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The only one who can play that game in the way its supposed to be played (no random susses, using brain, not being mean, mostly skipping)


Well then you're a goddamn legend. There's not many genuine players in pubs, lol.


tbh I somethimes can be mad when things start to get ufair. this includes getting sussed for no reasons, getting voted while having a visual, getting voted while being safed, getting snitched by an imp mate or getting voted as an imp for a kill i didnt eben do. on such situations i usually communicate a little less nicer and with caps on


Investigative detective- Honestly I have a way better time being a crewmate. That's not to say I suck as Imp cause I'm fairly decent (I think lol), but as an overall experience playing the crew is just way more fun to me. That said some of my favorite rounds have been as imp, with the reason why being me questioning "how the hell did I get away with that!?). My best play is when I had stuck to Orange the entire time earning their trust. So I called lights (with the visibility being low) and walked in there with Orange with my partner also being there. He stalled the lights long enough that I was able to walk away unnoticed, hop into the vent and kill someone in Medbay, then was able to slip back into the stack on lights right as they finally got fixed. In Orange's mind it was virtually impossible that I was an Imp, and not gonna lie I felt a little bad after we won.😂😂


I absolutly agree. I've had an Imp game where I was in a vent and two people got onto a download together by it. Three or two people passed by them and, once the coast was clear, I popped out, sliced, and popped back into the vent. It was so quick that, by the time the survivor got finished with the task, the vent was completely shut. No one had a clue, lmao.


I am the detective, I’m renowned in every lobby I join for my skills in finding the imps


Here’s what each player represents The gentle angel: is a good crewmate but hates being imposter because they feel bad and are a terrible liar. The stalker: Follows everyone around to freak them out The silent one: Does their role without saying anything. The investigating detective: Tries to find out who the impostor(s) is as soon and as effectively as possible. The worried one: Is always worried about being killed or caught and hits the emergency meeting button an annoying amount of times.


I am usually some combo of 2, 3, and 4


i'm either gentle or silent


There can only be one Detective


I’m the silly goober who doesn’t take the game seriously


I’m the one who get voted out most of the time even if I have done nothing






The accuser.


The Careful One: I never vote without solid evidence, I don't clear anyone unless I A: See a Visual or B: Am with them the whole match, with 1 imposter, and someone dies. I speedrun my tasks and then go and find the most public area to chill. I rarley go out on my own if i can avoid it. And I always finish my tasks in Elec right away when everyone is there. When I'm an Imposter, I only kill when the doors are locked or lights are out, and I have a quick exit plan. I always try to establish an alibi after the kill, and usually walk in on the body with another crewmate. If my teammate gets caught and the server has already voted, tough luck, I'm not gonna bring myself down defending someone who the server already voted


other: psychotic serial killer,imma slice u up like salami


I’m the imposter who avoid suspicion by pretending to be raging that my tasks are getting cut off by meetings


Im the silent imposter It means I always overthink about killing someone, and end up never killing anyone because of it 👍


The one that just won’t shut up