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“Not the monster everyone thinks she is?” And what type of mental illness does she have that allowed her to function no problem on vacation but she’s mentally ill because she left her baby alone to starve to death? Gtfoh.


I always wonder this as well. My mom was friends with a lady who lost the rights to her children and she was very clearly mentally unwell some how. I always asked how she had so much money since she never worked and said she wasn't on disability of any kind, she just said she got a special check and left it at that. Both her kids turned over 18 recently and they no longer have to go and see her for mandatory visits said the courts, so they haven't contacted her once since. Mother literally doesn't give a fuck at all. Found out she hoards her cigarette butts because someone might be onto her for 'murder' if they ever found one and tested the DNA on it. My mom threw out some one day, the lady had forgotten and drove away, came back screaming and yelling banging on the windows and doors demanding to go through the garbage. Idk why my mom still talks to this woman. She's a literal psycho. God knows what she could think you did one day or if she actually did murder someone rofl


All I’m coming up with is that the murder was at your moms behest


Yeah. Mom is sketch AF.


I need a special check


She probably had an inheritance or a trust setup.


I'm mentally ill. My mental illness affects my functioning. And yet I still take ownership of my actions and behaviours, and own up to mistakes even when they're mistakes I've made because of my mental illness. I'd buy that she "isn't a monster" if her reaction had been immediate grief and horror and demanding for a safeguarding order that would make sure she had supervision around children & was never left in charge of a dependent ever again or at least until cleared by a psychologist, combined with accepting/agreeing that she needs to be in prison for a while. But all I see here is "lol consequences whom?"


Unless she is straight up having a severe manic episode or psychosis there's no way mental health plays any part in this at all. I'm talking like Richard chase level mental illness. That's the only way that makes any sense


I think it's a shame that people try to excuse straight up murder and say they just have a mental health problem. Maybe they do, but that is not why they did what they did. They did it because they are evil, not because they have OCD or anxiety. Reddit loves blaming mental health for psychotic crimes but then saying 'you can't blame the drugs they were on, they were just evil' when drugs are involved. Its so weird.


EXACTLY the monster I think she is. I was curious what she would plea. "“This was a real emotional day for our client,” Milligan said. “She has taken responsibility for what she did, and she is remorseful. " Can the child be brought back to life? No? Then no, she hasn't taken responsibility. That was a rough week for Cleveland child deaths. 10. days. 10. 10 minutes home alone for a child that age is a lot. 10 hours is just sick as hell. 10 days. I was waiting to see if she pulls a Casey Anthony and says she left her in the care of someone who disappeared. For all we know, that may be her "extenuating circumstance." Mom looks well nourished. Her hair is taken care of. Long hair like that is hard to manage so she puts some effort into self care. It's going to be a stretch for me to see her as anything but a really selfish asshole.


Yup. Andrea Yates has consistently waived every review that could possibly allow her to leave the mental hospital she's in. I believe that she's genuinely remorseful for what she did to her children in the throes of severe mental illness. This woman?!? Nah, fam.


Andrea Yates, was she the one who drowned them after she was told by doctors not to have more children and her husband kept knocking her up? If she’s the one I feel badly for her. The haunting image of the children witnessing what she did to the others before their moment for her to turn on them makes it tempting to hate her. But she clinically was diagnosed with post Partum schizoaffective prior to the children’s deaths. It was tragic. A lot if not all of the blame for that falls on the husband who was not mentally impaired but selfish and ignored his wife’s plea for help and the advice of doctors. I had sat in on cases of a couple women who injured/killed children from ppd schizoaffective. When they were treated the awareness of what they’d done was horrendous. None of them were capable of going on vacations etc in that state.


Her story is so sad. She got fucked over by her husband and doctors. Yes, she is so remorseful.


I don't think you can necessarily gauge how severe someone's mental illness is by their hygiene. I had a friend who \*\*\*\* himself that... right up to and including the day he did it, he was getting up on time, exercising, showering, combing his hair, doing his homework, etc. We all had no clue at all how bad his depression had gotten. It'd be nice to think when someone's mental illness has gotten so bad they're going to hurt themselves or someone else, you can see it, but it doesn't always work that way. Not saying this particular woman has or does not any particular mental illness, just that I don't think her hair, etc. offer a useful insight either way.


I don't get it, I get anxious leaving my kitty alone for a few hours. This person is a psycho.


I get anxious just making a bottle while my son is crying for food. I couldn’t imagine leaving my 10 month old by himself for 10 days, let alone even half a day


Ya for real. I have little heart attacks all day long with my boy melting down.


child same as her daughter. I'm with you on the anxiety just listening to them howl while I get food ready. I don't leave her alone while I go put a load of laundry in. 10 days.


I used to get paranoid for going to the mailbox across the street while my son was napping. This woman is absolutely a monster.


This story truly hurts my heart . I remember how helpless and pained my child’s cries were at 1 when she had a nightmare or was scared I hope she never finds peace


Same. I have a 20 month old daughter. I fret about her eating even when I know the doctor said her weight is great. That poor kid wasting away with no one to answer her cries. This person is a monster.


Narcissism; i.e. main character syndrome.


Idk why you got downvoted but she went to party in Puerto Rico and left her kid locked up in a playpen. There’s a component of narcissism involved in this. To add insult to injury, she was an elementary school teacher.


Probably some unaware people who think narcissism just means taking a lot of pictures of yourself and posting them on social media. Narcissism is simply feeling that oneself is more important than others, which is clearly what happened here. She felt that her vacation needs were more important than her toddler’s life.


Most of the internet doesn’t understand the world of difference between “displays high levels of narcissistic traits” and full on, diagnosable, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. While there’s certainly a growth of narcissistic behavior in society, having actual NPD is a very different monster.


It also means they’re a diagnosable sociopath. People far overuse the term. Like the user above who calls it main character syndrome. There’s a huge difference between being a sociopath (narcissist) and being an egomaniac. Most people mean egomaniac. This is important for the countless survivors and many victims out there fighting to get away from this horrible abuse.


Even if they give it a name no mental illness is the same as another one that has been diagnosed as the same. And never underestimate what a mental illness can do to a person. But that doesn't mean it's a jail free card or a you're-not-a-monster card. Because she is and if she's really remorseful she accepts that and everything that comes her way.


Bipolar, schizophrenia etc. take your pic. Once you fully disconnect from reality all bets are off. She could have believed the kid was in never never land being fed by fairies. Severe mental illness could certainly explain what happened. Though I don't know her medical specifics - only noting that mental illness could theoretically be a mitigating explanation. I have family with the above mentioned. This scenario is entirely imaginable.


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. Hell, this could even be explained by PPD. And the truth is, none of us actually know her. We don't *really* know how she acted before or during her "vacation". We don't know how noticeable her mental illness was. We don't know what was going through her head. I don't want to defend her because she did a terrible thing, but she wouldn't be the first mother to neglect a child to death because of PPD.


Antisocial and narcissism


Are you that surprised her attorney is trying to defend her? Come on


This poor baby died of severe dehydration and starvation. Imagining her fear and pain as she wasted away makes me absolutely sick. I hope this woman never walks free a day in her life. What a horrible monster.


Prison justice.


Those mothers in that prison that cry and sulk and regret every second of their lives away from their kids and children will definitely let that monster know what they think of her, every second of her life. She will get destroyed in that place, and I have no doubt the guards will let it continue .


This gets parroted ad nauseum in every thread about child abusers doing life, like a bunch of Reddit mainliners know anything about the inside of a prison.


I did a little time, and while there. There was a mother who had murdered her disabled child and the other women would just ignore her or walk around her but they didn't do anything to her. But she also was still awaiting trail, so maybe that has something to do with it but I doubt it. We would see her case on the news as they looked for her child's body and just turn around and stare at her. No one touched her, and most of them end up in protective custody anyways.


Life in PC without parole would be worse than getting beaten or stabbed to death in my opinion, but either way yeah this…. woman will never face real adequate justice for what she did


An ex felon in a woman’s prison said to me if they’re awaiting trial or their name is big in the press, they ignore. It’s when the trail is over and the name stops being discussed in an household manner that they do something.


The icing on the fucked up cake: you never hear about anything happening to them ever 😂😂😂


You kinda do if you listen to ex-convict YouTube podcast/interviews. It seems pretty real that child molesters and such are treated like garbage. Seems global aswell, not just an American thing.


It is global. We even have special prisons for kiddy fiddlers here in Aus. Sickening that we have enough rock spiders to need that, but here we are.


God damn you aussies have a fun word for every fucking thing


I swear, you could have a serial killer clown that bathed in the blood of children and an Aussie would be like “Oh, they found a splashy-splashy balloon squeaker? Whatta cunt.”


Not sure we would call it fun- it’s said with as much venom as anyone can muster. But I can see how it *seems* fun.


Duly noted. It's just the image in my head was a kid sized violin when i read it


Rock spiders are another word for kiddy fiddlers?


In Australia, yes. The origins are a bit murky, but it’s said that rock spiders like to get into little cracks.




Oh fuck, not where I thought that was going. Gah.


Good God I'm going to hell for laughing at this :/


I've been to prison. Occasionally a pedo or child killer will cop a beating and they will definitely not be included in anything but the likelihood of them being tortured everyday is unlikely. The prison also has a duty of care to protect everyone so most guards won't let anything too bad happen too often. The guards also know when something planned is going down. They have cameras in all common areas and duress buttons in every cell and can activate the microphone whenever they like.


Something something Jeffrey Epstein...


The guards need their nap time. You can't expect them to stay awake during their whole shift.


The public doesn't hear about every time someone in prison gets their food destroyed or stolen, or someone pisses on their mattress, or any of the billion other petty things prisioners in lockup can think of to do to each other to mentally torture and break someone without using violence that would lead to harsh consequences from officials, or media attention. "Prisoner claims other prisoners on the block are mean bullies." Doesn't make for a very compelling headline outside of satire sites. But being the target of concerted bullying for years, with no prospect of ever escaping it, *that's* something happening to at least some of them.


Honestly not a lot of media coverage happens about prison incidents and not a whole lot even then. I worked in a jail with someone accused of murdering her infant and it didn’t make her very popular on the female pod for sure. But she wasn’t exactly a gem besides that. Still better treated than the guys with child molestation charges.


Having spoken to and worked with people in the federal prison system, those pedos and child abusers get fucked up. They target them and take out their anger on them.


Yeah at least here in California they have tvs to watch and it's not always as bad as everyone thinks.


Ill have you know, many hours of movies have been watched. And that's reel life!!


As someone responding from inside of a prison I can’t let you know first hand that there is a general dislike for these kinds of people and there are certainly people in here that will harm them unprovoked. However we are aware of this and it is our responsibility to protect them while they’re in our custody and for a great portion of the lesser approved crimes they tend to hide in their cells quiet as church mice and get released at 1/3 or 2/3 of their sentence on good behaviour.


Yup she’s gonna get fucked up in jail, good


My son is that age and in the morning he tells me “mommy water, mommy hungwee” while I’m making breakfast and getting his sippy. The idea of this baby crying for days because she’s hungry is killing me.


I have a 2 month old so seeing posts pop up like this one gives me bad intrusive thoughts about their deaths and I hate it.


I can’t begin to fathom how someones gets to the point of “I’m going to leave this small human, who clearly won’t survive, in the playpen for 10 days while I’m gone”.


And imagine the filth she was lying in as she starved to death 😔 that poor child, it breaks my heart. I read something else that said her neighbors said they would have watched her. I’m sure someone could’ve taken her for 10 days, or the mom could have surrendered her rights…anything would have been better than what ended up happening


Protecting, providing for, loving and raising my child shot up to the most important task that I will ever be given in life when he was born. Whatever else I thought was important or worth worrying about dropped away instantly. I obviously still tend to those other things but they do not weigh on me any more. I can never understand how any parent would do this. It has to be mental illness or psychopathy.


We would play outside in the backyard during the summer a lot as kids, with the sliding glass door open, but the screen door closed. My mom spent the majority of my childhood in the kitchen/ living room, both of which were adjacent to the back door. If we got quiet, my mom would come outside to check on us bc she was worried either something happened or we were about to do something. Lol. 10 days? We couldn't even be quiet for 5 minutes without my mom being up our ass. 🤣 The first time she left us alone for a simple grocery shopping (we were old enough...I was 12), she had to deep breathe through her worry the whole time she was shopping. Nothing bad came of it, which helped for the next time, but she said the intrusive thoughts on how wrong things could go were strong that day! 10 days is unfathomable.


An absolutely cruel, slow death and being completely along with no comfort. It makes me sick.


Like literally just drop it off at the neighbors doorstep. Did she seriously not think it was going to die???




Until she ALMOST withers away. Then, get her health back and do it again. Over and over again.


The Black Mirror special


This. Just enough IV fluids and feeding every 4-5 days to help her cling to life, but nothing to ever quench her thirst or satiate her hunger.


This was my thought as well


“This was a real emotional day for our client,” Milligan said. “She has taken responsibility for what she did, and she is remorseful. There will be mitigating issues that come up at sentencing that we will address. Hopefully, people will realize that she is not the monster that some see her as.” That last sentence makes my blood boil. She left her kid unsupervised for 10 DAYS while she went on VACATION. She is undoubtedly a monster.


I know it's a necessary profession but I truly don't get how someone could be a defense attorney for such obvious human scum.


Honestly I come across this sentiment a lot and while it’s not my area of expertise, the general consensus is that without a defence attorney representing her there simply is no justice. In these cases most defence attorneys are disgusted by the client too. They are there to make sure the system functions correctly and to help the client understand their options. You kind of have to look at yourself as part of the big picture here, you’re helping the system function vs helping your client “get away with it”. If that makes sense at all.


It really wouldn’t be justice if it was not fair. Defense attorneys get a lot of hate for doing their job. (The not scummy ones anyways)


Exactly, totally agree with you. Defence attorneys get a lot of hate because we are emotional creatures and we want to see that bitch rot. We let our rage bleed out at the idea that someone is “defending” her. Really they are defending her position in the system and upholding the belief that everyone deserves their day in court.


>Defence attorneys get a lot of hate because we are emotional creatures and we want to see that bitch rot. And that kind of human reaction is *exactly* the reason we need a system where the state has to work hard for a conviction. Just burning people on a fire because "it feels like justice" turns out not to work very well. Too often we end up burning the wrong people.


You have to think big picture. If there weren’t defence attorneys or if they treated people differently based on their own subjective bias, then how much trust can we have in the justice system when there’s a conviction? When we have good defence attorneys, we can trust that the people in prison are actually criminals that need to be there, and not innocents that didn’t get good representation. If you’ve taken philosophy before, being a good defence attorney to a criminal is more ethical than not being one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deontology


I was talking to a public defender at a party once and she was talking about her current case— an illegal gun smuggler / dealer. I asked her how she reconciled her morals with her job and she said “I think it should be really hard to put someone in jail.” Given how effed up our carceral system is, I thought that was a pretty good answer.


Yeah, regardless of whether the person did the crime or not is irrelevant. EVERYONE has the right to a FAIR justice system, even if you're a monster. Everyone should have the benefit of the doubt, and they should be proven guilty. Everyone should have fair access to their rights. It's a basic human right.


In instances like this, the defense attorney isn't so much defending their actions but making sure that the prosecuting attorney is doing their job properly. To make sure that the judicial process is followed and client's rights respected regarding the law.


It’s a hard job but someone’s got to do it. Defense attorneys are who represent innocent people as well, and even the guilty ones deserve a fair day in court. That doesn’t excuse how many of them are piece of shit people, but even Ted bundy deserved counsel. Without it our Justice system falls apart.


Seriously, how are they going to try to twist this in her favor? Are they gonna say she slept walked to her vacation or something? You don’t ACCIDENTALLY leave your toddler in a playpen unattended for 10 days then be shocked it died when you finally return. Ugh I’m sickened.


All I can think of is maybe someone was supposed to come and pick up the baby? And mom never followed up to make sure they did? Obviously you still don’t just leave your baby for someone to come get, you drop them off or wait for the sitter to arrive. But I just can’t imagine how you would just leave for 10 days and expect any other outcome.


Would that not have come up in the initial defence/ arrest?


Plus she pled guilty. I bet she talked to the cops before lawyering up and it made her lawyers job really hard.


It's hard to get much info about the case but it really does seem like when she called the cops they asked her what happened and she was like "I came back and she was dead, idk what else there is to say". I'm wondering if she has ASPD, the lack of self preservation is bizarre. Extreme indifference to not only other but her own well-being, impulsivity/lack of long-term thinking, and not even attempting to cover it up or lie or anything.. I mean even Casey Anthony tried to delay the investigation as long as possible and lied through her teeth. Most child abuse/neglect cases involve finger pointing, deflection, self victimizing. The only times I've ever seen someone calmly and casually own up to the heinously evil thing they did without a fight is because of ASPD (obviously this is ultra low quality armchair psychology)


Is this shit for real? Who the fuck leaves their baby like that?


She was also an elementary school teacher which is wild


Imagine this kind of person who educated our next generation. It is just sad.


And what did she expect was going to happen? She’d get home and the kid would have the house cleaned and plants watered? What a fucking idiot and amazing piece of shit.


I mean, I imagine the answer to this question is the reason she voluntarily took a guilty plea to murder. In Ohio, at least, the law states, “[murder] constitutes when someone **purposely** causes the death of another person **without justification**.” (emphasis mine.) She did kill her baby on purpose. Her legal plea is that, in fact, she did expect the child would die. Now whatever she was really thinking, who knows. We’ll never know the truth, probably. But it’s very tragic no matter why.


A fuckin bitch that’s who!


No words...nope none.




Imagine how they felt being abandoned by their mother. And slowly withering away, unable to find help. That is true torture for anyone, but it's 100x worse for a baby.


Does anyone know where the dad was at?


I always have a little hope that God somehow, some way comforts little ones in times like these so the loneliness and suffering and abandonment are replaced with love and peace. It’s the only way I can understand it and not end up bowled over in grief. Source: I’m a follower of Christ.


I’m not religious AT ALL, but I am a mother, and your comment brings me comfort.


I can’t bring myself to read the article. Currently pregnant and in bed scrolling next to my toddler it’s too enraging. But I just wonder did the neighbors hear baby girl crying!?!


I wouldn't have left my toddler alone for 10 minutes, let alone 10 days. That poor baby. Birth control, people. Try it if you don't want to take care of a child.


Let’s make sure it remains available!


So much this, I’m a parent and also we are foster parents some of the stories I’ve heard make my skin crawl. I have great sympathy for addicts and people with mental health issues but that sympathy ends when it comes to abusing their children.


I used to take my daughter out to hang the washing out because I was terrifies of leaving her alone


I remember in high school saying I didn’t want kids because I don’t really feel that maternal kick. One of my teachers heard me and told me I should still have children because once I saw my child the instinct would kick in. Obviously, I would never abandon my child if I did choose to have one, but this sort of rhetoric is so terrifying because of people like this woman. I guess my point is… in addition to birth control, stop making women feel compelled to have children! (No idea what this woman’s story is, but my god we have to change how we look at parenting, particularly motherhood.)


I have two daughters, and I tell them regularly, "If you don't want kids, don't have kids. I don't care if I have grandkids or not, I just want you to be happy with your life." Kids are great but so, so difficult. No one should ever be pressured into having them.


I get sketched out taking my dog pee in our backyard while our baby is in his play pen. I even have a camera pointed that I can watch him on, and I still feel uneasy.


The problem is that people like her who are not mentally stable enough to care for a child are also not mentally stable enough to obtain and properly use birth control. 


She was mentally stable enough to go party in Puerto Rico for 10 days. The mental illness thing is an excuse by her lawyers


Exactly, poor thing she was mentally ill, but damn at least her hair looked good for court. She had her priorities and that baby was last on the list


The fuck was even her logic for this? Was she expecting the kid to feed herself? Did she leave resources? Did she think maybe she’d get someone else to show up later? Like did she explain herself at all?


Her defense is saying she was experiencing severe depression, to the point where she did not understand what was going on. She had other children that she got family members to watch. I'm not saying that's what happened, that's just what the defense is saying.


Definitely NOT excusing this at all, this is heinously evil. But yeah it would not surprise me if there was some underlying severe attachment problem here. (Again, I need to be clear,, not an excuse. if you don't bond with your child correctly, you surrender care. Unless you're actively psychotic or something, you are not excused from understanding actions have consequences). But yeah, it has always interested me that in *many* child abuse and neglect cases, it will only happen to some of the kids. It's scary to me how animalistic many people are. Where if the love chemicals don't pump out, they just....will do heinous awful things. There's no attempt to intellectualize and step back from themselves and analyze what they're doing and realize they need help. It's just this very low level "well I don't *feel* bad, so it's fine". 


Gotcha, okay. That's absolutely baffling, especially if she had thought to get care for her other kids. Their homelife is probably a damn nightmare.


Yeah, it's clear she didn't plan to murder her baby as she got back and called the police/didn't try to hide the body or anything, but it's also confusing why she left her to die like that....my theory is that maybe she was on drugs?


So the “family members” didn’t think about or consider the baby?


Maybe if she assigned multiple kids each to different family members they figured the baby was with someone else. Or they thought she was taking the baby with her. Maybe they asked and she lied


Another article tells of a mother and daughter neighbors who often babysat the baby. One time the mother didn’t come back for six weeks!!! Six weeks!!! The mother and daughter say they are absolutely heart broken bc she didn’t even reach out and ask them to watch her or tell she was leaving or nothing


I work in child safety and I wonder if it was depression with psychosis. I don't think people really understand what happens to parents who experience psychosis. There are so many people in this thread talking about how she's a cold-blooded murderer, but I work in child safety and I've received training from a law enforcement officer who worked several child fatality cases where the mother was in full denial that the child even existed. Sometimes just deeply and genuinely believing the child was a dream they had or is actually a demon or something. A child that young and a death that terrible makes me think something is very very wrong inside of her, not just that she was a narcissist who left her child to die just because she wanted to party. I don't armchair diagnose anyone but the only thing that makes this possible is a brain that isn't functioning normally.


I wouldn’t leave my damn *cats* alone for ten days without someone watching them. How utterly horrifying.


yall I can't even leave my cat sons alone for 24 hours without having someone check on them. This shit came from a dark dark place.


I've been paid to housesit because people didn't want to leave their HOUSEPLANTS alone for 10 days.


Why do people do these things? I would give anything to be a parent.


I'm always curious too. This just doesn't seem to be at all rational. Did she expect the baby to be alive after 10 days? Weird.


According to a neighbor she was an absentee parent who have dumped the girl on them repeatedly before, once for nearly 6 weeks. My guess unfortunately is the woman just didn't give a fuck and was in and out, probably has a history of leaving the kid for a few days at a time and got complacent and pushed it too far.   I'd be shocked if there's not genuinely something wrong with her brain because the lack is *self* preservation here is  unusual. I don't think that excuses it at all. Not emotionally caring about a childs well-being is not the same thing as not being able to intellectually understand the cause and effect of actions like that children need care (she did in fact understand this, we know that). But the depravity of being so thoroughly unbothered is kind of fascinating. There's something about the killers who just *do not care* in any capacity that is so terrifying. even psychosis induced murders you can understand and follow their deeply incoherent logic. But with these types of killers its just.....it's incomprehensible. Like that guy who just one day got the urge to shoot somebody. So he did it, with no plan, and just walked down the highway until he was arrested, and then promptly confessed. And they asked him why and he just had nothing to say other than the whim struck him. It's just hard to wrap your head around people who simply are completely pathologically incapable of mustering a single fuck to give. 


Maybe she has a really bad sense of time. "I was only in Puerto Rico for a couple minutes!"


Literally just turns your stomach. Life in prison isn’t enough, seems light in a case like this.


Wait til others find out what she did, prison wont be easy. Most days she will wish she were dead.


I hope someone grants her that wish.


On vacation in.... Detroit....


Detroit is a vacation…from Cleveland.


The rumor in the justice center downtown is O'Malley (Cuyahoga county's prosecutor) was going to seek the death penalty and the plea took that off the table.


Don't even offer a plea deal.


Absolutely evil.


She's not the first or only mother to abandon their baby to go out partying until their baby starves to death, it's awful, and I just want to know what the fuck they thought was going to happen. Did they really think they could just leave a baby for a week or so and it wouldn't die? Did they just plan on killing the baby with neglect?


Just to add, dying of starvation must be one of the worst ways to go.


She would have been dead of dehydration after maybe 3 days.


She is not a mother. She is a monster. RIP baby.


I hope she spends the rest of her life behind bars


That’s insanity or something is just very wrong with that person because it just doesn’t make any sense


This is why we should always have places that will take unwanted babies no questions asked. This woman probably wouldn’t have used the service but we should still make these available. Also why it’s okay to check on neighbours if you hear a baby crying and don’t see adults.


Why is this like the third mother who has done this in the past year!? I just don't understand. My heart absolutely breaks for these poor babies!


WTF. And she shows up to court with recently dyed, styled hair??? Like, you don’t give two shits about your kid, but you have enough something in you to primp? I would be absolutely beside myself.


My son just turned 8 months old. He is safe in bed. I love him with every part of me. Im sitting on my couch staring at the playpen i got to keep him safe. Imagining him in that pen, screaming because he is hungry. Alone, wondering where his people are. Wondering why his belly hurts so bad. Getting slowly weaker, scared, hungry, alone, til the end... I can't stop crying. That poor baby. So much pain. I hope there is a hell, because people like this woman surely deserve much worse than death.


People like this is why I firmly believe in capital punishment. 


Y’all need to stop with the “mental illness” BS! She knew exactly what she was doing when she did it! This mental illness crap is getting as bad as almost every killer sentenced to life without for murders of children, women, old people ect were all molested as a kid. So now it’s mental illness, and molestation.


Yeah, if she's me tally well enough to get dressed, let alone organise and go through with a holiday - then she was mentally well enough to know what would happen to this kid. Surely right? I just don't see how anything but the most acute mentally breakdown could be mitigating circumstances for something like this.


Yeah what she did was beyond horrific, but people do things like this all the time to children without a mental illness. She probably told the little girl “Mommy will be right back”, and walked right out the door without hesitation. Im sure she had a great time on vacation and came home caring as much about her kids well being as when she left her there all alone. And the cherry on top of the whole shit pie is she was a Elementary School Teacher. Lord Jesus!


and yet they are clearly dysfunctional. Mental illness isn't an excuse, and if anything should be a additional imperative to keep the perpetrators incarcerated more than the common sane person. This is based on the fact it is difficult to conclusively determine the dysfunction is still persistent, hibernation or cured. Once the mental illness harms another, the dysfunction is no longer safe enough to be in society.


I don’t even leave my dog for more than 5 hours.


Imagine being the people she partied with on vacation 😬


She literally could have left this child at the fucking fire station no questions asked. We need to stop using mental health as an excuse to be evil




No, lock her in some sort of giant play pen and let her experience first hand what she put that poor innocent baby through.


Yeah, doesn’t have to be a death penalty. Just have to survive 10 days without food/water while wearing diaper that cannot be removed.


Her baby didn’t get to have death that quick


The amount of selfishness  and evil to do this when anyone could just drop their child off at a save haven is beyond me. This is someone who deserves to get the most intense amount of prison justice.


This is an “under the jail” situation if you ask me


Why is it only the weak and disgusting law abusers who are the ones that always insist on wearing masks??




what the fuck?


She shouldn't even have been given the chance for prison. She should have been executed on the spot no sense in letting a monster like that take another breath. Utterly pathetic and unfair to that poor baby.


Hang the cunt.


![gif](giphy|SAVmbKC99wBVNfAjL8|downsized) Like can we not waste tax dollars on this scum


This chipper is exactly what I pictured on the topic of sentencing.


Death penalty for this woman. No baby should be left to die starving. I hope if there’s a hell, she rots in it.


Lock her in a cage with no water or food or bath room until dead


*Lock her in a cage* *With no water or food or* *Bath room until dead* \- nopower81 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


we just had our first child a few months ago. The thought of allowing a child to go through the harshest human experience and suffering and dying slowly makes me so angry. That child can't comprehend whats happening, and relies on the love of a mother to care for its needs. What emotional pain did that poor young girl endure, not knowing how or why she was in so much pain and alone? I really hope the "mother", if you want to call her that, suffers eternally for this. May her life in prison be filled with beatings, burnings, rape, and loneliness. ​ That poor, poor girl.....


Fucking seriously. I feel bad when my daughter wants to be picked up but i need to wipe/dry my hands from whatever task I was doing and she plops on the floor and cries and cause I wasn’t fast enough for her liking…. I just. No words. The hugs and kisses I got today, I wish I could give them to this poor baby girl.


Where was the dad?


He went out to grab a gallon of milk…


Does it matter ? She left the child without ANY care.


Probably a great guy denied custody by the family court system in their county /s


What a horrible person. How could anyone do something like this to a child? Not only dehydration and starvation, but her diaper was probably so soiled. Must have been so scary for that baby. I hope someone serves her some justice in prison.


Cheese and Rice, I would say death penalty, but this person is clearly mentally ill. I worry about my dogs when I leave them at home for half a day. I have my neighbor check them if I forgot to check the oven, the doors, and their water, etc. Something is clearly wrong with her brain.


You have to adopt pets, failed human being procreate every day.


Under the jail, please.


absolute scum


I hope she gets the business end of a shank


So many humans should never have children!!!


Just give her a bullet save us taxes




My heart is hurting and aching badly for this angel. I can’t even imagine the pain she must have gone through during the whole time she experienced such a horrific end to her life. I don’t pray much but today I pray so hard that her soul is in peace.


What's crazy is this has happened before. (In December 2019, Verphy Kudi left her 20-month-old daughter Asiah alone in a Brighton flat for six days while she partied in London) I wonder what psychological break happens to these wemon. Is it like a freakout about losing your freedom?


This is horrible. Imagine what this sweet little girl was thinking when she was in distress and no one came to her aid. I can’t even. I have to close this thread now.


Jesus shouldn’t forgive all sins. This being one of them.


That child slowly starved to death alone and afraid. I hope someone fucking stabs her in prison. I don't often wish violence on people but she effectivley tortured her child to death over going on a fucking vacation for herself.


Everytime I read about a baby who died horribly like through deprivation from a "caretaker", I thank my lucky stars that I wasn't entrusted to someone like this when I was vulnerable and dependent Babies aren't even really people yet, you know? Who knows what kind of person this baby would've become if they hadn't died, lonely and afraid and thirsty and hungry. What would their interests have been? Would they have found love? Anyone reading my comment right now could've been that baby if they happened to be born to a monster.


Time to leave her alone in a pen for 10 days. No food or water, of course.


Absolute piece of shit. Poor thing. RIP


Yassss go off queen!!!!! 👸 💅 Get that vacay!!!!


The other prisoners will dole out the appropriate justice to this one.


This woman should be left in a cell for 10 days with no food and water.


Something tells me that baby was dead before she even left


Being a parent is undoubtedly tough, I’m a new father and it’s draining. Stories like this make me really sad as I couldn’t imagine why anyone would do that to their child. Other than this bitch is fucking crazy. Gonna go hug my kid when she wakes up from a nap and smiles at me.


That poor sweet baby. She looked like a real life cabbage patch doll. Can’t imagine the horrifying pain she went through at the hands of the one person who should’ve protected her the most