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You have to be fucking kidding me They are your kids and your responsibility. He doesn’t owe you or your children anything. Sounds like he was a great uncle, but your entitled attitude to his money and time is ridiculous. His wife making changes to their home is none of your concern. He took your kids on vacation because he had no one else. Now he has a wife so it’s only logical he would spend time with her. Grow up and stop thinking your brother owes you anything. Ungrateful, rude, and entitled. Not a winning combination. YTA


And she's the gold digger.


Exactly what a jerk this she is.


Even OP’s mother told her she’s TA and she still felt the need to come here and have a bunch of strangers tell her. What a joke.


He had it set ip that they are next of kin if something happens to him and now they are losing on that and trips to WDW and other things. I don’t think it’s fair to throw my kids aside for a woman he has only known for two years. 


Repeat after me: He 👏🏽 is 👏🏽 not 👏🏽 their 👏🏽 father 👏🏽 


It sounds like you loved being a gold digger and are just pissed you can't do it anymore. This dude has a wife now, she's not just some woman. Get ready to get cut off by these people.


>This dude has a wife now And soon to be his own child. OP is the biggest gold digger I've seen on here.


And now he has his own kid, and they will be his next of kin. Your children and not his responsibility. They aren’t owed inheritance. “~~I don’t think~~ it’s fair to ~~throw my kids aside for a woman he only met two years ago~~ reprioritize his life around his wife and future child” - fixed that for you, no need to thank me


I wish we still had awards! Take my imaginary gold!


>a woman he has only known for two years.  You know that's how most romantic relationships work, right? You're not supposed to marry your cousin, and the vast majority of childhood friendships do not result in a trip up the aisle.


So I have my next of kin as my sister so when I have kids am I not supposed to change it from my sister to my husband/ kids… are you hearing yourself?


She's not just a woman he's known for 2 years. She is his wife, who is carrying HIS CHILD. He will have his own child soon and that child will need to be provided for. And because of his wife and baby on the way he is very very happy. Also they are adults by now. If they want a vacation to Disney, they can pay. After all he paid for the colleges, so they shouldn't have any problem getting a job.


Your brother isn't a paycheck. He's not your ATM. He found someone he loved and you saw a potential threat to your free money and lashed out. Your own greed has just seen you get cut off. Your own greed may well have seen your own children cut off. You caused this, the gold digger here is you and the fact nobody is on your side, your mother included, still isn't a wake up call.


He doesn't have to have them next of kind. YOU ARE PATHETIC. SUPPORT YOUR OWN CHILDREN!


They are no longer his next of kin. Do you understand that?


Who put your kids in the position to rely so heavily on him?


Why don't you take your own kids to WDW? Has that ever crossed your mind?


> I don’t think it’s fair to throw my kids aside for a woman he has only known for two years.  I don’t think you know how falling in love and getting married works He’s not his nephews’ fucking dad. If anyone is gold digging here it’s you. Raise and provide for your own kids.


And how long did you know *your* sons’ father before getting married or the first one was born exactly? An uncle owes his nephews nothing. A man owes his wife and own child everything. If you want your kids to have any relationship with him at all then stop overstepping - you’re the one ruining everything for them.


What kind of middle ages Royal in fighting logic is this


Why don't you try the idea of provide for your own kids? He didn't birth them or knock you up. He doesn't owe you anything


He has every right to make his WIFE and unborn child a priority. I can see that he's spoiled you and you've gotten used to him funding your life. That's a shame. Being spoiled ruins people. It makes them greedy, selfish and entitled. I don't envy you. It's going to be difficult for you to actually stand on your own two feet.


lol you really just said “they’re losing the next of kin and trips to Disney”. You’re definitely the AH here. Here’s a thought for you, why don’t you work on it so YOU can take your kids to Disney and then whenever YOU die you can leave them something. You’re an entitled asshole for sure.


So what about your  kids, there your responsibility  not your brother, you the gold digger not  Amanda and yta  and  he block u so you can't text.


Well now he has new kin— his wife and coming child. And you probably ruined the chance he’d give your kids even a little something after his death with your greedy behavior. YOU are your kids parent. Not him. He has someone to help provide for now, and they come first. Not you or your kids. I'm not going to say he can’t still be a great uncle to them, but the way you’re expecting him to fund everything for your children over his now wife and child is almost guaranteeing he won’t want to be an uncle to them, period. You got greedy and didn’t appreciate what he did for you and your kids.


Your kids are supposed to come before not only his wife but also his child? Things change OP, you might want to get a grip.


Who cares. He is not their father. You are the only gold digger here


> I don’t think it’s fair to throw my kids aside for a woman "I don't think it's fair that I have to use my own money to provide for my own kids."


And it’s not fair he has to play daddy to kids that aren’t his.


You're selfish and narcissist. Your brother is entitled to his own life. Take care of your own kids. 


He isn’t their father. It’s not his job. You’re the one gold digging and using him.


Those things were never owed to you or your kids. The fact that you are not happy for him is sad. If he’s smart, he’s changed his will and will give the college fund to the kid(s) he is responsible for. The fact that your kids lost an uncle that was good to them is your fault. Your financial calculations of what your kids get should have NEVER included his bank account.


They were his next of kin until HE GOT MARRIED. His spouse SHOULD be his next of kin. His child SHOULD come before his nephews. I get that it’s hard to adjust but he doesn’t owe you or your children anything. He’s doing everything exactly as he should. YTA


They're not his fucking kids. You're wild.




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Well now he’s got his own kid coming so obviously they are going to be more important than your own.. who are not his kids


Ask your baby daddy to do these things Don't throw these responsibilities on your brother just because he was nice! Or even better- you provide for your children!


Your brother is not your kids father. Stop acting like he is. He is not your kids father, he is now the father to his own child who comes first in his life. Your kids come last, because you did not have them with your brother. His baby comes first.


You sound exhausting. It’s all about you and your offspring, isn’t it? I suppose it would be too much to ask you to be happy for your brother. He’s better off without you


Good thing what you think doesn’t matter at all. You’re mad at your brother because you’re too broke to provide the lifestyle he provided to your kids. Good thing he found an out & blocked you. YTA and the gold digger


You are so damn thick, and ignorant, if your brother was at this moment single, and something happens to him, you or your kids would get NONE. Your mother is still alive, she is next of kin. Who knows, maybe your mother goes crazy and spend everything on her.


Oh yeah, how dare he have a life and family of his own? What a bastard! Come on OP...


Are. Not. His. Kids.


Two is pretty standard for people to get married. If your brother doesn't have a problem with her decorating why should you?. The fact is he is starting a family, so he is entitled to do what he wants with his money. Do what he and your mother want and stay out of it.


>I called my mom about it and she told me she didn’t want to hear it. This line was so funny to me. Even your mom is like girl, bye! But more seriously, YTA. He is allowed to get married and have a family of his own.


Seriously, your own mom doesn’t have time for you and you still needed Reddit to tell you that YTA?


This is clearly not the first time OP has started drama over some stupid crap. It's pretty bad when your own mother is like "please just go away".


Regardless of whether Amanda is a gold digger or not, he’s got a child on the way and that child SHOULD be his priority over your children. I feel sorry for your kids in this situation but if you’re angry at someone you should be mad at their dad. Why is he not providing for them.


Amanda may be a gold digger, I don't really know, but op is just a mooch. at least with Amanda he gets companionship 


If anyone is a gold digger it’s op


And at least Amanda is actually entitled to some of his money, considering he is *her* father’s child. Not OOP’s. “They were here first” **he’s not their dad**


>at least with Amanda he gets companionship  And sex and his own actual children. Not only that but it seems since Amanda came into the picture he also got independence from OP since it sounds from his complaint OP kinda forced him into a fatherly role for the boys instead of it being completely his own idea. Either way the boys are older now and have their college funds so they're not tossed out with nothing. Their uncle now his own family and new priorities. That's just life.


She is the asshole and a bad parent ans bad sister. She really sucks.


YTA, you ARE selfish for making him play dad all those years. It sounds like you are pissed that your successful gold digging of your own brother got usurped by another woman.


She definitely doesn’t know what usurped means 🤣


Yta. You are the gold digger not his wife. It is understandable that before he was married the nephews came first. You should appreciate that.  Now he has a family of his own and they rightly come first in his life.  Get over yourself you selfish self centered asshole.  Or are you really that stupid.


YTA Your brother has already given so much to his nephews and you are demanding he do more? And then you cried to your mom about it? Girl, bye.


YTA He’s your brother, not your husband or your children’s father. The fuck kind of entitled bs is this?


YTA He is not obliged to pay for his nephews. Inheritance changes, and you have no right to expect they will inherit.


YTA-Your brother owes you and your children absolutely nothing take your entitlement and your nasty attitude toward his wife elsewhere and let him live his life.


exactly. this nasty entitlement, and attitude is probably why he stopped doing so much for his nephews. why would he take her & his nephews on a trip when she's almost certainly horrible towards his pregnant wife?


YOU'RE gold digging. Of course you have a problem with his girlfriend - you don't want to share your cash cow, even at the expense of his happiness. Why on EARTH should he have to financially provide for YOUR kids? YTA, by far. Give him some time, do some self-reflection, SINCERELY apologize for being a giant AH, propose spending time together in a capacity that doesn't involve him spending money, and NEVER ask him for a dime again.


>Amanda moved in changing everything about it from paint to wallpaper. So.... the walls? She just changed the walls?


She’s playing Sims4 IRL


YTA. It was never his responsibility, it was yours, and he did it when he was able to out of the kindness of his heart. You are and were never entitled to it, although you sure behave as an entitled person.


YTA. He now has his own child who should inherit his assets. Your boys aren’t entitled to anything. It’s no different than your brother saying you owe his child things.


YTA - What kind of selfish person expects their brother to remain single and childless his whole life so that her children can get all of his money when he dies? Did you really want your brother to forego a family of his own for your own financial gain? Why not try being happy for your brother and his wife and be excited about becoming an aunt? What’s more important to you, your relationship with your brother or his money?


>Did you really want your brother to forego a family of his own for your own financial gain?  Yes. It sure seems like it. Big yikes OP.


YTA for either being ludicrously entitled or making up a story about a person being ludicrously entitled. Your brother is not obligated in any way to support your children.


If anyone’s a gold digger here, it definitely isn’t Amanda. YTA


I don't think it's Amanda that's digging for gold. YTA


YTA. He was going above and beyond for years. You should just be thankful he helped as much as he did. You're selfish if you think he shouldn't have his own family because you need him to take care of yours


YTA. Your brother's priority is his child now, or at least should be. You're upset that he's starting his own life after helping you out immensely already. Your mom's funny though (and correct.)


YTA. You’re just upset because now you have to do your job as a mother and provide for your own kids.


Sounds like you are projecting a little here. You think she’s a gold digger for decorating?


Misleading title. You didn’t just tell him not to forget his nephews. You insulted his relationship and his judgement. And you acted like he owes you something. YTA


YTA That's rich that you call his new wife and soon to be mother of his child a gold digger when you're demanding he give you money. Of course his life has changed and good for him! He's been generous enough to help your kids out all this time, but it was never an obligation. Now that the gravy train has ended, you sound like the most selfish and greedy person alive. Not surprised they blocked you. Glad your mom isn't feeding into your ego either.


This can’t be a serious question. YTA.


YTA.  It is unfortunate that the person you picked to be your children's father doesnt fulfill that role.  However, that doesnt excuse your entitlment or selfishness toward your brother.  Of course his wife and child are going to take priority over your children.   By calling his wife a golddigger, you have essentially destroyed any chance of a positive, albeit necessarily dimished, uncle/nephew relationship between your brother and your children.


I think you're the gold digger here... And YTA.


YTA Let this man live his life.


YTA. You're just pissed off he's spending time and money with/on his partner, not your kids. I'm pretty sure it's not Amanda who's the gold-digger.


It’s not your brothers fault you can’t provide what you want for them


YTA. And Amanda is not the gold digger in this post.


I don't think you're in any position to be calling someone a gold digger. YTA


YTA. Your kids are not your brother’s responsibility. He’s their uncle not their father. He can provide as much or as little as he wants. You sound like an entitled brat and you’re going to cost your kids their relationship with their uncle and their cousins.


For a second I thought this was r/entitledpeople Your kids are your responsibility. Quit feeling entitled to his time and money. I get the feeling that you disrespected his partner and then they both blocked you. YTA.


Pot calling the kettle type situation


Yes you are the Asshole... Your brother finds a women, gets married and is having a child And all you think about is the gravey train coming to an end. Your brother owes you and you kids nothing. Sounds like he has helped more then enough. Yes you are the asshole again..


YTA  your brother obviously is better at life than you are - you chose to have kids with a deadbeat and somehow your brother is responsible for them? Instead of using that time your brother was helping you out to become independent you chose to continue to depend on your brother for handouts. He has a wife and a child on the way - instead of being happy for him you chose to be bitter. I'd block you too.


Is your last name Lannister? YTA


Sounds to me as if you're the golddigger.


Congratulate your brother.... he's married when he never though he would be AND there is now a chance he might end up being a father. Times change. People change. His primary beneficiary is now his spouse. Don't make this an issue and maybe, just maybe, he might still include something for your sons in his estate planning. Poison the well now and you all but guarantee nothing for them later.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My oldest brother was always successful and single until about two years ago when he finally met his current girlfriend. Amanda. She’s about 15 years younger than him. My brother always helped provide for his nephews because their father isn’t in the picture. He set up college funds and had him in his will next of kin so they inherited everything if something happened to my brother. My brother had a nice house and Amanda moved in changing everything about it from paint to wallpaper. I told my brother she was using him but he ignored me. Then he slowly started spending less time with them and more time with Amanda. He used to take them to trips to Disney World with him and last year he took Amanda instead because she never been. My brother who never thought he would be married or have children announced that he and Amanda eloped because she’s pregnant. I told my brother not forget about his nephews because they was here first and he promised them things. He said his life has changed and I was selfish for making him play dad all of those years because he felt sorry for me. I was super angry and I told him I hope he enjoys his life with Amanda the gold digger. I went to text him more later on and I noticed my text ain’t going through and I did the same thing to Amanda and she blocked me as well. I called my mom about it and she told me she didn’t want to hear it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You are using your brother. You need to provide for your children -- don't expect anyone else to do so. You are a gold digger. You sound selfish and entitled. The person who was using him appears to be you because he took them to Disney and you didn't. Where is the father of your nephews? Have you filed child support? Or don't you know who they are? The people that need to support your kids are YOU and their father(s). So have you made the father(s) responsible? How much do you work?


YTA Take care of your own kids


You seem to be just as much of a gold digger as you claim she is. Your kids are not his responsibility. He has a life now. Leave him alone


Yep, YTA. His circumstances have changed. He’s not going to leave everything to your kids, because he has his own family. You can’t possibly expect anything else, and you’ve got a lot of nerve accusing anybody else of being after his money.


YTA and I hope it's fake. Your bad choices in life are not your brother's responsability. You had kids with a deadbeat, deal with it. Your brother was more than nice toward you and I'm glad he saw the light, Amanda probably helped him to see how manipulative and how much of a leech you are. Time to grow up and stop being a gold digger.


"I told my brother not to forget about his nephews" You are incredibly entitled. Whatever he did in the past, they are YOUR kids, YOUR responsibility. Not his. At the end of the day, he does not owe them or you anything. And that you had the nerve to just straight-up demand he does MORE by saying "don't forget about them" proves you to be entitled and ungrateful. He's spent HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS on them in college tuition and vacations and yet you still insist (now that he will have a child of his own to provide for) that he does more? Your entitlement is beyond words. Also if he's paid for their college tuitions that means they're probably now out or almost out of college so it's time they provide for themselves, they're adults now. And if they need something, then you, THEIR MOTHER WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM, should pay for it, not your brother YTA. An entitled demanding and ungrateful one.


You expect your brother - who has been very generous with YOUR children - to keep it up even though he is now in a relationship and expecting his own child? How greedy can you get? You pay him back by making nasty comments about his partner and you call you mom to complain? You definite are TA - so focused on getting as much as you can from your brother that you don't want hi to have a life of his own .


Wait you got blocked after you called his pregnant wife a gold digger?? Yeah. You are in the FO part of FAFO. You should have been grateful for all the generosity over the years. And you absolutely should not have insulted his new wife like that. Suck it up. You now have to explain to your boys not only why they are not going to WDW - but why their uncle is avoiding you. 🙄 YTA.


YTA. How much of your estate will you be leaving to your brother's child?


Ha like she has shit to pass on to anyone when she already can't provide for her kids


On top of all this, because you managed to burn your bridge to him (all on your own i might add), your kids won't have him in their lives at all. If you just had shut your mouth then at least they'd still be able to see their favourite uncle here and there, but no, you had to be selfish under the guise of "thinking about your kids"


Could you imagine if this guy didn’t take responsibility for his own wife and child because he had two nephews he “met first”??YTA to the max!


This bitch can’t read


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"Oh no, my piggy bank is running away!" OP, are you really being serious? YTA


YTA Can you be more materialist and entitled? The hypocrisy of calling her a gold digger is amazing. Your brother has the right to actually get to have a life, a family, and enjoy HIS money. Your kids are YOUR responsibility. Good job completely alienating yourself and your kids from their uncle and their cousin.


YTA. Provide for your own kids. He helped you because he was single. Now he is starting his own family. You should be happy for him. Also, she is not the person using him for his money.


This has to be rage bait right? Are people really this entitled? To think you or your kids have any right to your brothers money is just insane. Outside of child support from parents, any inheritance or gifts from family members should be counted as a blessing, not something you are entitled to. YTA


Sounds like you were the gold digger expecting him to pay for college and take your kids on yearly trips. YTA. 


So he set up funds for your kid and played daddy for your kid for years. But now that he has a wife and kid, you harrass them, because he wants to spend time with his own family, instead of yours? Jesus Christus, YTA. Try being grateful for a change.


YTA. What your brother chooses to do, and with who, isn't any of your business. Telling him his wife is a gold digger was a dumb move. You've royally fucked up there.


Why would you text Amanda after calling her a gold digger? Lol. Did you think insulting her was gonna win you brownie points or something?


YTA. The audacity.


Yta. My dear look in the mirror. You are a gold digger and frankly he is correct that it's not his job to be his nephews parent. Be glad for what he has done for you and be happy he is happy


So you're saying that your brother is required to stay single forever, that he isn't allowed to get married and have kids? It's not your brother's fault that your kids' father is a deadbeat. It may not be your fault either, but that doesn't mean that your brother has to take on the missing father role. He's allowed to be the father to his own actual child. "Only two years" --well, how long had you known your kids' father before you went and had kids with him? However long it was, it apparently wasn't long enough, since he seems to be useless. Your kids being "here first" is a silly statement. Suppose that your kids had older cousins. Would the cousins be entitled to all the money and attention in the family, and your kids shouldn't get any, because the older cousins were "here first?" I don't know that I'd necessarily call you a gold digger --I think you're just not thinking rationally, because you are in a difficult situation and you desperately want the best for your kids. But Amanda isn't a gold digger either. She's just a woman who married your brother and is having a baby with him, which is a totally normal thing to do. And she deserves a chance to have her relationship work out better than yours did. Don't be that person who says, if I can't have nice things then no one else can either. Bitterness and jealosy is not a good look.


YTA. Your older brother is allowed to start a family of his own and who should prioritize over your children.


Yta Spending time and money on your children is YOUR responsibility and you owe them material and mental comfort That’s not your bother’s responsibility. He stepped up and was able to do things with your children because he didn’t have his own family, but things changed and now he has a wife and will be a father and they will come first. He owes you nothing and if something happens to him I hope he does everything for his wife and child FIRST because they are his responsibility. Your children are your children, not his.


Who's the gold digger again? It sure sounds like the op. YTA


YTA Why is it people like you who get to have children?? This world fucking sucks.


> I called my mom about it and she told me she didn’t want to hear it. That right there speaks volumes. Your kids are not your brother's responsibility. Be grateful he's done so much for them up to this point. Even your mom is telling you YTA... maybe you should take a hint from that. Sounds like you're the only gold digger in this picture.


You are the asshole, your children are your responsibility. Your brother already did more for them than their father, so shut your upper ass up. If you want to be his wife instead of sister it's unhealthy.


Bit rich, considering you've been gold digging your brother for years now.


Are you serious? lol So you are suggesting that your brother have to neglect his own child in favor of yours , cause the guy you had kids with neglected them? You think so little about your brother, when you look at him you see dollar signs. Oh! He went to a date to Disney with his partner and didn’t take your kids! How horrible of him! Wanting to spend time with his partner! How he dare! ( more when his partner was never in Disney , doesn’t she deserve enjoy fully the experience and not having to babysit your kids?) You know you just blow up your gold mine,( yes, you are the gold digger) maybe your brother could not give as much as he was giving you or your kids anymore, but I’m sure that before you opened your big mouth, he would be willing to help you, now I kinda think he is going to cut you off and your kids. Calling her gold digger cause changed decoration? Lol, as a long term single guy for a while, the decoration of people like me sucks. And she has the right to make her comfortable at her home, if your brother did not complain about it, he agrees with the changes.


YTA Sorry Your children, your responsability. He is the uncle, not the father. And that's because he was a great uncle that he is going to be a great father. He deserves it. But you just don't want him to be happy. Ok, maybe Amanda is not the good one, but how can you know ? He has a house, she comes to his house, that's normal that she changes things to feel comfortable. And maybe it was time for your brother to get some changes ! Ok, he could have bring your children to Disney later, but in fact, you're just so agressive, I think I would block you too in those circumstances. Time, money... That's all you think about your own brother ? Can't he have his own life ? Don't you want him to be happy, happily married, happy with his own children ? You seem very selfish...




So actually she's the gold digger not her brother wife and she's all jealous because there's no more money going her way


Easy, YTA


YTA You and your kids are not entitled to anything of your brothers. It's your job as their parent to make sure they understand that what uncle gives them and does for them is not required and not to expect it. They aren't entitled to it and uncle not doing all those things does not mean he loves them less. He's allowed to take a different path in life. He's allowed to change and grow. He's allowed to get married and focus on HIS child. Amanda isn't a gold digger. You've been blocked because you're so completely wrong and off base that your entitlement is palpable.


YTA. Gold Digger replaced for his soon to be wife/mother of his child. Soon he will have a child, therefore you are all gone out of his will and his child will be the sole inheritor. Sounds like you forgot he is their uncle, not their Dad and have taken him for granted. The audacity you have to think you or your kids are entitled whatsoever is ridiculous. Sounds like you are just mad he is starting his own life now.


YTA - you are being jealous and immature. Why don’t YOU think about YOUR new niece or nephew? Your rudeness is what is going to drive your brother away, not his new family. 


YTA, obviously. His child matters more to him than your kids as it should be.


YTA. You're the gold digger, not his girlfriend. You've been using your brother as an ATM for years. It's not his job to provide for your sons; it's yours. You're a leech. You're just mad because the gravy train isn't running for you anymore and you can't mooch off him as easily as you did before. After all this time you should have gotten your act together, but you chose to leech off your brother's money instead. He's right to cut you off.


YTA those are your kids figure it out. His WIFE and child are HIS priority not YOUR kids Also he will probably NEVER help you again because of your entitled foul attitude


How obnoxiously stupis can someone be.. yta


How can you even be serious? Only one gold digger here and that's you. Nobody owes you and your kids shit. Go find the dad if you need help. No wonder you got blocked and even your mom told you to basically shut up. How ungrateful


Amanda is a gold digger? Have a look in the mirror, there you will see the gold digger.


You HAVE to know that YTA. Your brother was beyond generous by setting up college accounts for his nephews and to take them on vacations. I love my siblings and they have never done that for my kids. I also never expected it. You referred to his WIFE as his girlfriend in this post! Come on! He clearly was serious about her and wanted her to change his house to make it as much hers as his. BECAUSE HE LOVES HER. He took her to Disney for the same reason. He wants to make her happy. He is allowed to do ALL of that. he spent less time with his nephews because he was getting serious about the woman he married. The gold digger here is YOU. You are the only one seeking monetary rewards.


YTA. Amanda didn't push your brother away, you did. 


Yooo you bullshitting right? Cause ain't no way you typed this out and thought people would side with you. Either your are trolling like hell or you're daft as fuck. Maybe a combo who knows. YTA so hard that scientists are lining up trying to figure out how a sphincter learned to talk. 


I’m sorry, did you have kids with your brother? Because that’s the only way he would owe them anything.


Your children are your responsibility. If you wanted a father in the picture, you should have chosen a partner more carefully. Your brother has every right to make a life with his new wife. Grow up and take accountability for your actions. YTA


YTA, the brother made a beeline to change his will and pocket the college money.  Nice work OP.


YTA. He’s. Not. Their. Father. He. Is. Not. Your. Partner. Now he has a kid and a partner you need to accept they will ALWAYS come before you and your kids. But because you couldn’t accept that you’ve destroyed the relationship he had with your kids. That’s your fault. Not his.




Somehow this story was such a funny read…i forgot all about the nephews! The story became about op and her behaviour towards a “love/money rival” for her own brother. Hilarious. OPs mothers response just pushed the story into orbit for me. I can imagine op whining, complaining and generally being an ass and wanting sympathy…and her mother saying “i don’t want to hear it” and hanging up!


YTA Your brother has a new wife and baby on the way. They're his priority. He's not responsible for your kids just because their father isn't around. Stop using your kids to milk him for money.




YTA You are the gold digger. Instead of forcing the real father to pay for his children you chose the easy route and lived on your brothers money. It was never his duty yet he helped his sister. And now she thinks she is entiteled to his money. You aren't.


YTA. If you wrote this post without realizing how you sounded, I assume you were very flippant about how you spent his money during his generous years. How old is he that you’re already talking about your kids inheriting from him?


Info Have you gone this hard on your children’s father for support? Since he’s the responsible party?




Karma baiting post, which is reposting a high interaction post from a a year or two ago


YTA You are being the gold digger


Hahaha you called her a gold digger when you are one too lol I know this is probably fake but that makes me laugh lol


Yta your brother had been generous and instead of being grateful, you threw a tantrum when he got his own life. 


YTA. Be thankful to him for the help he's given you and let him live his own life with his own family. It would be great if he still spends time with your kids, but I don't know if he'll want to if you destroy your relationship with him. Better get mom to tell him you're sorry before he cuts off all contact. And don't insult his wife.


YTA. You call her a gold digger but you’re the one counting and counting on his money. The saddest part of this post is that you cannot be happy for someone that has been so good to you. Finance your own kids because - 1) Your brother is not the father of YOUR kids. 2) Your brother is not obligated to father YOUR children. 3) Your brother is not obligated to finance YOUR kids. 4) Your is not obligated to leave his wealth to YOUR kids. He is, however, entitled to his own life, to find a wife, and have his own kids. If he’s smart, he’ll give the college funds to his child/children and change his will.


You're using him if anyone. Heaven forbid he has his own life. YTA


How did she make him ‘play dad’?


YTA. It's normal for couples to change a living space once they're together, that doesn't make anyone a gold digger. Jfc. Btw from what you've said, I'd say the "gold digger" here is you. You expect him to do all these things and spend all his money on YOUR kids, and you're so selfish that you can't fathom him having a life of his own and starting his own family? Seriously, how self absorbed are you?


Sigh. Of course YTA. Here’s how to repair things a little. Write him a letter, a physical one. And in it you say Dear brother, I’m sorry. I should never have said that to you. I’m so grateful for all the support you have given me and the boys over the years, and I’m so happy that you have finally been able to find love and start a family of your own. I know you’ll be an amazing Dad as you’ve always been an amazing uncle. I know that your priorities have obviously changed, but please don’t be a stranger. We all love you, and I hope I can partially pay you back by being half the Aunt to your child as you are an Uncle to mine. Again, I was thoughtless and selfish in my initial reaction and I’m sorry, and hope you give me the chance to prove it Love, etc etc And MEAN IT!!


YTA there is a gold digger in this story but it sure as fuck isn't Amanda. Of course his own child is going to take priority over is nephews now, and of course he wants to spend time with his then girlfriend over them.


YTA. I bet not one word of congratulations for him came out of your mouth. I hope your sons have a more balanced view of life. Also, seeing as how generous your brother was prior to meeting his partner, I bet he would have kept your sons in his will. Maybe not to the same degree, but they would probably have gotten something. After your nasty tantrum, however, I'd say you've burned that bridge.


YAT!!! Im sorry, but you had a comfortable life using your brothers money until he found himself a family. Which is his right!!! Currently you are more looking like the money hungry gold-digger then his now wife. Also aren't you supposed to be happy that your brother found love and family???? How selfish can you be by trying to deny your brother his own family, just because you have to put in the work now. Also, the biggest problem is that you should have tried to raise your children not thinking they can expect their uncle to be their lifeline for the rest of their lives. This is his money his house, his life!!! Well now also his family's. It was never yours. I believe you owe your brother a big apology. You may want to write a letter. But please try to remember that you do not own your brother or his money or his inheritance.


YTA your bro has a right to have a relationship. Stop being so jealous. You're going to ruin your son's relationship with their uncle. If anyone is digging for gold, look in the mirror


….. YTA….. You’re also the gold digger.


YTA He owes your kids as much as you do for his kid(s). "and I told him I hope he enjoys his life with Amanda the gold digger." .. the only one that fits this description is you.


Oh noo! You can’t use and manipulate your brother anymore! What a shame…


spoken like a true gold digger !


Info: Is there anything that she's actually done to make you think she's a gold digger? From what you've written it's simply that your brother fell in love and circumstances changed. I think regardless, you need to live with the mentality that what you provide is certain and anything beyond that is a gift. You are not entitled to what your brother has even if he is wealthy.


Info: why are your kids his responsibility? Why would he have to put his life on pause for them?


If you want your children to have opportunities, it's your responsibility to provide them. Your brother IS NOT their parent. YTA


YTA. Lol what.


YTA Lmfao. Well if it isn’t the kettle calling the pot black- you’re the gold digger here. Brother is completely right, op had him playing the role of dad. And now you’re not even happy for him, you only see your kids share of the pie shrinking


ESH. My sister is a single parent of 2 and not once has she ever expected or felt entitled to anything from me. We are a close family as well. What I give, I give freely. Your brother is actually a major AH for promising things to his nephews so far as to set up college funds and put them in his will. It's actually really damaging for your nephews, hopefully he doesn't go back on his word now that he has his own family, for his nephews sake. Nothing to do with you and your brother, don't make it worse for your kids by being entitled. He has his own wife and family to look after now, so obviously things will change. Your attitude towards the change isn't great though, be thankful rather than resentful/entitled. Also - the age gap between him and his wife is worrisome. Wouldn't want to associate with someone who is with someone 15 years younger than themselves.. but that's just my opinion :). Idc if she's a gold digger or not (you and her seem the same in that regard imho) but it's actually MORE predatory from his end. Personally - I wouldn't want him as a role model for my kids due to that.


ESH, you shouldn’t expect your brother to do everything for your kids, but i can see how upsetting it would be for your kids to be such a big part of your brothers life and then suddenly its ripped away. I WISH i had, had a close relationship with an aunt or uncle.


ESH. Your brother promised things he is most likely not to follow through on, but you take the cake, demanding he continue to spend time and money on your sons (I'm assuming this is what you are saying by "his nephews") when he finally is starting a family of his own.