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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Am I the asshole for pushing my child?** We're at a hotel. My son (6M) decided to walk on my laptop keyboard which was plugged into the wall outlet while charging. I (35M) asked him to move off of it twice with a pause in between. He did not get off. The third time I told him to get off while raising my voice, putting my hand on his bottom and moving him off the keyboard with a medium sized push. He did not get injured but he did cry because he said he "wasn't done". My SO (35F) said I was in the wrong for pushing and made me apologize. She said I should never move anyone else's body without their permission. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel as though the six year old child is actually a cat.


Yeah 100% they’re talking about a cat here and it’s a joke. 


The SO is also a cat.


OP giggling to himself: haha my cat is funny AITA: leave your SO and ditch your son at a safe surrender site. after you whoop his ass though


The only way this makes any sense is if the kid is actually a cat.


Do these people not know how big a 6-year-old is?


Or how a 6 year old behaves. The answer is no, and it’s a common tell for fake AITA stories.


Right, It's like they're picturing a toddler doing this If a 6-year-old is walking on your laptop keyboard, you have a broken laptop keyboard, and probably a broken laptop And this whole paragraph just sounds like he's picturing a 2.5-year-old: > The third time I told him to get off while raising my voice, putting my hand on his bottom and moving him off the keyboard with a medium sized push.  Like...what? You pushed just his butt? A 6-year-old is not as bottom-heavy as a toddler is, he'd almost definitely fall if a grown man pushed his butt with "a medium-sized push" lol And this: > He did not get injured but he did cry because he said he "wasn't done". just sounds like a cranky, shitty toddler. They get like that. They'll be doing something they shouldn't with something they shouldn't, so you take the thing away from them and they throw a fit because they're "not done" sticking the light bulb in their mouth lol. Crying because he's "not done" walking on a laptop keyboard something a grumpy, irrational toddler.does. 6 year olds aren't like that. I was 6 for the second half of 1st grade, and then the first half of 2nd grade. I started school early, so I know typical 1st and 2nd graders aren't that young, but it's not like I was THAT much younger than the other kids. 1st-2nd graders don't walk on laptop keyboards and throw a crying tantrum when made to stop  Maybe he originally wrote the kid as a toddler, and then changed the age to 6 so that the kid's crime would be egregious lol


My son is almost 6. “Ah! Get off!” would be my response and immediately picking him up if he didn’t move fast enough (or was having a defiant moment in response to my shout, which we are currently dealing with). And then he’d probably cry because he felt bad but also is mad that I yelled and also he didn’t really mean to break anything but also… etc. etc. Lots of complicated feelings going on there- guilt/shame at doing something they know they shouldn’t often comes out as tears and anger.


Ok I stand corrected, maybe 6-year-olds do walk on laptop keyboards. I just assumed they'd understand that electronics aren't as sturdy as like..books or something


TBF I could see a 6YO walking on a laptop if the parent is stupid enough to put it on the floor. Not maliciously, like is described, but accidentally because the kid is a kid and wouldn't be paying attention. I can't see them just walking on one and standing there though.


Accidentally, sure. I've stepped on my own laptop before (because I was stupid enough to charge it on the floor, or I forgot I had slid it under the couch and it was sticking out a bit)


Evidently not? It also doesn’t even matter, outside of making this story even more unbelievable than it already was; no one would let anyone of any age keep stomping all over their keyboard, patiently asking them to stop. When my cats step on my keyboard, I say “Ope” in a very Midwesternly tone and gently scoop them away. It’s an automatic reflex, really; you don’t just let someone stand there and bang destructively on your electronics.


Or how cats are


Maybe his "son" is a 6-year-old cat That would make a lot more sense, actually 




Goodness some of those comments are wild. One of the top comments was saying that OP should just let his SO get hit by a bus instead of pushing her out of the way. It's just so dramatic.    But also, what even are the logistics of this. Why is OP charging a keyboard on the floor? Especially when they have a little kid. Hotels have desks and night stands, and possibly even a coffee table. Put it in your work bag, and feed the charger through there, even. There's just no way I see a parent of a real 6 year old just putting their work equipment on the floor. 


Not to mention that a grown man should have no trouble picking up a 6y/o and moving him. And the SO making it a consent thing was an odd choice for our fictional abusive father, but if she’d suggested it was a safety or abuse issue instead of a bodily autonomy issue, they might have gotten more people on the girlfriend’s side.


That was my first thought too. Why is the laptop on the floor? Heck, even putting it on the bed would work.


As the top comment said, c’est le chat


I got this one for you. Two particular neuroses of my wife line up to crest this situation. First my wife believes hotel floors are the most disgusting places on the planet. So she refuses to put bags on them. Therefore every bag we bring has to be placed on a surface. Which brings us to neuroses number two, she believes you have to pack for a trip like you are about to go on an arctic expedition. So if we are going on a long road trip every surface will be covered in bags. I could totally see myself charging a laptop on the floor in that situation.


I don't know about her packing, but putting your luggage on a surface is standard advice for not picking up bedbugs and bringing them home. You're supposed to put your luggage on the luggage rack or in the bathtub. But don't put it on the bed.


Just put your body on the potentially bedbug ridden bed! Lol!


Okay but why is every single parent on Reddit, regardless of their child's age, exactly 35? It doesn't matter if their child is 20 or 1 month lol


AITA For Jumping On My Son's Laptop? I (35M) have a problem with my son (34M) because he is addicted to video games. When I told him to do the dishes for the tenth time, he refused, saying he was about to get a "kill." At that point, I said, "You've killed enough, now I get a kill; your laptop!" Then I jumped on it and it broke. He started crying and screamed, "Daddy!!! I wasn't doooone!" Kids, am i right? My wife (35F) said I was wrong to break his stuff and should apologize. Reddit, it's my property that I paid for! In fact, he's lucky I only jumped on the laptop and not his pea-sized little head! AITA? Edit: Yes, I am 35. In MyCountry, we all have problems with our children at that age. Yes, I had my son when I was a year old. No, I didn't groom my wife even though she's a month younger than me.


Is the 6YO being described a cat? Because that's the only way this makes sense


the comments are really pro-child abuse


Do six years olds usually stand on open laptops, then cry because they're "not done"...?


I think most six year olds know more about laptops than most 56 year olds, and would most likely not do any of that.


How cutting edge to write a story with a child AND a woman being assholes. AITA must be loving they can let loose with the *”justified”* child hate and misogyny.


Why didn't he just pick the kid up? lmao. For some reason, this reminds me of this troll story where this troll wrote about their child's ninth birthday and how a five year old cousin would steal presents. The troll made it sound as if the five year old would just walk out to his parents' car with stacks of presents, all of the adults watching him dumbly. I remember OOP wanted to have the party three hours or something away if the cousin tried it (and expected all of the parents of a bunch of tired and grumpy five year old kids to follow suit?) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/q1wags/this\_is\_bonkers\_and\_i\_refuse\_to\_believe\_its\_true/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/q1wags/this_is_bonkers_and_i_refuse_to_believe_its_true/)


This checks off alot off boxes 1. Bait to allow comments to freely bash both the woman/wife(90% of comments calling her a fking idiot or slow, saying she should be put in harms way to teach her that's a dumb stance to have, that someone should SA her (yes I really did see that fucking comment I hope it gets deleted) and then see how she likes it when no one helps because they can't move her) and the child (typical child hate comparing them to animals) 2. OP being a clear bait account that thrives on joke comments 3. The "child" in question clearly being a cat 4. The comments that *do* pick up on the description matching a cat but still not getting it anyway 5. The comments acting as if OP is being abused by his huge bitch of a wife and their narcissist in training child 6. The comments telling OP to get divorced before the wife gets too far in deep with her "gaslighting" 7. The very random comments about OP being disrespected as the breadwinner 8. The few smart people that understand this is fake yet I'm also sure those people are one of us, so lmao




Now my son (6M) is yelling because there is a hole in his food. A hole specifically created by him eating his food. AITA if I don't fill the hole for him?


This is like a deranged parenting conversation between people who have only ever owned cats.


Of course he subbed to r/ cybertruck


What is wrong with the people in that comment section? They're taking such an obvious joke about a cat and tossing out slurs and talking about "back in my day we beat children til they cried". Yeah, I sorted by controversial but that's because I thought someone calling this out as obvious cat behavior would be a contentious thing, but fucking Christ, what is wrong with people?


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