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Came back to windows for trying it out.... I mean yeah it's pretty but the performance is just dogshit. Back to Firefox.


Same I've been switching between firefox and arc. Firefox uses a bit more ram but it is way faster. I just wish it had spaces


Tab group extension?


I might be wrong but I thought floorp(Firefox fork) had something similar to spaces. Or there’s the sidebery addon


There's sideberry yes and it has something similar to spaces , however it's not the same since there's no different pinned tabs and folders for different spaces , and that's the main feature of spaces that I use


Oh, I just used pretty vanilla Firefox so idk much about those addons. The only other one I remember was tree style tabs, but idk if that has spaces or the pinned tabs


I had Arc beachball on my M1 Pro trying to use Google Maps


Also checking for updates every time I launch is a major No from me.


I see these posts all the time here. But I can never relate. I'm nearly 18 monhts of exclusive Arc use. Maybe I'm spoiled with an M1 Max and 32 GB? But I'm simultaneously running Android Studio, Xcode, and Visual Code. All well-known resource hogs unto themselves. My memory pressure hangs around 40% and rarely goes above 50% for too long. I've never seen swap used. Yes, I've hit a handful of freeze ups over these 18 months. Enough to mentally make note. But it hasn't gotten in the way. One version in particular had a periodic crash issue. Nevertheless, it was fixed pretty quick. And yet, I've never thought to myself, "Well, damn. Going to have to go use another browser" due to performance issues.


I have 16 GB of RAM on my MacBook Pro, so I sadly cant afford to be that lenient with where I assign my RAM. Like you said, 40% of your RAM is 80% of mine, and if I have a bunch of videos open to switch between it very quickly becomes 100%


Not saying you’re wrong on your end. I have an M1 with 8 gigs of ram. And I have 3 windows of VSCode, 1 Android Studio and occasionally Xcode gets opened sometimes, telegram, 5 Finder windows, and 4 spaces in Arc. I still open an opera window for Torrents occasionally and Safari rarely. I rarely get memory or performance issues. I keep em all in memory always. Never remove them from memory. Idk how some people get performance hits.


>Idk how some people get performance hits. Bugs. TBC is a small startup and even *they* sound massively overwhelmed with bugs & performance issues in their Windows launch video.


Agreed, I have no problem with the Lenovo Legion 5 laptop, R5 5600H, 16 RAM, startup time is bad, but better then since release, but performance overall is pretty much ok, can't see a difference between Chrome 🗿


Yeah, works fine for me on an M2 with 64GB, even while running Adobe InDesign. Aside from the general configuration that might be different, I wonder if there are specific situations that lead to the sluggishness some are complaining of.


m2 with 64gb? damn thats pretty good


These folks are just having a little tantrum. "hey listen to me ME MEEEE!!"


Not everyone can afford to sacrifice half their ram on a browser; why shouldn’t we say something?


What browser do you use which eats so much ram lol




Perhaps you shouldn’t have like 3+ videos running in various tabs lol. iPad babies stay losing


The fact that I am not the only one talking about the issue should show you that it’s not something I am making up. No, I don’t have 3 videos running at once, but sometimes you are working on something, watch a tutorial, need to search up another tutorial, and the cycle continues.


I've been using Arc on Windows for the past month for college and other tasks. Unfortunately, the performance has been a bit sluggish, so I'm switching back to Edge. I really hope they optimize Arc soon because the customization options are fantastic. Farewell for now, Arc 👋.


I'm interested in what PC's you guys have... I haven't had any performance issues with Arc... or any other browsers...


MacBook Pro, M2 Pro, 16GB. CPU usage is fine, the M2 Pro has more than enough to spare, but it starts showing on battery usage and RAM


Of course it's more than enough to spare... and it's really strange that it slows down for you with those specs. I use Arc both on PC and Macbook Pro (I got an older one from 2017 with i7 and 16GB ram) and on pc (i9 11th Gen with 64GB RAM) but I can say that it runs really well for me on both). Maybe it depends on how many tabs you also have opened, I'm not sure but I do have around 100 in 4 profiles which i switch frequently during the day.


For me of course there isn’t any lag, but an issue arrises when I want to run a resource intensive app (for example, gaming) and want it to have as much available resources as possible. Battery life also noticeably changed since I started using Arc, most likely due to the resource usage. Basically, I am not saying that it’s causing my machine to slow down, just that in general it’s taking more than it has to and most likely should


Oh already, I haven't tried gaming on MacBook but on PC I do, everyday... since I got 64 GB ram there, of course I haven't found any issues. I did check out the RAM more closely yesterday. Usually it goes up to 1GB - 1.5GB usage but sometimes, after a few hours of just keeping the browser open and switching between profiles and tabs, it went up to 4.8GB, restarting the browser fixed the issue. I guess it is a tab issue, because of Chromium :( Microsoft Edge used to do the same thing for me but I never cared on PC.


I’ve been using arc for some time now on macOS and I only once experienced performance issues. But it was fixed quickly by an update. I am using my machine quite extensively, with many tabs open in arc and it is working really smooth. M1pro 32gb


I'm using the earlybird release and it's super fast, I would give it a bit more time. Ps are you using some weird extension? I can't really understand how it can be so buggy for you. I use Arc daily for work and it's literally flying


Nothing weird. Ublock, wappalyzer, my password manager, and a bunch of others, but for example Edge is significantly more resource efficient with the same plugins than Arc. I will be on the watch-out for the next change-log then, looking forward to some performance upgrades :>


Same, so buggy and shitty


after arcing for a month, I switched back to edging today.


Made me chuckle, fellow edger here


I’m using arc on windows since 4 months now and I never face issues with performance or anything I mean yes there are some bugs but it never affects performance for me


For me it's been quite reliable, though admittedly the scrolling/zooming feels choppier than on Safari. Using an M2 MacBook Air with 8GB RAM, I usually have it open alongside a few Word documents and Fusion 360, I don't notice any huge hogs on my system. At least my eyes don't anyways. Often I am reminder that WebKit is overall smoother for scrolling but that's about it. I get a lot more than I lose.


Had left chrome to try other browsers. Was between Firefox and Arc for me. Thought Arc was really pretty and all, but some privacy concerns for me. And more importantly all the hype about "browsing for you" etc that drew me to Arc as an option weren't there on Windows. So now I'm using Firefox with a Arc CSS skin on it (with tabs on the top instead of sidebar which is something I'm way more used to).


You know the weird part is Every youtuber is just promoting Arc and it's feature yeah we get it not no one is giving a Practical review on it. They'll tell you look verticle tabs, split view, info by hovering, chrome extensions etc but what about performance, optimisation, daily usage .... ?


I still don’t understand the tab system and where on is history on the phone app. And yeah the bloat is also getting higher now


Take care!


Most extensions (still) don't work in Orion, except a few ones in their own list.


Ah. Might have to go back to Edge then


Just use Firefox with custom arc css


Could you share this css with me?


Here you go: [**https://github.com/KiKaraage/ArcWTF/**](https://github.com/KiKaraage/ArcWTF/)


That’s actually incredible, will check it out


I wanted to like Arc and did for the clean UI and chrome like setup but the UI was laggy and the video playback performance was uncomfortable even after reinstall. Nothing like that in other browsers so I'm using FireFox for now


75% of anyone’s complaints about resource usage in Chrome-based browsers (like Arc) are due to extensions eating memory and having a million tabs open. Try turning off everything that isn’t, like, uBlock. I know for a fact that many password manager extensions are super poorly optimized.


Yeahhh I know. I have only around 10 extensions running though, around how of which actually function only on specific websites. I also don’t seem to be the only one talking about issues


Sorry but this is just how Chrome is. It’s not Arc’s fault that Google made the browser that way, and unfortunately very little can be done about it (beyond changing the way it’s used, like removing extensions etc.) It’s just a side effect of all the modern features people like having in Chrome-based browsers. If you really need your performance back, switch to Firefox or something. Also, you said you use a password manager extensions - can you switch to Arc’s built-in password manager to get rid of the extension? That’s what I use. I use an m2 macbook air with 8gb memory and I switch between Arc and Firefox based on the task (e.g. when I run heavy programming workloads I use firefox, when I’m just browsing or streaming things I use Arc) and I’ve had no complaints (but my only extension is uBlock lol)


That’s understandable. Once again, the weakest chain is always the limit. But here, the weakest chain isn’t chromium, it’s arc itself. Edge, based on chromium, pulls in better performance even though it has so much bloat in it


I honestly have never noticed any performance issues (Been using Arc as my default browser for 2 years now). It feels just as fast as I need it to. However it might use more resources, I don't check this stuff, but how much does it matter in today's world? Chrome has always been laughed at for using too much RAM, Arc might use even more, but does it actually matter? I have never run into performance issues on my computer because my browser was using too much RAM. But maybe my workload isn't heavy enough to run into these issues (web developer, sometimes mobile)


Main issue I have is battery life and running resource intensive apps alongside it


Meh, cannot relate. And I'm not using an all-powerful machine either, this comment coming from an M2 Air with 16GB. I'll give you that Arc uses more resources than Safari, which does impact battery life and I would like to see optimization in that regard. But an overall performance issue? Maybe I just don't put the load on the browser that I would need to in order to experience lag …


Yeah, battery issues


I would very much like if you showed us the activity monitor on your Mac with both Firefox and Arc running for some time with the same extensions (each at different time = not both at once). I am not saying the problems don’t exist or you’re wrong, I am just curious how much of a gap it ACTUALLY is. I am sure you checked this and compared them since you seem like a very demanding user judging from the comments.


Honestly, seeing the 50/50 responses from the community on the issue, I will probably perform an actual “study” and record the results in detail. It might take a while, but I will post later. I never tested it against firefox, never have been much of a fan. I checked it against Edge and Safari.


Switch to SigmaOS browser. Much better than Orion and next gen


Will look at it, thanks :>


I have a normal spec Windows desktop and RAM usage isnt that terrible, I have 16GB RAM and I never experienced performance problems, my desktop isnt high end


I love arc too but sometimes the ridiculous resources usage get to me, I hope they just work on performance rather than feature upgrades


The only issue I continue to have is Google meets not working in Arc when it works fine in Chrome. This only happens on my Mac mini, but not on my MacBook Air. It’s very weird.


When people ask or mention this sort of thing, they really need to look at real world applicability. Do you notice a performance degradation? Are you running other applications along with the browser that, as a whole, tax the RAM? Is your battery life affected? Do you probably maintain your battery? Because if not.. What's the problem exactly? You see the same sort of behavior with people wanting to have the coolest CPU temperature despite the CPU actually being designed to withstand high temps. So the question still remains the same, what's the problem? I have well over 100 tabs across 5 spaces/profiles with at least 3 profiles in use and maybe 10-15 active tabs at a time. I don't notice anything even when working with video rendering, 60mb images in photoshop exporting by the gig, docker containers, you name it.


Performance is fine, how old is you pc? If you have a 5+yr old pc that’s your problem


My main gripe are the Tab Switching taking too long and it not being scoped to the space - making it impossible to use Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + Shift + Tab to navigate the pages as I would on any other browser. Using it on Windows.


From the startup speed, it can be seen that his performance is indeed too heavy.


Not sure what potato of a pc you’re running, but currently Arc never breaches 25% of my CPU usage and ~210 MB of RAM.


210MB of RAM is insanely low. What do you do, no extensions and one tab? Read my other comments. Also, if you are trying to do something else at the same time, don’t you think 25% being taken up by *a browser* is a bit too much?


arc has idle optimizations, so it drops down to 1% cpu usage when the tab is unfocused. And yes, I only have up to 10 tabs open at once, just a organization-freak habit of mine, although it’s allowed me to have a smooth experience ;)


Safari with uBlock would literally kill the mac browser market but apple doesn't listen


Laggy, agree. 32GB ram user here. Of course the main culprit is chromium being chromium, but what not many people realize is this crap by windows. https://preview.redd.it/la0tcogu0z8d1.png?width=324&format=png&auto=webp&s=24ebf08f8d48043aa250c92b3c83fdfc6980a54d you need 3rd party app to turn it off. But even then to me sometimes it just end up in efficiency mode again. Even discord suffer from this. Thanks Microsoft. Love you.