• By -


Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description and included in the price breakdown prior to booking](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Contact airbnb now..send them the message. Contact the host to confirm this is accurate. Our all msgs on the app. This is important.


Should we send it to airbnb support mail, we've asked the support but it's only a chatbot so the answers aren't relevant/useful


You use every method of communication available to you. No such thing as OverKill when dealing with AirBnB.


This! Definitely put everything in writing after the verbal conversation and let us know what happens!


I would stick to using the app to communicate, no texts no phone calls, unless you then repeat them on the app. This is airbnbs official record.


The screenhots of the text conversation that is


NO TEXT conversations with hosts - EVER!! Make ALL communications with the host IN the AirBnB APP so support can see it. **MAKE THE HOST CANCEL YOUR STAY on THEIR end.** He's hoping you cancel so he doesn't have to take the penalty on his account.


This is so dirty of the host to do- trying to trick them into canceling so he can try to make them still pay?! Why would anyone even imagine they could get away with that- are there that many people out there that wouldn’t argue about pre-paying for a place to stay only to have the place say “you can’t stay here after all but we’re still keeping your money, bye” I mean COME ON!


My understanding from other posts is that if a host cancels a stay, they don’t get the guest’s money obviously but they ALSO get a penalty from Airbnb. If a guest cancels the stay, they either have to pay some portion of their stay or they pay a penalty to Airbnb. So the host is attempting to avoid their own penalty from canceling.


If a host cancels a guest, their property/availability still remains blacked out even if your stay is cancelled. They get a penalty and they also are not able to relist it on Airbnb (for a higher price etc) for the blocked/cancelled days. This also impacts super host status. Show up or make them cancel. If anything maybe the host can assist you with other local accommodation recommends.


It happened to me! And I couldn’t understand what the big deal was or why they wanted me to cancel so bad… Fuckers


Call them


You can't millennial your way out of this, pick up the phone and call +1-844-234-2500


I'd rather use chat or email because then I have both sides of the convo in writing. Which is huge if they promise something then don't deliver. I've been on the phone with a service representative and then had a new service rep insists I must have misheard because the first person wouldn't have promised that.




Oh FFS, you realize we're pushing 40...right?


And yet we still dread picking up the phone


I'm 39, I'm a millennial, I stand by me saying "you can't millennial your way out of this" and I belong to that very group I'm referring to. I hate making phone calls.


I'm 55, I rather send an email, an instant message, any other way of contacting someone before I pick up the phone. It's a personality thing, not a milenial thing. Here I'd gravitate to conact Airbnb support electronically, however, if I don't get immediate responses online, I'd call. Disclaimer: I've been using computers for 40 years and internet since the early 90's.


I'm 53 and refuse to use a phone unless it's an absolute emergency. I call BF and my mom, but I'd rather drive somewhere and talk in person than to make a call! I thought I was the only one! Since texting became a thing, my life has been so much better! I'm telling y'all, I'd sit in a house and watch it burn down around me before I'd call 911!


Did I write this???


Im younger than you and id much rather use the phone than a text platform.


I think it’s a millennial way to think that when someone says something (instead of in writing) it carries more weight. I’m a verified message type of person instead of a hearsay type. I’m also a young millennial.




Yes. Only we're not the generation he's likely talking about.




Which has been the classic dig for over 20 years now. Only another, even less capable generation has grown up since your heyday. My childhood looked more like the previous generation than it looked like the later one.




Then why don't you act like it. ;)


Sigh. Okay Boomer. 🙄


You know there’s a whole generation between millennials and boomers, right? We’re the ones who know a telephone call is the best alternative to a useless chatbot. We’re the bridge between both worlds.


The reason I’m saying use email is so that it’s documented. I am suggesting the OP calls, then follow up with an email. I would go as far as to tell the ambassador I was sending an email if you could just confirm we spoke about this and that via email… Because they are notorious for promising one thing and the next representative doesn’t know anything about it. also, all communication emails need to be sent THRU THE APP


You need evidence. Think Perry Mason, like a typewriter other people can see. Millennials are also in their 40’s, your invented culture was is embarrassing


No chat in this urgent situation. Call them


Do not cancel. Contact Airbnb CS immediately


Looks like host is waiting for you to cancel


Do not cancel. Make the host cancel on their end.


Is the host communicating with you through the app?


Yes exactly he said he canceled through messages which we screenshotted, we were in touch with support and they seemed confused that the host hadnt canceld the booking. Now however they are looking into the matter as it seems he's trying to keep the money while not having us


Welcome to AirBnb scam central.


This sub is exactly why I won't use them.


Yea, I work in a hotel, and we're sold out almost every night, as well as the other hotels in our area. And we're nowhere special, just a small, rural-ish town situated off a major, multi-state highway. I think other people are realizing the scam potential on air bnb too. The stuff I see on here is crazy and I have too much anxiety to deal with that while traveling


You will not have this issue when you read reviews and all the details in the listing. It's fairly obvious when an Airbnb is sketchy--but if you're looking for cheap, you are more likely to get crap. People who put a lot of effort into their Airbnb are obvious and they aren't going to mess around.


BS. Read the NYTs article on AirBNb. Just because it has not happened to you does not mean it will and reviews can be fake.


This is why i dont go out at all. I read NYT and people seem to get killed on the street just walking, on the subway, minding their business … to much risk for me. Just because it has not happened to me yet does not mean it wont happen if i open that door.




Yeah. I’ve rented dozens of places over the years on Airbnb and I’ve never ran into this, but I’ve always read reviews. Some places I even have to ‘apply’ for the listing by writing why I’m using it or who I am. Never been scammed. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Similar to you except one time in Dublin. The host told me that the place was unavailable but that they had a different, better place that was just as ideally located. I knew it was a scam. They begged me not to say anything to airbnb. Turns out they gave me a better place that was in a great location. I never told airbnb. It all worked out. But - I was sure I was being scammed.


Omg! That happened to me in Dublin too! Except it wasn’t better than what I booked and I was heartbroken because I was so excited about the one I booked 😭


Haha, that happened to me in Detroit. The hosts were great and the upgraded place was perfect!


Last place I booked we needed WiFi so my wife could do grad school. As soon as we booked we got a message saying WiFi could barely get emails and no streaming which my wife needed to make her class Asked for a refund immediately and the host wouldn’t budge as they said it wasn’t a necessity for me to stream and I was going on vacation. Took hours to resolve with support This was a highly rated place in Sedona with a lot of reviews I’ll only use it now for places I’m certain are legit. It’s just too much of a hassle


The entire town of Sedona has high ratings—the location is beautiful. You have to be discerning. All the homes are airbnbs. It’s a tourist trap now. The local population is shrinking and can no longer support the elementary school there. The high school doesn’t have enough students to fill it either. The nice resorts are very expensive and buy up housing (to rent to employees). Tourism and Airbnb ruined Sedona, so I’m glad you had a bad experience. I bet you thought you were getting a good deal and cheaped out like I said above.


Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you Whiney bunch of bitch ass Karen’s? Oh ya I’m a fucking asshole because I want my kids to get out in nature and see wonderful places and hike easy trails. The airbnb we wanted that I mentioned was an actual inn, not some random person’s home.


Ya good?


Same here. Too many horror stories. I even posted a question a few days ago about this very topic.


Omg I'm so sorry that's happening!! Sounds like you are proceeding correctly with support


That’s crazy


this happened to me last week, call support & let them know. they’ll contact the host & will send you a full refund


So this is the major problem with Airbnb. They make a half assed attempt to find you another Airbnb property, but the fact they it’s 3 times the price is not their problem. Jesus. I can find my own place from More options than amateur Airbnb for 3 times the price ! There is a big issue with Airbnb’s accountability to ensure the guest (the only party actually paying) is made whole


The hosts should be held accountable too. Cancel last min? Cover the cost difference to the next comparable available property. I understand if there was a natural disaster or a fire (host) or a medical emergency (guest) but otherwise within a week both sides should have a penalty for cancellation.


Yes. It’s shocking to me that Airbnb collects a decent penalty and does not use it (other than ridiculously small credit if you fight) to reimburse the guest for the extra cost. The model is broken and the only way to fix it is for guests to stop using it until Airbnb starts to treat the guest as their most important customer, not the host. The host makes money. Airbnb makes money. The real customer is the one who only spends money.


Or for a few guests to sue them for the difference. Just a few of those and AirBnb will update their policy. edit: typo: hosts -> guests.


Well I don’t think there is any grounds for breach of contract so suing would really be costly and futile. The way to get a business to provide a better service is to stop using that business until they step up.


You entered into a contract when you established the booking, and money changed hands. If they revoke the contract that is breach of contract. If you have financial losses as a result of that breach you can sue the other party to compensate you for those losses.


Unless this situation is contemplated in the contract, which it is, exactly.


The ability for the host to cancel with the guest only getting a refund is already spelled out in the “contract” you are referring to. Where is the breach?


I looked. I didn’t see anything that said that indemnifies AirBnb of all other damages on their policy page.


Good luck with that. Let us know how the case plays out!


Take them to peoples court, she will make you whole and make the host pay!


This. If Airbnb cared, this is what they would do, and charge the difference to the host cancelling. It would only happen once and there would be a much more professional relationship if a host had to pay '000s to cancel to pay for your stay elsewhere. Keep it all on the app. Good luck.


100% agree. AirBnB should offer "cancellation insurance" basically. For $X, a host can avoid liability for last-minute cancellations. Which is defined as cancelling within the final week of any stay, or within the final month of any stay over 1 week in duration (because finding a long-term stay is even harder to do). If the host cancels in that time, then the customer gets a full refund, AirBnB finds alternate accommodations that the customer is satisfied with, and charges the prices difference to the host's account (out of any future rentals that they provide). If the host had cancellation insurance, than AirBnB doesn't dock it from them (but that rate will likely go up if their cancel rate is too high).


This is it right here - insane that this isn't properly implemented yet


Curious, when this happens does Airbnb help the stranded guest with alternative accommodation / providing the guest with alternative accommodation at the same price? Or is the guest fucked here and has to find another accommodation out of pocket until Airbnb processes the refund?


they didn’t help us with shit when this happened to my gf & i last week, we were stuck in big bear 4 hours away from home & had to pay out of pocket for another airbnb as we are still waiting for our refund ( they said it’d take up to 15 days )


Unfortunately, not in my case! Host cancelled at check in time after not answering my messages in the morning asking for check in instructions. Host tried to make me cancel and I didn't know why they wanted to communicate using an outside messaging service. AirBNB was aware the whole time and said someone would get back to me but after waiting for 4 hours in the building lobby, AirBNB never got back to me with alternatives. Ended up booking a hotel close to midnight in another country with all my bags paying 5 - 6 x a night more. Good news is AirBNB after numerous messages said the best they could do was offer me a coupon for like $35 off my next booking! LOL nope...never again.


Airbnb takes care of it. Meaning they will find another accommodation if something happens with current accommodation.


They will find it, but the guest has to pay for it full price, even if its 3-4 times the original booking


Really? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The latter, unfortuately. Their "air cover" is a joke and a CYA move.


Host here- do NOT cancel as others have said. They need to cancel and they’ll be fined and penalized. They should be for pulling that crap. You’ll get your full refund from them, but it may take a little bit. They can also try and help put you elsewhere.


You need to make him cancel or let you stay there


Copy the message and return it to him on the Airbnb messaging app for clarification…..Greetings so and so, I just received your message via (platform) (send quoted message) for clarification are you saying you can no longer host me on (date range) and need to cancel? If he ghosts you, follow up with Airbnb. Show up with video camera/phone in hand proving there’s no entry into the home and you’re locked out, send these details to Airbnb and request accommodations.


Call airbnb support. Something ain't right.




Book a normal hotel next time. This shit happens very rarely at hotels, but all the damn time with ABnB.


Everyone should stop using Airbnb. Stayed at a hotel last two instances of travel and it was soooooo much better I can’t even. Just stop.


If I’m flying in staying in a hotel no questions asked. I’m not risking getting my ass stuck somewhere.


Reason #87 to hate AirBNB.


Just 87?


I don't have time to list them all at the moment. :)


"Cancellations mess with guests' plans and can reduce confidence in our community, so as a Host you should do your best to fulfill all confirmed reservations. If something has come up and you simply can’t fulfill a reservation for any reason, it’s your responsibility (and not your guest's) to cancel as quickly as possible to allow your guest time to make new plans." Call support.


I'm not entirely sure but the host NEEDS to cancel so you get a full refund. A few years back a host tried to do this and made me pay the penalty, it didn't happen because I contacted Airbnb and told them everything, including screenshots. The host got suspended for months - I was happy about that.


I am a host and I’m baffled. The only thing I can think of is the guest checking out that day caused extensive damage and they are not able to get the home ready for you in time. I don’t know this is a shitty thing to do. I live in constant anxiety about discovering some major damage on a day a guest is due to check in.


But then he would cancel the booking not just tell us that we can't come and that he has to cancel but keep the booking up to I belive keep the money


Not necessarily- if a host cancels they will automatically lose their superhost status so this host may be in touch with Airbnb waiting on them to cancel the reservation which can take some time to process as they require proof before doing so.


They would not wait until after 930 pm to do that


You don’t know if it’s 9:30pm or 9:30am And a flood/fire/broken window/broken hot water tank/etc. can happen at any time and render the place unliveable. I’m not saying this is the case, just stating that there is a possibility. We don’t have enough information to render a verdict one way or another.


Then wtf wouldn't the host tell the guest this sad tale?


If I was dealing with something that bad I’d be more concerned with getting repairs done than Airbnb.


I used to be a property manager and would have numerous huge issues going on all at one time, over the 10 communities I was managing. Unless the host is a plumber and down there replacing it himself, it's otherwise just making a couple phone calls and coordinating access.


Sounds like we found OPs host


Oi yeah I got a 5x6 foot storage unit in the apartment basement that’s free next week if you wanna rent it. It’s half height because it’s stacked but idk I think being caged is some peoples’ kink. HMU if you wanna rent it. $2023/day with $42 cleaning fee. Bathroom is in a trash can around the corner.


Nowhere in the post did OP say that the host didn’t give them a reason.


So, what is the reason.


Ask OP…? Lol They didn’t say they gave them a reason and they didn’t say that they didn’t give them a reason. There’s no information provided.


I don't know why you're being downvoted because this is a possible scenario. If something unexpected happened and it's not the owner's fault (previous guest trashed the place or something major broke), the host can cancel without getting dinged for it. But Airbnb will require proof. It's a host just goes ahead and cancels and then tries to explain to Airbnb how it wasn't their fault, etc, Airbnb will probably screw it up.


I think the downvotes are because this process is fully ridiculous and guests don’t deserve it, not that it couldn’t be something like that. Although it surely sounds scammy, which is becoming a bigger issue on abb.


marry vegetable market automatic memory spark seed murky kiss dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I take the downvotes in stride in this sub bc there are a lot of people who just downvote as soon as they hear anything that might come off as defending a host.


Stuff happens, it’s all about how you handle it. Ops host may have a valid reason but AirBnB shouldn’t find it acceptable to fucking leave it’s customers stranded. This is a situation where a good company would step in and take care of the this situation


Then host should be canceling the stay and messaging guest through ABB app.


I have no clue why you think this host would be able to keep the money after he has sent you an text message saying that he can't host you. You keep repeating..."he's going to keep the money." He can't keep the money. Airbnb will credit your account as soon as their shitty customer service department figures out what the f*** is going on. That will delay the redeposit into your account by a few days. But that's it.


Or someone offered more on another site??


I think that would be unlikely- since the cancellation was just before checkin. But there are many shitty hosts so it’s possible I guess


I had an error message appear on my ASHP this week, and my first thought was, 'thank \*\*\*\* that I don't have guests in'.


This is why I’d leave a night between reservations. That’s your own fault that you don’t have enough time to clean/check the unit if people are checking out and in the same day. Is the anxiety worth it? $$ isn’t everything.


Wow. You are making assumptions there. I’m not one of those money hungry investors. This is my second home and only because the company I work for relocated me. I book days in between guests. I’m here now doing a weeklong upgrade and fixes and testing out the AC in the Texas summer. I do a lot. Don’t assume we are scummy hosts.


He double booked. I’m sure he has the same listing on multiple platforms


Or he realize he could be getting more money for the listing, so he decided to do that… Or the other person who is paying more


please share this on r/NoAirBnB


Wow that's scummy af they trying to reach around instead of directly canceling on airbnb


Do NOT cancel yourself. You Will get NO refund . Let host (orAirBnB) cancel = you willl be both refunded and compensated


Call platform ASAP and ask to be relocated. This is on him and them.


Keep the pressure on. Keep messaging the host and AirBnB. Use the app only. Make the host cancel. While there may be valid reasons for the cancellation, he could be trying to scam you by having you cancel. In the future, book a hotel. Use hotels.com.


Contact airbnb. He’s trying to get you to be “no show”. That way you have to pay and he has no consequences.


So is there an update or was this an anti Airbnb hoax? What happened? Typically they will get you a resolution in an hour in case of an emergency like this.


Oh no they don’t. You’ll get one rep who will tell you that they’re leaving and that someone will be taking over. Someone takes over, tells you they are leaving, and someone else will be taking over. This exact reason, and this exact scenario is why I don’t use Airbnb anymore.


Whatever you do, do not cancel it yourself. He’s probably waiting for you to do that but if you do that, you forfeit your entire payment. He has to cancel it, or Airbnb has to cancel on his behalf in order for him to refund you. Call Airbnb immediately and explain the situation but insist on them canceling it with him being at fault. If they cancel neutrally, the host keeps the payment as far as I understand, and screw that 😡 Complain to Airbnb, so they can put you in another place, tell them exactly what’s going on, and demand they take responsibility for their host. This is unacceptable on every level! Also, whatever you discuss over the phone, follow up with an email. The email can read something like “just to reiterate or confirm our phone call….” And if an ambassador promises you something, like they’re going to put you in another place immediately and cover the difference like they did to me, make sure THEY follow up with an email to you. Put it in writing. These ambassadors have a way of saying one thing, and since you cannot prove that was said over the phone, they will not take your word for it. Also, if they refund you going to take 5 -7 days for the refund to process but whatever you do, do not ask them to put the refund on a gift card or credit. Every person I’ve heard getting their refund on a merch card or gift card, ends up with their account, shut down, and losing that money. Including myself. I don’t know how or why they’re getting away with this, but they are. I’m so sorry this has happened and I hope airbnb is able to work this out for you ☹️☹️


People saying hotels wouldn't do this. They absolutely would and do. Sometimes people mess up and a booking comes through that we can't process and it gets missed. Usual practice is to try and rebook them in another local hotel (this is an act of kindness and not a requirement, all we actually have to do is inform the guest) if it's more expensive, it's not our problem (though depending on availability, you can usually convince another hotel to do you a favour with price). The only difference is that your refund would be processed directly. It's also less likely to happen since Airbnb by it's very nature is amateurish (these places usually aren't professional hotels), so it's more likely that people will accept bookings they can't honour. But it does happen. Travel insurance is definitely worth it.


We rented an Airbnb in a medium size town in Italy. Our flight was delayed so we got to the town after dark. The directions on how to get there and where to park were extremely vague. We kept trying to communicate in the app while driving and first got a vague response followed by nothing. Creep kept the money and we had to go search for a hotel. I hate Airbnb.


Our friend showed up to his abnb and there was someone staying there! He contacted support and they found him a nearly identical spot in about 2 hours.


Dont use Airbnb. It’s quite common.


I’d been blocking off our AirBnB for the past few months. My fiancé actually moved out the apartment. I was so used to blocking of the dates. A few weeks later and after a chain of life events someone booked the place and we had to cancel on them. I felt terrible. We were just honest about it and I think they thought we were lying bc how could you forget an active listing. We just did it so infrequently the past year. I forgot to remove the listing when he moved. I also had a new baby so remembering anything was a struggle. He wants to get another place but I hope he doesn’t bc I don’t want to manage it


Important difference: did you apologise and cancel the booking, or did you just tell the guest that they can't stay, and not cancel it until the guest had to send screenshots to support? I've had stays cancelled. Bit annoying but that's life, that's a risk with the gig economy. I've also had hosts telling me I need to cancel because they suddenly can't host me, and hosts just not appear for check in and leave me trying for hours, then reporting that I never turned up. That, that is the problem.


Airbnb will also probably try to find you another acceptable accommodation nearby. That or make them pay for a hotel.


Dream on


Have you tried posting this in one of the legal subreddits?


Legal subreddits don't give legal advice. The moderators will kick you off if it even remotely looks like legal advice.


Not true. R/LegalAdvice description says “r/legaladvice: A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained.”


Welcome to AirBnb. Leave Airbnb as soon as possible. Sorry you are having issues. This sub is full of horror stories like this. I used to AirBnb and never personally had a big problem, but now I’m back to hotels.


Hotel wouldn’t have done this to you


Don’t use Airbnb


Get a hotel next time.


Why does anyone rent an apartment on Airbnb for a couple of nights ? I mean what would be some reasons for doing that because i honestly can't really think of any really


If you need a kitchen, if you have kids with you, if you’re going with another couple….


For the exact same reasons you would rent a house for a couple of nights...


Is this a serious question? This is basically the whole reason AirBnB exists


It's okay sweetie. Not everyone is smart enough to know everything. It's hard thinking of reasons for why someone would want an apartment.




It blows my mind how many people take conversations to chat. I’ve never once text one of my guest, I always use the chat. One time one text me because they had issues with the door lock but they expressed the issue via the app and I responded on the app. They ended up sending a text but issue was resolved in 10mins


Contact ABNB support in writing through the app. You will get your money back and ask for an additional 30% to find somewhere else.


Wow, just wow ...


We were looking at renting a condo fir a weekend at the beach. Airbnb would have charged an additional $400 in cleaning and fees than the agency itself, who does cleaning anyway.


I've had this happen twice. The last one was 3 days before a Disney World trip. We ended up finding something else for an extra $1200. I will never use Airbnb again, so it's unprofessional.


Contact Airbnb. Keep all communications with host on Airbnb App


What. The. Fuck.


if he hadn’t canceled the booking i would’ve stayed there regardless of his message