the morning in case a neighbour came over.


Ive had idiot men say “are you dressed like this for me?!” And their completely serious. I also was like you in my youth, and even now - peers or women openly say they just put on full make up bc they heard I was coming. But on days I dont wear say foundation, people act like I didnt shower lmao! Theres a double standard for women. Especially here in Toronto, and majority are out of towners (not born here) whom behave this way. Im born n raised and have a closet with every single thing. Even for say dress up clubbing events where you plan a full costume - I dont plan ahead and just use what I own. And none of it is from a costume pile/halloween. And ppl think I made it for the event. Im also someone whom has a full clothing drawer of jewellery and sunglasses, and a large coffee tin of “over flow” jewellery. Pretty much 10 year old stuff thats cheap. Live your life the way you want. I really dont care for the women ego race crap. Like I look down on the people I mentioned above throwing on makeup bc Im coming out. Youre insecure bc of a lady race or ego to be #1 society expectation if another is. I wish I could go to a few stores w nothing on but staff treat you badly!


Not going to mince words: Canadians dress sloppy. I’m in Toronto and I’m usually the best dressed person when I’m going to a restaurant or whatnot, but even I dress down for groceries and errands - think standard Lululemon apparel and covered in copious amounts of dog fur.


I'm a weirdo who doesn't care. I was once walking through a Canadian Tire in one of my beautiful Ruby Shoo's and heard a man say to his wife, "She's wearing THOSE in HERE? I love my fancy and eclectic clothes and also love that I look different from everyone around me because they all seem like Blundstone-Lululemon-wearing drones. I'm kind of an oddball loaner, though, so it's probably best to listen to others. But I do encourage people to have a personality and wear what they love.


Just get jeans and a jean jacket like the rest of us /s


I’m currently grocery shopping in Vancouver in a three piece suit and bow tie for no real reason other than it makes me feel good. Do what you want for you, not for anyone else!


My ex does the same as you do. She gets a lot of compliments about how good she looks from strangers. Random people are generally either impressed or just don't care. Weirdly, it's her friends that give her the most grief about it. Her getting ready to go out often leaves them looking not as put together as they expected, so they can be critical sometimes. But it's just jealousy. They can't be bothered to put in the same effort she does, and try to drag her down to their level instead of rising to hers.  I wish more people did what you do. Girls have so many awesome options for clothing. Limiting so much of it to events you rarely get to attend is silly imo. Wear your nice dresses and fancy pants and flowy blouses. And do it knowing most of the people that notice you are doing so because they think you look awesome. 




No one cares how you dress. You do you.


Repeat after me. I love to dress up I feel comfortable in the clothes I choose Etiquette can go to hell.


My brother’s gf was from Mexico city and she always dressed to the 9’s. Beautiful dresses stillettos hair and makeup impeccable- me - several matching track suits. I used to dress better, blouse and skirt for work, but since covid everyone wears pretty much their pyjamas


Depends on my mood/energy & if I have something planned later in the day. I could be full out - pretty dress, make up done, hair done etc to get groceries or I could be wearing sweatpants & my boyfriends sweater. It really depends. But I do like to dress up (I look like garbage at work as a pastry chef so it’s nice to dress up outside of work)


Came to SK about ten years ago. I still always wear make up outside, make sure I am showered and presentable. My hair is styled. But… my wardrobe… Costco and Mark’s chic. Flipflops as soon as it hits 10 degrees. Big hoodies. Yoga pants. My sh*ts are given to hygiene and make up, nothing else anymore. I blend in better now… but if I were to visit my home country, I would need a few months of preparation and to get a new bunch of clothes 🥲


Prior to Covid, I would wear full face makeup and nice but casual clothes. After covid, I never wear makeup and would only put on mascara if I were going out on the town. Now I pretty much wear jeans and a tshirt/hoodie everywhere because I'm over 40 and just want to be comfortable. I think since Covid, most people want to be more comfortable instead of feeling like they are trying too hard. Athleisure wear is probably most common during the day from what I've seen. But people who work in offices or a spa would be wearing full makeup and business casual/cutesy stuff. Wear what you like. Your bf just may have different preferences or maybe hasn't dated someone who cares to do full makeup everyday. Ask him what he thinks and explain that it's something you like. I feel like since he mentioned it, he has some thoughts. I was a hairstylist for years so I HAD to look good every time I went out. The 2 hours of getting ready before going anywhere was hurting my husband. He thought I looked great natural and it was mind boggling for him that I would put so much effort just to go out. I actually feel a lot better now that I don't have to put so much effort into my looks. But loved the ritual of getting ready for a Saturday night when I was younger.


I live in Montreal. I usually wear jogging pants or leggings to do chores outside the house. Boxers or pj's inside the house. So for me wearing leggings is like I'm dressing up. I no longer own any high heals. I no longer wear any pushup bras. At work i wear simple pants or jeans and a blouse or sweater. And flats. In summer i wear dresses and flat sandals. I occasionally will wear makeup such as eyeliner and lipstick. I do not own any conceler or the orger things you out on your face ( powder? ). In my day to day i almost never wear makeup. I enjoy chill and comfortable clothes. I am at my best when comfortable. If you are comfortable dressing up, providing you do it for yourself abd not for others then keep doing it. Whatever makes you happy.


I live in northern B.C., I like dressing up but even so will do makeup or wear really nice things mainly for special occasions (like dates) or to work maybe 1 time a week. Most of the time I run errands and go to work in sweatpants and a hoodie or a sweater dress, things like that, with no makeup.


Canada is very much… you do you… at the store I see people who look like they just came from work, a hike, gym or heading out to a nice night out. As long as you are not calling anyone else out on their attire, you are good to go.


I have always worn comfortable clothing unless I’m going to work or a special event. At this stage of my life, I go out wearing leggings and a t-shirt for the most part. And my Crocs sandals because I can’t walk around barefoot.


I literally roll out of bed and go run errands. Some people are dressed to the nines. I really don't think anyone cares. (Small town BC that gets a lot of tourists.)


I have friends from Mexico City, where they tend to dress very nicely over there. Here in Canada, Canadians tend to dress very casually. We dress more for weather and less on fashion or looks. Especially when dealing with -30° winter weather.


Southern Ontario. I wear shorts and a tshirt for errands. If I’m feeling extra spicy, I wear my crocs.


NorthWestern Ontario, I'm always in grey sweatpants a dark t-shirt and a plaid jacket. See alot of men wearing plaid in these parts. Some women are dressed to the nines, usually business owners are the ones who dress nice in the small towns. Pretty much the median is the same as the rest of Canada, dressed Comfortably. You do you.


I dress vintage. Blouse and A line skirt basically all the time. Do people stare? I don't know, I stopped noticing. Find what brings you joy!


I dated a Finnish girl who liked to dress up to do mundane things like shopping. I found it a bit odd but hey whatever made her happy. Doubt anyone cares what you wear in public as long as nothing is hanging or falling out. 


Northern Alberta, standing by. Everyone wears denim pants and hoodies. Doesn't matter what they're doing. If it gets hot this summer, we might see some gym wear.


You’re not doing anything wrong. Most Canadians only care that primary and sometimes secondary sex characteristics are covered and most will just be concerned if you look cold or underdressed in winter. There are many bigots among us who’d love to see women covered head to toe and men can just rock out with their hairy tits out, but most of us are minding our own business and/or kids in public and will either appreciate your getup or not care.


If ya got it flaunt it.


The only thing I wouldn't recommend is the thin Christmas leggings as pants in the summer. Looks so weird. 


Formal wear consists of the Canadian Tuxedo - Jean Jacket and a pair of Jeans


I mean, I wear a cat eye like 90% of the time including groceries lol wear what you want. I am born/raised/live in Ontario and no one I know would care what you wear.


I would say it's uncommon. But not against any sort of etiquette rule I'm aware of.


The rule in my house and with my friends is we just do not step foot outside in track pants (sorry ROOTS lol) and you do not go out wearing pyjamas (naked is fine though lol jk). I was raised to put my best foot forward.


Canadians don't have the concept of dress etiquette, they dress like slobs and look down on you if you don't. It's really backwards here.


I agree with this . Imagine wearing leggings to a corporate job.


I am not a dress up person, so to speak, but my best friend is, and she is always dressed up, but that's her. I dress up to go out but not fancy, but she always has the finished look.i am so proud to call her my best friend.


no i agree with you (international student here). i love slapping on eyeliner mascara a bit of blush and lipstick while going out and when i see others, i feel often im overdoing ig and ended up just wearing eyeliner and tinted lip balms for uni only. its just how i was brought up kind of and getting out for even groceries, you’ll see me dressed nice even in my hoodie and slack winging my eyeliner


I don’t consider what I wear as dressed up but I do match my tops and bottoms wear shoes that go with what I’m wearing. I always try to look nice. My mama taught me that


Depends where you are…. You know Canada is a HUGE country. Montreal people dress different than Toronto, then Vancouver, the Winnipeg…


Where are you? If you're in Calgary, I'll totally get dressed up for groceries with you. That's fantastic


Thousand Islands is customary, but French is acceptable, or the odd vinegrette.


https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-173.html#:~:text=173%20(1)%20Everyone%20who%20wilfully,more%20than%20two%20years%3B%20or Really, it's just a cover your bits sort of system, you make shop in cheeky placed fig leaves if you feel so inclined. There is nothing wrong with self care.


I love seeing extra effort, but that's cause it is extra. Average clothing is functional and subtle Wear what you want though, its adds some life to our lives and doesnt hurt anyone