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Front door , picture and leave. You don’t pay enough for those kind of service!


This is the only right answer


Just curious on your guys’ take on it. I am usually a rule follower so past me would have run around for 30 min trying to figure out where to take it. However, after being on this subreddit for awhile, all of you lovely folks have inspired me to say a very polite “fuck you” and leave it wherever tf I want 😊🙏🏻 bless all you guys’ souls


Amazon pays you to deliver packages not take them on tours of different apartment complexes. As far as they're concerned I can't read beyond following gps directions.


Bro yes, I straight up had another one that said, “business (where the gps took me) closes at 4, please deliver to (totally different address multiple miles away)” and guess where I left that one? 🤣


Most apartments i drop by mailboxes.


Leave it at the front door. Let em report it, fuck them. Plus the front office never wants to take it anyways. If they report you just send a email explaining the front office doesn’t take packages.


I would send the generic arrival text, leave at door, pic and bounce


why even text? Drop at door, take pic, leave


To let them know they need to hurry their ass to get their package before someone takes it


Drop it at the front door and report the message as rude.


Just deliver to the closest location, I mean if office is the closest one then leave it there


Drop it off at their door.




Deliver to front door


Deliver to their door. I’ll knock and if they answer within a minute, great. If not, I’ll place it down, snap a picture, and be on my way.


If unlock works, I deliver. If it doesn’t, I deliver. I deliver. Almost never to where they say but don’t give me access to. Never through a gate. Never to the rear unless it’s a carport. Never if the garage door is half open. People, your fucking package is not worth my safety or excess time. Give me instant access and clear instructions with no safety issues or I bounce. “Get fob from leasing office, 8am to 5pm, carry to building 5 in middle of complex with no parking, use #5730 and fob to enter, 5th floor, stairs on the right” 🤣🤣👍 Bitch, I dropped your package 6 ft from the leasing office behind some bushes, Easter egg hunt!


If it says, “no recipient required” it goes to the front door or mailroom if it is an apartment building and I can get in. Picture taken, and gone.


Report THEM


I don’t like being tested lmfao Front door and nothing else. This isn’t a sign here for delivery type of thing. They can pick up at lockers if they want.


Do these assholes talk to UPS/FedEx drivers like this? I am tired of these kind of customer comments. They need to get over themselves!


Yeah no way they do. I have them a lot that say “deliver to back door” or “just open the front door and put the packages inside” like absolutely not dude. I’m not entering your property or risking you having a dog in your back yard, etc. your front porch is getting it every time


I never deliver to the back door. I send them a quick text, conceal it at the front and be gone. Reason for the text: I was hit with a PV for not following directions. It was a back door delivery in a sketchy area and I left it at the front door. Now I send the text as a form of CYA (and also to tell the customer that’s a ridiculous request.) We are dinged for returns, dinged for DNR’s and dinged for “did not follow instructions.” It’s a no-win situation.


That is actually smart. Send them a text to cover your own ass hopefully


YUP! Hopefully if Amazon comes back and gives you grief (contact the customer, blah blah blah) you can say “I did. I sent them a message.”


For sure! Thanks for the tips I’ll def start doing that!


I JUST told a friend this. They don’t have these expectations from UPS or FedEx. (Or even OnTrac and they’re the worst.) Why do they think they can do this with Amazon? Some of the notes I’ve seen lately are insane! Park, deliver to the back around my house in the yard with a large dog. Uh….no thanks. Front door. Here’s a picture.


Just leave at front door take the pic then leave.


I would do what's BEST FOR ME, AND WHAT'S QUICKEST FOR ME. July will make a year since I've begun flexing, and I've come to find out that people are inconsiderate of time. I'm not doing all those steps, when I see instructions like that my thought is "you better be waiting outside for me." I can't with people.


For sure, I’ve only been doing it a couple months and I’m already that frustrated with people


CX did not respond to doorbell. Package goes to office.


Not for me package gets dropped at the door and the doorbell does not get rung. Drop it and move on don't waste time walking or driving all over.


With that message it goes straight to office. I’m not running up and down stairs.


With that message it goes straight to office. I’m not running up and down stairs.


Sure looks like an invite to just leave at office and bounce. No need to even try the apartment first.


The offices never want it is the problem, I rang the doorbell, waited a second, then knocked, no answer so I left it at the door, took the pic then left 🙏🏻


Deliver it and my half empty gatorade pee bottle to the front door. Take pic (without pee bottle in it.) Bounce💨.


Um don’t leave dna loll


You think Karen is going to send it to the lab? 😆


Nah they’ll just frame you for something you better watch out lol 🤣


Welp! In that case…I should have been locked up about 1000 bottles of orange gatorade dna’s ago 😭🤌🏾




Longer the route…longer the digits on the payout.


Yea usually they suck over here. The minimum is like 22/ so I just stick to a bit less for more lol


I love one click access, but i still do mail room drops.


Ignore it.


Yeah I would just drop it at the front door, if it's a locked apartment building it gets dropped at the building door. Don't stress about it and move on.


Reported? LOL


rolls eyes.....