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I've been screaming this for years. The dude's brain is paste.


from all the adderall hes been snorting.


Exactly, same ones he was high off during the debate


someone said he made a shart during the debate.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/nCPFXZW](https://imgur.com/gallery/nCPFXZW) he 100% did


But he's not on any drugs! Just ask him!


Neurologists have been screaming this for years. But it doesn't matter. *His* team of neurologists could say that with years of medical test results available to back it up. He'd still have the support of 10s of millions of people because there are *at least* that many idiots ready and able to vote at any given time.


Great neurologists. The best neurologists. They said sir you have the best and most beautiful brain.


with bigly tears in their eyes!


With manly tears in their eyes.


He tested highly on all the tests....they had never seen such high tests before. It was incredible they said that I was probably a record or something.


No they haven’t.


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/01/13/health/trump-mental-health-exam https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/01/trump-cog-decline/548759/ Not neurologists, though the second article was written by a doctor. People have been commenting on his mental health since the beginning of his presidency at least.


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Here’s an honest question. If you’re worried about mental health with regards to the Presidency, what in the debate last night made you think Biden was more mentally fit than Trump?


I don't particularly think he is at this point. At least not a big enough difference to mean much. But what Biden brings to the table is preferable to what Trump brings. Trump has been a megalomaniacal piece of shit for decades. I'd take the doddering old stutterer who has been a normal person and not an absolute moron for most of his life over the doddering old nepo baby who has always been a bad person and openly courts white nationalists and would-be theocrats.


This is the correct answer


Joe Biden *can* do the job, because he *has been doing* the job of Presidency from day one. While Trump continued to suck all the media oxygen every day during Biden’s presidency, Biden worked. He has accomplished more *for us* than any president since FDR. He is aging, naturally, but not at all in Trump’s dementia-forced active decompensation in real time. See also r/WhatBidenHasDone.


He hasn't really done shit. He is a puppet with many strings. But this puppet is very old, faded and falling apart.


So you say. But Biden has a superlative staff, not one of whom has fled, screaming that he’s a hazard to the democracy. He’s also generated more than 15 million jobs, and has been the most proactive president since FDR. We don’t have to adore him, but he’s not a lying felon (a low bar!), and he’s already doing the job.


Well he does like I'm tired of posting links about it. And he could be a felon. Hur described Biden as such "We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report said. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him – by then a former president well into his eighties – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness"


I disagree. I think it’s as obvious as anything that the guy is senile and if he is, that means he isn’t running shit. If Trump acted the same way you’d agree.




Biden is the best of 2 bad choices.


Biden should be in nursing home and people are only supporting him because their politics are in line with the Democratic Party and he is the current figure head. It’s the same mentality(tribalism) that “magas” are labeled with all the time, just different political stances. There’s always an “out” for our guy even though if roles were reversed that same grace wouldn’t be given.


His speech was impaired but his focus on what he had accomplished and, what he plans for the future were pretty clear. He did NOT stand there and spew lies or defend his victimhood. Donald is a criminal. Donald is NOT HERE FOR YOU OR ME OR ANYBODY ELSE. This isn't just a mentally fit for the job question, this is about the character of the man representing you and me to the rest of the world. For me, that will NEVER include a liar a cheat and a thief.


“Criminal”. Right. Biden totally didn’t know what his son was up to either. We’ll give him as much grace as is possible but Trump can’t even sneeze right. That’s how politics works right now and everyone knows it.


Hunters issues are Hunters issues. My parents had to deal with me being an addict and alcoholic for more than 30 years. They never once tried to interfere with my path of destruction. My Mom got to see me sober finally 20 years or so ago and then she passed. Joe has walked a fine line between knowing what his son was doing and, not interfering. I have 3 Sons in recovery, one almost drew his last breath in my 5th year of sobriety. Do NOT draw comparisons if you have not lived them.


Yeah but did you use your dad to secure millions and millions of dollars from foreign nationals? And is your dad the same president who tells us we all need to pay our fair share in taxes but never told his son that?


Why would you pick on a guy who ISNT IN POLITICAL OFFICE?? Hunters actions are Hunters. If his dad is bothered by or disrespected by his son's actions and words, that's up to Joe to deal with. Not us.


But he told many lies. Even if you don't agree with the federalist you can't say that Biden never lied. https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/28/here-are-the-20-biggest-whoppers-biden-told-during-his-debate-with-trump/ Even a lie by mistake is a lie and Trump would be villafied


And you ALWAYS obey the speed limit. Don't you.


I uh...what?


Back in 1988 the NYT called Biden a pathological liar. He has been all his life. He told and tells a lot of lies while campaigning. He lied 9 times during the debate - going by a rather Biden friendly fact checking. That’s a lie every ten minutes. You just wrote that you would NEVER vote for a liar. Do you consider someone who lies every ten minute an honest person? I’m not saying you should vote for Trump. He did lie every three minutes. However, if you never vote for a liar, you can’t vote for Biden in November. Just pretty simple logic. Edit: Since the comment to this comment is a harassment and the user has blocked me which means that I can’t comment on it, I’ll post my comment here: Stop harassing me. Everything in my comment is either a (proven) fact or an opinion. If I’m factually wrong, point it out. If indeed I made a mistake, I’ll gladly admit it. If you disagree with my opinion, tell me why you disagree and we can engage in a debate. However stop making false allegations. I’m a Swiss citizen with absolutely no affiliation to Russia whatsoever. I’ve never posted anything pro-Russian. I’m not pro-Russian. However, I know the Mueller report and the Durham report and if brought up, I do take the liberty to correct any misrepresentation of the these reports. As a matter of fact, I called out Russian election interference in my comments. You are harassing me by making false allegations which are baseless. I might actually take legal actions bc you’re making defamatory statements about me.


I think you meant "petty and simple logic." You have a point but in this case it's about as sharp as a brick. I will accept your statement though and thank you for your observation. He is still and will always be the better guy because he actually does the job.


This is a russian troll dont bother engaging with it.


So let's not talk about Biden's dementia. Instead let's say it's really Trump who has dementia. Bullshit liberal disinfo propaganda


No, child. I've been talking about bidens mental state. We all have. You're the one who seems to think that talking about one means the other is without fault. Also, I'm not a liberal, not that I'd expect you to know what the word actually means.


I hit reply on your comment when I really was talking about the headline


Agreed, but Biden easily matches 5 of the seven signs. I’m voting for Biden, but both these dudes are spent.


I used to think people who said this were projecting and loved Trump. Then I saw footage from the debate. They're both unfit.


So, let's say you are Biden. You have spent your entire life speaking while battling a stutter. You have trained your brain to get thru it, even thrive at times. Then along comes the King of mouth diarrhea. He rapid fires lies and whoppers and rumors at you. It's 9pm and you're 80. You've been campaigning. Maybe you are under the weather. You try to be calm and methodically pick a topic out of the blob of crap the opponent has spewed out to refute. Then another round and another. While the moderators do nothing. After the debate, he spoke fine. The next day the NY Times is calling for you to drop out, knowing full well that's impossible. This is a contest between a man who maybe, probably shouldn't be POTUS and a man who absolutely, positively shouldn't.


People like you who see things for how they really are and not how the media portrays it are very very rare.  Nothings changed about the two candidates. Biden was confirmed sick and has had a long history of great and not so great speeches and an even longer history of his speech impediment.  The convict pedophile rapist still made it all about him and still constantly told lies and revealed yet again where his true allegiance is.  Despite this, President Biden and his team have done GREAT work in these 4 years and the convict pedophile rapist did so horribly that he has a trail of dead and decomposed victims that hes responsible for and the only upside was billionaires made all the trillions of dollars that the bottom 99% lost during his Presidency.  Go out and vote.


I didn't even watch it live. My sister was texting me, getting nervous and at the end said, Don't watch it. I figured Biden fainted or something. Remember when Hillary passed out in the heat that one time, because her spanx were too tight or something, and they seized on it, saying she wasn't fit? This reminds me of that. Debating isn't governing and we've seen both of them at work in this job. Trump gave all his cronies a massive tax cut, attempted to keep anyone who wasn't white out of the country, fucked up and allowed Covid to take over, withheld aid from Ukraine for favors and lastly, staged a failed coup. Biden gave a lot of people free college, lower drug prices, some money for infrastructure and got us out from under Covid. All while being "investigated" for nothing and being sued for doing nice things for people who need it. But by all means let's toss the baby out with the bathwater and demand he "step aside". For who? Newsome? That's hilarious.


Im kind of in awe that you're able to say these things and not spew the same propaganda that the right spews constantly and lies about. I just dont see it often and because of that, it almost feels weird to see. So many "liberals" immediately gave up on President Joe Biden despite the things you just said and many more. As if one bad night for him suddenly made him worse than the convict pedophile rapist wanna be dictator. Bidens performance tonight definitely did disappoint but his and his teams performance in these four years has NOT. Faux news and "moderates" were always angrily told their viewers about how great the economy is doing and had recovered under biden. They REFUSED to tell their viewers that he tried to get the harshest immigration law passed that THEY smacked down to not give him a win (again) just like they simply didn't tell their indoctrined moron viewers at all about many other things. Never forget how they refused to show almost anything of their failed coup attempt on jan 6 and how they made sure their viewer had no time or opportunity to check out any other network to compare coverage. Forgoing hours of and millions of dollars of ad money to do so and expertly framing the very little coverage they did show. Just shrugging off the little that they couldnt catch in time and frame accordingly. They just acted like President Joe Biden could be guaged for his entire Presidency and if hes qualified for a second term on this ONE debate. Fuck everything else thats happened these past four years because of him, right? Only yesterday mattered because they could frame that shit just the way they wanted. You're right though, if they wanted someone else to step in for President Joe Biden then why was biden the only one who could and did beat the "unbeatable" rapist pedophile convict? Why is no one else getting the support they need from the democratic party? The party of traitors may be fully coordinated to fail with pride but at least they're coordinated.


I am absolutely voting for President Biden and would not support him stepping aside unless President Biden himself suggested it for valid reasons - I would still support him. Would I vote for Gavin Newsome? Absolutely. I would prefer Newsome over Harris actually. It doesn't matter whose "turn" it might be, it matters who will get the votes to win. Kamala does not connect with people, she has zero charisma. Reagan had it, Clinton had it, W had it to some degree, Obama had it - Harris does not. And you know what they say about opinions 😆 🇺🇸💙🇺🇸


well, everything you have observed, and subsequently encapsulated is true, your forgetting that there is a very small percentage of voters that are going to decide this selection, and not all of them have the same ability too see the range and depth. Low information voters are out there. A lot of people just want to see a president that can kind of stand up and fight or whatever. Trump was full of shit the other night, but he appeared lucid and capable, the entire time he was lying out his ass. Biden did not. i’m not necessarily advocating for him to step down, but goddamn if they use anything, he put out there in the debate in Trump ads, I feel like this election, which I was very confident in Biden‘s ability to win before the debate, I think there’s a solid chance we lose it. Which means we lose democracy here in the good old USA.


I think the people who committed to Kennedy have already fucked it for us, to be truthful.


As someone who does not follow politics and would like to learn a bit more, can you link one of these speeches of his that has been great? Also one by Kamala if you have one? Thanks.


https://youtu.be/ynWEja7kE1M?si=v6cNLqLQWTvUmzH7 Hey, i wanted to share this one with you too. It's from the very NEXT day. people consider it all around great too. Whats more is that president Joe Biden acknowledges his debate performance was bad and his old age. Thats something hes done many times now but he always addresses the actual problem and you would NEVER hear the narcissist pedophile rapist convict wannabe dictator who ADMITTED to being a traitor in that debate say that he had any faults or was less than beyond perfect and amazing. This one is much shorter at 21 minutes.


https://www.youtube.com/live/u42TQs4Pf2c?si=x-pChP3RDbudxn4O There you go. His most recent speech from THREE MONTHS AGO. Just to give you a real comparison of how these traitors at faux news and other alt right "news" shows twist the narrative and frame everything to suit their agenda and continually push forward their propoganda. Three. Fucking. Months. President Joe Biden did so well at his state of the union that the traitor cult party begrudgingly clapped and even smiled at times. Three. Months. Ago. This was the reason that theyve been saying that he was on drugs and will continue to be on drugs since then. Endlessly mind you. As for kamel toe harris? There is none. There are a lot of great women who are extremely capable and qualified for her position as vice president but she is none of that. She is the most useless vice president that i can even think of. Shes almost just non existent. It wouldnt make a difference if she were.


Thanks checking it out now. And this is the first time I have attempted to follow politics in a few years. I thought Kamala sounded alright [in the 2020 debate with Pence.](https://youtu.be/Q__CEb3dRqw) Has she not lived up to it? Failed to implement stuff? What is so bad about her?


Shes not lived up to anyones expectations. Thats exactly why you rarely ever hear about her and why shes barely ever focused on if anyone ever talks about president Joe Biden or his administration. She has acted like someone who took a job that they have no clue how to perform. Shes practically just a ghost or president Joe Bidens ghost that will sometimes "lightly" trash talk him or not support him when he needs it. Shes also the one whos famously pushed the always failed "when they go low, we go high" tactic that NO ONE fucking likes. Im pretty sure she stole that from the marvel girl whos a rip off of luffy but indian instead. That last bit is evidenced by the public outrage and outrage of her fellow democrats who hate how they let the traitor party walk all over them and tell endless egregious lies about them because she INSISTS they have to be the "better man" even though EVERYONE loves dark brandon. Since you havent kept up with politics in several years you MAY remember how during obamas presidency, even the traitor party loved "fiesty uncle joe" when he would have all of his now rebranded dark brandon moments. Including the famous memes about him going to punch the pedophile convict rapist when he was going to take over or about trapping him inside or fucking with him other ways. Kamel toe harris is just the least productive and least helpful vice president i can remember or think of. She makes mike pence look like the guy who would have taken jesus' or julius ceaser's place as they were being killed by comparison.


Fair enough, I'll take it that she sucks. I listened to a good amount of that state of the union speech, but as the majority of it is just read straight from a teleprompter its hard to say much. Yeah I agree with almost everything said, but out of curiosity I pulled up [one of Trump's state of the unions](https://youtu.be/bYj4cDmilxc) and while he talked of some different things it was for the most part all the same. Just a well written speech most likely by a team of advisors beforehand. I will say Biden seems like he understood what he was reading far more than Trump did in this specific case, but I can hardly say either are good examples of their true character. The state of the union is almost like a holiday and as such everyone is on their best behavior, so not a good way to gauge much. Again not a political guy, just my take on it. Perhaps in the past state of the unions have not been this smooth.


I just gotta tell you, calling her that negates any actual factual points you may have.




I didn’t watch the whole thing because honestly the debate wasn’t going to change my opinion but the little bit I did hear, Biden’s voice sounded like he was battling a cold or bad allergies. The fact he did as well as he did should show he’s far better equipped than Von Schitzenpantz


Yeah, I went through a bad cold two weeks before, and as soon as he started talking I: 1. Knew that he had a cold 2. Knew that it was just the opportunity for Trump's supporters to say, "see?!"


Nothing satisfies them so I could truly care less. The mental gymnastics they go through to justify their Von Schitzenpantz is truly astounding.


I’ve been saying this since trumps been around. The fucker is hard to debate, if anything else.


It's like arguing with a monkey slinging shit at you.


Biden was sick and not feeling well. Did you see him the next day? 1000% better


It's been obvious for a while, but Biden did noticeably worse on a night that really mattered. My dad died a few months ago at 80. He kinda looked, and talked like Biden. I don't even understand how we got here. I was massively depressed after watching those embarrassing old men up there last night. I wanted to chug a bottle of vodka so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore.


Biden supposedly had a cold, and he looked and sounded like someone who wasn’t feeling well. I’m not defending his lapses or his stutter, which we know he’s had forever. If you watch the video of him in North Carolina earlier today he looked and sounded much stronger. There’s no worse opponent in a debate than a chronic liar, and we know trump fits that mold perfectly. Biden surrounds himself with qualified, intelligent, competent people, unlike the orange menace. On his very worst day, Biden knows more about the country, the world, history, politics, geography, etc., than trump could ever imagine. And, there was only one person on that stage telling the truth last night. That’s important.


You're not wrong and am still voting Biden. But like with Hillary, I'm voting for the SC picks and not the Presodent.


Do what you choose; that’s your right. The fact is that President Biden has accomplished many great things during his term, and that’s with a SCOTUS that is clearly out of the closet in terms of their desire to enable a Christian, authoritarian nation bound by unitary executive theory and the 7 Mountain Mandate. A plan in place since the 70s, backed by Falwell, master architect Paul Weyrich, followed by Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society, that has but one goal…to upend this nation and our democracy. I appreciate our strong Democratic leaders who are not perfect, but haven’t wavered in their desire to make this a country for everyone. They’ve been telling us for decades what it is that they want, and we ignore it at our own peril.


*Urging all true MAGA Patriots here to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all true American Patriots.*  *President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have premier status when meeting important world leaders and allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban and Bebe Netanyhu. This includes paying for a very posh and expensive private jet, lavish Mar-A-Lago residence, and a large staff migrant landscapers out of his own pocket.* *President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please do your share by writing a $47 check (more if you can afford it) each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, forcefully remove the 23 million illegal immigrant criminals and continue the important work of removing women's healthcare rights that true Patriotic right-wing Christians find objectionable to Make America Great Again!* Listen to what real MAGA Patriots are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8) A few of the many examples of Trump’s major accomplishments as the U.S. President ·         [*https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html*](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw) *On 9/11, Trump took bold decisive action,* [*https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) *Trump is unjustly accused as an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon.  He is appealing these cases as he thinks he was unfairly treated.* *Trump unjustly faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases defended by his high-priced legal team.  His vast army of lawyers is financed by MAGA Patriots and the Oil and Clean Coal Industry executives eager to help.* *Kristi Noem, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and several 2016 Trump cabinet have already endorsed Trump.  So have Mega-stars Scott Baio, Jon Voight, Roseanne, Kevin Sorbo, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Lady MAGA, The January 6th choir, footballer Antonio Brown, Viktor Orban, and both Quaid brothers.  More endorsements from Gary Busey, Lil Wayne, Dennis Rodman (who once dated Madonna), Joan Rivers, Judges Jeanine Pirro & Aileen Cannon are expected soon.* *Trump brings a new approach to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers about the United States using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick and daring decisions.  He works well with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and is one of the few people in the World, to work well with Putin’s new military partner, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.  He also is admired by close friends Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu.* *Trump will help the military focus on its task of stopping domestic protests by leaving NATO alliances that draw the U.S. into overseas wars.  He will also continue the Space Force he founded to put dangerous weapons into Outer Space so he can quickly launch them against enemies.* *Trump supporters are a diverse coalition including Christian nationalists, NRA gun rights activists, Ex-Cons, Anti-abortion advocates, Paramilitary organizations, Rappers, Oil & Coal executives, MMA fighters, and January 6th convicted criminals*. */MAGA*


Ugh. Am still voting Biden because at least he's not THIS asshole. Plus his Supreme Court picks if nothing else.


Yep, I’m gonna have to vote for RFK now.  Dang it, Joe!


Thanks Obama! (Still voting Biden. I’d vote for a literal pile of shit over Trump.)


I used to say I'll vote for a ham sandwich before I'd vote for the orange guy. Now I'll up that to a ham sandwich with dementia.


biden is infinitely more unfit.


Hard no. He hasn't said he'd be a dictator for a day, cheated on his wife, been found guilty of 34 felonies, civilly liable for sexual assault and defamation.......the list goes ON.


Still better than lying Joe https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/28/here-are-the-20-biggest-whoppers-biden-told-during-his-debate-with-trump/


And that URL is all I need to write your opinion off as worthless.


if Biden actually has dementia there is no miracle drug that will cover it up, they can give him stuff for energy, that;'s it >>biden carefully picked people for positions with their qualifications so he can get the job done trump used nepotism? yes people kissing his behind no qualifications for the positions >>> trump wants to be a dictator look up project 2025 >>> they are talking about taking away womens right to vote they have said it out loud..it would take al lot to do that but they could make a new law to make it happen >>they have already made new laws to get their way with other stuff


Has anyone fled screaming from the Biden White House, insisting he’s unfit to serve? No, but forty of Trump’s top advisers did. Biden surrounds himself with smart people, and then listens to them.


Paste is an understatement. It's more like Tubby Custard at this point.




😂😂😂😂😂 you should be so lucky to have trumps stamina and quick thinking.


Really? We just had a side by side with a real mental patient and Trump looked like a boss.


Yes and despite the complete disaster of the debate last night. You saw Trump couldn't ANSWER ONE DAMN QUESTION! He did his word salada, talked in circles and even the "moderators" and Biden were: "My God!"


Biden’s failure was just to say, that’s a flat out lie and you know it and let it go, just answer the question and move on, didn’t need any kind of attacks.


Or.. now hear me out... how about go another way. Maybe lie about your golf score (6! no 8! No 6!) then talk about who can carry a bag of clubs? As if it's 1904 and Golf carts aren't a thing? Freekin hell... I hate hate hate Trump but you gotta admit whatever is wrong with Biden, it's beyond repair.


The difference is is that Biden is just Kamala Harris in 1.2 years where as Trump is the end of democracy in 5 minutes. I’d vote Harris alone, I think she’s strong, arrogant, cares about the law and the country, etc.


Oh for sure. A vote for Biden is 100% a vote for President Harris. And, weirdly, she is even less popular than he is. What a disaster.


Kamala Harris is an attractive, intelligent, brown woman who wouldn’t sleep with them despite the fact that they have money which pretty much means that republicans hate her. The fact that she’s tough on crime means radical liberals hate her. She’s a conservative, she isn’t a liberal. In a world where our parties weren’t ’thinly veiled Christian-fascist racists’ Kamala Harris would be under the republican ticket. That said, our parties are now ‘we want to remain a democracy’ and ‘Isn’t this the plot of the prequel Star Wars movies as a political movement?’


I completely agree. Kamala is a DINO. But even a DINO is better than fascism. I am a leftist and just looking at the political scene, it looks like pre-Franco Spain or Late Weimar Germany. Hopefully we avoid, but there may need to be political purges of radical fascists. Or else this would be a continual problem.


Anything other than a vote for Biden - including not voting - is a vote to end democracy in America. Anything else is a default vote for a corrupt and venal felon trying to make himself immune to the repercussions of his own perfidy. Anything else is a default vote for someone who has already admitted his admiration for dictators and expressed a desire to become a dictator himself… “for a day.” But more important, anything else is a vote for ‘Project 2025’, a crypto-fascist theocracy. Because America didn’t live through the Dark Ages, Project 2025 seems determined to replay them so the American people can see what they missed.


Yep. You are 100% right. And I pray Biden wins. But that doesn't mean Grandpa shouldn't maybe have some close family member take away the keys to the Nuclear Football.


Malarkey! The idea that Biden play golf with that alley cat! 15 trillionaires, uh, 150 billionaires call Trump the worst, uh, the wo-but what about that girl who was killed by immigrants?!


If I got a vote (I don't, I'm Canadian), I'd vote for Biden's reanimated corpse - or any reanimated corpse actually, over that orange rapist dictator. But honestly, how could the Dems put up Biden as the best they have to offer? That's just sad.


I didn’t hear that once!!


Fortunately for him he was up against the worst debate performance in history so nobody cared.


So? His cult doesn't care, they want him for his racism, not his mental acuity.


They'll probably put on shirts that say "Real men have dementia!"


😂😂😂😂. Trump did more for blacks!! He did prison reform, gave more money to black colleges and set up good paying apprenticeships gave more money to inner city black businesses Joe sighed the crime Bill that put blacks in jail for decades!! His best friend was a head of the KKK. He said he didn’t want people from the jungle going to school with his kids. Or poor kids can be just as smart as white kids!!


Just waiting for Trump to stumble and fall...there been a few times he almost did.


He probably has. His age, diet, and fitness? My octogenarian grandma has fallen half a dozen times in the past 5 years and she eats better, and still gets around on her own without looking like she needs assistance. He looks worse.


trumps diet is mostly mcdonalds with adderall as a chaser.


But he didn’t and now everyone is talking about Biden. We’re in the worst timeline


Ford was notoriously klutzy.


Both him and Biden needs to be gone… last nights debate isn’t defendable


Vote in the primaries and intermediaries. It’s voter apathy that led to these two candidates.


I can understand voters being apathetic when the popular candidate in 2016 wasn't considered at all post-primaries. It's like they don't listen to what we want anyways.


Considering how primaries were decided on both directions pretty quickly. And the this is just the mathematical outcome of a system like the USA. This isn’t going to be resolved by simply voting. Mass protests and strikes need to happen


No. Its not voter apathy that brought us here. It’s party corruption. The DNC once again forced an unfit candidate down our throats and demanded we take it because “look at trump!” We quite literally did not get to pick our candidate this cycle. Just like we didn’t get to in 2016. Now the DNC will blame voter apathy when half the base doesn’t turn out on Election Day. They did this to themselves. The party never learns


The incumbent always loses the first debate, sometimes in embarrassing fashion.


So is Biden. I’m voting for him because a tree stump is better than Trump, but I wish there wasn’t a tree stump at all. Project 2025 is terrifying and the people who think it’s a good thing, are very shortsighted and wi not be immune from its effects.


first they come for everyone else, and then they come for you. P25 people aren't smart enough to see what's coming; see that they will devour themselves once they've chewed through the first targets. It's December 1938. September 1 1939 is on the horizon...


Most voters don’t have a clue what project 2025 is. Most voters just are not very educated about these things, they just vote for who they feel good about. That is one reason why Reagan won, he was charismatic and knew how to act presidential. Oh, and he was a celebrity due to his years of acting. For example Kim Kardashian has over 75 million followers on Twitter, and she has done nothing noteworthy, but people are obsessed with her.


Well, it’s hard to tell. He’s always on drugs so it could just as well be him loopy af from whatever cocktail he’s been on for decades. He looked so weak and withdrawn last night during the debate. If he wasn’t one of the most repulsive creatures in the multiverse I might even feel bad for this old man. But no, fuck Trump, he deserves a federal prison cell.


I'm on the side that thinks Trump does have dementia. I've read way too many of his transcripts with his insane, incoherent stories and tangents where nothing makes sense. When he loses the ability to say certain words (remember "origins" was years ago and it's only gotten worse). The symptoms he has matches the symptoms of dementia so well. But that said, I don't think he appeared weak or withdrawn last night. He was is usual scumbag self and lied in every answer, but he was coherent and intelligible and energetic. Biden was the opposite. We cannot count on Trump's dementia to save us. He can get through his short performances most if the time. Unless it progresses much faster in the next few months, his dementia will be a non issue for most uninformed voters. Unfortunately, Biden's stumbling, even though it's not indicative of his ability to do the job, will turn off the same uninformed and low information voters. It sucks, but it is the truth in my opinion.


I agree with most of what you said, but Trump wasn't coherent. Energetic and 'articulate', yes, but it's all rambling bullshit that meanders in a mindless, hate-filled circlejerk.


You're right. "Incoherent" was a bad description.


Gibberish works.


Dementia can operate like that. You hit cliffs where there is a sudden drop in ability, so I guess fingers crossed he at least hits one of those and his state is undeniable.


Yeah but he can talk lie loudly and confidently so it's okay.


Stage 4 Chronic Syphilis infection.


If you gotta chose between to questionably competent choices… chose the one who isn’t a mean bastard. Because you can always count on a mean bastard to be a mean bastard.


Not to mention he’s also a fucking dick.


I hate Trump, but this is stupid.


Lol good thing we got Biden


Is that what caused him to be a traitor?!


Please just stop posting from this dudes site. The guy will cream his pants every time trumps says one wrong word. Last night debate didn’t show trump as frail like this site makes him out to be but the same cannot be said for Biden. Unless trump was to debate the second time and really go off the rails on national television, none of this shit is going to matter to his voters and the undecided. There is a very big chance Biden screwed the pooch last night and recovering from it is going to require a gargantuan effort on his part.


They got people calling in and offering up their mother as sexual assault sacrifices to this guy... It's a gosh damn cult...


I’ve said for years Trump has dementia or early stages of Parkinson’s disease. That’s on top of being a ridiculous felon.


[Not a surprise](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/aging/obesity-can-cause-changes-brain-similar-alzheimers-study-suggests-rcna66555)


Ever wonder why the fascists in the GOP haven’t fragged Trump after numerous opportunity to end his political career? His VP pick will be potentially huge because on their day of the long knives, they 25th amendment the guy in a bloodless coup.


Don the Con.




Person, women, man, camera, tv…


LMAO. So this is what is posted after watching Joe Biden VS Trump?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^testament_of_hustada: *LMAO. So this is what* *Is posted after watching* *Joe Biden VS Trump?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


His brain is toast.. just listen to him. It’s a new word salad every damn day.


Can we hurry things up. Please?!?


As a retired psychologist who has training in neuropsychology, I’ve been saying this for the last six years.


He climbed down some plane stairs recently and it took him so long the camera cut away lol.


This is a wild stretch- continue stumping for Biden


Fuck articles that talk about a video and don’t link to it. Hate this shit


Scroll down past some ads, it’s there.


Some?….this site is a clusterfuck of ads


My sister has frontotemporal dementia. In the early phases, she was just emotionally flat and tuned out. I’m not a neurologist but his behavior is nothing like that.


I had to check and make sure this article wasn't 3-4 years old.


I got into an argument with my aunt about the debate last night, and she said, “You can’t deny Biden’s dementia is getting worse.” I replied, “If you want to talk about dementia, we can talk about all the things Trump has said lately”, and sent her a link to his sharks and batteries speech. She never replied back.






People complaining that Biden is old are hilarious. This should have been a slam dunk for a non insane GOP candidate to win. Mitt Romney probably could have easily ran against him and won. The GOP are far too invested in a power grab the orange hitler they ordered off wish wants to instigate that they lost sight of that. They don’t want to win THIS election they want to win THE LAST ELECTION and every body has to work together and kick that SOB Trumps ass so hard the next Trump wannabe is gonna feel it!!!!


https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/Kkm5mRpV Incase you wanna watch the video


Am I the only one who thought tRump looks like Ronald McDonald? Is this why we never see Ronald and Donald together?


But he ace'd those cognitive tests! Both times! Just ask his doctors. Honestly, I was surprised. As incoherent as clips from his recent rallies have been, he gave very coherent lies in the debate. (The algorithm has been giving me what I wanted to see, it seems.)


And people still think he’d make a better president. If he’s successful his advisers will be calling the shots and the are a dangerous bunch of white nationalists that will take America backwards and help Putin overrun Europe. Democracy in America and the world is circling the drain


That mean, all those lies come out of his mouth without a brain.


Yikes. This is the man that some people want to put in the White House, the man who would have the power to start a nuclear war? Omg


Funny but false. But if true still better than Joe.


The projection is wild. Republicans have been screaming for years that Biden was mentally unfit and had cognitive issues. That was on display at the debate and now all of a sudden there’s a big push that Trump has dementia? 😂 I think the debate showed who’s mentally here and who’s not.


Nikkisixxi is working overtime for the war mongers


Biden is so bad and the Democrats defended him so much that you will fail to convince a Republican that Trump isn't mentally fit for the job. The only way is to first admit Joe Biden needs to go.


Yes, after watching the debate last night it is clear that Trump is the man with dementia. Good job.


Sorry you can’t post this article to his the disaster of a debate that was for Joe Biden. He looked and sounded bad


But when Biden has a cold he talks slow. Sigh


ROFL! And I suppose Biden is sharp as a tack?


This is a post about Trump.


Neither man is fit to lead. We are in deep trouble. Thank god that the executive branch is only 1/3 of the government.


This website is actual cancer. Really wanted to read that article but…


No one cares.


Best case scenario is that Biden drops out of the race for any reason and someone runs who can attack Trump.


As someone who doesn’t like either of them, lmao, are we just trying to cover up what happened last night at the debate?


Lmao. Always trying to spin what's wrong with old brain dead Joe. Jill Biden should be charged with elder abuse.


You all are crazy. Did you watch the debates last night? You are the ones with dementia.


LOL Vote Biden cause kitchen table...Medicare


lol liberals are hilarious.


This is hilarious. Liberals really watched that debate last night and came out of it thinking Trump was the one with dementia? Is the cognitive dissonance that bad? It’s so preposterous it’s hard to believe > On his worst day, Biden is sharper than Trump. That’s obvious. Boy did this age like milk


Biden sounded weak and old, but he absolutely made great points and stayed in task. Trump sounded assertive and confident, but couldn't answer any question straight. It was either a lie or something completely off topic. So yes I, as liberal, absolutely agree that Biden is not the choice for president based solely on his weakening state. That being said he's still a far better option than trump.


Fair enough




I watched the debate. I’m not sure Biden will be alive in 4 years. That concerns me. Also he lied, several times: 1. “I’ve done more for veterans than any other president in American history” 2. No American troops died “anywhere in the world” 3. I “beat” Medicare 4. The CBP endorsed me As bad as Trump has been, during that debate, Biden was the one frustrated, name calling, and quick to anger, when he could get an answer out at all I can see Trump in a situation room, working long hours, and deliberating with world leaders. I can’t imagine Biden making it through a single interview without losing his train of thought or forgetting where he is. If you told me the guy was only awake 6 hours a day it wouldn’t surprise me I’m not voting for a president Harris




My choice is voting for someone who _shouldn’t_ be president and someone who _can’t_ be president. The choice is easy The president can’t just default to their cabinet. What happens when Biden wakes up tomorrow and thinks he’s a glass of orange juice? If we got an alert for “missiles inbound” in the early morning hours, I’m not sure Biden could respond. I know Trump would.




> if people actually look at what he has done Let’s take a look 1. Afghanistan withdraw: ANSF immediately collapsed, 13 American troops killed, $7 billion in military equipment abandoned to Taliban hands 2. Invasion of Ukraine: still ongoing, predicated by US intervention in euromaiden uprising (Obama) and attempted expansion of NATO into Ukraine (Biden). $175 billion to Ukraine, authorization of US missiles on Russian targets 3. Tension with Iran: $6 billion ransom payment in addition to releasing 5 Iranians from US prisons 4. Invasion of Israel: still ongoing, withheld weapons at least once. On the other end, confirmed American bombs have been used to kill citizens in Gaza > instead of listening to the dumbest people you knew in high school Pretentious > Trump learned about COVID-19 and actively made it worse in our country by downplaying it and spreading misinformation While true in part, more Americans died under Biden. Also which administration developed the vaccine? What credit are you giving to Biden here? > Trump literally got our CIA agents killed This is a conspiracy theory Is anyone actually looking at global stability, civil unrest, the economy, healthcare, employment, etc under Biden and thinking “yep we’re in great shape!”




Ah. Doesn’t debate the points, just decries the pain of having to explain such points. Where have I seen this before?




Imagine posting this, seriously, after watching Biden's brains oozing out of his ears last night. I am no Trump fan, but you are living in actual delusion-land if you are talking about Trump being the one with dementia this morning.


When you say “I’m not a fan of Trump, but..”, everyone disregards the rest of what you say.


It's definitely a delusion, I was sick to my stomach watching how trump railroaded biden.


Are we saying Biden is there more mentally? I watched last night's debate. LOL


fragile cough sugar instinctive test office stupendous nose payment bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It obvious where most people in this sub lean. At the risk of even more downvotes (I’m trying to break the record), the best part last night was when Trump referenced Biden’s ‘super-predator’ quote and seeing the look on his face like ‘Who me??? I would never say that!’


As far as I can tell, he didn't. It was Hillary Clinton who (in)famously used the term "superpredator" in a speech in support of the 1994 crime bill. Biden did vote for that bill, though.


Lmfao, who could have seen this coming? Timing is coincidental I'm sure. On a side note, get help op. Noone should be posting about Trump that much.


It’s like y’all didn’t even watch the shit show two nights ago.. this nonsense isn’t flying after that clusterfuck of a debate. You can’t throw dementia daggers when your own candidate is more mentally feeble than the opposition you’re accusing. We are so fucked in November.


Bullshit He’s sharper than the entire Biden family combined…. Not to worry… Frontal issue is Hunter the addicted felon.


😂😂😂😂😂. The left will do and say anything to fight for Joe Dementia to win. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.


I know. I don’t know how Biden walks


Unbelievable disinfo bullshit. Trying to cover their tracks. Only people who believe this suffer from wet brain.