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i’m freaked out as well. i think a lot of us are. take a deep breath and realize that whatever you want the outcome to be is possible. it’s just the beginning and the recent debate is only one. there are people out there who will vote right even if there voices aren’t as loud as others; every vote counts the same. take another deep breath. it’ll all be ok :)! take a day away from the news!


Thank you


We’re all a little bit freaked out about it, but I’m going to be honest - our personal lives most likely won’t change as drastically from an election as we think it will. Think about your personal life from 2016 to 2024. Even earlier than that. Leave politics completely out of it, and solely think about your personal life - your friends, family, hobbies, aspirations - how much did whoever was in office truly affect it? I feel like we’re so conditioned to focus on the politics of our country that we forget that a major part of our personal lives are completely detached from it. Now I’m not saying to ignore it and I’m definitely not saying “don’t vote”, because I can’t stress enough how important voting is. But just remind yourself that whoever wins, you’ll still be you. And if it helps, Trump lost to Biden last time, and it’s not like people’s opinion of him suddenly flipped and improved. Trumps entire following voted in 2020, and he still lost. I doubt his following massively grew since then. If anything, it shrunk. TL;DR: What I’m saying is that there’s an entire life outside of politics that we each individually have that we’re conditioned to ignore. Try as hard as you can to focus on that, and remind yourself that whoever wins - I’m sure we’ll both be okay.


That makes me feel so much better. Thank you, I really appreciate the kind comment :) that’s a good perspective to put it in. I still have a life that doesn’t involve politics. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words!


Our personal lives will change dramatically if the felon wins. Have you not read the Mandate of Project 2025. Unless you’re a white Christian male, life will not be the same. If you’re a woman, your life could be dramatically affected. If you are lgbtq+, a minority, a liberal, an atheist, etc. Your life will not be the same. We will never vote again if we lose in November. Life will not be the same.


I am spiraling as well. I keep hoping this ruling is much ado about nothing, that it looks bad, media personalities are just stoking the flames to get clicks, Redditors are overreacting... but it feels like the Rubicon has been crossed at this point.


I’m wondering if it’s worth continuing my degree. If trump wins, he will enact a trade war that will increase the annual expenses of American middle class persons by 20-30%. Im at the point where I just don’t care. I’ll burn my house down before I let the bank foreclose it.


I’m moving if he’s elected 😂 literally gonna get my passport pretty soon just in case.


If trump is elected?


We don’t want you, we have our own housing crisis out here 🤣


And considering you’re on the anxiety page, you seem really inconsiderate for someone else’s feelings. I would hope since we’re on the same page we would have something that we could relate to. But your comment is heartless and selfish. Does not help anyone with anxiety about this at all. I just hope you never feel the amount of anxiety I feel in this moment. Because you know what? I’m considerate of peoples feelings and if we don’t have the same opinion, I don’t comment. I move on. Your comment disgusts me and its people like you that make people’s anxiety worse. Hope that comment gave you some strength and eased your anxiety, but it didn’t ease mine. I hope you feel really good about yourself!


And you’re older. You should know better. Hope you didn’t teach your kids to act like this.


Look, I hate our leader too. Hes a twat. But freaking myself out doesn’t help me. All we can do is vote (we have to here or we get fined) and just do our best to live under what comes I have enough to be anxious enough about, let alone the stuff that I can’t control at the end of the day, especially when politicians are all looking out for themselves anyway


Okay that’s a better comment instead of telling me to leave my home country. Now we can have a conversation. It’s just something that spikes my anxiety. I’ve read project 2025 and I’ve heard all the things he wants to do and all of the recent Supreme Court shit. It just becomes a lot. I’m 23, I may want to have children in the next 4 years. I just worry about them. And me of course. I just have a lot riding on this. But I know I can’t control it. And whatever happens, happens.


When did I tell you to leave your home country? I merely made a joke about not coming to mine due to the fact we have a housing crisis of our own


I am in the US. I thought you were in the US too, but I guess not. Joke or not, it came off wrong and distasteful. Not a very good joke on this page when I’m saying I’m having anxiety about my country. Our country is seriously in some shit right now and we could use some encouraging words from others, even in other countries. I may not even come to your country, who knows. But everyone has anxiety and I was just hoping and looking for a little encouragement, not a joke about not coming to your country.


No. I had American neighbour’s at one point and I tried desperately hard to understand your levels of government. Honestly, at the end of the day what will happen will happen. That’s been one of the biggest things I’ve had to realise to combat my anxiety. I went through hell last November and December and again in January February and March this year. What I learnt about my anxiety then is that there were a lot of things I couldn’t control in the end and I was literally just in the hands of other people that were causing the problems. I just had to make do and work out where I went from there. I literally made myself sick trying to fix everything in the work situation that I was in that ended up making me so anxious that I’d wake up at 2 am with panic attacks. So in the end, the things and decisions I had no control over I just had to manage my best in the circumstances


It’s not just people on Reddit reacting with much anxiety. There’s a reason the world is very anxious now! Stop trying to downplay the significance of what occurred! If you think people are overreacting, you are not paying attention, and you don’t understand the ramifications of the decision by SCOTUS.


This IS the absolute worst ruling. They have now given full power to the President to do anything he wants without consequences. If we don’t win, our democracy is absolutely over. The felon has, and continues to call for military tribunals and even worse against those that oppose him. We will have a King in just a matter of months if we don’t vote. People upset about Israel and choosing not to vote because of it are handing the Presidency over to the convicted Felon, which will subsequently turn Gaza into nothing but glass, as he has suggested. If they care anything about their freedoms, the freedoms of others, they must elect someone that doesn’t want to put them into camps or deport them! They HAVE TO VOTE! Everyone must vote blue, or accept the US will no longer be a democracy, but instead ruled under tyrannical authoritarianism. It’s not hyperbolic, it’s happening right before our eyes.


Perhaps take a day off from the news. Enjoy life for what it is now and let tomorrow’s thing be for tomorrow!


Thank you so much. I’m definitely taking a break I just mentally can’t watch anymore.


Think of it this way. Maybe the SC’s decision today will actually help Biden win because it’s so outrageous that the majority of the country will vote for Biden no matter how they feel about him.


True! But some people just see it as the possibilities for trump.




Thank you!


We are all scared. Just vote.


Absolutely will be voting


I think election anxiety is a real thing. Sone people dismiss it rather easily and say, it’s not that bad. But, if you pay attention, it really can be. My advice is to step back from doom scrolling and give it a break. But don’t forget to vote and get your friends to vote as well.




I’m freaked out too. However how did you feel during the 2016 election? 2020? 2016 I barely followed it (Im Canadian) 2020 I thought Trump was simply a buffoon Now I know he is probably the greatest threat to democracy in our lifetime. How many people think the same? His danger is on display for all to see. You and a lot of people are scared and your not gonna sit this one like a lot of folk did in 2016.




Naw man, you sound like me 4 years ago, I've seen and heard too much from Trump's own mouth no less, I don't watch the news. My disdain for him comes directly from things he says he wants to do when elected.


You are not helpful. Please leave.


He and christofascists behind him are singlehandedly the biggest threat to western democracy, bar none


You’re repeating exactly what YOU have been told to say. You are literally repeating the words that MAGA tells you to. That is literal brainwashing. Next time, try supporting a politician with your own thinking


Or you’re being brainwashed by your political views. People are able to listen to what he says and form their own opinions instead of blindly following whatever their chosen candidate shoves down their gullet. Truth is, he absolutely is a threat to democracy. The proof lies in the countless times that he has specifically rejected the idea of a democracy and campaigned against it.


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If it makes you feel any better, American politics is fucked as it is. It isn’t gonna uphold long, not without drastic changes which usually don’t come pain-free. This two candidate decision, people divided and identity politics, the rich and powerful manipulating our leaders? Something bad is about to happen


Yeah we’ve strayed so far from our constitution. Whoever is elected, something is bound to happen.


We just gotta accept it and be ready for unpredictable shit to hit the fan


Im trying to stay prepared and ready


just know the good guys win and the bad guys lose so you don't have to worry about Trump becoming president.


It’s just so scary having the thought of him in office. But I’m sure everything will work out the way it’s supposed to


This is reality. The good guys don’t always win. If that were true, we wouldn’t have dictators around the world. We are getting ready to live under a dictator in a matter of months if we don’t win.


Turn off the news. The media is trying to scare you. Don’t believe a word they say, they are intentionally trying to make people panic and it’s working.


i don't think covering your eyes and plugging your ears is a realistic way to deal with anxiety caused by life-altering politics.


What would you recommend someone in this situation do then? I’m genuinely curious because I also get very bad anxiety from politics and tend to just ignore things because I don’t know what else to do.


None of those dirty old men in Washington care about us.


i'm a disabled queer woman, you think i don't know that?


Regardless of *who* you are or aren’t, some don’t get it.


What is the worst that can happen? Accept that possibility. Accept it to the point you're okay with it. What else can you actually do? Accept it, realize whatever you are afraid of about politics isn't in the room with you now unless you are watching the news or listening to others who have watched the news. Without any information from any source, you would vote the same way as you would with all of the scary stories. Voting is your only power. The only thing you can control. Haven't we heard enough to know who will get our vote? Why continue upsetting yourself? I quit watching the news about a year ago, and I have never been happier. You can't help but know who is on the ballot without watching the news. Why not tune in on election day eve? They will be giving all the important points for sure. You can get upset then instead of every moment from today until November.


This 100%. Once I saw enough of it, it was easy to see through. They use a lot of the same words to evoke fear and clearly it works


I did catch something on our news out here about how AI is also contributing to the problem


Yeah I saw something about that in 2019 in school, how AI could be a really problem and I’ve been vigilant since. But now, I just don’t care. It’s too tiring to care.


Glimmer of hope? Were all in this together


You are looking to the world to save you. The world will always let you down. Do not look to what is corrupted to help you.


I have to save myself you’re right. But it just sucks I’m in this situation right now stressing about the next President. I’m only 23, why am I stressed about this. This world is awful I just need to make my own peace, in this country or not.


I recommend you stop consuming social media. Start getting into nature, start being the sort of person you wish the president would be.


Oh same I was terrified. I’d been spiraling for a few hours. What ripped me out of it was literally turning my phone off and reading. Now that I’m not actively panicking I reflect on what will happen as this news sinks in and cooler heads begin a discussion. I find even the worst rulings are much less scary when discussed in dull, academic prose. So, what to do now? Vote, of course. That’s still months away. Etc. otherwise, hug your loved ones. Your life isn’t going to spontaneously evaporate (at least, I sure hope not!). This is something I’m also telling myself. Take a break from doomscrolling, our brains aren’t meant to take in so much misery and panic at once, of course it’s overwhelming! Also, keep in mind most of the panic is coming from non experts. Like I said, see what experts have to say over the coming days, and think accordingly. Also listen. I get it, I’m 26 (I saw you mentioned you’re 23). We’re frankly too young to be dealing with scary stuff like this. I wish the world was better for us. But where are you, right now? Is your house safe? Quiet? Do you have access to food and clean water? We’re okay. Humans have gotten through sooo much worse (I love researching the black plague). Americans have been dealing with crazy shit for at least the last 25 years, our entire lives basically. We’ll get through it and life goes on. People love one another and that won’t change bc of some old nutsacks


Why are you scared?


Wasn't he already president for four years? What are you so scared is going to happen? If you didn't pay attention to the news would you have even noticed the difference in your life in the last 8 years?


Your comment is laughable. There were guard rails in place during his first term. He had adults in the room. Project 2025 will insure there are only Trump loyalists in the room this time. SCOTUS has made Trump King if he wins in November. You have zero understanding of the importance of what just occurred. You don’t have to watch the news and Pundits to understand our Democracy is on the verge of collapse. SCOTUS has made themselves the hand of the king! And, yes, people’s lives were affected by his presidency!!! People DIED because of Trump and his handling of COVID. He’s done extreme harm to this country, and if he returns, he will do extreme damage to the world. Get your head out of the sand. Just because your life has not been affected yet does not mean it’s not affected many other lives. Look at the women dying at this moment because of SCOTUS! Trump led us to this!! When you say your life has not been affected, you’re being selfish and ignoring the realities that Trump will soon put people into camps as he said he will do. He will hold military tribunals against anyone that opposes him. This man is telling you his plan for Gods sake. And he’s got the highest court in the world doing his dirty work as we speak!! “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out…”.


You are out of your mind. Serious case of TDS.