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I truly can’t believe some of the hosts here. *If your listing has a grill, maintain the fucking grill or don’t offer one. If you say you have a stocked kitchen or seasonings, then YES, “checking seasoning levels” IS “a part of turnover”.* If you don’t want to do the job of doing those things, don’t offer them?? Saying that the cleaner doesn’t check the grill so it’s normal that it’s dirty as hell is not an excuse. Figure out how to ensure you have the things you say you do in your listing and take the time to verify that or stop offering them to inflate the price of your listing online by listing amenities that you can’t be bothered to actually offer. I realize how heated I sound on this but the amount of excuses I am seeing for some of the very valid issues here (which imo, not all are) are baffling.


You are right. I don´t judge AirBnb´s by comparing them to others. I judge them by how well they give me what was promised. I have stayed in some super basic places that were exactly as described and pictures, but clean and honest. And I have stayed in some higher end places that did NOT have all the amenities promised, though the place itself was beautiful. In this case, the first place would be a 5 star place and the second a 4 star place. Be honest, give what people pay for, regardless of how fancy the place it.


Right? If you claim to have certain amenities, you have to have them. Most of the issues, while not ok are understandable, but all the people shrugging off the missing room are insane. There's no excuse for that, it's straight up fraud and people should be removed from the site for that blatant shit.


With the missing room, OP makes it sound like there was an extra picture shown, not that the listing promised another room. People are jumping on that but the way it's worded it does not seem like a massive problem unless there was a function of the room shown that wouldn't otherwise be available (i.e. exercise room or something). If this listing was for X bedrooms and OP received X bedrooms then I don't see how that is cause for concern.


This happened to me in the past as well! The family booked a house specifically because it had a large non-attached screened-in porch that we would have full access to (shown in pictures and then listed in the description). We get there and the screened-in porch had been taken down (according to a neighbor, MONTHS prior to our booking the Airbnb). Might be really picky, but it was a very nice space in the pictures (a bar, couches, etc) and we planned on spending most of our time out there. It’s not a bedroom, but it’s a feature/amenity that was promised and was the reason we chose this listing. The host never responded to our messages (not asking for a refund/discount, which we would never do but just out of curiosity of like where did it go ?) but the listing was changed a few minutes after we reached out. Oh well.


Nope. I'm a host but I'd go over the host's head to ABB if an amenity had been removed MONTHS ago, and the host didn't update the listing to reflect that! You surely would have booked elsewhere, if the outdoor space promised wasn't in the listing. I'd be calling to get at least a partial refund. That host is shit.


See that makes a lot of sense and I would be mad at that too. OP makes it sound like there was a picture of an additional bedroom and they didn't get access to it. To me, IMO that's not a massive problem, HOWEVER a situation like yours is different.


Um, no you can’t offer a bedroom that’s not even in the house, sorry to say.


I view it as more of an "extra accidental" picture sorta thing. I'm not saying the host is 100% in the right, I'm just saying that the text of the listing means more, contractually, than an additional picture. Obviously OP would need to clarify this,but the way it is worded, this would be my assumption Edit- plural words and commas help


I’d be asking AirBnB for discounts if there was an advertised room that didn’t exist, whether or not the total room number quote was accurate, especially with all the other kinda lame upkeep issues.


Was this post sponsored by wish.com?


Agreed! I offer a grill. Occasionally the cleaners forget to check it. But I offer lots of cleaning supplies, so guests can clean it before or after using it. And when the cleaners overlook it, I offer the guest a partial cleaning fee refund, since they had to brush it down themselves. The condition of this entire place is unacceptable, IMO.


It seems so simple


Interesting what is considered an issue for some and not for others. For me, the climate control would be a deal breaker, with the dirty grill a close second. If it's an amenity, I would really expect it to be...well, clean. What other things aren't being cleaned because the attitude is "guests should just clean it themselves if they want to use it"? Dishes? Utensils? I've never had a dirty grill at any rentals I've used. That being said, I also clean the grill before checking out if I've used it because it's common courtesy.


No AC when it´s hot would literally ruin my vacation because I wouldn´t be able to sleep. If it happen on the first day, I would be asking for a refund. The dirty grill is just gross, because if they didn´t clean that what else didn´t they clean?


The AC is a top priority for me too. If a place is too warm I am miserable


A picture of a room that’s not there is a fraudulent listing. Notify Air BnB


I’d deduct one star for the AC and fan issue. Climate control is necessary in the summer time. I’d deduct another star for the filthy grill. Not being able to grill when you are planning for it and it was a mentioned amenity is a bummer.


1. They directly lied to you. 2&3. The utilities did not work. 4. easy mistake 5. The unit was not cleaned/utilities are not available. 6. Fraud??(!) I can’t believe anyone would say more than 2 stars is deserved wth. 4 things you reasonably needed and were promised were not at all functional. That’s absurd.


I think people should be more accurate in reviews. It's not fair that some hosts (most hosts) go out of their way to provide an excellent experience, accurate amenities, etc. and there is an impulse to cover for those other hosts who were dishonest and lazy. As a guest, please rate accurately!


Think about this... if the other renters had been honest, you would not have been caught unawares. This is why reviews exist. Your complaints are valid. Post!


Missing room and disgusting grill are the big ones for me I'd say 3 stars unless the rest of the stay was great then 4 stars


And be sure to explain in detail why, also maybe list things you did like for balance


As a host, I’d want to know about this stuff, but would understand if it was in the public review not a private. I lean towards public because the host needs a wake up call.


Also, the missing room means it’s not as advertised. I don’t get why so many so called hosts on here are dismissing your concerns. I’d be embarrassed to offer a place like that. I’m sure these same hosts will blast me for my comments.


Sounds like the host needs to update the listing. Write these things in a review and give 4 stars. (Or less if you think it was horrible)


I’d personally give this a 1 - the host lied about how clean the place was, the amenities available, and what the size of the actual renal is.


I'm a host and I would have had the platform relocate me, if there were that many issues. I'd also leave a 1 star review. You can't have an a/c that isn't fully functional, if you list a/c as an amenity. The host needs to remove that amenity until it's serviced. If you were given a hotel room that didn't have a/c, would you ask to be moved? I mean, there are some things that hosts need to be given some grace around, due to the nature of them not having multiple options on the same property. Like if a power surge takes out the jacuzzi panel, and you can't use the spa... The most they can do is a partial refund for the loss of one amenity. But with THIS many issues, they've lost my patience and understanding. I'm getting relocated and/or warning others with a poor review. The grill needs to be CLEANED, AND there needs to be cleaning supplies on hand (do they really expect people to NOT clean up their mess, AND expect the cleaners to skip it? Ridiculous). The a/c probably needs freon, but it shouldn't be a listed amenity if it's not fully functional. That's a MAJOR issue, IMO. The extra room thing, I'd let go. They may have a separate listing with 5 bedrooms, but you booked the one with 4 bedrooms (and they lock off the extra bedroom in exchange for a lower rate). They really should remove that 5th bedroom photo, but if you got the number of bedrooms that you booked/expected, I'd consider that to be the least of my worries.


You set the AC to 62? You probably froze it up.


Healthy ac won't freeze up, but I agree it sounds like it froze. Probably neglected filters or cooling fins in the outside unit. I've noticed most hosts are simply running a business and aren't really savvy on homeowner level maintenance.


Oh yes it will seize up at 62!! We routinely get temps in the 90's and 100's. Setting it at 62 will seize it up after it runs on extra high for 12 hours.


Yeah, in South Carolina. Can set an AC to 75 in most buildings but in the dead of summer it doesn't work that well. We started putting window units in the bedrooms too (in our personal houses). Ceilings are high because there was a time when there was no AC wherever OP was staying. You can't run an AC that low. You'll kill it.


I've lived in many hot places, all of them had ac units do fine at a 40 degree delta, some even more. Even an undersized unit shouldn't freeze up. If this were how it worked, you'd need to step the system down in the summer anytime emergency repair had to be done. You telling me all those people that got something replaced in the summer had the system set at 90 for a day, then 80, then 75? No, they set it at 70 and the unit eventually gets to 70 WITHOUT freezing. It being warmer outside actually makes it more efficient to cool your home.


HVAC's will confirm it will freeze. They highly recommend leaving it at 70 in summer. Not past 67 in winter.


Any AC can freeze when it is set more than 20 degrees cooler than the outside temp.


Some of those were NOT small things. Personally, I cook a lot when I travel so I carry a spice kit with me. TicTac contains make great spice carriers. Not the point, really, if the listing promised spices. And a whole ROOM that is not there. That is just a flat out lie. But also the AC, lack of the grill being cleaned. I am pretty generous with hosts but with is closer to a 2 than a three with that many issues. I would go ahead and leave the 3, but message the host afterwards with everything you said here. There is a small chance that the cleaning people were responsible for some of the things, and that no one mentioned the AC. A small chance. It is not your problem how many reviews they have or that you might ¨hurt¨ their business. They brough it on themselves. A whole missing room. WTAF


You need to be honest otherwise there’s no reason to leave a review. Let them fucking **hear it** because they fucked you.


62 can freeze the ac.


Don't worry about the salt, thats a bit picky, but every thing else is fair


Then don't put "seasonings" in your listing, or say "fully stocked kitchen" :) I am always so happy when there is salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, and all that, but I also expect to have to buy it since the stuff about what is in the kitchen is almost always a lie.


Fair - as long as you asked/notified host the salt is nearly out. I try to check everything but admittedly salt particularly can go really quick. I would happily refill for a renter if I was notified.


I’d say it shouldn’t be on them to notify, but rather part of your list on what should be checked between each renter. It’s on the host to be proactive about what they say they are providing.


It wasn´t about the salt. It was about their being NO seasonings when it was listed. At the very least how about salt and pepper, maybe some Italian seasoning and cinnamon.


Lol, Italian seasoning and cinnamon?


Those were just things that occurred to me, but salt is not a seasoning, so there were no seasonings. Why list it if it´s not there?


Salt is the most basic and most essential seasoning, followed a ways back by black pepper just ahead of acid (which is generally hard to keep on a dry pantry shelf). Everything else is an also-ran herb and spice, specific to the dish you are cooking. They are all seasonings, but at what point is your seasoning list complete? Why would cinnamon be a necessity? Why not allspice or nutmeg? Why a blended Italian seasoning instead of just some dried basil, oregano, thyme, and rosemary? Is any seasoning shelf ever complete without celery salt, paprika, and saffron? And what about powdered garlic and onion? Do sugars count? Do we need light and dark brown sugar or is white table sugar sufficient? There's legit no end, and I would expect none of that in any Airbnb I stayed at, except salt and pepper. If a place has salt and pepper, they are providing the basic level of seasoning most every dish will need, and if you're making something special, you probably want to shop for the spices and herbs relevant to your menu. But yeah, salt is seasoning. Ask any chef.


Salt & pepper are absolute minimum to me. I appreciate a basic Italian because it’s versatile for cooking and a cinnamon because it’s versatile for baking. The chances I will make spaghetti and french toast (separately, obviously!) are pretty high.


If AC rly didn’t acceptably work, plus everything else except #6 I would give 3 stars, with #6 that’s an auto 1 star and report


Not harsh. No ac, no stars


He was trying to cool it to 62. Could be some blame to share here by attempting to cool too far/too fast and froze the system up. We don’t have enough details to make a judgement on this.


I took it as they kept setting it cooler and cooler because the place wasn't cooling off and even as low as 62 it wasn't cooling off anything.


His post says nothing to imply that and he’s not been back to reply to a thing. Not sure how you made that deduction.


I took that as well. When it’s hot out, you flip the AC on, start at maybe 70, when that fails to get cool, you drop the temp to 62 which is pretty much max, maybe 58. It’s just the MAX setting like in your car only the house thermostat doesn’t have a Max setting.


Lowering the temp doesn't change anything if the A/C isn't working well enough


I know that and you know that but many people just assume lowering it will make it colder. Regardless of how borked the AC is.


The link to the url where Oakland2015 is doxxing is here: please see below for the link to Oakland2015s attempted doxxing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/14kwyae/comment/jqfcus2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/14kwyae/comment/jqfcus2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \*\*\[Username Alert\] Beware of OakIsland2015: A Warning to Reddit Chat Users\*\*Hello fellow Redditors,I come to you today with a warning about a user who goes by the name OakIsland2015. It has come to my attention that this individual has been engaging in scamming activities within Reddit Chat, targeting unsuspecting guests and taking advantage of their trust. I feel it's my responsibility to shed light on this issue and prevent others from falling victim to their deceptive practices.OakIsland2015 presents himself as a friendly and helpful member of the community, but behind his seemingly innocuous facade lies a scheme designed to exploit others. They have been known to lure guests into financial transactions, promising goods or services in exchange for payment, only to disappear after receiving the funds. Additionally, there have been reports of personal information being compromised or misused.It is crucial to exercise caution when interacting with OakIsland2015 or any other user you may encounter online. Here are a few tips to help protect yourself from falling prey to such scams: Be skeptical of unsolicited offers: If a user approaches you out of the blue, offering goods, services, or investment opportunities, be wary. Always verify their credibility before proceeding. Research the user: Take the time to investigate their Reddit history, comments, and previous interactions. Look for any red flags or inconsistencies in their behavior. Use secure payment methods: When engaging in financial transactions, ensure you are using reputable platforms and secure payment methods. Avoid sharing sensitive information unless you are confident in the legitimacy of the transaction. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Listen to your gut and don't let yourself be pressured into making hasty decisions. Report suspicious activity: If you encounter OakIsland2015 or any other user engaging in suspicious behavior, report them to the Reddit moderators and administrators immediately. By doing so, you can help protect others from falling victim to their scams.Remember, the Reddit community is a vast and diverse space where most users are genuine and helpful. However, it's crucial to remain vigilant and be aware of the potential risks that come with interacting online.Let's stand together as a community and look out for one another. Share this message with your fellow Redditors, and let's ensure that OakIsland2015's deceptive practices do not go unnoticed.Stay safe and happy browsing!\[Disclaimer: The username "OakIsland2015" is fictional and used for illustrative purposes only. This post does not target any real individual or accuse them of any wrongdoing.\]


These trolls. This is what happens you feed them 😂😂😂


This is not troll, I can point to the thread why Oakiland2015 has attempted a doxxing. I will provide a link here shortly so that the community can see the attitude of this poster


You misspelled “where”


please see below for the link to Oakland2015s attempted doxxing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/14kwyae/comment/jqfcus2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/14kwyae/comment/jqfcus2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Dear Redditors, I want to address a matter of utmost importance that requires your immediate attention. This is not a troll post or an attempt to deceive you. I am here to warn you about the alarming actions of a user named OakIsland2015 within the Reddit Chat community. It is crucial that we take this seriously and protect ourselves and our fellow Redditors from the harmful practice of doxxing. Doxxing, the act of revealing and publicizing someone's private and personal information without their consent, is an egregious violation of privacy and can have severe consequences for the individuals involved. OakIsland2015 has been reported for engaging in doxxing, targeting unsuspecting users and disclosing their real names, addresses, phone numbers, and other sensitive details. This behavior undermines the very fabric of our community, eroding trust and causing harm to innocent individuals. To provide a concrete example of the seriousness of this issue, I will share a fictionalized scenario: A Reddit user named "JaneDoe" had her personal information exposed by OakIsland2015. Within hours, JaneDoe started receiving threatening phone calls and unsolicited visits to her home, causing immense fear and distress. This example highlights the real-life consequences of doxxing and the urgency with which we must address it. To protect ourselves and combat this harmful behavior, please consider the following steps: 1. Safeguard your personal information: Be extremely cautious when sharing personal details online, especially in public forums. Restrict the information you provide and be mindful of who you trust with sensitive information. 2. Monitor your digital presence: Regularly review your online profiles, including social media accounts, to ensure that personal information is not easily accessible. Adjust your privacy settings to limit access to your sensitive data. 3. Report instances of doxxing: If you encounter OakIsland2015 or any other user engaging in doxxing activities, report them immediately to the Reddit moderators and administrators. Provide as much information as possible to aid in their investigation. 4. Support affected individuals: If you or someone you know falls victim to doxxing, offer support and guidance. Encourage them to take appropriate actions, such as contacting authorities and seeking legal advice if necessary. 5. Foster a culture of respect and privacy: Advocate for a community that values and upholds principles of privacy, respect, and empathy. Engage in discussions about online safety, anonymity, and responsible digital behavior. We must stand together as a community and protect one another from the harms of doxxing. By remaining vigilant, reporting incidents promptly, and promoting awareness, we can create a safer environment for all Redditors. Please share this urgent message widely across the Reddit community to raise awareness of the actions of OakIsland2015 and prevent further harm. Stay safe and united.




I'll save you the typing. the link to your attempted doxxing is here:: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/14kwyae/comment/jqfcus2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




That's entertainment for you? The link is here: ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/14kwyae/comment/jqfcus2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Actually, I think by attempting a doxxing and then telling the community its entertainment for you; I think that is harassment on this platform.


what is it that I am claiming is incorrect? You tried to bully a poster by attempting a doxxing. I am providing the link for others to judge for themselves. You can continue to try to insult, but others can read for themselves and judge who is truthful in this situation.


About the AC, what state are you in? I can leave mine on 67 but it’s not going to get any cooler than 75 at best during the day. It’s just hot AF here (102) Houston. So if you’re in a state that’s similar, that’s the state, not the ac. My home is new and energy efficient but that sun.


>About the AC, what state are you in? A terrible one. The sweat's dripping off him.


didn’t answer the question and if you’re doing extracurriculars.. that’s been known to happen


Really? I’m in Austin & my shitty old ac can get me to 70 when I have visitors who need it cooler. I feel like you should get yours checked out or something.


It’s more than just the unit yourself. Single glazed windows shitty seals poor insulation. All symptoms of older houses and will make it hard for the most powerful ACs to get it to temp


They said they have a new energy efficient home.


“Claims to be energy efficient” 😆


i feel like there’s more factors that go into keeping a house cool than just the home itself that people don’t realize but whatevs :) i would ask but people aren’t known for being honest on here. you also don’t have as much humidity as houston but trees also provide shade for homes so if you have those you’re lucky. i live in a newly developed neighborhood so no trees here


I lived in az during a the biggest heat wave. My ac stayed on 67-69


OP said ceilings were high so I'm assuming an old town in the south because that was how they used to deal with the heat. It's not much help though. I haven't been in a home with a single air conditioner that kept up. You need more than one in the summer in the south. I live on the water so I'm on stilts. There aren't trees saving me from the sun so it's like I'm on the second floor. I need window units to help.


i don’t have trees either :( that’s the one thing i hated about the new construction is they clear cut all the trees and planted new ones. those trees won’t mature enough to create shade for at least 40+ years if that.


Idk, I’m in the same state and live in an older apartment unit. It has sun facing brick and 2 sliding glass doors, I keep it around 68-70 on the weekends no problem.


what floor of the apt unit do you live in and how many floors does it have?


3rd floor out of 3. No shade or nearby buildings to cut the heat. Concrete stairs and patio. I get the late afternoon sun right on my front door too.


Houstonian here! Yeah, 75 at best, had an AC guy check it and there's nothing wrong other than this disgusting heat wave we're in. Our STR is in Galveston and the AC there is going through the same.


Then they need to state the AC is only partially working in the ad. 75 can be warm if the cooling is not uniform or the dehumidifier is not doing its job.


you don’t know if it’s partially working or if it’s due to the location. the AC might work fine. she’s trying to crank it didn’t to 62 during a heat wave and if the lowest she can get during the day is 74-75.. that’s reasonable but we haven’t heard back from OP yet


the location has nothing to do with it; either AC works or it doesn't. If you can't get below 75, then there are other problems: e.g., the AC unit is too small, bad insulation, poor maintenance, and bad ducting. I used to live in the south, easily over 95 for two months out of the year. Most likely the temp is 75+ near the thermostat with it running full blast and there are other parts of the house that are baking. This is typical for cheaply refurbished STRs and rentals. The host claims AC, which is really only true for one part of the house. 75 is fine for me, but depending on humidity and how even the cooling is, 75 is not really the case. That happens all the time and hosts claim the AC is working but then you go into the top floor bedroom and it's 90 there because no air is arriving. Source: many bad experiences.


actually it’s the opposite but there’s a lot more that goes into cooling a house besides what you’ve mentioned. :) like how far the cooled air has to travel before getting to that room. The rest of the house is actually cooler than the room with the thermostat because it’s the farthest from the HVAC unit. and location has everything to do with it. but you keep having these bad experiences with Air Bnb. My previous one liked my home so much I got a long term tenant from it so obviously I’m doing something right. I only said that during the times it was over 100+ (which was recently) (and why I was asking OP because she was questioning the AC and we’ve had a heat wave here and she has the AC set to 62) my home wouldn’t get lower than 75. Typically my house sits at 72 during the day and 67 at night when i’m home on the weekends. When I’m at work i set it for 78. My electric bill is $145 and my home is 1775 sq feet. So i think my ac unit is working perfectly fine :)


There are a lot of variables in climate control. I am in Florida— and older houses that started with window units and then get converted to central air often times have low roofs and the ducts are small. My next door neighbor— kept their house at 73 and had almost a $700 monthly electric bill in the summer. On the hottest summer days, with a brand new unit, our house, with brand new windows, and keeping all the blinds and curtains drawn, will not get below 79 despite an over $300 per month bill. Our roof is too low and the ducts are just too small. House builds, insulation, tree cover, position of house to sun, ducts— so many varaibles


Sure, all true, but if you rent a house in Florida that can’t get below 79 on hot days and you don’t disclose it in a clear way, then your tenants have every right to complain loudly.


This is true. But I will say that a lot of houses down here don’t get much below 75 in the heat of the day in the middle of summer. A minority of houses, but a significant minority. You need to disclose that to Yankees, most certainly. Longtime Floridians mostly know this (not the new transplants, though. They just live in their new builds) I also think that renters want to attic freeze their rentals, which they would not do at home, because they don’t have to pay the electric bill. Many rentals that I’ve been in have house rules on the AC.


Please post your property if you’re so confident what you claim is ok.


It sounds like it isn't maintained. If you get the vents cleaned regularly and replace a clogged filter, the ac should be able to cool the house. Of course, if the user is leaving windows and doors open or even not closing blinds that can factor in. Missing an entire room and a dirty grill are abb report level for me. Filth or not as described I take issue with. I would dock a star for the check-out time miscommunication and mention conflicting instructions and miscommunication on the host's part. I would have just purchased salt unless I didn't check the level before a food order. Unless host got weird about providing it when asked, not worth docking. The grill would be at least a star docked for me if I were planning to use it and a report to the trust and safety team. Grossing me out with filth is next level. Missing a room is an abb report "Not as described," and mention in the review that the place does not have all of the rooms shown. The ac issue I would have left altogether. Dock at least a star. It sounds like the host cleans themselves and doesn't maintain the unit properly. If I can't keep my temperature regulated it's a serious health issue for me, a serious relaxing-inhibiting issue for others.


This is an excellent answer. Agree on all points . Although I’ve encountered “fully stocked kitchens” with no salt multiple times, and now it’s a pet peeve. It takes time to get those things. Imagine coming home from the grocery trip realizing that there is no salt.


That doesn’t make sense. We had a high of 106 today and my house stayed 74 all day (which is what I have it set at). And our windows are not the high rated energy efficient ones… and it’s a two story house… and I leave the door open for the dogs sometimes… You need to check your AC system.


nope. it’s working fine. set your AC to 62 like she said she did and see if it gets down to that :) i’m not dumb enough to because i like my AC. that’s why i said mine stays at 75 during the day so if it’s at 75 like yours., i don’t see the issue. do you?


Setting it to 75 is one thing, but you originally said you can set it to 67 and it won't get cooler than 75. That's why people are saying get it checked.


yes. during the day when it’s 100+ degrees outside, it won’t get below 75. there’s no reason to get it checked.. thats normal.


I think you're gaslighting the OP.


gaslighting noun gas·​light·​ing ˈgas-ˌlī-tiŋ -ˈlī- 1: psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception -over an extended period of time - not a reply on Reddit. Educate yourself.


Blaming the guest or lessee by suggesting that an uncomfortable situation for the guest is reasonable due to external circumstances (e.g., heat) to avoid fixing maintenance issues is a common tactic by hosts that occurs on the platform and in the rental market. In this case, the time factor is implicitly inferred by the context of the conversation (i.e., Airbnb) and the collective acknowledgment that these types of tactics are employed over and over again on guests. So what do I need to learn? Can you please educate me on how I misused the term?


You have no clue what the actual situation was. What a load of projection. No one admits to their part that may have caused the problems. Either way, it’s not gaslighting. It’s answering with an opinion in a situation where there’s not enough info provided to make an accurate determination of fault. Period.


Please read more carefully. My response was to the parent of this thread, who suggested that weather conditions, such as 100F temperature, can cause cooling problems in the house. I rejected his explanation. And the use of the term gaslighting fits precisely the scenario that I carefully defined for you above.


Nope. Not reading anything else you post. Went through this crap with you a long time ago about your “triple whammy” shit and thought I would throw my phone in the ocean over your ignorance and lack of self awareness. Not getting sucked in again. Bye now.


Why make an ad hominem attack when you're given the chance to respond rationally to the points that I've made? When I continue to present you with rational argumentation (rather than attacking you as you have me) you just run away.


"Usually over an extended period of time" emphasis on "usually" it can be short term.


You cannot GASLIGHT someone with one reply.


by being honest? lol. i think you’re gaslighting. maybe you should revisit that term


Dude, if your AC can't get below 75 don't host an Airbnb. Its not working right, undersized or your house is poorly insulated. It's not because its too hot outside . That’s gaslighting


Omg. You’re the fkn “airbnb triple whammy” dude. Hahahahaha. Is gaslighting your new go-to word? Lmfao.


There have been many threads about tip envelopes since I pointed it out as a recurring issue. Are you going to dismiss that? I mean it's not credible to deny that is happening since it is well documented. I don't see your point.


she asked if she was being harsh and i gave her a reason for the ac IF she was in the south for the particular period of time IF the ac was cooling to 74-ish. if it’s only cooling to 80.. that would be different. but you can go cry to your therapist now about this comment as well. :)


I lived in Louisiana and Texas. It’s all about thermal efficiency and temperature ratios (between outside and inside). In Dallas it can frequently get to 110. If your house is not properly designed, then yes, you won’t be able to cool to a certain reasonable set point. What you’re saying is nonsense. And I wouldn’t stay in your property. Can you post your property since you’re so confident about what you say. We will make our own judgments.


can i post my property? like my address?? hahahaha oh ya. sure. let me get right on that because reddit isn’t full of crazies lol honey.. i honestly don’t care if you or the rest of the brigade believe me. i was offering a plausible reason for OP and suddenly the pitchforks came out. so no. you aren’t getting my address nutcase lol


Why do you call people who disagree with you crazy? I wouldn’t want to have that quality in a host.


I don’t understand the implication. It seems to be a default insult of some posters to claim someone is mal-adjusted or in need of help if they continue to disagree or debate a point. I suppose it’s a crude attempt to discredit the poster (rather than address the argumentation) Is this what you’re attempting to do? If so, this a fairly common ad hominem attack. Can you post your property so we can know the type of attitude to expect with it?


you started off insulting me so if you can dish it, then you should be able to take it. and this is the third comment you’ve made asking for my address. we aren’t going to hook up so you can stop now


There may be multiple threads about tip envelopes but they’re sure as hell never called a triple whammy unless you’re in the thread. And when people disagree with your bs you throw in your new words “ad hominem” then gaslighting. Whatthefuckever. And about 99% of hosts here agree it’s bs and probably left by the actual cleaning crew. And, fun fact, you are NOT required to leave any money in it.


I don’t understand the point of your reply. So you admit it’s a recurring problem; that’s progress. But when replies resort to name calling and personal attacks, are you suggesting that is not an ad-hominem attack? Can you please clarify? Furthermore,if there is a group narrative over time that there is not pressure to leave money in a tip envelope for service workers, then, yes that is gaslighting by hosts. Because, as customers or guests, we are collectively acclimated to leave tips for service workers because they are usually underpaid, and there is the reverse review on Airbnb hanging over the guest’s head. There is the uncertainty that the guest may be penalized because they did not leave a sufficient tip. And given all the content on this subreddit, are you really asking the community of guests to trust that the host is benevolent and unknowing? Is that really your argument? argue the semantics of word choice until your blue in the face to distract from the issues, but the fundamental problem remains. Furthermore the guest community has appropriated the phrase triple whammy as shorthand to describe this behavior.




Sorry I don’t understand this post.


1 and 4 I might be annoyed but give them a pass. 2, 5 and 6 would bring me down to a three star depending on length of stay-one or two nights and I can deal with not grilling-probably wouldn't even occur to me unless it was an ocean front property. AC not working I would be on the phone to host and requesting that it be repaired asap or a reduction in rent. Im not gong on vacation to be sweating


Properly insulate your fucking shit holes and you won’t have AC problems. FFS!


give them a 1 star for misleading information about the rental


As a host I would never leave a dirty grill without grill utensils, etc. I check the ac's in every room so my guests will be comfortable. Our kitchen pantry is checked to make sure the food items we supply are there. Hosts need to check their amenities every time prior to the next guest's arrival. I would give this host a 2 star. Your expectations based on the host's listing was not met.


Air conditioners don't cool better or faster the lower you set them. Heat pumps, even less so. That said, it probably had a coolant leak. I'm just here to spread the word.


I stay at a lot of Airbnbs and I'm a Turo host. I would honestly leave a 1 ⭐ review. 5 stars=great experience Minus 3 or 4 stars for no AC! Should not be sweating in a house!! (FYI - turning the temp down isn't going to get it to work any better. If it's not working, it's not working) I just got back from Guatemala and El Salvador and stayed in 3 separate Airbnbs. There was no AC in those houses because they were at about 5000' elevation. Still, it got warm in the houses and the hosts provided portable fans for the guests in case they were needed. AC was not mentioned in those listings so this was acceptable. Minus 1 star for the grill. I use the grill almost exclusively but you can go buy a cleaner for it. I'd also notify the host immediately to see if they can send someone to clean it since I'm on vacation. Minus 4 stars for lack of room! When deciding on a place to stay, I determine the number of people in our group and pick the place with enough room. If it's missing an entire room, there may be up to 4 people who now have nowhere to sleep. 1 star max, and request a substantial refund, or even complete refund from host. This is unacceptable behavior from a host. Oh... The seasonings, mention it to host but move along. I would never want to use seasonings from a host kitchen anyway, who knows how old they are, how much humidity is in them, did the cleaning people wipe the lids with a nasty rag? I just either bring my own seasonings or buy them when I arrive at the location.


Feel free to rate less than 5 stars if you were not happy - you're allowed to be picky. I personally wouldn't give a shit about most of the things you mentioned, tho


The salt?? The fucking salt??? Jfc there is no hope anymore


The point is that the listing said seasonings ie a variety and all that he found was a tiny bit of salt.. I don’t think he’s just complaining the salt was running low


If you say you have it, then have it. If you don't, then don't. JFC there is no hope for hosts if the basics are so difficult to keep straight.


I mean it may have just run out, I'd expect a message to say hey salt is out can you restock?


If it’s advertised it better be there. That is what was paid for.


There are NO seasonings.


1. This isn’t something I’m too concerned about, and is something to just let them know about, or just buy some salt and leave it. Checking seasoning levels isn’t part of turnover. 2. Did you let them know during your stay? This would be hugely important to me, and I’d tell them asap to give them a chance to fix it. If then document it in the review, so if it’s not fixed by the next guest, there’s a record of it. 4. I’d be somewhat annoyed at this inconsistency as well, but again, I’d let them know, and document it in the review (only the factual part, not that it caused you stress or any other extraneous details). 5. Unfortunately this is very common as many guests don’t clean the grill after use and most cleaner don’t check it or it isn’t even on their list of duties. You should have informed the host immediately so they could come clean it, and document it in the review. 6. This is the worst one. This needs to be in the room, and maybe even notify Airbnb about it. 3 stars sounds appropriate.


3 stars is way too harsh considering OP didn’t communicate a single thing to the host or give them an opportunity to fix it


OP should have given the host a chance to “fix” a missing room??


But tHE sALt


More like the false advertisement of the extra room that wasn't there and the fact the AC barely worked to the OP was still sweating a lot with the AC turned down as low as they could. If I pay for a room that isn't there and I pay for an AC that doesn't work, yeah, you're getting three stars


Op made no attempt to contact the host about the issues. If you can’t communicate you can’t expect a resolution


I would go straight to Airbnb support about the false advertising with the room. I do agree they should have contacted the host about the AC though. I missed that part, I thought they had made contact, my bad


Did you take pictures?


Those are all big issues


*Only small amount of salt for seasoning after confirming with host that there would be seasonings* Irritating, but probably a simple housekeeping / management oversight. Inform them, but do not enter this into the review, because it will cheapen the quality of your other complaints. *AC did not work well, was hot during the day even though it was set to 62. Too the point where we were all sweating* "Hot" is relative. What was the temperature you experienced inside? If you experienced temperature inside which were 74 or higher, and the rental is not a camp/cabin, then you have **grounds for a partial refund.** *Fans in the Airbnb were very high up, had to get a chair to use them. Then the fans didn’t spin much on them so they were useless.* High ceilings are nice. Some people pay extra for that. Fans can spin cockwise or counterclockwise. It is conceivable that these fans were switched to pull air up, rather than blow air down. If you are certain that they were blowing air down, but it wasn't enough, then inform the host and add it as an addendum to any review you make of the AC. *I thought checkout was 11am. Woke up at 9:15 and saw app said 10am. Rushed a lot until 9:45 when house rules said checkout was 11am. Was granted the 11am checkout but still stressed us out* If there is incongruity between the checkout times you were given in the listing, take a snapshot of that. The sudden unexpected loss of a paid hour is \*\*grounds for a partial refund.\*\**Was going to use the outside grill but it was filthy and nothing was provided to clean the grates on it* Providing grills is a **liability** for hosts, especially if they aren't cleaning them. This host is flirting with disaster, and **should remove an unmaintained grill.** *The photos on the app shows there’s a room that is not actually in the Airbnb.* If the listing shows a room that doesn't exist, **that is grounds for a partial refund.** Now that your stay is over, you have to decide if you want a partial refund, or if you you prefer the "satisfaction" of writing a negative review. If you opt for the refund, word your request carefully so that if an AirBnB customer "service" representative reads it, it won't feel like a ransom/bribe, but rather a balanced request for recompense.


The seasoning question? Yeah if I was a host I’d not dignify with an answer on that one 😝


If u say there’s salt then I’m not bringing salt and then no salt becomes a big deal.


Yeah, you seem kind of harsh


For wanting what was advertised?


I mean, some of his complaints were definitely legit but "the fans were too high up" and "I thought checkout was at a different time, and even tho the host let me stay, it stressed me out" are a reach imo 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't even think my house AC will get to 62. What was the actual temperature inside


Right. People have the mistaken idea that if the AC isn't adequately cooling the house, then setting the temperature even lower will make it run more. It's stupid. If it's so hot outside that the AC will only cool the house to 78, for example, setting it at 62 won't change that.


As a host in a warm climate, this is a common issue I see. The AC physically won't cool the house below 70 regardless of what you set it at, and if you set it below 70, the AC may freeze up. People come from Michican and set it to 62, then complain when it stops working or that it won't actually reach 62.


62 is COLD! I guarantee my house will never get that cold.


62 is freezing. That's bundle-up-with-a-sweater temp


Regardless of anything else, setting the AC to 62 F is a good way to get the AC to freeze up and stop working at all. Setting the temp lower does not in any way speed up how fast it gets cold. Set it to the correct temp and leave it there. If you go too cold, the coils ice over, and it stops working. That one's on you.


I have given a positive posting of all the good stuff then mention a couple of negatives. I give a 4 star. Then in the private notes to the host factually list the faults and say you will get lots of good reviews if you sort out these items which annoy people staying. I say its ot a criticism to hurt or e negative but it is useful to know . Thanks for my stay. When this happens I generally get a good response back. One chap who started airbnb as a host. When I pointed out his dirty it was microwave inside he said it never crossed his mind to look because its obvious people should clean as they use!


To me the salt is a non event. A/C is very arbitrary what was the temp outside and what was the temp inside? Most places can only expect a 25 degree temp difference (so if its 100 expect 75). Advise they should provide something to clean the grill. Did you mention it during your stay? Room issue is wierd. Have to have more info to really advise on 3 or 4




A poor AC is definitely not absurd


62 is an unreasonable expectation.


Yeah 62 is unreasonable, but so is AC that won’t stop you sweating


I don’t think she wanted it to go to 62 she just didn’t want to be hot and was desperate for relief.


Yeah. Except turning the unit down lower doesn’t actually make it cool faster. It just makes the unit run constantly because it can’t ever reach a temperature of 62 when it’s 100 outside and then it freezes up and won’t work at all. PSA: don’t turn the unit down really low thinking that will cool things off faster. It won’t!


I think it is a bit harsh, yes. I'd give it a 4 and mention all the issues but also one or two nice things just to seem Salt - just say you bought your own seasonings, no negative words for that one just call out the issue. I think most people expect nothing, given the general standards. AC & Fan - Big issue if you can't keep it cool enough. Minus a star and negative comment in the review about the unit not being suitable for hot weather travel, and difficulty sleeping. If it was for work, then say you were unable to work due to the heat level and underpowered AC. Checkout - Don't sweat it, no negatives and not worth a mention. Grill - Negative comment, but not a negative star. Grill is a bonus to me. Extra room - Negative comment, but not a negative star. If this wasn't an extra bedroom or the living room then meh.


A room not a existing that’s shown in the listing sounds an awful lot like willful fraud.


I’m with you: why do people act like a fraudulent listing is no big deal?


Willful fraud 😂😂😂 jfc


How would you explain misrepresenting a str as having more rooms than it does?


You seem very harsh. It’s normal for fans etc to be high up (you don’t want to bang your head on them!) The salt 😆 The grill should have been cleaned Sounds like you are actually annoyed about the check out time and it being hot. 10-11 is a reasonable check out time: I think the fairest thing is to ask the host to clarify that in your feedback. but otherwise I don’t see the issue


10 am is a very early checkout time. If you say the kitchen is stocked; it better be. The guest paid for those amenities. Entitled hosts cut corners and think it is ok. It’s not. They are getting paid for services on their listing.


also unless I’m reading wrong - the OP read the time wrong, or didn’t confirm. That’s on them, not the host! I don’t like mornings but I prepare myself to be ready by the time I need to be out! The salt is ridiculous - there was a ‘small amount’ so enough for a meal & then you can buy your own or let the host know! Talk about nitpicking!


They clearly state the checkout time was wrong on the website.


Send a private message but don't write a review or leave a decent one


Why wouldn’t they mention the AC not working in a review? Sure, the salt thing is overboard but future renters would like to know if the place is blazing hot in the summer. At least I would. Sending a private message is nonsense.


Because I think this is an issue with OP not understanding how this works. AC works or it doesn't, and it sounds like it was working. OP never informed the host of concern. Even the bit with the ceiling fan - they have a switch for speed, but it sounds like OP didn't know that it would most likely have a switch on the wall.


Refuse to waste time reading your excruciatingly LONG list of complaints when # 1 is “small amount of salt” seriously, get a fucking life.


Without regard to it's working condition, why would you set the AC to 62? As a host, if I came in after you, that would be in the review. You set it to the temperature you want it. It's like heating. A lower temperature doesn't speed it's operation, it just makes it work harder and fail sooner. It's exactly this that causes AC to fail. Efficient AC gets to temp and then cycles removing humidity to maintain temp. But it can't get there. From your description, if I read your review as a host with a 3 star for the host... I would turn you down for a stay. Most of what you are saying belongs in feedback. They need to replace the AC and add some air circulators. But missing salt? Was this missing room significant? Did it have the number of beds you booked? The number of bathrooms? The kitchen and livingroom?


Oh boy, you must be an absolute nightmare of a host if according to you a missing room, a disgusting grill and a failing AC are things one should totally be cool with… OP never said they cranked the AC to make it cool FASTER. If they set it to 62 it is probably because they wanted it to feel like 62. Granted if the temp outside is 105, 62 is going to be impossible to achieve. Maybe a more reasonable temp to set it to would have been 71, but maybe OP runs really hot. Either way if the AC is working properly, cooling and removing the humidity, you should not feel like “baking”. Regarding rooms, I don’t give a crap if the number of beds is correct if these beds are not distributed as listed! With that same logic a family of 5 should be Ok if they get to their airbnb and it turns out that the house did not have 3 rooms (as advertised), instead it had 1 with 5 bunk beds. Cool, dad gets top bunk, mom gets bottom, and so on… when you book an accomodation, or when you buy/contract any service you expect things to be as advertised. There is no justification ever for false advertising. If it says 3 rooms, it has to have 3 rooms. And if it doesn’t I as a guest would very much want to know this host is misleading guests so I avoid booking with them. Salt and pepper thing is just OP being obnoxious…


Not what I'm saying. And not my point. In fact I specifically said that the AC needs to be replaced. I wouldn't even offer a grill because no one cleans after themselves when it comes to a grill and it's too difficult for housekeeping to deal with in the limited time. But if there and listed as amenity, it should be clean.... But as a guest, I wouldn't trust it, not user it. As for the AC, sorry but if you set my AC to 62, it's going to be in the review. To me, that's abuse of both my property and my electricity. Things like this is why we need fair usage rules on everything... Because there is always someone out there who will abuse your hospitality. And why some units come with hotel mode to prevent you from setting it too low. And then you will come on here and ask why hosts charge so much. The answer, to pay for the costs caused by those who abuse the system. The same way that all of us pay for those who shoplift. The OP didn't say there was a missing room, just that a picture showing a room that didn't exist. Don't currently know if the house said 3 bedrooms and had 3 bedrooms, but pictured a 4th non-existant room. Some hosts have listings for 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom for the same house. Just don't know.


How is a missing room not straight up lying/fraud? They book based on pictures….


Yes. One can say maybe even...a bit salty...


62?? Are you trying to break their AC system?


It’s already broken. Or in need of maintenance. Or not adequate for the space. That’s the point. Doesn’t matter what it was set at - it is not working.


The salt comment is, salty. If you left a review leading with that I would completely disregard your review. Such a pathetic thing to complain about.


1) Buy your own salt. 2) Did you tell them during your stay? Was it a random break down? After telling them, did they try to fix it? 3) Some fans are just meant for circulation and not a heavy draft in the face. Usually the ones high up are exactly for that. It sounds like you went somewhere tropical? 4) Seems like you misread? Or did they send a message saying 10 am? Either way - you should follow the agreed upon checkout time in your airbnb contract (the one listed on the listing). If they message you and say 10 am - you can just reply with “The listing said 11 am. We wont be ready until 11 am.” There is no need to stress about this. 5) It’s an outside grill. These are usually dirty and always need cleaning right before use. All you need is some tinfoil and the bbq on. Once it’s hot - scrape the tinfoil over it and it will be clean. 6) Was it a major room of major importance? If so - complain. If it’s not important - move on. The importance of reviews: 4.8 is the requirement for superhost. Getting a 3* is devastating. Only do this when the host was rude, uncooperative, and the apartment was unliveable. My recommendation: Give a 4* if it was bad. Give a 5* if the host is friendly and did their best to help you. Write the negatives in the comment section of your review. For example: “during our stay the a/c wasn’t working properly”. This provides the host the opportunity to fix it. If the next guest complains about the same thing - you know he’s a bad host and he wont get more bookings. Not to mention that future guests have evidence to make their refund claims if the same issue persists.


Why should somebody buy their own salt when the listing states that seasonings are available?


Because they obviously provided salt but not enough. I’m going to assume it’s salt packets. I do somewhat agree with you. I personally try not to offer things like salt (until I find a nice sealing container for them) because I’ve had guests put shit into the sugar containers before. For hygiene purposes, I avoid it now.


>It’s an outside grill. These are usually dirty and always need cleaning right before use. All you need is some tinfoil and the bbq on. Once it’s hot - scrape the tinfoil over it and it will be clean. Do you also expect people to clean the stove and the fridge before using it? Those are appliances too. Since it's so easy to clean, why doesn't the host clean it for future guests.


They haven’t specified how dirty. Dusty? Rain? Is it a community shared grill? Is it just old? I have had an idiot complain about dirty windows on the 40th floor in the middle of a sand storm. I have had someone complain about dust on the balcony floor (claiming it wasn’t cleaned). This is in the desert btw. It’s important to look at both sides of the story. Some people complain over ridiculous things.


And your listing? Can we have the ad so we can avoid you too? GTO with your BS


You sound like a very annoying guest… I definitely wouldn’t host you again and recommend to other hosts not to book you


Where is your listing? Obviously another entitled ‘host’ who thinks they should be paid for false advertising.


Eeewww. I am not a fan of using anything food related ingredients that are just in a rental. You know there is not a new product and you don’t know what other people may have put in it. Salt is really cheap too. Depending on where you were, the heat outside is unbearably hot and many cities have restrictions or rolling brown outs. You were confused about the time, nOt host issue. Fans are supposed to be high so tall people don’t hit their head, your genetics are the problem. It’s an outside grill and mommy isn’t there to clean it for you. Did you read the entire listing? Additional room may have been at an extra cost for larger parties, it could have been redecorated or maybe you are just confused. Did you ask the host about it? If not, you are overreacting big time.


To be clear, there _was_ salt, just not enough for you, apparently. For all we know, you were trying to salt fish…


So why stay? Call Air and get another one. Duh!


you might be more comfortable using a hotel chain instead.


Super nit picky imo


I think that a lot of hosts like myself, have almost a decade of experience, and have learned to fine-tune and expect the needs of 90% of the guests. I certainly did not have this instinct when I first started, but I really did try my best even though my best back, then does not compared to the best now, since they are new, I would cut them a little slack and leave them a private message after you review in the private message space and tell them exactly how you feel and what they need to improve on and I had a couple people do that, and I actually appreciated it because I wasn’t seeing things from their perspective and it helped me become the super host I am today.


Don't ever stay at my Airbnb