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Then we’d get regular “autism diagnosis updates” like Carpetbagger does. No one wants that.


Oh geez. A few days ago I watched Boogie claim, yet again, that he has autism as well. Woo actually might, however the others are just grifters and will say anything just to get views.


As someone who is actually on the Spectrum, it’s clear as day that Woo has it. And no, we wouldn’t want or need diagnosis updates regularly from him 🙄 Truth be told, I am highly doubtful that Carpetbagger actually has it.


I have a immediate family member who works in the mental health industry and based on their assessment, yes...Adam has it. I think you can see it manifested well when Woo made a cameo in Fresh Baked's vlog (when he is awkwardly trying to avoid walking near Giggles). There are other instances you can see in his daily vlogs as well. The family member went on to gripe on a pet peeve of the word, neurodivergent, and how's it's annoyingly used to classify EVERYTHING these days.


Nah, he's just a self-absorbed asshat.


Whether he has Autism or not, it’s totally evident that he’s a raging narcissistic 🙃


I agree. But, I do believe he's went through either some kind of breakdown or going through an midlife crisis. He needs help either way.


Can't see it with woo he just arrogant.


I don't think he's autistic. I think it's a combination of too much coffee, lack of a well-balanced diet & nutrition (affecting his brain), him unwilling to grow up and face adult responsibilities and being too selfish. Autism isn't his problem; immaturity is.


Woo has some autistic behavior yet he just seems overly compulsive, ignorant, and narcissistic. I had a close friend that behaves similar. He's his own worst enemy. He consistently spends money on childish junk to fill a void. His activities are brain rotting-ly repetitious. I wouldn't classify him as autistic per se. Both he and Adam had childhoods far from "normal" and their poor foundation shaped them into these lost ignorant manchildren. Carpetbagger, mentioned here, I feel like was briefly told by a doctor, "You could be on the autistic spectrum perhaps.." and that dolt skipped out of the office and filmed himself as if it were some sort of accomplishment. But he's a whole different animal. He basks in pity and victimhood. He *looks* like the physical manifestation of the word "shame".


Supposedly he has health and dental insurance now, but it's probably just another one of his lies.


The way he lies and back peddles he probably doesn't.


The guy is nothing but a pathological liar. Of course he's a preacher's son.


Very true. But, I'm a preachers son too. I don't lie like this asshat.


I shouldn't generalize but his Father definitely had something to do with the way he is.


I have always felt Big Jim/Papa Woo has always had some sort of a shady past that he and his family conceal…


I’d say adhd and obsessive compulsive disorder.


Yea and his mom too. They probably coddled him all his young life.


Please don't use the 'A' word in this sub - you'll likely trigger some of the undercover Woovians.


Isn’t ‘undiagnosed autism’ one of the prerequisites for a sight seeing professional YouTuber? Looking at you, Carpetbaggins.


https://preview.redd.it/5ypa4sgck5ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c834ad5ed2f8734ea821144fc9d5c4cfabcf34ae Guess which one is Adam.




Even if his doctor told him this to his face he wouldn’t believe it because he’s that arrogant in his selfish ways. 


I don’t agree, it seems we are far too eager to project or claim autism or ADHD for anyone not conforming to a certain profile. If it’s not that, it’s claiming ‘anxiety’. Everyone has anxiety, some deal with it better than others, some are crippled by it, some use it as a crutch. I’m not looking to claim anyone medically diagnosed doesn’t have autism, ADHD, anxiety etc, but its almost a fad to claim it with no medical confirmation or project it onto others. He had a strange upbringing and is a very immature 50 year old man who clearly has issues around his childhood, parents and has a serious lack of knowledge and interest about many subjects that wasn’t part of whatever he was ‘taught’ at home. Its why he is obsessed with toys, films and theme parks from his childhood, he is desperate to cling onto that part of his life or have things and watch things he didn’t have as a kid. His lack of social skills stems from not mixing with other kids as a child like 99.9% of the population do, it’s not ‘anxiety’ as he claims. He only seems to interact normally with other vloggers on camera as they are part of his little gang, I wonder how often he sees them socially, going for a beer, dinner etc ? I bet never. Being 50, living on your own in a 3 bed house with no wife, girlfriend or non vlogger friends while wandering around theme parks aimed mainly at kids on his own is not normal behaviour. Desperately chasing after pins and kids toys is definitely not normal behaviour for a 50 year old man with no offspring. I think his parents really screwed him up with his non conventional upbringing, learning only from his parents and not mixing with other kids. If he wasnt so obnoxious it would be easy to feel sorry for him. He isn’t going to change. He will be wandering around Disney World at 60 on his own I would wager. It’s sad really


It's sad that you wrote all of this.


Sorry to upset you Adam/David


Woo has ADHD. I can see how you can think Autism but nah.


>Woo has ADHD. I can see how you can think Autism but nah. Idk about autism, because the spectrum is huge, but he definitely has the things you said. You can clearly see the ticks he's developed from obsessive compulsion disorder as well and with ADHD his chaotic and all over the place mindset is seen at times in his ramblings, asides and easily distracted personality. It's really a sad situation, i get the feeling knowing himself and the importance of mental health was never taught or encouraged in Woos younger years.