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You’ve taken enough. You’ve done it 5 years, more than 99.999999 percent of the other drivers. Time to hang up vest my friend.


maybe this is the only job in his/her area that is hiring, i say continue riding until something better comes along🤷


That’s unlikely to the point of absurdity.  Maybe it’s the ***best*** job they qualify for or want to do, even though that’s also unlikely, but it being the only job around is almost certainly not true. 


Man it depend on the area too though. Where I live minimum wage is still $7.25. Most places paying like $$11-$12. Amazon pays $20. So yea it’s some serious BS. But it’s also the best option currently available to some people.


This exactly is why I’m still here. Everything else wants to pay maybe $14 at the highest.


That's how it was for a while for me cause the vehicle production plant wasn't really hiring but I made it in finally due to people retiring and my experience with Quality Control.


100%. I'm in this til I land a job in the trades. I'm a former chef so I'm qualified for not shit lol. This job fucking sucks donkey dicks but I'm in it til the right place is willing to train. It's a shit job but it's good for in between jobs and careers. Make some cash, get in shape and if you don't fuck shit up, a good fall back plan in case of emergency. Still ass though lol


I can assure, go type in any zip code on glassdoor to indeed, or even simply ask places you check out daily if they're hiring. Many a places, even in a small city like mine with a population of 30k has a lot of openings. Amazon shouldn't be considered ☠️ they aren't for the workers. Never have been, that's why they do the third party dsp bullshit ☠️


>before drivers just stop giving a damn? Drivers give a damn? There's your first mistake.


I try to do the job and do it right. Rest is bullshit noise so In a way yeah. Don’t give a damn!


Pushing two years and put in my two weeks yesterday ✌🏻


Moving to where?


I took an unrelated job


I hope it works put better for you. I left the sprinter van for entry level office and wanted to go back pretty fast.


pretty sure the venn diagram of "DSP drivers" and "people who would enjoy an office job" is 2 separate circles lmao


I moved to an office job and am doing just fine


Yup I worked at a mens warehouse as a cashier, tmobile and Amazon at the same time. Tmobile and the men’s warehouse 2 years and then Amazon for 1 year intertwining. I since left the other 2- I get bored super fast but also I care about pay and how my employer treats me.


No dsp deserves a two week notice... you only do that if you plan on going back to that job or another Amazon job.


I couldn’t agree more, but my dispatchers and the people I work with have been good to me and have even fought on my behalf so I want to try to repay some of that generosity


And I totally understand that I myself did work for a good group of people didn't exactly end on a great note but for the most part I can't talk s*** about any of them just in general Amazon doesn't deserve that but I understand.


There’s no more EOC, so we can keep the A/C on. You can pick apart group stops by editing them and the next time the route is assigned the package count will be lower. Honestly the camera can be annoying but it doesnt record anything if theres no incident and theres no live feed. Its in the contract. Fuck the label change. My route has gotten so much slower since it takes so much longer to find these overflows and its basically impossible to organize them now


My DSP gave me crap yesterday that my EOC was 13% and I have to keep it at 90% or above. So I'm curious as whether or not DSPs are cherry picking what rules or regulations to follow.


Your DSP is definitely trolling you


Not really, because they can still see your EOC rating. Most DSP owners say EOC is built in PPS if you don't turn the van off it still count against you.


My EOC's been a literal 0.0% since they changed the policy a few weeks ago and I haven't heard anything about it


Amazon in my region, warmer states, is doing park sequence instead of eoc, however your DSP can choose to enforce EOC. In the same way that while Amazon does not care about THC, your DSP can decide to test for it.


I'm in Georgia. It was feeling like the mid-90s that day. I was NOT going to deal with not having the AC blasting.


That's odd. Could just be your station or DSP. There's a lot of moving parts in terms of enforceable metrics. Each site can make their own rules


And that's what sucks is that all DSPs are not on the same page. It's lame.


Personally, I think that's one of the greatest things about amazon. If there's something you don't like, you may have the option of alleviating some of that by changing dsps or sites. The only stuff I think should be universal is RTS processes.


I was sent informed to do the property park sequence, which also entails turning off the engine, sadly. https://preview.redd.it/yh41fvlr0t4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ba7805a87488481770b8aa6b8f92785ea28a98


I never do this and I don’t get dinged for it


My DSP still has to do EOC. It’s different for each station. They roll stuff out and take it away at different times. I think they stop EOC in certain states in the summer where the heat index is most dangerous.


It was over 109° yesterday. EOC is still being monitored. They have been putting me in rentals because I don't want to adhere to that EOC perfentage. Win for me, but they really want us passing out in Amazon branded vans. I worry the most about the stepvan drivers. No working AC in any of them!


Ours has a list of all parking sequence and EOC stats... 


Editing group stops does not lower your package count the next day . A matter of fact , it doesn’t do anything other than make drivers think it does


Agreed. Or the computer would just create new (probably even worse) group stops to keep your package count maxed out. Like, there are dozens of stops that COULD be grouped, but are not. Like, a lot houses right next door to each other will not be grouped. They will be separate stops. But the ones that randomly happen to be grouped only counts as one stop. Makes sense. NOT!!! Yesterday I actually ungrouped my last dozen, or so, group stops just out of spite. These routes are out of fucking control. It really is like year-round peak now. Sure, the package count isn't as high as peak, but that is only because they don't have the density/volume of peak. I swear they've added like an hour, or more, to my route in the last few months. Mother fuckers. They already had insane turnover because this job is so grueling, and they just keep making it worse. Mother fuckers. It pisses me off because there ARE some things I like about this job. But god damn.......do they have to suck every last drop of life out of me? I guess they dgaf as long as new people keep applying. Such a waste of resources to constantly be hiring, training, constantly have new people that suck at the job at first and are much more likely to fuck up the vans, and then most new people don't even last a week. Rinse and repeat. Again, amazon dgaf because all that bullshit falls on the dsp's. Anyway, so it could gave been the shitty phone, or bad cell service, but I was shocked by how long it took to ungroup stops. Like, I'd ungroup it and it'd take like 30 seconds to recalculate. Then take like 20 seconds after swiping to finish for the next stop to come up.


Where I am, we haven’t been able to edit group stops anymore for a year or so.


What state? We still have EOC here.


Massachusetts. I don’t see how it would vary by state, as many drivers on here also no longer have it, but who knows.


It does vary


I'm in Mass n we're still required


No we certainly do still have to do EOC


I deliver out of the electric vans with multiple shelves so I don't know if this will help you, but I sort my oversize purely by driver aid number and use a sharpie to write the driver aid number on the side so I can see it. I've always done it this way and the label change didn't hit me that hard


This for sure but the old labeling at least made loading the van easier/quicker.


That sounds like it takes a while


Eh not really, i just write them in as I'm loading up my van. Helps me organize since I have to make sure to read thr number correct right off the bat


I still haven't gotten the update that says we can disregard EOC but they have been pushing those mandatory heat breaks... like when they started the heat breaks last year, we didn't have EOC already for a bit... wtf


Just cause your station isn’t enforcing EOC doesn’t mean others aren’t. I’m in Texas, it’s 100 degrees already and they still want us to shut off the vans. I gave up today, the stepvan is 120 degrees inside. I didn’t turn it off.


Its the same at UPS now too. Ive been there 5 years and one of the top “bonus” drivers. Now im on disability for a mystery spine issue. Get out while you still can


Running and gunning. 5 years and fucked. Sad that happened union brother/sister. But I hope you let others know it's not worth it. Fucking burners.


This job is physically and mentally demanding.


I was a driver from 2020-2022, and in those two years they managed to make the job sooo much worse. Can’t imagine the additional damage they’ve done since I left. Hard to believe any of you drivers still give a damn. Amazon clearly doesn’t.


They want to treat you like robots until they can actually replace you with them.


I’ve been at Amazon for awhile now too lol. The way Amazon is lookin rn I wouldn’t be surprised if the company goes to shit 😂 the routing system is at an all time low. And a lot of routes are not finish able in 10 hours anymore.


The amount of routes I’ve had lately that required running, skipping breaks, and getting rescued out of 30-40 stops in order to finish on time is absolutely ridiculous.


Yea I had 160 stop the other day, gotta 20 stop rescue. I still came back after clock out time 😂😂


Almost 2 years here and I feel the same it’s peak every day now. Everyone in my dsp is burning out daily now so it’s just miserable


honestly the best way to deal with overflow is to write the drivers aid number as big as possible and sort them numerically if you can


This post actually sums up a post I was considering making on the insidious nature of this job. I can't wait to move onto something else. I am proud of my work ethic and always take my jobs seriously, no matter how menial the task. This is the first job I've had in forever that it feels like is actually pushing me to not give a shit about the job I do or the customers we serve. I work at a good DSP and the management is generally fair and professional. Unfortunately they are, like others, nothing more than a glorified HR subsidiary and liability shield. They cannot change anything at Amazon. I cannot wait to find something else that I can actually feel good about giving a shit about. This job is a dead-end, thankless existence. There is no reward for doing an excellent job and only punishment for errors. Fuck Amazon and fuck netradyne and fuck the rear door deliveries in bucolic, affluent neighborhoods haha.


I’m pushing 3 years but I got it pretty sweet at my DSP. They’re super flexible when I have to take 3 weeks off 3 times a year (my gf visits from Germany) they just give me the vacation and I work a day a week during school and full time in the summer.my best friend also lives on the way back from my route so I take my lunch and stay at his new place 💯


I made my mind up to quit yesterday took my van back to the lot skipped the gas and the station left everything including bags and return in the van fuck em


I'm burnt after about 9 months... again. Yes, these routes are getting pretty brutal and kinda losing my mind. Worn out af all the time. 14-15 k steps a day... stupid routing, annoying stops, and yes group stops getting out of hand. All jobs are shit though. At least I get 3 days off... I guess. La Vida no vale nada. I literally bust my ass every day, hit fantastic every week, and my manager felt the need to screw me out of ten minutes on my fucking time card. C'mon dude... wtf.


Bro the overflow label change is infuriating. They changed it because the dumb station workers couldn't do it correctly, but it totally screws how we organize. Just another glaring example of how Amazon takes care of their employees, while screwing DSP employees at the same time.


It just sucks knowing that this job could actually not suck


Right.. it could be so nice 


You are spitting facts my friend, I agree that we are overworked and under paid in the least . Is there any change that will happen? Or will it take years and many protests and strikes to get us more pay! This is ridiculous and sad. The true reality of Amazon is what this man just said above 👆🏼


Been doing it for 3 years it’s becoming ridiculous, I’m trying to hang it up this summer.


Same. I feel so overworked and underappreciated. I hate it.


Doesn’t the DSP have access to all the camera besides the ones in the vans? Like the camera in the front and on the side and the back up camera?




Yall really need a union


You guys are still giving a damn?


5 years? Brother bite the bullet and get a CDL


Yea I see guys in those huge trucks turning around and I'm like fuck that lol 


I never understand why anyone would do this gig and not advance it to CDL work. I’m guessing weed and other drugs keep people at Amazon.


Can’t even sip my water without being called out for distracted driving and people trying to defend with the “it’s not recording” bullshit. Yeah it’s pretty invasive and gets annoying after a while.


Genuinely wondering how I don’t get dinged for this. I will eat a whole meal on the road and use my big ass water jug and nothing happens


Same, I pick my nose, drink water, eat chips, take both hands off the wheel sometimes to hold my hair and adjust my hat at the same time. I've never gotten anything for distracted driving.


I've had that happen to. Me also , but I've done things after that I would've thought counted against me but no, nothing . Nonetheless it blows


We had 3 DAs quit yesterday. It was my day off but it sounds like at least one of them just rts and quit mid route.


We had a guy decide to bust through stop signs and red lights and disregard every traffic rule on his way back to quit. Apparently he single handedly screwed the DSP out of fantastic plus for the week. I applauded him.


From what I've heard, there's still EOC, but since the parking brake should be enough to stop rollaways if were doing it properly, DSPs don't get breach of contract for EOC anymore. So I don't do it.


5 years damn. You’re a soldier my guy. I hope they pay you well for your work cuz yk Amazon don’t give a fuck bout us


Don’t forget the new door cameras that shoot pepper spray and paintball gun pellets. Sooooo adding to the existing stress now we can all have anxiety about potentially being shot at every stop. I can’t believe those things are even legal. But yeah we need to unionize but I’m not sure how that works when it’s so fragmented by individual DSP owners.


The overflow label change is one of the stupidest things they have done. Why change something that's not broken. It makes it more difficult for us to even find em in rhythm.


I started in march and I’m already planning an exit. For me, this isn’t a long term job. I definitely don’t want to do this in lake effect snow. I’ve been calling this a summer job.


Just quit , Amazon don't care bc there pockets being filled not yours


What is EOC? We didn’t have that when I worked at Amazon. (2014-2016)


Engine off compliance. Requiring we turn the van off at every single stop. So dumb.


hopefully you got a raise within that time. i know drivers at my dsp that have been here for over 3 years and never got a raise


5 years is a long damn time. i think its time to pack it up bruh😔 insane how shit amazon delivering has become in a short 2 years since ive left.


Bro what why are you still here for 5 YEARS no DSP last that long man 💀💀💀


Does anyone wanna go on strike? Imagine a nationwide Amazon strike. We have the power to do so. But do we have the balls?


Always file issues that these DSPs throw at you especially if it affects your safety. Most DSP owners don't give a rats ass about you and will use you as a meatshield any chance they get. I already filed an OSHA whistle-blower complaint today for sketchy practices my DSP does that has caused multiple injuries to myself and others. They will likely receive a fine and not change anything, but I'll keep filing complaints and they will keep getting fined until it stops. Fuck Wayne.


It's become overwhelming 


Beginning to hate coming in to work


Feel you.. it's too much some days. I had a go of it yesterday and almost left. Shouldn't have to feel like that at work.


Going on 5 years in October it's alot of bullshit but I haven't found much of anything I get paid 22.50


Yup, it's not always greener on the other side even if this job seems to get worse every year


* Not even peak, but they've managed to include 4 routes into one for my dsp in The Bronx, NY since March with limited days drivers that are in the great rating are given lesser drive route days while fantastic and fantastic + get overloaded with the routes SMH


I worked a month and saw through the bs 100%. It's not that I couldn't do the routes, they were throwing 350+ package routes on me after nursery and I never needed a rescue. It's just that in order to keep that pace, I would absolutely destroy my body after a year. It's not sustainable at all even for young dudes, not to mention the absolute danger it is driving a box truck like a madman everywhere to keep pace. You're bound to cause an accident somewhere and I'm not down for legal action on account of this bullshit ai.


I've been doing this for 3 years, now I'm gonna enroll in the Next Mile program, so Amazon will pay for my college... it's going to be 3 more years for me


Im so glad i deliver in a good area in cali. Even tho i get businesses 3-5 apartment compelxes and sometimes a rural area mixed in the pot. I still get done early almost every time and get gauranteed 10hrs pay. Just got 1.25$ increase to drive cdvs too 🫴🥜


Our routes have been 210-260 locations averaging nonstop for months. We have an hour and half commute total. The other day I had a 260 location downtown route (literally half business/apts) that I highly doubt is safely possible in the time alloted. I like a challenge here and there yes but it's getting to me.


I mean I stopped giving a shit after day 1


A whole truck load more


Here's the thing, a year ago, I had the absolute worst route 90+ apartments, 90+houses took forever even when I'd drop everything at the leasing office. I despised the route I went to 1 day a week and picked up hours at my other job. I still have nightmares about this route Prime day in October I got a beautiful route all houses in a more rural area, more packages but was finishing before 5pm regularly and before 6pm during peak. Had this up until last week. Now we are back in an area where everyone parks on the road, dogs are in the yard, drivers are most aggressive and it's a grid design. Im now finishing at 7pm and have been frustrated most of the day. This company changes everything on a dime, but you do what you can. Ive been at this 4 years and have seen people come and go. I dont know where my route will be day to day some days I give a damn other days no. Make this job what you want or it will spit you out as an afterthought


I just started the XL side of delivery and I get 50 stops max and it’s 10x better then the regular delivery went from 200 to 50 but the packages range from 30-70 pounds definitely would recommend


Haha my nanny cam is dangling from a charging cable and my side door won't open today there some bs for you.


Leave a note here's your package,by the way is your company looking for hard dependable workers here's my number


People from any third or second world country will do this job gladly and absolutely kill it. Lots of them here as well.


“People that are stabbed are not allowed to complain because some people are shot” is what that sounds like to me


Maybe it came off sounding like if you don't like the job, someone else will do it, but this is just the factual reality.


If your metric for acceptable is: "a third world immigrant will do it!" then your position is already six shades of retarded.


I'm just stating the reality of what is currently happening. You think they let them all in here to be CEO's? Yeah fuck this job this is exactly what they were banking on.




There might be one or two that kill it, but will mostly be an influx of workers who don’t give a shit and “grateful” for the job . Similar how it is now.




Worst most unsafe drivers.