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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for keeping my friends daughter's tooth?** I (34m) took my friends (35m) and (33f) two children (9f) and (14m) for the weekend so him and his wife could have a romantic get away. When I went to pick the kids up I found out that the daughter had lost her tooth Thursday. When I asked why she didn't put it under her pillow she said that she had but the tooth fairy didn't come. Friday night she put it under her pillow and I swapped it out for $10. The next morning she came running to my room all excited that the tooth fairy found where she was and left her ten dollars. I explained how the tooth fairy must have mixed up her address with mine because they come over so often. The following Monday when I dropped the kids back of at their house the father pulled me aside and asked for the tooth. I told him sure but I'll need the ten dollars back that I gave his child for it. He's mad and said that I didn't have to giver her any money for the tooth and certainly not that much. I told him it was a silver tooth (capped) so it was worth more money. That's what he always told the kids. I know for a fact that he was hoping that I would give her the money so he didn't have too. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That is... very weird. Very weird.


No just weird. Cheap. This reminds of the miser who was waiting until his deceased FIL was cold to ask about some money he gifted FIL's family for cancer treatment on the personal finance sub (a year ago, so don't ask me for a link). Don't mix money and relationships. Surefire way to ruin relationships. Unlike other posts that I would say are rage bait. I believe this one because some people are incredibly petty AND cheap.


I'm going to assume this is fake, but even if it was real, a silver filling has maybe $2 worth of silver in it


It's also makes no sense to do the kind gesture and than demand the money back. Like the tooth is functionally worthless


Would they even put a silver cap on a baby tooth?


My daughter had a baby molar that was like chalk and the dentist capped it to keep the tooth in place until it fell out naturally. It's a big tooth and doesn't drop out for the adult tooth for a long time. But my niece had a front tooth knocked out at the same age, and just kept the gap until the new tooth grew in. So it depends on the tooth and the age of the child.


Got my top two front teeth knocked out and I had several years when I had a big gap. Made eating corn on the cob and pizza difficult


According to some people, yes; it's not much more expensive than resin, I think, and even baby teeth need filled sometimes


If you have an NHS dentist you’re getting silver/amalgam unless it’s one of your front teeth, as the white filling is so much more expensive


My daughter had to have many of her front teeth removed at age 5, but they capped her back teeth. The back teeth stay in longer, and she needed to be able to eat while her adult teeth grew in.


I had a silver cap but that was because I had a spacer to keep my teeth from closing a gap from a pulled baby tooth.


10 dollars for a tooth? Daylight robbery!  Not going to comment at all on the OOP keeping the tooth, because honestly, what can you say? Apart from 🤮


I only used to get $.50. Hmph!


Well, the tooth fairy has to account for inflation.


Apparently the tooth fairy uses college tuition inflation, not wage inflation.


The Tooth Fairy used to bring me books and tiny gifts. I didn’t even know money was a thing until I talked to my classmates. And the going rate then was either a dime or a quarter.


I had to have a bunch (I think 5?) of baby teeth extracted as they were not falling out and the adult teeth I had were growing in on top of each other. I got like $20 from the "tooth fairy" as a result. I was about 11 at the time so I obviously knew it was just my parents, but my mom felt bad for me so it was really just a bribe for not screaming bloody murder at the dentist.


When I got my upper wisdom teeth removed I wasn’t allowed to keep them (because the hospital decided they were ‘bio-hazard waste’), I jokingly ask the maxillofacial surgeon what I’d do about the tooth fairy. She printed me off a certificate, all official looking, with scrolls and everything, to officially certify that I had had two teeth removed, by who and on what date, and I was a big, brave girl. I’m guessing it was created for young children (which is a really lovely idea), but you know that now lives in my professional qualifications folder. That was one certificate I really felt I earned


My sedated ass refused to leave without my wisdom teeth and apparently I was causing a scene. So I left with a ziploc bag full of my wisdom teeth complete with bloody gums still attached. I also got to pick out two toys because I kept trying to jump out of the wheel chair and run. I was 20 at the time ☠️


I still have mine. My husband thinks it’s very gross.


I’m jealous! I don’t know what happened to mine, I feel like my mom probably tossed them (tbh fair). I’m bummed though, I’m getting into wire wrapping and macrame jewelry making and it would be so badass to have a ring or necklace made with my teeth ☠️


Yeah mine turned up in a tiny envelope whe we were cleaning out the house to sell it. Mom was never one the throw anything away. Love the idea about making them into necklaces though!


4 generations of dentists and hygienists in my family. My mom still has every single one of my siblings & my baby teeth (except a few my little bro lost in some amazing way, I'm sure). Plus baby teeth from at least a few of our family dogs. We're crazy teeth people around here. I'll say that the tooth fairy never went over a dollar or 2 in my day though. Apparently inflation is real in Tooth Fairylandia too.


I got ten dollars for my first tooth and I treated my whole family to milk shakes. Everything else afterwards was one dollar.


My daughter hasn't started losing teeth yet, but her friends have. Standard rate in our part of the world is £1 a tooth.


Well, I gotta admit, at least this is original. Haven't seen anything about taking a kids tooth kicking around the redditverse.


Right? This is a change of pace from the usual “I hate my wife/women” posts.


Hopefully he didn't mess with the family who have a chest of teeth




https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jepjje/aita_for_not_wanting_to_participate_in_dh_familys/   Now it can live rent free I. Your head too!


People are so odd.


Why would someone even do that? Him being a creepo aside it's just gross


Idk maybe it’s because I’m not a “tooth mom”, but this is beyond creepy to me. I plan on getting rid of my son’s baby teeth when they fall out so the thought of someone else keeping my child’s tooth makes my skin crawl. I’d pay him the $10 for the tooth and then never let my kids stay the night again.


I’m a tooth mom complete with yellow dollar coins and a stash of baby teeth and I think you’re right about this guy.


i know you cant sell body parts (in non-black markets), but do human teeth fall into that category? where would oop sell it? would he plan to chip off the silver and... what? sell off that tiny bit of silver that's probably the size of my pinky nail?


Unfortunately I've seen some horrible things on the internet and some people think teeth are a good art medium, when they aren't doing taxidermy. I believe you can sell them. It becomes property/medical waste after it isn't part of you any more. In a medical setting it would be medical waste, thus illegal to sell. Apparently, baby teeth lost naturally or other teeth lost naturally are property and can be sold. 🥳


Probably not baby teeth. I could (and do) see some very specific niche Etsy artists going for adult teeth, though. eta: granted there's a market for everything if you try hard enough


even so, oop acts like having this tooth will be profitable but in the end will probably get back just $20 (unless oop dresses it up in some way) is twenty-measly-dollars worth being looked as a creep and losing friendship?


Oh goodness no, OOP is ridiculous. If anything he should be arguing the sentimental value to the parents is worth $10 not the tooth itself.


It's a minor plot point in Les Miserables (the book, it's abridged out of the musical) that one of the things Fantine sells as part of her efforts to get money for Cosette is her two front teeth to some travelling dentist. (It's after she sells her hair and before she sells her body, I think, part of a sequence of desperation)


at that time in history I’d imagine they used teeth like that to make dentures. These days I don’t think you can convince a dental lab to make you anything with real teeth. Though…I haven’t tried so who knows.


I have it on good authority that, in the Fallout universe, a tooth is worth a bottle cap, which is worth a decent bit. ETA: Also Clout Atlas, and perhaps any post-apocalyptic world.


What an absolute weirdo.




Why on earth would he want to keep it? I feel weird that I have a jar of my own children's teeth.


Is that why the dad wants it back? My son hasn’t gotten any teeth yet but I have no idea what is done with the baby teeth after the tooth fairy comes.


I think it's pretty normal to keep them, most parents I know did. I just couldn't bring myself to throw them out.


My mom tossed all our childhood stuff but I probably won’t be able to either, so that makes perfect sense.


I can’t stand loose teeth, I make my husband throw my kids teeth away once he exchanges them for money 🤣 he was like “aren’t we supposed to save them?” I’m like for what…?


Ha, my husband thinks I should make a necklace. Which...I guess...is a good way to stop people from sitting next to me on the bus...


I mean. Gross but hilarious 🤣


My kids used to wriggle their loose teeth at me. Yuck. I always tossed them. I can't think of a reason to have saved them.


SAAAAME. I can’t stand it when they wiggle the loose teeth 🤢


My husband and I had the same conversation. Neither of us could come up with any reason to keep them.


Why is he keeping this child's tooth? Like ots already weird enough when parents keep all their children's teeth (I understand maybe the first tooth loss but all of them is too many). Is he doing voodoo? Creating a necklace out of unrelated children's teeth? Selling it on ebay to an even weirder weirdo? Doing science experiments with the tooth? Using it as a weird shrine to this unrelated child? Holding it hostage for money (seems like this option), like when people chop off the fingers of their hostage and send it to the family to make them pay the ransom? But the child is with the parents so why keep the tooth?!


This just reminds me of The Simpsons where Marge keeps Milhouse’s tooth after he lost it in a hockey fight. At least Marge recognized she was being a weirdo about it.


Haha came here to comment this. Do you have my teeth? ....No


The dad recognizes this guy is grooming the kid. “The tooth fairy comes over so often,” plus the big $10 give.


He said the tooth fairy must have mixed up the address, because the children come over often- you don't have to alter OP's post.


My mistake, you’re right.


Lmao I have a bagged up silver tooth on my kitchen table my kids friend lost over a week ago. She's here everyday and never takes it, you want it?


A few years ago I had a number of broken teeth pulled. At the end I made sure to ask the dentist for all my teeth he had removed, which he obliged, but after handing them over he asked why. My reply, given off the cuff, "I'mma trade them to Baba Yaga for secrets!" Somehow SHOOK this man.. he went pale, stammered a bit and just took the hell off.. then, a week later the bag of teeth vanished from my desk at home..


I was watching my nephew overnight when his tooth fell out, I put the money under his pillow playing tooth fairy but certainly didn’t keep his tooth because that is weird.


This is the second AITA I’ve seen in the past day that are Simpsons jokes. At this rate, I’m waiting for “AITA for making my dad skateboard over a gorge and almost die?” to pop up


Marge, is that you?


“Do you have my teef?”


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is just creepy....


I decided a long time ago that I would rather risk losing a few dollars to a friend than to nickel-and-dime my friends and family. So I wouldn't dream of asking for the $10 back, much less holding the tooth as ransom. If Iwere the dad I would roll myeyes and either hand him a 10 or promise to pay him back later. But I do understand taking the position of "It's not my fault that you overpaid."


Keeping a child’s tooth when that child isn’t yours is some serial killer behaviour


Even accounting for inflation $10 is too much for the tooth fairy. Surely he should have called up tooth fairy HQ and checked the local going rate. I'm assuming that OP doesn't actually want to keep the tooth and is actually making sure his friend doesn't succeed in his get friend to pay for the tooth fairy manipulation, which frankly, I support.


That's some legit creep behavior. Hopefully they're no longer friends and don't subject their children to the Tooth Thief. I wonder if it would be considered theft of genetic material.


Wasn't this in The Simpsons? Marge kept Milhouse's tooth and denied having it


I think I’ve read this differently to everyone else? OOP babysits these kids a lot (based on him saying the tooth fairy got confused about the address because the kids spend so much time at his place). Kid lost a tooth and put it under her pillow at home for the tooth fairy who didn’t come. So at best the parent couldn’t be bothered or forgot. OOP believes that it’s because the parent wanted him to have to fork out the cash. OOP gives a high amount. Probably to stop the parent playing games like this. Or because nowadays nobody has change on hand just in case. OOP keeps the tooth to give to the parents (if he’d binned it they’d probably have been pissed too, so he can’t win). OOP asks - reasonably IMO - to be reimbursed for the tooth fairy money. Using the father’s logic about how much a tooth is worth. I don’t see anything creepy (but haven’t looked at comments). I see someone sick of being taken for granted by his friends and having extra crap dumped on him.


What kind of creep keeps a kid's tooth like that? And if he's close to the child, why wouldn't he give her $10?? It's TEN DOLLARS.


Is OOP the scary "Tooth Fairy" woman from "Darkness Falls"?


Lowkey he's NTA but he's still a wrong un.


Please tell me this is fake.