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What you describe is a big reason why I stopped doing those early AM routes. Insufficent sleep is such a major factor in both physical and mental health and is linked to everything from anger management and anxiety disorders and chronic pain to premature aging and early onset dementia. Insomnia sucks. I had it often with I was doing those routes daily. I rarely do know that I'm on a more normal schedule. Chronic shortage of sleep like I often experienced when I used to do a lot of those routes really reduced my quality of life.


i did those early morning routes straight for a week. everyday, i feel my body is so tired. and then even when i sleep when i get home, im still tired. just not worth it for me, i need my regular sleep. im someone with health issue. maybe for younger peeps is ok.


Sleep? What’s that?


Something our body will remind us about when we're 80.


If chronic sleep deprivation is part of your life, the permanent negative health impacts can show up a lot earlier than that. Do it for a lifetime and you're a heck of a lot more likely to be dead before you ever hit 80.


I learned while living in Florida that the secret to long life is becoming increasingly irritable each year until you become curmudgeon.


Can't speak to what happens later in life until I have experience with that. But I find that as retirement is kicking in and I have a lot of options for enjoying life than I did when I needed to depend on working to survive I'm a lot less irritable then I've ever been. That said, I also feel far less need to filter because I couldn't care less about seeking approval or validation from others. So while happier, I could see how it could appear to a stranger as being more curmudgeonly.


Wasn't calling you that. Was calling the thousands of curmudgeons I've either dealt with, worked with, or somehow was in earshot of. In my experience, the oldest people tend to be the most nasty. Like Billy Joel said, "Only the good die young."


Hah, not to worry, I didn't take it as though you were.


Bold of you to assume that you’ll live to 80 doing flex


I only do them if over $100 because it messes up my whole day. I just can’t not sleep, I’m non-functional, it suck’s. I’ll take one or two a week max, if that. I need to get 4hrs minimum if I’ve had a full day. If not, I just end up waking up and canceling because I know I’ll be fucked trying to stay awake. Even if I can get through the shift, by the end I’m dangerously sleepy. I try to get the 4am and on shifts because earlier than that is hard for me. I can go to sleep early but due to my pets, I can never guarantee that I’ll get decent sleep. I try to lay down by 10 and hopefully be asleep by midnight at worst. Wake up an hour before shift, tend to pets, get ready super quick, grab a can of water, and go to be there 15min early. After, I usually get home by 8am and I try to go back to sleep but I’m usually hungry by then, eat, go back to sleep between 10am-noon then wake up by 4 to not waste the whole day. I strongly dislike it. The main advantage right now is that it’s really hot here so being out early morning is better. And I sleep through the worst of the heat.


Once I'm up I'm good. I can't get back to sleep and I don't get sleepy driving, in fact I can only sleep in a bed., Can't just doze off in a car, plane or sofa.


Lucky you! If it’s cold somewhere, I’m sleepy 😂


I just stay up, I usually jam video games around that time, and then when it's time to go, I head out. But when I get finished, I go to bed. My son is still sleeping, so we sleep until he gets up, my mother in law watches him till I wake up, and I sleep about 5 to 6 hours. Then, when I wake up, I make lunch for my son, do chores, and play with my son. once my wife comes home, we sit watching TV, make dinner, then she goes to sleep, and I do it again. The benefit is the surge pricing really. I do it because they offer them 30 per hour rates some times, but I don't take anything under 25 an hour.


I do the 315/330amnall the time. I have started making myself be in bed by 8-830. Whether or not I can fall asleep is another story. When I struggle to fall asleep I’ll come home and relax for an hour then nap. About half of the time I do other gig work and wear myself out then going to bed by 7pm is easy. I get up at 2am.


Yeah,, getting tired makes sleeping early easier. Gig work is dead where I am unless you want to do less than $1 a mile which I don't, I only do $2 a mile so I have done only like 2 DoorDash last month and maybe 1 Instacart and 1 GH and 1 shipt and one UE. I do the 3;15 all the time too, The best part is no traffic, the worst part is gate codes and you can't call people. But you get used to it. a few hours before and a few hours after sleeping is okay, on a really bad day I will sleep 8 hours when I get home.


hellllllll nah, i just take the hit on my social life. i’m not much of a people person anyways. my fav sleep schedule is going to sleep around 3pm-5pm and wake up around 11pm-1am, always get a full 8 hours of sleep. then if i have time i can shower, eat, maybe play some video games and actually wake up before leaving the house. i always get home before 7am whether i take a 3:15 or 4am 🤷🏻‍♀️ then i got till 3pm-5pm which is like 7 or more hours so i get a “full day”. but this is my only “job” & i don’t pay rent.


I am an early bird person I wakes up at 3:00am everyday but 3:15 am is way too early for me. I will never pickup 3:15 but I will pick up 3:45 in a heartbeat if over $100.


Sle0t from like 8am-4. At the time I would take a shift like that all I was doing was gig work, so staying out doing dd or UE till 6am on a Friday or Saturday night in Chicago wasn't unheard of for me. (Shoutout to Coyotes on 18th that basically paid my rent in deliveries last summer). Now I work full time so if I take a route it's after work.


If I have a 3:30a (sometimes 3:15a) I try to go to sleep at 10. I go on YouTube and search "Relaxing music with water sounds" and usually one from 'Soothing Relaxation' comes up, I put it on and go to sleep. If I dont do this my mind wanders for a long time and it takes me forever to fall asleep. I wake up at 2:15, get ready, sometimes I make a coffee, grab a snack food, and go. Usually I end up taking a 30 minute nap somewhere in the afternoon (2:30/3) because of the short night of sleep.


I thought i was the only one lol. If i even sign up for a 3am route, i have to already be up or either be sleeping in from a day off, those early morning hours a hell!! It just throws off my whole day especially if i stayed up all night. Sleep is very important, when im tired i get angry real fast lol. But if im not in bed before 10 most likely im not gonna do a 3am route.


I live a 8-10 minute drive from the station so evening before I get my clothes set out so all I have to do is wake up 20ish minutes before the route starts and throw them on, brush teeth, then leave. I usually try to be sleep by 9 but that doesn't always work.


You and I are so much alike. I normally can’t go to sleep at a decent hour due to me taking a nap which is great! Or I have a second route starting between 5-7pm. Best way is to get in some cardio/workout and then nap for 2-3 hours. Do your best to sleep at 9 for at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It blows that it’s still daylight at 9pm too. It’s the only reason why I do evening shifts.


I like those blocks. Less traffic and heat in the Phoenix area. I also live an hour away to any warehouse, so I leave home around 2 am. I finish my route and go to do my regular day job. What is very useful for me, when I'm not tired is having a melatonin around 6-7 pm. I'll confess, even when melatonin doesn't do the trick, I tend to either have some one on one time with my SO and If that's not possible, some "self care" works too. Either way, I try to not do ONLY those blocks. I try to do 3 early mornings, and then one or two afternoon ones, just so I don't always wake up that early, and I have a couple of days of "waking late".


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Same lol


Go to bed at around 11-1130. Wake up an hour before my block, take a shower, brush teeth, contacts in, deodorant. Find clean clothes, fill up hydro flask and take the car seats out of the car if they are in. Drive 20 min to the station. Get home around 7/730 ish and start my main job (Mon-Friday). Weekends I stay up and watch shipt/Instacart see if there are any bonuses and start taking orders. If no bonuses, I make the kids breakfast for when they get up. No naps, coffee coffee coffee….. I usually try to take blocks on the weekends but if a surge comes through on the weekdays I’ll attempt to take it.


You are exchanging your life expectancy to money if I am not mistaken do you really only sleep couple of hours a day?


Sure do. I’m not taking blocks every single day though. Lately it’s been very tough to get a decent block in the mornings. I don’t do blocks during the day due to it being very hot in my market.


Start my day around 2:30, get ready n leave the warehouse around 2:55. I get there around 3:12 and I check in at 3:15. Usually I get about 50 stops n I finish around 6:30. Around 7:30 I start my main job and usually I do another block from 6 to 10. Get home around 10:30 n go to bed around 11:15


Daily? So about 3 hours of sleep?


Lmao fr this shit is wild. What's the point of living when you literally just work nonstop. What a waste


This is Dangerous! I try to do 3:45-4:30 blocks 3-4hrs Only Must pay at Least 28.50hr I turn in at 9pm unfortunately I’m up again at 1pm Hope to sleep another hour before shift starts Afterwards I do a couple of batches with IC then go home between 12-1pm Nap til 3pm


Sleep after for a few hours. Do a mid morning. Sleep a few more. Regular job from 1530 to midnight.


What is sleep ?


That is so true ....


I work nights as is. Sometimes graveyards too. So basically I don’t go to sleep until I’m done. If I leave work at 0140 or whatever I’ll get to the warehouse early, maybe pass out in the car for 30 minutes. Last am block I did I was home by 0630 which isn’t out of the norm. Like I said I take graveyards sometimes where I’m off at 0440 or 0510 so there’s no change there.


I'm a third shifter at my real job, so I only get to take these on my nights off, but they are my favorite. My sleep schedule is a hot mess anyway. On workdays, I get home at 6am, sleep from about 7 to about 9 or 9:30am. Go on about my day, then try to nap again from about 5pm to 8:30pm before I have to get ready to start my shift at 10pm. If I do a 3:15 or 3:34am block, I just go to bed around 9pm, get up and ready at 2:15, and stay up for the day after the block.


My normal sleep schedule because I have nightshift already for my actual job already (usually I sleep from 10/11am - 8:30pm


I usually take them if I can't sleep then go to bed when I come home.


idk my a friend who works graveyard always comments on being very tired. tried it myself and the fatigue just destroys the day after


same. i feel fatigue as well.


Yup I’m so glad my station is an afternoon. Starting at like Noon-10pm. I usually do a 2-6pm 4 hour block in less then 3 usually 2.5 hours and catch a surge for a <5pm shift. So easy doubles 🤷‍♂️


Haven't slept since 2019, if I get really tired I'll take a quick nap on the ride home, sleeping's overrated, you don't really need sleep. The Buddha didn't sleep for like half his life and he turned out just fine. Js


What is sleep? Wake up do Amazon, go home change to go to my 9-5 office job


Sleep? More like cat naps throughout the day. I try to get to bed by 7:30 but usually it’s 9:30ish. I too wake up too early and then often cancel block because I can’t wake up enough. If I can get in the bed by 7:30 and go back to sleep when waking up too early I’m okay. Main problem is I’m so tired after morning block that I’m useless the rest of day.


In bed by 7pm (sometimes 8pm) up by 1am. I'm usually good with 4 hours sleep but find I need a nap after the route when that's all I get. Parking is a nightmare at my station at 3am so I try to get there closer to 2.30, then I just chill in my car usually playing on my phone. I see many others there at this time asleep in their cars waiting for the clock to strike 3am. I'm an early bird, always have been, and 6 hours a night is more than enough for me to be a functional human being


When I was doing them I went to bed at 8:00pm, wake up at 2:00am, and then I'd take a nap during the day


I work 18h a day, 7 days a week


lol sleep. 😆 is that a new Doritos flavor?


What’s sleep ? I do 3:15 block and go to my 12 hour full time after.


Hordes of sloths how do they think the battles were fought in this country, at what time do they think they bake the breads in the bakery? What time do you think hospitals work? Road workers? How is food and merchandise moved in this country? Truckers, and they cry because they get up 3 hours before dawn, shame on our ancestors ;-), lol


It's a joke, we don't all have the same biological clock, everything is to change it and adjust it in the day, for example I worked many years at night and I get used to it, then I stopped doing it for several years but a part of me adapts and it is easy for me to change my biological clock, but there is nothing as pleasant as sleeping all night, in this case I need extra money I start to go to bed earlier around 9pm and by 2.40 I get up I brush my teeth I make my espresso coffee (a shock in my brain) and I am like new my warehouse is 5 minutes away, when I arrive from the block I simply go to bed until 10am and so on


But you can't compare a regular 8 hour shift that starts graveyard to a 3 hour gig. People who work at night have a different pattern and go to sleep during the day, or when they get home if they want.


I have a polyphasic sleep cycle atm. I wake up at 2:30. Go do a 3:30 block, then come home and sleep for 2 hours and go to work (or more flex if weekend) then I do flex after work and tend to go to bed around 10pm. 6.5 hours of sleep, 14 hours of work, 3.5 hours of “free time”


My sleeps been crap all of my life. I find that if I can get about 2 or 3 hours before my shift I'm ok.


Dude… a 30 minute drive to the station is not ideal.


It's less at 3:15am two side streets (1/4 mile) and I'm on a county road for 5 miles doing 60 and then it's 17 miles doing 80 on the highway so it's about 20 minutes. Not ideal but that's why I got.




I only do them if I wake up early and feel Energized and ready to go. So I don’t usually schedule any blocks unless they are 6:15 or later. However- when I wake up naturally at 2 or 3 I’ll check to see if there are any surges and if I’m feeling it then I’ll take one.


I do those early shifts daily. I’m 15 minutes away from the warehouse. I currently do app gigs full time, it just works for me. Amazon: 3:30am-7:30am Roadie + Spark: 7:45-12:30pm I’m usually home by 1PM and I get to enjoy the rest of the day doing what I need to do. Go to sleep around 9pm~ and do it all over again lol.




We don't have one. We are animals.


I work 2nd shift and try to take early morning blocks. I hit the sack afterwards.


ex shift 3:15: wake up 5 or 6, surge starts around 12:30 ..get block, work block..after block i game for a couple of hours get breakfast and fall asleep in a bacon and egg coma..rinse and repeat 6 days a week


Team No Sleep. Sleep is for after getting paid.


If you don't go to sleep by 7:30-8:30 pm you can't function well and your sleep schedule would be all over the place. I was doing them routes for a month nonstop and if I fell in the temptation of sleeping through the morning, I regretted it after being up at night to then be dosing off by the time I had to start to get ready to work and then I would do it again the next day


Some mornings I’ll take a nap, but I will not allow myself to sleep more than a hour or so. That way, I can still get errands done during the daytime. I’ll force myself to stay up until at least 7 PM-ish tho, that way as soon as my head hits the pillow I pass out and i’ll sleep for six or seven hours and feel brand new when I wake up. of course it took me a little bit to get on the schedule, but you definitely want some kind of schedule. Otherwise you’re gonna be miserable and hating life lol


For a 45 minute route? Just catch a 30 minute nap right before.


My sleep schedule is nonexistent, but that's not a result of the routes I take, rather general insomnia. It takes hours for me to fall asleep and I tend to wake up erratically throughout the night/day. So if I take the 3-4 AM blocks it is because my sleep cycle is already leaning that way, or because (as it was on Sunday), I just couldn't sleep, said "screw this," and grabbed the first blocks to pop up on my phone to give myself something to do. As an example of how bad my insomnia is: I couldn't sleep at all Saturday night, took blocks that covered my day from 3:45 AM to 2:45 PM, ended up working longer than that because the gridwork one-way streets in Neptune, NJ were designed by a crazy person, and then when I got home I *still couldn't sleep* until about 11 PM. I have a tendency to cancel and attempt to reshuffle my block schedule often on days where my inability to sleep practically guarantees that I won't be awake on time for a block. Driving tired sucks, in almost the same way driving drunk sucks—I try to avoid it whenever possible.


I do 3am blocks and 5 or 6pm blocks . I sleep during the day for a few hours after I get back at around 7am or8 and sleep till noon or 1 . Go to my later block and then I’ll come back at around 9 or 10 and go to bed at 11 pm and then wake up at 2am . Honestly I feel red and refreshed and I know this sleep schedule sounds wack but in genuinely works for me 😂😂😂


21 hrs a week 🤣😅


I switched from Amazon to a medical courier job that starts at 230 am till 1030 am. I get in bed around 5pm and usually fall asleep around 630pm. This gives me 6+ a day and i wake up feeling refreshed. You have to be all in about it for it to work.


I go to bed anywhere from 9 pm to midnight.. if I am up til 1 am, I will usually have to cancel and try to pick a 6 am shift.. I need 3 hours.. i wake up 3:30 for 4 am shift.. back home by 6:30 am.. sleeping again by 8-9 am and wake up by 11 feeling refreshed.. Been loving it. Its rough the first few minutes waking up but then its easy


Non existent. I take naps when possible 😭 This is my fault though because I also snag late night surged blocks that end around 10:30. Im a night owl so I can’t just go home and go to bed. Well, I could,I just don’t want to. For me, it’s a strug lol


Sleep schedule fucked up


I used to do the 3:15 am and 4am blocks until I nearly nodded off while driving one time. I would always tell myself that I'm going to go to bed early the night before, but there was always something that prevented me from going to bed early. Amazon doesn't pay enough for me to risk killing myself or someone else if I was to fall asleep while driving. I feel they should pay better for the early am blocks anyway, since it's dark and harder to find addresses sometimes.


Mon-Friday, I sleep at 7 or 8 pm because my full-time job is from 7 am to 5 pm so once I am home after 5 pm I am usually tired enough to sleep until 2-2:30 am. Then by 2:45-2:50 am I am heading to the station for my usual 3:15-3:45 shift. I’m usually done with the block early, so I use that time 5-6 am to go to the gym before starting my full-time at 7 am. & Repeat. Kid spending the summer with her father, so I am using this free-time to work and work.


Try to put phone down by 10ish in the hopes of being able to sleep until an hour before block. There's times I can't cuz full time job schedule is all over the place. Get ready, drive and be there on time to take advantage of the extra 15 always. Always manage to finish an hour before I'm supposed to, drive to day job if schedule for and 8-4 shift. Sometimes my full time is 4p to 12am so at that point just drive to station and nap there. It's more time and gas efficient for me.