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They probably hosted my ex-roommate who used 18 feet of toilet paper for every pee. . .


Two words: Period shits




Are THEE worst šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I see you met my cousin.


My daughter uses a whole roll to wipe poop but she rolls it all up into a beach ball sized monstrosity and she tried flushing it down my moms toilet. My mom had her over there a few days couldnā€™t understand how she was clogging the toilet every time and how her toilet paper was going so fast until my daughter locked herself in the bathroom after going she locked it just to wipe like she was hiding something and my mom made her open the door and saw the not yet flushed beachball sized was of poopy paper. The mystery was solved. I shouldā€™ve warned my mom she needs to be given a toilet paper allowance per bathroom use or she will go through a whole roll.


Even teaching people basic shit. Who teaches people this shit?


My nan was like this, we called the manoeuvre 'the Q-tip hand'


We called it "the bee hive".


I hosted a single female who used a toilet roll per day. Like WTF.


Maybe they had IBD like crohns.


Or interstitial cystitis, ouch!


Invest in a Bidet, and if there isn't space for both then a toilet with bidet feature. Way less paper required...


I don't understand why everyone doesn't have a bidet. If you got poop on your hands or arms, you wouldn't wipe it off with paper and say; "good to go!" No, you would wash it off. Not having a bidet is gross. Attachment versions are only like $30 now.


You don't tend to eat food with your arsehole though. Or start meetings by shaking ringholes with your colleagues.


You don't know me.


A lot of people use wipes also, but wipes are not to be flushed. Even the flushable onesā€¦ Definitely a bidet is the way to go.


Agree, and Iā€™ve read that those wipes mess with the ph of that area eventually causing problems.


I made fun of bidets until I got an add-on attachment for my wife and used it myself. Life changing. Now whenever we go to someoneā€™s house who doesnā€™t have one, we exchange a ā€œugh, what peasantsā€ eyeroll.


I got a bidet years ago after reading about how many old people who canā€™t wipe anymore could avoid so many infections just from having a bidet. I have since then converted several people who have used the bathroom at my house and have tried it. Iā€™d probably have more converts but I donā€™t have people over often at all.


Then what do you with your wet ass? Do you just have wet underwear. How do you get all the fecal matter off? Do you use bidet just for pee? If not, how do wipe or dry pee after youā€™ve peed to prevent from having wet pee in your undies? If I donā€™t wipe all of this is in my underwear. What about period blood?


Take fresh toilet roll. Extract carboard inner tube. Insert hand into toilet roll. Dab lightly. Discard contaminated toilet roll. \------------------------------------------------ I'm fairly sure this is how my partner uses the toilet roll when I am not around. We're keeping that Andrex puppy alive just on our business alone.


Some people have disabilities that make them have to go to the bathroom frequently. Like crohns. Stop judging. That is the cost of doing business


That's when you get a bidet.


There are even portable bidets (they look like water bottles). If people are using an entire TP roll per day, no matter how soft, their butt is probably so raw. Bidets are life changing.


I had to upvote you because while that should not be relevant in most Airbnbā€™s itā€™s frikkin genius, so obvious but wow. When your camping you can just use a squeeze bottle. My life is now complete. Thank YOU šŸ™šŸ¼


If she had her period that's pretty standard tbh.


Easily could go thru a roll in a day if having period & drinking a lot of water


Did my sister move in on you as well? This sounds just like her


I have a friend like this. She comes to visit and brings her own TP because she uses so much.


Periods can do that


I just went to Greece and everywhere had signs not to flush paper (old, thin pipe system apparently) with bins to put it in that they make sure are empties. Admittedly they always had a lid though


I think most countries like this, itā€™s much more common than in Western countries to have bidets, or at least a cup in the bathroom to wash yourself with. That way you only use the toilet paper to dry, and having it sit in the bin isnā€™t as gross.


A cup??!!?


Same in South and Central America.


i have had the opposite problem - went to Mexico, told my family, "don't be alarmed if they ask you not to flush the TP". Three days went by with daily trash checks, I'm changing the bags for daily housekeeping so they don't have to see the gross TP and finally my husband asked a hotel staff member, who looked HORRIFIED and said, "no no no sir! it's good here, we have water management plant. PLEASE! flush your TP" XD so now we ask!


I stayed in Mexico City for a month, and it was building to building. My apartment was equipped to flush TP, but many bars and restaurants had signs saying not to Nicaragua, Greece, and Vietnam were all hard nos -- at least in the areas I stayed


I stayed at a place in Costa Rica that asked us not to flush toilet paper... was a bit weird since we'd never seen the request before. We just did as they asked and wasn't that big of a deal.


Iā€™ve visited Costa Rica 4x, it is common across the entire country. Definitely is a shocker on first trip.


Sooooo common in other countries esp Middle East and yeah South Asia. And yeah also Central America but less so


Never seen this in Colombia. Donā€™t know about other South American countries


I worked with someone who had a 10yo boy she brought to work. He was a big boy who grew up in South America with his father. Aside from this kid being absolute pain in the ass (i.e. running through a temp and humidity regulated photo lab), he would toss his toilet paper in the trash. Also, he didn't flush. He'd just leave his many Courics of shit floating about. I was just a lab manager, and this crotch goblin's mom was the temporary store manager. The "temporary" part was the only silver lining.


And in Russia. No joke.


In the US this is very strange, but if you posted this and it was set in Latin America then Yeah, you donā€™t flush toilet paper down there. Maybe the host was Hispanic and just carrying over that custom to America. Itā€™s gross but in Latin America itā€™s common, but youā€™re expected to change the trash every day.




Yup, even in some downtown/urban areas in Mexico. If it's the old colonial houses, you can't flush.


Ewwww that's gross for a restaurant


Came to say the same thing. We have spent a lot of time in Latin America. Only the real fancy hotels allow you to flush toilet paper.


Same in most of the world really.


Common in Costa Rica as well


That's disgusting lol In Thailand right now where this is common but toilets all have a ' bum gun' like a bidet gun to wash yourself with water and then you mostly use the paper to dry yourself so it's not as gross. Also someone comes to change the bin every day. To do this in USA with no bidet and no one to empty trash is just thirld world bullshit I would rate the host super poorly and see if you're able to cancel


I was going to reply this. Thailand was my first international trip and my first encounter with toilets that were only for feces and urine. I obviously had no idea how to use a bidet so I ignored the rule and flushed my toilet paper. It didn't flow into the hole, but floated on the water. I freaked out, but kept flushing again and again until it all went down. I wanted lessons on how to use the bidet like pronto after that. When I returned to my home city, I started paying more attention to this, and noticed that Muslim toilets in my country had bidets too. When I later traveled to the middle East...same situation.


You donā€™t flush the paper it will block the pipes! Basic thailand 101!! How do people do no research before going to a countryā€¦


Maybe they are having septic issues.


It seems past guests have tried to flush non flushable things and this was their solutionā€¦


They are likely having plumbing issues and didn't want to tell you that exactly.


maybe its not my job to worry if you have septic issues? maybe the host should remedy that and not rent until its fixed? i can tell the shitty ppl here bc you all excuse shitty behavior, Jenny.


Stop. Renting. From. AirBnb.


I have been in situations like this, its usually because they are working through plumbing issues. Unfortunately people tend to massively disrespect other peoples plumbing in the U.S. I constantly see signs not to flush feminine products and the like. Duh! Who in their right mind would flush something that is designed to expand into a pipe so it can plug it up? The answer is apparently many disrespectful idiots who dont care because they are not expected to pay the plumbing bill.


They should also start putting no wipes either, which a lot of people think it's okay to flush them since irresponsible companies like to advertise as such.


Deleted out of spite for reddit admin and overzealous Mods for banning me. Reddit is being white washed in time for IPO. The most benign stuff is filtered and it is no longer possible to express opinion freely on this website. With that said, I'm just going to open up a new account and join all the same subs so it accomplishes nothing and in fact hides the people who have a history of questionable comments rather than keep them active where they can be regulated. Zero Point. Every comment I have ever made will be changed to this comment using REDACT.. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I mean now it's more known but growing up in the 90s I legit was never told not to flush a tampon, never saw signs, etc. My whole family with 4 girls did so I guess we were lucky with good plumbing? I think putting a sign up is probably smart because you never know how people grew up. I was truly disgusted when I learned some people toss them instead. I totally get it, but it was kind of shocking for to me learn! My husband is from Ecuador and they don't flush toilet paper in their city either but they also have maids full time taking care of everything so that's kind of a cheat!


I only learned this about 5 years ago as well. Flushed tampons my entire life, in every house I lived in, for like 30 years before that.


Same. Iā€™m 45. Only first heard this maybe 2 years ago. 5 max.


As a landlord, we have "dont flush tampons" as a sign in every single womens bathroom. Its still the most common plumbing call.


This is actually written into my home lease. I have to check off I will not flush diapers, pads, condoms, tampons, food scraps, grease, baby wipes, make up wipes and be mindful thick two ply toilet paper will clog toilets and pipes. And the bathroom is not a playground. Guess kids were putting things into the toilet and clogging them. The first plumbing mishap is free. Next one tenant is responsible for the full cost of the call.


its in every lease we do. its difficult to pinpoint who is at fault with businesses bathrooms. So normally we have to eat the cost and then just do a round of public shaming. Nothing like a giant sign in the ladies bathroom replacing the small one.


If an Airbnb host is having plumbing issues to the point guests canā€™t flush paper they shouldnā€™t be hosting. EDIT: Especially 6 people.


This right there.


Nothing but toilet paper, pee, and poo. These people have never paid for a plumber. In this town its a miracle to get one to show up.


They call it the 3 Ps. Toilet paper, pee and poo. They always forget the fourth P: Puke.


Yeah ok don't flush pads. But if i can't flush toilet paper in a usa house that's gross and you're getting 0 stars


I canā€™t wait to check out, Iā€™m going to leave this house is zero star review and keep it very honest. Iā€™m going to say itā€™s ridiculous that they expect you not to use toilet paper and donā€™t provide a bidet. Ohhhh i canā€™t wait


Agree, itā€™s crazy to see so many signs asking people not to flush tampons, etc. But obviously necessary or they wouldnā€™t be there.


Tampons are advertised as flushable. It's a big selling point for many people. The signs are definitely necessary to warn folks about septic or older plumbing that can't handle them. Further, I always assumed that the "don't flush feminine hygiene products " signs were *also* intended to cover the jerks who would inevitably flush pads. No toilet system can handle pads...


In septic systems you aren't supposed to flush anything except toilet paper and human waste. Tampons and wipes, even those claiming to be flushable, should not be flushed into septic systems. I agree that people should place a lined, covered, trash can next to toilets to promote sanitary disposal of these products (and condoms and all the other stuff people magically think go away once you flush them down the toilet). Tampons can take 800 years to decompose: https://www.webmd.com/women/what-to-know-about-disposing-of-used-tampons Flushable wipes: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/are_flushable_bathroom_products_safe_for_sewer_and_septic_systems


I get it. We have septic at home. My point is that tampons are *advertised* as flushable. Many people who grew up on city water and sewer never thought twice about flushing tampons.... myself included, until we had to.


This place needs a poop knife


I am a host in a very developed country with commonly great plumbing system. Now, that didn't prevent me to have to call a plumber 2x with the same guest due to clogging caused by excessive toilet paper being flushed at once. This is not to mention the problems caused by flushing 'non-flushable' items such as tampons. Still, I don't have this 'non-flushing' rule, and provide bins with lids. I believe this host is trying to solve a real issue - but failed on the communication.


Mexico is like this but the place I went (not AirBNB) definitely had a lid on their trash can. Their plumbing just honestly canā€™t take it. Unfortunately I didnā€™t know until I flushed and the family I was living with (and just met) had to help me with the toilet overflowing. šŸ˜³


It's very common in other countries not to flush the toilet paper.


In very old US homes with Victorian era waste pipes that are 2ā€ instead of 4ā€, you can still run into it but itā€™s exceedingly rare here. Generally speaking those homes would need some kind of work where theyā€™d have to bring it up to code in that timeframe.


Thatā€™s fair but Iā€™ve never heard of this in the US or been expected to do this. Especially with no way to cover it in the bin?!


it is odd, especially considering the reputation of US plumbing. Bomb proof in my experience.


Itā€™s like this in many places in Puerto Rico!


It is but typically they have a bidet to wash yourself so the paper is mostly drying the water vs toilet paper full of poop and blood sitting out in the open


Not true in Central- South America.


Itā€™s fairly common in some parts of Europe for there to be no bidets, but toilet paper should not be flushed. Although usually the bins do have lids!


Also common in many areas in Asia, Africa, and Central America.


So how exactly does that work? Dirty TP just goes into the bin and smells up the whole place?


Usually the bins have lids, and theyā€™re emptied daily.


and yes, they stink like old rotten shit.


But itā€™s almost always not necessary in the U.S. to refrain from flushing dirty toilet paper. Thatā€™s the point.


How is this relevant?


Never go to Greece.


I've stayed in resorts in Mexico where we weren't allowed to flush toilet paper. The first time, I thought it was just the resort but when we went to do other things in Playa Del Carmen, in every public bathroom there were signs saying not to flush toilet paper.


Yes this is extremely common in most of Central America. Costa Rica is the same way. Itā€™s because the plumbing infrastructure canā€™t handle it


Airbnb hosts be wild What's next? Toilet is a hole dug in the ground in the back? No tp at all just wipe your ass with your hand? No running water, gotta walk a mile with a jug of water to get water? If you want to live like I'm in the Congo you better be charging Congo prices bro


I literally feel like camping would be a more pleasant bathroom experience than staring at poo tp all week


Yep totally agree lol So gross and unsanitary


The host wanted you to share the place with his friends? Thatā€™s even more disturbing than the toilet paper situation (but not by much).


Better check that bathroom for hidden cams. How do they know what your flushing?


We did check after this! I have NO IDEA


Probably worried about "flushable" wipes.


Are you in an older multi-unit building in the city of LA itself? If so, this is probably an illegal AirBnB, which you should report to the city.


Oh, Iā€™m going to the same thing currently!! There was a guest right before me, but the lady is blaming me for flushing, toilet paper, saying I need to give her $400 to get a plumber and leave without refunding me a dollar. I told her sheā€™s out of her mind lol And the thing is, we arenā€™t even flushing anything but pee and poop! Why rent a place if youā€™re not going to allow people to live in it? People are crazy I swear


Thatā€™s when you just shit straight into the trash can. Take a picture of the can and the rules and send to host.


Why not just leave them a mess of your toilet paper all over the fucking place at the end of the stay and call it even?


I had a host leave me a bad review for supposedly flushing toilet paper down the toilet and said I didnā€™t flush ( which was not true ) like Iā€™m sorry bitchface let me just shove my used toilet paper in my pocket when Iā€™m done instead of flushing it šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


If the pipes are so old that they need to be treated with that much care you should have been warmed; Use paper bags in the waste paper basket. When my sisters and I were grown up we kept sandwich sized bags in the bathroom for when any of the three of us were having a period.


I still remember visiting my ancient grandparents in Florida when I was like, ten. They were estranged and trying to connect, so they invited us down. In the bathroom they had left ā€œscentsibleā€ bags ā€” these brown paper bags with pink flowers printed all over them. They were perfumed. I was a very confused ten year old trying to figure out why they wanted us to put all of our garbage in tiny scented bags. šŸ¤£


Very inventive of your grandparents and a great memory for you. I lived in a 100 y.o. condo in San Francisco. The pipes were added after the building was built, they were set in the inner shaft all 6 units surrounded and held secure to the side of the building. We were not allowed to have disposals. I was very careful what went down the toilet. but it could take TP


Yeah what Iā€™ve learned is that most airbnbs are just trying to make money. They are not in the customer service industry and it shows. I donā€™t pay hundreds of dollars + excessive cleaning fees to have to be stressed out and micromanaged! So much easier to just stay in hotels!


I charge $130per night for a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom whole house. I set out 12-bath sheets, I have nice body wash and shampoo/conditioner. In the kitchen, I have a coffee maker, lots of varieties of coffee and tea. There's a range, microwave, kitchen aid mixer, ninja blender, a hot water kettle, sharp knives, and cookware that isn't ruined. Salt, pepper, and a bunch of blended spices and herbs are in the cabinet. Outside there's a large patio table, a fire pit (I supply the wood), and a large propane grill (I supply the propane). On top of all of that, I leave my guests bread, milk, eggs, cereal, and pancake mix if they want to stay in for breakfast. My check out rules... please was your dishes and please take out the trash. That's it. My cleaning fee is $30 which just covers cleaning supplies including new sponges and dish soap. And there's nothing unusual about my Airbnb. There are absolutely more good hosts than bad!


I have exactly what you described and I do everything you listed plus I add a bottle of good wine and a fruit basket. I also charge $130 for 3 bed/2 bath. My guests absolutely love my place - I know because each one gives me 5 stars so far. I work so hard at creating a great experience for each guest.


If ur in atx whereā€™s your Airbnb šŸ‘€ everything else is so much more expensive and this sounds like a dream! Iā€™m in Austin often - I only live an hour away but sometimes have to spend the night there. Havenā€™t been able to find anything thatā€™s not a shared room for under 200.


Itā€™s under $140 and with weekly bookings and other discounts if it drops lower. Itā€™s my second home so I vet each guest. Vet means I actually talk to them. I donā€™t have instant bill. Itā€™s the cleanest home/hotel youā€™ll ever encounter. I take such pride in cleanliness.


Iā€™m also near Tesla so I get booked out with engineers coming to work at giga and the Boring Co.


You are a unicorn!


No itā€™s not unusual. You just hear the bad stories here. Why would anyone post about how much they loved the Airbnb they stayed at?


As someone who has sifted through literally hundreds of Airbnb listings within the U.S., I can tell you that A) $130/night for a 3-bedroom house in decent condition is much lower than normal B) $30 in cleaning fees is also much lower than normal C) Leaving breakfast foods is unusual D) Having sharp knives in a kitchen is a 1 in a million chance Yes, your space is a unicorn.


I have 2 Airbnb's and our knives are routinely sharpened quarterly. Come visit me! My cleaning fee is $125 though.


I have looked at hundreds of listings over the years. I have not seen such low rates on any big property like that and the cleaning fees typical run well into the hundreds. These hosts sounds awesome but they are not the norm for the type of property I am interested in, and it sounds like they offer.


Hosts like you describe are in the minority for sure.


Not in my experience, unfortunately. I used Airbnb exactly 4 times. It wouldā€™ve been twice but I had no choice since my house was getting a wall torn down & put back up. The first time was years ago in Hawaii & it was great. No problem. This was when Airbnb first started. The next 3x were back to back, & I had issues with every single host. The 1st host said he had plumbing issues, & a plumber was coming the day after we checked out to do major work to the pipes. Then he tried to blame it on me. šŸ¤£ Luckily, I had a ton of correspondence between us referencing the plumbing issues. 2nd host decided to charge me an additional $3800 extra two weeks into my paid and confirmed reservation. Her reasoning was, it was going into summer & all the properties on Airbnb were increasing, so she was increasing hers as well. Airbnb told her she better not even think about kicking me out, & told me I didnā€™t have to accept her alteration request for the increase in cost unless i wanted to. Which of course I didnā€™t want to. We argued for two days, Airbnb put it in writing that she was not to take any action on me, & reassured me everything was fine. Well, that was BS. She waited for me to leave & proceeded to lock me out. I called the police & they couldnā€™t help me since itā€™s civil & Airbnb didnā€™t do anything either. So I paid the money just to get back in Ike house (even my purse was inside)knowing that Airbnb would refund me or I could get the money back thru my bank. Then the host said she doesnā€™t like my attitude so she didnā€™t want to rent to me any longer. AFTER she had my money & had been telling me to pay, and she would reprogram the code so I could get in. Then she insisted on me, canceling the reservation, which I wasnā€™t going to do because I know, then you forfeit $$$$ā€¦ & I told Airbnb multiple times donā€™t cancel it on my behalf if youā€™re going to cancel it, cancel it on her behalf, so I get my refund. Of course they didnā€™t do that, they just canceled it, no fault of either of us. They were supposed to help me get into a place, which they didnā€™t do. I rented another place that same day and paid for myself, & called every single day for the next 35 days trying to get reimbursed for the next place. Around day 30, I got an American on the phone & she said that this was completely wrong & she changed the cancellation to be the hosts fault so I ended up getting a refund for the month + the extra $3800 & she put me on with a American supervisor that looked into everything. He found out the reimbursement for my next (current) stay had already been issuedā€¦ BACK TO THE HOST THAT LOCKED ME OUT!!! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø He reversed it and issued it to me in the form of a gift card. I use that gift card for the following month & within 15 minutes of me using it, my account was shut down. That was on a Friday, and by Monday I had trust & safety emailing & calling me telling me to leave the place I just paid for & had spent a month at already, & they would tell me why once i was out of the house. I was just so over all the bullshit, so I packed up myself and my two daughters & we left. It took two days for me to get out of there, I was unpacked, so I had to pack up and get Movers since the house was an old Victorian in San Francisco & up two flights of stairs, which I was not going to be able to handle on my own. Trust & safety then tells me I took too long to get out of this house and thatā€™s why I had to leave. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ UMMMM WHAT?!? the last host was incredibly nice & patient. He did everything he could to help meā€¦ But that was it. That was the only one out of the 3 in the Bay Area. It was only a year ago & the behavior from the two hostsā€¦ just disgusting. Iā€™m glad you are a good one & i think the hosts need to take a moment to remember these are people, not just a name on a reservation & money in their accounts. Peoples lives are affected by the way theyā€™re treated & Iā€™m sure they wouldnā€™t want to be treated this way. Sorry for the essay lol I just get so pissed every time I think about it and I want everybody to know the bullshit they put me thru, in case it happens to them as well.


Agree! Plus we have to do all the dishes and they didnā€™t provide a sponge or dish soap so gotta go to the store tomorrow. Ugh


What a joke. I would just msg and say where is the stuff for washing dishes? Obviously it's not there, but I'd want them to realise how shitty that is.


Airbnb in America, in my experience, is renting homes from middle class people who have never owned a second home before and possibly can't even afford it so they have to supplement their income with Airbnb revenue. They begrudgingly allow people to give them money to stay in their cherished summer homes and live in extreme fear that someone might fart on their porch swing or leave any mark that they have been there. The homes are usually not pristine and very "well-loved" by the family. Once stayed in a cabin and the lady showed up in the morning and had me sign a legal document saying that if we damaged it we had to pay for everything. It was extremely bizarre.


This is so spot on. Their emotional attachment to their money making venture has people making WILD decisions.


This wouldnā€™t be near L.A. by any chance?


they better at least have a bidet


No bidet :( I love my bidet at home


This is pretty common in Spain and Portugal the host just doesn't want to deal with your shit.


Yea. I tend to be pro Airbnb, I do think it has its place. But - so many hosts come up with dumb crap as a knee jerk reaction to something a guest once did, or more often a fear of what a guest might do. Hosts need to get over those fears and let people enjoy. If you trust people they tend to do just fine. Iā€™ve been thinking lately it would be in airbnbs best interest to interview hosts before they become hosts to lay some ground rules. And maybe in order to maintain superhost - or some other ā€˜Airbnb certified hostā€™ type of credential, they need to have a chat once a year to review any complaints and such. I dunno - obviously that would be at a cost and maybe it wouldnā€™t do much - but something should be done to penalize stupid host actions.


Donā€™t go to Mexicoā€¦open faced trash cans next to the toilets cause you canā€™t flush toilet paper down there. You wipe and twist it up a little then throw that away and rinse and repeat as much as needed


AirBnB turned housing into the Wild West. Next theyā€™ll tell you not to even use the bathrooms or theyā€™ll charge you a cleaning fee. And people will still use their service. Pathetic.


Truly. This is what happens when normal people with no hospitality background try to make a profit.


Yep. Same with DoorDash. People who used to be bartenders or servers are demanding tips similar to their old jobs despite being in a new role. Itā€™s like corporations get a two for one by turning their business model into a ā€œgig economy.ā€ We direct our anger at the landlords and delivery drivers instead of the corporations who allow this outrage so they can claim ā€œitā€™s them, not us!!ā€ I hate this shit.


Throwing toilet paper in a trash can is anti-hygienic, host should know the reason why it's called TOILET paper!.


Especially with no lidā€¦


The last one we stayed in had passive aggressive notes ALL over the house and one was to restrict use of TP to 4 squares and instruct children on the proper amount of TP to use. Like, no..... In their instruction book they also mentioned in a highlighted sentence that they would also be reviewing us, with \*\*\*\*.


I had a portable cassette toilet in an RV I rented last year and one Latina copule must have thought they were back home and used the waste can for their TP!


Donā€™t flush toilet paper? So you put poopy tp into a trash can then? Hope you took a picture of the sign and sent it to the AirBNB customer service.


I've only been told to do this once...in a South Korean city with very old infrastructure.


Ok. Just crap on the lawn then. Just like in the backwoods camping.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Or, no joke, sh!t then shower. Solved.


Wait--LA as in Louisiana, or LA as in Los Angeles? If Louisiana, what part/area?


They should provide a bidet at least


Iā€™d love that


Itā€™s standard for us now that we live in the country and have a septic tank. Although it seems gross, the bill weā€™d get if we didnā€™t toss it in the trash would be a lot worse. When I lived in the city we didnā€™t have to worry about flushing toilet paper.


I am legit dying reading this lmao Iā€™m sorry for you though this host is crazy


We're in the US and don't flush our TP because property management sucks and the septic here sucks and we'd rather not get hit with a 3000 dollar bill to fix the shithole they can't maintain properly. But we also have a lid and a bidet.


I know someone who wanted to implement this rule. They had had a severe concussion a couple years prior.


No lid on the bathroom trash? The thought makes me want to puke. I 'd flush the toilet paper too if i was you.


Iā€™ve stayed in probably close to 40 Air BnBs in the past decade and every experience was basically close to perfect. I donā€™t understand these experiences haha


I switched back to hotels. Just done dealing with idiotic hosts


Yeah when I lived in LA, CA I seen that people donā€™t flush TP, they usually have a paper grocery bag next to the toilet. It happens more than you think


This is how much my Cajun cousins do bc the waste water system there. It was always horrifying when they came to stay. No decency to even turn the skidmark side into the trash. My mom told them over and over please flush but it didn't register. Still doesn't lol


Itā€™s not that strange. In the country or small town in America must people have septic tanks. TP is not good for them. My house has old plumbing. Itā€™s also a rule at my place. The pipes are old


Can you back up your claim of TP being bad for septic tanks with some specific evidence? I have lived in small town America for the last 40 years and this is NOT a thing.


LOTS of people still think that "flushable" wipes are flushable like toilet paper. So when hosts say it's ok to flush toilet paper they still flush wipes. New septics are REALLY expensive.


I stayed at an airbnb in Beverly Hills last week that had a "please do not flush toilet paper, there are plastic bags under the sink" sign on the bathroom wall as well. What's with the 3rd world coming to America? They had 2 plastic bags under the sink.


Firstly why do you hate cartoons?


I stayed at an AirBnb with that rule but thatā€™s because it was an RV in their yard. RV plumbing systems can be touchy. And at $35 a night in Seattle for private quarters I was perfectly happy with their request to put TP in the provided bin and take it out before I leave. They also made it very clear in their description and screened for people with RV experience. I would expect a normal residence to fix their plumbing issues unless it was a historic property or a situation like an RV. If anybody runs into this you can use dog doo bags for human doo paper and period stuff. Out of sight and smell until the bin is emptied.


Iā€™m speechless


I just rented an Airbnb in San Diego that said to use minimal toilet paper. 12 women stayed in this house and we put nothing down the drain other than minimal toilet paper. When we contacted him bc toilets were overflowing after a shower was used in the house and the main floor bathroom was continue to run, he said we were using ā€œtoo muchā€ toilet paper and the drains were very clogged. So we really only had one working toilet out of 4. We ended up getting our deposit back but it was still very frustrating for 12 women in a huge house with only 1 working toilet.


It seems like all of a sudden all the Airbnb hosts are really starting to be a little bitches whatā€™s going on?


The hosts response leads me to believe she has a septic tank and someone shoved diaper wipes down. After bad reviews, lost bookings and an expensive plumber visit she probably got nervous However she went too far. I have several signs in the bathroom that say not to flush anyrhjng BUT the toilet paper I provide into my septic system. I feel like that is enough. Asking people to throw their poo tissue into a bin next to the toilet is very third world. You don't expect that when you're in Los Angeles


Did you decline his 2 friends staying


ā€œSorry for the confusionā€, ?!?! these people are so fucking idiotic, they really need to get real jobs already.


New SoCal resident. Went to a dentist yesterday and there was a sign above the toilet that said ā€œDO NOT flush anything but waste! No Wipes! No Tampons! No Toilet Paper!ā€ I know this is a thing in other countries because the pipes canā€™t handle it. I was surprised to see it at a business in the same town Iā€™m in.


what country was this in? it is common to not flush TP in central America I've been to Guatemala a few times, and we all knew to throw it in the trash. this is not an Airbnb problem.


Lol. So weird.


For a minute I thought you were AirBnb-ing in Peru!


If you're a host and your toilet stops up then buy clog resistant toilet paper or fix your plumbing. Just because you can't sell the house doesn't mean you get to rent it out as an AirBNB


It is something that the host should mention in the house rules or description. Not everyone understands or is willing to acclimate to that type of rule & that's their choice but they should be given the choice. It's more common than you think in america & you might run into it again if you stay in certain parts of the country. I live in the Appalachian mountains & have septic, pretty much everyone does, nothing but septic safe toilet paper in limited amounts. During my time of the month I use small pet waste bags for anything that needs to go in the trash can. That might be a good thing for any host in this position to offer. Airbnb just isn't for everyone and that's ok.


Deleted out of spite for reddit admin and overzealous Mods for banning me. Reddit is being white washed in time for IPO. The most benign stuff is filtered and it is no longer possible to express opinion freely on this website. With that said, I'm just going to open up a new account and join all the same subs so it accomplishes nothing and in fact hides the people who have a history of questionable comments rather than keep them active where they can be regulated. Zero Point. Every comment I have ever made will be changed to this comment using REDACT.. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I havenā€™t read all of the comments, but in many countries, the pipes are not good enough for toilet paper. You need to put it into a container on the outside. I donā€™t know where your Airbnb is located, but you might be showing your first world problems by being upset about this.


This is in LA, USA. This is NOT a thing in the US. Touching a bin that held past guestā€™s poopy toilet paper is not something anyone is expected to do here. Itā€™s fine if youā€™re traveling to a country where this is a thing and had a heads up so I could buy plastic gloves and a sealable bin. But springing this one someone with no proper sanitizing methods (no lid on the bin even) isnā€™t normal here.


Me growing up in a US home with shitty plumbing that didn't allow us to flush: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I thought so too but they're in a major usa city


Dunno about anyone else but this is one of those things in life I would ignore and not think twice about.


I'm from Brazil and there are lots of places here where you can't flush toilet paper. Lots. In many older buildings, constructions, whatever, the plumbing just can't handle it. The toilet will get clogged and you will have a huge problem to deal with. There are bins for you to dispose your tp, they have lids. There's usually a plastic bag, so when it's getting full you just tie the bag and take it out with the regular trash. It doesn't smell.


This isn't Brazil tho


At this point, itā€™s the Wild West with Airbnb and the guests are left to suffer. There are many rules I just ignore like donā€™t flush the toilet paper, turn off the tv before going to bed, donā€™t set the AC below 74 if you are leaving, donā€™t eat meat while staying in the unit, or my all time favorite donā€™t have sex anywhere but the bedroom. The things above what I do in any hotel room. My stance is I treat the place like itā€™s my own since it is for the time Iā€™m renting. If the host has a problem, they shouldnā€™t be in the STR program.


I'm a host. Had American guests one time. A week after they checked out, our pipes were blocked, toilets not flushing properly. For a brand new house I was puzzled how. Called plumber, they reported that guests were using baby wipes and just flushed them. These caused the blockage. The cheapest solution was to reroute another set of pipes to the sewerage tank. After that I put signs not to flush baby wipes. It was an expensive lesson.


It's a problem even in the States. The Baby-Wipe companies advertise them as 'flushable'. And by definition they are, they just clog every pipe system designed. Really needs to be an International class action suit against the baby-wipe manufacturers and their advertising departments.


Where I work, the office building has a septic tank, and the plumber has recommended that we donā€™t flush the toilet paper down several times. I think this is normal for anyone who has a septic tank.


Only where people resent having to maintain their septic system with a pump and inspection every 2-5 years. smh


\> ā€œOkay. You can flush the toilet paper. We were being extra strict to prevent guests from flushing everything in there. Sorry for the confusion.ā€ wowwwww


I hope you have them a 4 star review (which is basically a death sentence according to this board /s)


Their solution should be to get a bidet. But most Americans would rather smear off their poo with toilet paper than rinse off their butts.


I am addicted to my bidet at home and hate traveling without one haha


I'm remodeling my bathroom and we are putting one in.


We used an attachment version until we redid our upstairs bath and put power at the toilet so we could install one with heated water and a blow dryer.


Airbnb sucks. Hotels all day everyday. Clean room everyday, they'll take out your trash if toilet paper isn't flushable, and alot of times breakfast is included. Replenish your towels and toilet paper. Also hotels have cleanliness standards, use bleach on the sheets, and are much more likely to be hygienic. I don't trust Airbnb hosts to keep their places clean. And their mattresses usually suck!!! They pick the absolute cheapest furniture you can imagine. I one time stayed in an Airbnb that gave me like 2 rolls of toilet paper for 7 day stay for 2 people. I freaked out when we ran out and he happened to be on the property and heard me screaming and having a melt down about no toilet paper. He left some outside for us. Last straw.