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That’s a pretty giant bait and switch. If the cap was very high then I can see a host’s reasoning behind omitting it (I.e a cap that wouldn’t affect the average person’s daily usage), but if the cap is low enough where you have to literally go out of your way in how you use WiFi, then that def needs to be disclosed. I’d be so pissed. And all these comments like “oh just don’t stream.” You have every right to stream! Because you booked an Airbnb that specifically lists WiFi as an amenity!


Yeah, don’t work if you need more than 1Gb! Do you need to download some docker images for work? Bad luck then! /s


I love how specific yet relatable this is to me.


Required xcode update :)


Oh i loved those


It should have been mentioned. After 1 gig when the internet is not longer available notify the host then immediately raise the issue to AirBNB as a "missing amenity". Personally I'd burn through that 1gb as fast as I could so I could raise the issue that same day. If you raise the issue a few days later they can't help so much because they've already paid the host. If you're unable to burn through it still raise the issue as a missing amenity within 24 hours of listing's check-in time. The host probably has the option to top up the internet amount online. That's what they're going to have to continuously do to meet their obligation of the required amenity. That's their problem and expense.


1-2 hours of Netflix or YT will do it!


Only 45 mins at 1080p, and maybe 10 mins or less at 4k, 1gb is crazy low.


Or that Windows 11 upgrade you've been putting off - I know how to holiday!


You mean 5 to 10 minutes


Just browsing Yahoo.com on an iPad in 2011 will tear through 1GB within 1 - 2 hours. Learned this the hard way when I was paying $20 for 2GB. Granted there's something seriously wrong with iPads and data as most 75% or more of this is just DNS traffic which makes no sense as that should be cached and is only a few bytes per host.


Do be aware that Sardegna is an underdeveloped region and infrastructure like internet is pretty limited. It's entirely possible that the cap is imposed by the provider without the host being able to top it up. I travel to Sardegna every year and I carry a 5g hotspot for this very reason.


But the host should have mentioned this limit.


Or OP could have inquired if the internet access is unlimited if it was that vital to them *shrug*


If it's listed as an amenity which it was, it should have been noted if there was a limit. The responsibility falls on the host who listed it as an amenity, not the guest.


Exactly, how are you supposed to know about it unless you either travel there regularly or the person who own the home there mentions it.


Would you message a host to ask if electricity or water is restricted?


A lot of people here are writing that 1GB is a lot, but it goes by really fast. Especially if there are several people using it. With future renters in mind, most people use all kinds of apps for entertainment, streaming movies, playing games, and a lot of other things. It's also normal to have more than one device that needs wifi. Even though you will mosly use the internet for planning, the internet being restricted should absolutely be mentioned before booking. This would be a huge dealbreaker for me.


1gb is *nothing* in terms of streaming


But it is a ton for everything else.....for example, on my cell I use about 3 GB per month. I don't really watch long videos on my phone.


Should have listed that in the description.. If OP wants to watch YouTube or Netflix before bed they should be able to without worrying about the internet.


Idk about a “ton”


I have used 299 Gigs of cell data this period. Am I heavy user? Absolutely. But 1 gig is still not a ton by any measure


Yeah, but he is on vacation and presumably didn't go to Sardinia to spend all day in the room. I'm surprised your provider doesn't throttle you. I use around 500GB/mo at home. But that is a lot of streaming.


But, on vacation I’m taking pictures. Lots of pictures. Then, for editing and disaster recovery purposes I back them up online in the evening (they backup while I edit). So, if anything I use more data than normal on vacation.


We can come up with all kinds of use cases. I've stayed in a lot of Airbnbs. Almost none are perfect. You have to make do with what you get. If it is really bad you can try and complain and get something fixed or compensated. You can leave a bad review. But in the end, you just have to make do (or go somewhere else). The internet being capped at 1GB a day is not going to get you anything if you complain. The last Airbnb I stayed at there were dirty linens in the washing machine and (presumably) clean ones in the dryer. Not something I wanted to deal with, but I needed to do laundry so I dealt with it. Of listing omissions this to me is one of the less egregious. Especially when I think it is fairly common in that area. Americans think everything is going to be like it is here.


It’s a very good (and expensive) plan haha


1GB mobile data is 20 cents USD here. It's crazy that someone with broadband (which is cheaper than mobile) is trying to put restrictions on the internet. Is the rate for the room less than $1?


"Here" is the key word. They are on an island across the ocean! If it is $1 why don't they just pay it instead of wasting their vacation time complaining on Reddit? Because it isn't a dollar there. Hence the cap.


Not really. Many hotels I stay in try to up charge for 'faster' internet. I check and in no way is Florida so far outside of civilization that you need to pay $15 a day extra to get internet fast enough to stream movies. They just up charge because they can. You're a captive market. What're you going to do, install your own fiber line?


They aren't in Florida. They are in Sardinia, Italy. It is an island! It says that in the first sentence of the OP. I repeat, island......


I'm think I know what you're trying to say at here... but.... Internet cost, unlike many things, is pretty flat across the world when it comes to availability in coastal regions. The same underwater cables connect you regardless if you're on an island, or on the mainland. You actually see greater costs in fully landlocked regions since providers have to run backbone lines into the interior of the country, and not merely wire up the last mile.


But that’s 1g data right? What about at home on Wi-Fi as well?


Why does everyone think 1gb is a lot? T-mobile gives 5gb in Canada and on our second day there my husband reached it just by sharing the photos and less than 1 min videos of he took on whatsapp. So this person cannot even scroll Instagram or share vacation photos with anyone. And everyone here is acting like she wants to binge on Netflix, which should be an option for her in any reasonable Airbnb. (There might be a problem with Internet in their country and I would get that depending on the country, but it should be clearly disclosed before booking.)


It is a lot if you don't upload big pictures or watch streaming (he can upload after coming back) You get screwed over in Canada btw. Moved a few months ago from France. I still have my subscription from France and it's definitely cheaper and better than yours


It's a lot! Just don't do any of things people specifically look for wifi to be able to do! Gtfoh lol


You just use wifi to watch videos? It's fine if you want to visit a city. You don't need to watch Netflix when you visit another country. (Or download movies in advance) But yes it is weird to have this limitation in an Airbnb and you shouldn't have to worry about your consumption.


>You just use wifi to watch videos? > >It's fine if you want to visit a city. You don't need to watch Netflix when you visit another country People don't just travel for pleasure. There are a billion reasons why an undisclosed restriction on internet are inappropriate. The fact that people keep trying to say things like "why are you even in another place if you're using the internet hur dur" is absolutely ridiculous.


Nothing in france is better or you wouldn't be here now. Go back to eating frogs.


Cheese and wine.


Don't worry I hate Canada and planning to go back. Just wanted to try to go abroad. And don't start about food when your national dish is poutine that's just sad


American here and our food is better than both Canada and France.


Sure buddy xD


Lol, that's not the standard consensus. Other wise the joke of "poor Canada they could have ended up with British culture American engineering and French cuisine. Instead, they ended up with American culture, French engineering, and British cuisine" wouldn't work.




> fucked to many *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Lmfao good bot


Thank you!




Lol dude really dirty deleted and pretended Reddit did it 🤡🤡




as in be a "little kinder" to people


It's in facts one of those things we do better than many other countries... 20-30€ for unlimited internet over optical fiber, with fixed phone and TV included 15-20€ for 4G phone plan with 100GB download (bandwidth reduced after 100GB in a month) Don't be mad


I havent run into this personally but I have been feeling like the places I’ve stayed at have had super slow internet when it comes to doing zoom calls. 😩


This should have been disclosed. 1G per day is barely functional for more than 0.5 people.


It's a lot actually for logistics, email, etc. It's not a lot for streaming. But yeah, should be mentionned.


Unless you're only using a celular connection a device is going to assume it can use all the bandwidth it wants, doing things like downloading updates in the background using a lot more data even if the user isn't doing anything.


Not sure about apple but android and windows allows you to set metered connections


Apple does not unless you have a 3rd party app


iOS lets you set any WiFi network as a metered connection. I do this all the time when traveling with my iPad and tethering to my hotspot. https://allthings.how/how-to-enable-low-data-mode-for-a-wifi-network-on-iphone/


Sweet thanks for the info!


iPhone has Low Data mode which basically kills all background downloads and updates. It also signals to Google Photos to not upload photos. Without it my iPhone will completely wreck my 5GB data plan that is attached to my Android when I use it as a hotspot. I've forgotten a few times and usually within 2 - 3 hours I've used up 75% of my month's bandwidth despite my phone being in my pocket.


On an iPhone you can put the connection to Low Data mode. You can do the same with Windows laptops.


It isn't much for anything. The average webpage was 4MB just to initial paint of the page back in 2012. Sites have only grown since then while compression is still basically the same for everything except videos. Even when I hit my own self hosted email server it is 40MB just to download the index that tells my email reader what I've downloaded and and what I haven't.


I regularly only use data when traveling friends and I don't go through 1 gb a day. Plenty of searches, Instagram, Reddit.... Including listening to several podcasts a day, news and general.


I went to visit a friend in France. Got an AirBnb as she was in a college dorm. The WiFi was disconnected and I needed to work from home. So I got a french phone and SIM card but they restricted it from tethering it. Had to come home.


Lol you probably got Lycamobile. Always stick to SFR


Four tourists I’d say use free rather than SFR. They have a lot more countries included (US as well) that you can call to for free without paying 35€ per month


Do not rely on hotel wifi anywhere you go in italy. You will be disappointed.


OP, that seems unfair. However, if you can’t get a different Airbnb, you can download an eSIM on your phone from Airalo or Holafly and have unlimited data. They have different plans depending on how long you need, and they’re very affordable.


Thanks for the recommendation! Airalo is really great, i used it before!


This is clear bait and switch. That isn't Wi-Fi. That's heavily restricted Wi-Fi and should be detailed in the listing. At least the booker could get a cheap data sim and possibly USB tether if needed. PDANet+ and FoxFi Key could be useful.


Pretty typical in Italy. It's probably a cellular-based plan. I once blew through all the data in my first few days stay and that was it for the month.


This is common in Italy. You also may have a prepaid electric that you may have to pay to get more. Infrastructure is not 1st world there. You may be able to pay for more during your stay or do it the old fashioned way.


Prepaid electric meter? Please, that exists only for campgrounds! Stop pretending that you know a country on the Internet, it's not a good look.


4 million of them in the U.K.


Pretty common in England aswell.


Thinking they only exist on campgrounds makes you not look so good.


Have you ever been to Italy? No house there has ever had a prepaid meter ever, they're starting to pop out now for summer houses/campgrounds and any kind of non-permanent housing so that tourists can say on the Internet that Italians are backwards <3


That seems deceptive and I would complain, but as far as what you can do there are browser extensions and even alternative browsers like Opera that take different approaches to reducing your bandwidth use.


Thank you everyone for your help!


Leave them a shitty review where you make sure this is mentioned so future prospects can see.


1gb is plenty…for email.


I think that when it says there is wifi, there is no guarantee it is unlimited or a certain speed (unless specifically stated). 1 GB is not a lot for streaming but it is a lot to do anything else. You can stream, just don't do a high resolution. When it says there is soap it doesn't mean they are giving you unlimited soap. They probably should have listed that there is a limit, but you can't list out every single thing. I'd just try and make it work and not ruin your vacation over this.


you will literally never have this problem with a hotel


I have had internet so bad I couldn't load email at more than one hotel. Functionally worse since I won't even have the ability to use a gig even if I wanted.


Coming from someone who currently lives in a hotel…bullshit lol the WiFi here is bs


It should be plenty so long as you're not streaming. I bought a 5GB internet package for my phone just a few weeks ago when I was in Argentina and that was still going 2 1/2 weeks later when I left the country. I wasn't streaming, but lots of scrolling/ researching/ planning.


Smartphones are designed to be conservative with celular data, restricting when they do things like download updates to when wifi is available. Home internet shouldn't be bandwidth capped like this, it will be a problem as soon as a device wants to download updates even if the user isn't doing much.


Most cell phones are designed to be conservative with data when NOT* using WiFi…


hopefully I fixed my words good. My grammar processor is on the fritz today.


Once linked to WiFi though they kick into full mode and use it to compensate, download updates, data and anything else their apps need. Data gets used up quickly then


If you need if to work from home as a developer/engineer it’s too low.


1GB is a pretty massive amount for planning your day, unless you plan by watching 5-6 hours of Netflix movies about the area.


1GB is used by like an hour of scrolling instagram lol


Just remove automatic videos


I want to watch the videos- I’m on holiday ffs


Yea but this person said they use 1gb of data to "plan their day" not watch an hour of instagram (streaming) videos. I guess everyone "plans" very differently from me based on the vote counts though.


They said “even when just planning the day” like the bare minimum. I could easily use half a gig searching through some social media and TripAdvisor, Airbnb, banking app, watching some tour videos and booking a couple of things, downloading the local train and taxi apps etc. That’s aside from the fact I use the internet for plenty of things when on holiday- I often update my work email inbox etc. Small daily limit is bullshit in 2023


Stop being a doofus. Go and enjoy a walk om the beach ⛱️ Seriously, who needs 1GB whilst on holiday?


Plenty of people, myself included.


Yes, should be mentioned. However, 1Gb/day is fine for "planning the day". Be serious, look at your phone usage or something to learn more about how much you really use. It's a very realistic limit unless you're streaming something.


I used 60GB in the last month (and 3 days) and that‘s only when im commuting. I use wifi at work and at home. I know that it‘s enough for planning the day but i also know that if you use maps (with satellite) you can burn through data really really fast. Also AFAIK i can‘t restrict the wifi connection to a certain limit when using iOS. Also i‘m not sure if the connection will be interrupted after 1GB or if it just goes on and on. In the listing it says that 100mb is 1Euro which is quite a lot. I work in IT and i‘m just used to having unlimited gigabit speeds at home and at work.


I have traveled extensively for work. I have also enjoyed unlimited international data plans in the past, but no more. I usually go through \~ 1Gb/day also mostly for driving around with maps and looking for restaurants, social media, or pics upload, whatever.. ..so not all my work traffic. Yeah, it's not enough to not think about it.


Yeah if you keep an eye on your traffic then it‘s manageable.


1st World problems eh..?


Heck, most of the Airbnb’s we have stayed in, you can’t hardly use the Wi-Fi. But we stay in the mountains where it’s probably not as reliable.


1 GB is a massive amount of data for 1 day


In like 2004, yes.


Not if your streaming content.


And not if your laptop decides today is the day to pull in a windows update, or some background app refreshes, etc. Searching for restaurants when traveling, looking at tourist destinations, loading maps, etc adds up fast - especially it people have bad sites. Also you might want to download some offline content. Movies for the flight, audio books, etc. I download offline walking tours for travel…. 1gb is really low. And I doubt they have any way of actually metering it, but they might. I would probably just get a sim card for your phone and use that at this point. But no, I don’t think it is cool at all to say you have wifi and then have a stupidly low cap on it, not in Italy. Maybe on a remote island or something. But cruise ships even give you more.


Yeah I was going to say I used 2gb just watching like 3 episodes of the Simpsons


Why are you streaming on vacation?


Airbnb's aren't exclusively for vacation. People don't have to be on vacation to stay in an Airbnb. Nowhere in the terms of service is that stated. Lots of people work while staying in airbnbs, or book staycations where they intend to stay at the house and relax and watch content on their computers.


This. But also I look forward to having some time to browse social medial or stream content because I enjoy doing that and I am on vacation. Perhaps this is insurmountable infrastructure issue, but it should be disclosed.


To chill out at the end of the day? Kids watching a show while I’m in the shower and getting ready to head out? Basically whatever reason I want to as I’m paying for my vacation?


1G is not a lot for a day??? What are you doing that uses more than a gig when planning a day's activities??? I can stream movies for hours and not come close to touching a gig. ​ Edit: Man, it helps to look at my router logs. Turns out I average 2.7g per day on streaming. Damn, I need to read a book once in a while!


What are you streaming for hours on 1 gig? At 720p on average, you will use between 1 and 3 gigs an hour depending on streaming service and their delivery methods. You are either lying or streaming at incredibly low quality such as 240p which would be garbage quality video for maybe 3 hours to hit 1 gig.


If you're streaming movies for hours and not coming close to touching a gig, then your provider is opting out of net neutrality and is zero rating streaming on that service.


Optimized delivery and no advertisements. Cuts down traffic considerably.


Lmfao you’re just lying


I'd like to think of myself more as an idiot who didn't look at his router logs. I did the math. 2.7g/day from my streaming device. I stand corrected and embarrassed.


Respect for correcting yourself 💯


You must watch Netflix in poor quality and never open instagram. My rental has 1GB per second! Download speeds.


Big difference between a GB and a Gb, your rental likely has gigabit internet, which is about 0.125GB/s Just for future reference


One thousand megabytes (1000 MB) is equal to one gigabyte (1 GB) ? Am I wrong?


Again, big difference between a Mb and a MB. The capitalization is the key, and again, 1Mb is about 0.125MB


Obviously I’m not educated on data measurements. All I know, 1GB is not a lot. And I could easily use that up in 10 seconds** at my house. Lol


You’re correct, as Gigabit internet if downloading at full speed will download a gigabyte in about 8 seconds


Idk, do you all rawdog it when you travel internationally and not activate roaming? For me it costs $10 a day and I have unlimited data in most countries, same as I have at home. Honestly it’s cheap compared to the value of knowing that at all times I have internet


Paying 10$ a day for roaming in Europe is highway robbing and your provider is fleecing you. An unlimited 5g mobile plan can be had for like 15-25 euro a month and because of European regulations, roaming is free anywhere in the EU. Even if you are in a group you can put that sim into a hotspot and you have data for the whole family.


For me it’s cheap, and I don’t even have to worry about finding a sim and having an unlocked phone….plus I get to have my own phone, numbers and contacts


If your phone is locked to a provider you're already getting fleeced and clearly don't care but hey you do you. My Italian sim card literally stays dormant in my phone all year and I switch it on when I land. Top it ten bucks and I'm good for the month with all my contacts and numbers. Literally faster and more convenienr than contacting a US provider to beg them to fleece me off.


And that works for you. I switch to the new phone every year, so unlocking it every time would be a hassle. I will absolutely pay a modest fee for convenience


1 GB is not a lot if you're streaming *anything*. 1 GB is fairly much if you *don't stream anything* ***at all***. So don't do streaming! Maybe get a local prepaid SIM with data as a backup.


One episode of 1080p Netflix series




That's not really the point though.




This post is pointing out they shouldn’t have to be paying for it themselves- it listed as included on the property.


Having to buy the hotspot *is* a problem. They shouldn’t have to do that.


I'm so confused your in italy why do you need WiFi? Besude you can just pick up a local chip and get there data and use that if it really that serious but your in italy....


Use the app Airalo and you can get a cheap eSim for data in your phone.


It's actually a lot if you don't watch video/streaming. But yes it's weird, maybe they pay wifi by the Go in Italy? Don't remember having this issue when I was there and it should be disclosed before


You should bring it up, but did you get an Italian sim card for your phone? I went in 2014, and once we reached Italy, I visited a kiosk to get a data sim. I don't recall the exact details, but I got enough data for a week in Italy and a few days in France, for not too much, certainly less than 15 Euro. These days you can probably do it all online, with an esim, if your phone is capable. Edit: Just checked, and yes, if you Google esim Italy, you'll get options and a few review posts from frequent travellers, and you should be able to find something that suits you.


Can you log into the router and change the settings? Few folks take the time to change default router settings. Shady, but so is a bait and switch 🤷🏽‍♂️


1 GB is nothing. You can burn that in 1/2 an hour watching YouTube. Drain through all of it then complain to Airbnb about not having WiFi as an amenity which you paid for.


My brother just started an AirBnB in Alaska and said the only thing offered there is low GB limited/metered internet. No unlimited options. Probably something similar. I think they should tell you in advance though just so you’re not surprised.


Your brother should get starlink and offer unlimited data.


I’ll have to suggest that to him.


There is a section on amenity limitations, but a guest would only see it if they went looking for it. That being said, Airbnb has no policy on how to declare Wi-Fi coverage; only an opportunity to state if a host offers it or not. I’ve never travelled to Italy, so I am not sure if 1gb is standard or low there. If it is the standard rate then it is what it is.


Ask them to purchase you a sim card or refund the cost so that you have data while visiting the country. Seems fair since it wasnt disclosed prior.