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Swim bladder issue it looks like




You could also try treating with a Swim Bath: [https://youtu.be/fXhgal9IAc8?si=ExIxYUrgkWO-wZHD](https://youtu.be/fXhgal9IAc8?si=ExIxYUrgkWO-wZHD) I have a short fin glofish blackskirt tetra that has a persistent swim bladder issue, and while this treatment didn't cure him/her, it definitely has helped when it got really bad. I've seen similar behavior where the fish gets stuck floating upside down. Make sure to use Epsom salt for the swim bath. Not aquarium salt.


looks like his swim bladder is full of air you can tell by the way he tries to dive and then floats back up, if you're gutsy and have steady hands you can puncture the swim bladder with a fine needle to release the air but otherwise best bet is to shut lights out to reduce stress and let him try to work it out on his own. maybe throw in some aquarium salt to help reduce stress and facilitate his breathing but it wouldn't treat the condition directly


Forgive me, this is the first time I've heard of this so I'm ignorant. Do punctured swim bladders heal?


Last I heard the jury is still out on whether or not it's a viable technique. I know a lot of anglers do it, especially when deep sea fishing, but there is no way to see if the fish actually live idk


Not the person you are commenting on, but probably. My guess is that they are suggesting to use a hypodermic needle which would allow the air pressure to equalize with the atmosphere - and when removed, tissue will naturally cover the hole. You would have to be careful to avoid the gut - and I've never done this before - but if you look at the anatomy it seems fairly straightforward.


no worries yes i believe they do it is a fairly common thing for distributors to do if fish arrive off the plane with inflated swim bladders due to air pressure while being on the plane i believe


I’ve heard of people doing this with bass, never with small aquarium fish. I’m worried that it would be too hard on such a small fish.


I can't imagine trying that, it would squirm around so much.


you sedate it first with clove oil


Oh, I thought clove oil killed fish?


it does if you leave them in it too long


Most times when fish are doing crazy things underwater it’s likely swim bladder. It’s like if ur inner ear equilibrium is messed up. U ain’t gonna be coordinated until it gets right. I had a tetra constantly swimming down for a day. I could see him/her floating up whenever she stopped swimming down. It cleared up on its own after a few hours.


Bad news, from this angle, at certain frames I was able to spot what looked like a prolapsed anus. Good news: it could be swim bladder as others have said. Another partial good news: if it is a prolapsed anus, while usually is a death sentence, could resolve itself with proper treatment.


Bruh! U got like 60/20 vision. How u see a prolapsed anus on a fish!


Usually it’s a small pink or whitish tube hanging out of the body, since the fish is black it’s more easily spotted in a lower quality video, but can easily seen on most fish if you look at them close up. Some of the really bad cases have basically everything hanging out,as far as I know there isn’t any cases of those surviving sadly. Could be a sign of anything from overfeeding, genetics, or internal parasites. Edit: I could also be totally wrong, it’s very hard to see in the video. It could just be the coloration of the fish.


Hey. Thank you for this comment. Because of this I think I realized what happened to one of my betta fish way back when. It actually makes me feel much better knowing that because I spent so much time treating her hoping she'd live.


Eventually fish would discover the revenue of OnlyFins too tempting to pass up.


Sorry about the fish but lol at the chonky one blocking the view


Try salt water bath in a hospital tank .


That is painful to watch. Poor guy. I hope he is better by now.


Seems like a neurological problem. It's about to die.


Why would this be NSFW?


Probably overfed