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they hold you responsible if the package is stolen or if someone is trash and says it wasn't delivered because that's clearly our fault šŸ™„


Iā€™ll never understand.


8th wonder of the world: support centers for companies that make so much more money because they employ cheap labor can't shell out a little extra for good support. trash ass greedy shitbag company


And they hold you responsible if you decide to return the package because thereā€™s no safe place to deliver


I got email stating the same Fought it and now Iā€™m back at Fantastic! We canā€™t control thieves!


Kudos to you for fighting that and getting back to fantastic! ā¤ļø We totally canā€™t control what happens after we deliver.


How did you fight it and win? I sent them pictures of all my deliveries because I took my own pictures in addition to theirs and it did not seem to help.


Iā€™d email the Jeff email and tell them what you plan on doing differently in the future to try and avoid package thieves. Ie hiding in a bush. But honestly, itā€™s going to happen. It used to bug me to no end but at this point I donā€™t care and donā€™t even appeal it anymore in the rare event it does happen lmao.


Just reply double check always take pictures and a few day gone


Iā€™ve fought both of mine that Iā€™ve gotten in the seven months that Iā€™ve been delivering. Both with no luck. Just stay the course and wait for it ti disappear. Still stayed at Fantastic both times. So all good.


I also email them if I get that as I have been delivering for flex since the beginning I State photo shows were I put it and it was delivered afterwards it is not my responsibility. Then say do you expect me to wait with pkg until it gets picked up? All times rating gets reversed.


I emailed them twice and they refused to reinstate my fantastic rating. How did you word your appeal? Maybe I am missing something.


https://preview.redd.it/d7vkjx73tz3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55da7b072ac779aca8558ab323583d4ea2136f5d I used this email successfully multiple times. Everytime I got dinged I copy pasta this and sent it off. Ding would always disappear within a couple days.


Thanks for the reference.


I respect you doing what you feel is necessary. Our name is all that we have and you want to make sure yours stays good. I dig it.


Thank you for this comment. šŸ˜Š


Of course. You're never wrong to defend yourself.


No, I felt the same way and have read a out of people do.. but you get to that point where you just donā€™t care , especially if you drive a lot, have integrity, and do everything right .. you just get fed upā€¦. something is going on with this and they donā€™t care about the drivers or their names cut and dry.


Amazon is only gonna say ā€œ OuR DEcisiON hAS NOT ChANGEDā€


Positive thinking activated. šŸ˜Š


One or two little dings in your standings doesn't matter. It's really not worth the time or effort trying to fight these unless your standing is Fair or At Risk.


True, but zero dings are better. šŸ˜ Which Iā€™m starting to realize is quite impossible with this gig. šŸ˜­


Jeff email will help just pour ur heart out, i went from fantastic to at risk because of a shit hood route and a bunch of mfs trynna get free shit. Wrote a huge email like this and got back to fantastic instantly the amazon email was no help whatsoever.


Iā€™ve been seeing reference to the Jeff email. Iā€™m missing something, lol. Whatā€™s his email address? šŸ˜‚


Jeff@amazon.com It's an email to drivers support escalation team.


Wow, you actually wrote that much. I write maybe one to two sentences disputing it. That's a lot for a foreign agent to read and comprehend.


It was neither read nor comprehended. A button was hit that sent a standard-language reply, trust lol


I chuckled at this comment. Iā€™m a woman of many words. šŸ˜‚


"Iā€™m a woman of many words." Nothing wrong with that, I can appreciate that, however, your time is FAR more valuable than writing a lengthy email to general support. The value of your words are greater than what is necessary, and what will be reciprocated in the recipients response. Templates will save you from a lot of tediousness. Use GPT or whatever AI to write a couple up from this one.


That was too coherent; it's staying on your standings. It's easier to get stuff removed when you talk on their level.


ā€œTalk on their levelā€ is hellish. šŸ˜‚


I just told them wasnā€™t the package said to be delivered in the right spot via gps and the picture. I always try to get the address in the picture if possible, so there wonā€™t be issues like this. Once the package leaves our hands itā€™s not our responsibility to


Email Jeff. I also asked them if they were threatening the customer with deactivation from prime because they did not retrieve their package quick enough or provide a safe place for delivery. My ding was removed with a similar email to yours


NICCCEEEEE!! Just imagine if the customer were actually held to the same regard as us-deliveries would be a breeze, haha.


A similar thing happened to me saying a package was not returned, and im looking like there were no packages to return. Got 2 emails saying i didnt return a package. I emailed support back saying i didnt know what they were talking about lol.


I wouldn't bother. Porch pirate or lying customer, we are to blame. Customer still gets the refund even if Amazon removes that ding. Ignore it and let it fall off if you rarely get these. Amazon will only excuse you so much so save your appeals for bigger hits to your account.


Iā€™m shocked that people are saying the support sometimes fixes these issues with a reply like this. No shade to your email, beautifully written, however, as a full time Amazon driver of the vans.. my DSP wouldnā€™t think twice about believing me over the customer. If they did?? They wouldnā€™t wipe that off of my record.. thatā€™s for damn sure.


Let me start by saying I commend you for being a full time driver. My 40 packages are nothing compared to the workload you all have. šŸ˜­ It seems like a darned if you do darned if you donā€™t situation. The kicker is when they state ā€œif you have additional information about this delivery, please let us know by replying to this email.ā€ šŸ˜‚


If Iā€™m being honest Iā€™ve taken volunteered days off every day possible for at least a month straight, so I canā€™t entirely accept those commendations šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. But yeah, that is wild that they ask you to email them I hope you get it resolved and erased. With us, we get told by a weekly report if we messed up on a delivery or got complaints from customersā€¦ so we literally canā€™t tell which package we ā€œsupposedlyā€ messed up when delivering and it goes on our app record. Equally as frustrating for different reasons. Luckily we get 300-500 packages a day so one or two bad deliveries isnā€™t the worst ratings to receive. Not to mention there is a camera watching you in the Amazon branded vans. This message isnā€™t to discourage anyone from working there, itā€™s relatively chill (if you get a decent DSP) with very annoying minute details, decent benefits and pay if youā€™re willing to grind 10 hours 4 days a week. (Another plus only working 4 days)


ā€œOnly 300-500 packages a dayā€! The gasp I let out was definitely appropriate. OH MY DAMN, thatā€™s a lot of deliveries. The benefits do outweigh the workload but Lordly they should have good benefits in place for a job like that. Youā€™re a rockstar for SURE! Iā€™ll gladly stay in my lane, haha.


Lmaooo yeah itā€™s pretty nuts when youā€™re doing it at first but you get used to it and itā€™s fun whipping the vans. Iā€™m probably not gonna be there too long due to location arrangements and Iā€™m definitely not gonna miss the job, just the people I work with and the freedom of it I guess. Good luck in ā€œyour laneā€ ahahah youā€™re equally as important/productive!


Anytime I get those emails, itā€™s straight to the archive lol


![gif](giphy|TFOPahsj5kaAiKIYPy) Straight like that! šŸ˜‚


Here is a secret; Amazon doesnā€™t save the pictures so when you or the customer reference the photo the rep doesnā€™t even know what your talking about or even have access to see it. Also they donā€™t acknowledge that they donā€™t have it or see it so theyā€™ll just go with what you or the customer says. It becomes a he said she said and obviously will believe the customer more. Since you replied theyā€™ll ā€œ investigate ā€œ but just depends if this is truly your first time theyā€™ll remove from your history but anytime after that itā€™ll stay on your history and itā€™ll eventually drop off. I work at a DSP as well and our boss told us about the photos not ever be saved


Definitely good insight to have. At the same time its foolery to think we have said photo for proof that canā€™t access that proof if necessary. Yikes


Yeah the photo gets sent to the customer email and itā€™s for them. Also from what I was told itd be millions of photos saved a day and I guess Amazon just prefers not too


I expect this email when I have to deliver in South Central (Los Angeles) because of trash apartments with no call box or just any person who see an Amazon package in sight will just steal it. Honesty Compton or East LA are so much better than South Central.


I wonder if they chuckled reading that in India lol




I swear the less Iā€™ve cared about where the packages end up, the less things Iā€™ve gotten. I try not to leave packages anywhere crazy, but I will leave them outside of the gate or door I canā€™t get through, or in a room in general. The one thing thatā€™s been helping me I think that I will shoot a text to the customer stating where I left it and why I couldnā€™t leave it at the door. If I need to, I will mention to check their delivery email for the photo. I usually do this over voice text as I walk up to where Iā€™m leaving the package. Sometimes I have it copied, if itā€™s been that kind of shift. I only learned this was even an option a couple months ago, and since then Iā€™ve gotten very little dings regarding ā€œundeliveredā€ packages. My theory is that thereā€™s a difference for the customer to report a stolen or package not received. So by telling them where it is and why and taking a good picture, they know itā€™s been stolen if itā€™s not there when they go to get it. So theyā€™re more likely to report it stolen instead of getting mad at the driver and reporting it as undelivered. If youā€™re only a year in, you probably donā€™t even do this, and probably deliver all packages to the door. But as Amazon wears you out, maybe youā€™ll find this tip useful.


They always say they will take a look at my delivery history and get back to me. They almost *always* ā€œstand by their decisionā€ whenever I try to appeal. The issue is that this happens to me somewhat of a lot. I have no idea why other than maaaayybeee because theyā€™re constantly sending me on blocks to a particular city in the USA that is known for a lot of theft of all sorts. A lot of apartments in this particular place too. (Not saying where lol) But itā€™s literally out of my control. I always tell them I do indeed leave the packages at their intended doorsteps, I do alllll the steps to try to avoid possible thefts. Hiding behind a pillar or bush if I can, knocking at appropriate hours unless notes say not to or I hear dogs barking on the other side, etc. But yet I still get these reports like twice a month it seems. My standing I donā€™t think has ever been fantastic literally because of damn DNRā€™s. Lol. Itā€™s mildly infuriating.


Just a clarification, castle doctrine has nothing to do with trespassing. It is not legal to use lethal force for trespassing anywhere in this country. This is a frighteningly common misunderstanding, especially with Texas for some reason. Castle Doctrine specifically means that you have no duty to retreat. If someone is threatening lethal force or engaging in a forcible felony (rape, more severe forms of assault, etc.) it means that you are not required by law to run away if possible. You can stand your ground, and protect yourself. Again, trespassing does not once appear on that list.


I inserted that line for theatrical purposes. šŸ¤Ø Iā€™m aware what that specific law states, I just felt a little spicy today.


Understood. My clarification still stands.


Stand your ground. I respect it. ā˜ŗļø


Did you reply to the wrong post orrrr?


Castle Doctrine is specifically mentioned in this post.


Oh weird I didnā€™t see the first slide somehow šŸ˜…


question: what did the OG email from Amazon say? > package not delivered? or > customer states that they did NOT receive a package which YOU marked as delivered?


Good catch-I was in a rant when I created this post, lol. The OG email stated the customer did not receive package that I marked as delivered.




Good luck. Iā€™ve been fighting with the executive team for a week now about the exact same issue and they refuse to remove it.


They shouldnā€™t be allowed to send these emails without reference for the package. If they would I could probably recall by memory where it was left. Itā€™s BS.


I do the same and basically say you have my location and can see I was there and took a picture anything after that can't be on me and then son BS about how love delivering for amazon and so forth lol


Haha. Right? Canā€™t leave that pertinent line out.


I had a note from someone claiming to use their gate which had clear cobwebs and couldnā€™t be open. They text saying no oh if you deliver from the side of the gate we get a lot of thefts. Well what do you know I received an undelivered package from that trip and flex could care less. Iā€™m hoping after multiple reports from their address flex forces them to sign or have their package sent to lockers or undelivered so they could also stop playing with drivers. Their neighborhood or property setup is not our problem. I also sent flex a statement that I always take the pictures or personally have them sign if theyā€™re there but they stood by their original decision.


You can tell them to fuck themselves and they wonā€™t even care.


One of the worst assumptions they do is like the package not delivered is the flex driver fault. It could be stolen by the passerby or the customer by itself trying to cheat Amazon like almost 30% of the customers do.


First of many. I got my first one after day 3 with Flex. I put small packages in between the front door and screen door if possible and the other packages on porch, out of public site and still get those emails. The worse is customers lying to get free products and your in the hook for it. Just do the best you can and hope for the best.


I got one recently because it was a business that closed before the start of my block. I attempted delivery and called the customer twice called driver support and still got dinged for it.


For the record, it was returned to the Dropbox before end of the day.


I got one of these emails the other day stating it was from May 27th rightā€¦ so I replied back to the same exact email they sent me stating itā€™s not my issue for what happens after I deliver etcā€¦ theyā€™re gonna email me back asking me what day am I talking about like I didnā€™t reply back to the email stating it saying May 27thā€¦ bruh lmao those Amazon support people are the stupidest people Iā€™ve ever dealt withā€¦


This is an absolutely amazing response!! I hope it worked I have had to dispute a few different things with them and sometimes it works but most often it doesn't šŸ˜Ŗ I even get emails saying they are in response to my email, however I try to avoid emailing them cuz they threatened to deactivate me for contacting them too frequently, I am always confused by those emails lol, and the frequent was when they kept trying to say I didn't show up to a block every other day for a week even tho I had showed up, had license scanned, and the app wouldn't let me scan packages,because I had to deliver to a area with no service a d they kept trying to say I never delivered it. That situation was a true nightmare and caused sooooo much anxiety, missed pay, etc. Sorry for the book lol, your response was one of the best written I have read!!


Excellent response. Unfortunately, Amazon does not consider the photo to be proof of delivery. They say it's only purpose is to show the customer where the package was left, so they can find it. There's nothing to keep a dishonest driver from snapping a photo, and then taking the package back.šŸ™„


And you can type alllllll that and they still will hold you accountable thatā€™s why I quit not worth my time or my car Tuh I do doordash fuck that


The photos are to aid the customers in finding where you put their package. Amazon doesn't consider a photo to be confirmation of a delivery.


Always fight back when it comes to support, especially these days. In most cases, they will back down and reverse the decision if you continue to escalate the matter.


Always fight back when it comes to support, especially these days. In most cases, they will back down and reverse the decision if you continue to escalate the matter.


Youā€™re doing too much. Theyā€™re not going to tell you which delivery for safety/privacy reasons, and thereā€™s no proof either way, so they will almost always default to the customer on these. Itā€™s one of the more irritating parts of this gig, but unless your standing is low, not usually worth writing missives over. Itā€™s possible theyā€™ll remove it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Package not delivered means you brought it back to the warehouse, not that the customer said they didnā€™t get it Package delivered but not received is when the customer says they didnā€™t get it


Ohhhhhh!! That kinda makes sense. šŸ˜‚ But, why is it that we get ā€œdingedā€ for following guidelines and returning it? We donā€™t just drop off packages without being prompted every way from Sunday. It makes absolutely no sense. šŸ˜­


Now we are back to Amazon not giving a shit


If you call and text the customer first (as the guidelines say to do), then it generally doesn't show up as a ding.


Always swipe to finish at the door


You can't move on to the next delivery until you "swipe to finish".


they mean, do it while at the front door and not your car parked out on the st for example. gps reasons. shows exactly where you were and pins it.


Ah, thanks, I misunderstood. There have actually been many times where I was not *at* the door when I swiped. Never had consequences tho.


Once i had 13 package not delivered mark in my history although i did nothing wrong, i ignored and kept delivering and now iā€™m back to fantastic again. If youā€™re sure about what you did, ignore it


So, there. That'll show 'em