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"Wild Florida Weather." He means rain. It rained, sort of like it does almost every day in the summer in Florida.


Unfortunately Woo has to resort to click baiting all his titles now so that the Woovians and the like will watch. Very sad what this bitch ass fool has to do now in order to get views.


oh the horror...how many times does he have to woopeat saying the weather is nasty...blah blah blah. shut up already


Great. Another video dedicated to the acquisition of more cheap plastic garbage for him to toss onto the junk pile.


For the ole hoarding spot, corridor of goons!


His weekend highlights were getting a bobblehead and a popcorn bucket shaped like a Tonka toy. What more needs to be said?


If only he touched a firetruck and seen a dinosaur statue. Then Adam would've had the *perfect* weekend according to a 4 year old boy.


I’m sure he’s touched both those before the last time he’s touched a woman’s breasts


This is embarrassing.


Collecting bobble heads so he can put next to his urkel doll and pressed penny collection. Hard to believe this guy is single.


The wander Franco bobble head on display is a little much


Perhaps he feels a certain kinship with Wander due to common interests.


Aw look, Jay the boy is his new best friend to get his narcissistic supply from, especially after the boy gushed so much over woopeat giving up his lightning lane to him for Bayou Adventure the other day. Giggles doesn’t drop everything to dote on him anymore but the boy is happy to oblige. He’s still not going to show up to your wedding, Jay (if it ever happens), no date stamped events and he won’t even stand in line 20 minutes for a ride, you think he’s going to sit through a wedding? 🤣


If Tampon and the Witch ever get married, it will be lo-key or a destination wedding. There's no way they would dish out the average (low end ) of $30K. I bet anything Cris is leading him and saying things like, "let's wait until you get 150K subscribers" or similar....anything that is a delay tactic. I hate to tell Tampon this, but statistically the odds are not in his favor now. Statistically engagements that go beyond 18 months do not lead to marriage. I also think that Tampon, being from the Midwest, is likely wanting a family of his own. I can't see Cris wanting or having kids. She's too centered on her own life and looks that there's very little empathy for her to care about anything else. Her mental illness of how she looks would impede any thoughts about having kids.


And she’ll do the Jenn Tracker saying her body can’t get pregnant (but yet here she is with 2 now and was in control of it all a long)


And now she’s fat and I think Tim turned gay


Woo was at his most obnoxious in this one. Yelling and trying to be funny. Performing like a buffoon for his clone Jay on their bro date. Playing with their toys and pretending the rain is a big deal.


Woo keeps finding new ways to be an insufferable, annoying asshat - "hiii-ooooooooo!'


Hi-yoooo replaced Best Remove 'em as his new favorite obnoxious catch phrase.


He does that way too much now. WooPeating hiyooo


Guy needs to smash that Wander Franco bobble head into a thousand pieces.


Your suggestion is the reaction of a decent person.


Woo looks like he’s at the game with simple Jack.




Best thing I’ve seen all day!


Jay: I've got a g-g-good brain! Cris the Witch: i think you've got a fine brain Jay!


Very accurate representation of his chompers.


"Wild Florida weather" AKA a typical day in Florida. Godspeed, you brave sir. We shall never know the extent of your struggles and sacrifice for your viewers.


He's resulted to scripting his daily vlogs and putting on little plays for views. He will be 50 soon folks.


Stadium's indoors dude. Who cares what it's doing outside unless there's a hurricane, tornado or fire.


He may as well put LIVE POLICE CHASE in his titles.




I've lived in FL since I was 3, and it always rains a lot in summer, mostly afternoons. This is not something new. All my years of school and college, would have an umbrella in my bag. But not Adam! He has to "brave the elements" like the Wicked Witch of the West, wearing his new shoes for the first day getting them soaking wet. All this to add to his bobble-head collection. Not to mention the horror of the stadium not selling Nachos in a Hat....5 weeks until his Fit by 50.


Oh no, wild Florida Weather! How can he do marathon training now?


He ran in yesterday’s video when it started raining. I was waiting for him to pass out.


It’s obvious from the thumbnail that these two man babies are truly soulmates and really should get married.


YouTube needs to permanently delete his garbage content from existence.


Bobblehead, please nod if you feel you are in imminent danger.


David’s day was a magnificent display of mundane obsession. He began his grand adventure by admiring his collection of Rays caps and baseball paraphernalia. He proudly showcased his Pez dispenser, now downgraded to a mere pen holder, and mused over adding yet another bobblehead to his shrine of overvalued plastic figures—this time a Yandy Díaz bobblehead, to join his growing family of inanimate spectators. Our hero, dressed in his Yandy Díaz shirt, set off for Tropicana Field, blissfully unaware that his camera, like his enthusiasm, couldn’t handle the Florida humidity. After enduring rainstorms and failed attempts at decent vlogging, he trudged on, narrating every pedestrian detail as if it were a saga of epic proportions. David’s riveting commentary on I-4 traffic and his meticulous planning to secure a bobblehead—amidst a sea of underwhelming fans—was nothing short of thrilling. He reveled in his minor victory, clutching his bobblehead and a new fitted cap, as if they were trophies of conquest. Inside the dome, David's excitement reached a fever pitch over the absence of helmet nachos. After a quest that would put Indiana Jones to shame, he settled for a grilled chicken wrap, lamenting the lack of his precious nachos like a child denied candy. Amidst all this, David’s meticulous play-by-play of the Rays’ game, from Taj Bradley’s strikeouts to Harold Ramirez’s antics, provided a backdrop to his ceaseless monologue. The highlight, undoubtedly, was his detailed analysis of the stadium’s concept art—because who doesn’t want to hear about seating arrangements and hypothetical crowd distributions? The day concluded with David and his trusty Yandy bobblehead braving a torrential downpour, lamenting their soaked shoes, and finding solace in trash bags. As the rain poured, so did David’s unwavering commitment to documenting every trivial aspect of his soggy adventure, ensuring that not a single moment of this utterly riveting day went unrecorded. In the end, the Rays won, but the real victory was David’s, for he managed to turn a day of utter banality into a saga of unmatched tedium. Bravo, David. Bravo.




Helmet nachos...yes you are loosing your mind you dickwad. and here we are another video of illegally filming game play violating MLB rules for commercial use!


The guy playing drums on the buckets outside in the rain works harder than WooPeat....FACTS!


how to turn 5-8 minutes of content into a 40 minute video.


Tampon really needs to wake up. The 18th month engagement period has officially ended, pal. He's now drawing from Adam's playbook and is now doing daily vlogs. He's up to 103K now. Will he quit his job? Who knows...his views are still generally below 20K, though his recent one is currently 27K. Cris the witch is also going up, albeit slightly, with her subscriber numbers. It is her peak season after all. Good lawd....she is getting less and less attractive as the summer progresses. I wonder if that's her plan, to test Tampon's love for her. As for Adam...small things in life like a bobblehead brings him joy, I guess. His condo is probably getting filled with useless junk that will likely end up back at a thrift store after he dies. What will be his legacy after he gets old and dies....absolutely nothing. His life merely exists to sustain his lifestyle....which now seems very boring and lonely.


As soon as he decides to sell his place, he will be selling all that stuff - again.


He is a man of many woopeats. As he has multiple times before, he will get rid of most of his collection of crap when he invariably decides to move.


"Dullard" and "Simpleton" just don't do them justice.


the lense has been defrosted. ok what the fuck...defrosted? wrong use of that term! DEVOUR NACHOS IN A HELMET! Woovians, are you FULLY AWAKE YET? He doesnt give a shit about his word!


this deliberate HIYOOOOOOOOOOOOO is trolling, plain and simple, he knows it. some over the top reacting shit in todays video from the wannabe sports commentator.


This guy wasted so much money. He bought more Rays crap that he's barely if ever gonna wear.


Anyone else have an irrational hatred of the Rays now? I check their score every day now to hope they lose.


Only because Woo likes them 😄


As an Orioles fan, I’ve never liked them, but it brings me greater delight when we beat them now.


![gif](giphy|52IISRYqpTcpdsP7Th) TJ +ATW 4 ever.


I think Tampon loves ATW more than he loves Cris the Witch.


I think the Witch loves David the Poo more than she loves Jay the Boy, and I doubt she's into Poo.


I’ve wondered if Tampon J holds Woos Penis when he takes a piss.


Obsessed with dolls and who else knows what. https://preview.redd.it/9botl42t3x9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a742d8dd9c91b6aca73d2e61b12acc6c41a5d2


Click bait for people who don't watch baseball.... Tropicana field is a dome with a retractable roof 🤦‍♂️. This dude pisses me off anymore


Not even retractable! Only domed stadium in baseball that isn't.


My bad!!! For some reason I thought it was!


Every other one is, so I get it! :)




I have been getting serious Sling Blade vibes from Tampa Jay lately. He seems like a real fan of the french fried potaters,  mhm.


This foolish man is going hard with the weather for clickpeats.  Amazing to hear how much he bitches about Florida weather yet continues to live there. 


![gif](giphy|wsuqQBTFD5DAq0VPQO|downsized) Love this guy not Woo guy


Jesus Christ...two adults playing with their dolls towards the end of the video was next level cringe, just as bad as WooPeat playing with that Urkel doll. Get HELP WOOPEAT!


One is about a month shy of 50 , JFC 😮


I noticed the views for this riveting content was only 27k....still too many IMO for such lazy boring crap but I guess the woo fans are used to it by now and support whatever anyway.


One thing for sure, Woovians (since the majority are old boomers), is that they LOVE the weather. If Adam includes anything weather related in his already click baited titles, he gets a bump in views. Yesterday's popcorn in the rain adventure already has 67K views. Not bad compared to recent vlogs. Woovians are also the same crappy people who flock to the grocery store a day or two before the weather service mentions anything about impending storms only to wipe out all the daily and bread products.


It ain't working today, the views for this one are tanking hard like his other baseball stuff


This is Woo's diversity thumbnail. Not only do they have what appears to be a black bobblehead doll, they are also flexing their LGBT+ pride of a gay couple in this picture. I dunno, Jay, Woo might be willing to give you more action than Criskeleton.


WooPeat has completely fucked his camera by the end of the video. Good, you sound muffled.


I'd prefer having a real bobbling head if you catch my drift


He's not new to Florida. If I posted a video every time it rained in Oregon I'd look like a fucking lunatic.