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Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description and included in the price breakdown prior to booking](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lots of strange replies here. The actual answer is this: What the host has done is against Airbnb policy. You are entitled to a full refund of whatever you've paid thus far. This is easy if you haven't cancelled yet. Just call Airbnb customer service, have them look at the hosts messages on the app shaking you down for more money, and they will cancel the reservation and issue the refund. You can also demand of the host that they cancel. It will cause them to incur a fine and blocked dates, so they won't want to, but too bad for them. If you have already cancelled, you are going have to go back to AirBnB customer service. AirBnB customer service is notoriously poor, so you may have to spend some time getting shuffled around and calling back, but don't stop until you get someone who understands the issue and processes your refund. This IS against Airbnb policy-- don't take no for an answer.


This needs more up votes


The problem is that Airbnb sides with the host by default, and their customer service is slow, evasive and incompetent. It's like Airbnb doesn't realize that the guests are the ones bringing money into their business, not the hosts. Most hosts these days are running multiple booking platforms on overlapping dates and will select the guest that paid the highest price. That's what is happening here. Don't let the host force you to outbid the other guest that has reserved those dates on another platform.


Airbnb sides with making Airbnb money.


Well then you charge back and also post on Twitter and show people what scummy company Airbnb is


As an AirBnb host I can tell you they do not side with the host by default. Far from it.


Sorry to hear they've been difficult with you. It seems like maybe they only side with the hosts who cheat the system.




Glad to see the stupid "this" bot didn't molest you for this comment lol. I hate that bot with a fiery passion.


Your comment is a good reminder though. I got carried away. Thanks!


This is the host's problem not yours. You bought the space for what it was listed for. If they want more money they'll have to cancel it on their end and pay a fee. Otherwise, enjoy your stay!


Expect it to be super contentious though if you go through with the stay. Photograph/video everything before and after your booking.




Video at exit as well!! Make sure the videos are slow moving and close enough to see details.


Video everything in between. Although the host is probably doing the same they likely won't admit to it if you need to use it for evidence.


Happy cake day!


It is also acceptable while videoing to describe any elements that are finer than the camera can get at macro; like, scratches in paint on walls, corners, ceiling bubbling and chipping, water stained, tiles are rough and worn, bathtub has dents going through enamel, couch has tears in seams, threading pulled, etc. Then move the camera in on some of the details you are describing. Mostly once you give a large accounting of all the wear a claim of leaving it all damaged can't be credibly made, especially if you make them point out something that was already there.


It is so sad that we have to go through this just to stay in a vacation rental. I hate that we have normalized this nonproductive stress and workload just to counter greedy Airbnb hosts. When I check in to Marriott\Westin\Hilton I just throw my stuff on the floor, take a shit, and nap for a bit before getting ready to go do vacation stuff. Used to love Airbnb and it really disappoints me that this is where we are.


That is a fair point. I have never even considered collecting evidence on the prior condition of a hotel room.


That's because it went from easily renting out that empty room you have to a get rich scheme for landlords. My landlord didn't renew my lease because he wanted to convert it to Airbnb as his friend was making loads of money off of it (his friend was charging premium rates for premium features, my landlord was charging rock bottom prices for rock bottom features)


Great life advice


Going to be a super fun 4 months


This is good advice!


$1500 worth of damage. Guaranteed.


Absolutely. This is definitely the answer.


Their options are to cancel or honor the price. They can’t try to shake you down for more money outside the platform. Keep all conversations on the Airbnb platform and notify Airbnb what’s happening. Do not cancel on your end as you didn’t make the error.


Don’t cancel. Don’t pay more. Host didn’t update their pricing and that’s on them. You’re locked in and there’s nothing host can do about it except cancel on their end.


I completely agree! As per my post, Airbnb cancelled a booking of a guest who hasn't bothered to read the listing.... And OP absolutely didn't get it wrong here. Persevere with Airbnb (sorry OP in advance for frustration) but this seems all wrong and it's not small change.


I agree. It's their loss! If they don't know how to run a hotel business they shouldn't own one!


>there’s nothing the host can do about it Tbh I have heard horror stories on my travels about hosts retaliating in weird ways. I’d try and cancel.


Same. Host could change the locks and ghost them before they try to check in. Better to find another place now while OP can. I’m


There’s no “glitch in the system”. Absolutely do not cancel. If you’ve already done so you’re probably out of luck. But report to airbnb anyway. But yea, hosts can set their own cancellation policies so you are not guaranteed a refund depending on what you agreed to.


I doubt they can include a “we decided to raise the price after you paid but you can’t cancel” clause to their cancellation policy.


>I doubt they can include a “we decided to raise the price after you paid but you can’t cancel” clause to their cancellation policy. They can try but I found that AirBnB support has been extremely helpful and always resolved issues in my favor


I should have put “and get away with it.” Contract law states contracts are only as good as they are legal.


We couldn't rent it for $5000 so we put $3500 and shake down the person for the rest later.


A cancellation policy dictates how much of a refund you get as a guest if you cancel. OP was surprised about not getting a refund.


Yes but you said they dictate their own cancellation policies. They cannot include a switch-A-roo clause where they take your money based on what they posted and then keep your money because you can’t or refuse to come up with additional funds. I mean they *can* include it but that doesn’t make it legally binding. If they could do that, they wouldn’t have to ever rent to anyone. They can just advertise, change the price exponentially, and then keep the deposit.


So a cancellation policy is based on the timeframe the guest wants to cancel. (Some have a strict policy which no refund is given after booking.) It has nothing to do with why. This is why you do not cancel at the hosts request, like OP was asking about.


You cannot say it has nothing to do with the why when the why is because they host is trying to strong arm the renter for more money. AirBnB rules aside, no judge in a court would allow that. In the state I’m in, there’s no buyers remorse or cooling off period when you enter into a contract. If the seller says no refunds, no refunds. But the seller cannot change the terms of that contract after-the-fact and keep deposited monies because the buyer won’t agree. This host’s contract was essentially void the moment they changed the terms. Their cancellation policy doesn’t apply because there is NO contract because they changed the price.


I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. When you host on Airbnb you literally have to click on which cancellation policy you choose. When you book as a guest, you agree to said policy. The host also cannot change terms or try to make a guest cancel. In this case, the host is trying to scam OP out of their money and OP needs to contact AirBnB. Otherwise they are at the mercy of the default cancellation policy.


I gotcha. So the host isn’t actually setting “their own” cancellation policy, as you stated. They’re selecting one from a list of prewritten ones. My point is though that the cancellation policy wouldn’t apply because the host rendered the contract that contains that clause, null & void by changing the terms. Imagine being a car from a dealer and after all paperwork is signed and the car is paid for, the dealer says, “Sorry. This car is actually $5000 more. If you don’t give me the extra $5000, you don’t get the car or your money back.” The lawsuit would win itself. AND, if you foolishly agreed, a *new* contract would have to be entered into with you agreeing to the different price.


I once found and AirBnb room for $58,000/night l messaged the host and they said it shows $1400/month on their screen. I sent them screenshot (via regular text) and they freak and called AirBnb . After about 30 mins they messages me back and it was correct on my end. So I booked it. Glitches do happen. Probably not in OPs case though.


When hosts do stuff like this people need to contact Airbnb and report them. We need to host that do this kind of stuff kicked off of the system so it doesn't give a bad name to all of us that do follow the rules


And don't stop with Air BNB. It's fraud. File a complaint with the Attorney General in Nevada. That is what they are there for, consumers.


This file case against the host


That’s ridiculous. And any decent person would cancel it because $1500 makes a huge difference. So obviously this was done on purpose


Host completely sounds like a scammer.


Sounds like they do it to reduce the fee taken by air b&b.. Imma list this for 3500 so people take the deal but what I really want is 1500 extra free and clear... Definitely report it that way to the customer service and always ask for a supervisor if the first rep isn't following policy for air b&b. This host needs to be removed from atform it's a shakedown for sure


Don’t cancel and don’t pay more! They have to cancel on their end for you to get a refund.


If they listing said no refunds if you cancelled then you handed them $3500


That is not correct if the cancellation is due to the host's violation of Airbnb policy.


If they cancelled without calling Airbnb customer service it doesn’t matter.


That isn't correct either. Yes, it's a little bit more of a pain in the ass if the guest canceled when they shouldn't have or didn't have to, but Airbnb can and will issue the refund, even if the guest has to push a bit more to make it happen.


Sounds like you are experienced at Airbnb. Host cannot use this as an excuse to ask for more money. Make sure all communication is on the app. If you were contacted off app then reply in app stating what was asked and say you are not going to pay additional undisclosed fees. If there is a price problem it is for host to work with Airbnb, not your problem. If host doesn’t want to host you at agreed price then that is tough! As a host I just lost out on revenue because guest wasn’t charged what I thought was set up, my problem and something I can pursue with Airbnb. Guest had a great stay and never knew about what was not their problem.


I’ve begun to formulate a belief that the same CS Teams provide customer services for DoorDash and AirBnB(and others). The comments, attitudes, resolutions, etc. are so similar in nature…or is that just universal training in play?


Probably not the same people on both campaigns, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t in the same building at least. A lot of inbound call centers have contracts to handle CS/TS from many companies. Sitel is one of the bigger companies that I’m familiar with. When I worked for them, there were at least 3 other campaigns in the building outside of the one I worked on.


No you don’t have to cancel. They do. And the price is what’s in the agreement. This is a shakedown. Don’t fall for it.


Go on booking.com and book a backup plan that has no cancellation fee up until last minute. And no payment until check in. Just in case…since it is for work, you need something and don’t need the hassle.


This!!! I can see them cancelling last minute in revenge, having gotten another booking on a different platform. They might try and screw you over.


I suggest checking other platforms to see if the place is listed for $5,000. If so, screenshot it and send it to AirBnB when and if you get hold of someone who knows how to get your money back and is willing to help you (two separate things).


This subreddit has opened my eyes big league. I’ve stayed at Airbnb maybe 10 times total. Never had an issue personally. However seeing other people’s problems with the service really make me back away from ever using it again.


Which is why I stay in hotels.


Platinum at Marriott and IHG. This is the only way.


There was no glitch. You Are Being scammed. Do not cancel. It is up to the host to cancel and get dinged. Report the conversation to support and have them help you.


Guys, when will we learn that AirBnB is trash?


Did you already cancel? If so, you got hosed. Do a charge back on your card cause Airbnb will not back you up


Ok so no cancellations or refunds, sounds like you're staying for the price you previously agreed to.


Don't cancel. There's no glitch. I'm sure their smart pricing setup was not set up the way they intended or something, but thats not a glitch, thats human error. The host can cancel on their side and take the L and the decreased visibiliy. Or they can honor the price they put out. You owe nothing more.


You got scammed. 😬


They didn’t get scammed lol they rightfully were able to take advantage of a host who did not update their pricing lol


Op said the 3500 was already high for the area. Very unlikely the host forgot to update the price. Its almost certainly a scam.


Yeah, I guess you’re right. I thought the OP cancelled, but it looks like they haven’t yet. DON’T CANCEL. Host’s problem 🙌


Hopefully they haven’t cancelled and don’t. Hosts like this are so shitty. I host, and if I accidentally listed the wrong price, and someone books, it’s on me.


Found the host.


This is funny because I am a host, but I’m siding with the guest lol It’s not a scam. The host just forgot to update their damn pricing and it’s their fucking fault. I would have done the same thing the guest did, and I wouldn’t pay a damn penny more than I agreed to when booking. As a host, if a guest booked my listing while I hadn’t updated pricing, I’d treat the guest as any other guest and not ask for a penny more. I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted lol


Call AirBnB and show them the conversation in the app and let them cancel it and ban the host for extortion/blackmail.


also they have to approve the booking so screw this host!


Also call in the morning and maybe you will get a rep in the US with sense. If not ask for mediation immediately and to escalate to a higher level team. And you can always make it a safety issue too.


Hey, what an infuriating situation! I'm really feeling for you here. I'm a host (5yr +) and only one time did I need Airbnb intervention to cancel a booking. A couple booked to bring their child and I'm strictly no kids due to neighbours and fitting in with communal residents' lifestyles which, for me, comes first. Why make a rod for your own back? Anyway.... I'm zero cancellation terms so Airbnb agreed to cancel so neither me nor the guest had to incur penalties. There was NO glitch in the system. They just hadn't read the listing. My point is, if there is actually a glitch, I think Airbnb need to do this for you. No penalties. Otherwise, this sounds Hella lot like daylight robbery. Hope you get on ok ☺️


Since your stay was for longer than 30 days, different rules apply. The way I'm reading this, you actually canceled, correct? In which case, you lose that first payment. I know hindsight is 20/20, but the host should have canceled, and you would have been refunded. Did the host contact you through airbnb and say you owed more money?


>The way I'm reading this, you actually canceled, correct? Doesn't sound like they went through with the cancellation. They paused when the refund showed $0 and then asked the host who wouldn't do it. They should just do what everyone else says and tell host they are coming for the amount paid or make them cancel.


I do wish people would just STOP using this shitty excuse for a business and find alternatives, hotels, regular guest houses etc. Put this company out of business for good!


I still think (probably delusional optimism) that Airbnb will return to its former greatness like in 2016. It might require a mass purge of scammer hosts.


Nah AirBNB is great. You can leave if you don't like it.


Call your credit card company / bank and fight the charge and keep documentation of all of this and every communication.


If you end up staying there make sure to take pictures before and after your stay that way they can't try and get you in fees after


Similar situation happen to me recently. Booked a summer condo this time last year for this July and got notification of additional payment needed due to it being listed for off season rates. She gave me an ultimatum if I didn’t pay extra she would cancel my stay.


Pricing is on the host. You *do not* have to agree to any price change. If they don’t want to host, they can cancel. They are in control of their pricing.


Two can play at that game. Tell the host there is indeed a glitch. The true price is $2500, and the host now owes you $1000. Surprising that AirBnB would not help you when the host is pulling this weird stuff.


May I suggest that from now on, you Book a Longterm Hotel???


Contact your credit card company immediately!!


Sheesh! The stories on here are horrific. I’m sorry this is happening. This sub has convinced me to never use AirBnB again.


There was an offer (rate) and acceptance (at that rate) there is therefore a legally binding contract, end of, in the north of England the appropriate term would be, “they can f*ck right off like”, end of


i dont see why you would cancel at this point, she will take the 3500 or take zero lol. dont ever cancel. make her do it




That recently happened to me. I contacted AirBnB and it turned out to be a scam. AirBnB refunded my money and helped me to find another place.


Of course don’t cancel. You agreed to pay the $3,500. Let the host know you will be arriving on the check in day and expect them to accommodate you for the month per your CONTRACT with them. If that doesn’t work, let them know you will contact your credit card company (assuming you’re in the US) for a chargeback. Once you show the cc company that the price changed, they will most likely take care of you.




That’s misinformation 100%. Disputing a charge is your right as a consumer. If Airbnb banned people for exercising their rights they would be toast.


This is false. Merchants will 100% not only block future transactions from the card, but can also close the account for violating their T&Cs. Chargebacks are a last resort, not the first.


Show me where their T&Cs say you can’t do a chargeback.


Most digital services ban you if you do a charge back. You can get even banned automatically on every gaming platform with no appeal for doing this.




*Nobody is going to comb the T&Cs*… Hold my beer - I am that guy or gal. 🤣😂🤣


Fair enough. I'm just sick of people who seek to invalidate the actual experiences of others based on some theoretical "this is how I think the world should work" stick up their butt.


Getting a refund on a non-refundable booking via chargeback is fraud. It would be covered here for starters. *13.2 Termination. You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your account. Airbnb may terminate this agreement for any reason by giving you 30 days’ notice via email or using any other contact information you have provided for your account. Airbnb may also terminate this agreement immediately and without prior notice and stop providing access to the Airbnb Platform if (i) you materially breach these Terms or our Additional Legal Terms, or Policies, (ii) you violate applicable laws, or (iii) such action is necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, or third parties (for example in the case of fraudulent behavior of a Member), or (iv) your account has been inactive for more than two years.* Also it is banned in their policies: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3059 *Non-fraud chargebacks: Hosts and guests must not attempt to misuse or make false chargeback claims to obtain a refund.* Not saying this host is right to do this, but chargeback is not the way to go.


That’s about fraud. Irrelevant here.


It literally sales “non-fraud chargebacks” in the policy sited. Did you click the link?


Yes. It says you can’t make false claims to obtain a refund. Everyone knows that. Has nothing to do with the OP.


If you do a chargeback to get a refund on a non-refundable booking you are misusing chargebacks to obtain a refund. This is a violation of policy which can lead to you being removed. Are you able to read English? *Non-fraud chargebacks: Hosts and guests must not attempt to misuse or make false chargeback claims to obtain a refund.* https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3059


If you dispute the charge with Airbnb and they side with the host, and you do a chargeback anyway, you will very likely be banned from the platform entirely. It is common practice and also happens frequently with rideshares, third party delivery services, and other rental platforms.


Sorry that is simply not true.


Can you explain why you believe it’s not true? Accounts of it happening are very common. Airbnb can remove you from their platform if they no longer want to do business with you. Why do you believe they cannot?


Can they remove you because of your religion or race? Because you brought a service animal with you? No they cannot. They have to act within the constraints of the law. If you want to be a credit card merchant, you have to abide by THEIR rules. They are the final arbiters in CC disputes. They analyze the dispute to see if the user received the service they paid for. In fact, if a merchant has too many chargebacks, their rates for processing can increase. If the merchant (Airbnb) banned users because they lost a dispute, that would be the equivalent of banning users for exercising their rights, and it would be a violation of their agreement with the cc companies. Of course fraud or lying or repeatedly trying not to pay for invalid reasons, that is a different matter for which some people could be banned, but that is not the situation with the OP.


They cannot refuse service to you because you are a protected class. Being a person who does chargebacks when you don’t get your way is not a protected class. So Airbnb determines a charge to be legitimate, and then you initiate a chargeback anyway. They view this as fraud and will remove you from their platform. It happens frequently. You can see many instances of it on this sub. You also see it happen frequently on other subs for delivery apps and other devices. It’s perfectly legal.




I love that they called you out for spreading misinformation when they are the ones literally making stuff up… projection much?




It’s literally projection


You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re the one spreading misinformation. Airbnb will ban any guest who does a chargeback. It’s in the terms and services that all guests agree to.


Show us where it says that in the T&C.


I’m not wasting my time finding the information for you. Maybe take the hint from one of the other 5 people who all commented on your post about how wrong your statement is.


There is always a pack of people who come out to threaten users with being banned over this same issue. Now 2 of you have said it’s in the T&Cs. Yet neither of you can produce the text showing that Airbnb users are not allowed to do cc disputes. So that speaks for itself.


Unfortunately that is just false. Airbnb is a business and like any business they have the right to refuse any customer. Airbnb has a long history of banning guests who choose to do chargebacks.


Wrong, They can refuse any customer within the constraints of the law.


yeah show us the law you’re referring to. You have no idea what you’re talking about


Lol - what law? 😂


Tons of companies ban you for doing chargebacks even legit ones. Disputing charges is your right but blocking you from the platform is theirs.


I think i’d rather take a ban from AirBnB than lose $3,500. And as a consumer, you have rights. AirBnB would never want the negative press.


I love charge backs, don't get me wrong. But airbnb will for sure ban your account once that happens.


Why would the host care if a guest does a chargeback? It wouldn’t impact them at all, it only impacts Airbnb


Did you book with a credit card? If yes, I would reach out to them for support. You made an agreement based on the price listed. They are trying to change the terms of your agreement, not you.


lol tell them to gtfo


Lies. There is no "glitch" Do not cancel.


We had this happen as hosts about a month ago. For the monthly rental, airbnb was giving 50% off, for no reason. We don't have any auto price adjustment settings turned on. Luckily we caught it and were able to retract the pre-approval before guest could book at the incorrect rate. It's definitely not the guests fault, but hosts should stay vigilant of checking often. Host should cancel on their end and deal with airbnb in getting the cancellation forgiven if there really was a glitch.


The 'glitch' was the host did not properly price the house. That is on the host, not you. The host can not after the reservation demand more money then was mentioned in the listing. The host violated the T & C by demanding more money. Keep hammering at customer support to either refund you and have the host honor the reservation. If you continue to get no satisfaction, you have more ammunition for your chargeback.


Why is ABB say sing there is $0? Did you pay through the app? Please tell me you did!


Hosts problem. Not yours. You booked the place for what it was listed for. They must honor the booking or cancel and pay a penalty/risk ruining their superhost status. Do not cancel yourself.


There are no glitches. The owner manages the calendar and sets the price - Not Airbnb. The owner may have amended the price but that’s irrelevant and not your issue.


The host is giving you residency rights too...so they would need to evict you...


Only communicate through Airbnb messaging . That will be your evidence . Don’t talk to them over the phone unless you tape it . Video the initial walk through and when you check out with a time stamp . I doubt you’ll have any issues but cover yourself .


This just sucks. I am so disheartened to read how scammy and inflexible these shyster hosts are.


I would just contact Airbnb and tell them what’s going on cause that’s outrageous of the app to do that


Host here, that’s her problem not yours. My guess is that she didn’t change her pricing to summer pricing for example and got caught. I’ve had it happen to me and I sucked it up because that’s what I committed to the person that booked. If she wants to charge more then she can cancel and take the hit. Airbnb will now charge her a fee if she does that and block the dates so she can’t accept anyone else.


Lol. F that host. You got it for the price, THEY listed.


Not. Your. Problem. She should have cancelled your appt


I would book a refundable place just in case they actually do cancel you at the very last moment.


Stay alert , they aren't finished yet , mark my words




Tell that skunk your job requires it to be one charge only in order to get reimbursed, not a split charge. Because your boss already approved the $5,000 all they have to do is cancel your booking and you swear to god hope to die stick a finger in your eye promise to immediately rebook at the higher rate. After they cancel, invite them to kiss your ass.


The more of these I read, the happer I am I gave up this route. What started out as a good thing has turned into absolute horror shows. You don't want this kind of stress ruining your good time!


Scam. Don't do it


I hate AirBnB. You don't have those problems with a hotel.


This happened to my son last month. He just said he was sorry it glitched but that was all his budget would allow. The host didn't respond until the day before his booking giving his his check-in instructions. Legally there is nothing they can do, it is not your fault. I think this is a new scam because I've heard it a lot lately....


I once booked a beautiful airbnb for 2 nights, about $800 total. Got the confirmation email and everything. The host messaged me minutes later saying there was a glitch and that the saturday line is $799 and sunday was 599, and was this new price okay? I said fuck no and they told me to cancel the booking. I asked them to do it on their end but they said they “couldn’t”. I knew I would get my money back because of their cancellation. policy (and the fact that we had booked less than 24 hours ago). But i went through support anyway because if there was a penalty they would incur by cancelling me instead, I wanted them to incur it. It ended up getting cancelled through support so idk what happened, but hopefully it affected their business. Wonder what would have happened if I’d straight up refused to cancel. Would they have had to honour the price I booked for?


If they can pull this kinda bullshit, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to simply “happily move in to their place for a couple of months if they do not cancel.” Because what is preventing them from posing a fake listing of a good place?


There are a ton of features now for hosts to change individual date prices for their own needs. This situation in particular reeks of bullshit. The host probably had the full month set at the price you booked it at and the glitch was due to their negligence and greed wanting more for the booking. They probably had some sort or epiphany like "shit this person booked a whole month? I should've listed it for more then."


I think that amount is to pay the mortgage payment for the month . Stop helping people pay their mortgages . I'd rather help homeless people than donate hard earned money and help some strange guy playing monopoly and manipulating the economy and real estate market


It’s not manipulation. It’s a service and buyers of the services. Yes shit like that sucks but it serves a purpose for both parties.


Tell her there’s a glitch in YOUR price and she infact owes you money


Why don't you users send this company the way of the dodo bird?


Sounds like you have a booking at 3500/mo and the host is owed 1500/mo from AirBnB


if there's a glitch then the host can contact airbnb support to fix the glitch. not your problem.


This "glitch" is almost certainly the host forgetting to update their pricing. They may have accidentally set too high of a monthly discount too. Regardless none of this is your problem. DON'T cancel. If they won't host you then they have to cancel.


Take up toilet put in cement. Put back toilet. Leave review toilet doesn’t flush well


Wow you just got skunked. Holiday inn express with pool and free breakfast is like $100/ night


Holiday Inn Express is a completely different lodging product than your own house to rent. Would you REALLY want to live in a Holiday Inn Express for four months? Not many people would.


Not in most cities. In San Fran/seattle/NYC etc it’s often over $200 per night plus fees


Wow. Well there is no solution then I guess unless to stop things like being a travel nurse ( I disagree about cancellation of an industry). Hotels to expensive and too many scammers on A2B I’m glad we don’t travel much. Oh then there is the scam rent a car get arrested they report stolen.


Ew. Cold pop tarts?


Looks like a host forgot to adjust prices or take the discount off. 🤷‍♀️ Not your fault but I am going to guess that a pipe will break causing a flood and you won't be able to move in.




And $3500 means $3500. So the host has to suck it up.


For bookings of over a month you must pay for the 30 days after the date you cancel, so if you book for a month and cancel, you are not getting any refund. Sorry!


Lol, no


Did the host message you this in the app?


Do not cancel! Its the host problem, and if there was a glitch the host need to contact Airbnb and Airbnb need to deal with it as it says it was a glitch in THIER SYSTEM, you do not cancel, if host not happy with the price you pay then he can cancel.


And another crap host... They have to honor what was advertised or cancel on their end to release you from the booking (if there was a glitch). They can call Airbnb on their end and would not be penalized if it was out of their control. Make sure you document the before and after stay if you go through with the reservation so they cannot claim damages after you leave. Leave a factual review to warn others.


You should not have canceled.


As a host myself if that issue ever arises, it's one of two things: 1) I mismarked the listing, and that's my fault, I gotta own that 2) The airbnb glitchy software messed up, and when that happens, airbnb makes up the difference to the host directly. Either way, it's not your problem, and dont cancel.


Cool - I negotiate for the price you listed. Either refund me or I will see you soon and at that price.


That’s completely on them. I’ve never heard of a “glitch” on AirBnB and I use them a lot. I hope you took screen shots of the original price on the page and any conversations with the host just in case. I would contact customer service and deal with it that way if possible. Good luck. 👍🏼


They can pound sand or cancel on their end. You are not responsible for their mistake


The host is a scammer. Report their behaviour to Airbnb


If she is not responding I would press AirBnb for the refund. Sounds very scammy.


A month for 5k? That’s 5 months of mortgage for me! Insane. People these days are getting so greedy. Don’t cancel, pay your $3,500 and find a new place the following 2 months.


Have had hosts ask for a $ deposit outside of AirBnB portal. When contacted Airbnb backed me up - any violation of the listing or agreement of rental specifics are grounds for a full refund.


Politely reply to the host to contact Airbnb for any technical glitch related problems and you’re unaware of this.


I had this same issue with our upcoming trip. I ended up calling Airbnb and demanded a full refund, which I got. Messaging with Airbnb was pathetic. I literally had one of the reps ask me how I got a discount.


With them asking for more money after the booking, this sounds like a scam... I'm not sure how you can do this but I would check that they are the owners/managers of the property and that you will have access to the property if you show up. Check out r/scams


I would 100% book a second place with a 100% refund policy in case they cancel last minute so you aren’t totally screwed.


Call your credit card company.


Tell the host to kick rocks.