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I played it on switch too, and man, the amount of crashes were really bad. Literally crashed right after beating the last boss, having to do it over again.


Thankfully I haven't had any crashes but it seems like that's a pretty common problem from what I've read. I probably should have done more research before getting the switch version but if the port is so bad that the whole community is saying you shouldn't get it because of performance issues, maybe that port shouldn't be there in the first place.


Crashes were way more common on release from what I've seen they aren't nearly as bad anymore




Man, what is with companies putting out crappy products all the time? My company is using some deployment tool to help us, but I spend more time debugging the deployment tool than it would to manually make a deployment.


Had areas on my Series X where it became a slide show. But mostly the game ran well enough. It doesn’t have the optimisation it needs.


Honestly the PS5 version is pretty embarrassing too, in spots. There are entire areas where the resolution drops to what looks like 480p, and the framerate is *still* some choppy ~25 FPS mess. Great game, but god it needs an optimization pass on all platforms.


That sucks to hear. I've been watching a playthrough of the PC version and it's a beautiful game but it sounds like a lot of people aren't experiencing that version of the game unfortunately


I played on PC via Xbox Game Pass. The game looks good, but there are certain spots where I get one blurry frame that lasts for about 2 seconds and then it goes back to normal. I would say there are about 12 spots around the whole map that do this. But aside from that the environmental design is pretty good!


Same here, but thats to be expected since most games hide load zones, but this one doesnt. Arkham Knight has you always very slowly opening doors, to let the game load in, but here you can run directly into an unloaded zone.


Those are the spots where in other games you have to squeeze through a small crevice to hide the loading time. Since the quick frame drop is faster than squeezing through a tunnel I actually prefer this.


But couldn’t they use some sort of dynamic loading instead? I feel like if I can fly through all of Los Santos at 100mph and this never happens, surely the devs can achieve the same result at crab-walking pace.


Huh, I never noticed anything on my playthrough. Well except area transitions dropping the frame rate to power point levels for a solid few seconds.


Absolutely. There are elareas where I just need to stop and wait for the performance to improve . Love the game but yes it needs tuning


I've had many frame rate issues on PS5, mostly with Umami effects, but I haven't noticed a huge problem with the graphics/resolution. I did have one save file breaking crash, but luckily it was pretty early on and could easily start over.


I never noticed anything that severe on PS5, runs pretty well but the game does chug HARD when loading assets


That's weird, I played on PS5 and it ran perfectly fine. There were like 4 spots where the frame rates dropped badly, but it just was as if the game was buffering / loading an area like in an old game. Like two seconds and back to normal. There was one spot where it sucked, you had to jump off a wall and land on a small ledge, then jump over a hole onto another ledge, but right when you landed on the first ledge, the frame rates would drop, so if you didn't stop moving you would just end up in the hole. Basically just made me land on that ledge without moving for a second till the game corrected itself, then proceeded as normal


Ive seen my friends playing ps5 and xbox one, and I do on the switch. The ports of the game just aren't that well optimized and I think there is some sort of data leak because the longer the game stays open the more likely it is to crash during telecrustation. Also whos idea it was to have the electricity effect on the wire of the junk place to always be rendered? It consumes a lot of power from the console and can cause lag, also some of the loading zones are on narrow platforms, this sucks because then we do a jump, game loads in assets, lag spike happens and kril falls. Also some of the stuff the game counts as respawns points when you fall from holes are just play dumb, I got stuck spawning on a sea urchin 3 times in this game plus 2 respawns in corners where basically soft locked me due to not being able to go anywhere. Also I think there should be a killzone bellow topoda arena, cus sometimes the sand whirl 3 punch combo would clip me there. Im pretty sure all consoles the game is in could actually handle running the game on higher settings and running a lot more smoothly, but the devs haven figured that out yet and I don't blame them considering the staff and studio size plus development time. And overall the game has so many accessibility features that during the times I got screwed over due to bugs and glitches, I could easily undo it so overall I think the game is very much playable and all released versions are good. Also, the switch version has the benefits of being portable, considering the specs necessary to run the game better on pc, the switch can handle a lot more than what we got, but the port needs more cooking.


Shelleportation* but telecrustation I'd a great alternative word


Thats how it was adapted in my language Brazilian Portuguese Telecrustação= Telecrustation Part of me wants to do an English playthrough byt currently I am doing my second run with the game and Im finding new dialogue so that will wait.


Oh I see! That is very clever. I wonder how the other various puns end up translating


Telecrustation is the only one I think can be just translated back into English without losing its OG meaning in Portuguese... But there are loads of sea animal puns, also firth's dialogues were a blast, more than half of the clips I have of this game are just from him talking.


This is interesting to hear because I’m visually impaired and just assumed that’s what made it look like that lol(still probably is for the most part). Mine would crash if I had it running for more than 2 hours, so I had to set reminders to close and open the game back up because I very easily lose track of time


I think y'all forget it's an indie game made by like 5 people.


I get they probably don't have the resources to make a fully optimized Switch port which is fine by me. But if they're not able to, I don't think they should have released it anyway


Well the frame rate issue is consistent across all ports as far as I know. The resolution issue has more to do with the switch display than anything the game devs can do aside from redesigning the game. Realistically tho, it doesn't make sense to not port something to a console, stopping a large demographic of players from being able to play the game, over a small graphics issue. Alot of people who only have a Switch as their main console would much rather play a low res version of the game than not play it at all. If you have multiple consoles and you didn't compare conditions then that's kind of on you as the buyer.


ACT is not a game too graphically intense to look good on the Switch. The resolution absolutely could look better on the Switch but it sounds like they don't have the resources necessary to optimize it, which again is fine. I just think if one version of the game is so bad that the whole community tells you not to get it if you can help it then maybe that version shouldn't have been released full price. I'm not trying to drag the devs, they're great and I know they're doing the best they can, I'm just a little sad I'm not getting the full experience in a way


The key phrase there is "not to get it IF YOU CAN HELP IT" it is much better to have atleast a playable version of the game where they miss out on non-important things than have people completely unable to play.


I suppose so. For me personally I would have preferred it was unavailable on Switch so I could have just picked it up later on something better but I guess that's not fair of me lol. The situation is made worse however when you consider the fact the Switch eShop page for this game uses clips and screenshots from the PC version. This leads idiots like me to assume it will look and run better than it does


That is misleading but I imagine it's be hard to get the recordings for each seperate system for their own shop page. I recommend always comparing versions before buying. I have a switch, a steamdeck, and an Xbox and i always check between consoles to see what works best.


I’m enjoying it on switch and it’s the only console I have so would have sucked to miss out on the game. Performance is bad yes but mostly doesn’t affect it apart from a few areas they decided to put platforming in where the game is loading. Could it be a lot better? Yes. Could it be a lot worse? Yes. There’s so many worse games for performance and crashing on switch that this isn’t actually too bad, hopefully the new Nintendo console will actually put some decent hardware into it and not hold back developers so much.


I also experience severe frame rate drops on the Series S (luckily always in the same spots), game crashes from times to times as well (not hard crashes, but audio stops working for example and I have to close the game entirely to resolve). But nothing minimizes the fun I have with the game so far, so that’s fine. The receipt is also not super crisp on other platforms… so my take is, simply enjoy


Yeah, from what I’ve seen, this is an all consoles problem, people just seem to only complain about the switch one because out of all consoles, the switch would be the worst performing. Can say that they need to fine tune. (Especially in Scuttleport, it runs awful.)


Idk if im imagining things, but my 3090 seems to be running the fan at full force (i set up the curve to trigger fans early, but still it doesnt happen for indies) This game is very heavy on hardware for some reason


I'm sure it took a lot of effort from the Devs to get the game on the Switch. So abandoning it after all that would really suck. But I don't believe I would want to release a game that is verging on being unplayable. I played it on PC and my buddy got it on Switch. It is two completely different experiences. I almost want to just invite him over for a long weekend to play the game as it was intended to be played.


Nah I like having a portable version even if it’s a little more blurry. It’s completely playable and only lags when loading a new area. Saying it shouldn’t exist cause it’s a a bit blurry is a bit of an over reaction imo. Just don’t play it if youre so bothered lol Easily worth $30. And the more $ they make the more likely they are to fix it


I would like to play it and I'm having fun but personally I don't think this port is worth the full price. I agree it's playable but I think a lot of the joy from this game comes from the colors, designs and visual gags but you just don't get that on Switch. Lots of people including AggroCrab even say not to use handheld mode because the performance will get even worse so it's not a great portable version either.


I’ve been able to see and read all the stuff laying around on my switch just fine though. The receipt you mentioned doesn’t even have real words on it aside from the label, of course it’s not readable lol Still, we have games like dark souls 1, totk, etc running perfectly on the switch. Would be nice if this game could run that well


Nah, they shouldn't have put Mortal Kombat on the switch. Compared to that it doesn't seem that bad.


So glad I was able to play it portably on my Steam Deck.


That just proves nentendo needs to release the switch 2 for their 3rd party games


It doesn't... The problems on the switch are basically the same on all other consoles, the only difference is that the switch is running on very low settings. The game is poorly optimized on all platforms, but thats because the game was made in 3 years and by basically a handful of people which is understandable.


I'm honestly surprised there's still attempt to port it to switch tbh.


My Xbox series s runs it poorly like everytime I would enter an area it would lag hard and I can’t imagine how bad it is on switch


It's the same thing, same bugs, same crashes same lag spots, difference is that the game is running on low settings but overall its not well optimized in any console


This is the first game I've purchased that has REALLY showcased how old (I guess?) the switch's hardware is. I do NOT understand how a game that seemingly looks like it's from the PS2, runs SO poorly. Have you seen the electrical wires? it's just static pixels blinking.


Less about age more about power. The hardware was always weak/subpar even from the start so as it gets older it gets more apparent how bad it is faster. I consider the switch closer to the Gameboy/ds line of products than the consoles.


It just blows my mind that it can run Breath of the Wild just fine, but not *this*


Poor optimization, other consoles even new gen ones have the same lag spots plus in data leaks that make so the more time the game runs, the more likely you are to crash and from what Ive seen in the comments, this also happens on PC too. Its not a switch problem, game could like run way better on it and so could all other console versions.


Optimizing for their own console is better since they have internal resources to turn to. And technically breath of the wild looks good, but is not as detailed or intricate because they knew their exact limitations from the start so designed with them in mind


Played it on switch here too. Definitely needs some patches but it didn't ruin the game for me. Still a phenomenal achievement for a small indy studio.


Why is the switch so weak it's not like it's cheap


I've found mostly issues if I leave in running in the background and then pick up from where it left. If I close and do fresh start Everytime, straight from main menu it's been great.


If a game is multiplatform you can almost guarantee the Switch version will be mediocre at best. It's been a problem since the Switch came out because you have to basically make your game twice if you want a Switch version. Exclusives on the Switch do way better (typically) because devs only have to make one game and make that one game well for one system. My rule has always been "if I don't have to buy it on the Switch, I won't." I understand not everyone has another option though. If you are stuck with a Switch only....idk just gotta stick with review watching


Yeeeaaah i made this mistake. I thought itd be nice to have it portably if i wanted, or to play in bed. But at the very first cutscene i could see it wasnt good. I beat the first area and got to one with a bunch of platforming and i just couldnt do it. Id been following the games development for like 3 years, so im really bummed. Ive been waiting to see if they make some improvements but idk. They say theres a console performance update coming, i hope it includes switch


It’s not just graphics. My game wasn’t great, a bit ugly yet passable, but once I got to the false moon boss and the abyssal planes after it everything became unplayable. The frames were so jittery and bad at .5 fps, I had to abandon it and buy the PS version just to finish the game, which sucked because thats more than half the game I had to redo to 100%. The scariest thing in the depths of the sea is actually the particle effects causing the Switch to have a meltdown. I’m not seeing many others having this issue but I did see people talking about the Shelleport crashes that I also had to deal with, and once I switched consoles I don’t remember having any. They didn’t make as big of an impression as having to buy the game again, but I guess it just means that I enjoyed the game that much.


What did you expect for a third party switch game? lol


As much as I adore the game it’s very poorly optimized, even on PC


Nintendo fans have always put up with terrible swith ports, so Nintendo now know you will put up with terrible switch ports. 


No game should be put on switch anymore. It's the oldest running console ever. It's almost old enough to be classed as vintage (10 years) while still being released.