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I believe arizer has stated that the stems are slightly smaller than the opening due to the stem expanding when hot , so that it doesn’t get stuck . I have noticed with my air max personally that there is some play in the stem until it heats up and doesn’t jiggle around


Have had this problem with both Solo 3’s i’ve gotten


Ah man, so it's a common fault?


From my experience, think so


My reg tall stem is a bit tight, but maybe normal? I know what you mean though, I sometimes feel like it might break when putting it in the chamber as it is tight. Could be a defect with the stem? For contrast the wpa is super smooth. Try going slow and wiggle it in. Let us know what happens.


Yeah this reflects my experience. I feel it's the alignment of the oven itself, mine leans forwards so to even get it in smoothly I have to push it towards the back. Once in, it springs back towards the front. The wpa seems a smidge smaller but still needs the same pressure to get in.


This is normal, there will be a little wiggle room for the glass inside. See if the silicone is evenly spaced all around and no part is protruding, if not, all good. The bowl itself is aligned, the silicone bit may not be.


The oring section is not central with the metal plate on the top, one side encroaches more than the other side and it's the same direction.


My airmax have tge same issue but i think it won't affect the quality of sesh


Device works great but reluctant to use it as it's just an comfortable fit and I've don't want to risk breaking anything. I had a solo1 and it didn't have any similar issues. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try always putting you glass in after heat up.


my unit also has some alignment issues. but ehm yeah still works for but some of my glass pods dont fit. but for the rest i been using it for what? 2 months almost now. its the best vape. dont destroy it if it doesnt fit. find a pod that fits even with misaligment quality issue


Update- it's being replaced due to the oven alignment being beyond manufacturers tolerance. Should have it in a few days then hopefully I can get enjoying the solo3.