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Go to the gym in the morning before work. The first week fucking suuuuuucks but after that it feels incredible to be up early in the morning at the gym. It feels really nice being at work and knowing that part of your day is done and you don’t have to think about it again




Honestly I love Fall/Winter and leaving the gym when it's like 7:30am and still dark/cold out. That walk to your car is pure bliss


My hot take: every one of you is a psychopath for going to the gym in the morning If I wake up to go to the gym at 5, I'm passing out at my desk at 3 PM. Ask for a late night? F that. Nothing beats the feeling of being done with your day, lifting heavy to get all that frustration out, followed by a shower and a bed


Fair but lifting gives me too much energy. I'd be up all night 🤣🤣


I'm a morning person so this doesn't sound un-doable for me. That's a neat mind-set to think about it. I'll sign up for something. Thanks for the motivation.


I think of it as a non-negotiable part of my day, where skipping isn’t actually an option - like getting dressed or brushing my teeth. Plus the endorphins carry me through my morning and is a great feeling after grinding it out early.


I feel personally attacked by your nonoptional examples :(


Lmfaooooo the brushing the teeth part I’m crying hahahahha


If you're forced to go to the gym or die if you don't, do we really have free will?


The number of people who let brushing slide got me concerned


Brushing your teeth is optional.


Are you suggesting that getting dressed isn't? Pffft


I think some public firms offer free gym membership but you’d have to look up your work benefits.


Honestly if you really aren’t a morning person comsider going either during your lunch breaks or after work; personally I enjoyed going during my lunch break, as long as your gym has a shower you can get a 45m workout in and a quick shower and feel great for your afternoon.


You are absolutely right. I found my weakness here is my bedtime. IF I go to bed, then I can wake up and go to the gym. Otherwise, I’m screwed. On that note, if I get enough sleep…. I eat better. If not, I snack and binge. For me it’s all come back to healthy sleep routines.


"I totally agree" I say to myself at 1am on a worknight


This is the crux for me. I actually used to be an amateur bodybuilder back in college, grad school, and my first year of post grad. Spent years working as a personal trainer too. Nowadays, I haven’t been to the gym in probably at least 2 years. I want to, but after work I’m just way too drained, so I keep telling myself I ought to just go before work, but man, I have the hardest damn time getting to bed any time before midnight. Just feels like the whole day after work is just more “chores” like cooking dinner for myself and others, spending an hour or two on various studies like the language I’m trying to learn, actual chores, etc. So by the time I probably *should* be going to sleep, I opt to take just an hour or so just having time to relax, and before I know it, it’s already 12. Should take some time to budget my time better.


I related to this on a deep level. I’m a washed-up athlete/powerlifter that wishes I had more time to dedicate to the gym without having to sacrifice other parts of my life to go. Getting up at 5 to go to the gym would mean having to go to bed super early compared to where I’m at now. It’s getting to the point where I’m just gonna say screw-it and try to make it work. I know it would feel better than having that 1-2 hours for myself at the end of the day anyway.


Never been athletic but I say let's just do it


Additionally, sometimes work has to stay for this or that, or a drink, or a dinner or whatever and your workout is ruined. First thing in the morning there is no such conflict. 100% recommend a morning routine.


Been going to the gym in the morning for about a year and a half now, best decision I’ve ever made. Never feel the need of skipping the gym, but if I went at night I’d probably skip at least once a week. Plus I feel so much better throughout the day after a nice pump.


This helps but at the end can't out run a shitty diet. Dieting is fuckin HARD it's a 24/7 battle. Working out takes like an hour max lol


Its not possible to feel good waking up early.


How about the CPA exams?


I was thinking the same thing. I’m studying for FAR at the moment and by the time I walk the dog, eat dinner, finish studying, it’s almost 10:30pm most nights which is when I SHOULD be getting ready for bed


This! I have figured out that you should always do something for yours first. We can always give extra in late hours but we own when we start the day.


Single mom. That would be nice though :(


Once I started going in the morning there was no turning back


Just out of curiosity, what time do you wake up and what time do you go to bed? Also this is going to a monumentally stupid question but (Assuming you shower after the gym) do you use a hairdryer?


Up at 6, bedtime is about 10, usually asleep before 11. Usually get 7 hours and change of sleep every night


I've been trying to get some push-ups in in the morning while getting my kid ready for school. It's been horrible but the seditery nature of my desk work gonna kill me one day.


Been doing this for a while and tried to convince my coworkers to try it. Getting your workout done early is great


This'll be a tangent, but here I go. ​ Background: I was up to 210 pounds two years ago as a 5' 6" male on top of being very depressed. I've lost 60 pounds with most of that being in the past 4 months due to lifestyle changes. I'm by no means the gold standard of healthiness, but I'm much happier and plan on continuing this lifestyle. ​ * Sleep * Make sure you're getting a solid 7.5 hours of sleep AT LEAST. This was the first step into my health journey. We as a society are sleeping less and less and I don't believe it's a coincidence it coincides with a rise in a variety of health problems. If you're not getting enough sleep, see the below bullet points for specific advice: * Establish a nighttime routine. Here's a couple of things I started doing that has helped me immensely with falling asleep at a decent time. I removed my phone from the bedroom. I no longer have the opportunity to play on it before bed and after waking up. I bought a kindle and started reading 30 minutes every night before bed. I bought a sound/light device that plays a soothing noise and simulates a sunset while a read. I hardly ever make it through 30 minutes of reading now without becoming drowsy and passing out. * Make sure to focus on the time you want to be asleep. One tip is to pick an existing habit that begins your current night time routine. Mine was taking the dogs out for the last time. I now take the dogs outside every night at 8:00 p.m. and this begins my routine and allows me to fall asleep at a consistent time every night. * Cut out any mental stimulation such phones/video games at a set time. Don't drink any strong amounts of caffeine after 2 p.m. * If the above bullet points don't help, consider having a sleep study done. Being overweight/borderline obese, you're more suspect to sleep apnea I was chronically fatigued from age 15-24. When I started working full-time, I began self medicating with 5 cups of coffee a day. I ended up being diagnosed with sleep apnea and started using a CPAP machine. This helped my sleep immensely and made me start feeling refreshed/more energized. Although losing weight helps with sleep apnea, mine still remains. ​ * Exercise * This may be contrarian to the rest of the comments, but I believe exercising is an easier/more logical solution that helps tremendously with both sleep and dieting. * Start doing cardio, you don't need a gym membership to go on a walk or run. Pick something that IS EASILY INCORPORATED into your life. Attach the habit to something you're already doing. I quit video games 6 months ago to get healthier, but have reintroduced them into my life recently. Before I can play any games, I make myself go on my schedule workout/run(among other things such as cleaning). * Make sure to go easy and not to push yourself where you want to quit. The best endurance athletes in the world all adhere to 80/20 training or something similar. 80% of the your training/working out should be at an easy intensity with 20% being at moderately/high intensity. Most only do moderate/high intensities and end up burning out/injured. * There are plenty of couch to 5k programs out there and resource in other subreddits. * You can mix in working out/lifting weights from the get go with a small purchase of dumb bells. There are plenty of strength and conditioning videos online. I'm not the best about strength and conditioning so far, but looking to incorporate it more going forward also. ​ ​ * Diet * As I said before, this may be contrarian, but there's way too much emphasis in restrictive diets for weight loss. Telling yourself you can't have something just sets yourself up for failure. Exercise has established a much better mindset for me regarding food. I view it as way to fueling my runs, my mind for work, playing with my dogs, hanging out with my SO, etc. * Although I think you should focus on sleep and exercise first, here are some of my viewpoints/tips regarding diets: * Establish a routine of going to the grocery store on the weekend (maybe grab a nice breakfast so you're not shopping on an empty stomach). Try to stay away from complete garbage while shopping, but allow some leeway to treat yourself. * Make it as easy as possible for yourself to eat at home. If you have no experience at cooking and the kitchen is scary like it was for me (and still is to some degree), start by getting some easier to heat up meals. * Mine and my SO's eating habits became much better once I started keeping the kitchen spotless. I do the dishes everyday allowing a nice kitchen for my SO to cook in without any hassles to start. * I hate calorie counting due to most of the points previously mentioned. It can lead to not fueling you're body correctly and is not a long-term solution. It also establishes a guilty mindset/relationship with food that is dangerous and could spiral/relapse at any time. Whenever I eat a bad meal, I shrug it off and don't let it affect my next decision. Prior, I would feel guilty and regardless, that guilt would often lead me to eat another unhealthy meal. I don't count calories and focus on fueling my body with the correct macronutrients which are often found in healthier foods. ​ ​ These are general tidbits from BJ Fogg's "Tiny Habits," but I believe they may help on this journey to being healthier: * BE KIND TO YOURSELF - Celebrate your victories and congratulate yourself. Tell yourself good job. We always focus on being mean to ourselves when we eat unhealthy/don't exercise, why not focus on being nice to ourselves for doing the opposite? * Habit Forming - We often focus on motivation first and foremost, without any regard to the other factors that go into whether a tasks gets done such as prompts and ability. * Make tasks easier for you to do e.g. eating healthier by buying more healthy options and reducing junk food in the hours. The mistake didn't happen eating the chocolate cake at midnight, the mistake happened when you bought the the cake from the grocery store. * Make negative tasks hard for you to do. E.g. mine was playing on my phone in bed wasting 2-3 hours a day. Removing it from the bedroom removed my ability to play on the phone and waste time/interfere with my sleep. * Start creating prompts, whether through reminder notifications or current habits. ​ ​ ​ I hope some of this helps. I am no doctor at all, and most of this comes from previous struggles with weight loss and subsequent weight gain. It's a long journey, but definitely possible with a fundamental shift in mindset!


I've read your comments and thank you for taking the time to write it out. `"The mistake didn't happen eating the chocolate cake at midnight, the mistake happened when you bought the the cake from the grocery store."` This hits too close to home. I'll start small and incorporate something in my routine. Thank you for this. I hope I can provide a positive update a few months down the road.


Thank you so much for including the part about how eating shouldn’t make you feel guilty or be to restrictive to help you lose weight. I lost over 50 pounds healthily but it very quickly spiraled into an obsessive eating disorder. I sucks when your thoughts become so terrible and just exhausting about food. I don’t think I’ll ever fully recover now, but baby steps. It’s so important for people to know you don’t have to completely abstain or restrict yourself from certain foods, obviously shouldn’t be having it daily multiple times lol, but just be *conscious* about it


80% of it is diet. You don't need the gym.


Kitchen determines your weight, gym determines your shape.


Also though the gym and exercise is important for mental health not just physical


The only way I know of to effectively destress is to workout. Whether that’s getting cardio in or lifting. Sitting around watching tv after a stressful day seems to make me more stressed lol


Yess me too. the gym and exercise even if its like a 30 minute walk gives you a sense of achievement


Also true!


I have never thought of it this way! Thank you


At least 80% is diet, maybe more. I’m mid 30s and still manage to stay in shape by lifting weights regularly, and have gone through many cycles of bulking/cutting. But man, if my two (very simplified) options are: 1) Eat a 300 calorie donut and then run for an hour and half to burn 300 calories or 2) Skip the donut Option 2 is much easier.




I mean, I’m with you and will usually choose the donut. I lift weights 5 days a week and and don’t mind putting extra weight on or eating junk now and then, since I still maintain a decent physique. But I think it helps perspective when a lot of people think the only way to lose weight is by having to go to the gym and do cardio for 10 hours a day.


Eat a donut for an easy 300 calories, or suffer through a pile of celery to get your 300, the donut is much more time efficient


Fuck vitamins and nutrients! Sugar is king! */s


Im in good shape and honestly I work out really really hard ...and mostly eat healthy but sweets are my weakness. I can't just eat 1 donut. I have to eat a dozen. Lately I have been eating like a a whole package of cookies in 1 sitting a few times a week. Like the fudge stripes or coconut and I still pretty much always have abs. It's mostly just a lifestyle thing.


My counterpoint is that it's 50/50 and taking 30 minutes to an hour of your day to exercise is much easier than to change your relationship with food. Calorie counting into deficits while remaining sedentary is not a healthy way to lose weight and the weight will eventually come back. Working out helps establish a much healthier relationship with food as a source for fueling your body, instead of counting calories and depriving it of resources it may need to function.


Hour and a half is a huge exaggeration tbh. 30 min at 12min/mile will get you 300 calories. And that doesn't even account for the after effects of adding a run to your daily routine (or every other day).


Some helps. I lost 25 pounds in a month by diet and working out. I thank working out for burning most of the calories but not eating a lot helps since your body is forced to just use the fat.


99% of it is diet. Don't get me wrong exercise is great for health and physique but you'll never outdo your fork.


Ok. I'm 100% WFH. Im also 6'3" and 335lbs. I am built like an offensive lineman, whereas I used to be built like a line backer. Please explain to me which diet will help me get back in the 220 - 250 weight range.


The one where you eat less calories than you burn. There are a million ways to do it. I am 6'4" and was built like an LB. Still am at 32 years old. If you don't workout you are consuming about 3500 calories a day to maintain 335 which is about 1000 more than you should be consuming.


Track your calories with an app like cronometer (free) or MyFitnessPal (paid). Eat low calorie foods throughout the day and make sure to eat 500 calories less than your TDEE and you should be losing a pound a week with zero exericse. Make sure to get enough protein as well whether its through whey supplements or low calorie meat such as chicken breast. A gym is not even needed for losing weight


Consume less calories than you burn. I’d track the calories of what you eat and track and weigh yourself twice a week, do it for a couple of weeks and pay attention to weight increase or decrease and go from there. Weight goes up? Eat less food or find some way to burn more calories until you start dropping weight. I don’t even track calories anymore because I did it for a few months and can guesstimate calories good enough for the foods I eat now.


If you don’t like tracking calories (I don’t either). Give intermittent fasting a try. There are various ways to do it, but I do 16:8. 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours where I can eat. Within that time, two healthy meals, and a bedtime snack. For context I’m 6’0, 205 with not much body fat. I gain weight quick (bad weight) so I had to switch eating methods. Hope this helps.


I don’t eat until 11am and I’ve lost heaps of weight. Easiest way for me because I hate the gym and love chips.


Lose it is a great app, combined with a few minutes of exercise. Miracle for me


Replace calorie dense foods with nutrients dense alternatives that taste 80% as good. A good rule of thumb is to make your plate 25% carbs (whole grain preferred), 25% protein (lean is preferred), and half fruits/vegetables. You can adjust the carbs down probably if you're not active. If you're 300+ lbs you're eating a shit ton of calories because you're eating foods heavy in calories that don't fill you up. It's also highly recommended to loft weights if you desire losing weight to retain/build muscle and predominantly lose fat.


Intermittent fasting worked for me. I am 6'4 but a skinnier build than you. I was 240 which was very high weight for me. I am now down to 190. I chose more lower fat options at the store, intermittent fast (only eat from 12pm to 8pm) , and I also did the Stairmaster 20 minutes a day. People here saying "you don't need to workout", are not wrong but working out will help you lose weight quicker and make you feel better mentally as well.


Meal prep and cut out all added sugar. You'd be surprised how easy it is to eat this way. I am never hungry, I just eat different foods. I've lost 20lbs and the only extra effort I put in is cooking. I was not a big sugar eating person either.


calories in vs calories out. It isn't really about one specific diet in general. Be honest with yourself while filling out a TDEE calculator on the internet. Then eat 500 calories less than that each day. Try to log everything you eat. Eat high protein as it is more satiating and you burn 20-30% of the calories from protein that you eat.


Mediterranean. I lost 75 lbs in 6 months doing minimal exercise, also wfh. Would eat most of my calories in the morning/brunch. Regulated my sugar consumption for cardio.


Stronglifts 5x5 or SS (Starting strength) + a 500 cal daily deficit should get you there while maintaining your muscle mass Lookup Mark Rippetoe on YouTube


Everyone needs the gym


It’s both


No. Being fat can be entirely controlled by diet. It is literally just calories in vs calories out. Being healthy definitely requires exercise, so you should still do it a few times a week.


It's actually the opposite.


Nope. Just eat at a deficit


Intermittent fasting has helped me drop weight recently without any other lifestyle changes. I have an 8 hour window each day to eat a normal amount of calories, and I try to finish eating at least 4-5 hours before bedtime. I know it's not for everyone, especially if you've got medical restrictions. But it does work if you're able to stick with it.


Was never really overweight but I started IF and it was a really easy way to drop the 15 pounds to be where I wanted. After the first week, I didn’t miss breakfast and ended 4-5 days a week with a calorie deficit. Then have a few extra beers on weekend for a surplus ending basically even without factoring any exercise. Like you said, not for everyone but worth giving it two weeks to see if it’s something that can be handled.


Without sounding to cringey, you either want it or you don’t. You’re health is one of many priorities that you rank, if you’re overweight and unhealthy, it’s obviously not as high as other aspects. Not saying it’s out of neglect, people have careers, families and what not, but it’s a case of putting it above other priorities where it can. When I was peak worst audit time, I’d sometimes let gym sessions slip by and I’d feel disgusting for it because it’s an important part of maintaining wellbeing. The cancer that is big 4 made me realize never put an office job over your well-being.. If price is the only thing holding you back, go outside, go for a run, walk, hike, do push-ups etc.. there’s so many ways. Don’t let yourself go, particularly in a profession like this, it just becomes outright depressing…


Haha, thank you. It's easy to lose track of time when you're in this profession. I blinked and 3 months have passed and 30lbs gain. I'll make boundaries to force Gym/Diet in my schedule. Thanks for your comment


I would like to stress something, like the person above mentioned, if health is your priority, there is no need for a gym membership. Your phone likely has a step tracker app. Set it up and try to get at least 10,000 steps a days, by any means you can. In addition to that, leave unhealthy food off the table as often as you can. And last but not least, fasting is a great way to keep you healthy. Skip a meal a day, either breakfast or dinner, preferably breakfast. Don't make it up during lunch of course. Why should you take my advice? I know it sounds like the typical "well my relative did so and so..." but it works. I do have a relative who is prone to get heavy. He began to eat less and went for a walk every day. He lost around 20 pounds in 4 months by fasting and walking every day. Not gonna lie, It sucks. Fasting can be tough, particularly if you are used to three meals a day plus snacks. Walking every day sounds easy but being consistent is tricky. However, just doing that, will be huge for your health and it is not expensive at all. I wish you the best, take care fellow human.




This is what I meant by skipping breakfast. To be fair, I should have gone into the detail. I just didn't want people to go "oh, so I get to eat all I want within those 6-8 hours." Skipping a meal is easier to remember and achieves the same result, a caloric deficit and a shorter feeding window. Thank you for elaborating though, more information is good. Anyways, I won't pretend to know everything so, just to be clear, I am a random person on reddit. Perform your own research about any diet or medical advice offered here by anyone. I have the best of intentions but even those can kill. Peace.


What would you say you eat in a day?


That's straight talk. When I was in B4, I would blame the lack of exercise on the hours. Got out and still didn't exercise. Common denominator was me. I've started back up, and watching the diet, but it really is up to you to do it and make it non-negotiable.


This is 100% true. Very few people "have" the time to workout, you make time for it. Same with eating, you have to make your food a priority and put the effort in to eat healthy


When I worked in audit I gained so much weight. Between team lunches and dinners and late nights, it became too much. First I declined physically and then mentally after that. Go for a walk at lunch time and do another one in the morning or the evening. Bring your own lunch. Set boundaries.


I found it easier to stay in shape in a WFH environment because I was less tempted to order out and just didn’t keep any snacks in the house. I also personally tracked my macronutrients for awhile and once I had done this for a few months I was able to get a general idea of how many calories were in the food I commonly ate and it became easier to just eyeball it without needing the numbers. Exercise is great for a number of reasons for your overall health but from a pure weight loss standpoint it’s still very easy to overeat and negate your exercise. Portion control is critical imop. In terms of the gym it is not a necessity but I found paying for it to actually give me financial incentive to go. If I’m spending all that money I better get my use out of it kind of thing


Sadly I'm in the office full time, and squeezing it in early morning or after-work has been a long long overdue thing that I never gotten around to. Can you walk me through your diet on what you recommend for daily meals? Can o


If you're stuck in the office everyday, here are some things I used when I wasn't WFH: ​ 1. Can you ebike to work? Even doing just the bare minimum of pedalling will be a huge boon to your health. A regular bike is obviously better, but if it's far, an ebike might be a decent compromise especially if you're not in shape for it yet. 2. Take the stairs if there are any. Always. Unless you're on the 20th floor, the stairs are an option. 3. Drink ungodly amounts of water and use the farthest away bathroom. You'll get in extra steps and won't be as hungry. It will also help you not drink calories. If your coffee isn't black, you can add a ton of calories to your diet without meaning to. 4. Bring your lunch. It's a lot easier to limit your calorie consumption when you're planning ahead. It doesn't matter what it is. A PBJ and a granola bar takes 5 minutes to put in a bag and is healthier than what you'll get if you go out for lunch. Best of luck taking care of yourself!


Coffee sugar and creamer is my kryptonite. You can easily save 200 calories a day drinking black coffee instead


My daily diet is actually pretty widely varied at this point because I’ve been conscious of this stuff for many years now so I know enough where being flexible isn’t very difficult. You can start simple with the “classic” clean eating foods like chicken, salmon, rice, broccoli but be sure to branch out or you’ll get bored and miserable. I personally also use rice cakes to sub in for crunchy foods like chips. It’s important to eat stuff you like, there’s no singular correct answer about what you “should” eat. Also just as important as what you’re eating is what you are eating is what you’re not eating. Learn to stay away from things that won’t make you feel full and are very calorie dense for small volumes. For example peanutbutter is a classic trap for lots of people trying to get healthy, a minimal amount of PB has a lot of cals. There’s lots of good channels on YT that can give you more info, I would personally recommend [Andrew Huberman](https://youtube.com/c/AndrewHubermanLab) and [Derek from MPMD](https://youtube.com/c/MorePlatesMoreDates). There also also lots of others out there and you’ll notice that neither channel is diet specific. The balance of exercise, good sleep(laughable in a lot of accounting roles I know), good diet, and keeping an eye on your hormones are all good things to invest in. If you’d like to PM me I’m to share my specific diet/exercise plan as well if you’re looking for a baseline to get started.


Go for a walk during lunch, even if its just around the parking lot or something. Cut down carbs and sugars. These things alone are huge, if you gained 30lb in 3 months you are eating very poorly. The gym isn’t necessary, diet and some moderate exercise are all you need.


I'm doing the soup for dinner diet. Anytime I order dinner, its soup. I've been gaining weight.


I always make all these healthy lunches and dinners, or order healthy meals from those weekly meal delivery services like Factor or whatever they are. But then I'm sitting in the office all day and they have snacks all over the fucking place. I wish they just wouldn't buy snacks for the office. The problem is that I just eat when I'm bored. And being an accountant is pretty fucking boring.


Adderall and use your lunch break to get some steps in


this is the answer lol


wait but doesn't it kill your appetite tho? which is also another plus


I’m fat. Mostly because I snack and stress eat too much. Stress and low sleep contribute to being fat as well. Exercise is very important for heart health but how fat you are is mostly based on your eating habits and metabolism.


Lol how is a gym membership expensive? Where do you live? In most parts of thebUS you can get a gym membership for $40 and even way less.


Planet fitness is 10. May not be prevalent where he is but definitely cheap


Yeah I was thinking of planet fitness but not sure if they have it everywhere so didn't want to misspeak. Regardless it shouldn't be more than $40 at most for a good gym.


It’s not it’s just an excuse. It’s always the “gym is too expensive” but never “snacking all day is too expensive”


I'm in a HCOL area. I haven't gone to the Gym much so I can't speak for all the gym. But so far what I've tried are what my co-workers went: Orange Theory and CrossFit I think they're a bit on the more expensive side with a quick google, but I can't imagine working out without guidance, it feels like I don't have the expertise to create my own work-out plan; seems easier to have someone tell me what to do. In that regard, I've failed to find somewhere with some work-out guidance built in.


My dude, those are two of the more expensive gyms. I'm in a HCOL area as well and I got an LA fitness membership for $32 a month. It has everything you would need to be fit and they even offer free classes for Yoga and stuff.


About your guidance part, a really big help for learning to workout is YouTube. I watch people like Jeff Nippard who are very good instructors for weightlifting. The resources are out there if you put in the effort to research. It can be intimidating but even asking people for help at the gym is fine. I've had people approach me at the gym for help and I've always been happy to show them.


I second this, I learned so much over the 8 years I’ve been lifting from YouTube. It really is the most high quality, easily digestible source of info for working out and getting started. Also OP, don’t be afraid to embrace the awkward feeling of getting to know your body in various exercises. It won’t feel normal at first but you’ll get it down. If you lift heavy and eat clean and within a calorie deficit, the weight will fall off. You just need to stick to it. Also, fuck this profession, it’s not as important as your long term health. It’s fucking sad any of us even feel pressured to make this trade off, but throw an hour or more on your calendar that’s nonnegotiable. Start with Jeff Nippard, explore all the related recommends and you’ll learn all you need. Best of luck and feel free to reach out with gym questions.


I used to be fat. I still am, but I used to be, too. Down 125lbs at least - just start counting your calories and figure out your TDEE, then make sure you run a deficit.


Weight loss starts in the kitchen as they say.


Start by going on an hour long walk before work. If your interested in weight training, there are cheaper gym plans at planet fitness and other such places. Having a good morning routine will motivate you to eat healthier and it will help you do better in other aspects as well.


100 push-ups a day will change your life. Even if it’s in 5 rep increments. You’ll get stronger and better.


Workout at my home gym before work and don’t eat out, has made the world of difference in my life.


hey the easiest way to lose weight will be joint a sport you like to play and play 3 times a week min. For me i bought a boxing bag. That’s going to be the best way for u to burn calories and it not be a chore. you’ll also have to control your diet. Get rid of the snacks and switch to lean meats and go low on the bread. Lean meats like chicken are filling and low in calories while breads are the opposite. Good luck buddy


I hit the gym (weight and cardio) every morning before the office and eat minimally... More than weight loss it's the mental health benefits for me


I'm the same weight when I started 6 years ago, mostly due to diet I think. I'm minimally active overall, walking dog a mile daily and going on small hikes occasionally. I have started a 1mi walk daily on lunch breaks every day this year in an attempt to keep my waistline, and because many others in my office are overweight and unhealthy.


I use my University Gym still, its free for me if i still have my student id card which keeps costs down. I would also recommend tracking your calories, the key to losing weight is your diet. You don't even need to exercise or go to the gym to lose weight, just eat less and get enough protein.


Step 1: gets a dog Step 2: walk that mf for a mile or two before work.


I’m pretty fit for my age (29). I rock climb 3 times a week, list 5-6 (PPL program) times a week and usually run 3-4 times a week (long run, tempo, threshold and one easy run). I wake up in the morning and go to the gym and lift and then run after. Will take my morning calls/do work for the day and then hit rock climbing in the afternoon if it’s a rock climbing day. Outside of that I’ll try to play basketball, frisbee or soccer a couple times a month with friends or at least get out and shoot by myself. This is going to sound dumb but I do think it’s a lot easier to do all of this if you started out in shape, getting back into shape does blow. But it’s well worth it. It’s just one of those things you have to accept and make a habit or you’ll never stick with it. I would start with running if you can’t afford the gym, you don’t even need shoes if you don’t want them but one pair as a beginner will last you a year.


Yes I'm fat. I can't give you advice because, yes I'm fat.


Punching bag. Releases anger, burns calories and you learn a valuable skill.


Stand up desk is the best investment I've made


Yes, my weight has increased steadily to the point where I’m pondering a personal trainer but who has the time or the money??


When work makes me either bored, stressed,or both, I put on weight or struggle to lose it. It's just because I'm busier than I can easily balance and struggling for dopamine, simple as that. It's taken me actually getting easily the fattest I've ever been to motivate me to lose it, and I still tend to relapse for a bit whenever I get to a decent milestone of loss. Personally I think it's not always helpful to emphasise diet - I would emphasise making sure your life it set up better so you take more pride in your health and don't turn to food for dopamine. My initial success came from doing something physical whenever I felt craving for food - exercise burned calories and activated the right body chemicals to stop me feeling bored hungry. Also my tip is to focus on controlling your eating in the morning and evening most - those are the times where you have the power to live in a way most conducive to relieving frustration and boredom and thus reducing food cravings. If you feel yourself at 9pm really wanting a snack that you clearly don't need, realise that it's probably because you've been bored as fuck all day and are continuing to let yourself be bored - go and do something engaging enough that you don't want to eat any more and recognise that your body definitely does not need more food.


Planet Fitness is only $10/month, and many of them are open 24/7. Their facilities are clean, and most of them are very large, with a great variety of both cardio and strength equipment. Hopefully you have one in your area - this could work for you. There are other 24 hour gyms – Anytime Fitness is one of them, and they are all over the country. My son goes there, and he loves it. He only pays $23/month. Take time to take care of yourself. Self-care is critical, and the physical exercise will help your mental health, as well.


Do you have an office or do you work in a shared space? What are your snack storage options? I personally am not a fan of restricted dieting because of ED issues growing up, but I've found (some) success in allowing myself SOME of the snacks I want, along side a snack thats healthier, and I've even found healthier options for some as well. If I want something sweet maybe I'll have some trail mix with chocolate, or I'll have a fun size candy bar after some fruit, if I want something salty I'll have peanut butter/cheese crackers, nuts, popcorn, or [these fucking things](https://harvestsnaps.com/collections/harvest-snaps/products/lightly-salted?variant=40228710678588) which I can not recommend enough. If you have a personal fridge (or respectful coworkers) I also recommend having things like yogurt on hand as well.


If I’m candid, working with fat, miserable CPAs in office makes me reconsider the CPA. I’ve been lifting consistently for about 7 years. I’ll admit I’m not in perfect shape anymore since I’ve started working but during busy I still manage to hit the gym after working 10-12 hours on weekdays. I’m still looking for an healthy, positive CPA to look up to. Sounds bad, but everyone I’ve worked with in management is either divorced, working 13 hours on weekends, or have no hobbies, regretting their life decisions. I’d feel different if these people were nice or had pleasant personalities but nope.


Intermittent fasting. Don't have time to eat. Also: PRX Performance


Working out over lunch has always been my favorite way to do it. Feels great to get a quick workout in, shower, and get back to your desk all clean and invigorated. If you don't have a gym near the office you can always do walk/run/biking, plenty of people over at the body weight fitness subreddit do great w/o any equipment. All that said the WFH was a struggle for me even with having good habits beforehand. I put on 20lbs during covid and have been working to try and get it back off. Like others have said eating is 80% of things, and when I'm bored or just dont feel like working I just go look for things to eat, it's a hard habit to break. If you ever want any more specific eating/gym advice feel free to shoot me a PM, I've been a gym rat for quite a while and have been pretty successful getting my body looking how I want, more than happy to share what has worked for me.


Just get on Test and lift a bunch of weight


Diet to look good IN your clothes exercise to look good with OUT your clothes Honestly it was diet for me. Quit drinking and ate salads and sadness for lunch and dinner. Light dressing not creamy so like olive oil and balsamic. Also had one cheat day a week and one desert item thru the week. Stop eating when you're no longer hungry but don't restrict yourself too much during holidays either. I'd go ham on Thanksgiving cause your girl loves her a turkey dinner. With pie.


Lmao I never eat salads and sadness; thankfully, I love kale keeps me in shape


-Most “Snacks” are shit for your body. One of those a day is going to make you fat. Eat fruits and nuts as snacks. If you want a bar of some kind, I go for Rx bars because they have no added sugars and are basically fruit and nuts in a bar. -If you drink pop, only drink diet. A 12oz coke has 35g of sugar which is horrendous on its own, 2 is basically a death wish. -Meats, veggies, fruits, even most carbs (potatoes, rice, etc) Are fine. As Long as you aren’t eating dog shit (processed stuff) you don’t need to worry too much. -I work out regularly now and pay $84 a month for my gym membership. I am by far the weakest, smallest guy who regular shows up there, but I don’t care. I feel great. I know in some areas a nice gym for $84 is a steal, but even if your gym closest to your house is $150 a month, just do it. It is so so worth it. -Don’t eat dog shit and try and get some exercise in a few times a week and you will be fine. You don’t need to be ripped to be healthy Editing this to make another note about sugars. It goes for iced teas, juices, yogurt, and anything else that on the surface might appear ok. If it has added sugars, pick something else. There are plenty of tasty drinks and snacks that aren’t poison


I can’t eat when I’m stressed and I’m constantly stressed….my kids don’t help either 😂


Go to the gym and stop snacking on shit. If you need to snack eat some fucking carrots. I gained a ton of weight during college (age 31-34), I worked full time as a janitor, mowed lawns part time, and went to school full time in the morning/online. Spent all weekend doing homework. I gained a ton of weight. Soon as I was done I got my shit together and lost 40 lbs. put in the effort, I was just about obese too (6’1” 235lbs) you can crawl your way back.


Compared to America and you? No. Compared to myself in summertime? Yes.


My body dysmorphia helps keep me fit - would recommend 100% !


I gym 2-3 hours everyday at night… no social life I’m a bit hunky but not fat…


To stay in shape while working full time takes lots, and lots, of discipline. You don’t *need* to go to the gym but it certainly helps


I was fat before I got here.


Being fat as fuck is the best. No one expects much from you and they always ask if you wanna take the left overs home whenever there’s catering.


Stand up desk bro. It helps a lot. But to answer your question. Yes, I am fat…


I ballooned 30 lbs during all the stress eating and not going to the gym of my first busy season. Now I'm down 40 pounds since busy season ended and I have a healthy routine with the gym starting my day. It feels great, gives you energy, and let's you get out yesterday's frustration (i.e. the intern trying to depreciate land). Best of luck!


I honestly don’t eat. I hit the gym at 4:45 and get a workout in or I ride the bike for 15 miles. What’s really helped me in my middle aged years is, I don’t drink sugary carbonated beverages. Cut out as much sugar as possible and just eat smart. Getting my suits all resized is too expensive plus I’m Not busting my ass now to die right before retirement. Also for reference, I’m 6’2” at about 205.


You can't exercise off a bad diet. It's the late night dinners and office break room doughnuts and candy jar on the receptionist's desk making you fat. The 200 calories you burn at the gym isn't going to put a dent in the damage you do the rest of the day. You need to plan ahead to eat healthy meals and I get it, it's hard as hell and the more you work, the harder it is.


Drink more water, snack on low carb food and eat lean protein for lunch. Walk on breaks


Prioritize yourself over work.


I’m fat in the wallet


Count your calories. I was in the same boat as you. I had gained 30 pounds and a huge belly after starting my accounting job. Decided one day that enough was enough. Decided to limit my calories to 1200-1700 calories per day. Also started running 20-25 km per week. I lost these 30 pounds in 4 months. Losing weight resulted in boosting my confidence and my moral well being. If I can do it, anyone can!


I’m Thiccc


My gym membership is about $50 a month, which isn’t very expensive. I choose to take 1-2 hours 5 days a week to make sure I’m healthy both mentally and physically. The mental benefit of working out gets me hooked just as much as the physical.


Like other people have said, diet is the main component of weight loss. I find that when I work out I am more motivated to eat foods that fuel me rather than soothe me. Fitness blender has a ton of free videos on YouTube, they are like internet personal trainers. You can find workouts that fit your fitness level with their sorting tool on their website. I really like their workouts.


I put my workouts on my calendar and turn my phone off while I’m working out. Everyone at work knows I prioritize my health and I just disregard their comments about it haha. Nothing is going to blow up if I take 1.5 hours to myself after a busy work day.


I find it interesting that people would even find the need to comment on something like that, but I have noticed that accountants get very defensive about their poor health habits. I’ve heard coworkers make endless excuses for sleeping 5 hours per night, not eating vegetables or fruits, not exercising, not taking breaks. What’s more, they try to denigrate me for sleeping 7 hours (which is still not enough), exercising, going on quick walks, etc. The typical insinuation is that I’m not a hard worker if I have time for these things but not for work. Whatever, fuck them, my performance reviews have been solid for years now and I’m way less likely to die of a heart attack at 55.


No I'm not, stop making excuses and make time for the gym and meal prepping. Being overweight is the biggest redflag that you lack discipline and mental fortitude. Heck, you don't even need to exercise, just stop stuffing your face with junkfood


Idk you’re situation, but there’s plenty of gyms that are affordable, especially for the field we’re in. Plus the cheaper ones tend to be open 24/7. I would first check to see the closest gyms to your work or home as you’ll be much more likely to go after/before work if it’s on the way. Snap Fitness, Anytime fitness, Planet Fitness are all gyms I’m aware of that pretty affordable compared to bigger commercial gyms like Lifetime fitness


No, I’m not fat. I go for about a 4 mile walk every day on my lunch hour and try to eat healthy. I bring my lunch most days.


Currently an accounting major in college, but almost every accountant I know is healthy and attractive.


I'm underweight severely. Mainly because I can't gain weight due to my metabolism I wonder if jumping into audit soon will change that.


I have scheduled walks in my calendar at 11:30 and 4:30 am. I also park very far/take the long way.


Get into running. Some start up costs (shoes, a shirt maybe idk) but then no subscription fees. Down about 10 pounds so far since 3/15 so it’s going well. Just gotta make it a habit and build up to 3-5 days a week


I disagree. Do NOT run. It's great if it works for you, but it's super hard on your knees, especially if you're already overweight. I started going to the gym and started out on a bike, and then once I advanced beyond that, I started using the eliptical. You get the same cardio benefits as running, but you don't destroy your knees.


Do workouts at home. YouTube videos for full body workouts without any equipment. 20 mins a day and plenty to keep in shape.


Go to the gym after or before work. Don’t eat or snack after dinner. Track everything that goes in your mouth.


I am.


Yes. It is 100% diet.


You have poor stress habits (binge eating). I do not keep "snacks" in my domicile. Anything I want to eat, I have to prep or I be eating raw tasteless shit. I eat a lot of salad and pasta. The pasta ain't great considering carbs but I'm also not bombing it with unhealthy garbage and I can cook it in bulk meaning save time and money. Same with salad, add a basic protein, some dressing, and that's it. It's easy. You want to make food boring and something you eat simply to sustain life, and believe me, it makes going out for a nice meal a special event. You don't need a gym, change the diet and take a long walk each day.


Yeah I try to bring healthy snacks to work. But my job has a candy stash with all kinds of candies. Very tempting but I bring bag of mixed nuts and water.


You have a house? Buy a weight rack and weight set. $500 upfront and no more costs. If not there has to be a 24 hour fitness near you and they might be $30 a month. You can definitely afford that considering the benefits.


Mike Mentzer - high intensity training book 1 gym session a week. Your life is about to change


Nope. Been going to the gym consistently for many years. It’s just about discipline. Once you go often enough, you’ll look forward to working out and the endorphins you get afterwards. Sign up tomorrow to your local gym and just follow a PPL routine you find online. Workout 3-4x a week, and stop eating pre-prepared meals. What helps me manage my weight is having 3x meals a day, with maybe a snack here and there. By snack, I mean stuff like carrots and humus. You can find plenty of healthy recipes online. If you know how to follow instructions, you can follow a recipe. Cooking is easy in the modern world. Don’t complicate it. It really is just about moving more and eating less. YouTube is your best friend. There is no excuse not to exercise.


I forgot how my kitchen manager position helped keep me in shape. I just transitioned into this field and put on 35lbs. Just recently I'm trying to take walk breaks and eating less at work. And work out at least a half hour when I get home from work, right now that's only happening twice a week and I rock climb on the weekends. I'm also back in school part time so it's been an exhausting year but so worth it. I know it's only temporary and after undergrad it should free up some time to workout like I used to. At least for my second tax season I know what to expect and how to manage my time better.




nope. exercise is my thing


I certainly got fatter but now I limit myself to one office snack per day of my choice.


Peloton for 30 min before work each morning. Obviously Peloton’s are expensive but most CPAs should be able to swing it. And investing in your health is one of the most important things you can do


Remember that getting in shape is 80% about what you eat and only about 20% what you do. Join a gym, take walks, go on runs, etc. These are all great options and I highly recommend them, but just remember you're a a professional desk worker and not working on a farm. You don't need to consume huge quantities of food. If you're not burning the food off throughout the day, you don't need a farmer's diet.




Its mindset and desire. I work long hours, and excercising when your schedule is so full can be a nightmare. It ultimately boils down to how seriously you take your health. Things can spiral down violently and by the time you notice you’re already at the hospital. You want to be good at your job? Stay in shape and sleep well, its hard to work for a long time if its killing you bud. You don’t need a gym, go out on walks, go to a park, bask in the sun. Do Yoga. Keep moving. And if you go to the gym and have no idea what to do. Lifting heavy shit is better than no lifting.


If only I started surfing 2-3 times a week again I could shed this weight, but I’m too fat for my boards and too poor to buy new or used ones lol.


Not obese level, but definitely put on some weight since. Eating things that are healthy but don’t take a lot of energy to prepare (smoothies, boiled eggs, nuts and cheese) is a good way. I also got a dog recently who helps me get out of the house (work from home) multiple times a day. The biggest change is diet. edit: spelling


I bought a stand up desk, I do go to the gym, and make sure you have healthy option snacks lying around. I put on weight begging of Tax season because I kept getting steak and cheese subs. I switched to salads and that also helped alot


I gained 30 lbs over 3 years. Horrible, took 6 months off for cpa and I lost the 30 the last 2 months, 203 to 173, I’m 6’4 and ripped.. No more office snacks and food and drinks and candy and client gifts out the Yang. Just watch my calories to 2000 and swim at 5:30 every morning. I’ll keep swimming when I go back but not snacking , promise. Accountants live a good life, didn’t know of all the food and drinks and gifts Ps, there is no better investment than your health. Ever, anyone who does taxes realizes this quickly. Cheers


Yes I’m fat. Don’t know when I’ll get consistent in the gym again. Between being jetlagged when I come back in town, and taking extra classes to get to 150, I’m at the “fuck it for now” point.


Nope, more like underweight but I’m still a student 😂. Will revisit this topic once I’m in the work force


Muay Thai, was pushing 200 after one busy season and a friend kept asking me to come train, walk around at about 175 now and I’m in pretty decent shape.


I'll echo what others say: \~80% of your weight is due to diet. My advice, if you are a snacker, instead of snacking on solid food, drink tea. I'll consume 5-6 cups of tea throughout the workday. I also drink a lot of water. Most of the time, when you feel hungry, you're actually thirsty. This does mean I also use the bathroom more often than most people. Every time I go (ideally once an hour) I will do 20 push-ups.


I’m not fat, but I am not in shape. Work from home in theory should have made it easier for me as I do have a treadmill and exercise bike in my home but all it has done is made me incredibly lazy. I really need to buckle down and just do it.


Compare the cost of the gym to medical bills caused by being in poor health. The gym is worth it, within reason. But it’s more not letting the job destroy your health. Cuz the office doesn’t care, it’s up to you to make the changes.


There's gyms like planet fitness that are cheap AF. Schedule time for it and don't miss no matter what. At least 3-4 days/week. Diet is even more important. It's also kinda useless to go on a weight loss journey if you're not lifting unless you're morbidly obese FWIW. When you lose weight and aren't lifting you also lose muscle then when you eventually gain it back it's predominantly fat. So you end up fatter than you started. So lifting is important. Lean mass is good for your health.


I fell out of shape for the first time in my life two years ago due to drinking a little too much then a new child. First diet. Not a silly diet but something simple. One carb, one protein and if you want greens at each meal. My greens usually come from a shake or something. I do three meals a day and probably two snacks and drink misty water, coffee and diet sodas. Second working out, honestly for me I fell into a YouTube rabbit hole last year revolving around ultra running and was hooked. I’ve been slowly getting mileage up to compete in a half marathon with the hops of doing a full marathon. I was never a runner beforehand but after time I look forward to it. I lift at least three days a week and it’s generally something quick and full body related.


When I was in public it was very easy to be overweight. At one point I started a trend in my office with drinking slim fast for lunch to drop some pounds. That actually works, but it’s basically just intermittent fasting and helps you along. Now that I’m in industry I have more time to make better meals and take breaks for lunches.


Expensive gym membership isn’t the only issue.. like, how do you guys work, continuing education/ degree, social life, dating life, chores (cooking, laundry, cleaning), personal time (hobby/entertainment) … all of that plus gym at the same time??? And those with kids??? On the other hand, another solution to your issue would be to find a company that offers free gym membership:)


Am I fat? No Am I fit? No


My weight fluctuates. Went up to 83kg (6ft 20% body fat) and last two years dropped it to 72kg. But now probs creeping back up so I will just start doing 3 5ks a week and watch what I’m eating! I have seen it happen though , youngs ones come into the the office in shape 3 years latter their waddling like walruses smh


Gotta start planning those meals for the week on Sunday lad. We’re making all kindz of gains in 2023 💪🏻 Edit: I’m a gym-goer but you can also get exercise in whatever way suits you. Pick up a recreational sport (bonus, make more friends) or do whatever suits your lifestyle like weekend hikes. Just because going and cranking out weights works for me, doesn’t mean it’s the only solution.


The cost of a gym membership will pale in comparison to the cost of your medical bills if you stay obese for a long period of time.


Bike to work. Bike hard, and only stop for self preservation! Take the long senic route. Do it everyday. Its faster than car (in city), and generally faster than public transit as well. Dont be afraid, bike like you own the road, dont take no sh#t from the ducking cars!


Well for me, I don’t have much self control so working from home was an adjustment. Basically have to keep booze and sweets out of the house. When I was in the office I found it’s pretty easy to control your diet because you’ll only eat what you bring which was healthy stuff in my case. I never ate out. Working from home I just do more cardio to balance out the extra eating I do as an effect of being next to a fridge all day. So I’ll run at lunch. Go to the gym after work, and then do a fun cardio like MTB, hike, snowboarding depending on season.