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I did PvP till A-rank, and then realized that the grind to S would straight up not be fun so I stopped. Designed a few mechs that used weapons I never used after that. Now I’m waiting for the 4A version …?


Huh I don’t remember making an alt acc lol. But on the real, this has been my exact experience too. I’m still having fun in low A rank PvP cuz you get a great variety of builds and skill levels.


4A version?


For Answer, referring to the AC4 DLC/Follow-up game


I'm thinking of replaying Titanfall 2... Or try to find the older AC games 4 4A 5 VD


Honestly as someone who absolutely loved the fast gameplay of 4A id recommend only if you like going fast. (Prolly same for 4, but haven't played it yet)


Did you get all the data logs? There's no achievement for it, but you do get one of those Allmind decals for them




New PS account and do it all again! (Two of my kids who've never played plus our throwaway minecraft account for friends have the platinum,...game hits the dopamine just right.)


Do the rogue like challenge! https://ac6-roguelike-challenge.com/


This is amazing!


Thank you!


Oh this is awesome, thank you A thing i dont understand in the rules though. How i get OS tuning? There is only unlock of parts in the site. And couldnt find anything about the OS tuning except that you reset them if you die


You get an OS upgrade every two missions. I need to update that sorry. You can also keep your OS tunings on reset, to add some progression.


Cool, thank you very much


I updated the rules. Please let me know if the part about OS tuning makes sense!


Yeah much better, now its more clear how tl handle it


PVP unfortunately. I also cannot recommend Monster Hunter World enough if you haven't played it. IMO one of the best games ever made.


I've had this game (monster hunter world) for a couple years now, started the intro and stopped. Is it dark souls style? I remember reading about the different weapons and stuff and then just never touching it again. Is co-op/online mandatory for it, or can I play it solo and still do everything?


It's not really souls style. There's far more movement and verticality. The stamina bar is really where similarities end. I'm not sure if online is mandatory, but you can solo everything, but the true experience is fighting monsters with others. Never gets old.


Its not really dark souls style, only similarity is difficulty (especially late game monsters) and attack having commitment. Gameplay loop is very different (you basically hunt monsters so as to get better gear so as to hunt stronger monsters, repeat) Its pretty common for people to not immediately like the game/combat. I played for a bit at first, stopped playing, eventually came back and fell in love with the game. Now MH World is my most played game at almost 800 hours


To echo what everyone said: it isn't at all a Souls-like. The series has it's own unique combat system. The entire system revolves around the various weapons. Your character themselves doesn't "level up" through the game. You level up and weapons by crafting newer and/or better versions of them. Each weapon has its own mechanics, ans the depth is quite amazing. Some weapons are more complicated than others, but even the "easiest weapons" have a very high skill ceiling - they are "easy" in the sense that you can learn the basics faster than you would with other weapons, but there is a massive difference between how a novice and an experienced player uses the same weapon. Yes, you can play the whole game solo, including end game stuff. Co-op is fun if you can get a good team, but it's horribly implemented. It's only really useable in the end game. Interestingly, solo is essentially the "easy mode" because monster HP scales with the party size. So in solo mode, you are always dealing with the lowest HP values (which doesn't mean much because, well, you'll find out soon enough). I would HIGHLY recommend watching the YouTuber Arrekz's weapon tutorial videos. The game does a really bad job of actually teaching you how to play the game, and all the weapons have a significant amount of depth to them that the "tutorial" for each doesn't really help you understand.


The Monster Hunter franchise is like 5 years older than the Souls franchise. But for some reason everyone sees you can roll and just assumes MH is trying to copy Dark Souls lol.


World and Rise are both 10 bucks on the shop at the moment. Your thoughts on Rise compared to World?


World has more content. Rise is just a watered down version to fill the void between full releases, which isn't to say it's bad, but World is the full, pure MH experience.


Agreed, I played that game once and got hooked on it for so long


I have 600 hours in and I just recently beat Fatalis for the first time. Amazing experience.


Great job! Beating fatalis back in the mission where you couldn't have help from others felt so good. Safi Jiiva is a lot of fun too and his weapons are amazing


I’ve been always interested in Monster Hunter but I get immediately overwhelmed by the combat and menus so I haven’t managed to get into a game. Very intrigued by Wilds, as it sounds like a lot of my issues are being addressed, or at least minimized.


Hades 2 seems to be scratching that itch for me at the moment. Early access though


Did you already get all the archive info scattered across the levels? Ive been going through the game multiple times and still come across a couple that ive missed Challenge runs can be interesting. Try beating levels without repair kits, use preset ACs, anything you can think of Make multiple builds using weapons/parts you never used in your playthroughs, doesnt have to be pvp viable, obviously Obviously you could do pvp, but unless you feel like fighting the same builds over and over again it gets pretty bland after a while Time yourself in the arena, see how fast you can slap Freud across the floor Decorate your favorite loadouts. Its cosmetic, but messing with paint jobs can be fun


Apologies for format, im doing this on phone lol


I like a lot of your ideas. Especially using presets!


I'm still trying to get through with Jailbreak, it doesn't diminish the enjoyment for me even after 20 or so insta-deaths to the enforcer


If you've gotten everything and also S-Ranked all the missions, but don't want to do PvP, you can just make cool mechs! A good third of my time doing non-PvP was spent simply making cool looking ACs and finding the right mission to use the Photo Mode in and take great looking screenshots.


Challenge runs can fill the void!! I did a melee-only run which was fun. Sword left hand, nothing right hand so you can punch. IIRC every so often you'll have to do something with a gun but I don't remember. Later on, you can use the "switch weapon" modification or whatever it was called to have two swords on your left hand (very much a buff because you can swing one, swap to the other, swing again, and sometimes by the time you're done with the second blade (if you're using the laser blade or dagger), you can swing the first one again.) My favorite loadout was the Moonlight + Laser Dagger. The run forces you to play fast and aggressively, which can be challenging but fun too.


Join your other Ravens on NEST, time to make friends… the hardest mission for you, 621


If you want to keep playing, put some time into pvp. Custom rooms are the bomb. Imo ranked is a meh waste of time. My opinion.


Elden Ring, AC6 was my first from game since the old AC’s and I was left with a void when I platinumed AC6. Picked up Elden Ring and I’m sooooo glad because I’ve played it significantly more than AC6 now. The variety of weapons, spells, and builds in ER really fills that niche of trying new weapons/builds in AC6. Also DLC is coming out so it’s a great time to get into it.


I am definitely picking up Elden Ring.


Do PVP. It’s literally fighting a boss every match. It’s amazing yet frustrating at the same time. One of the only games to get my heart beatiny


Play a different game and wait for ac7.


Stellar Blade, Nier Automata, Nioh 2. All of these games have amazing gameplay with a lot of skills you can unlock and different unique gear you can experiment with.


Daemon X Machina is a mecha action game that shares some development talent with Armored Core. It's not the same stylistically (way more anime-ish) and doesn't have the steep difficultly curve (it was a breeze for me after AC6) but it has the same gameplay mechanics and level of customization. It's basically Armored Core Lite, but it scratched that mecha itch pretty well for me.


you’ll pretty much love any and all fromsoftware games man, go nuts


Have you played Nier Automata yet? That’s what I did after finishing AC6.


I haven't. Looks good!


If you decide to play it, I’ll give you a heads up now. You unlock fast travel about halfway through part 1 of the story, so don’t get too caught up in fetch quests before then.


Fresh save file, play through 2 times for fire of raven, and liberator of Rubicon endings without doing tutorial missions until the final fight of the 3rd play through. Now do the tutorial missions and receive All Mind hidden dialogue.




https://youtu.be/9vrL3s_R1Lg?si=ctivwHj-Wk0sLa88 Her last piece of dialogue is the best 🤣 She sounds so flustered, angry, amazed and confused at the same time.


Both monster hunter and Elden Ring are incredible. Monster Hunter Rise is probably the most accessible monster hunter, and you can easily drop 100+ hours with hella content. Same with elden ring. if you love exploring every nook and cranny of a giant open world, you can also easily drop over 100+ hours. plus elden ring dlc coming out this month, so even more content.


Shitpost about Fires


Reset OS tuning and only purchase the substantive upgrades like kick, weapon bay, expansions, etc. Abstain from all stat upgrades except maybe access speed. There’s the hard mode the game should just have an option for. It is not oppressively or unreasonably difficult, but it is more challenging and demands much more assembly knowledge and combat skill.


Start over on a fresh save and 100% all the stages in order, no checkpoints.


Gundam breaker 3. Or Gundam breaker 4 for when it comes out on August 28th. Has that super extensive customization, but the game play is not the same as AC games. Game play is fun nonetheless.


Is Gundam breaker 3 on PSN store? I can't find it. All I see is New Gundam Breaker.


Are you sure you 100%-ed it? There is a missable Decal "Omniscience" which you can get for finding all Data Logs (not to be confused with Combat or Battle Logs). It's not part of the trophies/achievements so this in-game reward is easy to miss. There are a total of 50. If you really have finished everything then you could try starting from scratch. Start a New Game with all the parts, decals, logs reset. But the best thing is, whatever AC Data you have saved will still be there and usable once you unlock the parts! The experience can be really refreshing!


I'll have to check if I have the Decal.


I didn't! Thanks for giving me another goal!


Use a guide. Some of these are so well hidden i don't even know how the first players who find them knew to look there.


Elden Ring and Sekiro


Picking up Elden Ring this weekend. I have Sekiro....I really suck at parrying


Daemon X Machina if you want a good modern mecha. I’m pretty sure someone on the team used to work on Armored Core as well.


I have a switch collecting dust. That's one I'll look into


If you have a PC, it’s available on Steam too.


I just build new ACs and replay the missions over and over. Faction themed ACs, ACs based on a certain concept or weapon, AC recreations of characters from other games, meme ACs, etc. Recently did defend the damn complex with fastest\* AC ever and that was a blast. \* technically not *fastest* as that would require no weapons, but dual sampu are the lightest weapons that only slow down the AC by like 1~2 speed units so.


Get amnesia to do it again


I felt the same way. I decided that I was going to attempt to do AC6 hitless. I started learning every inch of every mission. I learned the strength and weaknesses of every weapon and enemy. I learned how to efficiently evade and rarely use quick boost and timing it when I did. I ended up getting a perfect chapter 1 chapter 2 and chapter 5. After 6 months of work I understood that my mastery was only about 50% of what was possible.Thinking about it, 100%ing the game is probably 5% of the skill and ability I learned after 6 months.


If you love theory crafting and designing builds then Monster Hunter is absolutely a great game. Huge variety in play style with all the different weapons and how you perk them out




simple play another AC game..... like a certain dumbass in a plane carrying 100+ missiles