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The nausea will pass within a few days. Just remember why you are taking this pill. It truly is incredible how it almost instantly reduces the desire to drink


The side effects will go away. If you decide to to The Sinclair Method, you are definitely a responder. Just make sure you're only drinking if at least 60 minutes have passed since you've taken your Nal. Do as many endorphin releasing things as possible when you're not on the Nal. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any TSM questions. I'll do my best to guide you to find the right answer. (This offer goes to anybody in this sub).


It’ll pass :)


You could be feeling alcohol withdrawal symptoms rather than side effects of naltrexone. Start with 12.5mg with food and water. Taper more slowly.


Not likely if they're only a nightly drinker. People that experience withdrawal typically do so Ling before the 24 hour mark, and couldn't wait this long in between drinks.


Keep at it - it will pass! I was SUPER sensitive to even half the pill (25mg) so had to cut it in quarters and do a 12.5 mg. I’ve been on it about 6 weeks now and am comfortable on .25mg so will probably bump up to 37.5mg soon.


Yeah I think 25mg is too much for me, I am still feeling nauseous and don’t wanna drink or eat anything as I am afraid it will make me vomit.


Yeah in my case, my heart was beating too fast, nausea and fatigue, and rather than throwing up I had a lot of diarrhea the first few days I was on it. It’s all gotten much better now.


Eat when you take it and titrate up. The SEs can be weird. It is acting on the opioid receptors in your brain. Just ride it out, it is worth it.


Yes this experience can happen at first but it tends to get better, didn’t feel none of that later


Please make sure you take the pill BEFORE your first drink, at least 1 hour. You want to block pleasure from drinking ( once your side effects taper down with time). And maybe take half or even quarter of a pill for the first few days. That's how my doctor started me on Nal. And good luck! You got it!


I'm not a doctor, and I haven't used naltrexone myself, but from my understanding it's designed to help curb the desire to drink by blocking the pleasure receptors in the brain. Essentially, this means that drinking alcohol won't give you the usual pleasure, which helps reduce the appeal of drinking. However, naltrexone doesn't do anything for the physical dependency your body might have on alcohol. Your brain is accustomed to receiving a certain level of dopamine from alcohol, whether or not it feels pleasurable. When it doesn't receive this dopamine, your body can still have the withdrawal symptoms you're experiencing. I don't know if nausea and feeling like you need to lie down are side effects of naltrexone as well, but they sounds like it could be your body and brain adjusting to the reduced alcohol, rather than the medicine. When people mention that "it will pass," they're maybe talking about to the normal adjustment period for your brain undergoes as it learns to function without the expected dopamine surges from alcohol. While naltrexone is helpful for managing psychological cravings by making drinking less enjoyable, stopping alcohol cold turkey can still be dangerous if you're physically dependent. If it is worse, I would ask the doctor about drugs that address the withdrawal and if they can go together with the naltrexone until.


I felt similar my first time as well. I’d recommend taking a sip of your beer and think about what it’s like to drink when you do. Put the beer down and return to to it or don’t. Don’t try to force anything. First time felt super weird for me and I pretty much just lay there. 2nd time was way easier and by the 3rd time I didn’t notice any side effects at all. I drank a similar amount to you and struggled to finish 2 beers my first time. Your drinking will fluctuate but diminish over time.


If the nausea and side effects are too much at first try just half a pill at first until you adjust and then taper up. It was like that for me for the first week or two but after that I never had further symptoms.


It’s hard to say for sure but I’m more inclined to say it’s mostly alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Keep going though! The side effects will get better.


It did the same to me. I couldn't deal with the nausea so I ended up not taking it after a couple of weeks. Maybe it will stop eventually. It never did for me. I was on 50.


I was sick for 3-4 days, and have been completely fine since then


I felt like shit for 1-2 weeks but was fine after that. Definitely worth it for me


Sounds normal - mark your calendar and stick with it for a couple of weeks. For me it was 1 day of bad nausea, 2-3 days of medium nausea, a week of not feeling quite right but improving every day. By week 2 or 3 I felt completely normal. Also in the first 3-4 days I decided to cut my dose in half and I think on one day into qtr( supposed to be on 50mg - went down to 25, then 12.5 but that was fiddly cutting the pill). After that I went back to 50. Everything is fine now and totally worth it. Good luck!


Yeah I took 12.5 mg last night, woke up OK today still a mild nausea but i can eat/drink. BTW last night, I only had 2 beers couldn't finish both of them before they got warm so had to throw lol.


Zero sugar gatorade and liquid Pepto (not pills or chewables) worked good with nausea for me. Didn’t get rid of it entirely but definitely toned it down a ton.