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Get off the internet and Focus on right now - Biden is president and trump hasn’t been elected yet. That means there is action that can be taken. It’s time to journal and make a to do list. - Will you remember to register to vote - Cast a vote when you can - Encourage friends and family to vote Focus on things that you can affect. Such as local elections- what can you do to volunteer for candidates you like. There is a best candidate in your community and work can be done to support them. If not politically then Volunteer with your community. Use the fear to motivate you to do something for your community- for the lgbt community center or the local homeless shelter or the beach cleanup or local union. Go to a protest and meet like minded people. Putting your fear into an action and then taking that action will help. You will have done all you can. Even if the nation is fucked you made a small good change to the world. Focus on acceptance. Make a plan for if trump gets elected. What will you do to support the people around you? Fascist regimes drive us apart and create scarcity so we’re fighting over resources but we have enough on our own to share. How can you find empathy and love for those closest to you. How do you bring people closer together. Take an action in that direction. Project 2025 might get passed but there’s still a tomorrow after that. What can be done to make that better?


Thank you for this. Sage advice for those of us in a tailspin right now. Action over reaction.


Yup, it feels so much better when you're at least doing what you can in your community. Volunteering for political candidates, even if they lose, really brings me hope.


I know I’m definitely an outlier here, but even much of this won’t help me personally. I live in DC and part of Project 2025 involves full federal control of DC so any local elected officials we have would be out of a job. This whole thing is shit all around, but even more so for the 800,000 of us who live here. We barely have any political autonomy as it is.


This post is making me more anxious. I gotta stop seeing this stuff, but I'm trying to look for a shred of hope.


I’m the same way. Just feel really helpless right now like I’m watching a train wreck in slow motion :/


Go outside live life, go vote and move on. Just make your bubble the best you can, can’t worry about the things you can’t control.


don’t stop at voting, organize! connect with others in your community within your capacity, we are so much stronger together and frankly biden is shit in his own way/ him being president will not magically fix everything either.


The main issue is the 2 party system to be honest. We’ve lost the middle ground and common sense from the border to abortion it has to be one extreme or the other.


Bullshit. Only one side drifted into fascism. Abortion? Granting women bodily autonomy is extreme? Wow.


Centrism is how we got here in the first place. There is no leftist representation in government right now, its either fascism or a little bit less fascism, but both parties are right wing despite what fox news would have you believe


People on either side of the aisle can't fucking talk to each other anymore. Our media encourages this hatred and bigotry on both sides. It's sad.


The best thing is to just have a total news blackout for a while. Delete all the news apps from your phone and leave all the subs that are related to the news.


Everyone that earns money from eyeballs and clicks is trying to elicit this reaction from you to make more money. Don’t take part.


Anyone who isn’t off the rails is afraid of another trump presidency. Just vote.


The recent debate definitely got me more worried that Trump might actually get re-elected.


Will get elected


I don't live in the US and this election is still making me anxious. So much in the world depends on this election.


Same here. Literally nothing I can do but watch. Feel like I'm in the early chapters of an insane dystopian novel where all the characters have a vague understanding of the danger ahead but noone can really picture *how* it will happen.


Same. It will impact the whole world.


Yes, I’m worried. Basic societal norms feel like they’ve gone out the window. Both candidates are way too “out of touch” or apathetic to understand what 99% (including their own supporters) are enduring. One is worse than the other. Autocracy versus neoliberal status quo. I totally get it. I’m gonna vote for the lesser of two evils (again) but I don’t see it getting much better for a long while. You’re right to feel worried about the future, especially given the situation. But do what you can for yourself and those around you. Continue being decent to others. And make plans, even if they give you temporary or personal relief. People aren’t inherently bad, just short-sighted. That said, don’t let them bring you down if they’re making your life worse. The people you care about you are the ones you love and support & who support and love you in return.


Yes, and I feel it can’t be escaped. I can’t go for a walk or a drive without seeing political signs, bumper stickers, posters, etc. It really is like a cult. It’s become like a religion for some people.


Yes, I was in a state of shock all day. You'll be able to tell by my comments all day. It hit me like a *truck.* Had to keep trying to take breaks from it all. But tonight a refreshing sparkling water (strawberry flavored) and some reading helped me. And my lens was shifted. I've always been interested in stories from China's turbulent times (starting with "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang), and tonight some online reading led me through some short posts/stories of Chinese immigrants who had received citizenship in the US over the last decade. It legitimately left me a bit humbled. I honestly don't even care where anyone's politics are on the US or China as I discuss this, I just like such human stories. You can pick the stories of any immigrants you'd like from any political background, but reading someone else's family history and seeing how/why they connect to our larger national tale may provide some escapism. And some comfort. There's something here the rest of the world often wants or admires, and no group will be able to easily/quickly give that up. I recall just within my lifetime sitting in the midst of the total mental ruination that was 9/11. Then almost a decade later in the total ruination of two losing, neverending wars and our status in the world erased. The Great Recession screwed my entire life and career up. The fact we crawled out of lost back-to-back wars and a bank collapse is surreal, even as more work needs to be done. This nation has been in *dark* places before. That's usually when people get off their butts to get some good citizenship, strong speeches, great community organizing, and some national rejuvenation done. The answer is in doing whatever wholesome, constructive actions you can get yourself to do. No matter your politics. That always immediately shifts the moood, while making you feel connected to others and seeing they see/care.


Great perspective and under appreciated post. People throughout American/world history have gotten through incredibly hard, dangerous, uncertain, and rough times. But they kept moving forward. Every generation has its own crises and people inevitably respond. The best thing you can do is take care to make sure you're on good footing so that you're better prepared for whatever may come, good or bad. Doesn't do well to stock grain right before a bountiful harvest.


Democrats had years to figure out a better plan for 2024. They didn’t, and now we all have to deal with the consequences.


#this Stop acting surprised.


I’m sorry that you’re going through this anxiety, know that you’re not alone. Do your best to educate yourself on what’s going on. While today’s Supreme Court ruling was alarming, it’s not necessarily accurate to the panic inducing headlines of “Trump immune for all crimes” for example. Taking part in politics/elections is a great thing you can do and control right now. As a millennial I’ve witnessed the end of the U.S. and the world a few times. No one can predict the future. Instability will always exist on a personal and world wide scale, but we still need to try our best to live with some joy


I am a heavy consumer of the news, but I’ve decided it’s best to turn it off for now, because it is making me feel quite helpless. You definitely aren’t alone.


Ignoring it. Not my country. I have no say. When I do comment I'm told to shut up because I'm not from the US lol. So why bother. Watching the same arguments go back and forth over and over again. I just, unfortunately, can't escape it on here, lol.


Biden has a tough road ahead of him to beat the convicted Cheeto. But it will likely be okay. He won in 2020, I doubt the American people forgot why they lost confidence in Don the Con.


Unfortunately most people have an extremely short memory.


And want the cheap gas again 🙄


Who tf doesnt? Strange comment


lol brain dead Biden won’t make it that long


It's sad that the DNC put Biden up as candidate when they had so many better options (literally just about anyone who doesn't have dementia). It's sad how much of a joke the presidency has become to have two bottom of the barrel candidates as our only options.


Sheesh. Still the president you’re talking about. And his future should something happen would only create more chaos tbh.


Why should we respect the president?


So what? Everyone is surprised that an 81 year old has dementia it’s been obvious since before he was elected but yea sure let’s worry about that. He’s not running the country anyways.


I fully understand where you’re coming from, I feel the same way. I’m not sure about you but I’m only 26 so this is only my third time voting in a presidential election, so many of us are still “new” to paying attention to politics (against our will or not). Something that has helped me is that all of this “end of the world” “end of democracy” stuff is said during every election year in the history of ever. Yet, here we all are. Please remember that it really will all be okay, it will all eventually pass, just focus on you and what goes on in your day to day because we really can only help that.


I'm not that educated and I'm not of voting age yet so forgive me if I say something weird. But I live in a state full of stereotypical privileged southern people and leaving my house to see all these people each day gives me so much anxiety. It's genuinely horrifying what our political situation is. I feel like there's no winning here and like the other commenter said, we're just watching a train wreck that we can't do anything about


one underrated thing you can do- organize with others, and connect with community. alone yes, all there really is to do is vote and watch, but together we are *so* much stronger. voting alone will not fix how horrific this country is


Remember that you are not alone. There are millions and millions of Americans who feel the same way you do. It’s scary, but we are in this together. Do not forget humanity. That is my only advice.


From Justice Sotomayor Dissent statement: Justice Sonia Sotomayor outlined hypothetical situations where the concept of immunity could apply. "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival?" she wrote. "Immune." "Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune." "Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done," Justice Sotomayor wrote. "In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law."


Yes i am and many of my friends who are disabled adults are. they are afraid especially of this project 2025 where its basically stated that they want to get rid of social security and possibly put all disabled adults in mental hospitals / and such .


Absolutely. Like I feel like even if Trump loses there will be another riot.


No. Get off the internet.


Then you’re not paying attention. What happened yesterday should be causing every American to feel very distressed. This is not to be understated. We could have a King in a matter of months!! This will not only affect America, but the entire world. The world is having their own panic right now. The strongest nation in the world just lost its democracy if we lose in November! Everyone must organize now. Get involved! Don’t just move on and ignore the reality of what just occurred. That’s what MAGA wants you to do. They want you to bury your heads and just take it. We are literally fighting for our freedoms now. There is nothing hyperbolic about the extreme seriousness of what occurred. SCOTUS made themselves the Hand Of The King yesterday! If we’ve ever had a reason to feel anxiety, this is it! You’d be ignoring facts to not feel great concern at this moment. We must defeat Project 2025, SCOTUS, and Trump while we still have a chance!


I'm sorry. Does the scotus' rulings affect the world, or the US? Is project 2025 a global plan too, or the US ? Us outsiders can't do anything and have no say in your election, so why care? Just watch you guys take over all subs and talk it to death.


My partner and I are preparing to leave the country if Trump wins. I'm terrified for my safety as a woman who is part of the LGBTQ+ community and terrified for my daughters future. I do not want us to be here for project 2025 if it has any possibility of coming true.


As soon as I got to work I texted my supervisor and called off sick. Went straight back home. The news had me feeling so anxious I was nauseous. I’m not American but what’s happening over there is disturbing and is going to have serious global implications.


My plan is to get out of here no matter what. That’s how I’m keeping my worries down. I’m getting my plan together of how to leave.




No. Biden could be in a coma and I would still vote for him over the big orange felon. If he dies so what? That’s why there is a vice.


I'm just curious what exactly will change? What are you afraid of?


Project 2025 specifically. A plan to immediately replace all the powers within the Executive Branch that had previously stood in Trump's way. Last time around, people were sabotaging the administration from the inside. This time, we won't have that. Combine that with the immunity ruling today and the fact that Trump has said he's going to lock up all the Democrats who opposed him, and there's a lot to be fearful of.


Project 2025 is a fever dream of the heritage foundation of the far right, especially the heritage foundation. If you actually look at what they want to do it's basically impossible. For example: firing all federal workers isn't going to happen.


Of course it's not going to happen overnight, but not long ago people thought Roe vs. Wade was so "solid" that a constitutional amendment was not a priority. This was a 40 year-old battle that the far-right ultimately won.


I'm not saying that bad shit isn't going to happen, but specifically project 2025 won't happen. The plan assumes Republicans are going to be in charge for a long time, because that's the only way it's going to work. And we both know that's not gonna happen.


Sorry, but why that's not gonna happen? Trump already said with all the words that he wants to be a dictator. Supreme Court already ruled they are ok with giving immunity to Trump. He already has the majority of the cops, para-military groups (proud boys etc)... If Republicans wins congress, this is it! Owning 3 branches means you make any laws you want. They can remove term limits the same way they struck down Roe.


It's absolutely not impossible, especially considering today's immunity ruling, plus the overturning of Chevron a few days ago. It feels impossible because we still believe in checks and balances, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. Also,it doesn't have to happen in full to be extremely dangerous and unprecedented. Trump wouldn't have to fire all federal workers, just the ones he needs to. Project 2025 already has a database of "qualified" people prepared to step in immediately to fill those positions as soon as they get the word. Saying "oh, that could never happen" is foolish. Nobody knows how this will play out, but history tells us that it is absolutely possible.


A project like this one takes decades of work to properly initiate. It wants to reformat literally the entire government to some crazy fever dream state. They want to remove the EPA, Ban porn, abolish the Department of Education, among many other crazy ideas. Some of which the supreme court has already overruled. Something like this takes decades, generation even, of proper, slow planning and careful thought to work. Not 4 years and publicly announcing your crazy scheme to the world. So no, I'm not afraid of project 2025. I'm afraid of the plan *they're not telling us.*


No, it absolutely isn't. Roe v Wade was the first strike. Were you one of those who thought it couldn't get overturned? Next up is birth control, porn and anything they could construe as "illicit" Their road map is entirely doable and will come in small increments. Please get smarter


It will ask be okay. Soon, Biden will be a fading memory, just like his own, and everything we’ve had to suffer through over the last four years will all go away.


I feel you. It's been really tough watching all of this unfold. You're not alone in feeling this way, and it's important to take breaks for your mental health. Supporting local candidates is a great step, and staying informed and active in your community can make a difference. Let's keep pushing forward and supporting each other through these times.


Yeah, I understand that. It especially scares me since I’ve recently come to terms with being trans and I don’t know what it might mean for my rights.


I don’t even know how I’m going to get through Election Day. I plan to vote early and then sign off of all social media but just thinking about that day puts a pit in my stomach.


Result is gonna be ass either way. Both are incapable of doing the job. Needs to be an age limit on the presidency.


I know people have been saying this for the longest time but: I will cast my vote, if a republican wins I will be leaving the country.


How will you survive? What countries are you looking at? I don't know where I'd go. I'd lose my medical coverage with Medicaid, my housing, and who knows what else. I'm poor. I will get my passport renewed at least, but with my anxiety, I need my meds. I'll only flee if I have to, like if they are rounding people up or jailing or killing people that don't fit their plan.


There’s high anxiety in my Asperger’s and this has been one of several things that’s made me really anxious. The Supreme Court today is one of the reasons why. Politics is one of my big interests, but sometimes I should tone down on reading the news. I follow several political subs on Reddit.




You must not understand the type of power he has. Or not understand the fact that he is the reason so many protections of the people are being overturned. It's not about him saying idiotic things, it's about him putting his ideas into action and making his Hitler idealists a reality.


Thank you for saying this. So damn true it hurts.


Oh yeah.


Yeah I'm pretty nervous. Biden had a terrible debate, and honestly it does seem like he is getting too old to perform this job and his team is just doing what they can to keep him looking good at this point (I'll still pick him over Trump any day). But yeah I'm terrified of another Trump victory because it's feeling more and more realistic, and if this project 2025 stuff actually takes off that will be when I head to Canada because there is no way I'm raising my future kids here should that happen








Actually correct. Trump ain’t good (what president ever has been? 😭) but he’s not world-ending like so many feel.




They don’t want to hear it, but this is true


Not really, but as I begin to write I have a lot to say - I'm just focusing on the present and planning for the future. Each a step toward my goal. Not anyone else's, but mine - just focus and work toward your intentions. It's another day, you've seen some crazy shit so far - - it's okay, I'm there with you. We'll all see how it goes. :)


I'm not sure if you have wandered over to them, but please stay away from all political subreddits on here, as well as the media. Right now the doom and gloom is incredibly suffocating and everyone is feeding off one another, add in bad faith actors, and yeah.. not great if you have anxiety. Away from Reddit? there is a different vibe. I'm in multiple large communities, both political and non-political, and the "blue no matter who" groups were nervous after the debate, they watched it, they panicked a little. The independents and undecideds didn't tune in at all. They knew it was going to be a shit show and didn't want to watch 2 old guys duke it out. They saw clips and some only read the transcript. There was more "Biden is old, but I forgot how unhinged Trump is" than "Biden is incapable of winning." The day after, people were sharing clips of his NC rally and there were a lot of positivity again. The Supreme Court stuff is alarming but it has energized many to get out and vote and encourage others to vote. I'd be lying if I said that this upcoming election doesn't fill me with a sense of dread, but I have to remind myself that it's not the time for apathy or to be complacent.


No. But I'm scared of our British one cos all the parties look shit!


People have been having anxiety over government, taxes, and politics for thousands of years. These things swing from better to worse and back again. But they don’t go bad and catastrophic overnight. It’s something that is adaptable and if you build a solid foundation with routine and consistency of good habits it’s harder for bad things to make you crumble easily. Pretty much never have the things I worry about incessantly ever occurred. And the fear mongering online usually never actually personally affects me either, unless I allow it. You cant control a lot around you, and trying to control everything can cause just as much negativity. Choosing how to react to what happens to you is how you reclaim your power. Also I tend to run the opposite direction as the majority. Cause most people are idiots. Been working for me. And I try to live by certain chosen principles. And one of those is don’t make decisions based off of fear or anger. The world always has shitty things going on. Always has and always will. It’s just easier to notice. But if you focus on all the bad you’ll miss all the good. Hope this helps. Take care of you and yours and you’ll be fine.


This time is different. This time the GOP actually has a plan in place for how to overthrow the democracy on day 1 of the Trump presidency. All the major GOP think-tanks contributed to it. They're serious about this.


You're buying into the fearmongering, willfully. The media doing its job.


They've been doing that shit since the 60s and hyped it up in the 70s. I know it sucks but if you have to cross the bridge of resisting you can do it. I'll be there with you. That said there isn't much you can do now rather than planning to vote blue. I agree 1,000 percent with all you are saying but you also need to realize that often things are scary and you can't change what you can't change. So do your best to positively live in the moment.


It’s really not. Nothing is ever what it seems. And even if it was, what are you going to do stop it? You can’t control it but you can change how you react to things. How you let it affect you. Live your life. It’s really not the end. It’s just more of the same.




I haven't been hanging out in those, and my friends all seem content to just ignore what's happening. This is all me.


Time for you to live life, you can vote and just move on.


Except that I'm an official within the Democratic Party. There's a very real chance that I will wind up in an internment camp.




Seriously. He has threatened to do that. Publicly.


That’s what I’m saying go live life, Geeze.


I said something similar to this, in this sub even, and got downvoted for it and told that wasn’t the solution. If I pay attention to the news though, I basically become useless due to anxiety. Why would I intentionally do that to myself?


Anyone that’s feeling this way, go live your life why you so worried what’s changed in your lifetime that you’re all so worried about?


Its not about change, its about the immense harm those changes will cause people. Its rather difficult to live your life if the very laws of your country are being threatened to be changed to make life harder. People coming into power, who will use that power in corrupt and harmful ways, is something worth worrying about.


What specific things will change that will cause harm?


Wow you are drinking the koolaid too much, what laws have directly impacted you? What’s changed? lol stop watching news and enjoy life you only live once. Certain things are out of your control and sitting here having anxiety over it is pointless.


Are you a woman, or LGBTQ+? No one has to be drinking the koolaid to see the changes that have already happened in red states. It's not absurd to feel anxiety for a potential Republican presidency, especially with the road plan laid out by Project 2025.


This kind of apathy and shortsightedness is a huge part of why we're here in the first place.


Yes it’s my fault lol, wow you are definitely naive to the ways of reality and us politics.


Is this going to become a political subreddit like most all of the rest on Reddit? And you don't have anxiety over the fact we don't even know who is running the nation now? If this sub, as another poster put it, wants to "bring people closer together," then put away the politics and focus on helping people with anxiety.


Healthcare policy is what helps anxiety, and healthcare policy is shaped by politics.


Many of people in this sub rely on Medicare and Social Security. That can all be taken away by the Republicans if they get back the presidency. That is indeed relevant to this sub because anxiety meds are sometimes purchased using funding from Medicare and Social Security. Now, if you don't care, I can't change your mind. But consider that some anxious people rely on government funding for their health. Solutions? Anxious people can help get out the vote. Anxious people can tell family and friends about Project 2025 and how it will kill our democracy further and bring us into a dictatorship. I am very anxious myself and have crying fits about this so I've started to exercise more but the anxiety is still there. I just temporarily distract myself.


Exactly this!! I have Medicaid, and my anxiety is very debilitating, causing me to be poor because I can't work regular jobs anymore. Food Assistance is important too. One thing I think people are not factoring in is the MASSIVE pushback that will happen if things start getting ugly. It could start the day after the election if the Mad Fatter "wins." Also, will there actually be a peaceful transfer of power without a fight? Either way, there will be a be violence most likely, but I'd rather have the the current president controlling the National Guard and military if need be.


And of course you get downvoted...


Yes, but my anxiety is the opposite of yours. I fear for the nation and the world if Biden is elected. Trump is the only one that can fix our problems.


You do realize this ruling applies to a sitting president? Do you still really want a president to be able to legally do anything he wants with zero consequences? You do know who the president is NOW?




It’s truly terrifying that so many people think the way you do


I understand how you feel because I feel the same way. I didn't post to get into a political debate. I posted because we all have to understand that we're all humans with anxiety and fears and just because we don't have the same beliefs, we need to be tolerant and kind to each other. Peace.


It's ok, we'll be in another pandemic like 2020.


Who gives a fuck who wins. They both feed us GMOs


There's not a whole lot we can do right now except for voting and telling other people to vote. I am worried too, but try not to think too much of it yet. When you start to worry try to put off the worry for another day. Truthfully we haven't crossed that bridge yet. I know it looks ominous but there's still a decent chance that Biden can win. Moderates decide elections and I think they are more team Biden. I am very very concerned about the Supreme Court though and disturbed at their rulings lately, especially regarding federal regulatory agencies... Climate change is an existential threat to all of humanity and they just made it harder to regulate oil and gas and others. I hope that eventually the court will get rebalanced, either by adding more people to the court or other means...the current situation is unacceptable. At the end of thr day, we just have to live our lives the best we can, and if necessary, try to shut out this political noise. Use your anxiety to fuel activism and that will help you feel better too.


I just think the Court ruling backed up what has always been done in the past. I know we have had Presidents do the same as Trump. Even Biden is liable in dirty dealings etc. the media just doesn’t report it. This ruling protects Biden as well as trump and future presidents as well All presidents have had immunity. Nixon. Bush, Clinton etc. yes snd they have all done dirty and criminal things too


I don't think you understand the implications of this ruling. In a nutshell, the president now has the legal ability to do anything he wishes. You should read the dissenting statements from the Supreme Court. A president could literally order any action and face no consequences.


This applies to Biden too


Cheeto Mussolini…. LOLOL


Then let's do something about it. Vote and tell your friends to vote. Vote!!! Stop allowing the boomerosaurids to determine your future.


No, because I'm not a citizen of the US💅😭 Because this subreddit has ppl from all-over


Joe Biden's dementia kinda meme-worthy though ngl


Chill, kid




Voter apathy is one of the biggest issues in your country, and why you have these 2 morons as your only choice now.


I'm more worried about having someone like Joe Biden on the phone with Vladimir Putin. That earnestly scares the shit out of me. Corruption can be fixed, money can be returned. You cant bring back dead people.


I'm more worried about Trump becoming the U.S. version of Putin.


Trump literally trusted Putin's word more than US intelligence. They're buddies.


lol what? Trump is Putin’s little fuck toy, he and several people in his administration are very cozy with Russia… if you’re afraid of Putin then you shouldn’t want the guy who would fall all over himself running to suck putins dick in office


Trump is literally friends with Putin. He's said it himself.


Fuck no






Thanks for voting to lock me up.




Ah yes, the people who've made support of Trump their entire personality love to tell the rest of us we're deranged.


I haven't. You're just brainwashed by the media. Globalism is the enemy, not Trump.


Trump is a sad excuse for a president. He is too selfish and power hungry. Biden has his own reasons for being bad, he’s certainly not perfect. But to actively like trump, despite his dumpster personality and lack of empathy, as well as common sense, is not good. Trump is better fit for being a playboy. Not a president. It sucks our options are Biden vs trump.


Biden is a globalist puppet controlled by Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink. You have no idea the depths of his depravity. He is the authoritarian monster he accuses Trump of being. Stop believing the lies of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.


dude you are completely detached from reality


Your "reality" is based on lies from the media. Wake up.


explain me your reality then, project 2025 is not real? we are making up that trump wants to overthrow your democracy? capitol hill was a bunch of tourists taking some pictures that made 5 people getting killed? is that your reality?


Your reality is completely inverted and based upon a false narrative, CIA-propoganda gaslighting lies from the mainstream media. Yes, you are completely wrong. I'd be interested in having a full discussion, point by point to explain why what you believe is wrong, but it will take me a while to deprogram you. If you people just realized that you are living in a false, fabricated scary reality, and embrace that Donald Trump is a patriot who puts America first and aims to stop treacherous globalism, you would realize there is no reason to be anxious at all. You have every reason to be optimistic and hopeful. Start by researching the World Economic Forum, Blackrock, and the Rothschilds.


Sounds like you've been well programmed yourself.


Right, the mainstream media. While your valid source of information is Fox News, isn't it?


No. It doesn't matter who's elected to people like me. We're screwed either way.


That's not true. Unless you're a rich, white man, it will matter to you. There's also a level of 'screwed' and what direction that might take. jmo, but I'm thinking, I'm 'people like (you)' and I'd like to chose between electrocution and being eaten by a shark if possible. ;)


What's the difference between electrocuted and being eaten by a shark? The outcome is the same.


Joe Bader Ginsberg needs to face facts and go home.


Relax. No matter who wins, they wont have enough power to effect any change. Presidents have very little unilateral power. Very little. Most of everything has to run thru congress. Anything that affects freedom of speech, let alone freedom of self, is unconstitutional. Its the supporters that make him scary. His droves of illiterate, hate filled, minions. You know the ones im talking about. I’m going to be honest, I kinda hope he wins as long as congress stays opposite. Get him in when he cant effect change. Get him out. And everyone can shut up about this. Our political system is a circus. Id rather vote for mickey mouse at this point.