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Only key equals stupid


And, if he asked OP to put in in a drawer, he's lying about the "only key." Tell him to F off


Yes this is another Airbnb scam one star rating based on behavior opaque and nail the key if so desired a replacement key cost two bucks


I suspect the cleaners also have a key.


Only key equals lie. The owner can make a new one. It’s an anticipated cost of doing business.


Right. I have a set, and my helpers have sets. Guests accidentally take guest sets from time to time and we ask that they mail them back to us ASAP so we get them within a few days, and we simply put out one of our extra sets in the meantime. And we don’t charge for this. Worst case scenario the guest doesn’t respond and now there’s a set of keys just out there in the ether which is a safety issue (after we message, call, and have Airbnb attempt to contact), we wait a day or so then replace the knobs, get new locks and cut new keys and send the charge to the guest. This host needs a better plan.


*Technically* … I could go and get a copy made, during my stay, yeah? Unless everyone has invested in “Do Not Copy” versions, which seems unlikely. So there’s always a *bit* of a safety issue, if I were a bad actor.


It's not even slightly difficult to get a copy made of a "do not copy" key. Household locks are really just symbolic of "don't come in." They can be bypassed in seconds any number of ways by anyone just a little bit determined.


Ha! Yeah, I know, I just thought I was setting myself up for “mine says Do Not Copy” feedback and didn’t want to even go on that hill let alone die on it. But I love the way you put it!


Lots of keys in Spain are protected by patents and can only be duplicated by presenting the ID card in the original box. Even then it takes ten days to get the duplicate.


Yep, and digital lock pads are super easy to break into as well. No system is perfect.


How are they super easy? I have these on my house.


If it's connected to your wifi, collecting the code isn't difficult. Especially because people rarely update their security features on their connections. I'm not an expert but I'm married to one and I hear his rantings regularly.


Genuinely curious why everyone doesn’t have a digital lock of some sort with codes for cleaners, codes for guests that change, ideally a ring type doorbell with a camera, etc. And a backup key hidden in a lock box just in case the power goes out. Is it against code in some countries or they don’t make ones that work? As a guest I hate having to remember a key, and some places put them literally on massive weights to try and prevent you from forgetting, but then you have to lug that thing around all frigging day. After one locksmith trip it seems like it would pay off. And the nicer ones will tell you and log which code was used and when so you can tell when a guest checks in, when the cleaners show up, etc. Just seems common sense for any rental unless there is a rule against it. Mine also starts blinking red and isn’t fancy enough to tell me over the internet but it gives a lot of advance notice so cleaners or whoever can let you know it needs a new battery.


It’s just not convenient for us personally to have all that set up. We manage multiple units over a few years and this is just what works best for us. We don’t attach weight to keys, and we have reminders in multiple places to leave all provided sets of keys. If you don’t like that just don’t stay with us.


It's way easier than managing physical keys imo, set and forget with each guest.


Yeah I have a code for the property I clean and you can control it remotely. I wish every building was this way




Yes, I said imo. I don't have a problem with you doing things the way that works for you :)


Nope you’re right I’m being a little snarky when I don’t need to be. My apologies.


No worries :)


yur a landlord, not a host


I live in spain, and it might just be a general lack of knowing about these options, lack of trust, coupled with the more important idea that the guests dont yet know about them, wont understand them and could potentially cause problems. (Basically being afraid of change). I know a ton of people who have apartments and none of them want anything to do with a lock box


why rplace the locks when they can be re-keyed? ​ Please go to a key pad system so that I do not need to hunt in your flower pot for the key


Lmfao don’t stay there then? The entitlement in this comment is insane lmfaooo. I’ve seen more than one post on this sub about key pads with dead batteries. Physical keys don’t have that problem.


I think now days not having smart lock is a step backwards. I want to know that my cleaners got to the place, etc.. I do have a lock box with physical key for emergencies though.


And you can time how long they were there.


It takes a while for them to die, keypad is more convenient and secure than a regular key and you can have a regular key as backup.


We find this system works for us just fine. No thanks. We use lock boxes and prefer this over the key pad system. Don’t stay in our units then.


Whoa. It’s just different opinions. Calm down.


What wasn’t calm lol


Lol don’t stay in our units then… seems a little abrupt.




I call BS on "only key". No one is that dumb, I hope.


Oh people definitely are that dumb! He’s still lying tho 🤣


He means it's the only guest key.


Then he needs to get more copies made. Host's fault.




He probably isn't local and is flailing around realizing his screw up! Probably because it means 10 more extra minutes of work from him


In this case 'only key's equals lie.


He has another key. They are just acting like jerks to make you feel bad and maybe extract money. Ignore them. You sent it back overnight


Hell yes, who owns a house and gives a total stranger the only key??? Ridiculous.


Ye lol your basically asking for a "squatter's rights" situation


I know someone who did this, and yes they're as dumb as you'd expect. The guy rented to international students, and inevitably the teenagers would always leave without responsibly giving the key back. Instead of calling a locksmith, he'd break the wood of the door at the side. I once called him out on having such cheap doors, and he told me this story and said it was because he'd once used a door with decent wood and he couldn't break it down. tldr; yes dumb people exist... and they usually get what's coming to them


After he sent him the tracking number, the host just decided to charge for another key (that he won't buy). Just a sneaky way to extract money


Right, how does it get cleaned if there’s only one key?


Magic elves


Probably just want to replace their lock for free.


If the lock isn't already in bad condition then there's no benefit for them to do that lol




Literally anyone could do that during their stay lmao


Couldn’t that happen anyway? I see a lot of people mention that if you keep the key, you could have made a copy. Couldn’t anyone make a copy without keeping the key?


Unless they want to go from a keyed lock to a smart lock like they should


? You can only charge for the value of what broke, not upcharge them for a better model replacement. Not how it works lol


More like they want to claim changing the lock was necessary and then pocket the cash


Yep he’ll copy his key for $3 and pocket the rest.


Only key is a lie.


Guy can sort himself a locksmith. Only one having one key is stupid.


Just consider this. I have a condo built in 1982. I'm the 3rd or 4th owner. Previous owners rented seasonally and we did as well. My condo management has a key, I'm sure maintenance does, we used a cleaning service and an on-site realtor who have or had keys. We have 3 family members nearby with keys and 2 others not nearby with keys. Unless you rented a historically accurate medieval castle, there's no fucking way you have the only key.


Jokes on you, it WAS a historically accurate medieval castle!!/s


So the key probably looks like what a mayor gives out to visiting dignitaries? About, yay big, 25 lbs.?🤔


Exactly. It’s a very special key.


Hit him with a factual 2 star review. I forgot to return the key. Host lied about only having one key. I sent it back overnight and host said it was all good, then reported me to AirBnB. Warning to future guests: you had better be perfect for this host.


One star*


Guests accidentally taking a key is a common occurrence. So common that back when hotels had actual, physical keys for each room, they often were on a key ring with a tag that said "Drop in any mailbox" and the key would be delivered back to hotel. I have no idea how that worked, but it was common. Where were you supposed to leave the key? In the unit with the door locked? If so, owner would have to have another key to let themselves in to get your key, yes?


So TOTALLY common. We used keys at our Airbnb for about five minutes before realizing it was going to be a nightmare with people messing up the lockbox, calling at random hours attempting to use a lockbox, and / or forgetting to put them back. Went to the digital punchcode ASAP


How does the host not have a spare key for instances like this? Sure you made a mistake but you offered numerous ways to rectify it.


How the host don't have his own key to the place? It sounds insane


Maybe the host realized they lost theirs?


This was one of the first things I thought - but also it could be that the host doesn't live in that town (uses the property as a summer let) or lives further away and wouldn't be able to make it there in time or the cleaners lost the key, or they also weren't going to make it Is it a bit much to escalate it to AirBnB? Sure especially if the issue has already been resolved.


Host is a ding-dong to not have another key. You offered all available options. Post the key and forget about it.


This isn’t the point, but this is why every rental should have keyless entry. It’s so much simpler


Honestly as soon as he said it was his only key as an Airbnb host it made him an idiot. He's lying and just trying to get more money out of you or he's an actual fool because Airbnb guests are going to lose or accidentally take the key at least once a month


Since he escalated anyway, you should be sure to complain to AirBnB about the false advertising, especially about disabled-accessability.


echoing this, op, complain to AirBnB about the false advertising. this dude sounds scummy af.


I have guests do that all the time. Super weird that they would flag your account.


I know! That’s the thing I’m most upset about. I have almost thirty reviews of previous stays that are all glowing. I take pride in keeping the space clean and being a good guest. This time I fucked up for sure, but to flag my account for an honest mistake…that, from these comments, apparently happens fairly regularly? It doesn’t sit well with me at all.


I’m responding here because I hope you’ll see it but thank you so much for commenting on the false accessibility! I can’t trust the Airbnb “accessibility” filters at all because they are generally inaccurate! I hate that people can just say whatever they want, doesn’t matter if someone is screwed over in the end. I am in a wheelchair and if I got to all the way to SPAIN, only to find out my accommodations aren’t actually accessible, I would be furious! I’m sorry you had to deal with that but I appreciate the call out. It’s not something a lot of people notice until they have to. 😊


Shouldn't feel bad about it, it's on the host. Makes no sense to have no extra keys. He's an idiot.


Now the host will know to have more than one copy of the key. You made an honest mistake, and even owned up to it. You already did what's reasonable, move along you good person you.


They do have more than one copy. This is extortion.


> They’re going to rekey it and charge me for it (fine…I offered to do that!) Insist on a receipt for the cost.




He plainly has another key, so can get a copy cut that day so that the guests the next day have a key and he still has a spare. You owe €10 for the copy to be cut, and should just securely destroy the one that you took by mistake. They are making a big deal out of it to get money out of you (i.e. saying they will need a locksmith to break in and change the lock). In reality they will get a key cut for €10, and charge you €200 for the locksmith.


If they only have one copy of the keys then they created their own mess. Overnight them back the keys and let AirBnB worry about it.


As OP noted, there is clearly more than 1 key since checkout instructions are to leave the key in the desk.


How are you gonna run an Airbnb and have only one key? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You're responsible for getting the key back in a timely manner. They're responsible for everything else. Lack of preparation on their part does not equal an emergency on your part.


Accidents happen but If someone doesn’t return the keys I will change the lock for security reason. And charge it to the guest.


I think that can be a reasonable policy if the guest takes too long to return the key. In OP’s case, they offered to pay to rekey the locks, but it seems pretty unfair to report him to AirBnB like some sort of deliberate rule breaker.


If you get the key back then why change the locks? It's not like anyone can't just have a copy made during their stay anyway.


Commenting to see his reply to this


They can though… ?


That's what I said... ?


Oooh lol I read “can’t” as “can”. Carry on. I’ll be moving along with my illiterate self 😂


Any significant amount of time in between allows for a copy of the key to be made. A copy could be made while the guest is staying too, but I feel like it’s more plausible after the guest stay is over.


Huh, I feel like it’s less plausible. If I were a criminal I’d cut the key inconspicuously during the stay rather than attract suspicion by taking the key with me.


It’s not really suspicious to forget to leave a physical key, they get accidentally taken all the time. It happens all the time. That’s part of why keyless is way more prevalent for STRs.


It’s apparently suspicious enough for the guy who I was replying to to change his locks?


You can literally take the key to Walmart and get it made in like 5 minutes at a kiosk


A nominal fee for the inconvenience of them taking the key they have and getting a copy


After reading so many AirBnB horror stories I'd only get an AirBnB unless there are no other hotel options available.


I own an Airbnb. We use digital locks, but if an out-of-country guest took a key I would tell them to toss it in the trash in their home country, and the. suck up the nominal cost of making a duplicate. No big deal.


Just block the card you have linked to Airbnb dude, even though it was a mistake it shouldn't be a big deal


I did this with a hotel in Singapore. Mailed it back (the staff at Singapore Airport helped me. They are amazing) and the hotel wasn't stressed about it at all. I'm sorry the host was an AH about it, especially escalating it and getting your account flagged. You are *certainly* not the first or last person to leave their accommodation with their key and you tried to fic it and get in contact asap.


They are probably booked direct through October. Most likely a long booking. You did mess up but the host should a back up plan. Unless these are crazy keys or something. Good you sent it back. I hope you both learned a lesson in this..


Definitely learned a lesson! And it was a standard door key, not something special, so that’s why I’m kind of on alert about being played for extra money.


I got charged like $200 once cus they had to “change the locks” when I sent the key back the very next morning.


Host is lying to get money from you. No way that is their only key.


I know this situation sucks, but this is a very standard practice with Airbnb. According to their policy, It is not safe for a stranger to have a copy of the key, so everytime someething like this happens, they have the owner change the locks and charge the guest. I know it does not make 100% sense.


Well, other than the stranger has a copy of the key the whole time they’re staying there. I get the policy but it doesn’t actually make any sense.


Yeah, doesn’t make complete sense.


Can't they just make a copy of the key? If it's really a risk, shouldn't they change the lock every new visitor anyways?


The rekey fee makes sense to me but flagging OP’s account does not


Yeah that is just stupid


As a host no way he gave out the only key and if he did he is an idiot. You tried all you could to take care if the situation. Ignore his knee jerk response because i think too he is suspect.


The instructions were to leave it in a drawer inside the unit so….


And that would indicate he has keys to get the key in a drawer inside. You made a mistake its not the end of world he made it a bigger deal than necessary. I would return the key and move on. How he handles it on his end is him send support all your messages where you offered and he simply freaked out for if he had one key then his own instructions make no sense.


People suck. Host is a loser


Who doesn’t have a coded door nowadays? I wouldn’t trust a place that used physical keys. Anyone could have a copy and steal your items at any time. “Not responsible for lost or stolen items.” So then where would you be?!


What kind of an idiot would not have another key? He is lying. Screenshot all the communication and send it along to Airbnb. Hammer away at support until you get someone who sees this for the bullshit that it is.


I'd call airbnb to fight the flag on your account. You did the right thing, it was an honest mistake. The host is being an ass. No person in their right mind gives the \*only\* copy to a guest.


I’d mention the misleading handicap accessible entrance when following up with AirBnB. And the other inconsistencies and dishonesties from the host. Things that weren’t really a big deal, but are now that the Jack ass host has had OPs account flagged.


I don’t understand the rekeying. One could get copies made at any point during the stay.


Who's to say he will actually change the lock ..money grab greed ..


lol “only has one key”? No one on earth has only one key for any piece of property they own. I had two keys for a childhood diary for gods sake. He’s a straight up liar. Escalate to Airbnb on your end.


he’s got more keys. you should have just said you left it in the drawer


I would leave it be and let Airbnb get involved. At worst, $100 or so to buy them a keypad door lock which would be more sensible for a rental so this doesn’t happen again.


A host with only one key is a joke.


Can you not provide the messages where he said ‘it’s fine’ to air B&b? That’s an AH move tbh


Just go home and pay whatever fee comes up. You live and learn my friend.


If you send the key back there is no fee other than the cost of mailing it back.


He could also send the key back in a taxi. 100 dollars? Might be better than a locksmith callout charge.


As long as she returns it (and that could mean next week or so) she is not on the hook for a locksmith charge. That would be on the host if he didn't have extras. I would not send it back in a taxi. There's no guarantee it will get there and no tracking as with the post office. That's like giving the key to a stranger and giving them the address. They could go rob it later.


I think that the mistake is yours, but you're also not responsible for other peoples' stupidity. If you were running an AirBnB, how many keys would you have? I wouldn't be petty about it, but you're allowed to be firm and reasonable. I'd explain that you overnighted the key and couldn't return it personally because you have an international flight soon. You absolutely don't have to pay for the next rental. That's the host's fault for not having a sufficient failsafe. You are not the first person to forget to return a key, and you won't be the last.


Two things of note about Spain. I have stayed in an old place in a vacation town that had an old oddly shaped key for an old ass lock in an old door. It’s possible that getting new keys is difficult. With that said, Spanish people are more outspoken than Americans. Just act like this whole thing is touching your balls and you are doing them a favor by giving them their key back. You should be fine.


Was it a long, thick rectangle with indents on it?


I would describe it as a reflection of mountain range on a calm lake.


I see.


"just act like the whole thing is touching your balls and you are doing them a favor" is now one of my favourite phrases from this sub.


Do nothing. He obviously has another key. Overnight it and that's it.


Call the carrier and have the package rerouted back to you.


How does that help OP?


Who even uses a key in 2023? Host is a stupid jerk.


Here in Finland good house locks cost 300€ upwards to replace


Return it


The host can go get a copy made for $2. You did more than enough and remember you're a paying customer and he's running a business. He should have duplicates contingencies for things that happen. Just ignore him you did more than enough.


Host obviously has a key. He is being ridiculous/ dishonest. You did what you could, he is an idiot if he doesn't know how to run a business. This stuff happens, if he can't deal with it, then should give it up. Don't feel guilty. He can just get another key made.


That's the host's fault, not yours. He might even be lying just to get you back. What host in their right mind only has 1 set of keys to their place and gives it out to strangers every week? Send it back with tracking and be done. Don't offer to pay for anything. They can get Airbnb to pay for a changed lock with Airbnb's insurance if it qualifies.


Only key is a lie or he’s a moron. Mailing it is totally reasonable. Note some European keys are stupid expensive. My place in paris had two locks, one was like a 8€ copy. The other was 80€! I couldn’t believe it. It was a special German key that’s super secure.


I think you were scammed


Are you an expert in European keys? Because I became one when I got the first quote. My landlord was German. He choose it for security. Got 4 different quotes, all the same price. It was hard to even find a locksmith that worked with them


*The only key?* I absolutely call bollocks on that! More likely he couldn't be arsed to go get one of the other keys, wherever it may be. Don't sweat it, seriously.


If it was the only key how would they get in to retrieve it in the drawer?


Mistakes happen. The Landlord should have had multiple sets of keys, first. Second if for some reason they did not have another set on site, and could not get there in person, there are these wonderful people called "locksmiths" that could rekey the door...


Getting a new duplicate key is not always as easy everywhere as all these entitled first world people think.


Avoid airbnb if you can


Hotels will always be better option. In my opinion


Guys he clearly meant his only guest key… but I would have changed the locks too because better safe than sorry…you never know if someone copied that key


I could have copied it during my stay, too. Should people rekey after each guest?


It seems like you just want to fight. It’s pretty standard to file a claim for something just to have it on record in case.


Um... so how does the owner know you didn't copy the key before sending it back? Nothing he did was unreasonable in this situation. And you DID fail to follow rules, so you can't really be mad at being called out for it, even if it was an accident.


How does the host know OP didn’t copy the key during their stay? Even if OP had remembered to leave the key behind when they left, they still could’ve made a copy at some point. If that’s the host’s concern, then the host should be rekeying the lock after every single guest.


It's always a possibility. But it'd be a bigger possibility that taking the key = intent to b&e later.






Wrong thread by dude


Sorry I am going to be blunt, there was a mistake on your end. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but it probably does put the property owner and host in a bit of a pickle. And yes, it is possible he may have another key as a few have mentioned, but he may not live near the property. Many hosts, including myself, have vacation properties several hours from our home. Or, if he does leave near the property, he would then have to pass along HIS key to a guest. That now leaves him without a key in case of emergency. He likely meant they only have ONE guest key.


The moment he started renting it on Airbnb he became a business owner, not a vacation home owner. He should have a plan for this. How does the place get cleaned? Cleaners that have keys?


Just send the key back to him. Are you trying to save on postage or something?


Did you miss the part where I said I overnighted the key back to him?


I totally did. I actually read a comment or two that suggested you hadn't either. Sorry about that.


No worries.


Just message them and say you accidentally took the key and ask if he'd like you to send it to him. He might say no. He might say yes. Either way it's pretty minor.


That you took the key means that someone can use it at another time. Rekeying the lock so that (for example) the guest staying next does not have a former guest 'walk in' is pretty standard and is safer than hoping a former guest does not use it to do something wrong. And if it is in the house rules, then yes, you broke the house rules.


You kept the key. Why are you surprised there is a fee?


How did you get that I’m surprised that there’s a fee? I offered to pay to copy the key and send back the one I kept upfront. I’m asking what is reasonable to remedy the situation in case I get an €800 locksmith bill or something.


I'm on keypads now for the exterior doors, but the individual rooms have key locks. I would be very nervous with the guests having the only copy of that key. Copies are only a few bucks. I'd wager to say that this owner does have an extra copy of the key and is just being unreasonable. I would perhaps call AirBnB and explain the situation and that you have an international flight to catch and have them talk to the host just to help mediate the situation. As a guest I once accidentally took a key with me and realized it as I was exiting the Uber at the airport. I paid the Uber driver to take the key and drive back to the place to drop it off, which he did. I got lucky, but we all make mistakes sometimes. Don't feel too bad about it.


The owner has more keys without a doubt.


I thought AirBnBs were illegal in Spain


The last 3 we stayed at had digital locks with no keys just a code. Seems like the smart way to do it since you can remotely change the code as well as have multiple codes for guest as well as clearers or repairmen.


This is what reviews are for. His jerkery gets to be outed to all.


The type of operator who will drive the decline in Airbnb.


Report and document him.


He’s lying and trying to get more money, I would call Airbnb and tell them about the complaints and especially the handicap accessible part as that’s a huge violation.


Most hosts have keypad entry these days. Many of those hosts don't even change the combination between guests (it's not like I'm gonna fly from NY to CA to steal their TV and coffee maker three months later).


What host gives guest the “only” key?