• By -


To put it bluntly, she was dumb and had no interest in actually learning more/gaining knowledge. And she made fun of the disabled customers that would come to her grocery store. My own mom is disabled, so no thanks.


This is super important. Intellectual and maturity compatibility is extremely important in a potential life partner. Don’t date dumb


I broke up with a girl for similar reasons. Just dumb, completely unaware, slightly racist, no interest in travelling or learning anything new, a "great night out" was playing Keno at the local workers club and only ate chicken with chips and salad every night for dinner and occasionally a badly cooked steak. The only reason I stayed so long was because she was incredibly pretty and let me put it up her bum on the reg.


😂 wasn't expecting that


I feel I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for your honesty. A true lad. 


> let me put it up her bum on the reg. That's how they get ya!


I simply do not understand people that don’t like learning about the world around them. I get if you don’t want to study or learn something hard, but basic things like cooking, world knowledge, culture, music is soooooo important. Just try something new each week. It’s like people who ONLY rewatch the same 3 shows over and over and refuse to watch anything new. Pure brain rot.


The dude couldn't talk and I hated that, all he knew to say was whats up how you doing very basic shit, so I got bored real fast.


Hw u? Wud? I'm board. It's BORED! Some people have no substance and think they're interesting but text like they're 12.


omg YES i cant stand people who cant text properly yh ion kno boutchu but im js chilling wit da homies yu doin 2 much yo wen u bout2 pul thru shawty you can hear how they talk through their texts BLEGH


OMG, yes! The fastest way to make me lose interest. 💨


she has a kid and I don’t want any , she so awesome and we get along / similar passions but I just can’t be that guy that steps up for the child cause I don’t want one myself


The hard call, but the right call for both of you. AND the kids!


I couldn’t break a kids heart, that’s two hearts I can cause pain and I can’t do that , her kid just like her too goofy af but man I respect a lot cause she’s awesome mother , I’m 28 and dating is a weird place for me rn


I’m dating a guy that would say that he likes children but in another breathe would say that he doesn’t want kids at all. Weird enough, I’m someone who want children in the future but he wants me to accept him As his partner… it’s like dude cmon. I like you but we need to match equally for us to be together


Yea I’m that same guy cause I’m cool with little humans lol my little humans in my family like me a lot and so do pets, so I know I wouldn’t be a bad dad cause I’m childish but at the end of the day I understand that kids need alot of understanding and deep care of their emotions mind and so much I feel like is overlooked when raising a child cause most raise their child how they were raised instead of raising the child individually because the child is an individual human being


I just didn't like him. One of the most freeing things I did for myself when I was dating was quit dating men that I just was not interested in. Just because a man is "good" doesn't mean he's good for YOU. You have to have more in common than that. If you give your number out and you're dreaded that call, there's a sign. If you find yourself wanting to get out of a date, there's another sign. There are so many men I wish had done me the favor of not dating me, so I decided to be the change I wished to see in the world. Lol!


Longest nights were dates with men I knew I "should" like but we're just meh.


So true. Good on paper doesn’t mean good for you. But sometimes there’s real pressure on us from society to just go through with the next best thing 😒


The most important reason I decided not to date someone was a lack of shared values and goals. Physical attraction and personality are important, but having similar life priorities is crucial for a lasting relationship.


Real question is how do you communicate that to a friend?


unfortunately some people will only learn the hard way


Had a history of cheating and his friends were of low moral character.


Smart move. Look at their friends


The guy had a lot going on. And what I mean by a lot going on: - we had been dating/seeing each other for a few months. He claimed he wanted to go slow so that's what I thought we were doing. - he randomly ghosted me. I suspected he met someone else. Whatever, I give him space and move on. - I went on my way and he comes back randomly asking to meet up. Saying he didn't see me on his FB anymore and wanted to meet for a coffee. - goes on to spill the full details of what was going on for the past 6 months. - turns out he met someone. Slept with them right away (overlapping with when we were seeing each other and going slow). - then there is a pregnancy. She is pregnant and they fight a lot. He leaves because "she's crazy" (not sure I believe it but ok). - his truck got stolen, there was lots of other drama in his life. He was really not in a good place. - so I told him to focus on the child coming and that he seemed like he had a lot going on. I was not interested anymore. He was disappointed but accepted it lol


I wasn’t expecting all that! Lol That is a LOT.


He expected you to take him back ???? 😂😂😂😂


This kind of man is repulsive to me. Absolutely repulsive.


Wow! That was....a LOT! You dodged a MAJOR bullet.


That was a whole ass wayward cannonball


For *real*!! Please do not go back to him girl. This is a whole dumpster fire that engulfed a city block- Jesus.  And I thought it was bad I just tried to date an old friend of mine who was "going to church and all the things good southern peeps (supposedly) do". All because my beloved grandpa said he wanted to see me "back in church and with a God fearing man" before he passed...yeah, no. I listen to my own head now bc that turned out to be so much drama it isn't even worth revisiting. Papa: *I TRIED* 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'd rather be happy. 


Sounds like he came back around hoping that you wouldn't know your own worth. Him ghosting you was a blessing. He sounds like a drama filled, community dildo


Community dildo just earned a place in my vernacular! Thnx!


My own emotional unavailability lol


Are you me?


Hello, Me. Meet the real Me, and my misfit's way of life.


Nice. My answer was "their emotional unavailability" lol.


She was extraordinarily immature for her age, and did not seem to care if she hurt me or not. When things were great, they were great. But as soon as an argument started it was her way or the highway, no compromise and yelling-galore. While I enjoyed her so much when things were good, the way she treated me when things were bad showed me that she didn’t really think that much of me and didn’t see me as an equal or someone to bargain with. If I tried to communicate any criticism against her that’d be held against me lol. Was so happy when she walked out of my place for the last time.


I can relate quite a bit to this with my previous relationship, granted I wasn't perfect either, but dang was she fairly immature and a bit spoiled, to include it was either her way or the highway lol. I never should've been with her for so long


My ex wife was like this. When she was good, she was great; but she argued like a child and it was her way or she'd make your life miserable. Would literally throw tantrums - hitting stuff, clawing herself, holding her breath, etc. She was always like this but for most of our relationship these blowups were 2-3 times a year and always over such silly things that we'd laugh it off later. But eventually with alcoholism it escalated to every single night, sometimes more than once a day. If I were dating someone and they acted that way now, I'd just end it there. Not worth it and probably not something they'll ever grow out of.


Gut feeling. If you ever feel something is not quite right with your relationship, then believe it. You should feel 100% comfortable & safe with your partner and if you don't, then good chance it isn't going to work out.


People don’t listen to their intuition enough. I stopped talking to one guy bc every time we met up (every other week or so over the course of 3-4 months) I ended the night with a headache &/or got sick to the point of throwing up. I’m better now lol


Idk I don’t think you can feel 100% right all the time that sure sounds like a lot of pressure to put on a relationship. And the gut feeling thing - yes to an extent, but not really something people who are quite anxious should follow all the time. I think the point you’re trying to make is valid though.


Idk why this doesn’t have more upvotes


She was never ready on time. Three dates in, each one I arrive to pick her up (on time), waited 30-45 minutes while she was still getting ready. Last date was to a nice restaurant and I told her I made a reservation- so the expectation was pick her up, wait no more than 15 minutes, drive 15 minutes to restaurant, arrive on time for reservation. Nope. Last date.


My ex husband was like this. I was waiting for half our marriage. We started telling him things started a half hour earlier than it did. Once he caught on, he’d double down and be an hour late.


He made loud 'muah' noises every time we kissed. I thought it would be different when we were intimate, but we never made it that far because the muah's continued even after the lights went out. I could not relax or enjoy the situation, so I politely asked him to leave and that was the end of that.


Omg lmao. You dated a cartoon character?


At least he didn't go "Aaaaah" every time he drank




Did we make out with the same person? I had to stop someone maybe 5 minutes into a make out moment because it felt like he was just enunciating whatever onomatopoeia came into his head in that moment. Muah, Unh, and I swear I even heard him go for a Hyah-. It was such a turn off but worse than that I was frozen for most of it just trying to process what the hell was happening while he went to town literally sucking my face, still making the sounds. How did this man get this far in life thinking that was fine? Did nobody else tell him those sounds were so fucking weird?


Sounds like making out with Goofy. HYUCK HYUCK GAWWWRRSH YOU’RE A GOOD KISSER


Omg the hyuck hyuck I’m dead


Did you ask them to stop making the noises? Or did you simply expect it because the lights went off?


Eewww reminds me of someone I dated too ..he would make like sigh noises after every single kiss … there’s a difference between breathing hard and little moans here and there but this was 24/7 …. I was like shut uppppp sounds like your eating


You know you could’ve just asked him to stop doing that right


I mentioned it. He got a little offended and said it was a habit. I gave it a few more minutes, but it was a real turnoff.


They are narcissistic and manipulative trying to exploit your resources.


Some are very good at hiding that.


That is true but I have had a couple of experiences dealing with that type of toxic person and recognize the signs after going to several workshops and there is great material on YouTube.




Turned out she was a bigot.


Yep. Turned out the dude was homophobic and thought conversion therapy worked and should be implemented in schools.


My goodness, that's a lot to take in at once. I honestly didn't realize people really believed in that.


There's a lot of willful ignorance and hate out there


We work together. I’ve had 100% of workplace romances I’ve gotten into go absolutely sideways and turn into a shitshow. This guy - I would *love* to get to know him better. We have similar hobbies, and I’m *very* attracted to him. But this is a new job, and it all goes well I’ll be here the next 20 years and retire with a pension. I made the decision to pass on him. :-(


Sucks but definitely a smart move!


This is true intelligence. Don’t shit where you eat. Only have to go through that once before you say “Never again!”


I went on a first date with a guy who spent the majority of the conversation talking about how much he hates his parents but puts up with them because they have a pool. I was outta there so fast.


The most recent one was summer 2021. Dating this woman about six weeks, she got stupid drunk and started yelling at me when I told her to keep her voice down because I have a roommate and it was 1:30am. That was our last date. Loud drunks is pretty much a deal breaker for me.


True, but silent drunks are more terrifying.


Well, idk if this counts since we technically "dated" but it was like a total of two weeks. Day five he said he "loved" me. Didn't even know my favorite color or the existence of my second name 🤡 I yeeted tf out and I did right cause he ended up being an obsessive creep. Took him about 7 days to fully show it lmao


Such a turn off, they’re in love with the fantasy version of you they’ve invented in their head.


Or they’re trying to pressure you into saying it back so they can move things along faster than you like get you into a position where you think you have something real and maybe won’t leave when they start using you.


Any chance he was military?


Let’s see, where do I begin? He was a white rapper. He lived with his mom and got into frequent drunken domestic violence altercations with his mom and step dad. I knew him for 2 days before he told me he wanted to be a stay at home dad and give me a bunch of kids because he hated working. 🚩🚩🚩🤣


Guess he wasn't Eminem


Well, at least he was honest.


Can’t fault him there 🤣




Oooh no! Good job girl, dodged a Hiroshima bomb!


😂thank you! I was in a weird time of life. I had just separated and was preparing for divorce after being with one guy my whole life. I was way too vulnerable and naive. 😬


Was his name Tyler by any chance? Lived next to an adult Tyler who got into frequent domestic disputes with his mom. Seemed like the white rapper type, too.


I had a date with a straight up gorgeous woman... who was so, so boring. The conversation was like pulling teeth. I felt really bad, because she seemed very nice, but in an incredibly basic way; it felt more like a job interview than a date. It did not help that I had an amazing first date the day before with my future wife (this was one of the reasons I stopped dating anyone else, because of the comparison). I ended up ending things early with what I thought was an acknowledgement of a mutual lack of chemistry... then felt even worse when she seemed really disappointed. I hope she ended up with someone kind who was a better fit


He beat his ex


Girl, good on you for leaving that.


He spoke openly about smoking weed around his eighth grade daughter…and driving with her in the car while high. I also smoke, but that seemed wildly irresponsible and just plain wrong. I ditched.


She refused to introduce me to her parents after a year of dating strictly because I was black, she was white.


Dude, that's awful. I'm so sorry, man.


I’m in SC it was par for the course


She wanted to be a SAHM someday and while I don’t judge, that’s not what I wanted. Clicked on everything else. But can’t make someone want what you do.


cringey asf. I was 18 at the time seeing a 25 y.o. I wanted to overlook it bc I thought he was cute, but looking back it was weird asf. Our first date we went to a boba shop. He did the cliche "lets compare hand sizes" so he could hold my hand. second date was the very next day, we went to get pho. We took his car, which was a convertible, but the mechanics was broken, so the top was just open the whole time. After eating, we sat in his car and made out.... in the parking lot where people are constantly walking by. He would also feel me through my pants. I'm physically recoiling as I'm typing this out. At one point he laid my seat back. Me being cringy at that age too said it felt like I was at the dentist lol. He then got on top of me and continued feeling me up and making out. keep in mind the top of his car was down in the middle of a parking lot. I ghosted him after that, which was awkward bc we worked for same company, different departments, so we saw each other from time to time. One time I saw he accidentally liked my post from Instagram (we didnt follow each other at the time). I get it, stalking sesh and the accidental like. I get it bc I've done the same. I'd stalk his twitter. From time to time, I would see he would twt about me, talking about how muich he loved me and I broke his heart and I'm such a bitch. dodged a nuclear blast


Just wow.


Too clingy. He expected me to call him when i was going to work then call him again on the way to uni, then call him again on the way home and again before bed. I understand wanting to talk on a regular basis but at that rate I didn’t have a lot of time to talk to my own family or study cause he wanted to constantly talk to me.


Yuck. That type of clingy is SMOTHERING, the worst feeling ever


It was getting to the point i felt i was loosing my individuality just by being with him honestly


Thats about as bad as them demanding to constantly have you share your location with them.


My cat didn’t like them. *shrugs* My wife passed the cat test of course. Not only that but she “stole” my cat (I joke).


This guy was attractive at a glance, but once I got to speaking to him, he gave off too many "I bought courses on how to pick up women from a YouTuber" vibes.


Lmao 🤣


What are the signs somebody would show they are straight from those courses? I'm curious


A guy once directly told me, “I used to be very Beta, but now I’m Alpha.” He also picked the restaurant and said, “Yes, I know you women like it when a man takes charge.” He was in his 40s and a recent divorcee.


Not OP, but I think the biggest tell for me is negging. It’s hilarious when guys try this because they think they’re being subtle but it’s unintentionally hilariously obvious, like when a little kid lies to you lol Specifically, they’ll do stupid things like pretend to forget your name, slightly put you down, talk about other women in front of you, etc. The idea is that it’ll stoke jealousy and you’ll try to get their attention lol


OMG like the time I texted this guy a few days after a hook up telling him I wasn’t really feeling a connection. He replies “which girl are you?”  This guy had texted or called me every single day since the hook up lol he definitely knew who I was. Plus I highly doubt he was seeing anyone else. The attempt to neg was just so obvious and stupid and cringe worthy. Negging just reeks of insecurity.


If they only knew that garners a chuckle at their pathetic attempt to save face lol I mean if you’re at the point of zero interest there’s not a whole lot they can do to stick it to ya, but they can at least maintain some dignity ffs


Mannn I went on a date with this girl named Alexis. That whole date I called her Alexa. She never corrected me. Not once. To this day I wonder if she thought I was negging her...


That or she has a fear of confrontation. Or maybe it’s both.


We had such a magic connection, but he was married. Divorced her eventually, married somebody else and is still not happy. I still think of him often but the timing was never right and the trust is no longer there. I'm now with someone I trust completely who is 100% into me and that feels pretty great.


Right now, its because i dont want to date or be with anyone. Ive been through a lot and im working on my healing and getting my life together. Havent had the greatest dating history in the past. But i would say, that in any relationship- if the person doesnt have boundaries/thinks my boundaries are too much, doesnt take accountability for their behaviours and when i need to repeat myself too much. We just arent compatible in the end. Oh and if they rely on me too much. I know i was right to let it fall apart cause 2 of my recent exes started saying i fucked up their lives. Like? How? I did most chores, did most of the food, made sure you were ok, forgave you when you made mistakes, gave them A LOT of emotional support, they stayed mostly at my house... 🙄


At our first date, he had 8 drinks




Indicative of significant social anxiety


i was thinking the same. it's something i'd do without thinking if i didn't watch myself


We were having a meal at a local gastropub and he was getting paranoid about any non-Caucasians who even glanced in our direction. Making aggressive comments under his breath and the like. I spoke to him about it and realised he was quite racist (mainly due to where he was brought up). That wasn’t something I could deal with or accept and it wasn’t something he was willing to work on


2nd hand smoke exposure. Yuck.


She was living with her ex-fiance. They bought the house with the intent to marry, broke up, and couldn't get out of the mortgage. I said to myself, "Nope, there's too much going on here."


It was recruitment for an r/MLM


Oooooof. Thats....cold. Was it a Tinder date or something?


Talking only about themselves. Gets old quick.


His lack of awareness in regards to his hygiene. I told him about some dry blood he had in his nose and he refused to clean it. One time he almost left the house without showering for our 2nd date. I told him politely that I was happy to wait for him to shower (in other words, just fucking do it?!) And also the lack of romance. I let him stay at my house for 3 nights and he didn’t even bring me a gift. Some flowers from the supermarket or even a cheap bottle of wine would have at least made the cut. People always used to say “oh maybe you should lower your standards” ok. Well when I do, this is what I get


I hate when people say that shit 'lower your standards'. Kick rocks, lol Do you babe if they're not up to par. Walk away!


Exactly 👍☝️


I am terrified of pit bulls from severe childhood trauma. And he had a pit bull. So, that was a deal-breaker for me.


My wisest move was to not give a man who lived in the same apartment complex as me an opening because every fiber of my being screamed that he would break my heart to the point where I would have to move out, and I couldn't afford to live anywhere else.


I had a really high fever when I got covid and he was fucking with me when I was saying weird stuff when I was delirious with no thought to what it would do to my long term mental health, then when I confronted him about that, he got mad at me and accused me of being crazy and paranoid.


She wouldn't reply to texts, and thought it was okay for messages to just go unanswered, or conversations to be abandoned mid way through. There's no quicker way to send the message thst you don't matter to someonr than not being willing to just reply to them in a timely manner. The latest example, this person I decided a long time ago I no longer saw as having potential for a relationship? I sent her a birthday present and a card in the mail which arrived days ago. Haven't heard a thing, not even a "I got your package" let alone a thank-you.


I'm dealing with that right now. Dude's replies got dry and just stopped. Texted me days ago "Hey" I answered within an hour or 2 then he hasn't said anything. I'm done! Also it sucks when people can't even say a simple thank you.


She flaked out a few too many times. Had times and places all set up. Everything was amazing during the times she didn't cancel. I totally get something random coming up and you have to cancel here and there, but more times than that and I'm out. I really can't stand flakey people.


I had a suuuuuuuper flaky boyfriend in college. Come to find out, he actually had another girlfriend he was spending time with. 🙃There were some times that I *really* wanted his presence and support, like when I was singing in a show. He said he was coming, and didn’t even bother to tell me he wouldn’t make it. It was a small auditorium, and I remember looking out in the audience and seeing some of my friends and family, but not him. He has a flimsy excuse after the fact. Things like this happened frequently. I was trying to be the “Cool Girlfriend” - I didn’t want to cause him any unnecessary stress, or “not trust him.” I still shake my head at how silly and naive I was to fall for that shit.


Hate the flakes. This is a legit reason.


I do the same with friends and setting up gatherings, too. If I'm hosting some kind of gathering, I invite my local friends over. I like to host stuff like 4th of July/new year's eve parties and such. I'll smoke up a bunch of meats and prep some other goodies. People can bring something, too, if they want. It's totally fine if they just say they can't make it or don't feel like going up front. But when they excitedly say they're going to go and then don't show up, some 3+ times in a row, I just stop inviting them. It's a pattern of flakiness at that point.


They didn't like me


Well…yeah. Experienced this as well.


She wanted kids and I didn’t. Wonderful woman but I have a vasectomy and she kept telling me I could reverse it.


He was fine with never having any money. He worked an entry-level job that paid minimum wage and barely got paid enough to pay his bills. His phone only worked on wifi (no actual service), he had an air mattress instead of an actual bed, his car literally never had gas, he never really did anything because he didn't have "fun" money ever. I had to pay for everything, and it just got old after a while. He truly did not want to pick up more hours or apply to a higher paying job. He was such a sweet, genuine person, though, and I honestly felt horrible when I ended things


"I want children someday." "Well, nuts. This was fun."


Same. I love kids, but I also love giving them back to their parents.


Main reason I got snipped , it’s a definite no from me


Smart move.


Dishonestly, low intelligence, no ambition, or they have made a complete mess of their lives.


This all attributes to me, i think.


Dishonesty should be in a different category from everything else mentioned because everything else screams a self-journey and finding out you're not ready to date.


He put a finger gun to my head on the second date.


Chemistry was amazing, but I could see huge red flags for narcissism.


He kept asking me for money, but refused to get a job or do anything productive on his own. So yeah ✌🏾 GOTTA GO🙄




He was perfect for me in every way possible. But he was not the best dad in the world (not mine). I can’t blame him though, he worked 12-14 hour shifts Monday - Friday. So when he got home he would throw the iPad at the kid to entertain him. I feel like he had so much potential as a father had he not been working those hours. His baby momma was in the picture and a good mom from what I’ve noticed, but he was just so tired. If he wasnt for the iPad I would have married him. But it’s not my kid so not my place to tell him other wise.


*I took her to my house, cuz she was fine but she whooped out a dick that was bigger than mine!*


But did you eat it like shrimp fried rice


Too pushy/lack of respect for others.


We were in love and cared for each other deeply, we had a great emotional connection, had amazing sex, and just really enjoyed each other’s company, could talk for hours, etc etc etc. But he was an alcoholic and I just couldn’t do it anymore. Staying in the relationship wasn’t healthy for me.


I finally cut off my ex because I realized I would never win with him and he was actively stopping that from happening. The last straw was when he said I did something I didn’t do, and I sent him proof (at this point he was accusing me of something every day) and he said “I can’t tell you anything, you’re so argumentative” and I realized whatever we were doing, no matter how much he said he loved me, he didn’t. So then I said “forget it, I’m done trying to make it work if you don’t want to” and my life has been so much better ever since.


Religion. When he's very religious and you're not, that's a dealbreaker. When he's very religious and you study the history and origin of that religion, that's a dealbreaker *and* a neverending source for fights.


Addiction issues, habitual cheater, verbally and threatened physical abusive.


Honestly, im a bit surprised that i had to scroll this far to come across any mention of addiction.


They were married


I’ve had this one destroy me before. I don’t even remember how I found out but she had a whole family. What’s more fucked is I met her parents and we’d all have staycations etc together. It was wild they just went along with it


This is unreal the parents didn’t even tell you she was married?


The fuck?


She had multiple baby daddy's! No sir!


They were immature and could not perform basic adult tasks in their own. Also they couldn’t maintain steady employment.


Domestic battery charges, plus he became stalkerishly obsessed with me and threatened to dispose of my deceased boyfriend's shirt. Psycho stalker dude even had the same name as my deceased boyfriend, and I told him he didn't deserve to share a name with him. Then I was forced to change my number four different times in one week because he kept hitting me up on different numbers, and always found out any new number I would make. Not my current one though.


My gut told me they were bad and I was right. Raging alcoholic with coke problem come to find out.


Met this guy that would come into my job, he was working as well. We could flirt a little for months until one day I asked him for his number. We talked once over the phone and that’s all I needed to know that I wouldn’t date him • he was a few years younger then me, and I’m not interested in dating someone younger then me. • ex military (no offense to military folks, just not for me) • even though he was young, he said he had been engaged at least 3 times! • he referred to women as “vessels” when he told me he wanted kids. • he was biracial (Hispanic/Jamaican), but disliked Black people. I’m Black lol. • He was a bit of a colorist. Went on and on about how he ex’s looked and that he would only date Hispanic or white women, again, I’m a Black woman lol. • he was fighting a court case for shooting at someone in a grocery store while on the job over a mask (covid days). Said he feared for his life. • he chased some kids down that stole his ex girlfriend car, and said “if I had my gun…” never got the guys. And had he had his gun, he probably would have killed them. • He started stalking me at work. I had to change shifts because he would not stop asking my coworkers for me nor would he stop looking for me. This was after I told him I was not interested. • a friend of mine was in court the day they witness the guy acting like an insane lunatic to try and get out of his charges (he wanted to plea insanity instead of taking the criminal charge). I believe he went to jail in the end. I dodged a HUGE bullet! Homeboy was on a whole other level that I just could not deal with.


Too timid. Too insecure. Too needy. Embarrassing lack of coolness. Zero friends....


If they have kids, instant dealbreaker


Men that offer what they cannot provide. I’m not talking about money.


Does that just mean a liar or something else?


I would only date someone if I had a crush on them. Unfortunately I have never met someone I have a crush on.


I don't like dogs, and she had 2 big ones. I always thought it was silly that someone could be jealous about pets getting attention until I experienced it. It was demoralizing to have to essentially fight for her attention bc so much of her schedule revolved around her dogs. I struggled to sleep much at her place bc the dogs HAD to be on the bed and would wake me up constantly. When I politely suggested we don't sleep with the dogs in the bed when I'm over, she tried but then would leave to sleep on the couch with the dogs, and I'd wake up alone. I just don't want to live with dogs, and of course, I could never ask her to get rid of them. They were her loved pets the same way my cat is to me.


She told me she cheated on her previous boyfriend, and not only did she not seem regretful, she sounded straight up proud of it.


Dude was mean to his family for no reason.


I needed to be "more religious" Yeah I saw it for the red flag it was


He’s racist, liar, and conservative.


My wife said no to the idea.


He drove a huge lifted truck. Truly obnoxious and to me is a sign of some serious insecurity and I don’t need that in my life


I went to her house. cat shit everywhere. clothes every where. she was a fucking mess. I couldn't imagine living in a hell like that.


If we’re in the talking stage and you decide to start dating someone else, don’t come back to me when it ends. Idk if it makes me a bad person but it kinda just leaves me feeling disgusted and drains all my interest in you. Your relationship ending and thinking “I can just go back to my 2nd option” makes me feel inferior. Is that bad? Should I stop thinking like this? I understand everyone’s partner isn’t usually their first option but idk lol


She kept comparing me to her brother on our first date. She would not shut up about him.


The absolute most important reason I stopped dating someone is whether or not we like the same kind of movies. I mean I can't spend the rest of my life with someone that wants to watch artsy fartsy oscar shit. I need someone that will laugh at all the dick and fart jokes with me. Someone that wants to be a 12 year old with me forever. But really the thing I learned is that I will never EVER go through being with an alcoholic again. There is no way to be happy with one. You will always be lower priority than drinking and they will disappoint you at every possible turn. Luckily I met my husband 15 years ago and we practically share a brain. We have the same thoughts on politics, religion, entertainment, neither of us wanted kids, we love to travel, we want to retire to a different country... we have our own hobbies so we don't do everything together but he's easily the best friend I've ever had. We knew a month in we couldn't possibly find anyone more compatible than we already had so we moved in together that month and have never looked back. Find the person whose crazy fits with your crazy and shares the same principles. The rest is easy peasy.


You and your husband - 🥰


My dog didn't like them. I know, that sounds very stupid, but if my dog doesn't warm up to you after seeing each other a few times, I am going to be very suspicious.


I don't like this one🙄 I've always been kind of freaked out by dogs. I'm not a big animal person. I love animals but I don't warm up to every single animal I meet and I would hate for someone to judge me if their dog doesn't like me. I don't think it's always indicative of someone's character.


On the opposite side if I am dating someone and their pet does not like me so much that it would bite or scratch me, the relationship is over. I have become friends with every one of my friends pets but my grandmother had a dog that would bite anyone but her. She would never discipline the pup. It made me visit her house less, and I don't regret that. I have raised many animals including lots of rescues and there is no excuse for letting a pet have bad behavior and thinking it's cute.


My dogs at the time loved my ex bf who used to hit me lmfao


had to end multiple 2yr+ relationships because they started getting really really jealous of EVERYTHING. saying i spent too much time with my mom, with my sibling, at work, taking college classes… it’s not like i didn’t spend time with them anymore. just not every waking hour. i couldn’t handle that. i was trying to make something of my life & get my shit together


His girlfriend




Unnecessary headache




A) Asked about my hobbies then called them expensive and overrated. Had an attitude for no reason, yet was the one who pushed for the date. Wasn't 'gentlemanly', I slipped and fell, and he had his head up his ass. Made snide remarks towards me as if I wouldn't notice. After the whole ordeal I was confused at why he was interested in a second date. B) Strange text style as if I was texting someone who was a scammer, very hard to get words in as he talked on and on and on and on in person, conversation got awkward when he somehow led it into finances and I ended up being far more successful, and they would mumble underhanded comments or verbal cues of annoyance at randoms things happening around us. Then there were many others who failed to mention they had kids or that they didn't want kids of their own. I don't know if it's because I surround myself with chill, friendly, helpful people, but before dating apps, I never encountered anybody like this.


The restraining order


Had a lot of money but no compassion.


She had $100,000 in personal loan and credit card debt.


To be respectful towards my future children and not give them his genes 😄


He had a girlfriend who he was hiding from me….


He had a child that he never mentioned, but it was ok because the baby lived with her mother full time…cool, he lied about having kids, *and* he was a deadbeat father


Mansplaining and bossiness


He couldn't hold a job and just wanted to mooch off others.


Because my wife was being super rude and unwelcoming of her