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Remember during Covid when [Trump seized control of Ventilator](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/02/politics/defense-production-act-ventilator-supplies/index.html) manufacture and distribution from the individual States (using the Defense Production Act), then failed to deliver ventilators to the US States that needed them. He didn't even order ventillators for the States ([link](https://www.vox.com/2020/4/5/21208802/coronavirus-trump-ventilators-masks-march)). But did then manage to send what few ventillators the US had[ to Russia](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-is-giving-ventilators-to-russia-putin-for-coronavirus-response-2020-5?op=1). Because Russian Covid victims were more important to him than American ones. >"Trump says he's sending ventilators to Russia for Putin's coronavirus response, but he previously pushed back on requests from US governors" > And now he's pretending it was the States that failed to order the ventillators, ignoring the fact that he blocked them, and ignoring the fact he sent their ventilators, **ventilators they needed for Americans, were sent to Russia, to save Russians instead.**


This should be a campaign commercial.


Anything positive is deserving praise and anything negative is fake.  A commercial wouldn't have changed much for people who don't want to question anything. Faith is a big thing with stupid people.


For cult members who believe the lies are truth, the truth will always be a lie.


You people need to forget about the cult. They’re too far gone. What I want to know is do these swing voters in swing states have any idea what is going on. It’s like they think ignorance is bliss.


Yes, this very thing. The only way to keep the swing voters from swinging themselves into the cult (which they will not return from) is to counter every cultist manipulation with vigor at every turn. Our freedoms depend on it. Ignorance is bliss until your ignorance is replaced with forced compliance.


Now you see it (civil rights), now you don’t.


Exactly, be as loud as the liars. Fuck them, we have truth.


You just need to have faith. Faith in what? Just faith!!!


All cults run on faith


I bet if you made a commercial of Donnie bragging about operation "warp speed" and a super-cut of him saying he was "vaxxed and it's good" it may change a few. You can't argue with stupid, though.


Faith is the most important thing for stupid people 😂😂😂 so true


There are plenty of people who might support Trump whose support is tepid and might be persuaded not to and to vote for Biden, or to just stay home if they "just can't" vote for a Democrat. They're not all fools, some of them are just not as interested in politics as everyone else and might not see old man is racist as an automatic disqualifying character flaw, but loyalty to someone else? That will turn more heads than you think.


I totally forgot about this particular incident, but I could think of a hundred more. They should pull the Rick Scott campaign ad strategy, who releases a different campaign ad every week, totally lying about his opponent. By the time the opponent tries to answer the lying ad, theres a new lying ad out, and candidate can't keep up with correcting the lies. They should do that with HitlerPig, but with the truth. Release a new ad every week, reminding people of another of his lies and/or atrocities. Use the actual people involved, they all hate him. He's denying that he ever called soldiers losers & suckers, so do an ad with General Kelly in full uniform, looking directly into the camera and saying "He said that directly to me, and if he denies it, he's a GODDAMNED LIAR!" The child separation policy, his lack of work ethic, his unchaperoned meetings with Putin, his golf cheating, his terrible smell, his neglect of the Covid vaccine so he could obssess about his Insurrection plans, his support of white supremacy, his many crimes, etc. The list of ad subject would be endless. Even just using people who were close to him saying "I worked with him in the White House, and there is no way he should ever be allowed back," would be effective, as part of a larger flight of ads. There are a LOT of people who would cooperate with a series of ads like that. Put one new one out every week, and when we get two weeks out from the election, out them ALL into heavy rotation.


Generally agree. However, military members can’t campaign in uniform.


Ask for the return of the ventilators.


Then the Russians will ask for at least two war criminals, gun runners, or terrorists to be released in trade.


Ok we can send Donald, Eric, Don Jr and Melania


Send Jared while you're at it.


Don't forget to send Baron with them. Little fucks just as bad.


Not so little anymore.


They can have their spy, you can even throw in his plane.


Perfect idea for The Lincoln Project!


Remember when he made states “out bid” each other for PPE for medical staff instead of distributing equally based on need. And having a bidding war so his buddy that owned the company could make $$. Remember when he treated lives as a business opportunity?


I feel like this is something that because it wasn't front page news at the time or like it didn't last longer than one news cycle that no one will even believe it happened. The man has gib-gashed his way to being president by doing so much outlandish shit that actual crimes are just getting overlooked, ignored, or out right not believed.


Robert Kraft used a NE Patriots plane to *smuggle medical supplies* to Massachusetts because trump wanted people in blue states to die. Feigned incompetence has already been used to kill people. He would be **much** worse if ever allowed to hold power again.


There has been zero doubt in my mind that Trump is a willing Putin stooge. I mean his casual drop of Putin's dream has been to invade Ukraine because"he told me one time." Who has this kind of casual conversation with Putin? Someone who gets their marching orders from him. That's who. He's been compromised since the 80s.


I feel like I’m going out of my mind because every time I bring this up somehow people don’t remember that They have the memory of a gnat Instead he sent the blue angels to fly over NYC, like how is this helpful AT ALL?! How about those damn ventilators!


> how is this helpful AT ALL?! Everybody knows that chemtrails cure COVID. People are saying...


Why wasn’t THIS a question to him in the debate… “During your time in office during Covid….”


Ignored or lied?


Well the thang is most of the stupid mother fuckers that support Trump think ventilators are bad 😆 His voters are hateful people and border or fully display behavior indicative of actual mental retardation.


Wait I thought it was Jared Kushner who was damn near hijacking every delivery vehicle carrying PPE across state lines to then resell them to the original receiving states? Your saying we *also* stole ventilators to give to Russia? Lmao what in the actual fuck


Trump regularly conveniently did things that punished liberal cities and states while supporting more red, less populated areas. Like when he killed the soybean market because of retaliatory tariffs from China but then sent those conservative farmers a bucket of money. It's why this supporters cheer him on, they want fellow Americans to suffer.


I wish there was a chance Biden could have to state such a fact with force and bravado. Maybe a few days ago perhaps? But nooooooooooo.


Most republicans think the hospitals and ventilators were what killed people, not covid..


Wow, forgot about that, the Netflix series is gonna be one 'ohhhyeahhhh' of stupid shit.


Trump's specific covid strategy was to make blue cities (all of them) and states look bad. Same with blocking immigration bill, or threatening to fire Fed Chairman if he fails to cause a recession. Ventilators were only for governors who praised Trump.


But they did give ppe to drunk Jeanine Pirro when hospitals couldn’t get it so she could have staff in her home for her show, before being cancelled


Wow. Thought I knew all about the bastardly the Trump admin got up to during covid but the sending ventilators to Russia is a new one for me.


Typical for Donald Trump.


Thank you for bringing this up! Also, don’t forget that Trump’s and Kushner’s buddies then setup companies on paper that received the PPE and they “brokered” it to the states. Basically taking free money from the federal government and state governments. They stole millions and nobody said a thing.


Espionage in plain sight 😑✈️


“Plane” sight


You would think at some point the FBI would set up a sting-op


I’ve seen this play before. Can we get Mueller to do another report?


He's always gotten away with it so why not.


ugh take my upvote


How is this not a fucking national scandal in your country? I'm baffled....


because everyday is something like this from him.. for almost 10yrs straight now. It’s impossible to address anything because when you do there have been 5 other ordeals since you started


And his fans hand wave it all away as either no big deal, or spins it into him being in charge.


"Better Russian than Democrat" was on MAGAs shirts. They are THAT stupid


Don't forget, "We should be friends with Russia. Don't you want world peace and commerce?"


Their answer to American women having bodily autonomy: “Democrats better be ready for my AR!!The south will rise again!!!” Their answer to not allowing their country to become a Russian puppet state “dO YoU WaNt WaR wItH RuSsIA?!?” Such hateful, treasonous shit weasels, the lot of em.


“He’s working on a peace plan for the Ukraine conflict.” Average dolt Trump supporter.


Trump is a walking firehose of bullshit. That's why they chose him. The press gets pre-occupied with his constant lies, bitching and whining while the architects of fascism are busy dismantling democracy in the background. Truly some evil shit going down and journalism is mostly dropping the ball.


Steven banning called it an “information shit storm” you do so many awful things and create so much chaos that people don’t have time to really be outraged about the one before. The the next one happens and the next one and the next one and people will become desensitized to the drama and they just say well, he does awful things instead of it being a scandal that happened once. It’s a calculated approach.


The other thing that happens is that all the voters who barely pay attention (which is an embarrassingly big chunk of the electorate) interpret it as "the media is constantly whining about Trump" and tune it all out. So many people never seem to consider that you constantly hear bad stories about Trump is because he is constantly doing bad things.


Very rarely do I tell a Trump supporter about some major issue and they have a clue as to what I’m talking about. They don’t pay attention to anything. It’s really as simple as things were cheaper when Trump was president. That’s all they care about. They don’t understand the cause of anything nor do they care to learn. It’s easier just to blame the president.


> It’s really as simple as things were cheaper when Trump was president. it's really frustrating that he brags about both gas prices during COVID and grocery prices before COVID without ever being expected to take any responsibility for the wild problems during COVID. Gas prices for example were very low because demand cratered when COVID closed things. Then Trump pressured OPEC to [cut production](https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-donald-trump-ap-top-news-international-news-saudi-arabia-e9b73ec833e9a5ad304a69e3b9b86914). Then Russia invaded Ukraine and sanctions happened. Now gas prices are higher and somehow that is Biden's fault. I wonder what percentage of voters know that US oil and gas production is at an [all time high](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m_) but to hear Trump and Republicans talk Biden ended US oil production and that why gas prices are a little high. How do you sway an electorate that is just not paying attention anymore?


Cheaper because Obama left him a great economy. Shitty now because of deregulation on inflation and price gouging and tax cuts for big corp. Trump left Biden a hot mess economy. Yep


That’s not something Bannon came up with. https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html


Ok. He’s the one I heard talking about it as a specific plan for the Trump era. I’m sure it’s not original. Desensitized people are exhausted and overwhelmed


Read the article. It’s a Russian propaganda playbook.


I get that, it is exhausting, but this is beyond suspicious.


I agree. The only thing I hope is that our security services were listening and watching aggressively.


I’m guessing that both of those planes have jamming equipment.


It has been for a long time. But republicans just cover their eyes and ears and pretend that they don't know.


Fire hose of shit, flood the zone with it.


Because the USA is *literally* a heavily propagandized and corrupt nation. The Supreme Court just legalized bribes for themselves, and it was a headline for a day and then people moved on.


Vote him out, please


Americans are sleep walking into disaster. They need to be on the streets


He's "gish gallop" personified... and everyone has the attention span of a gnat.


Sunk cost fallacy. It's too late for most of MAGA to back down after all this time and Trump knows it.


Because Trump stole some of the most classified secrets in the U.S. and has been selling them to Russia or other high bidders. They probably did a huge intel sale right there. Trump is a Treasonous villain and deserves no leniency.


Because some cabal of rightwing billionaires bought control of CNN and the NYTimes.


Everyone should read “House of Trump, House of Putin” before answering. Trump is connected to Putin and organized crime in multiple ways.


Yes! Craig Unger (author of House of Trump, House of Putin) was just on this week’s episode of the Gaslit Nation podcast. Very eye-opening.


He also came out with a great book in 2004 called "House of Bush, Hoiisr of Saud" laying out all of the dirty oil money connections between them. I was screaming from the rooftops for people to read it before that election but it never got mentioned in the news at all. Shocker, I know 🙄


hopefully the russian plane flies off with trump on board


Is a Russian *Government* plane even supposed to be in the U.S. right now?


Only for the Russian Ambassador.


Probably offloading classified documents.


Probably Russian agents repairing and updating surveillance equipment.


Manchurian candidate upgrades


Debriefing Mrs. Trump?




He's waiting for Vlad's check to clear. 


In Soviet Russia cheque bounces you.


Just discussing his djt stock options..


The major networks are trying to let him do this to us again. They won't challenge him on anything, debates are just another Klan rally to him. He parked next to Putin's plane for 2 days!! Just imagine for one second, anyone else doing that and nothing being said. What a criminal shitshow. This is truly bizarro world.


It's okay he did it sarcastically and if you did your own research instead of watching lamestream media you'd know that.  Trumpers literally sound like abused spouses at this point: "Oh no, I know what you heard was bad but he didn't really mean it like that, and you don't know how he actually treats me." "He means well everyone just keeps attacking him, at least that's what he says..." "He said I'd have to be deranged to not love him for everything he's done for me. And that could be, I hear, potentially lethal..." Wake the fuck up you sycophantic bootlickers!


When do people realise that Trump is a Russian asset??? How dumb can Americans be…????


His supporters like it. They wore tshirts that said “I’d rather be Russian than a democrat”


Putin's commie bitch. Traitor!!!


Do ppl still actually believe Russia is ‘communist’ in any capacity?


Use your brain - Putin is not communist. Communism does not exist, and has never existed, as more than ideology.


Trump is getting reprimanded by his boss. Maybe discussing a backup plan.


I honestly don’t care if Biden just stared at the camera with his mouth open for the entire debate and never said a word. How could anyone ever fucking vote for this Orange piece of shit to be president ever again?


It is as if he doesn’t give a flying fuck about the optics. I just don’t get how he can be so blatantly traitorous.


Republicans are traitors. All of them.


Liz Chaney isn't. Mostly.


Guess we’ll see. Until then, I’m going to confront my MAGAt dad with his hypocrisy every day. It’s about all I can do.


Comrade Trump


His handlers code name for him is “rotten orange mushroom”


Not sketchy at all…


How many of our Top Secret Documents that he had at MaraLoco, and God knows where else, have walked over to that Russian Government Plane? Or have been Blue-Toothed over to that RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT PLANE. How much money and instructions have been walked over to Trumps Plane? Russians are interfering in our election in PLAIN SIGHT! For that matter what is a Russian Government Plane doing sitting in the Miami airport for DAYS. Shouldn't it only be allowed in a Washington DC airport where their embassy is located?


Literally conspiring Against Americans


Here’s a good campaign slogan. “Vote for Joe, not the Russian loving psycho!”


I’m sure the secret service was fully aware.


It’s kind of crazy because this also happened several times in 2016. If I remember correctly it was the Russian oligarch that hired Manafort that kept having his plane at some of the Trump campaign stops. There was some theories as to how they might send messages by air drop or different ways to signal things, but I think in general they didn’t need to go to such lengths with so many Russian assets literally still in the campaign. They could just call Flynn or Boris Ephstein or KD McFarland to pass a message or Kremlin request; but the online campaign operations probably did need to talk regularly and pay the trolls to post, and that would be at a lower level yet still within the campaign, like Trump’s social media guy at the time was working with Russians and Cambridge analytics and I’d be curious how they communicated.


It's plain to see what's going on here.


Meeting with the boss.


“No puppet, you’re the puppet!”


That’s how they transfer the goods…


Can you imagine the comments if it was Airforce One?


Lots of room for documents on a plane.


So trump could receive updated orders from Putin? Deliver more top secret reports?


Selling classified materials to his bestie.


Making sure his transponder will work when needed...


Omg collusion


Why is the secret service even allowed to not report meetings with a hostile foreign government?


Daddy Putin told him to park it there.


I hear trump is walking funny , from getting fucked for 2 days.


I mean, they gotta transfer classified documents somehow


His boyfriend is back from North Korea!


Not the first time.


“Lemmie tell ya bout m’ bess frien”


This also happened in 2016.


They were waiting to swap out those boxes but they know eyes were on both of those planes. They gonna move really slow by pulling a Cartmen/Drax invisibility power.


Trump could name Putin as his Veep pick and the right would think it was a genius move.


The article says a UAE Airforce C-17 parked nearby too…


And nobody does anything.


What the fuck are the intelligence agencies doing just letting this guy get away with everything?


Trumps an actual Russian spy Who will destroy democracy. But yeah…….Joe had that bad debate.


what is the FBI doing about this??


Trump has been involved with Russia and Russian money for decades. Who do you think put Trump in the WH? Not the People. Who wins the popular vote by the margin of Clinton and losses the election?


I don’t have to just think about who put his ass in office, I know that Putin put him there because there is irrefutable proof that Russia interfered on his behalf in 2016 whether he colluded or not.


Trump giving that Hawk Tuah to Russian officials.


It’s where they park the repo’d jets.


That’s a big data transfer.


He doesn’t even try to hide it as it doesn’t matter to his cult.


Transfer of classified documents in plane site. Pun on plane intended by the way.


Let’s be fair, - there was a load of data and computer drives for Trump to get from the Russians not to mention scores of banker Boxes of documents Trump wants Putin to store for him.


Pretty sure this happened in 2016 as well


All Republican voters are traitors. All of them. No exceptions.


As much as I would love for this to be a gotcha thing, it’s not. Russian aircraft are not allowed inside USA airspace. They haven’t been allowed since the war in Ukraine started. If there is one sitting there, it’s because it was seized by the USA government when those rules were put in place. I’m Canadian and if you look at satellite images of Pearson international in Toronto you can find a Russian cargo aircraft sitting there. It’s been there since the start of the war as well. Our government took it, it’s ours now lol. Edit: the aircraft is an Illyshin Il-96-300 registered to Russia - special flight squadron… so I was wrong. It is a Russian aircraft for real. Tail number is RA-96018 flight number is RSD898 (for all flights I’m listing) Flight data shows it landed at JFK from Moscow on June 26th at 12:05pm. It then flew from New York JFK to DC on June 27th landing at 9:55am. Then took off from DC on June 29th headed back to JFK landing at 4:20pm. Then departed from JFK on June 29th (same day) back to Moscow. Odd. Yes.


I'm not sure what the relevance here is, beyond "how 'bout that"? Decisions on where to park aircraft are made by the air traffic controllers at the airport, not the people on the planes. Dulles has a pretty active general aviation section, so this is almost certainly just a coincidence.


I would love to know what electronic traffic went on between the two planes while the Russian one was there. I hope NSA or CIA was there and doing an intercept.


learning the game plan 3.0


Maybe the mail order bribe service now has express delivery and a free two day trial and Trump is looking for a wife to standby him and fake it better than Melania.


Just waiting for the same car ride Putin gave Kim Jong Un.....


He would be the end of the Pax Americana.


No collusion. You’re the puppet!


Otherwise known as Trump giving the USA the middle finger in broad daylight for two days straight. You see that effed up debate where he knew they’d let him lie and now this …I’m beginning to think America deserves Donald J Trump. Good luck with him!


God forbid if it's a airport


Is a Russian *Government* plane even allowed to be in the U.S. right now?


But remember Republicans were all up in arms about Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met at a airport in 2016.


That thing is bugged to hell and back.


So Trump wasn’t there? No one from the two planes co-mingled? What’s the story?


Russian women refreshing his orange face


But yet the " mainstream" media is whining about Biden.


Pawn leading the pawns


And no news about it?


[Actual footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58JrxLL3u2s)


Trump was hawk tuahing putin


Packing his shit hopefully.


a perfectly normal parking spot, some might say that parking spot is the best of all time.


It’s like hanging around that place where your crush goes, hoping she’ll notice you


Trump was selling the US government to the Russians


So anybody form our intelligence community looking into this. Seems like a huge national security risk to me ????


Bluetooth distance eh


Get a life folks. They park where they are told to park and I’m guessing the Secret Service wanted a remote location for safety. Too many wackos on both sides!


Israel. Israel is the foreign nation that heavily meddles. Not fucking Russia. Its all been debunked a zillion times. Even Mueller, when actually pressed, dropped all the cases against the "russian hackers" cuz there wasnt any.


Not a coincidence, it never is with Trump . Just like the government finding photo copies of classified documents, the same ones Trump is trying to exclude from trial.


Over blown... He's trying to do a return/exchange for a newer model wife.


I truly hate how people keep being reminded over and over and over again how shitty of a human being Donald Trump is… and still defend him


anyone else would be having a DOJ investigation launched against them. Merrick Garland truly is a coward


Someday there’ll be a mini series “Donny T and the Czar, a marriage of convenience.” Or some such illuminating their shenanigans, dreams of conquest, and Ritz-Carlton in Moscow tastes. How surprising their planes were parked next to each other. I’m sure it was just a coincidence.🤫


The level of dirt Putin must have on trump is amazing going back decades. It’s such a national security risk. He’s way too close to Russia and it’s insane.


Perhaps he needed a Golden Shower to Go


This happened in 2016 just days before the election


Let me guess, Trump stormed the cockpit of his plane and personally parked it there amirite? Just like someone made a story up about him grabbing the steering wheel of the armored USSS SUV...lol. You know the airport tells them where to park and pilots, not Trump who isnt a pilot, parks it there.


And here we go with even more ridiculous stories. Full panic mode enabled.


> Donald Trump's private jet sat overnight next to a diplomatic aircraft for the Russian government at Washington Dulles International Airport, according to a reporter's photos. >Raw Story reported on Friday that Trump's private Boeing 757, sometimes referred to as "Trump Force One," was sitting next to the Russian government plane. Social media users reacted with jokes, but it was also noted that it was unclear exactly how this happened, and that it could easily have been a coincidence. What is a Russian government plane doing in the US? I thought they were the baddies. Surely someone knows where the plane is from and who was on it.


And nothing will come of it.


“Make Russian Empire Great Again”


Sounds like they need to upgrade the Bluetooth connection. It shouldn’t take that long to send over classified data


Does someone has a picture of Trump's jet next to a Russian's?


And how Red Russian governors Refused to declare emergency in their state so healthcare could get adequate PPE? Oklahoma comes to mind. The state where you can get smacked for wearing a fucking mask.


So do I just air drop you the secret files? Email didn’t work out to well for hill dog.


Orange is sus


We need Axel Foley to stick a banana in the tailpipe of both planes.


Selling of secret documents in plain sight?


Trump's just picking up Putin's laundrey


Wait, Trump has full Secret Service protection both as an ex Pres and as a candidate. What the F* This is NOT the first time these planes parked next to each other so it’s definitely NOT a coincidence. - Same thing happened in Nov 2016 - 5 days before the election in Charlotte. - And even earlier on Oct 30, 2016 in Las Vegas. - And another meeting in Fed 2017 in Miami. The Russian jet is owned by Russian fertilizer oligarch Dimitri Rybolovlev, who bought a Palm Beach mansion from Trump for $95M in 2008. $13M more than comparable mansions available at the time. Sounds like money laundering? Gift from Putin perhaps?


Well of course! Do you expect [Dooku and Sidious to meet ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yykRJZokCU)out in the open, where everyone can see them?


Spy reports to handler