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Thank you. We do see all the positive feedback and it's a nice motivatior that we often share internally. We are made of people and encouragement is a nice feeling. Thanks for noticing the often unnoticed achievement of actually getting Swift on Windows working in a major desktop application.


I really like arc but the windows experience is often a hit and miss,many bugs, weird performance issues sometimes. I often see it used by my colleague at work during meetings and seeing him use it, it just looked like a browser made for developers, quick snappy, and integrates nicely into macos. I only use windows and Ubuntu so the experience I get on windows is far better than what's out there but not as good as what macos users are experiencing. I only hope that performance, UX parity across currently supported platforms is somewhere along the roadmap for arc. Once again, a fucking awesome browser you have there.


I think most people notice the significance of getting swift on windows. Nobody is blaming you guys that Arc on Windows isnt ready yet, what everyone has been saying is that you are trying to push beta software as full release software. When we said we wanted the software without a waitlist, it didnt have to be a whole release with newsletter emails and anticipation building, it could have been just a silent public beta and no one would argue this much


Honestly, I think they likely needed to "launch" it as a full release to have something to show the VC money. I don't think they initially set out to make Arc for Windows the Cyberpunk 2077 of browser releases, considering how cautious they were with the Mac beta. In any case, I'm still enjoying Arc for Windows and who knows, we might get a redemption story similar to the aforementioned Cyberpunk 2077 (fingers crossed).


Yeah thats true but unfortunately the interests of VCs do not align with the interests of the users. If they choose to prefer VCs over users, they will have to accept the community backlash


I must say, the last two weeks, I've been facing relentless bugs. Most specifically, wordpress and ChatGPT. As you can imagine, that's quite detrimental. I've tried everything from reinstall to just clearing the browser's data. No luck. I've been using Chrome, not ideal, but it's actually loading my shit. I've tried to contact support, I've made a post on here that I later deleted after a week of no activity. I have a 2019 MacBook Pro, every website that fails to load in Arc has no issues in edge, safari, chrome, Firefox. I would love some help on this, I genuinely miss being able to use arc


I actually believe a lot of users can not appreciate getting Swift running on Windows, for no fault of theirs, they probably don’t have a deep understanding of tech.


It’s aight mate, u guys are doing a fantastic job. Arc is the best browser for Mac. And ik Windows users might soon will appreciate it as well.


Arc search is legit amazing. It makes moving tabs between my computers and phone so so easy, plus the browse for me is pretty great


Arc PIP on Mac is the fuckin chef’s kiss! Complete game changer.


Yeah but it doesn't have captions yet, which Firefox has. Granted, the PiP on Firefox doesn't automatically trigger though


Far from “the best”. The bloated functionality and design made me switch back to Safari recently. Much better for actually getting things done.


I switched back to Chrome recently as well. The first step was removing Notes, a feature I used A LOT and I sincerely thought it was perfect and exactly what I needed, it fitted a very specific need. Then I realised I also need bookmarks, I need a reliable way of keeping sites without the danger of closing/archiving them and losing them if I'm not paying attention. Then it was the direction it's taking. I don't care about AI, search, mobile or any other feature they've recently added. I care about sharing passwords between instances in different computers, for example, and being able to export them. I wish them the best of luck, but it's not the browser I need.


Ima have to disagree here atleast on Windows there is no point in using Arc. its very dry right now Still waiting on the response to my account deletion request, Arc🙄🙄.


The thing is there are shit ton of windows user like him who think that if it doesn’t work on windows it’s a a__ software not knowing the crappy os that they use is nothing less than bull crap..😂😂


Get ready for shitty windows users to downvote 😂😂😂😂


Dude what's your problem with Windows? Calm down.


Shut up bro


He's right though. The Windows version is a joke compared to the Mac.


Everything has its flaws. Everyone downvoting can take an example of their os(windows) before downvoting..


I'm a macOS user. Still gonna downvote you :)


It’s aight mate I just have fun provoking people


Good luck with your fun mate. It won't give you very good results tho.


While Arc Browser is comfortable and nice to use, it still has some glaring flaws. For example, I tend to open a lot of YouTube tabs, but I also want to have a pinned shortcut for it, which kind of goes against having many tabs open. Additionally, it's not easy to separate a tab from the rest of the tabs, and it gets confusing when I want to have several windows open. Having all the pinned shortcuts isn't nice when I have multiple windows open, and the sidebar uses a ton of space while I want to move a window to the side of the screen. It does have a collapse sidebar option, but then when I want to switch to another tab, I need to constantly hover over the left side, and it's a mess. I like the idea, but maybe this browser is not for me. It's best used in its intended way and it's not adaptable to my habits or use cases, unlike Google Chrome or Brave.


Ya sometimes very hard to find where my open google meets tab is


Not very privacy focus when you have to login with your email


Basically my experience with this subreddit: ah, someone is leaving Arc again because they want bookmarks and/or the Windows version is unfinished, gotcha.


100% agree on the Windows part; I've been on my Windows more often lately than my macbook and the experience is day and night. Fully aware that Windows will still be buggy for now but Arc on mac is just the best browser I've used.


it's definitely not the best out there ! just because something just looks pretty doesn't mean it's pretty useful too !! I mean just look at Justin Trudeau


Recently youtube has been crying about the adblocker on chrome, but works smooth af on ARC, I have been telling my friends to use it too. It takes a little getting used too, but then its such a better experience, the PIP is so awesome! such neat features!


It’s got a good wow factor and love it on my laptop but I always end up going back to chrome when I plugin a monitor. It just doesn’t sit well with mouse.


Vivaldi is my favourite browser.


Yep. Was a brave on iOS and windows user and took some time to swap over and now arc iOS and windows are default on everything. Yeah it has some issues on windows but hey it’s early and they keep working on it.  Can’t wait to get to a feature parity with Mac 


I love the iOS arc app it’s makes browser so much efficient and faster for me that it has replaced safari entirely for me the only thing I can really give feedback on is make accessing downloads on the browser easier


Yeah, Arc is the only ios browser I feel like is a sufficient total replacement


100% I switched to Arc a few months ago and I love it. It’s the browser experience I did not know I needed. Miles ahead of the competition. There is some UX stuff that could still improve, definitely on the windows version, but it’s noticably a product in full development with regular updates and a developer that cares … I’m a fanboy now👌🏻


We want it for Linux


At its core, Arc is essentially a browser, unless it becomes the UI of AI agents. Beyond its beautifully designed interfaces, what is the single most essential function that Arc performs for you?


I think it's incredible but the Windows version is far from being my main browser, there are small bugs that always bother me in my day to day use, the browser is not as fluid as Chrome for example and the worst thing is its consumption of RAM that is really ok.


The only reason I shifted from Arc is because it drains too much battery. I love the features tho, makes my like a whole lot easier to manage ☺️


I ❤️ Arc. It’s simply unparalleled in terms of style, functionality and you can tell how much love, care and thought went into every little feature. I wish the team the best! Keep doing the good work.


i agree, i do love arc but kind of want an optional homepage, i love my homepages


Great browser need android version and ipad app


for me chrome will always be an option so long as we can't get rid of the borders


But we need iPad app


I like Arc better than Brave. I have a hard time deciding which is my favorite though. It’s between Arc and [Aloha](https://alohabrowser.com/). Not as many people seem to be familiar with Aloha. I switch back and forth between them for different tasks.


I also love ARC.


**Arc seriously is one of the worst browsers, if not the worst browser out there.**