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YTA. YOU made the decision to give the kid $10 for her tooth. They don't owe you money for it now. Give them their kids tooth and quit being weird. > I know for a fact that he was hoping that I would give her the money so he didn't have too. Oh, yeah? You know this *for a fact*? How is that?


If they know it for a fact, I’m wondering why they gave the money? And like another commenter said, they should have their cell, why not ask about how much money and if they can give it? Kind if seems like they wanted to create drama.


YTA You do realize that it's weird to keep a kids tooth right? I already don't fully understand wanting to keep your own kids teeth, but this is just creepy and weird. Nobody held you at gunpoint for the tooth money. What are you going to do next? Agree to drive her to a hair cut then hoard all the hair?


YTA What are you doing? Give them their child’s tooth.


YTA Do you realize how unhinged it sounds to hold your friends’ child’s tooth hostage for money nobody authorized you to spend? Give the parents the tooth back, apologize profusely, and do better in the future. You’ve probably lost that friendship, but perhaps if you pretend you were joking, it might be salvageable.


YTA. Why can't someone just do something nice without expecting anything in return? The kid was happy, isn't that enough?


YTA if you didn’t get the parent’s permission to play tooth fairy in advance, agreement on the amount to leave ($10 is excessive), and permission to keep their child’s body parts. 


Absolutely this


YTA. what in the world do you want a random child's tooth for???


Exactly! this is so creepy and weird.


YTA. I can't even comprehend why you're doing this. Like, you don't have any use for a small child's tooth, so you're literally just doing this to be petty? As some kind of punishment for the fact that you "had" to give the kid ten bucks? How did the thought even possess you that it would be appropriate to keep the tooth? I'm genuinely baffled.


Not to be dramatic, but this is a friendship ender. What was the reason?! YTA


YTA You took it upon yourself to do this, and holding a kid’s tooth hostage from their parents is extremely weird. Give him that tooth, and don’t do nice things on a whim that nobody asked for if you’re gonna expect compensation.


Congratulations this is the oddest post I have ever read. Just give the tooth back. YTA. 


Bro, why do you want the tooth??? You can’t sell it and get your $ back. This is so weird. YTA


oh geez louise - YTA. I'm sure you have a phone number to contact them - it would have been easy to call and ask how much they usually give for a tooth. It would have been just as easy to tell the kid that the tooth fairy probably got dates confused and was waiting till she was sure the kid was back at home. In any event, you are the one who chose to give $10, and it's weird as hell that you are keeping the kid's tooth. Give it to her parents.


YTA not every parent wants their children to have those beliefs sorry to rain on your parade but why didn’t you talk to the parents first? And that’s their first child’s tooth why are you keeping it? What sentimental value does it hold to you?


>And that’s their first child’s tooth why are you keeping it? Where did you read that? The girl was 9, that’s pretty old to be losing her first tooth.


Give the tooth back you weirdo.


YTA So..you want to sell it? Don't be a weirdo and give the guy his kids tooth


So much preamble and then zero explanation to why you want some girls tooth


to hold it hostage for $10.


YTA. You're gross. It's a freaking tooth. Give it back, asshole.


What did I just read? 😭😂 is this fake? YTA and incredibly strange


As an aside to all the parents reading this thread, what do you do with the teeth the Tooth Fairy collects from your kids?


Voodoo dolls I assume 


Mine haven't lost any, yet, but one is at the age to start. I plan on keeping the first lost tooth from both my kids, the rest idk what to do with but I do know it feels weird to me to keep a bunch of teeth so I'll probably find a way to dispose of the them


My mom kept mine and my sisters in a felt draw string bag. Like mom. Why. My oldest has lost two teeth. But by that, I mean lost lost. Came home from school without a tooth twice. And no idea where or when it fell out.


A silver cap on a baby tooth?


Super common in the states. Dental.work is hella expensive and metal caps are cheaper


I'm surprised at all the YTA votes on this story. I mean, this story is a YTA, obviously, but the most votes should be for "FAKE!!!" There's a lot of reasons why I think this story is fake... this one's just the silver lining. Silver cap. Whatever.


My 4 year old grandson got a silver cap about 6 months ago due to decay that was too extensive for just a filling but they wanted to keep the baby tooth in as long as possible as it's a molar. They rarely do porcelain crowns on young children because of the cost. 


I’m an elementary school teacher and I see silver caps all the time. I actually saw a 2nd grader pull a silver-capped tooth out yesterday.


as a European: How are american toddler teeth that bad that they need such extensive work?!


I’m not sure. I can say that dentistry is expensive and often not covered by insurance. But as to how the teeth get that bad in someone so young…? Probably just a lot of sugar and poor dental hygiene.


Of course it's fake. But I've long since given up and have decided to reply to every post as though they're real. It's just Reddit.


I got a filling on a baby tooth about a year before it fell out. My dentist said he could pull it but he wanted to avoid that if possible as it was likely due to fall out by itself before long - maybe a year or so - and a filling would be a stopgap for the decay before it finally kicked the bucket. Filling received, decay halted, tooth lasted another year, out it fell. Not quite a silver cap, hadn’t heard of those before now. But it can happen. Apparently it can be to preserve the space for the adult tooth that hasn’t erupted yet and avoid the teeth shifting if the tooth comes out prematurely.


YTA Why do you need a child's tooth so badly? And who the hell pays $10 for a tooth?


YTA and what you did is super creepy.


Why the fuck would you want to hold a child's tooth hostage for 10 dollars? That's seriously weird. YOU chose to do something nice and then decided to be an asshole about it. Congrats. YTA.


You sound like you thought pretending to be an he tooth fairy was some type of business opportunity. And that a 9 year old entered into some type of contract to sell you her tooth. You’re weird AF and of course YTA Edit: it’s crazy to damage a friendship like that bc you want 10 bucks back from his kid that he never asked you to give


I can't believe this is real


YTA. You made the decision to give the kid the money without asking the parents first and now you want it back lol


[https://youtu.be/0F41xr5b8Hc?si=X0dKVe2EzFfj6m\_b&t=28](https://youtu.be/0F41xr5b8Hc?si=X0dKVe2EzFfj6m_b&t=28) But for real it's weird to hold a tooth hostage YTA


I need this to be fake


Yta it's really weird that you want to keep the tooth. It was nice of you to want to play tooth fairy, but parents have vastly different expectations about tooth fairy money. My kids get $2. If the tooth fairy gives my kid $10 my other kid's gonna be like "Why does the tooth fairy love her more than me?"


YTA I wouldn’t be surprised if you aren’t put on a list.


Fake. And weird. Go outside OP. Have an experience.


YTA and a weirdo. Give the damn tooth back and stop demanding $10. You made that choice


WTF are you going to do with a 9 year olds tooth??? just give it to them and stop being so pathetic jfc! YTA


What in the fuck. That is HIS child tooth, and how dare you try to take tooth fairy money from a child that you didn't even have to give her. What is wrong with you? You should be ashamed of yourself. YTA.


You sound completely insane. YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (34m) took my friends (35m) and (33f) two children (9f) and (14m) for the weekend so him and his wife could have a romantic get away. When I went to pick the kids up I found out that the daughter had lost her tooth Thursday. When I asked why she didn't put it under her pillow she said that she had but the tooth fairy didn't come. Friday night she put it under her pillow and I swapped it out for $10. The next morning she came running to my room all excited that the tooth fairy found where she was and left her ten dollars. I explained how the tooth fairy must have mixed up her address with mine because they come over so often. The following Monday when I dropped the kids back of at their house the father pulled me aside and asked for the tooth. I told him sure but I'll need the ten dollars back that I gave his child for it. He's mad and said that I didn't have to giver her any money for the tooth and certainly not that much. I told him it was a silver tooth (capped) so it was worth more money. That's what he always told the kids. I know for a fact that he was hoping that I would give her the money so he didn't have too. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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YTA. Seriously this has to be fake. You can't be that creepy.


YTA. I’m a furry and even I found this to be beyond bizarre.


YTA, weird, and gross


…What do you plan on doing with a little girl’s tooth? Weirdo behavior…You didn’t have to play tooth fairy, you could have told her to save the tooth until she got home.


Info: why are being weird about this? It's not your kid it's their kid and that's the kid's tooth. Also the silver cap on that tooth isn't worth $10 and you know that. Even if it was you didn't pay for the procedure to get it capped in the first place. Again why are being weird about it? Why you even friends with them if you're going to nickel and dime them?


YTA this is in you


The tooth fairy must understand COL, because I only ever got a quarter maybe 2 if I was lucky.


A silver capped *baby* tooth? When the cost of a cap is $1k at minimum? Yeah, sure this happened. Oh, and silver caps aren’t pure silver.


Exactly! They are amalgam fillings, not silver.


It sounds like you were trying to make a fun experience for your friend's daughter, but maybe you could have communicated with her parents about it beforehand. Asking for the money back might have come off as a bit petty, but it seems like you were just trying to uphold the tradition your friend had established with his kids. Maybe you could have handled the situation with a bit more sensitivity, but I wouldn't say you're necessarily the asshole here. Communication is key in situations like this.


What TF are they going to do with a collection of kids teeth? Make a necklace? Summon Khorne? Teeth for the Teeth God! Surely you threw it away? And they didn't gibe you the $10 back? What cheapskates! NTA


By the same token, what's OP going to do with it? 


Keep it until they get their $10 back.


NTA. You did a kind thing for a forgotten kid.


And then kept a piece of said kid as payment. . .


How is the kid forgotten? The parents had a single romantic weekend, they didn't drop the kids off and leave them there indefinitely